Exercises for intensive weight loss at home. Gymnastics for weight loss

When you wake up, look in the mirror, are you happy with yourself? Do you like your body? Every woman wants to look even better, such are our demands. But not everyone succeeds quickly, it takes years, and even then, the result is not always obtained. But, there are effective exercises for quick weight loss that can solve this problem in the shortest possible time. In this article we will tell you about them. And at the end of the article, be sure to watch the funny cartoon.

You can spend days in the gym, go on millions of diets, but get nothing in return. It happens that you lose weight short time, I seem to be happy with the result, but after a month the sides again don’t fit into my favorite jeans. What's the problem? The problem is that each set of exercises must be selected individually, based on body parameters. The same applies to diet, but not every woman does this. This is based on average statistical indicators, therefore, it gives the greatest result. In addition, you yourself will be able to control the load, depending on the state of your health.

So, next we will present to you effective complex weight loss exercises that will help in the fight against overweight. It is best to reinforce it, then you will get the result even faster. You should prepare for these exercises and prepare your body according to the following rules:

  1. Go for a light jog in the evenings. This is a run that will take you 20-30 minutes a day, but will give excellent results.
  2. In the morning, naturally, it is necessary, and quite intense.
  3. As we have already said, you must follow a diet when performing these exercises. This is an optional rule, but will nevertheless give results.

Follow these simple rules, and your success is guaranteed. Well, let's get to work!

This complex should be performed regularly, especially since it will not take much of your time. At first you can do it every day, and then 3-4 times a week. Be sure to ventilate the room where you will exercise; oddly enough, oxygen helps burn fat more. Naturally, you need to exercise only in suitable clothing, in the summer - in shorts and a T-shirt, in the winter - in a tracksuit.

Dear ladies, you will need dumbbells, but don’t be alarmed, they should not be heavier than 3kg. They will only give your body a beautiful relief, but you will not look like a woman - a tank.

Exercise 1

  • First you need to take care of your feet, since for women this is the most vulnerable place where they like to lay their night sandwiches. Therefore, do squats. Stand shoulder-width apart, do a deep squat, sit there for 5 seconds, and return to the starting position. So you need to do 10 squats of 5 approaches.

Exercise 2

  • We lunge with our feet forward. Lean on the back of a chair and alternately do 10 lunges with each leg.

Exercise 3

  • Go to the wall and start squatting as if you were sitting on a chair. As soon as your thighs are parallel to the floor, stay in this position for 1 minute, then stand up. Should be done for 5 minutes.

Exercise 4

  • You will need a jump rope. You probably know what skipping is; it effectively helps you lose weight. Do at least 100 jumps.

Exercise 5

  • To lose weight on your arms, do classic push-ups and also use dumbbells.

This effective set of exercises for weight loss will help you quickly bring your body back to normal.

Effective exercises for weight loss. Reviews

Effective exercises for weight loss, the reviews of which are only positive, help various categories girls. Here are just some comments from our readers:


- Hello! I decided to take care of myself and start using these exercises. Of course, at first it was difficult because I was not physically prepared, but after a week I lost 2 kg. Then I decided to back it all up with a diet, continued working out, and after a month I lost 7 kg. I continue to exercise, but not so often to just keep in shape.

Nikolay Vorontsov:

— Of course, I understand that the exercises are tailored for women, but I still decided to try, and indeed, I lost 4 kg in 2 weeks. I'm not ashamed to say that I practice women's exercises, they help me a lot.

Zinaida Sergeevna:

— I’m 55 years old, but I do these workouts with great pleasure. Of course, not so intensely, not so much, but, nevertheless, I feel great for my age.

As you can see, effective exercises for fast weight loss really help people. Join us too! Good luck!

And in conclusion, watch a very useful cartoon, you will definitely like it!

Lack of movement in most cases is what main reason why people gain weight. It often happens that a woman tries various diets, goes hungry, but body fat does not decrease. To lose weight faster, you need intensive physical activities. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit gym or swimming pool. In such cases, independent training can be a solution; there are very effective exercises for losing weight at home.

Such activities do not require special equipment or special conditions. But for those who specifically want to lose weight from doing exercises, it is important to create a special complex for working out problem areas. There are certain nuances of such training, so before you start losing weight, it is advisable to get acquainted with them.

In order for such activities to bring real benefits, you need to take into account some of their features. After all, training should be aimed at losing weight, not gaining muscle mass. What do you need to know before you start practicing?

  • It is important to adjust your diet. If you continue to overeat and indulge in sweets, then physical education will simply help you not gain weight, and weight loss will not happen.
  • Before training, you should not eat for at least 2-3 hours. After classes, you also need to refrain from eating for at least an hour. After performing such exercises, everything eaten will be deposited into muscle mass.
  • To lose weight, a positive attitude before exercise is desirable. Training in bad mood will not do any good.
  • You need to start training by performing light complexes, and increase the load gradually.
  • It is advisable to create a schedule and conduct training at the same time. The best time to study is before lunch - 11-13 hours, or before dinner - 16-18 hours.
  • Everyday loads should be the same. It is advisable not to deviate from the chosen complex.
  • A workout aimed at losing weight should last from 40 minutes to an hour.

How to exercise for weight loss at home

In order for sports to be beneficial, you need basic knowledge of how to exercise correctly. A well-designed training program is half the battle. If you exercise from time to time or not at full strength, then weight loss will not occur. You can find the most effective exercises for losing weight at home, but without following some rules, they will be useless.

