Acceptance of part-time employment is an entry in the work book. The entry in the work book for part-time employment is completed correctly. Retrospective entry in a part-time work book

If an employee works from nine in the morning to six in the evening as an engineer, and in his free time (for example, from half past six in the evening to half past nine) as a watchman, this is called part-time work. And if such combination occurs at one enterprise, it is considered internal, but if it occurs at different enterprises, it is considered external. Like all other employment relationships, it must be documented.

Part-time work and regulations

Does the Labor Code permit such activities? Yes, articles Labor Code Russian Federation 60.1, 66, 68 and from 282 to 288 are devoted specifically to the nuances of part-time work. Moreover, the Labor Code does not limit the number of jobs that a person can perform in his free time from his main job - if he has the desire and strength.

How long can a part-time worker work?

Although there are no restrictions on combining labor activity, the law sets out the amount of working time very clearly: it can only be free from main employment, usually no more than four hours a day. True, full-time work is also allowed - if the employee has a day off at his home enterprise. But at the same time, it is necessary to monitor the total number of working hours in the billing period - as a rule, this is a calendar month. The hours worked by a part-time employee must be less than half the standard working hours for this category of employees, and the maximum must be equal to this half.

Registration of a part-time worker

Any part-time worker (internal or external) must be officially registered using a separate employment contract and order for the enterprise. After all, in fact, this is the same labor relationship as the main job, just the working hours are shorter. In order to register as a part-time worker, you need to write an application (as with a regular job), show the original passport and provide a copy of it, and, if necessary, the original and a copy of education documents. But it is not necessary to provide a work book (besides, this is unlikely to happen - after all, all work records are stored at the main place of work and, as a rule, are not handed out), as well as an extract from it.

But the employer can still request an extract from the employment record. And also a certificate from the main place of work stating that the working conditions there are not harmful or difficult, and are not related to the management of transport or traffic flows - because according to the law, such activities cannot be combined.

Registration of a work book

The main question that concerns many: is a part-time job entered into the work book? It can be added at the request of the employee. Moreover, if a person works at his home enterprise as an internal part-time worker, and somewhere else as an external part-time worker, both of these entries can be made in the labor record.

On what basis is the entry made?

Filling out a part-time work book is carried out only at the main place of work.

The employer (or an employee of the HR department - since they are usually the ones who deal with such documentation) has the right to make a record of part-time work only on the basis of a supporting document.

For an internal part-time worker, such confirmation will be an employment order (original document). For an external person, a certified copy of the employment order (with a stamp or the inscription “Copy is correct”), an extract from this order (accordingly drawn up) or a certificate from the place of work as a part-time worker can act as a supporting document for recording a part-time job in the work book. , which indicates the name of the enterprise, its legal address and telephone numbers, and the date of employment. The certificate must be certified by the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the head or employee of the human resources department.

Filling out a work book

As mentioned above, the registration of the work book is carried out by an employee of the HR department (or the head of the enterprise, if we are talking about a small organization with a small staff). What needs to be written in the document and where should the part-time record be located?

The provisions of part five of Article 66 of the Labor Code Russian Federation, paragraph 3.1 of the instructions approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 of October 10, 2003, paragraph 20 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003, state that information about part-time work is located immediately under the entry for admission to the main place of work in the “Job Details” section.

In the first column, the serial number according to the list is entered (if information about the main employment is numbered 5, then information about part-time employment is numbered 6). In the second, the date of employment is recorded (based on supporting documents). In the third, it is noted “Hired part-time for such and such a position,” and it does not specify whether this is an internal or external part-time job, but for an external part-time worker, the name of the organization in which he was hired for the position is indicated.

The fourth column records the number and date of the order (or instruction) on the basis of which the employee was hired. For external part-time workers, indicate “Order of such and such enterprise.” And in this way all part-time activities that the employee wants to reflect are formalized. These records are certified by the seal of the organization on which the work book is drawn up.

Record of dismissal

In case of dismissal from a part-time job, the employee must also bring a supporting document to the HR department: an order (copy of the order), an extract from it or a certificate.

In addition to the information contained in the confirmation document of employment, the documents confirming dismissal must indicate the reason for termination labor relations: By at will, by agreement of the parties, and so on - because this information is entered in the work book.

