How to choose a rowing machine: types and designs. What muscles work on a rowing machine? Rowing machine for weight loss

Read how to properly train on a rowing machine.

Rowing can produce phenomenal results... if you do it right!

To determine the number and duration of classes per week, you need to clearly understand the goal to strive for. With a rowing machine you can:

  • lose weight;
  • improve general physical condition;
  • achieve new heights in sports.

The rowing machine is a good tool for losing weight.

The likelihood of joint damage is low, and the dynamic load on the muscles reaches 70%. In one lesson a common person burns 600-1000 kcal per hour; for an experienced athlete this figure exceeds 1200 kcal per hour. The optimal indicator for a healthy man is to spend 2500 kcal per day, and for a woman - 2000.

The rowing machine is a great tool for improving your fitness.

Indoor exercise can be a good addition to running, strength training, and fitness classes. After just 6-8 weeks of intensive training on the simulator, a rower can significantly improve the speed of completing the distance set for himself.

What elements should a proper rowing machine workout include?

Below are recommendations for organizing the training process. They may be used for informational purposes only. Before starting training, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the optimal level of stress.

Having determined your goals, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations and elements of training given below.


Before any physical activity it is necessary to warm up the muscles. This will reduce the risk of injury and prepare the body for exercise. Dynamic warm-up is necessary for everyone who exercises on the simulator. Warm-up includes a set of exercises aimed at general warming up the body and developing muscles.

An example of a warm-up might look like this: a general warm-up using general developmental exercises. For example, bend down as low as possible to the floor, then straighten up. The intensity of movements at the beginning of the warm-up increases gradually. Dynamic warm-up increases the range of possible movements and enhances muscle performance. It is also performed by professional athletes. Light jogging, high leg raises, and seated jumping jacks are also suitable as a warm-up. By the end of the warm-up, your heart rate should increase slightly. Professional rowers increase their beats per minute to 100 during a 10-minute warm-up.

Weight loss workout

To lose weight, you need to choose the intensity of your workout so that you can spend the time allotted for the lesson at the same pace, while maintaining good technique rowing. For those who find this method of training monotonous, they can conduct the lesson using the Fartlek method (Speed-Play), given below.

Interval training

The lesson consists of a series of loads with rest intervals between them. Rest allows you to recover and train for a longer time or with a more intense load. The duration of the series of loads depends on the intended goal of the training.

The effect of your workout depends on the intensity at which you row. It is extremely important to follow the load and rest regimes given in the table.

Duration /

Number of repetitions



Weight loss/fitness

Fitness/Weight Loss

500 meters

Fartlek training (Fast-Slow)

In Swedish, Fartlek means "Fast-Slow". This training method combines periods of intense and slow rowing. This type of training is good for maintaining motivation during a long session and is also a great way to improve your overall fitness.

Some examples of training using the Fartlek method:

Example 1 Row 5 km at the following pace: 200 m high intensity, 200 m low intensity, 600 m moderate intensity. Repeat 5 times.

Example 2 20-minute workout: 1 minute intense rowing, 1 minute low intensity, 3 minutes moderate intensity. Repeat 5 times. This type of class is very flexible. The duration of vigorous rowing should be short to maintain moderate intensity rowing time at an acceptable level.

Cardio training

The rowing machine is a great tool and can be part of any training routine. Rowing can complement training with other sports (running, fitness, volleyball). If you have the opportunity to train two to three times a week, you can create a balanced schedule that includes rowing and training in other sports.

Some examples of cardio training on a rowing machine:

Aerobic training - basic level Rowing 20-40 minutes at moderate intensity (18-22 strokes per minute)

Pyramid During this workout, the stroke rate first increases and then decreases. For example:
4 minutes - 18 strokes/min, 3 minutes - 20 strokes/min, 2 minutes - 22 strokes/min, 1 minute - 24 strokes/min, 2 minutes - 22 strokes/min, 3 minutes - 20 strokes/min, 4 minutes - 18 strokes/min = TOTAL 19 minutes

Training to Improve Athletic Performance

Those who already have experience on a rowing machine and set specific goals to improve their performance should know the right technique to improve your results.

