Learn to snowboard on your own. Proper snowboarding techniques

But what about those who have never stood on the “board” and don’t know where to start? Don’t be afraid and try, say two-time Sochi 2014 champion Vic Wild and his wife Alena Zavarzin, world champion and two-time medalist. Olympic Games. Ambassadors of the TAG Heuer watch brand, who live by the slogan #DontCrackUnderPressure, have compiled a whole list of recommendations for those who are going to open their first snowboarding season this winter!


“How to learn to snowboard? Before you go for training, says Alena, you need to pick up equipment. This is the most enjoyable part of the whole process. Most often, this can be done on the spot, since most likely you will start at the resort, and, as a rule, there is always a rental office there. I still advise you to rent equipment for the first time, so that it will be easier for you to decide on the stiffness of your boots and board. At first it will not be easy to understand your own feelings, but don’t be alarmed: over time everything will fall into place.”

“As a rule, the board is selected according to weight and height, for starters it is better to take a softer model,” continues Vic. “When choosing boots, make sure your heel is securely secured, as the instep area will bear all the stress in the first days of riding.”

“Where can I learn to snowboard? If you are learning on your own, choose the gentlest slope for your first descents. To begin with, you can try strapping yourself on a flat surface to get more or less used to the board and the new sensations. In any new business, the main thing is to give yourself the opportunity to relax. On a flat surface, strap your front leg on and try to do a “scooter”: keep your weight on your front leg, keep it half-bent, and push off with your back leg, as if you were riding a scooter or skateboard. Take small steps at first, over time you will be able to push harder. This is a very useful exercise: firstly, to get used to new equipment, and secondly, in order to be able to move quickly on a flat surface, for example to a lift,” explains Alena Zavarzina.

“Always do a warm-up! - advises Vic Wild. - Rotate all your joints, bend over to warm up your back, be sure to warm up your wrists and knees. Do some squats. Then sit facing the slope, place the board horizontally and parallel to the slope, fasten your front leg first, then your back leg. To figure out how to snowboard correctly, start small. Do the “falling leaf” exercise: stand facing the slope and shift your weight first to the right in order to start moving to the right, then in the same way to the left. Move down, from side to side, like a falling leaf. This will help you get used to the board.

Always keep your body straight and your legs bent. Try to master braking. Keep your weight on your front leg; Once you gain some speed, rotate your shoulders so that your weight is on your heels and you are facing the slope. First master braking on your heels, then on your toes. Remember: in order for the board to turn in the direction you want, first turn your shoulders. Always keep your legs bent."

“When you master braking and control your speed more consciously, you can climb a longer, gentle slope and try to brake first with your heels, then with your toes without pauses, smoothly turning your shoulders and helping yourself with your back leg,” continues Alena Zavarzina. - The first day on a snowboard can be a real holiday or, conversely, a reason to hate playing sports fresh air. I still recommend that you take a lesson from an instructor: he will show you how to learn to snowboard with a minimum number of mistakes and falls.”

“If you need to go up on a rope tow or a so-called “mop,” the main thing is not to panic and do not sit on it with all your weight,” advises Alena Zavarzina. - Keep your body and legs straight, try to keep the board straight so as not to get caught by the edge (sharp edge of the snowboard. - Note ed. ELLE). Over time, this will no longer require effort from you.

If the lift is a chairlift, then as soon as the chair is behind you, do not be afraid - wait until it touches your feet, then carefully bend your knees and smoothly sit down in the chair. To get off it, keep your legs rigid, your knees bent, and your weight on your front leg - as in the scooter exercise. Good luck!"

Naturally, you need to purchase the board itself and snowboarding clothing. is individual and depends on how often you plan to ride. If once a year, then rental equipment will be enough.

The best clothing options are protective overalls and thermal underwear. Be sure to purchase gloves, a helmet and a balaclava. Glasses - optional. The snowboard can be purchased new or used. If you are buying a new one, then consider the fact that last year's model will cost much less.

