Physical exercises for losing weight at home. Exercises for fast weight loss


The set of exercises for weight loss contains 20 different exercises aimed at working the main muscle groups. The exercises presented in this complex are perfect for doing independently at home. You do not need any special physical training; you can easily repeat these exercises.

This complex is designed for active loads and you will have to sweat a lot while performing this gymnastics. But you won’t have to wait long for the results. These exercises are best performed every other day. This way your muscles will have time to recover and rest. And doing gymnastics will definitely improve your mood.

Here are a few rules for doing exercises to lose weight:

  • You should eat food at least an hour before the start of class;
  • You should not eat high-calorie (fatty) foods;
  • During class, be sure to drink clean, still water (no more than 1-2 sips at a time);
  • During training, try to breathe correctly, deeply (inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth);
  • After finishing the class, try not to drink for 30-40 minutes and not eat for 3 hours. (Everything you eat immediately after training will go towards building muscle mass. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, rather than not participate in a bodybuilding or sumo wrestler competition, it is better to abstain from food).
  • each exercise must be completed up to 50 times. This is very difficult for a beginner, so you shouldn’t overdo it right away. Increase the load gradually. Remember that muscle pain from oversaturation with lactic acid will not give you the most pleasant sensation, and the resulting microtraumas to muscle tissue will not allow you to fully perform a set of exercises next time. Therefore, everything is good in moderation.
  • if you have a limited amount of time, you can break the complex into several stages;
  • in order to always keep yourself in shape, get 20 good habits for weight loss.

1. Squats

This exercise works the muscles of the buttocks, back and abs, as well as the back of the thigh. Squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and return to the starting position.

The exercise tightens the back muscles, biceps and triceps well. When doing this, your hands should be close to each other. The wrists should be in line with the shoulders. When doing push-ups, press your elbows as close to your body as possible.

The exercise tightens the muscles of the back and buttocks. When doing this, try to push your pelvis up as high as possible.

The exercise works the front of the thigh and gluteal muscle. Make alternate lunges on your right and then on your left leg. In this case, the thigh of the leg that lunges should be parallel to the floor when lunging.

The exercise targets all the muscles of your core. Place your forearms parallel to one another and lift your body so that your feet are on your toes. Stay in this position for 90 seconds (you can gradually increase the time to 90 seconds).

This exercise tightens the muscles of the back thigh and buttocks, and also serves as an excellent stretch.

From the name it is clear that the exercise is mainly aimed at the back of the shoulder (triceps). This exercise can be performed with your hands resting on any stable object: a sofa, a step, a bench in the gym, etc. If you find it difficult to perform the exercise, place your arms a little wider or do the exercise with less amplitude.

This exercise is good for the back muscles. From the “on all fours” pose you will come out into straight line lifting the opposite arm and leg. You need to stand in this position for 90 seconds.

This exercise works all the abdominal muscles. Raise the opposite leg and elbow alternately.

10. Balancing on the floor

This exercise is good for the lower abdominal and back muscles. Raise your legs as close to the floor as possible without touching it. If you find it very difficult, bend your knees. Stay in this position for 90 seconds.

Lateral lunges target the anterior thigh muscles and buttocks. The exercise also eliminates the so-called “ears”.

Exercise for all muscle groups.

The exercise is beneficial for all muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

14. Pull-up

Pull-ups are designed for the latissimus and other types of back muscles. If you don’t have a horizontal bar or wall bars, you can replace this exercise with another. Lie on the floor, face to the floor. Extend your arms and legs to their full length. Raise your legs and arms and hold them in this position for 90 seconds.

This exercise allows you to relax and stretch the entire spinal column. The exercise is also aimed at actively burning calories.

This exercise works on inner surface hips. It is necessary to squat without lifting your heels from the floor with your knees apart.

The exercise combines stress on the muscles of the arms, legs and back. When pulling up your knee, try to keep your torso in one line.

Helps unload the lower muscle groups and stretch the front of the thigh. When performing an exercise, calories are actively burned.

Strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves coordination of movements. Like all jumps, the exercise increases blood circulation and helps burn calories.

This exercise stimulates and works the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Since the exercise is performed at a fairly high pace, it promotes active fat burning and the removal of toxins from the body through sweat.

It's no secret that for effective weight loss you should also eat right and drink enough fluids.