For example, to improve your time on a 2 km distance, it takes 6-8 weeks of intense training. It is necessary to take into account the load during exercise, since with increasing intensity of training, more lactic acid, or lactate, is released in the body. Excessive amounts of lactic acid in the muscles can lead to discomfort after training, so you need to carefully monitor how you feel by adjusting the duration of periods of exercise and rest.

Increased anaerobic threshold

Aerobic capacity is most effectively developed through interval training, although, if desired, you can use the Fartlek technique or constant long-term exercise. If you exceed your body's upper limit of lactic acid, you will be fatigued at the end of your workout. You need to be fit enough to maintain a pace of 24-32 strokes per minute. Example in the table.


Number of approaches


per minute

Without rest

Anaerobic training

The classes are short in time, but high in intensity. They require good technique, as they lead to significant fatigue of the body. The training effort does not require many calories, but is very good at developing the ability to quickly produce a lot of energy (anaerobically), and reduce the effects of lactic acid. This is achieved through interval training or the Fartlek method with a high stroke frequency.


Recovery is an important and mandatory element of every workout. It won't take much time to complete. Cooling down allows you to:

  • restore normal blood pressure;
  • reduce the amount of lactic acid produced by muscles during intense exercise;
  • develop flexibility.


Stretching is considered an integral part of the cool-down. All sports require good muscle flexibility. For example, rowing requires good hamstring flexibility among other muscle groups. To keep muscles flexible there are different kinds stretch marks. Here are some recommendations. Stretching should last at least 5 minutes.

Static stretching is performed to improve flexibility and mobility. Stretching is carried out with slow movements to the final position until slight discomfort, but not pain, is obtained. Execution time - 30 seconds.

Dynamic stretching - most often used as a warm-up, but can also be done as a cool-down. Controlled movements are performed to the extent necessary for your workout.

Training control

Studies have shown that people who monitor their workouts and record the results in a special journal achieve their goals faster.

Choosing the right rowing machine will help you achieve good results faster!

Rowing machines with water resistance for professional athletes, fitness clubs and ambitious amateurs are produced by First Degree Fitness (Australia), founded in 2000. The company uses innovative technologies to create simulators that meet the highest requirements. FDF rowing machines are mechanically perfect, have a modern design and a huge margin of safety.

Have fun and achieve great results with First Degree Fitness rowing machines!

For those who want to choose a multifunctional sports equipment that helps strengthen and lose weight throughout the body at the same time, a rowing machine is ideal. What muscles work when exercising on it, how to train correctly, and also choose the ideal model for yourself will be discussed in the article.


A rowing machine is a sports equipment designed to improve the activity of the cardiovascular system and comprehensively strengthen all muscle groups, and especially the muscles of the back, abdomen, legs and shoulder girdle.

The design consists of a frame, a movable seat on rails, a footrest, a working mechanism (flywheel), rowing levers or a comfortable handle. Most models are additionally equipped with an electronic sensor or a multifunctional built-in computer.

For classic exercises, there is not much difference between rowing levers and cable rowers. But the option with a cable is preferable for the reason that it allows you to perform many additional exercises for the biceps, triceps and other small muscle groups.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the mechanism is simple - a person sits on the simulator and pulls the levers towards himself, overcoming resistance, thereby imitating the work of oars. In this case, the degree and intensity of the load can be adjusted depending on the model.

Due to the fact that the load on the exercise machine is distributed throughout the body, its use is recommended for people who are obese. Exercises will help in the fight against overweight, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body. And effective strengthening of the back muscles is a good prevention of orthopedic problems.

A soft and smooth effect on the joints does not provoke the occurrence of such unpleasant diseases, like arthritis or arthrosis.

There are a number of contraindications for using a rowing machine: impaired cerebral circulation, serious problems with the heart, some types of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For this reason, before purchasing sports equipment, it is better to consult with your doctor.