  • For classes, you need to choose comfortable clothes from natural materials, which does not restrict movement. It is advisable to purchase a special gymnastic mat.
  • You need to train every day or at least every other day if the muscles do not have time to recover after exercise.
  • The room must be ventilated before classes.
  • You need to start your workout every time with a warm-up. To lose weight faster, exercise must be intense, so the muscles need to be warmed up.
  • Each exercise must be repeated at least 50 times. Of course, this is not achieved immediately; the load must be increased gradually. Complex exercises can be performed in several sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  • It is important to monitor your breathing during exercise. It should be even, it should not be allowed to increase above 80% of the maximum permissible level (it is calculated using the formula “220 - age”). You need to inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.
  • It is advisable to ensure that the exercises are performed without long breaks. After all, fat burning begins after 20-30 minutes of intense exercise, when the pulse quickens and the body warms up.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

I agree that before starting classes you need to reconsider your diet. And I’ll add on my own that if you don’t do this, there is a high probability that all your efforts will not bring the expected result. So take this seriously. And don't go to extremes when sitting on strict diets. It is better to choose diets that are based on the principles of healthy eating.

As for a positive attitude, it is also extremely important. If you study in a bad mood, it means you don't like what you're doing. In this case, you will soon give up your studies without achieving desired result. To prevent this from happening, choose activities that you enjoy. Perhaps you love to run. Or you love cycling. Or you like group classes at a fitness club. Do them if monotonous exercises at home make you bored.

And I’ll also add about drinking regime. Drink more while you're losing weight clean water. I would recommend no less than 1.5 liters per day. Water is the universal medium in which all biochemical reactions take place in the body. Drinking plenty of fluids helps speed up metabolism and remove toxins from the body, and also stimulates the fat burning process.

The best exercises for weight loss

Each person is individual, so everyone loses weight differently. It is important to choose for yourself a system of weight loss exercises that would be effective. The main thing is that the activities are energy-consuming and feasible for a person. There are several options for training for weight loss. You can choose one or alternate them. It is also permissible to compose comprehensive program, combining elements from different systems.

  • It is believed that the most effective exercises for losing weight at home are cardio training. Their peculiarity is that intense exercise promotes fat burning. This happens only 20-30 minutes after the start of classes, so they require at least basic preparation. Cardio workouts at home include running, jumping, aerobics and dancing. You can diversify your daily exercises with the movements of hip-hop, tai-bo and others.
  • For weight loss individual parts body, you can use strength exercises. The simplest ones are squats and push-ups. You can use light weight dumbbells for weights – 1-5 kg.
  • A gentle way to lose weight is swimming. Cool water helps to increase the body's energy expenditure, and if you also do some exercises in it, weight loss will proceed intensively. Therefore for many good option Water aerobics will help you lose weight. It can also replace cardio training.
  • IN recent years Yoga is popular. This is a system of exercises that has been proven for thousands of years, promoting not only weight loss, but also improving health in general. Yoga not only helps burn fat, but improves metabolism and reduces appetite.

The most effective exercises for weight loss

Any regular sports training will help you lose weight over time. But many women want to find super exercises to lose weight faster. Experienced trainers warn against this approach.

Very intense exercise can have the opposite effect. For example, long-term strength exercises promote muscle gain, not weight loss. Therefore, you need to know in moderation in everything, the main thing is that the classes are regular.

For those who want to lose weight, we can recommend:

  • Squats work well the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and back. For greater effect, you need to squat without lifting your heels off the floor. You can perform half squats, ensuring that your thighs are parallel to the floor; plie squats from the position of your heels together, spreading your knees to the sides, are also effective for losing weight.
  • Lunges forward, backward and sideways help to lose weight in the hips and strengthen the muscles of the buttocks.
  • The plank exercise has an intense effect on the entire body. To perform it, you need to lie on your stomach, and then rise up, leaning on your bent forearms and toes. The body should be parallel to the floor. You need to stay in this position for at least a minute.
  • You can make your back more flexible with the help of the “balance” exercise. From the “on all fours” position you need to lift at the same time right hand and left leg. So you need to balance for 1-1.5 minutes. Then repeat in the other direction.
  • Everyone knows that the “bicycle” exercise helps to lose weight around the waist. You can complicate it and make it more effective if you perform it while simultaneously bringing your elbow closer to the opposite knee. At this time, the hands are clasped behind the head.
  • Leg lifts from a supine position are also effective for losing weight on your abs. You can lift with straight or bent legs. You can diversify the activity by spreading and bringing your legs together, crossing them and doing “scissors.”
  • The abdominal muscles are also worked when lifting the torso. The legs can be straightened or bent at the knees. It is necessary to ensure that the shoulder blades are completely lifted off the floor.
  • Do beautiful hands Traditional push-ups or exercises with dumbbells will help. Not worth taking heavy weight, 2-3 kg is enough, it is better to do more repetitions.
  • To lose weight on the buttocks and thighs, it is useful to perform the “swallow” from a standing position or “on all fours.”
  • Jumping is very effective for training the respiratory system and burning fat. There are many options: jumping from a squatting position, jumping with legs apart, alternately on one leg and the other.