The body needs a moderate amount of fat reserves. Health deteriorates when too much fat accumulates. You have to follow various diets and perform special sets of exercises to lose weight. If you direct your efforts and help the body, work with it at the same time, you can naturally maintain a slim body and excellent health.

Why does the body need fat?

Fat reserves help to obtain the necessary vitamins A, D, E, K. Fat deposits concentrate energy reserves. The fat layer protects internal organs from mechanical damage, shock, and injury.

Many people, in order to lose weight and burn excess fat, limit their diet and follow popular diets. a lack of nutrients reduces weight and at the same time causes weakness and loss of strength.

To get rid of excess fat reserves, achieve slim body, it is worth adjusting your diet and at the same time giving your body sufficient movement by regularly performing a set of exercises to lose weight. Under these conditions, fat begins to break down.

If you are overweight, you should make sure your thyroid gland is healthy. If its function is insufficient, it is difficult or impossible to remove subcutaneous fat.

Proper nutrition for weight loss

When food is completely digested and absorbed, the speed of metabolic processes increases and energy consumption increases. As a result, you manage to lose weight.

When consuming poorly combined foods, metabolic reactions are insufficient. Undigested substances accumulate in fat cells and cause rotting and fermentation in the intestines.

Some people use a diuretic or laxative to lose weight. If used incorrectly, these drugs disrupt natural digestion, causing body weight to increase.

To restore strength and avoid chronic fatigue, after a grueling workout, the body requires. They are rich in dairy products, legumes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, grapes, pears, dried apricots, and raspberries.

How to do exercises correctly to lose weight

During regular training, body weight decreases because sports load creates a shortage. Fat reserves and carbohydrates are consumed at the same time.

When training at low intensity, more fat is burned in one session than carbohydrates. But the rate of calorie consumption is low, approximately 4-5 kcal per minute.

Therefore, if your level of physical fitness allows, you should perform the exercises more intensely in order to lose weight faster due to the higher calorie consumption, about 10-12 kcal per minute.

Even though high-intensity exercise burns less fat than carbohydrate as a percentage, the total amount of fat burned is higher than low-intensity weight-loss exercise.

To reduce weight by 1 kg, you need to burn about 8000 kcal.

When compiling a set of exercises for weight loss, it is necessary to take into account the amount of excess fat and the level of physical fitness.

Beginners and overweight people should start training at low intensity. To achieve results similar to shorter intense training, sports movements will have to be performed 2-3 times longer.

A set of exercises for losing weight should begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down.

When warming up, it is necessary to perform movements at a slow pace, with minimal load, in order to properly warm up the muscles, prepare the joints for stress, lower blood pressure and increase blood flow.

After training, a cool-down is necessary: ​​gradually reduce the pace, normalize the heartbeat. It is useful to bend over and swing your arms, which restore blood distribution in the body, especially after putting stress on your legs. Stagnation of blood in the lower extremities is especially dangerous in the case of varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.

What muscles to load to lose weight faster?

When creating an individual set of exercises for weight loss, you should first of all load your legs. These sports movements require the consumption of maximum calories.

In terms of the effectiveness of burning fat reserves, they are inferior to exercises for the back, shoulders, and arms.

The last thing you should do is load the abdominal muscles, since contracting them burns the least amount of calories.

Aerobic exercise for weight loss

To lose fat, aerobic exercises are useful: running, cycling. During active movements, enzymes are produced - protein molecules that accelerate reactions in the body, and therefore help to lose weight.

Aerobic exercise stimulates the activity of mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells. Mitochondria oxidize organic matter and use the released energy to synthesize ATP molecules, energy carriers within the cell.

If strength exercises While weight training burns fat only after the corresponding hormones are produced 30-40 minutes after completion of the workout, aerobic exercise allows you to lose weight during exercise.

First, the body uses up carbohydrate reserves from the blood and liver. After half an hour they end, subcutaneous and internal fat begins to be consumed.

To achieve results as quickly as possible, a certain degree of training is required. To monitor your progress without overdoing it, you need to measure your heart rate (HR), or “pulse.”

During exercise, fat is burned most efficiently if your heart rate is in the range of 65%..85% of the maximum frequency for your age.

The maximum frequency is determined by a simple formula: 200 minus age.