A record of dismissal from a part-time job is also certified by the seal of the enterprise where the employee’s work book is issued. Records of the dismissal of a part-time employee are drawn up in the same manner as records of dismissal or hiring at the main place of employment.

Currently, many people work part-time while having a permanent job. Naturally, when the opportunity to obtain an additional source of income arises, not everyone thinks about whether the second job will somehow be taken into account in their employment. But nevertheless, this question is relevant. Let's look at what a sample part-time work book entry looks like and what are the main nuances of working as a part-time worker.

What the law says

The work form contains all the information about all official places of work of the citizen and is important document when calculating work experience. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if an individual has another place of work in addition to the main one, this information does not need to be included in the employment record. But in practice you can encounter several situations:

  1. A citizen takes a part-time job at his main job (internal part-time job), where he can be entered into his employment record without any problems. In this case, you do not need to submit any additional documents; everything you need is in the HR department.
  2. The citizen expressed a desire to find part-time work in third party company There may be problems with recording here, since the boss at the first job may be against it.

The legislation does not regulate specific rules for drawing up a written statement regarding the entry of an external part-time job. In other words, the employee can express his desire both in writing and orally.

But many lawyers, based on practice, still advise correctly drafting a written request to make an entry in the employment form about a second job.

Below is a sample entry in work book about part-time work.

Time limits

If an employee of an organization intends to work part-time, he needs to know that Russian legislation provides for temporary restrictions on additional official earnings. It turns out that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not limit the number of part-time jobs, but there is a time frame.

It turns out that according to the rules, a part-time worker can work no more than four hours a day, which is 16 hours a week. That is, in addition to the main job, a citizen can work for a specified amount of time (less is possible, but more is not). Based on this, maximum amount part-time jobs cannot exceed two.

It turns out that filling out a work book when working part-time is not so important; compliance with the temporary regime is considered more important.

Part-time rights

Regardless of what position a person works in, and whether it is a part-time job or a main job, the employee’s rights should not be violated. Therefore, the employee retains privileges at each job. These include a full social package, as well as the right to:

  • on ;
  • sick leave payment;
  • annual leave;
  • free education;
  • benefits.

In other words, a second job should be perceived in terms of human rights in the same way as a first job. The exception is unofficial work. An employment contract is not concluded here and, accordingly, no entries are made on the employment form.

For official employment, it is presented below.

Why record

If the legislation allows not to make records of additional official work, why do many employees insist on entering information about part-time work?

Firstly, everyone knows that any record is work experience, and its presence affects the calculation of pensions in the future. Secondly, an additional record of the work performed can greatly help with future employment. A record of part-time work will be direct evidence professional competence employee.

There are situations when the management of an organization is categorically against extraneous entries in the work record, so the employee will have to defend his desire to make the appropriate note.


Before making entries in the employment record about part-time work, you need to properly hire such an employee. The registration procedure is not much different from the usual one. The process for registering a part-time worker is as follows:

  1. Conducting an interview.
  2. The applicant writes an application for combined admission.
  3. Introduction to the applicant regulatory documents for reference.
  4. Drawing up and signing an employment agreement (the main difference here from a regular contract is that it is necessary to indicate that the employee will work part-time).
  5. Issuance of an order for admission to a combined position.
  6. Filling out the work record (a sample entry in the part-time work book can be presented to the employee before filling out the form).
  7. Registration of an employee’s personal file.

An employer may require a new employee to provide a certificate of first place of employment, which is the basis for accepting the employee as a part-time worker. Otherwise, the manager has the right to refuse employment.

After the certificate is submitted, we can talk about filling out a work book when working part-time. We will consider the features of its filling below.

Making entries about part-time work is no different from filling out a labor report for your main place of work. All columns must be filled in indicating the serial number of the record, the date of hire, indicating the full name of the employee’s position and information about the document on the basis of which the employee received a part-time job.

There is a significant difference when filling out the document only in the types of part-time jobs. With internal combination, the organization that hires the employee for the position is not indicated, but with external combination, it is indicated.

Before making an entry for a second position, an employee can look at a sample entry in a part-time work book, which must be submitted by an employee of the personnel department or any authorized person.

External part-time job

External part-time work refers to official employment with another employer. Contract of employment should contain, in addition to the main points, additional ones. They contain information about the fact of part-time work and the deadlines for fulfilling duties.