What muscles are involved during exercise?

When performing exercises on a rowing machine, the muscles of the entire body are actively working. But the muscles of the back and chest, shoulder girdle, and deltoid muscles receive the greatest load. The buttocks, abs, thigh and calf muscles are less involved, but if the exercises are performed correctly, they will also receive sufficient load.

When working with a projectile that does not provide levers, but a handle with a cable, there is great amount exercises. When performing them, you can effectively pump up your biceps, triceps, and deltoid muscles.

  • with a direct grip, the hands hold the handle and back side palms facing upward, in this case the back muscles and triceps are involved in the work;
  • with a reverse grip, the palms are directed upward, squeezing the handle, then the biceps, chest muscles and shoulder girdle begin to actively work.

With intense and regular exercise, after 3-4 months the muscles of the back and shoulders will noticeably strengthen, creating an athletic physique.

Beginner Misconceptions

“When working out on a rowing machine, only your hands are used, why would I buy expensive equipment with limited functionality?” This misconception, as stated above, when correct technique execution and various approaches, all major muscle groups are involved in the work.

“During the exercises, a very large load falls on the joints and spine, I don’t want to risk my health.” If there are no serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints, then, subject to the correct position of the body and smooth movement, the load on knee joints and the spine will be minimal and absolutely safe.

“On a rowing machine you can quickly “flex” the muscles of your back and shoulders, making your body disproportionate, but I wouldn’t want that.” This fear is often typical of young women. However, the misconception is wrong. In order to get well-developed muscles of the shoulder girdle and back, you need to perform a set of special exercises for a long time and persistently. Only serious strength and protein-based loads can guarantee rapid growth muscle mass. Basic training will ensure a beautiful and toned body without “pumping” it.


The classification of projectiles is quite simple and depends mainly on the method of load regulation:

Mechanical rowing machine

This option for beginners is perfect for training at home. The equipment is easy to assemble without resorting to the services of specialists.

  • Aerodynamic simulator. A primitive model, the projectile operates due to air resistance created by the blades. The load force is adjusted manually by changing their position and adjusting the length of the levers. It is inconvenient because changing settings during training is not always convenient and takes extra time.

  • Hydraulic simulator. Provides resistance force due to the elasticity of shock absorbers (springs). Otherwise it is similar to the previous type.

Mechanical exercise machines are quite noisy and do not operate smoothly, but their advantages include their compactness, inexpensive price and quite acceptable quality.

Magnetic and Electromagnetic Rowing Machine

Such equipment is already considered professional, but if allowed cash and the area of ​​the room, then it will be an excellent training complex at home. Many models can operate both from mains power and batteries.

The action of the projectile is based on the principle of magnetic resistance, which is much more comfortable when working with it. It ensures smooth muscle movement, without sudden “jerks,” preventing injury.

The resistance force is adjusted by pressing buttons located on the front of the body, and this is very convenient during intense training.

A professional projectile takes up a lot of space, but there are quite a large number of folding models. They are reliable, practically unbreakable and silent, which allows you to listen to your favorite music during training.


Basic exercises

Additional exercises

  • For triceps. Sit on the seat with your back to the front of the body (the handle with the cable is behind your back), your legs are located on the sides of the frame on the floor, bent at the knees and securely fix the position of the torso. Place your hands behind your head, bending your elbows, and grab the handle. Slowly straighten your arms up, loading your triceps.
  • For deltoid muscles. Stand behind the body of the simulator on the opposite side of the frame, place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back. Take the handle with the rope with an overhand grip and slowly raise your arms up until they are horizontal to the floor. Then lower your arms and repeat the exercise several times.