The list of such exercises for weight loss can be continued for a long time, because any movement can be done so that it helps burn fat. We recommend watching the video workout for burning fat, or fitness at home:

An approximate set of exercises for losing weight at home

For those who have been involved in sports, creating a training program is easy. You just need to take into account the basic rules outlined above. For example, you can take the following set of exercises for losing weight at home every day:

  • You need to start your lesson with a warm-up. You need to warm up your muscles from top to bottom. First, head tilts, rotational movements, then exercises for the arms, shoulder rotations, torso bends, leg swings. The warm-up usually ends with running in place and jumping. In total you need to spend 10-15 minutes on it.
  • After warming up, you need to start training. Moreover, you need to work all the muscles, paying more attention to problem areas. First, standing exercises are performed: “swallow”, leg swings, lunges, squats or exercises with dumbbells.
  • After this, you can include anaerobic exercise: running in place, jumping, dance moves or an exercise bike.
  • Then they move on to exercises sitting and lying on the floor. This can be push-ups, leg or torso lifts, body twists, leg bends, “bicycle” or “scissors”.
  • You need to finish the complex with calm movements to restore breathing: walking, slowly raising and lowering your arms, stretching.

Training at home has some advantages: you don’t need to spend money and time on the gym, you can exercise in any comfortable clothes, while watching your favorite TV show or listening to music. With just a little effort and perseverance, within a month you can notice the result: the body will become more toned and slender, and overall health will improve.

Regular physical exercise are a great way to lose weight. However, exercise alone will not lead to significant weight loss in a short period of time. Therefore you cannot count on fast weight loss with their help, which, moreover, is considered unsafe and has a bad effect on health. On the other hand, certain types of exercise can promote healthy weight loss. A number of studies have shown that a combination of cardiovascular exercise, interval training and strength training helps promote weight loss. Moreover, reinforcement of physical activity with the correct balanced diet allows you to speed up the weight loss process.


Intense exercise

    Do high intensity interval training 1-3 times a week. Try to reconsider your exercise program if you exercise at moderate intensity or only use gentle cardio exercises.

    Prepare your own interval training program. Interval training can be done both in the gym and at home. Preparation individual plan classes will allow in the best possible way adjust it to suit you and set the exercise intensity level that suits you.

    • Jumping rope. Try to actively jump rope for 1-2 minutes, and then move on to moderate-intensity jumping to relax. Try doing 2-5 sets of jumping ropes.
    • Walking on steps or uphill. Find a long staircase or high hill, such as a flight of stairs or suitable walking tourist route. Walk briskly or even run, then slow down to rest. Repeat the load change 2-5 times.
    • Planks with knees to chest. Get into a plank position and begin to alternately pull your knees toward your chest. Perform the exercise as quickly as possible for 1-2 minutes.
    • Alternate sprinting with jogging or walking. Try jogging quickly for 1-2 minutes and then progress to a moderate jog for 3-5 minutes.
  1. Include intense cardio exercises in your training program. Many gyms offer their own HIIT and interval training programs, so you can use them instead of creating one yourself individual program classes.

    Other types of physical activity

    1. Supplement your exercise with gentle aerobic activity. In addition to intense or interval training, you can use gentle cardio exercises. They have positive influence on general health and promote weight loss.

      Do strength training with weights 1-3 times a week. In addition to cardio exercises, it is very important to do strength training throughout the week.

    2. Increase your daily activity. Your lifestyle can also help you burn calories and lose weight. Increase your daily activity to start burning more calories.

      • Your lifestyle is the type of activity you do every day. This may include walking, taking stairs, mopping the floor and using a vacuum cleaner. All of this activity burns calories and can account for a significant portion of your total energy by the end of the day. total number calories burned per day.
      • Try to move more or take the stairs more often during the day. Think about how you can increase your activity. Even a small increase in activity can help you lose weight.
      • Walk, run or bike more often. Avoiding driving for a couple of days a week will help you lose weight faster.
      • Plan family or individual activities for evenings and weekends. Avoid constant sitting, both at work and at home.
      • Buy a pedometer. Be sure to take the recommended 10,000 steps per day. And additional workouts aimed at weight loss are guaranteed to help you lose weight faster.

    Promoting weight loss through diet and lifestyle changes

    1. Consult your doctor. When you want to lose weight or are thinking about increasing your physical activity, it is a good idea to contact your GP for advice on this issue.

      • Discuss your desire to lose weight with your doctor. Ask if your doctor thinks weight loss is safe and appropriate for your particular situation. Also ask about how much you need to lose, or what your optimal weight is.
      • Additionally, discuss with your doctor the type, intensity, and amount of physical activity you plan to do in addition to your usual daily activity. Make sure that this will not pose a risk to your health.
      • Additionally, if you experience pain, shortness of breath, or other discomfort during exercise, stop immediately and consult a doctor.

Hello everyone, today’s article we will devote to exercises for losing weight at home. Of course, you can go to the gym and do all sorts of exercises with barbells and dumbbells, run on a treadmill or “ride” an exercise bike. But what should those who do not have access to such beauty as a gym do? It is for them that we dedicated this article, and since you are reading it, then, for sure, you do not have the opportunity to visit a gym. Therefore, read carefully and remember everything we write about.

Below we have listed seven for you. effective exercises for weight loss at home, all of them are easy to learn and most of them do not require additional equipment. Only two of them will require a Swedish ball, but if you don't have one, you can skip these exercises or find an alternative to this ball.