Thus, at the age of 35, the maximum frequency will be 200 – 35 = 165 beats per minute. During training, the heart should contract at a rate of 107 (165*0.65=107) to 140 (165*0.85=140) beats per minute.

One lesson should last approximately one hour. It is optimal to exercise 3-4 times a week.

The simplest exercise that gives the body aerobic exercise is jogging. Aerobic sports movements performed at a tempo to rhythmic music are no less effective.

A similar result can be achieved with the help of home exercise machines - cycling, running, rowing.

The benefits of walking and running

If you are obese or overweight, you should do a simple exercise to lose weight - walking at a moderate pace so that your heart beats at an optimal rate for your age.

You should start with a 20 minute walk. By walking three times a week, in a month or two you will be able to achieve some progress.

Then you can increase the duration of each walk to 45-50 minutes, increase their number.

If your fitness level is high enough and walking cannot achieve the recommended heart rate, you should start jogging.

As your training level increases, you need to increase the distance by 10%.

To avoid injuring your joints, you should do this exercise for weight loss in the park and run on the ground, not on the asphalt.

Using a bicycle or rowing machine

The undoubted advantage of home exercise equipment is the presence of sensors that allow you to monitor your heart rate during exercise.

By regularly cycling or rowing machine, you can get maximum health benefits and lose weight. It is important not to forget to increase the load on the muscles as your athletic capabilities increase.

Unlike a cycling machine, which puts stress primarily on the legs, a rowing machine forces the back, arms, abdominals, and, to a lesser extent, legs to work.

The use of two exercise machines in combination has a greater fat burning effect. Therefore, for more intense weight loss, you should alternate exercises on a bicycle and rowing machine.

Exercises for losing belly fat

Even if the amount of body fat is small, the abdomen may protrude and sag due to weak muscles abdominals.

When performing exercises, you should maintain balance. The load should be sufficient for the muscles to become stronger. Light exercises, even repeated many times, will not bring results.

To develop the rectus abdominal muscles and lose weight, it is useful to perform the following set of exercises:

  1. Sitting on a chair and securing your feet, bend back, trying to touch the floor with your outstretched arms.
  2. Sit on a gymnastics mat with your arms supporting your torso from behind. Raise your closed legs as high as possible.
  3. The starting position is the same. Raise each leg individually.
  4. Lying on the mat, clasp your palms under the back of your head. Bend your legs, touch your chest with your knees, stretch your legs vertically up, return to the starting position.
  5. Lie down with your arms along your body. Raise and lower straightened legs to a vertical position.
  6. Lying down, raise and lower each straightened leg individually to the vertical, simulating “scissors.”
  7. Lie down, raise your straightened legs to a distance of 30 cm from the floor. Perform “scissors” in a horizontal plane.
  8. Having secured your feet, raise your torso to a vertical position. The hands are clasped at the back of the head.

During classes, it is useful to perform 3-4 exercises from this complex. To lose weight, up to 15 repetitions are enough.

Exercises for slimming legs - thighs and calves

To reduce fat deposits on the legs, it is useful to squat slowly and return to the starting position. The hands are clasped at the back of the head or at the waist, the back is straight, the legs are shoulder-width apart.

To increase the load, hold your hand behind the doorway and squat on one leg, keeping the other parallel to the floor.

To develop leg muscles, move in a goose step, with your palms on your belt or on the back of your head.

The muscles of the legs and thighs are strengthened by alternate swings of the straightened leg up and to the side from a position on all fours.

To develop the calf muscles, shift your body weight from heel to toe, holding on to a wall or doorway to maintain balance. First, perform the exercise while standing on both feet. As training increases, use one foot.

Exercises for losing weight buttocks

To tighten the gluteal muscles, it is useful to include training complex the following exercises:

  1. In a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, palms on your waist, perform circular movements with your hips.
  2. While standing, raise your leg bent at the knee as high as possible, move it to the side, and return to the starting position. Repeat for the other leg.
  3. Get on your knees, hips and back in line. Sit down and touch the floor to the left of your feet with your buttocks, return to the starting position, touch the floor to the right of your feet.
  4. Sit on the floor, legs extended in front, torso in vertical position. Move forward on your buttocks.
  5. Lying on your back, bend your legs, arms along your body. Lift your pelvis off the floor, leaning on your feet and shoulders.