Execution technique

  • Before working on the simulator, be sure to warm up for 8–10 minutes, this will warm up the muscles and increase joint mobility;
  • exercises should be performed smoothly, without “jerks” or stops, there is no need to strain your knees, movements should occur due to the work of the hips and buttocks;
  • You should not immediately increase the pace, it is better to slowly but carefully develop endurance;
  • Exercises should begin with a small resistance force and number of repetitions, the load should increase as the muscle tissue strengthens;
  • it is necessary to carefully monitor the execution technique and pulse with the help, otherwise training can only cause harm;
  • You always need to set a goal and perform the exercises regularly, this is the only way to achieve a good result.

Training program for beginners in the first month

Volume of loads for physically fit people


Equipment selection

Before buying sports equipment, you should think carefully about the decision and do not neglect the following rules:

  • Size. There are many compact models, but more professional equipment takes up space up to 2 m in length. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a folding exercise machine.
  • Comfort to use. Many manufacturers produce products with the ability to adjust the height of the seat, the location of the levers, the footrest and other settings. Undoubtedly, this is very convenient if several people will be training on one apparatus.
  • Convenient load level adjustment. This is one of important points, therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully study the model you like and ask a consultant to demonstrate the main functions on the sales floor.
  • Electronic sensor. Trainers in the mid-price range and above are equipped with a built-in display that can show workout time, load level, number of repetitions and much more. useful information. Some models include a heart rate monitor and are equipped with ready-made training programs.
  • Manufacturer reliability. You should not buy cheap sports equipment from little-known companies. Having saved on the purchase, you can spend a lot on repairs in the future. Recommended manufacturers producing rowing machines: ATEMI, KETTLER, TORNEO, INFINITI and others.


The cost depends on the type of structure, the number of load levels and additional components. Thus, the presence of a cardiac sensor, a built-in computer with training programs or a blowing (ventilation) system will significantly affect the contents of the wallet.

Below are the prices in force in the Central District of Russia for 2015; both budget and premium brands are given as an example.

Fitness classes are increasingly becoming part of people's lives, especially those who care about their health and appearance. However, not everyone has the opportunity to visit commercial fitness centers. However, exercise machines that allow you to work on your body at home have become an excellent replacement for going to the gym. Among the popular home exercise equipment, the rowing machine is quite widespread.

This sports equipment allows you not only to lose excess weight(one workout on this simulator helps you burn about 800 kcal), it’s quite a boost wide circle muscles, but also works great to improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, which allows it to be classified as a cardio exercise machine. The rowing machine is quite compact and can easily fit even in a small apartment. The built-in computer allows you to regulate the load and monitor the condition of the student’s body during the training process.

Types of rowing machines

Rowing machine - what muscles work?

Training on a rowing machine allows you to work on various groups muscles. Mainly, this involves the upper half of the body - the muscles of the arms, back, shoulder girdle and pectoral muscles. However, the legs and gluteal muscles are also involved in the training, although the load on them is not very high.

The main movement when exercising on a rowing machine is reminiscent of rowing a barbell to the waist - one of the basic exercises for pumping up the back muscles.

And if you seriously exercise several times a week for several months, you can significantly strengthen the muscles of your back and shoulders, which will make your back noticeably wider.

If the student’s primary goal is to pump up muscles, then it is necessary to exercise for about half an hour, and at first it is necessary to row slowly with maximum resistance, and then very quickly with minimal load.

Back rowing machine workouts

During training, it is advisable to take a short break, during which it is recommended to perform squats, push-ups and abdominal exercises.

When exercising on a rowing machine, you can change your grip, which allows you to use different groups muscles - with a direct grip on the lever, when the palms are pointing down, the back muscles and triceps are involved in the work, and with a reverse grip, when the palms are pointing up, the pectoral muscles, biceps and shoulders work.

During classes, you need to make sure that your back is straight; you need to strain not your back, but your hips and buttocks. You should also not strain your knees too much. Before starting classes, you need to warm up and stretch.

You need to exercise on a rowing machine regularly. It is better to conduct training at a certain time so that the body gets used to the load. And, of course, when working out on the simulator, you should not forget about the correct balanced diet. And then you can achieve quick and effective results.