As for working out time, as mentioned earlier, an employee should not work additional work for more than four hours. But these standards apply to civil servants, but as for private organizations, there are no strict standards, although overtime is not encouraged. A citizen must work no more than 40 hours a week.

Also, part-time work should not take more time than your main job.

How should the job be paid? The employer himself sets the payment. It can be based on hourly wages, the amount of work performed, general indicators, etc., or it can establish full time, which is defined for a specific position. Any of the listed facts must be reflected in the employment agreement.

Whether to make an entry in the work book about external part-time work or not is a personal matter for the citizen. If the employer at the main place does not object, then the employee can submit all the information from the second job for registration.

Internal part-time job

Internal part-time work involves an additional position with the same employer where the main work is carried out. There is no need to present additional documents; it is enough to express a desire to work in one more position (if there is one in the company’s open vacancies).

Let's look at filling out work books with examples. Part-time internal and part-time external jobs will differ only in the form of entry; otherwise, filling out the form is standard for any type of employment.

From part-time worker to employee

It also happens that a part-time worker leaves his main job and wants to join the staff for a second job. IN in this case an additional agreement on changes in working conditions is drawn up. The document contains the following information:

  • working hours;
  • changes in wages;
  • job responsibilities.

At the main place of work, a citizen must resign of his own free will, which is recorded in the employment record. And at the place where the part-time job was registered up to this point, sign an additional agreement on hiring on a permanent basis. A corresponding entry is also made in the labor report.

The form of entry in the work book when transferring a part-time worker to work on a permanent basis is presented above.

Many people today work part-time when they are not busy with their main job. And more and more often, part-time workers want to find official employment.

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How is an entry made in the work book when working part-time? It is often believed that the main difficulty lies in finding suitable additional work.

But in reality the problem is in the proper execution of documents. In youth, the accumulation of experience is not given enough attention.

But when calculating a pension, every year worked becomes valuable.

The fundamental supporting document is the work book. How to correctly register an employment record when working part-time?

Basic moments

The work book contains information about all official periods of a person’s working activity.

The importance of the document lies in the fact that upon retirement, the amount of security will depend on the accumulated length of service. And they confirm this in the labor record.

With each official employment, an entry is made in the work book about the start of work in a specific organization.

Upon dismissal, a dismissal record is entered in the same way. The absence of an entry in the employment record becomes a violation of labor legislation.

Is a part-time entry made in the work book? According to labor law, in the case of additional employment, an entry about the work in the work book is not mandatory.

Although, at his own discretion, the part-time worker can initiate the registration of the recording. In practice, two options are possible:

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not have clear regulations regarding how an employee must express a wish to make an entry in the work book about part-time work, in writing or orally.

According to lawyers, any process must have documentary evidence. Therefore, it is recommended that the part-time worker draw up an application with a corresponding request.

What it is

Part-time work is a work activity carried out during a time period free from the main job.

And there is a combination:

In both cases, part-time work requires proper documentation. The law does not limit the number of jobs that a person can engage in free time.

But you need to take into account some nuances, when possible. So you can work part-time only in your free time, not busy with your main job.

Part-time work should not take more than four hours per day. A full-time working day for a part-time worker is possible only if there is a day off at the main place of employment.

But the total number of hours worked per month should not exceed half of the standard working hours provided for key workers.

Any part-time employee, regardless of the form of part-time work, is formalized by an independent employment contract and.

At its core, part-time work is a regular employment relationship, but with reduced working hours.

When an employee is hired, he submits an application and provides the necessary documents for registration.

The only difference when registering a part-time job is that it is not necessary to provide a work book. All work records are usually retained by the main employer and are not issued.

Although a part-time employer may require an extract from the main place of employment.

This is necessary to confirm that the main work does not involve difficult and harmful conditions or driving transport, since the law prohibits the combination of such activities.

Purpose of the document

The work book is intended to record and confirm work activity. Therefore, making a record of employment for a permanent job is considered mandatory.

But is it really necessary to register for a part-time job? This is not mandatory, but having a record is desirable in the interests of the employee himself.

First of all, recording a part-time job increases the period of employment and, accordingly, the length of service increases.

This point becomes important when the amount of experience available becomes important.

Equally important is the ability to confirm experience in a particular activity. This fact can be very useful in future employment.

Current standards

The procedure for making an entry in the work book about the employment of a part-time worker is determined by the “Instructions for filling out work books”, adopted.