Attention! Start preparatory exercises on level ground (arena), directly next to the descent areas.

Before you get on a snowboard, you need to decide in what stance you will ride it. People ride a snowboard sideways, so it is important to understand which foot will be in front. To do this, you will have to remember with which foot you rode down the slides as a child. You can simply stand on the board from different sides to understand which side is more convenient for you to move. The hardware and mountings need to be adjusted depending on which leg is in front.

Where to start learning

Once strapped to the board, you will be surprised to find that getting on it is not so easy, and standing is uncomfortable. You can fasten the fasteners while standing, but beginners are advised to do it while sitting. Once you have tightened the fastenings, you can rise up using one hand or by kneeling and pushing your body back. The board will stand up correctly and you will straighten up.

Before class, be sure to do a warm-up, this way you will warm up your muscles and allow your body to adapt to the load. Perform a series of simple exercises: squats, jumps, bends, turns and arm swings.

Attention! For a beginner snowboarder, uncrowded slopes with no compacted snow are suitable. You should not ski on icy slopes.

On initial stage training you need to learn “Flat driving” - balance control. It is as a result of correctly loading the board that you will eventually get a beautiful and even arc.

Initial stage. How to get used to snowboarding

To master snowboarding, it’s not enough to say I want to learn how to snowboard and read useful instructions. You will have to be patient. From the very first minute of mastering a snowboard, try to stand on it correctly. You need to look forward, to do this, turn your body, bend your legs slightly at the knees, this will increase shock absorption. Hands help you maintain balance when moving; hold them as you please. If you are very afraid, take ski poles to avoid falls. At the first stage, start riding on one leg fastened. This way, you will get the best feel for the board, learn how to slide on it and maintain balance.

Exercise one

  1. Secure your front foot to the board. To do this, fasten the safety tape, insert your foot into the fastenings and secure them. Attach the top strap first, then the bottom strap.
  2. Now stand on the board. The discomfort will soon pass. Just move your foot and feel the bindings.
  3. Push off with your free leg and try to ride a snowboard, like a skateboard or scooter. To avoid falling, make small, careful pushes with your free leg. How exactly to push off with your free leg is up to you, the main thing is that it is comfortable to do.
  4. After pushing off, place your free foot next to the free foot holder and ride the board. If it works, great. No, don’t be upset, in about 20 minutes you will succeed.

The point of this exercise is to get used to the position of the fastened leg and the snowboard itself. Don't forget to take breaks every 20 minutes of training.

Exercise two

At this stage you need a small gentle slope. Ideally, this place will not be crowded.

  • Repeat step 4 from the first exercise. Distribute your weight on the board correctly: the main part should fall on your front leg (the one that is strapped on). After stopping, perform the exercise again until you can keep your balance well and confidently (20-30 minutes).
  • At the end of your workout, when starting to snowboard, try leaning slightly to the side (to the right or left). Depending on which foot you have in front, leaning will either load your toes or your heels and you will feel the snowboard begin to turn towards the lean.

Stage two. Start moving down the slope.

The time has come to move on from the question of how to learn to snowboard and initial training, to go directly to riding.

  • Secure your other leg and turn around to face the slope (“front side” - frontside), stand on the snowboard. Under your toes is the side of the snowboard called the edge. The legs should be slightly bent at the knees, and the front edge should crash into the snow, that is, “edge.” Stay in this position.
  • Turn your back to the slope (“back side” - backside). Now you will have an edge on the heel side. Stand correctly, maintain your balance, get used to new sensations.
Attention! The edge is always on the side of the slope.

Direct slip

  • Start at the front edge. To make the board move, slowly straighten your knees. This movement will cause the edge to lose grip with the snow, and the snowboard will begin to slide down.
  • Keep the board strictly perpendicular to the slope so that it does not twist along its axis.
  • Bend your knees, edge the board again (press on your toes) and stop. Then straighten your knees again and slide down. The trail behind you should somewhat resemble a ladder. And the smaller it is, the better.

