How to quit your job correctly - step-by-step instructions. Quitting your job: useful recommendations

The working world is a surprisingly small place. When you leave, you'll never know for sure who you'll be working with, who you'll have to ask for favors, or whether you'll ever need a recommendation from your former boss. And don't forget about gossip. If you leave a negative impression about yourself, there is a risk that people outside the company will find out about it.

How to quit correctly

Submit your resignation letter two weeks before leaving.

The working time may vary from company to company, but two weeks is the standard period. The employer needs time to prepare for the changes, complete the paperwork and start looking for a replacement for you.

Large firms can say goodbye to you on the same day. But managers of small companies may need a longer period. In this case, there is a risk of losing your temper, sending your bosses to hell and simply leaving.

You shouldn't do this. Look at the situation from management's point of view. In addition, it is disrespectful towards other colleagues. After all, then they will be burdened with your work.

Tell your boss that you're leaving first, and then everyone else.

No matter how much you trust your friends, don't tell them about your decision. Don't post about him on social media. Your manager has the right to be the first to know about this.

It is better to provide this information during a personal meeting. If your boss works elsewhere, talk to him on the phone. You can only send an email if you both don’t have free time. But this is the worst option and it is better not to use it.

Prepare for a conversation with your boss

Before you break the news to your boss, answer a few questions.

  1. Do you have a plan of action that will mitigate the impact of your departure? Offer your boss specific ways to solve problems that arise as a result of dismissal.
  2. What will you do if you receive a counteroffer? Be prepared to be offered tempting terms to stay. Think in advance what these conditions might be. Would you stay for a big pay increase? For an extra week of vacation? If the conditions suit you, wait until they are confirmed in writing. If not, tell the manager that you really appreciate his offer, but you cannot refuse the new opportunities of another position.
  3. Are you ready, if necessary, to quit later than planned? You may be asked to stay for an additional week or two. Think in advance whether you agree to this.
  4. Are you ready to leave the same day you announce your decision? Can you pack up all your belongings and leave your work area immediately?

Speak briefly, confidently and with a smile

Don't beat around the bush. Get straight to the main point. If you have, having a good-natured conversation can be difficult.

Resist the urge to express everything that has accumulated.

Behave with dignity. What if your career paths cross again in the future?

Thank your manager for working together. It is not necessary to talk about new position. It is enough to simply say that there you will have responsibilities that you have long wanted to perform.

Find out what you are entitled to upon dismissal

This may include additional payments and bonuses that are specified in the contract. The employee must also be paid compensation for unused vacation.

Write a letter of resignation

After talking with your superiors, you will most likely be asked to formalize. Do not write anything unnecessary: ​​the application does not need to describe in detail the reasons for your leaving.

Don't relax

After officially announcing your resignation, it is easy to forget about your responsibilities. But you still have two weeks ahead. If you don’t want to ruin your impression, don’t relax and finish the things you start. After all, you will probably be remembered for these last weeks.

Do not start any new projects at this time. If you don't have time to complete something, tell your colleagues what stage the task is at. Leave hints for those who will do your work. Find out how you can help your colleagues.

Make sure everyone regrets your departure and remembers you with a smile.

Don't insult your ex-boss on social media

Some people post messages on social networks about how “glad they are to leave this hell and not see their tyrant boss anymore.” Don't be tempted, even if this is true. Maintain your dignity. The boss may not see this post, but other people will have an opinion about you.

Thank your colleagues and bid them a warm farewell

Don't lose touch with your colleagues. Notify us of your departure via email or general chat. Have a farewell party. This is a great way to remember everything you have experienced together with a smile. You may have developed friendships with some people and want to see them outside of work.

“Don't quit your job before you find a new one,” we've heard this mantra a million times. Are you tired? Are you sick? Do you need a break? These are all excuses, whispers an inner voice (which sounds suspiciously like the voice of a colleague, a friend, or one of the young people at the next table whose conversation you accidentally overheard). If you leave now, you will lose. Don't quit your job. Don't make a mistake.

What can you answer to this voice? At a minimum, this is this: the option that seems safe to us is not always the most reasonable. When under extreme stress, we switch to survival mode. And in this mode, we are not inclined to think soberly and thoroughly. We are afraid of risk. We think about only one thing: relax and forget.