Perform each exercise up to 15 times.

Modified: 12/15/2018

A person needs a certain supply of fat tissue, but health declines if more fat accumulates than permissible. The habit of women in this situation is to lose weight through dieting, but with low activity it does not achieve the planned result. Sedentary work requires strict diet, the willpower for which not all women have enough. Effective measures to resolve the situation are physical exercises.

Diets lead to the removal of extra pounds, and also deprive the body of essential vitamins, microelements and amino acids. That’s why, following a diet, women start to feel hungry. The body requires nutrients; in the absence of physical activity, girls gain weight again. To break out of the vicious circle, it is necessary to play sports.

But you can’t ignore your daily diet; you need both a set of exercises for losing weight at home and proper nutrition. Correction of the diet, added by exercise, will allow you to lose body weight faster. No need to go on a diet carry out simple recommendations on nutrition:

  • Avoid baked goods: White bread, confectionery, pies, pasta;
  • Remove fried side dishes from your diet; instead of frying, cook meat;
  • Eat vegetables, fruits, dairy products;
  • The last possible meal is 2 hours before bedtime. Don't eat at night!
  • Monitor your water consumption, the norm is 2-2.5 liters;
  • Eat when you're hungry.

Weight loss comes from a lack of calories for energy. intense exercise. With increasing intensity, energy consumption increases; at low intensity, the consumption is 4-5 calories per minute; with increasing load, the calorie consumption reaches 10-12 calories per minute.

To cause a calorie deficit, you should not eat fatty, sweet foods, as well as foods rich in carbohydrates: rich bread, pasta, confectionery.

To lose 1 kg, you need to burn 8000 kcal by exercise. Beginners are advised to choose less intense loads; the desire to lose weight earlier and exercise more will lead to injury to muscles and ligaments. The most effective exercises are for the legs and buttocks, these muscles consume greatest number energy. Less effective workouts for burning fat are for the muscles of the back, chest, shoulders and arms. Working the abdominal muscles last consumes the least amount of calories.

To lose extra pounds faster, run, squat, swim and walk more.

Do aerobic exercise for more than 30-40 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week. Initially, the body consumes carbohydrate reserves from the pericellular fluid, blood and liver. Only after half an hour they come to an end, the body takes over fat cells internal organs and subcutaneous tissue. Therefore, if the duration is less than the specified time, physical exercise is useless for losing weight.

Effective classes are carried out with the maximum permitted intensity, the upper limit of the load is determined by the “working” heart rate.

The maximum number of beats per minute for each age is found by the equation: 200 minus your age, but this figure is when performing weight loss exercises at home.

For example, if age is 40 years old, maximum amount heart rate - 160 beats. Then the optimal workout for burning fat falls between 104 and 136 beats. If the number of beats does not reach this segment, increase the load; if the pulse exceeds the norm, reduce the intensity. By counting the number of blows, control the load.

A set of exercises for losing weight at home requires following a number of rules:

  • Exercise no earlier than an hour after meals and 3 hours before meals;
  • When resting between approaches, do not sit, walk, it is better to do light gymnastics;
  • You should not get drunk during exercise, it is permissible to take a sip, quench your thirst after playing sports;
  • Breathe deeply, inhale as the effort increases, exhale as the effort decreases;
  • Exercises for losing weight at home should take at least an hour, 3-4 times a week.

Warm-up for a quality workout

Before playing sports, warm up, perform rotational movements with your legs, pelvis, shoulders, keep your legs, back and arms straight. While standing, twist your body to the right and left, bend, swing your legs forward, to the sides and back. Stretch your neck, hands and feet with rotational movements.


For women suffering from excessive body weight, the simplest physical activities are suitable - running and walking. Start with a walk easy step, gradually increase the time from 20 to 45 minutes. To increase your performance, change simple steps to fast sports ones. Then start jogging. Increase your jogging distance by 10% once a week or two, depending on how you feel and your heart rate.

To exercise without leaving home, purchase sports equipment. Let's look at several options: exercise bike, rowing machine, etc. The first two load only the legs, the latter distributes the load evenly over the body. Also elliptical trainer requires a lot of effort. The rowing machine pumps up the muscles of the back, arms, abdominals, and puts less strain on the legs. You should use a rowing machine to develop your body evenly.