Of course, an integral part of the weight loss process is proper nutrition, which will help build muscle and burn subcutaneous fat. But we’ll talk about nutrition a little lower, but for now we’ll watch and remember the exercises.

Effective exercises for losing weight at home

Well, are you ready for training? If yes, then remember some rules that need to be followed:

  • train 3 – 4 times a week;
  • perform all the exercises one after another without resting between them;
  • do not drink water during training;
  • do not take long pauses between approaches;
  • try to follow the technique and do the exercises efficiently;
  • add running to these exercises. Run 1 – 2 times a week in the nearest park or stadium.

So, let's start with the first exercise.


The exercise will make your abdominal muscles work. Lie on your back, lift your legs and arms slightly (A), this will be your starting position. The next movement will be to lift your legs and torso up, while trying to touch your legs with your hands (B).

In this exercise, especially at the beginning, the main thing is not to rush, do it under control and lower yourself to the starting position as slowly as possible. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise and move on to the next one.

Kick back

Quite a difficult exercise, but extremely effective. Stand in a prone position (A), then push your legs and buttocks up with all your might (B). Push yourself up as high as you can. If at first you don’t do well, don’t despair, do as best you can, “Moscow was not built in a day.”

It is advisable to perform 10 repetitions of this exercise.

Jump Squats

This is very good exercise for losing weight on your legs at home. Ordinary, at first glance, squats, but with one nuance. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head (A), squat down as if you were doing regular squats that you did at school (B), but don’t stand up, but jump up, and as high as you can ( WITH). Your hands should be behind your head at all times.

Do this exercise 10 times and, without rest, move on to the next one.


Abdominal exercise again. Sit on your butt, tilt your back slightly, hold your arms in front of you, and lift your legs off the floor and keep them suspended (A). While remaining in this position, rotate your torso to the right (B) and then to the left (C), and return to the starting position. You've done one rep.

Do 15 repetitions of this exercise and begin the next one.

Jumping to higher ground

You will need a low chair or stool. Place it in front of you, at a distance of 30 - 40 centimeters (A), jump on it, trying not to swing your arms too much (B). Go back down to the starting position.

Do 10 of these jumps.

Ball boat

Now it's time for exercises with a Swedish ball. The first is a boat. Lie on your stomach, rest your elbows on the floor, and hold the ball between your legs, bending them at the knees (A), this is your starting position. Now we raise our legs together with the ball as high as possible (B), feel how your buttocks and hamstrings work.

Complete 10 reps.

Crunches on the ball

Another exercise with a ball. Stand in a lying position, with your legs thrown over the Swedish ball, so that your shins are on it, not your feet (A). Then begin to twist the ball towards you with your feet, lifting your hips and buttocks up (B). Go as high as you can and then slowly return to the starting position (A).

Do as many repetitions as you can. Then rest for a few minutes and repeat all the exercises from the beginning. This is only a small part of the effective exercises for losing weight at home, there are more large number, and we will talk about them in the following articles.

In the meantime, let's talk a little about nutrition.

Nutrition for weight loss

Of course, physical activity is a great way to keep your figure in excellent condition, but if you add proper nutrition to it, the process of losing weight will be quick and, most importantly, effective for you. You don't need to stick to some hellish diet, starve yourself, or, worse, take some pill that you saw in the "Shop on the Couch."

Want to add variety to your workouts? Then for you. All about weight loss exercises with fitball in this article.

Yours main task, this means reducing the consumption of all kinds of buns, chocolates, sugar, fast food, in general, you need to completely eliminate “bad carbohydrates” from your diet. Instead of all this, start eating oatmeal, buckwheat or some other porridge. Instead of sweets, eat fruits, start eating more vegetables. Steam, grill or oven the meat. Drink as much water as possible. Water speeds up your metabolism, allowing your food to be digested faster.

Here are some simple exercises and tips that you can do to lose money without any problems. overweight without putting much effort into it. Train, eat right and you will succeed.

    How many calories are burned in one workout?

    I’m only on the 2nd day of doing these exercises and I don’t know the result for the week yet, I’ll send you the result but I eat whatever I want. I’m 8 years old and I weigh 31 kg. I want to lose 3 kg. I have scales, if you need to know.

    After giving birth, I’m now getting into shape) I’ve found a very cool system of exercises for myself. It's called "Slender Mom". It was developed by Irina Turchinskaya. There are already results) I’m also reading her book “ New life in an ideal body." It also talks about food)

    I don't consider myself too fat. But I only dreamed of a beautiful waist. And I really want to be slim and beautiful, so that my figure causes admiration. To lose extra pounds, I constantly exercised and went on diets. The result was, but barely noticeable. And then everything came back again. A friend recommended this corset, which she is crazy about. I also decided to try it out when I read positive reviews from here waist-trainer.it-for-you.ru/otziv/?w=wp. I ordered it online and used it within a week. I was amazed because without special effort, I was able to significantly change my figure. And what struck me most was that using the corset (thanks to the special greenhouse effect) I began to reduce fat deposits on my sides. It's impossible to put into words. You need to try this for yourself. Buy only from the official store.

    The exercises are good, I tried them, but I still need to add a diet. I usually eat protein, although constipation can sometimes bother me. As an option, there is regulamine. I like that the taste is pleasant and that you can drink it both for constipation and as a preventive measure. In general, this is how I lose weight.