In addition, in such a state, the chances of finding something better tend to zero. Trying to break out of one captivity, we easily fall into another if we cannot adequately weigh all the pros and cons. It happens that a person simply does not have the strength to fight for best conditions. He is exhausted, his fighting spirit has disappeared - only a limp, lifeless body remains. Can you hope to impress the next personnel officer in such a state?

Before deciding whether to stay in a stressful or unpleasant job, take stock of your situation. Perhaps you just need a break to recover. Here are some points worth taking a closer look at.

You don't feel safe

Your safety comes first. If you don't feel safe at work, you should quit, even if your finances aren't in good shape. better position. Some workplaces can be real places of increased danger - such as disadvantaged areas of the city, zones of radioactive contamination and military operations.

If you are being harassed or threatened at work, tell management. If you remain silent, no one will defend you. If attempts to defend your rights have led nowhere, or after a “lull” the pressure on you resumes with renewed vigor, leave boldly and as soon as possible.

Work is taking a toll on your health.

Remember: your health is always more important. The word “stability,” so beloved by many, acts like a slow poison. We become passive, not ready for action - even when our previous life brings only suffering. Is your job killing you - physically or in any other sense? Then you should quit as soon as possible, while you still have some strength left. In some places people work in fear all the time. How can you go to an interview in such a state and expect to be appreciated?

You feel unsure of yourself

Over time, the hatred of work can become so strong that in search of salvation you will be ready to clutch at any straw.

It could be a simple “hack job”, work under the wing of a friend, the advantages of which boil down to the fact that it brings in a little money and allows you to escape from the hell of your former life. But often such respites drag on, and your determination to look for your dream job quietly evaporates.

You need a break

“I was fed up with my job,” says Alexander, “But I was simply not ready to take on a new one right away. I didn't have enough time and inner space to understand what I wanted. I was in a terrible state. I had to leave before I could think about anything else."

Alexander quit, despite the fact that his colleagues considered his action to be madness. But he himself admits that he felt relief: “My blood pressure probably dropped by half the minute I left the building.” He decided to take a three-week internship at a new company and got the job a week after graduating.

“This job was completely unrelated to my previous career, I was paid less, but so what? - says Alexander. - I work, I help people. Now I see meaning in what I do. And I can calmly plan my next steps.”

You don't have time for yourself

“I’ve never quit a job without knowing where to go,” says Barbara. - But now I had to do it. My previous job consumed all my energy. While I was there, I couldn't imagine my life outside the office. I felt stuck and couldn't move. Now I can concentrate and understand what I really want.”

If, returning from work, you feel completely overwhelmed and squeezed like a lemon, you will simply not be able to search new job. It may end up being just as unsatisfying in your new job. Listen to your body - it won't deceive you.

If you need to quit your job first just to look at yourself in the mirror and figure out who you are and what you want, do it without delay!

About the expert

Liz Ryan- founder of the consulting company Human Workspace.

According to Article 80 of the Labor Code, dismissal due to at will occurs at the initiative of the employee due to various reasons: a new offer, relocation or other circumstances. This procedure for terminating a contract is today considered one of the most conflict-free. The reason is that, unlike the case at the initiative of the employer due to absenteeism or layoff, no arguments, special procedure or payment of increased compensation are required. Although the dismissal procedure is simple, it still has its own rules.

Under what article are people fired at their own request?

In Article 80 of the Labor Code Russian Federation(Labor Code of the Russian Federation) entitled “Termination of an employment contract on the initiative of the employee (at his own request)” discusses in detail the procedure and rules of this procedure. They relate to the reasons, timing of the application and cases of termination of work before the expiration of the notice period. In addition, the article contains information regarding the withdrawal of an application.

The procedure for dismissal at will

Any employee, including a pregnant woman, according to paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “General grounds for termination of an employment contract,” has the right to resign on his own initiative due to various circumstances. To do this correctly, it is important to know the specifics and rules for terminating an employment contract. This way, conflicts with the employer and other problems that will delay the process for a long time will not arise.

Terms of dismissal

By general rule Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee must notify the employer of dismissal in writing by submitting an application addressed to him 2 weeks before the expected resignation. This period begins to count the next day after registration of the petition. It is important that the application is registered, otherwise the work period may be delayed. Other rules for dismissing an employee at his own request:

  • the two-week period can be canceled by written agreement between the employee and the employer;
  • the law does not oblige the employee to be at work during these 2 weeks (you can go on vacation or sick leave);
  • general rule two-week work has exceptions (for the probationary period - 3 days, and for a managerial position - 1 month).