For a smooth movement, stand on the edge of the slope, bend your knees, spread your arms out to the sides (for balance) and press your toes onto the leading edge. Do not lean back, this will slow down your movement and cause you to lose your balance. The direction of movement is set by the front leg.

How to brake properly on a snowboard

To increase speed when moving on the back edge, lean on the board with the toe of your leading foot. To brake, squat down sharply while transferring your weight to your heels, while turning your shoulders across the slope. By putting even more pressure on your heels, you will stop. When descending on the leading edge, to brake, squat down and load the leading edge with the toes of your boots. The front edge will be strongly pressed into the snow and you will stop.

You can begin to perform more complex techniques and unloading (taking off the slope or turns) only after you have mastered the basics well and are confident on the snowboard.

This is important. Remember three rules

  1. Don't let the board carry you down the slope.
  2. If your snowboard skids, do not lean back under any circumstances. So, only falling will stop you. Raise your arms in any direction, twisting your torso, and turn around. This movement will help position the board across the slope.
  3. A snowboard should never roll on the opposite edge to the one you were originally riding on. As soon as the opposite edge crashes into the snow, a cut will occur and you will “catch the edge” - without having time to realize what happened, you will simply fall head over heels into the snow.

These are the very first exercises, having mastered which you will be able to satisfy your curiosity of where to start, and literally in the next training session the snowboard will begin to reveal its more complex secrets to you.

Snowboarders will soon open the skiing season and if you dream of joining them, now is the time to learn. The easiest way to learn snowboarding is with an experienced instructor or an equally experienced friend, but you can learn the basics on your own.

The main thing you need to learn is to fasten a snowboard, stand on it, roll, and fall correctly. It also doesn’t hurt to master the rules of climbing the mountain. I'm planning on snowboarding myself this year, so let's learn together.

Where to start

Before you get on a snowboard, you must take all precautions for your safety. A protective helmet and goggles are required. If possible, wear knee pads. Let your clothes be comfortable and spacious enough. You don't have to buy special snowboarding gear, but you shouldn't be hot or cold. Keep in mind that you will be actively moving.

When you arrive at the mountain or the place where you will be training, do not rush to fasten the fastenings. Do some simple warm-up and stretching. Stretch and warm up all muscles and ligaments.
Choose places for training where there are not many visitors. Or visit them on days when you are on the hill minimum quantity skiers and snowboarders.

If you have to climb a mountain where there are no lifts, you can follow these tips:

  • Secure the board to your wrist to prevent it from accidentally rolling away.
  • Secure the board using the fasteners on your back, with the sliding surface facing the jacket.
  • If you have a board leash, you can use it. But don't forget to strap it to your wrist.
  • You can carry the board up the mountain under your armpit.

How to fasten the fasteners

Stand on a flat surface, fasten the leash to your front leg and the snowboard itself. Place the board with the sliding side down. It will be easier for you to maintain your balance if you step on the board with your back foot. Let your heel remain on the snow. After fastening the first leg, carefully secure the second.

There are different types of snowboard bindings. If you rented equipment, ask the on-site administrator to explain how to use the bindings. Then on the mountain you won’t have to figure out for a long time how to snap the mount into place.

First steps

Choose a very small hill to learn how to fall correctly. This way you will avoid unnecessary injuries.

When descending a mountain, as soon as you realize that you are losing your balance and are about to fall, squat down and seem to hug your knees. Then sharply clench your hands and straighten your legs. Most likely, you will not be able to fall face first into the snow, since your body weight will move backward.

Try to land on your butt. To avoid too much pain, you need to have time to group in time. Shift your center of gravity to your heels, tilt your head, pressing your chin to your body, press your arms and especially your elbows to your chest. All you have to do is sit down a little and relax your muscles. By falling on your butt this way you will minimize injury and discomfort.

How to get up after a fall? Many beginning snowboarders have difficulty with this. Because it’s unusual for both legs to be fixed on the board.
Position the board perpendicular to your body. If possible, bury the board a little in the snow so that it doesn't move right away. After this, try to get up. It's a little easier to get up after falling if you kneel first. Then rise up by pressing down on the edges of the board with both hands.

  • If you find it difficult to keep your balance right away, you can begin to master the snowboard by strapping only your front leg. And with the back, help yourself push off and keep your balance.
  • Choose the gentlest slope to start with.
  • Don't try to learn how to turn over right away.
  • Try to keep your back straight and your legs slightly bent.
  • To stop, turn the board perpendicular to the descent, leaning back and placing your weight on one edge of the snowboard.
  • If possible, take a couple of lessons from an instructor.
  • Falls cannot be avoided, as can bruises. Therefore, be prepared for bruises and for the fact that your muscles will hurt a lot at first.
P.S. Don’t give up the idea of ​​learning to snowboard after your first falls. Train regularly, at least once a week, gradually increasing the load and complexity.

When beginners look at snowboarders, the first thing that comes to mind is that such an extreme sport is difficult to master. But in fact, learning how to do it is easier than it seems, and for this you don’t even have to take paid snowboard lessons or attend special schools. Of course, it plays a role here physical fitness and the preparedness of the individual, but learning the basics of snowboarding is amenable to anyone who undertakes this endeavor with due diligence.

It is recommended to start with choosing equipment; your first successes in this sport depend on this. You can use rental equipment, but this option is suitable for riding 2-3 times and trying something new. But if a person is seriously going to figure out how to learn to ride, he can’t go anywhere without comfortable and appropriately sized equipment.


You should start with choosing shoes. A novice snowboarder will not face any particular difficulties in choosing boots: the main thing is to choose shoes of the exact size. But you should take this choice responsibly: boots should be the most comfortable part of your equipment. They should not press, you should not expect the shoes to break in, but the shoes should fit snugly to the foot.

Important! Should be paid special attention on the fit of the heel to the shoe. It is necessary to prevent the heel from moving up and down.


Then you should select protection:

  • balaclava and helmet,
  • coccyx protection,
  • knee pads,
  • mask-glasses,
  • back protection.

The key factor here is the same - ease of use. All protective elements must fit snugly, not dangle or wobble. Not only safety is important, but also a sense of security, which psychologically will help you quickly get used to the basics of snowboarding.

Pay attention! It is highly recommended not to ignore the purchase of protection.

Board and fastenings

Here are some basic tips:

First, buy a board after shoes and protection. The desire to buy a board first is to be expected; it is a common and understandable mistake. But choosing a board to match the rest of your equipment (especially boots) is much easier than vice versa.

Secondly, first buy a used board. The snowboard will be scratched and damaged. And worries about the safety of a brand new sports equipment will not contribute to comfortable learning. Few people can immediately guess which driving style they will like best: long board for speed, or short for maneuverability (in addition, the size of the board depends on the height of the person), mounting the bindings in the middle for versatility or on the side for freestyle. Or perhaps a person will be interested in something that will require a special board. You can't predict such things in advance.

But after several seasons, it will be much easier to understand which style is more suitable and choose a snowboard based on this, and you can always sell an old board to a beginner.


Next in line is the selection of jackets, trousers, socks, gloves and thermal underwear. Here you should also be guided primarily by convenience, and not by style, no matter how colorful some of the costumes are. Thermal underwear should effectively evaporate and quickly remove moisture from the body, and not absorb it, which means you should choose synthetic underwear. You need to choose clothes taking into account the temperature in the park (the presence of snow does not guarantee that the temperature will not be above zero).

Board Skating Basics

Basics to remember when getting on a snowboard for the first time (and always):

  • Don't rush into learning. Many, barely standing on the board, are already thinking about extreme riding with a hook on a parachute or snowmobile without preparation, or jumping into freeride (off-piste descent, for example, in the forest).
  • Stand on bent knees. With straight legs, the chance of injury is higher, and it is more difficult to control the board in this position.
  • The snowboarder's weight should be distributed equally between the legs or in a ratio of 70 to 30, with most of the weight on the front leg.
  • The body should be turned in the direction of movement.
  • The arms are used to maintain balance. They need to be actively balanced.

Well, now you can head to the mountain slope.

How to get used to snowboarding

Before you start studying, you need to determine the front leg. Often right-handers choose the left foot, and left-handers choose the right. They are called regulars and goofies, respectively. When a person gets on a snowboard for the first time, it is recommended to first practice moving on a flat surface without a slope. The board is put on one (leading) leg, and the second leg is used for pushing off. This will help you get used to the unnatural inversion of the leg and its stiffness due to the fastening. The top fastener is fastened first.

After progress appears, it is time to complicate the exercise: now you need to push off with your free leg, place it next to the fastenings and try to drive in a straight line without losing your balance. Of course, this is not the most fun part of learning, but first it is important to learn how to balance at low speeds to get used to the snowboard.

Don't be afraid of falling and the fact that the ride will be ugly. Everyone goes through this. Just get up every time and try again. This is the path from “dummies” to professionals.

Stand and slide

It's worth understanding a few concepts:

  • The angle between the board and the slope is the edge angle. The force with which it presses on the snow depends on this angle.
  • There are two edging techniques: tilting and angulation. The difference is that in the first case the snowboarder simply tilts his body relative to the ground, and in the second case he does the same, but at the same time bends the body at the pelvis or spine. The second method allows you to achieve a transfer of the center of gravity with a smaller slope of the center of gravity to the side.

The sides are not equal. The snowboard has 2 edges, front and back. First you need to master the movement on the back edge. To do this, you need to lift your toes and press them into the ground, while the board will not slide down. Then you should gradually release the rear edge. At this moment, it is important not to forget about bending your legs and balancing with your arms. This is done smoothly, without jerking. Do not push sharply forward or backward, but gradually change the center of gravity. At this stage, the challenge is to learn to control your speed and drive at a stable speed.

There is no need to try to change the edge angle using your muscles. Otherwise, fatigue will come in 10 minutes. To do this, it is enough to shift the center of gravity.

After confidently mastering the back edge, you can move on to the next lesson - studying the front edge. You can start riding on the back edge, moving to the front edge with a 180-degree turn (this sounds difficult, but in reality it does not cause any particular difficulties after some time of practice). Or start rolling down the mountain in this position. To start sliding, you need to slowly press the front edge, lowering your heels. To slow down, press the front edge accordingly, i.e. put your socks down. And all this without sudden movements, otherwise you will inevitably fall on your back and get an unpleasant blow to the back of your head. When sliding on the front edge, you need to look down the slope, for example, over your shoulder.

To consolidate your skills, it is recommended to perform the “herringbone” exercise. A gentle slope is not suitable for this, and the exercise technique involves descending “from side to side” across the slope. This exercise is safe, but allows you to feel a quick slide.

Turning and braking

For braking, beginners are advised to use the rear edge. If at this moment the board is located in the direction of the slope, first it needs to be brought into a side position. To do this, the rear part is smoothly pressed to the ground. Gradually, the board will move to the rear edge, and when its position is perpendicular to the slope, you can press the rear edge harder and brake. The same thing can be done on the front edge, however, in this case it is more difficult to visually observe the situation in front of you.

If you are riding straight, not on the back or front edge, then you can use edge reversal to turn (for example, the simplest and most intuitive way to change edges is called up relief or crossover). In this case, the body weight is simply transferred to the side in which you need to start turning, and you ride like a snake. The main emphasis is on transferring body weight.

  • One of the most important instructions: the board should never lie with its sliding surface down. She'll roll away.
  • Try to take things step by step. Throwing yourself straight onto a steep hill is a bad idea. There are “adult” tracks – high-speed ones and “children’s” tracks; it is advisable to be on one that suits your experience.
  • Of course, you can figure it out on your own, with tutorials, etc. But an instructor’s outside perspective will help you quickly correct most mistakes that are invisible to a beginner, so it is recommended to study under the supervision of a trainer.
  • If there is only a drag lift in the clearing, attaching it alternately to different legs will relieve the strain on the muscles.
  • Each time, study the route map in advance to avoid unpleasant situations and navigate faster.
  • Riding in the rain or other “non-flying” conditions is unwise; it is better to sleep on the sofa than risk your life.

And remember: skating and doing tricks to impress your girlfriend/boyfriend/child is a bad idea. Ride for your own pleasure.

It's nice to watch snowboarders riding. But this is incomparable to the sensations that a real trip gives. And achieving these feelings is not difficult. During the first 4-5 lessons you will have to try hard: learn to glide on each edge, then smoothly move from one to another. But over time, keeping balance becomes easier and easier, there are fewer and fewer falls, and the body itself begins to group itself in order to move the center of gravity to right place. And these sensations are worth trying.

Snowboarding tutorial. Techniques and skills of proper skating. (10+)

Learning to snowboard correctly

IN lately Snowboarding is becoming increasingly popular. People are literally obsessed with this sport, “boards” are selling out, and the number of equipment rentals, as well as instructors, is increasing. So why do people prefer snowboarding? Is it difficult to ride? Let's try to answer questions related to learning to ride in this article.

The most important advantage of snowboarding is that if you approach learning correctly, you will learn to ride in a relatively short period of time. And not just ride, but also enjoy this hobby. Only with the right approach can you avoid an unpleasant period during which constant bruises and falls can cause you to give up this sport. The training method given below is designed for only 3 days, after which you will be relatively confident on the board, but only if you do all the required exercises, not paying attention to those who have been skating for a long period of time, and not you will try to repeat what the “professionals” do. Sometimes this is the worst thing a newbie can do. Of course, everyone wants to immediately do unusual tricks, ride like an ace, experience all the delights of snowboarding... But remember that nothing and no one can do it right away, for this you need to train and train again. Only trained people come to all competitions; it’s unlikely that they just got on the board and started performing all the difficult tricks. Remember that the first days of training will seem difficult to you, but if you go through them, following all the instructions, then you will ski on the slope much better than all other beginners. Never forget the advice given above. It’s best to additionally take knee pads and waterproof pants, a jacket and gloves with you. Believe me, you will definitely need them. So, let's start learning.

First day or frog waltz

It was already said above that when you are learning to ride, you should not pay attention to snowboarders passing by you, and also forget about the indescribable feeling of riding that a board can give you (at least for today for sure). We hasten to note right away that this is the most difficult day, but if you achieve a result, then it will be easier to “step” further, and the ranks of snowboarders will be replenished with your humble candidacy.

On this day, it is best to choose a section of the slope whose width is 2 meters and length - 4; the snow on it should be relatively hard, but the slope of the slope should be approximately 20-25 degrees. It is best to choose a place that is located away from the pistes so that you are not distracted; this is where you will learn the basics of edging.

So, you have found such a place and are ready to start training. Sit on the snow (that's why you need waterproof pants!) and strap a board to your feet: first your front leg, then your back leg. Your feet should fit snugly in your boots, and your boots should fit tightly in the bindings; under no circumstances should they “loop”! Carefully roll over in the snow and stand facing the slope, leaning on your hands. This position is called “front side” or the front side, edge, the emphasis will be on the toes, and the board will rest on the side under the toes of your boots. So, we try to straighten up and maintain balance. In this case, the plane of the board should be horizontal, but the front edge should edge over or crash into the snow; bend your knees. After you succeed, try to jump a little in one place, using the ankle muscles. Initially, you can maintain your balance by leaning your hands on the slope (that’s where waterproof gloves come in handy), but then you need to do without their help. After you firmly maintain your balance in this position, change position and stand with your back to the slope (back side, edge, or back side). To do this, you can sit on the snow and then roll over onto your back. But, as always, there is another way, better and more complicated, which will be useful to you in the future for learning the technique of turns. What follows is its description. You should take a stable position (tread the snow a little in front of you), move your arms left and right - twisting your torso relative to your legs, and bend them at the knees. After this, twist your body and try to straighten your legs with a sharp movement. Calculate the movement in such a way that when you jump, the board under you turns 180 degrees. After a while you will find yourself with your back to the elephant. Don't stop practicing, try to remember the basics of the back edge. We hasten to draw your attention to the fact that this is a little more difficult than the previous exercise, because you will not be able to spring the ankle muscles. By the way, you won’t be able to protect yourself from falls here with your hands. After a jump, change your stance and return to the front edge, repeat all over again. The exercises in question should be completed only when you feel comfortable turning around and in both stances.

After this, you can move on to the next task, which is direct sliding. Try starting at the front edge again. Slowly straighten your knees, and when the edge disengages with the snow, the board begins to move down. Try to keep the board perpendicular to the slope, this is necessary so that it does not roll along its own axis. Bend your knees, edge the board and slide again. You should leave a washboard-like mark, the smaller the “comb” the better. In a similar way, go down to the lower edge of the fenced area (mentally), and then try to jump up to its upper edge, without helping yourself with your hands. As soon as you get tired of jumping, change your stance. But remember that it is almost impossible to jump uphill with your back, which is why alternate the 2 exercises in any order, but do not forget about turning around in the jump. By the way, don’t limit yourself to 180 degrees - you can turn 360 degrees - the more, the cooler.

After intensive training, you will feel that you can calmly stand on your feet, turn around, jump, and without helping yourself with your hands. After this day you will be very tired. Do not overexert yourself under any circumstances. In the evening, you should take a hot bath and massage, because when snowboarding, other muscle groups are involved that are not accustomed to this kind of stress, most likely some parts of the body will ache. Rest, after which you can continue training further.

Second day or Turtle races: “The slower you go, the further you will go”

If your whole body hurts after yesterday's workout, then the previous day was not in vain. The most important thing is that everything difficult is left behind. Remember that many have overcome difficulties that have made them better people. The previous day helped you learn how to stand on a snowboard and join the ranks of “boarders.” What's next? You need to learn how to move on it. Spend about 5 minutes checking your confidence in standing on a snowboard (compared to the previous day). Stand in a front size stance and shift your weight to your front leg, while at the same time lifting yourself off the edge. The board will begin to move along the slope with a traverse (almost perpendicular to the slope). Bend your knees and the board stops. So we have learned how to side-slip, just don’t turn around too much, otherwise the board will move quickly, and you still don’t know how to make quick stops.

There are several rules to follow:

  • Never let the board carry you down the slope. If this happens, raise your arms to either side by turning your torso (an exercise performed on the first day), and when moving back, place the board across the slope. Remember that the center of this rotation will be closer to the front leg, because it is the pushing leg, and therefore the main load comes to it. If the board skids, you will lose control, after which you will unconsciously try to sit on your back leg - it will load and impede movement, which will allow you to turn the board across the slope and reduce speed.
  • If you suddenly pick up speed, do not let the edge opposite the one you are sliding on touch the slope. Because of this, he will crash into the snow, a trip will occur - and you are in best case scenario“plow” the slope with your hands.

Third day or artistic cutting of snow

Today you should become an esthete. Before riding, you should warm up and repeat previous workouts. The first task will be to increase the number of traverses with each new descent. When it becomes constant, and the trail is smooth and thin, then you will feel the true pleasure of a snowboarder. The next step you will need to learn how to turn around. In principle, you already know how to do this, but at low speed, try to do this exercise every time for everything higher speed, after which you will automatically perform this movement, without fear that at high speed you will not succeed, the main thing is to believe in yourself and do everything correctly.

In principle, everything else is up to you. You know the basic skills, you’ve learned how to edge and turn. What's next? You will need to choose the direction in which you will flow, maybe you will jump, or maybe ride at speed.... Soft snow to you and good luck!