    I want to lose 5-7 kg and I can’t lose weight, I gained a lot of weight after my fourth birth, but after fattening for two years I started losing weight according to the -60 program, I did exercises on the Internet with Anna Kukurina, I lost 12 kg in 7 months, but then, unfortunately, my back pain returned, I need simpler classes. I found yours, they seem to be effective, after I’ve been doing it for a month I’ll write the results. Good luck to everyone.

    Thank you, otherwise it’s just that the diet gives a little complications. The first time I lost weight, in principle there was a result, but now I have problems with stool. I hope the exercises do their job. But I would like to directly recommend a laxative. Well, I really liked it, because I know that many people on a diet face this. It’s called regulamine, I dissolved the sachet in water, it turned out so tasty orange, two pieces and after that I had a stool. It can also improve digestion; it is also called “fitness” for the intestines (on the box). But for now I’ll try with exercises)

    Thank you for such a detailed collection of exercises. I was especially interested in exercises with a fitball. I'll definitely try it. For me, in general, in order to lose weight, I need to stick to both sports and a strict diet. I also make sure to do intestinal cleansing. There is a good enterosorbent that I always use in such cases - Enterosgel. It will remove all the nasty things from the body. And then in the process of losing weight, acne on your face will not come out. This is very important! Otherwise, as it used to be, if you lose weight, you’ll lose weight, but your whole face was covered with acne, and all because you didn’t cleanse your intestines in time.

    Strangely, at the beginning there are points that are somehow confusing, 3-4 workouts a week won’t work right away, the body needs recovery, and only after the body begins to quickly recover can you increase the number of sessions, secondly, don’t drink water during training, stop spreading This myth is possible and necessary, exactly as much as the body requires, this has long been proven. The break between approaches should occur until the heart rate drops to 100 beats, otherwise the second approach will be extremely difficult, but as for running, yes, I agree, 1-2 times a week on separate days from training

    thanks for the exercises. All that remains is to find a suitable diet. Overall, I think there will be a good result

    Thank you. I will try. Health and good luck to everyone!

    Is it possible to lose 15 kg in 2 months without harm to health?

    • I've been doing this for a week now and the results are really great:
      -5 cm at the waist
      This is just great

    impressive))) how much can you lose in 2 months without harm to your health?

    I didn’t need anything to lose weight except the drug Lida Maximum, which I took for 40 days and was able to lose 12 kg.

    • Anna, please tell me where to buy Lida maximum?

    Your exercises are complete nonsense! Some of the exercises you suggested are difficult to perform. and for an overweight person, such exercises will become available only when he loses weight.

    It’s in vain that you say that a 100 kg aunt won’t be able to do such exercises, I weighed 112 and did more, and ran, and worked out better than some skinny people. and the article is good, the main thing is desire!

    I’ve been involved in sports all my life, I’ll be honest, these exercises are difficult for unprepared beginners, especially the first one on the abs. And the exercise with jumping, the second one is nonsense, you will never get out of such a position as drawn. Or it will work out, but not in such a stance

    Please tell me, if you follow a certain diet, how important is it and is it necessary to cleanse the intestines? Because I read that this should be done when dieting. Are regular laxatives like Lavacol suitable for this?

    All these exercises are familiar to me. I've been working out in the gym for half a year now and I look great, everyone started complimenting me))) I'm in good mood I’m leaving the gym, my advice: give up any flour, exercise + protein diet

    Of course, the exercises presented in the article are not suitable for those girls whose weight exceeds 100 kilograms. If you have been diagnosed with some degree of obesity, then first you need to take care of your diet and do only light aerobic exercise, for example, walking or shopping. treadmill and walk on it at a slow pace. I personally have a completely different situation. I can’t call myself fat, but some excess of extra pounds has upset me since childhood. About six months ago I weighed 63 kilograms with a height of 163 centimeters. That is, the excess weight was about 10 kilograms. I decided to take my figure seriously, since summer was just around the corner, and everyone wants to look good on the beach. I didn’t follow any diets, I just switched to a healthy diet. I got rid of eight kilograms, and realized that I also needed to put in physical activity. I can’t go to the gym, so I started looking for exercises on the Internet and as a result I came across this set of exercises. I can say that after a month of training I lost five kilograms. But the most important thing is that the muscles became more toned and the relief of the figure appeared. The main thing is not to be lazy and then beautiful figure provided for you.

    • Tell me, what did you eat, what did you lose weight and did you do these exercises once a week or did you do your own?

    Do you think a hundred-kilogram lady is able to perform these exercises?))))) Fire your trainer!

What to do if you need to lose weight, but you can’t go to a fitness club? Good results can be achieved at home. It is necessary to perform daily fat-burning exercises for the whole body and adhere to a moderate diet for weight loss.

To lose weight, you need to change a sedentary lifestyle, which slows down your metabolism, to one that is as active as possible. You should start your morning with exercise, and set aside half an hour in the evening for home training. During the day, take every opportunity for physical activity.

For fat burning, it is useful to replace the elevator ride with climbing the stairs, and before going to bed, take a short walk.

Exercises for the entire muscular corset will ensure body tone, and for aesthetic weight loss and maintaining health, it is important to follow simple recommendations:

  • Remove baked goods and bread made from higher grades of flour from your diet.
  • Steam or boil foods.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.
  • Do not eat at night, last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink clean water.