The manager does not have the right to refuse an employee. If this happens, then the employee should know that this is a violation of the law by the employer. Then the application is drawn up in standard form and is sent by mail with acknowledgment of receipt. This way you will know that the employer has received the documents. After 2 weeks you can stop working in the organization. After this period, the employee must be given work book and calculation. Otherwise, he has the right to contact the inspectorate dealing with such illegal situations and labor disputes.

Application for resignation

The first thing an employee must do is submit a resignation letter on his own initiative 2 weeks before leaving. The countdown for this period will begin the next day. The law does not define the exact requirements, but it should specify several important points:

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic and position of the manager, name of the organization.
  2. Last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant, i.e. the employee himself.
  3. The text of the statement itself. Includes a request to be dismissed from your position a certain number(it is better to write, for example, “August 1”, and not “from August 1”). If necessary, indicate the reason for termination of the contract.
  4. At the end there is the date of submission of the application, signature and transcript.

Labor legislation allows you to withdraw your request. This is done in the same form as an application for dismissal at the initiative of the employee. The manager has the right to refuse:

  • if the resigning employee’s place has already been replaced by another person who, by law, cannot be denied a job;
  • if the employee went on vacation (he should have withdrawn the application before the start of the vacation).

Reasons for dismissal

By Labor Code In the Russian Federation, the following cases are considered valid reasons for preserving an employee’s length of service:

  • achievement retirement age;
  • the need to move;
  • some diseases;
  • beginning of studies at a higher or secondary specialized institution;
  • caring for a sick family member;
  • violation of the employment contract by the employer.

It is not necessary to indicate a reason unless it is the basis for any compensatory monetary payments or the cancellation of the period of compulsory service. In general, you should just write “I ask you to fire me of your own free will.” Additionally, you can indicate the reason - “in connection with retirement.” The formulations of other circumstances are drawn up in the same way.

Order of dismissal

If the application for resignation of one’s own free will does not have a clear sample, then the order on it is drawn up according to the T-8 form established by law. It is published in 2 copies, one of which remains in the accounting department for calculating material payments. An order for voluntary dismissal is issued with certain details, such as:

  • code according to the all-Russian classifier management activities(OKUD) – 0301006;
  • code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) - it is different for each company;
  • name of the organization;
  • the text of the order itself;
  • date of compilation.

Working period

The standard working period is 2 weeks. It starts the day after the application is submitted. But this period is not always maintained. You may not work for 2 weeks if:

  • the employer does not see the need for this;
  • the employee has valid reasons - enrollment in full-time studies, urgent relocation, becoming a pensioner);
  • was violated by the employer employment contract;
  • the employee is on sick leave.

Vacation before dismissal

An employee has the right to resign on his own initiative, even during or before vacation. The application in this case is written in the same form. More often it contains the phrase “I ask for leave with subsequent dismissal at your request.” In accordance with Article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the last working day is considered the last day of vacation. In this case, you do not need to work 2 weeks.

List of documents upon dismissal of one's own free will

The employee only needs to submit a letter of resignation. In response, he will be issued official documents from the following list:

  • work book with an entry on the grounds for dismissal issued by the personnel department;
  • certificate 2-NDFL, confirming the amount of income received and withheld personal income tax;
  • payment certificate wages for the last 2 calendar years;
  • information about payments and other remunerations, about the insurance experience of the insured employee.

Rights upon dismissal at will

Each party has its own rights. This is an opportunity for the employee to withdraw the application at any time. The employment contract remains in force unless the employee is fired on the last day. The employer has the right to demand that he fully perform his duties up to the point of dismissal. If the manager violates the employment contract, the employee may not work for 2 weeks, but only if he could prove this in judicial procedure.

Calculation upon dismissal at one's own request

It must be made on the day of dismissal, i.e. the last worker after 2 weeks of work. The final settlement includes payment of all due to the employee sums These include:

  • wages;
  • compensation for unused holidays;
  • payments under an employment or collective agreement.

Dismissal on sick leave

An employee can submit an application even if the date of dismissal falls during a period of temporary disability. The employer has no right to change it. After the 2-week period, management makes a calculation and issues an order noting the employee’s absence. You can come for documents and amounts due at any time. The only condition for the dismissal procedure is that temporary disability benefits are assigned within 10 days after the sick leave is granted. It will be paid on the next payday.