It says here that the entry into the labor record is made at the request of the worker. In this case, a record is made by the main employer. The basis is a document issued from the place of part-time employment.

When making an entry in the employment record, the date of acceptance for part-time work, the name of the organization and department, and the title of the position are indicated.

That is, we make entries in the work book for part-time work only with proper reasoning. Recording is carried out in the same way.

How to register an employment record when working part-time

Just as part-time work is divided into two categories, the rules for drawing up a work book differ depending on the form of part-time work.

No other documents will be required to be provided. The employer has all the necessary data to register. Entry into the work record of an internal part-time worker is made according to the general rules.

A note is made about admission to a specific position, the details of the corresponding employment document are provided, and a note about part-time employment is indicated and made.

After filling out, a note must be made in the employment contract stating that the activity is carried out during free time from work.

Otherwise, the work will not be part-time, but what is committed different concepts and is subject to certain restrictions.

An external part-time worker first contacts the main employer to record the employment record. It is necessary to obtain consent to indicate information about part-time employment in the work book.

Some employers do not welcome additional employment in principle, others are against work not related to their main activity.

And sometimes the type of activity itself requires permission for part-time work from the main employer.

Eg, CEO can become an external part-time worker only with the permission of the founders.

Photo: application for making an entry in the Labor Code about part-time work

When consent has been received, you need to contact the additional employer to obtain a supporting document.

As confirmation, an employment contract for a part-time worker, a certified copy or a copy of the employment order may be provided.

Principles of such employment

When applying for part-time employment, you need to know the basic principles of such employment. The design of the work book also depends on this.

Any person can become a part-time worker if his main type of activity does not prohibit combining additional work.

But what to do when an employee quits his main job? Will part-time work become your main job?

If a part-time worker quits his main job, there is no automatic conversion of additional work into main work. In general, an external part-time worker is not obligated to notify the employer of his dismissal.

But if the employer is notified, the external part-time worker may become...

Usually, an existing agreement is concluded. It contains information about changes in work hours, payment procedures, and functional responsibilities.

To make a new entry, you need to terminate the part-time contract and draw up a new agreement on admission to permanent work with enrollment on the staff.

Procedure for entering data

When working part-time, a work book is filled out at the main place of work. Moreover, making an entry without a proper basis, that is, without a supporting document, is strictly prohibited.

Such an entry is considered invalid. Internal part-time worker in such a situation it is easier, since everything necessary documents available from the employer.

But an external part-time worker should, in addition to the application, take care of providing a supporting document and its proper certification.

The provided certificate or copy must be certified by the seal of the employing organization and the signature of the manager or responsible personnel officer.

When hiring

When registering a part-time job, the required information is entered immediately below the entry about the main employment.

The step-by-step filling procedure is as follows:

In the first column enter the serial number of the entry in the list For example, the primary employment record is listed as number one. Therefore, the part-time record is numbered two
The date of employment is written in the second column Based on the provided document
In column three, enter the entry directly For example, “Accepted part-time for the position...”. It is not necessary to clarify whether we are talking about external or internal part-time work. However, for an external part-time worker, it is mandatory to indicate the name of the employing organization
In the fourth column you need to indicate the details of the document Which became the basis for making a record. For example, the number and date of the corresponding order. In case of external part-time work, the order of which particular organization is indicated
Finally, the organization's seal is affixed Being the main employer

Upon dismissal

An employee has the right to resign from his part-time job at any time. And if the employment record contains an indication of additional employment, then it is necessary to make a record of dismissal.

To do this, the employee also provides supporting documents to the HR department - a dismissal order or an extract from it, a corresponding and certified certificate.

In addition to information about employment in another organization, the provided documents must indicate the reason for termination of the employment relationship. It is this information that is indicated in the work book.

For example, dismissed at his own request, by agreement of the parties, or for other reasons. Making a notice of dismissal is similar to entering information about employment.

Is it possible to retroactively

Sometimes a record of part-time work is not indicated in the employment record, because the employee did not express such activity.

But over time, he may realize the importance of this information and will want to make a proper record. If work continues, then no problems arise.

Based on the submitted document, the required entry is made. And if an employee quits his main job, is it possible to make a record of part-time employment after dismissal?

The law does not prohibit making an entry into the employment record retroactively if there are the necessary supporting documents.

Video: there is no entry in the work book and no employment contract - what does this mean for the employer?

To do this, the employee will first need to obtain a certificate or other document from the place of part-time work.

Example entry (sample)

Part-time activities are not that common. Even less often is such work formalized.

Therefore, not every personnel officer knows about the nuances of making such an entry in the work record, even if he knows the basic principle of registration.

In case of internal part-time work, the entry is made immediately below the entry about the main job, without skipping a line. The date is set according to the date the book was filled out.

The recording itself goes like this:

“Hired as a part-time employee for such and such a position”

The aspect that no deviation was made from the last entry indicates internal part-time work.

Finally, the number and date of the corresponding order are entered, and the date should be slightly earlier than the date of entry. A stamp is placed, a signature is placed and the registration is completed.

for external and internal combinations can be found in our article. In addition, the material will introduce you to the rules and nuances of entering information of this kind into the work book.

What regulatory sources can you use?

The main sources on the issue under consideration are:

In situations that are not regulated by law, a personnel service employee is forced to make independent decisions, relying on the analogy of the law, his experience or established practice.

General registration of part-time employment

According to the current legislation, a citizen has one work book, and it must be kept at the main place of employment. Consequently, all records of combined work activities, including dismissal, are made by a personnel specialist only of the main employer. At the same time, the legislation does not oblige citizens to provide information about part-time employment and enter it into the work book.

If a person decides to nevertheless enter the relevant information, then he should contact the management of the main enterprise. This can be done either orally or in writing in any form.

Next, the employee must submit supporting documents. A copy of the original employment contract (the employee’s copy is always in his possession) can be certified by a personnel employee of the main organization. But copies of orders should only be certified by the part-time employer.

After receiving necessary documents The personnel officer has the right to enter data into the book. The citizen must be familiar with the record of the dismissal of a part-time worker, which he signs on his personal card (clause 12 of section II of Resolution No. 225).

Here we note that it is allowed to write both “The employment contract was terminated on such and such grounds” and “Dismissed on such and such grounds.” But constantly check the text with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 5, Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). So, if the working relationship is terminated on the grounds of clause 3, part 1, art. 77, then this is included in the following phrase: “Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee.”

Filling out the book (sample)

Download the registration form

When entering data into the work report, nothing should be shortened, cleaned up, or crossed out. Recording is carried out in the following order:

  1. Column 1, without skipping lines, indicates the serial number of the record in ascending numbering.
  2. Column 2 indicates the date of the dismissal, but not the date of entry. Format: day and month - double figures, year - four digits.
  3. Column 3 indicates the basis for termination of the employment relationship. Please note that the name of the part-time employer must be entered. Otherwise, it will not be entirely clear where the employee was fired from.

IMPORTANT!!! By virtue of Part 5 of Art. 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, not only the clause and article are indicated in the entry (as, for example, shown in all samples from the Instructions), but also the number of the part of the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

  1. Column 4 contains the details of the document on the basis of which the employment contract was terminated. In this case, the name of the enterprise where the employee combined work is also indicated.
  2. Unlike dismissal from the main place of employment, when a part-time job is terminated, the entry in the employment record is not certified by anyone’s signature or seal.

Entry no.

Information about hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal (indicating reasons and reference to the article, clause of the law)

Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made

Housing and construction cooperative

No. 109 in Ivanovo (housing cooperative No. 109)

Hired as a lawyer

Order dated April 13, 2015

No. 15-p

Hired by

Order of Vash LLC

representative" from

04/20/2015 No. 17-p

"Your Representative" (LLC "Your

representative") for the position

senior legal adviser

Order of Vash LLC

part-time with Vash LLC

representative" from

representative" on the initiative

10/11/2016 No. 3-u

employee, paragraph 3 of part 1

Article 77 of the Labor Code

Russian Federation

Some nuances when dismissing a part-time worker

Information about the dismissal of a part-time employee may be inconsistent with the general chronology of records. This happens in a situation where a person leaves his main job earlier, and leaves his combined position later. Since the entry can only be made in the HR department for the main employment, information about dismissal will be recorded only after information about hiring a new job.

Garage and construction cooperative No.

47 in Khabarovsk (GSK No. 47)

Hired as a lawyer

Order dated May 15, 2015

No. 17-p

Hired by

Order of LLC "Pravo-3"

part-time in society with

dated 05/21/2015 No. 11-p

limited liability

"Pravo-3" (LLC "Pravo-3") on

position of senior legal adviser

Termination of an employment contract by

Order dated 10/19/2016

employee initiative, paragraph 3 of part

No. 10

Russian Federation

HR Department Inspector Vavila I.V.

Reviewed by: Fedorova Yu. V.

Society with limited

responsibility of Romulus

(Romulus LLC)

Hired as chief

Order dated 12/01/2016

legal department

No. 14-p

Termination of an employment contract by

Order of LLC "Pravo-3"

part-time with Pravo-3 LLC for

dated 02.11.2016 No. 3-u

employee initiative, paragraph 3

1 Article 77 of the Labor Code

Russian Federation

For internal part-time jobs (when they hold two or more positions at one enterprise), you do not need to write the name of the organization. You should simply indicate the position from which the person is being released.

Society with limited

responsibility "Swan"

(LLC "Lebed")

Hired as a legal advisor

Order dated January 15, 2015

No. 2-p

Hired as inspector

Order dated January 25, 2015

part-time personnel

No. 3-p

Dismissed from the position of inspector

Order dated December 23, 2015

part-time personnel due to

No. 5-y

hiring an employee, for

whom this work will be

main, article 288 of the Labor Code

Russian Federation

So, all information about part-time work, including dismissal, is reflected in the citizen’s work book only at his request. The entry is made by personnel department employees only at the main place of employment. The nature of the combination - external or internal - determines the content of the recording. If external, be sure to indicate the name of the joint venture. With internal, the main thing is to designate the position from which the person is leaving.

The Labor Code enshrines the right of citizens to simultaneously perform professional duties in several positions or in several organizations. In this case we are talking about part-time work.

Part-time work can be internal, when an employee combines professional duties within one company, and external, when additional income is brought to him by employment with another employer.

If such a situation arises in personnel practice, it is important for the accountant to know how to make a part-time entry in the work book (a sample will be presented below).

External part-time work: is registration necessary?

In accordance with Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which determines the procedure for maintaining work books, the employee is given the right to reflect the fact of part-time work in this document.

If a company employee is an external part-time worker, the main question when making an entry in the work book about part-time work is which employer should be contacted to make the entry.

First of all, the employee must know that the obligation to make an entry (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is assigned to the main employer. In this regard, having in hand a certified copy of the order or employment contract from the second job, the employee can contact the personnel department at the main place of work to make a record of part-time work.

Making an entry in the work book about part-time work: basic rules

To ensure that HR officers do not have any questions, the Ministry of Labor Resolution No. 69 dated October 10, 2003 developed and approved Instructions for filling out work books.

The principle of filling out is similar to making any other entry. The four columns contained in the work book must reflect the following data:

  1. Number of the entry made in order;
  2. Execution start date professional responsibilities at the same time;
  3. Information about the employer and the part-time position held by the employee. Also in this column it is necessary to indicate that the employee works part-time at this place of work;
  4. Information about the document on the basis of which an entry is made in the employee’s work book.

Entry in a part-time work book - sample:

Is it necessary to enter information about part-time work in the employee’s work book if the part-time job is internal?

In this case, it is important to distinguish between the concepts of internal combination, which are close in sound but different in meaning. internal alignment positions.

Internal part-time work is the performance of additional work at the place of primary employment in the time free from performing main duties. In this case, the employee also has the right to reflect this information in the form of an entry in the work book.

Entry in the labor record about internal part-time work - sample:

A part-time worker becomes the main employee: entry into the labor record

In personnel practice, a situation may arise when a part-time worker ceases to be such and becomes the main employee of the organization. How should this fact be reflected in the work book, and is it necessary to do this in principle?

In this situation, representatives labor inspection invite the employer to do one of the following:

  1. Terminate the part-time contract and draw up a new one, where the employee will appear as the main one. After completing all the necessary documents, the HR department employee makes an entry. In this case, the book must contain a record of dismissal (if an appointment was made) and a record of new employment.
  2. Having signed an additional agreement to the current one employment contract. In this case, after preparing the appropriate document, the personnel officer can make an entry in the labor record.

Thus, regardless of which of the proposed methods the company uses, if a part-time worker becomes the main employee, an entry in the work book is required.