Simplified push-ups

They differ from men's in that in the initial position you rest your knees on the floor, but also keep your back straight, and do not extend your elbows too far to the sides when doing push-ups. Perform 10-15 push-ups in 2 sets.

Push ups

  1. When lying down, keep your back straight, do not bend.
  2. Place your palms at shoulder level, and when doing push-ups, bring your elbows as close to your body as possible.
  3. A total of 10 push-ups in 1-2 sets.

Simplified bridge

It differs from the classic bridge in that you rest your shoulders on the floor, not your arms, and spread your arms to the sides. Perform 15-20 movements.


Lie on your back, resting your feet and hands on the floor, lift your pelvis as high as possible. Do 15-20 movements.


  1. Take a lying position, but rest on the floor not with your palms, but with your elbows, place your forearms parallel to each other, keep your body straight.
  2. The task is to stand like this for 90 seconds; if it’s hard, increase the time gradually.

Triceps squats

  1. Sit on the edge of a chair, bench, sofa, with your legs forward.
  2. Leaning on your hands, lower your body forward from the chair, placing your body weight completely on your hands.
  3. The task is to lower and raise the body, training the triceps of the shoulder, at the top point you straighten your arms, at the bottom point you almost touch the floor with your pelvis.
  4. Do only 10-15 movements in 1-2 approaches.


  1. Get on all fours, lift your bent leg back and up.
  2. First 15 times for one leg, then for the other.

Inverted caterpillar

  1. Lying on your back, at the same time lift your straight legs and arms up, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor.
  2. Carefully return to the starting position.
  3. Do only 10 times in 1-2 approaches.

Hanging over the floor

  • Option 1: Lying on your back, raise your legs above the floor 20-30 cm, lift your shoulder blades off the floor, and place your hands on your forehead. Hold your legs and chest for 60 seconds.
  • Option 2: Similar to the previous one, but performed while lying on your stomach. Lift your legs and chest off the floor, place your hands on the back of your head, and hold them for one minute.


The exercise is performed lying on your back, lift your bent legs and pull them towards your stomach.

  1. Imagine that you are riding a bicycle, throw forward first one leg, then the other in a circular path.
  2. Move your legs for a minute.

Side lunges

  1. Stand straight, throw one leg to the side, squat deeply, touch the outstretched leg with the opposite hand, keep your back straight.
  2. Do 15-20 lunges for each leg.


To perform it correctly, it is better to practice while standing sideways to the mirror.

  1. Make sure that your back is straight, your thighs in a squat are parallel to the floor, and your knees do not spread.
  2. Do 25-30 squats, 2 sets.

Jumping lunges

  1. Lunge forward without your back knee touching the floor.
  2. While jumping, change your legs, and then also while jumping, change them to the starting position.
  3. Do 20 lunges for each leg, 2 sets.

Burpee exercise

  1. Squat down deeply, place your hands on the floor, jump slightly, throw both legs back to take a lying position without getting up from the squat.
  2. After pushing off with your feet, quickly pull your legs under you.
  3. Perform the movements 20 times in 2 sets.

Eagle pose

  1. Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides, clench your palms into fists, and show with your thumb that everything is “okay”.
  2. Then turn your hand so that thumb looked at the floor, keep your arms parallel to the floor for 2 minutes.

Wide squat

  1. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, spreading your knees to the sides, and do deep squats.
  2. Perform a total of 20 squats.

Jump with overlap

  1. Standing on the floor, keep your arms down, jump high, hit yourself in the butt with your heels, and touch the back of your head with your hands.
  2. Saddle 20-30 jumps.

Tuck jump

  1. Standing straight, keep your hands at your waist, jump high, press your knees to your stomach, and touch the front of your shins with your hands.
  2. Perform 20-30 jumps.

Cool down - finishing the exercises correctly

Gradually, using bends, rotational movements in the joints of the arms and legs, reduce the intensity physical exercise. A cool-down will distribute the blood evenly throughout the body, and stagnation of blood is dangerous due to varicose veins. To improve the effects of exercise, walk around the house, take a walk down the street.

Training planning

The training plan should be based on body weight; with severe obesity, high physical exercise impossible with normal overweight you can increase the load almost to normal limits. For this need to calculate body mass index, it is equal to body weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of height (in meters). The optimal figure for women is 21, for men - 23, the normal figure for any gender should not exceed 25.