On leave

All calculations in this case and the issuance of a work book in this case are made on the last working day before the vacation. The employee writes a letter of resignation of his own free will under the same conditions. In addition to wages, the employee must be given vacation pay. Compensated payment for unused vacation is already excluded. An employee can receive it if he refuses to be given rest.

After vacation

If an employee has already used vacation and decided to quit after it, then he will have to work 2 weeks on a general basis after writing the application. Payments in this case are the same as when leaving work at any other time. They include wages and benefits under an employment or collective agreement. If the application was submitted before the vacation with a notice of dismissal after it, then the calculation is made on the last working day. Then they issue a work book. If the vacation was granted in advance, then the amount of overpaid vacation pay in the amount of 20% is withheld from the dismissed person.

After sick leave

If an employee cannot continue to work after the end of the period of incapacity, then in the application he refers to this reason and confirms it with documents. In this case, he can be fired on the same day with payment made and the issuance of a work book. The person receives compensation for unused vacation, salary and sick pay.

One day dismissal

If the employee is unable to continue working, the organization is obliged to terminate the contract with him within the period specified in the application. To do this, you need to provide supporting documents, for example, a certificate from a medical institution about illness, from an institute about admission, etc. Writing an application, drawing up an order and familiarizing yourself with it in case of early dismissal takes place in one day. Payment can be made no later than the next day, including salary and compensation payments for vacation.

How to resign of your own free will

It is important for an employee to know that he has the right to resign at his own request, and the employer cannot refuse to accept an application. It is important to do everything according to the instructions so that there are no disagreements. The procedure for resigning correctly includes several steps:

  1. Writing an application. An employee who decides to take such a step must submit an application to the director within a certain time frame, indicating, if necessary, the reason for his departure.
  2. Issuance of an order. After registering the application (you must follow this, and it is better to make a copy for yourself), an order will be generated. It is drawn up in a standard unified form. The employee must familiarize himself with the order and put his signature on it.
  3. Dismissal. The employer makes a corresponding entry in the work book, and the employee signs for it in his personal card. At the same stage, a full calculation is made based on Article 140 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to fire an employee at your own request

The employer must sign a letter of resignation. Next, you need to fill out an order in the T-8 form, which you should familiarize the employee with. After this, the HR and accounting department clarifies information about the period worked in the current month, the provision of vacation, sick leave period and other information necessary for calculating compensation. On the day of dismissal, a labor certificate is issued indicating the reason for dismissal and the funds due are paid.


IN labor activity There comes a time for every employee when he thinks about changing his job. It will not be possible to quickly switch to work for some other organization. The thing is that, on the basis of the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee is obliged to work at his previous place of work for another 2 weeks after he wrote a letter of resignation. Practice has shown that not all workers have the desire to work these weeks. We will tell you how to quickly quit your job in this article.

Possible options for dismissal without work

Firstly, if the company is small and the employee has a good relationship with the manager, then it is worth trying to negotiate with him about dismissal without working the required period. According to the law, the director of an organization can dismiss his employee without working off. In such a situation, with a signed resignation letter, the employee has the right not to work from the next day. We remind you that such an outcome of events is possible only with the mutual consent of the parties.

What to do in a situation when the boss does not meet the employee halfway? There is a way out if an employee has a certain life situation, which he needs to indicate in his application.

An employer, on completely legal grounds, can request that his employee provide him with specific certificates and documents in order to verify the authenticity and reliability of the reason given by him for sudden dismissal from work.

The employee is also required to indicate the time frame for termination of employment in his written resignation letter. Failure to comply with an employee's request to terminate his or her employment may be challenged in court.

Extreme life reasons

Upon admission to educational institutions to receive higher education the employee may immediately leave the place of work by presenting the appropriate reference confirmation from this educational institution. The next category of workers who have the right to leave their place of work and not work for the required period are persons of retirement age. There are also situations when an employer illegally uses his official position, exceeds his authority, or his actions do not comply with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as a result of which the basic labor law is violated. Only in this case, the employee should keep in mind that he will need to prove all violations of his employer.

In the 80th century. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation identifies all points with possible violations of employers in relation to their employees, and also considers the issue of dismissal of employees due to good reasons within the time frame specified by them.

There is not yet a detailed list of valid grounds in the country’s labor regulations, and controversial cases of this kind are considered based on the by-laws.

Other life circumstances

When considering various options dismissal, the employee begins to think about whether there are options to leave workplace, without working out the term required by law, due to personal life or family reasons. Employees also have this opportunity on completely legal grounds, but for this, as with the main reasons, they need to provide appropriate confirmation.