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The rowing machine, unlike treadmills and exercise bikes, is not particularly popular. Most likely, the reason is that it is more difficult to train on it. Nevertheless, every year such sports equipment becomes more and more popular, due to its wide functionality. Using a rowing machine you can bring your body into good shape and lose weight. Today we will find out how to choose it so that it becomes a reliable assistant in home training.

What is a rowing machine used for?

What muscles work? Research shows that rowing is second only to cross-country skiing in the number of muscle groups involved. By properly training on a rowing machine, you can use 82% of your muscles. It allows you to work out almost the entire body: shoulder girdle, abs, buttocks, back and legs. It all depends on the execution technique.

IN modern world When every minute counts, the versatility of exercise equipment is especially valuable. Another significant advantage of such devices is the development of endurance, as well as training of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Rowing movements, for all their effectiveness, are gentle, and therefore suitable for almost any person. The only exception is people suffering from back problems.

What is he?

The basic design of a rowing machine consists of a seat, handle, frame and flywheel. Classes on it are very close to rowing a boat: the athlete lowers down the rail, and then uses his legs, back and shoulder girdle to return to the starting position. The electronics that modern models are equipped with allow you to measure pulse, calories burned and other indicators.

Misconceptions about the rowing machine

  1. Working out on a rowing machine primarily develops your arms. As you already know, this is not true. If desired, you can load, for example, only your back or only your legs. If you perform a standard complex exercise, which, in principle, the simulator is designed for, then the load will be distributed evenly.
  2. Training is contraindicated for people suffering from spinal diseases. In some cases, training is not contraindicated. Here, again, everything depends on technology. If desired, you can make sure that the spine is only slightly loaded. If you have any doubts about the safety of the exercise machine for your back, be sure to consult your doctor.
  3. The simulator mainly develops endurance. Endurance does train, but not less than coordination and muscles.
  4. The simulator is aimed at gaining muscle mass, and not at losing weight. Of course, training on a rowing machine is not as effective for weight loss as running, but it can still burn quite a lot of calories (about 800 calories during an intense workout). By the way, such activities are recommended for people with moderate obesity and those who suffer from high blood pressure.

Types of traction

The rowing machine can have two types of traction: Scandinavian and central. Scandinavian (aka Latin) is as close as possible to classical rowing. It allows you to use mainly the back muscles. It is believed that this type of deadlift is more suitable for experienced athletes.

Central thrust is good for home practice. It makes it possible to work out the body comprehensively and tone it up.

By design, rowing machines are either mechanical or magnetic. Let's look at each type.

Mechanical simulator

In terms of price, this is the most affordable rowing machine. The load on the muscles is created using a number of design solutions:

  • levers;
  • hydraulic cylinders;
  • blades resisting air.

The resistance force in each option can be adjusted manually. The machine creates a lot of noise during operation. Many models are equipped with a fan that simulates a headwind. A mechanical unit cannot provide smooth movement and loads the muscles less effectively compared to its magnetic counterpart.

In general, we can highlight the following advantages of the mechanical model:

  1. Low cost.
  2. Simple design.
  3. Does not require electricity.

And disadvantages:

  1. High noise level.
  2. Limited functionality.
  3. Limited fluidity of movement.

Magnetic trainer

This type is electronically adjustable and allows you to smoothly vary the load without stopping the activity. Such exercise machines are usually quiet and equipped with electronics to monitor calorie consumption, heart rate and exercise level. Thanks to the smoothness and large amplitude of movement, the exercise machine allows you to work out your muscles well, completing an average amount of work.