You should start playing sports with 3-4 workouts a week, for weight loss 45-60 minutes at a time. Effective workouts should alternate aerobic exercise (running, exercise bike) 2 times a week and 2 times strength exercise (abs, squats and others described here).

With a normal body mass index per week, the intensity should be increased to the number of movements and approaches described in the article. If you have excess body weight up to half the above amount, you can start performing the complex in full in a month. If you are obese, it is better to train in the gym, and not at home, since such body weight is accompanied by various diseases. In this case, constant supervision by a professional doctor and trainer.

How much can you lose?

Many people dream of losing up to 10 kilograms in the first month, but this can be harmful to the body. The optimal rate of weight loss per month is 2-3% of body weight. In the first month, the results may be more than modest; instead of weight loss, you may find weight gain, all due to the increase in muscle mass.

Muscle weighs several times more than fat, so the waist and hips quickly decrease and body weight falls slowly. For weight loss, the normal goal is to lose approximately 2-3 kg (with a weight of 60 kg) to 5-7 (with a weight of 100 kg) in the first month.

Regular exercise certainly benefits both your overall well-being and your appearance. People who seriously strive to have not only good health, but also a toned body, visit the gym to maintain physical fitness in great condition.

Constantly visiting a sports complex requires a lot of time and certain financial costs, which can be saved if you start training at home. Having desire To lose weight and maintain the achieved weight at a normal level, you can exercise in the most comfortable environment for yourself, that is, right at home.

Exists great amount effective exercises for losing weight at home, developed over many years by fitness trainers. They are effective and tested in practice and do not require any special training. The main thing is to be patient, understanding that getting results takes time, and reconsider your diet, since it is quite difficult to lose weight without reducing the number of calories consumed.

Without theoretical knowledge and understanding of what happens in the body when the fat layer is “broken down” during physical activity, it is impossible to achieve a truly good effect of losing weight and building muscle. Regular training, of course, allows you to get a good body, but only a balanced and well-structured diet will make it even more beautiful.

To get rid of not only extra pounds, but also fat deposits, you should take into account three important points:

  1. Be sure to eat fewer calories. This does not mean that you just need to calculate the energy value of foods, “throwing out” any food from your usual menu in order to reduce calorie content. It is necessary to get rid of those foods that have excessively high energy value. Daily diet should be calculated on the number of calories that are completely processed by the body, since the excess most often turns into fat.
  2. Monitor insulin levels. Insulin is needed to transport glucose from food to muscle cells to replenish glycogen stores. The latter substance plays a significant role in the recovery process after each workout. Lack of control over the degree of increase in insulin can cause weight gain. And in order not to get the opposite effect, you need to eat carbohydrates only at the correct and designated time for such a meal.
  3. Train exclusively on a regular basis. You cannot lose weight if you resort to physical exercise from time to time. Undoubtedly, the best way control of the frequency of classes is attendance gym, but even due to busyness, there are many fat burning programs that can be successfully performed at home. The main thing is to be able to control yourself and not come up with excuses for your own laziness.

If you follow these three rules, the results will not keep you waiting, and all your efforts will be fully justified.

The best fat burning exercises at home

The seven exercises below are a powerful tool in the fight against extra pounds, are great for doing at home for those who want to become slim.

The exercise was designed specifically to engage the muscles of the core, legs, and upper torso. Working out several muscle groups at once makes burpees quite complex and difficult to perform, but the fat burning effect achieved with its help fully justifies the efforts made.

Burpees are performed according to the following scheme:

  • legs, standing, shoulder-width apart and squat;
  • lingering in the adopted position, touch the floor with both hands;
  • jump back with their legs and lower their chest;
  • raise their chest and jump forward with their feet;
  • return to the “squat” position;
  • rise to their feet, jump up so that their arms are raised towards the ceiling.

They are part of absolutely any training program, regardless of the goals, which is easily explained by the peculiarity of the exercise itself. Push-ups involve all the muscles of the body and allow you to increase or decrease the level of difficulty.

Do push-ups as follows:

  • hands rest on the floor, taking a plank position;
  • toes are on the floor;
  • lower the body so that it completely forms a straight line;
  • exhale and return to the starting position.