An employment contract may be terminated for the following reasons:

  • Moving to permanent residence in another region.
  • A business trip of one of the spouses to another region or to another country where housing has been allocated for his family.
  • The person does not feel well in the area where he works, and for this reason cannot professionally perform his official duties.
  • A pregnant woman, as well as the mother of a child under 14 years of age, have the right to terminate the employment contract at any time,
    If there are 3 or more children in a family who are studying in general education institutions or are students who have not yet turned 16/18 years old, one of the parents may quit their job and not work the required term.

According to the law, citizens who care for sick family members or a disabled person of the 1st group can quickly resign if they present the necessary medical certificates.

Collision of domestic labor legislation It can also be considered that it does not indicate anywhere that the employee, having notified his superiors of his desire to leave work, is obliged to continue working for some time. In order to resign according to the law, you need to inform your superiors about this before going on sick leave, or when it is opened. In this situation, you need to write a statement of your own free will and address it to your management. Then you need to go to the hospital for sick leave. In this case, the employee may not work within the time limits indicated in his medical certificate, and after a 2-week period from the date on which the written request was submitted, he must be returned his work book and fully paid.

There may come a time in anyone's life when they have to change jobs. How to resign correctly so as not to lose business connections and remain in excellent relations with the team and management? This question worries everyone. Reasons for accepting this important decision, very different, but the result is always the same - you don’t want to continue your career in this particular company in this position.

What could be the reason for dismissal?

  • Severe fatigue and emotional exhaustion, which undermines health.
  • Heavy workload and low pay.
  • High management demands with poor organization of the work process.
  • Uncomfortable emotional environment in the team.
  • Very advantageous offer about working from another company.
  • A balanced and deliberate decision about the need to change the field of work.
  • Family circumstances.
  • Absence career growth and motivation for development.

The reasons why an employee decides to leave his job can be listed for a very long time. Almost all of them are the result of illiterate work of the company management and HR managers.

If the thought “I want to quit” does not leave you, it means that you feel very uncomfortable in your workplace. There are several ways to solve this problem. First, you should analyze the entire work process and understand what exactly is preventing you from developing fruitfully and benefiting the company.

Very often the decision to leave is made by an employee spontaneously, under the influence strong emotions. But later it becomes clear that it was wrong and the problem could be solved. Therefore, no matter what conflict occurs at your work, you should not throw your resignation letter on the manager’s desk in anger. Calm down and assess the situation correctly. Before you quit, you should think carefully about all the pros and cons that this job gives you. And if there are any possible changes that will help you not leave your place, then you should definitely work on them.

Are you short of salary or want to develop further? Be sure to discuss such points with your manager. It is quite possible that these issues will be resolved to your mutual satisfaction. You will have prospects, and the boss will not have to lose a qualified employee. But, under no circumstances use blackmail or issue ultimatums when talking with your manager. This behavior will not give a positive result.

If you are determined to leave, then before you quit this job, be sure to find a new one. Don't go into the unknown. Always remember, the greater the gap between jobs, the less valuable your value as a qualified employee becomes. When choosing a new job, do not advertise your decision to the company. You can always change your mind about leaving, but the negative opinion about you will remain. Disloyal employees are at the forefront of dismissal.

Once you have made a firm decision to leave, submit an application and have it signed by your supervisor. You will need to work another two weeks to get your files in order, turn them in, and get your receiver up to speed. But there are several cases when this can be done by employees undergoing admission to permanent employment. If your employment contract contains a three-month mark probationary period, and it has not yet ended, then you must be paid within three days from the date of filing your resignation. This also applies to all employees who are employed or who have entered into an employment contract with the employer for a period of up to 2 months.

If your manager refuses to let you go and does not want to sign the statement, you need to know how to quit in this case. The manager's signature is not really needed. Write the application in two copies and register it as incoming mail with the secretary, while keeping one copy for yourself. Be sure to write down the registration number and date. From this moment the countdown of 14 days began until the date of dismissal. Don't want to register in person? Send a notification letter via mail. All correspondence must be registered.

There are several other good reasons why you can pay off without additional work. These include:

  • Retirement.
  • Moving to a new place of residence in another city.
  • Conscription.
  • Enrolling you in educational institution for full-time care.
  • Sending a wife or husband to work abroad or to a new place of military service.

This list can be expanded, because it is not clearly defined. Therefore, the employer considers each case separately and decides whether the reason for dismissal is valid.