The main advantages of this type:

  1. Wide functionality.
  2. Smooth ride.
  3. Wide range of adjustments.


  1. High price.
  2. Need for power supply.
  3. Large dimensions.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing a rowing machine, you should consider the following points:

  1. Compactness. The rowing machine is a great choice for a home workout, but it has an impressive length. Some models are suitable for vertical storage, which is an excellent solution for small apartments. There are folding options that are more expensive than solid ones, but much more convenient in terms of storage. However, the most compact model has a length of about 1.3 m and a width of about 0.4 m. When choosing a simulator by size, it is worth considering that it should not only fit into the interior, but also be suitable for the physiological parameters of the trainees.
  2. Adjustment. The convenience of training directly depends on the position of the footrests and handles, as well as the height of the seat. It is advisable that the stops match the size of the foot. And if the unit is purchased for the whole family, you should pay attention to models with adjustable pedals.
  3. Frame design. If the space in your home allows you to purchase a machine with a solid metal frame and an aluminum seat, it is recommended to choose this option. It will serve reliably long years. In general, before purchasing, you should definitely sit on the exercise machine and check that it does not sag under your weight.
  4. Transmission. How comfortable rowing will be depends on its quality. You should choose cables and chains that will not create discomfort during training. The machine should work without unnecessary stretching and with good feedback when accelerating. Everything should be predictable. If the movements are intermittent and the load constantly fluctuates, you should not spend money on such a model.
  5. Load adjustment. The simulators can additionally have the function of stepwise load change. Such models allow optimizing heartbeat and create optimal conditions for muscle tone.
  6. Console. Almost every model of a modern rowing machine has a built-in console. It allows you to customize the progress of the lesson, track current indicators and save them. With its help, you can find out about the training time, its intensity, distance traveled, number of strokes and calories burned.
  7. Pulse measurement. An indicator such as heart rate is very important for successful training. Many modern rowing machines can measure it with high level accuracy. There are models in which pulse measurement sensors are built into the handles. However, more accurate data is provided by exercise equipment with a wireless chest sensor - a cardio belt. Wired devices that attach to the ear are less accurate.
  8. Sitting. It should be such that even a long workout does not cause discomfort. The seat base should be practical and of high quality, as should the guide frame.
  9. Power supply. Power is not provided for mechanical trainers and models with a built-in DC generator. In other cases, it is worth considering how you will connect the simulator.

It is impossible to say for sure which rowing machines are better. It all depends on the individual preferences of the buyer. Let's get acquainted with several famous models.

Concept 2

The main advantage of this model is unique system aerodynamic resistance. It depends on the intensity of the strokes. All main parameters of the lesson are displayed on a convenient monitor. The frame, made of extruded aluminum coated with stainless steel, has good strength characteristics with low weight. The Concept 2 rowing machine disassembles quickly to significantly reduce storage space. The price of the model is about $1,500.

Kettler Favorite

The Kettler Favorit rowing machine has a mechanical load system with hydraulic drive and is equipped with a display on which all the main training parameters are displayed. The hydraulic system smoothly and steplessly loads the trainee, with the ability to adjust the degree of effort. The clip sensor allows you to measure your heart rate with acceptable accuracy. Such a simulator costs about $400.

Torneo Golfstream

This is a good model for beginners. It is simple and small in size. A large number of adjustments allows people of different builds to exercise on the simulator. The main advantage of the Torneo Golfstream rowing machines is low price(about 200 dollars). It also causes the main drawback - the quality of assembly and components. For the simulator to work well, it needs to be slightly modified. The first thing to do is replace the wooden base of the seat.

How to train

So, now that you know how to choose a rowing machine for your home, let’s look at the basic principles of training on such a machine.

  1. It is worth starting the lesson with low speed and resistance. Average pace initial stage- 20-25 strokes per minute.
  2. You should not strain any one muscle group and try to row only with its help (if working out this group is not your main goal), the load should be distributed evenly.
  3. Don't strain your joints. The knee joint is subject to the most stress.
  4. There is no need to lean forward when rowing.
  5. The movement should be smooth, without any jerks or sudden stops.
  6. And, of course, don’t overwork yourself!


Today we learned what a rowing machine is, what muscles work in rowing and how to choose the right model. Every year, simulators become more and more advanced in technological terms and more universal in practical terms. Therefore, it is difficult to choose the best rowing machine for home. It all depends on the personal wishes of each person.