Exercises for the whole body – for losing weight and staying in shape is a prerequisite. When drawing up a home training program, it is necessary to take into account the targeted treatment of problem areas and health status. Experienced fitness instructors recommend using effective exercises to strengthen and lose weight.


“Forward bends” are one of the most effective movements for strengthening and losing weight of the back. To work the muscles that straighten the spine, you need to regularly stand on the “Bridge”.

Reduction and dilation of the shoulder blades improves blood circulation in the trapezius and rhomboid muscles, and also reduce the fat layer in the cervical-collar area. The “Plank with Dumbbell Row” exercise vigorously burns fat by working the latissimus dorsi muscles, and the “Boat” exercise does an excellent job of eliminating cellulite on the lower back.


Dumbbell bench presses work both types of fibers, making it possible to lose weight without losing muscle mass. Women can perform the exercise “Push-ups from the wall” at large number repetitions, thereby providing the necessary intensity for fat burning.

Systematic execution of the “Dry breaststroke” exercise will keep the muscles toned, and the static load during the “Squeezing of the palms” will add elasticity to the chest.

Important to remember: Dieting is a determining factor in losing weight female breast, A physical activity Helps maintain a beautiful shape.


To lose weight in your legs, as well as to work the muscles of the whole body, use various variations of the “Squat” exercise. Side lunges will perfectly load the legs from the outside.

The “Scissors” exercise or squeezing the ball with your knees will force the adductor muscles to intensively burn fat on inner surface hips. Regularly performing the “Bicycle” exercise forms a slender knee area and carefully works the joints. Calf raises, standing or sitting, will reduce swelling and give your lower legs relief.


Stepping onto a stable stool with the knee raised up - effective exercise for slimming legs.

“Short lunges” purposefully load the hips and give them definition.

When required special attention inner surface, it is necessary to add “Plie squats” to the set of exercises. To burn fat on the outer thigh, you need to practice standing leg swings to the side.


The “Deadlift” exercise is beneficial for the muscles of almost the entire body and increases the tone of the gluteal muscles. For intensive weight loss of the buttocks, you need to perform “Leg Pulls Back” and wide lunges.

“Hyperextension” is a good alternative to deadlifts; the exercise does not load the knees and quadriceps. The “glute bridge” effectively increases muscle volume and also reduces fat in the lower back and buttocks. The “Walking on the buttocks” exercise strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and works the hamstrings.


“Reverse push-ups”, supported on a chair or the edge of a sofa, perfectly load the triceps area and remove fat from the armpits. Various options Arm curls tighten and strengthen the anterior shoulder muscles.

Exercises “Scissors” and “Crescent Rotations” burn fat evenly from the surface of the hands. “Dumbbell up press” involves the triceps, trapezius and deltoid muscles, creating beautiful shape shoulder girdle.


Regular Crunches work great on the upper abs, and the Reverse Crunch exercise reduces body fat and strengthens the muscles of the lower abdominal area.

Side and oblique twists emphasize the waist, and the “Side Bend” exercise gets rid of fat deposits on the sides. “Circular rotations with legs” have a complex effect on the abdominal muscles. To tighten a bulging belly, you need to systematically do the “Vacuum” exercise.


For a slender and attractive waist, you should do “Turns to the sides” or “Mill”, which cause the oblique abdominal muscles to contract intensively.

The exercise “Turning your legs while lying on the floor” actively burns fat. in the problem area, and strengthens the abs. “Side Bridge” and “Side Lying Leg Raise” are great for toning. lateral muscles and reduce waist circumference.


To noticeably lose weight in the neck, exercises should be done comprehensively in the same way as for the muscles of the whole body. “Movable bridge against the wall” should be supplemented by bending and throwing back the head.

Hand resistance is used to increase muscle tone.

The “Head Rotation” and “Nose Writing” exercises effectively burn fat reserves. Exercises to lose weight in the neck must be performed slowly and with a large number of repetitions.


Writing words in the air with a pencil held in your teeth improves weakened facial muscle tone. Patting the double chin area back side palms will force the facial muscles to participate in fat burning.

Repeating all the vowels and raising and lowering the corners of the lips perfectly corrects the lip area. Exercises “Put water in your mouth” and “Childhood” effectively tighten your cheeks. To train your eyelids, you need to put your fingers on the corners of your eyes, pull the skin to the sides and clap your eyes at the same time.

A set of exercises for training

To lose weight evenly, it is better to work the muscles of the whole body, rather than focusing on individual exercises. In order to achieve noticeable results, you need to learn the correct technique and follow the exercise system. Fat burning workouts should be done daily. The lesson should begin with a warm-up, and after the main part a cool-down is required.


You should set aside 10 minutes to prepare for your workout. A dynamic warm-up will increase your heart rate and give your muscles elasticity, and the joints will improve blood circulation in the ligaments and tendons. Running in place, with your knees raised, will increase blood flow to your muscles and increase your body temperature. You need to start warming up at a calm pace, without a strong range of movements.

The warm-up should include:

  • Tilts and circular movements of the head;
  • Rotations in the shoulder and elbow joints;
  • Raising your arms up and spreading them to the sides;
  • Body rotation;
  • Twisting and various bends of the body;
  • Rotational movements and hip swings;
  • Leg bends and foot rotations.