Repeat push-ups from 10 to 20 times. The number of repetitions depends on the level of your own training.

When you don’t have any difficulties doing burpees and push-ups, you should definitely do jumping, which is a fairly simple cardio exercise. They burn calories very well and can be done at home.

Performing Jumping Jack:

  • legs are shoulder-width apart;
  • begin to jump and move their arms up and down;
  • hand movements should be swinging.

Leg rotation

A wonderful rhythmic exercise that only takes one minute to complete. It is specifically designed to work the abs and inner thighs.

Performing rotations:

  • standing straight, place your hands on the back of your head, lift your leg and bend it at a right angle, rotate it in a circle for about 15 seconds;
  • Next, perform a similar movement, but on the other leg.

A total of 2 approaches are obtained for each leg.

Aimed at strengthening the middle delta and triceps. The main advantage of such push-ups is that there is no need to use additional equipment.


  • stand as for simple push-ups, but step up with your feet to your hands;
  • slowly raise the hips to form an inverted Latin “V”;
  • bend your arms at the elbows, making sure your head touches the floor surface;
  • return to the starting position.

These push-ups are done for one minute.

Simple and easy exercise, ideal for both men and women. The main thing is to have a jump rope. You need to jump rope for about half a minute. If your level of training allows, first choose a normal pace and then increase the intensity. By making you sweat a lot, such jumps help you lose weight.

An excellent and quite effective exercise that affects literally every muscle in the human body. There are many variations of its implementation. To work through shoulder girdle and back, you should grab the bar with your hands, pulling yourself up until your chin reaches the bar. When descending, repeat the same thing. You can also work your biceps by doing pull-ups in a lying position.

This is a great abdominal exercise to finish off your workout perfectly. For beginners, it is better to perform it at the very beginning of their home workout.

Exercises to build muscle mass at home

Along with losing weight, many also want to get a decent increase in lean, that is, fat-free muscle. This goal can be achieved without going to the gym. Exercises to get an attractive and sculpted body also allow you to burn calories, but this effect is secondary, since the main emphasis is on increasing muscle mass, and calorie consumption increases significantly even when a person is at rest.

Movement from one side to the other, as well as back and forth, allows you to strengthen your thigh muscles. Similar squats on the left and right side should be done for 40 seconds, after which you begin to step onto the step. You need to do skaters for at least 40 seconds.

Excellent adaptive individual characteristics preparation exercise. It can be simplified or complicated.


  • standing, feet positioned shoulder-width apart;
  • hands are located along the body, in front or on the back of the head;
  • move backwards, lower their hips and buttocks.

The back is kept straight with a slight arch in the lumbar region.

Must be performed by those who want to have beautiful and elastic hips:

  • take a standing position;
  • take a step forward;
  • the knees are bent at a right angle, the ankles and shoulders should be above the hips;
  • fall down;
  • return to the starting position, repeat the same movements, but on the other leg.

The number of approaches is 3-10, increasing as you prepare for a larger load.

What other workouts and exercises can you do at home?

The exercises discussed above are just a small part of the many training programs that anyone who wants to lose weight can do at home. There are other areas that allow you to burn calories and diversify your activities, which many at some point lack when training on their own.

Looking at people practicing yoga, you may get the false impression that doing it is quite simple, since the movements are carried out minimal amount when compared to other types of exercise. Behind the apparent ease lies a huge amount of “work” that allows you to burn a lot of calories. Yoga is great for practicing at home, it consists of meditation, breathing control, and taking various poses that get rid of fat deposits.

It is a mistake to believe that Pilates can only be done in the gym. It is enough to have a mat and a video recording of the basics if this technique is new. Pilates has many core strengthening exercises. After just a few sessions, you can feel that your body is becoming much stronger than before. Some may even experience improved muscle definition and increased flexibility. In addition, with regular Pilates practice, your posture improves.

Optimal weight loss results are achieved when regular exercise is accompanied by adherence to proper diet, and in some cases, the use of special nutritional supplements.

To achieve a good effect in losing weight in a relatively short period of time, you need to:

  • Exclude products with high content oils, sugars, fats, replacing them with healthier alternatives. Instead of products fast food, you should eat vegetables and fruits. Healthy and proper food provides the body with absolutely all the essential nutrients that a person requires.
  • Drink more clean water . To maintain hydration, since during exercise moisture comes out with profuse sweat, you need to drink water.
  • Abstain from alcohol. It promotes the accumulation of fat deposits.
  • Eat protein-rich foods. Protein is an essential element for the “building” of the body. And since playing sports is a kind of “bodybuilding,” this substance is necessary for the growth and restoration of muscle fibers. In addition, protein is directly involved in the process of controlling your own weight.
  • Take special supplements for weight loss. Fat burners, if your weight loss goal requires immediate action, allow you to achieve it faster desired result. These supplements have proven to be very effective over the years.
  • Avoid overtraining. A large amount of training does not allow the body to recover quickly, which is also very bad.


To achieve the desired weight in the process of losing weight, “build” perfect body, you need to be prepared for hard and fruitful work, which, of course, will bring results, and your figure will acquire a beautiful silhouette. Along with the fat burning effect, regular performance of the above exercises has positive influence on health, reduces the risk of developing many diseases.

Effective exercises for losing weight at home, which we will share with you, are not just a set of physical exercise procedures.

By regularly repeating these ten exercises and using a diet high in protein and limited in carbohydrates and fats, you will quickly lose excess weight and gain weight. muscle mass and you will become stronger and slimmer.

The rules for doing exercises at home are as follows:

  • Start with fifteen to twenty repetitions each practice and gradually increase their number. Use additional weight only when your regular workouts seem too easy.
  • It doesn't matter that you're not surrounded by shiny equipment and chrome-plated barbells and dumbbells - quite you can lose weight without expensive equipment. The only thing that matters is how carefully you perform each technique and how often you practice. As with many things, the key to success is your motivation.
  • During class, try to put phone on silent mode, turn off the tablet and laptop. It will be great if your children and spouse do not interfere with your activities.
  • Install strict class schedule and stick to it.
  • Consider purchasing a set of dumbbells. If this is not yet possible, replace them plastic bottles filled with water, sand or pebbles.
  • Keep two journals at once: exercise and weight. Celebrate your progress. These notes will help you have a clear picture of your successes before your eyes, and in days of fatigue and crisis they will lift your spirits. It has been proven that those who keep such journals achieve success much faster. Psychology is a delicate thing.
  • Conduct classes to invigorating, energetic music.
  • If for some reason such wonderful ways to get rid of excess weight like a bike and a swimming pool, daily walks will be a great addition to your physical education program.

Strength training speeds up metabolism and make it more intense. They work not only during training: for a whole day after training, your body spends calories at an accelerated pace!

10 simple effective exercises for weight loss

Well, now let's get acquainted with ten simple effective exercises, which you can easily do at home, but at the same time you will achieve results no less than when exercising in the gym.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend knee joints and lower ourselves as low as if we were sitting on a chair - our thighs should be parallel to the floor. Your knees should not extend past your toes, keep your back straight and don't hunch your shoulders. We return to the starting position and repeat the procedure.

Place your hands on the floor so that your palms are located under your shoulders. The torso and legs should form a single straight line, palms turned straight. We lower our chest into the space between our hands and return back. If you find it difficult to perform a full push-up, then stand on your knees rather than on your toes. If, on the contrary, you want to make the task more difficult for yourself, then place your feet on a bench or step of a ladder.

We squat halfway and jump to the side, landing on our right foot. Without pausing, we jump to the left. It is important that the movements flow into each other smoothly, without slowing down or taking breaks.

Let's get into a push-up position. Relying on right hand, we stand first on the left wrist, and then also on the right. Proceeding similarly, we return to the starting position. In our next set, we switch sides of the body to support the lowering and lifting. If the task seems too difficult, kneel down.

Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. We hold our hands along the body. Take a big step forward with your right foot, lowering your left knee joint to the floor. Your knees should be bent at right angles. The right knee should not extend beyond the toes of this foot! We return to vertical stand and lunge with your left foot.

We take our right leg in our right hand, move it back to the level of the back of the head, and look straight ahead. Lean your body forward slightly. The left knee should be slightly bent. To make it easier to maintain balance, fix your gaze on some object in front of you.

We get down on all fours - place our hands directly under our shoulders, and our knee joints under our hips. We stretch out our right arm and leg and stand leaning on them. We try not to hunch our backs! We return to the starting position and make a stand on the left half of the body.