To perform the exercise correctly, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, placing them in the same plane as your knees. Keep your back straight, with a bend in the lower back, lower your arms along your body. Bring your shoulder blades together, move your pelvis back, and while inhaling, sit down. Bend your hips until they are parallel to the floor, and transfer your body weight to your heels. Rise up, exhaling at the top of the rise.

When performing squats, you need to control the main points:

  • In the lower position, do not bring your knees forward beyond your feet.
  • You can't stand on your toes.
  • It is forbidden to round the upper back and lower back.
  • When lifting, do not bring your knees together.


At the beginning of the exercise, place your feet hip-width apart, then take a step forward and squat down smoothly. Shift the load to the front leg, extend the other and rest it on the toe. The back is flat, with a natural arch in the lower back, palms are located on the waist.

The knee joint of the working leg bends at an angle of 90° and experiences increased load, so it is important not to allow the knee to protrude beyond the toe of the foot. Exhaling, rise up and place your working leg next to the supporting leg.

"Gluteal Bridge"

The correct technique for performing the exercise does not require any special aspects. Lying on your back, pull your legs towards your body and bend your knees. Press your heels firmly into the floor shoulder-width apart, pull in your stomach and squeeze your buttocks.

Exhaling slowly, lift your pelvis off the floor so that your body is straightened into a line and your back is slightly arched. Stay in the top position for a few seconds, and as you exhale, gently return your pelvis to the floor.


To perform the exercise, you need to lie with your back on the floor, bend your arms and legs. Place your feet and palms shoulder-width apart and press firmly to the floor. Smoothly lift your buttocks off the floor and arch your back, lifting your pelvis up. Keep your head in a natural position, do not hold your breath. After a pause, slowly lower your body down.

When performing the “Bridge” it is important to remember:

  • You cannot do the exercise without first warming up.
  • The buttocks should be raised above the head and shoulders.
  • Arms and legs should be straightened as much as possible.
  • You cannot perform the exercise only by extending your arms and legs.


Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward and keep them straight. At the same time, lift your arms, chest and legs off the floor and exhale. Tighten your lower back, bending your lower back as much as possible, while not lifting your hips off the floor.

Hold this pose for 5 seconds and slowly lower while inhaling. For those whose muscles are not ready for the load, it is recommended to alternately raise opposite arms and legs.

Hanging over the floor

Hanging over the floor, well known as “Plank”, has no additional movements, so the nuances must be strictly followed. Lying on your stomach, place your elbows at shoulder level so that unnecessary tension is not created in the joints. Hands clasped, legs straight. When your feet are close together, it is more difficult to hold the plank.

Before you get into the plank position, you need to tighten your stomach, tensing your abs, and slightly round your back.

In the correct position, an even body hangs over the floor with support on the hands and toes. The lower back should be kept tense, without allowing the abdomen to sag. The head is in a position where the chin is perpendicular to the spine. While holding the plank, breathing is even and without delay.


The starting position for push-ups is lying on your arms straight, positioned shoulder-width apart. The distance between the feet does not affect the performance of push-ups. Keep your body straight, tensing your buttocks and abdominal muscles. Bending your arms, take a deep breath and touch your chest to the floor. Exhale smoothly throughout the entire lifting of the body.

When performing the exercise it is important:

  • Maintain the placement of your palms at the level of the middle of the chest.
  • Avoid arching your lower back.
  • Avoid flaring your elbows and sagging your hips.


In order to prevent various injuries, before jumping you need to warm up your ankles and knee joints. In the starting position, put your feet together, lower your arms along your body.

Lower your shoulders, tense your abs, keep your back straight and slightly tense. With an explosive force of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg, push the body upward, extending the feet. Land on your toes, slightly springing your knees.

Leg Raise

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back and press your lower back tightly, placing your arms along your body. Using your abdominal muscles, lift your hips off the floor and, exhaling, lift them to an angle of 60°. Hold your legs up for 2 seconds, and while inhaling, lower them without touching your heels to the floor.

In order not to reduce the load, you cannot lift your head off the floor.

For beginners and women with weak abdominals, you should start with alternate leg raises.

"Leg Rotation"

Sitting on the floor, rest your straight arms on the floor behind your body. Straighten your legs at a 45° angle so that your body resembles the letter “V”. As you exhale, turning your pelvis, lower your legs in a circular motion closer to the floor.

Continue the rotation, turning the pelvis in the other direction, and return the legs to the starting position. The exercise should be performed alternately in each direction.


Before you start performing bicycle crunches, you need to take a position lying on your back, pressing your lower back. Bend your hips at an angle of 90°, keeping your shins parallel to the floor.

Raise your shoulders and clasp your fingers behind your head. As you exhale, pull your knee toward your opposite elbow while simultaneously extending your other leg. When performing rotational movements, you need to additionally strain your abs.


Important: the exercise is performed only on a hard surface. Lie on your back, bend your hips and extend your arms along your torso. Place your palms under your buttocks and place your feet on the floor.

After inhaling, raise your shins and stretch out your toes. Using the strength of your abdominal muscles, hold your legs above the floor at an angle of 30°-90°. First, spread your legs apart, then bring them together and cross them.


Lie on your back, clasp your fingers behind your head, and spread your elbows to the sides. Beginners are allowed to cross their arms over their chest. Bend your hips and place your shins on a piece of furniture. Exhaling, twist your body and pull your shoulders towards your pelvis.

It is necessary to perform daily fat-burning exercises for the whole body and adhere to a moderate diet for weight loss.

In the final position, the back is rounded and the abdominal muscles are strongly contracted. You can’t bring your elbows together and strain your neck, and press your chin to your chest. On inhalation, return the body to horizontal position.


After exercise, it is necessary to normalize the pulse, lower the heart rate, and relieve tension nervous system. A correctly performed cool-down helps rapid recovery after loading, and the return of contracted muscles to their original state. Stretching will increase the elasticity of ligaments and muscles, improve blood circulation in the body, and help remove toxins from the body.

To effectively cool down, you should perform simple movements and exercises:

  • "Dizziness";
  • Pressing the elbow to the shoulder;
  • Pull your elbow behind your back;
  • Bends reclining or with support;
  • Bringing your hands together behind your back;
  • Stretches in the doorway;
  • Exercises “Crescent” and “Cobra”;
  • Pull your leg back.

"Training program"


At the beginning of the week you should strength training to strengthen muscles, since the body is well restored after the weekend. Before training, you need to spend 15 minutes. active warm-up of the whole body to prepare muscles and ligaments for the upcoming load. Perform all exercises for 15 repetitions in 3 approaches.

The main workout includes exercises for all muscle groups:

  • "Deep squats";
  • “Wide lunges” - a specified number of repetitions are performed with each leg;
  • “Plank with dumbbell row” - you need to do 15 repetitions with each hand;
  • "Push-ups";
  • “Dumbbell press up”;
  • “Arm curls with dumbbells”;
  • "Twists";
  • "Leg Raise"

For aerobic exercise, jumping rope is good; you need to do it 3 times for 60 seconds. As a cool down – 10 minutes. stretching all muscles.


Day circuit training, perform all exercises one by one for 15 repetitions. During the workout you need to do 3 laps. To prepare your heart for the upcoming load, your warm-up should include running in place.

Exercises of the main complex:

  • "Plie squats";
  • "Push-ups";
  • “Gluteal bridge”;
  • "Superman";
  • "Scissors";
  • Jumping in place – 30 times.

You need to add breathing exercises to your cool-down to bring your heart rate back to normal.


Day of strength and aerobic exercise. The main workout includes 3 sets of exercises, each should be performed for 20 repetitions. Taking into account the activity of the upcoming workout, the warm-up should include rotational movements, warming up the joints and ligaments.

The lesson consists of exercises:

  • “Squats” with arms raised in front of you;
  • “Leg kicks back” – perform 20 repetitions with each leg;
  • "Reverse push-ups";
  • "Hyperextension";
  • "Bike".

As a cool down - 5 minutes. stretch your legs and back, and for fat burning, walk for 30-45 minutes.


It is necessary to perform a workout with an emphasis on problem areas. A short warm-up consists of rotational movements of the legs and arms. To increase the fat-burning effect, perform all exercises for 20 repetitions in a circle, with a 30-second rest between sets.

Per class, do 2 laps, which include:

  • “Wide lunges” – do 20 repetitions with each leg;
  • “Push-ups from the wall”;
  • "Gluteal Bridge";
  • “Arm extension up” with a light dumbbell;
  • "Superman";
  • “Swing your leg to the side”;
  • "Twists";
  • Jumping rope – 30 sec.

During the cool-down, it is good to stretch the muscles of your arms and legs and do breathing exercises.


During training you should work maximum quantity muscles, to do this, perform 2 sets of all exercises. To increase the effectiveness of the lesson, the warm-up should include swings, rotations with arms and legs, as well as turns and tilts of the body.

In each approach, do 15 repetitions of the following exercises:

  • “Short lunges” – do 15 repetitions with each leg;
  • “Leg kicks back” – do 15 repetitions with each leg;
  • "Bridge";
  • "Push-ups";
  • “Clenching the palms in front of the chest”;
  • "Twists";
  • “Leg Rotations” – perform 15 repetitions in each direction.

As a cool-down, do 50 jumping jacks and stretch your entire body.


Add exercises to your workout to work on problem areas. In the first part of the lesson, alternately perform exercises on the legs - 2 sets of 15 repetitions, after which work on the upper body in the same way. Abdominal exercises are performed separately.

Include running in place with knees raised in your warm-up, and in your main workout:

  • "Squats";
  • “Pulling the legs back”;
  • “Side lunges”;
  • “Gluteal bridge”;
  • Before working on the top, do 50 jumps in place;
  • “Dumbbell Bench Press”;
  • "Superman";
  • "Push-ups";
  • “Hovering over the floor” – 60 sec.

To increase fat burning, perform jumping rope 2 times for 60 seconds. The cool down should begin with breathing exercises and leg stretches.


A day of muscle recovery and active aerobic exercise, you need to walk for 60 minutes.

To trigger hormonal processes, before cardio training you should perform two sets of abdominal exercises:

  • “Twisting” – for the maximum number of times.
  • “Bicycle” – 20 repetitions with each leg.
  • “Side bends” – 50 repetitions in total.

For aesthetic weight loss and maintaining tone you need daily exercise for the muscles of the whole body, as well as strict adherence to diet and aerobic exercise. Proper technique must be learned and followed to avoid injury and increase the effectiveness of home workouts.

Full body exercises for weight loss: video

Fat burning workout, exercises for the whole body, watch the video:

4 exercises for perfect body, find out in the video: