Home training for men: program and features. A daily set of basic physical exercises for men

Exercising at home is an opportunity to lose weight and build muscle at a convenient time. For effective training you need to decide on the choice of sports equipment and training program.

Exist various techniques workouts that men can do on their own, “pumping up” muscles and getting rid of excess weight Houses. Each sports program (athletics, bodybuilding or peripheral training), developing the muscles of the whole body, solves its own specific goals and requires certain sports equipment. The simplest and most affordable sports equipment with a wide range of applications are dumbbells. In addition to dumbbells, for exercising at home, it is advisable to have a sports rack.

For home workouts, two types of dumbbells are available – cast and type-set. Cast apparatuses are light weight dumbbells, ranging from 1 to 12 kg. Stacked dumbbells, which are more expensive but allow you to change the load, are mainly available from 8 to 24 kg - this is the most popular weight range for men training at home. Dumbbells should be purchased in pairs; when moving to “advanced” sets of exercises, it is advisable to have several pairs of dumbbells different weights– this will allow you to move from one exercise to another without resetting the weight.

Before planning a complex for training at home and selecting the weight of the equipment for exercises for the main muscle groups, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • a low number of repetitions when performing an approach (3 – 5) allows you to develop strength and muscle mass;
  • an average number of repetitions (6 – 8) makes it possible to increase muscle volume and their relief;
  • a high number of repetitions (9 – 12) is work on relief and endurance.

The number of repetitions for the thigh muscles ranges from 10 to 15, and the press, forearms and calves (depending on fitness) are performed from 15 to 50 times in each approach.

A sports rack is a special bench with a metal frame and a durable but soft base. The use of such a support during training at home allows you to perform a full range of movements when performing exercises while lying down and sitting. You can buy a bench at a sporting goods store or have it made at your nearest workshop. If necessary, at home the stand can be replaced with a coffee table on reliable legs.

The training program for men, carried out at home, is an ascent from simple implementation to a complex version, from light weight to heavy equipment. There are standards that allow you to check physical indicators. Yes, okay developed man should perform a one-arm bicep curl with a weight that is equal to 20% of his body weight, and a bench press performed with a weight of 75%. Compliance with the standard requires good preparation, which can be achieved at home by regularly performing the next set of exercises.

Push ups

The proposed training program for men who want to train at home consists of two complexes, replacing each other every other day according to the type: 1,2,1,2, etc. Such a program makes it possible not only to work out all muscle groups, but also not to let them opportunities to get used to monotonous workloads. The weight of the dumbbells should be selected in such a way that the last repetitions are given with noticeable effort.


Before performing the complexes, you need to do a warm-up. A warm-up program will warm up your muscles and speed up your heart rate, preparing it for exercise.

  1. Performing information and arm raises in front of you. Perform 6 – 8 times.
  2. Swing your arms forward and backward in a circular motion. Perform 6 – 8 times.
  3. Circular movements of the body. Performed 6–8 times in each direction.

Complex No. 1 for muscle growth

The complex is designed to develop strength and muscle volume and is performed at a slow pace with increased weight of the equipment. The complex is performed in three approaches of 6–8 times for the main muscle groups, 10–12 for the legs and 30 times for the abdominal muscles.

  • Performing arm curls with dumbbells to the shoulders. The exercise is performed standing, the hold is performed “from yourself”.

Exercise: Dumbbell Curl

  • Performing triceps presses (“French press”) while lying down. In the starting position, the arms are bent at the elbows, the dumbbells are held “away from you” near the head.

Performing a French bench press

  • Straight wide bench press in a prone position.

  • Standing bent over arms with dumbbells to the sides.

  • Performing simultaneous rows of dumbbells to the belt.

  • Dumbbell chest press. The exercise is performed while sitting.

  • Performing squats with dumbbells on your shoulders.

Squats with dumbbells on shoulders

  • Squats with implements held behind your back.

  • Performing body lifts while sitting with the legs secured, the dumbbell placed on the shoulders.

  • Leg raises while lying on your back. The projectile is placed between the feet.

Lying leg raises: abdominal exercise

  • Bend the body forward while standing, the dumbbell is located on the shoulders.

Bent-overs with a barbell on your shoulders

Complex No. 2 for weight normalization

This complex for men, aimed at increasing muscle definition and losing weight, is performed with a lower weight at an average pace. The complex is performed in three approaches of 8–10 times for the main muscle groups, 13–15 for the legs and 30 for the abdominal muscles.

  • Bend your arms toward your shoulders while simultaneously turning your wrist outward. Starting position – standing, arms freely lowered, dumbbell held at the hip “along the seam”.

Dumbbell biceps curl

  • Performing a “French press” while lying down. In this variation of the triceps press, the palm is facing toward you.
  • “Butterfly” - spreading shells in front of you while lying down.

Lifting hands with dumbbells while lying down

  • Lifting the apparatus to the sides and up while sitting in a bent position, resting your chest on your hips.
  • Performing dumbbell rows with one arm while standing at a low angle. The second hand is on the support.

  • Perform seated shoulder presses with both hands at the same time.

  • Squats with implements held on the shoulders.

  • Squats with a weight held between the legs.

Squats deadlift with dumbbell in hands

  • Lying body raises, the apparatus is held on the chest.

Chest Raises with Dumbbells

  • Pulling your knees to your chest while sitting. The dumbbell is placed between the feet.

  • Performing body lifts. The exercise is performed lying on a support, face down with your legs secured. The dumbbell is held in front of the chest.

Performing a body lift

Completing the workout

Walking while restoring breathing.

The program of such training for home will be completed over the course of one and a half to two months. Then, additions and changes are made to the exercises to diversify the training.

This home training program is designed for both beginners and people with some experience. If you strictly follow all the recommendations, you can achieve significant results with this training program, despite the fact that the classes will take place at home.

Before you start studying of this material, be sure to read introductory part. The link to the introductory part is at the top of the article.

Day one (Monday)

So, let's start our training on Monday. Today our biceps will be subject to load. To do this, we use an exercise such as standing dumbbell curls. We initially select the dumbbell weight with which you can do 20-25 repetitions until failure and perform 5-7 approaches with it.With each approach, the number of repetitions will decrease and if it decreases to 10-12 times, then it is necessary to reduce the weight of the dumbbells to such a level with which you can again perform 20-25 times. Next, we finish off the muscle with an exercise such as “hammers.” It uses those muscle fibers that the previous one used to a lesser extent. We perform 3-5 approaches 15-25 times, selecting appropriate weights in each approach.

Day two (Tuesday)

The main task today It will be good to work out all three bundles of the pectoral muscles; for this we will use push-ups from the floor. To train the middle part of the chest, we use classic push-ups, performing 3-5 sets of 15-30 times. To train the upper chest beams, we do push-ups with our legs thrown onto the bench, also performing 3-5 approaches of 15-30 times. To train the lower chest, we perform push-ups from a bench 3-5 sets of 15-25 times. Perform push-ups with maximum concentration on the pectoral muscles. Perform the exercise slowly, without rushing, feeling each fiber receiving the load. If you find it difficult to perform the given number of repetitions, then do push-ups from your knees at first.

Day three (Wednesday). REST

As already mentioned, two days of training are followed by one day of rest. Try to do it correctly. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, eat more proteins and carbohydrates, and reduce the amount of fat you consume as much as possible. A massage or a visit to the sauna will be helpful.

Day four (Thursday)

We will devote the fourth day of our training program to the deltoids (shoulders). Let's start with an exercise such as the dumbbell press while seated. We perform it 5-6 approaches 20-25 times, selecting the appropriate weight of the shells. Next, we perform an isolating exercise - raising dumbbells to the sides for 3-5 approaches, 15-25 times. We finish the workout by lifting dumbbells in front of us, also performing 3-5 sets of 15-25 times.

Day five (Friday)

On the fifth day of training, we load the back muscles. To do this, we perform pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip. We do 5-8 approaches with maximum number repetitions in each. After this, but not necessarily, we perform bent-over dumbbell rows - 3-5 sets of 15-20 times. This will allow maximum load on the latissimus muscles. At the end of the workout, you should work out the trapezius muscles; to do this, we perform shrugs with dumbbells: 4-7 approaches of 20-25 times.

Number of repetitions: maximum

Number of approaches: 5-8

Number of repetitions: 15-20

Number of approaches: 3-5

Number of repetitions: 20-25

Number of approaches: 4-7

Day six (Saturday). REST

Day seven (Sunday)

We devote the seventh day of training to triceps. To work them out, we’ll start with narrow push-ups from the floor and perform 5-7 sets of 15-25 times. This is followed by reverse push-ups from the bench - 4-5 sets of 20-50 times (can be performed with dumbbells on the hips). After this, we do arm extensions with a dumbbell from behind the head: 3-5 sets of 15-20 times, thus “finishing off” the triceps.

Number of repetitions: 15-25

Number of approaches: 5-7

Number of repetitions: 20-50

Number of approaches: 4-5

Number of repetitions: 15-20

Number of approaches: 3-5

Day eight (Monday)

The last exercise of the cycle is squats with dumbbells. We perform 5-7 approaches 20-25 times. After this, we perform rows on straight legs (both the lower back and the muscles of the back of the thigh are involved) 4-5 approaches of 15-25 times.

Number of repetitions: 5-7

Number of approaches: 20-25

Number of repetitions: 15-25

Number of approaches: 4-5

Day nine (Tuesday). REST

We rest for another day or two and start the cycle again. Don't forget about proper rest and proper nutrition. We eat more eggs, dairy products, meat and fish.

Home Training Products
Wall horizontal bar. The main simulator for home workouts. Mandatory in this program
Expander. Gives you the opportunity to make your brushes stronger at home. Plus a built-in counter that will count your records.

Important information!

After each cycle, some exercises will need to be alternated with others. So, on the first day of the second cycle, instead of doing dumbbell curls while standing, you should do pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip, and on the first day of the third cycle, doing dumbbell curls while sitting. Also on the fourth day, we alternate the seated dumbbell press with the Arnold press, and then with the shoulder pull. On the fifth day of training, alternate pull-ups to the chest with pull-ups behind the head. On the seventh day, we alternate the extension of the arms with a dumbbell from behind the head with the extension of both arms in an inclined position. On the eighth day, alternate straight-legged deadlifts with lunges with dumbbells in your hands. All this is necessary in order to give the muscles a varied load and protect them from getting used to and adapting. Also, different exercises have different effects on the same muscle group and their development becomes better. For information about all alternative exercises, see the section

Greetings to all men who want to find themselves effective program home workouts for men. You have come to the right place, because in this review we have selected for you best exercises for training at home. Often, the lack of a chance to regularly train in the gym is the main obstacle to a beautiful and fit body. Therefore, we will immediately answer the pressing question for the stronger sex: is it possible to pump up and tighten the torso at home? Yes, you can! Of course, the program itself will be slightly different from the one provided for the gym, because there are many new equipment there that you need to adjust your training plan to.

What is the program?

When you decide to exercise at home, don’t forget main factor training process. Namely these criteria:

  • any workout should start with a good warm-up;
  • Get yourself a training diary or plan and strictly follow it, improving or increasing loads and repetitions. Remember to vary your training plan to further progress;
  • At first, don’t chase loads, do everything wisely. Don't overdo it, but if during training you celebrate that you can do more, then do it;
  • the emphasis should be on the quality of execution, only then can you achieve desired result. Gradually you can add the number of repetitions, but don’t write off and do everything correctly;
  • Get motivated. She will help you in difficult moments.

Of course, home workouts also have their disadvantages. Important disadvantages are that you do not have special exercise equipment at home. But this trivial problem can be easily solved. If possible, we recommend purchasing a collapsible barbell and dumbbells. Collapsible equipment will help you adjust your weight. As a result, you will not need to buy additional hardware. If you cannot buy dumbbells for yourself, then you can use alternative methods. For example, make yourself simple weights. Bottles will do instead of dumbbells different sizes with water and sand. Remember, no expensive training machines or your home equipment can replace regular training.

How to pump up at home training program without iron

When drawing up a training schedule, it is necessary to take into account the entire cycle of recovery and quality rest for progress. Loading three times a week is ideal. For example, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Every day you need to carefully work out each muscle group. No matter what muscle group you have today, always try to warm up well. From your head to your feet, you must bring every ligament into combat readiness. Sleep at least 8 hours a day and eat plenty of protein foods. What to do in the warm-up:

  1. Swing your neck forward, backward, and right to left;
  2. Shoulder area – circular rotations, arms, scissors, forward and backward;
  3. Body body – bends forward and backward, left and right;
  4. Pelvic tilts and rotations;
  5. Squats with your butt down;
  6. Jumping in place.

In addition to all this, we recommend adding lunges: we place one leg in front of ourselves, and simply bend the other leg at the knee. Now let's look at the training program for beginners. If you are just starting to get acquainted with the world of sports, then you will not need dumbbells or weights. Your weight is enough, but all movements must be perfectly executed and slowly.

Home workout program for men with body weight

Mondayarms, chest and back.

Push-ups are a great way to pump up your arms and chest. In the first days, you need to do classic push-ups, or more precisely shoulder-width apart. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, head slightly raised up, eyes looking forward, feet together. Do 4 sets of 12-16 reps. Push-ups with narrow arms. Do everything the same, only your elbows should be pressed to your body. Perform three sets of 8-12 repetitions. Then dumbbells or bottles of sand. Sit on a chair, take dumbbells in your hands and press them straight up from behind your head. Do 3 sets of 12 reps. Wide grip pull-ups, 3 sets of 10 reps. Alternate exercises every two weeks. Swap the narrow grip of push-ups for dips. Gradually, you can hang weights on your belt in the form of sand bottles, dumbbells or kettlebells. Perform 3 sets of 12-20 repetitions.

Write down the first results in your diary. Gradually, you can sometimes add 1 repetition every two weeks. Don't forget to do everything with perfect technique. At the end press. Classic crunches: legs under the sofa, hands behind your head, lift your body until your elbows touch your knees. Do 3 sets of 16-20 repetitions. Bicycle exercise: lie on your back, lock your hands behind your head, legs up and spin like a bicycle. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions. Then rest and nutrition to gain muscle mass.

Wednesdaylegs, abs.

The legs must be strengthened and brought back to normal. To do this, you need to include squats in your workout. Here you just clasp your hands behind your head, and do squats with your butt to the very bottom, but at the same time the back should be flat, this is very important. Do 4 sets of 20-25 repetitions. Then we move on to lunges. You already know how to do them, so do 3 sets of 12-16 repetitions. The final stage of leg exercises will be lunges on your toes. Place your hands on your waist and do 4 sets of 25 reps on your toes. Here the load is focused on the calf muscles.

Fridaycardio and abs.

On this day we will give the body relief and get rid of fat. That's why the best option will go to the park and run for at least 40 minutes. Then you can jump rope a little. 5-10 minutes will be enough. If the weather is bad outside, you can replace running procedures only with a jump rope. But this time you will have to jump for at least 25 minutes.

Now let's move on to abdominal training. Classic crunches. 4 sets of 20-40 repetitions. Leg raises 90 degrees while lying on your back, hands behind your head. Perform 3 sets of 12-14 repetitions.

You can use additional tools to improve your shape. sports nutrition. For example, if possible, buy protein for yourself. Well, or you can read the article on how to make a protein shake at home. Don’t forget about vitamins, you can buy them at the pharmacy. To give your torso shape, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with such an exercise as a stomach vacuum. For the stronger sex, testosterone is a very important hormone because it is responsible for pumping up muscles and strength. Good luck to everyone in building perfect body. Ask your questions in the comments.

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Men today are very busy as we live in a society with a fast-paced culture that leaves little time for regular physical exercise. Against this background, Charles Atlas has developed an excellent 10-minute set of basic physical exercises. Of course, 10 minutes of exercise a day will not correct body flaws and restore good health. physical fitness, but they are quite enough to prevent muscle atrophy and maintain good physical shape. This exercise technique showed very good results. The undoubted advantage of this complex is that you do not need any additional devices.

So, are you ready to get started? Then get ready and let's start working!

A set of physical exercises

Spinal stretch. This simple exercise will keep your spine flexible. Stand up straight and clasp your hands behind your head. Then bend down so that your elbows touch your knees. Return to the starting position. Complete 12 reps.

Deep squats. This exercise is the basis for a good workout of the quadriceps of the thigh, buttocks and leg flexor muscles. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Squat all the way to the floor. Straighten up and repeat the exercise 12 times.

Finger raises. This exercise develops the calf muscles. Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Rise high on your toes. Lower your heels to the floor. To increase the load, you can stand with your toes on a small elevation, for example, on a thick book, and do the exercise like this.

Lying push-ups. Lean on the toes of your outstretched, straight legs and on your two hands, shoulder-width apart. Lower your straight body to the floor by bending your arms, then return to the starting position by pushing up from the floor with your arms. To work through various groups muscles, reduce or increase the width of your arms.

Lifting the body. Sit on your buttocks (preferably on a mat). Raise your legs straight and place them on a chair or sofa. After that, lift your buttocks and body as high as you can. Return to the starting position.

Leg lift. This exercise will allow you to work your abs; it is one of the main ones. Sit on the floor and extend your legs straight in front of you. Place your hands on the floor behind your body. Quickly raise your straight legs up so that your body and legs form a V. Lower your legs.

Bike. This exercise will perfectly work all the abdominal muscles, it is very easy to perform. Lie on the floor, clasp your hands behind your head, raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor and begin to slowly imitate pedaling. When your left knee is on top, lift your torso and touch it with your right elbow. Then do the same with your right knee and left elbow.

Our everyday life is so formed that most men are busy with work and pay little attention to their health and appearance. However, surely each of them would like to hear the following words: “Beautiful as God.” But for this you don’t need much. Remember the history of the education of Spartan warriors. Daily training, doing exercises for men who know how to defend their place in the sun, their home, their family, will allow you to look like Apollo, repeatedly immortalized in marble by Greek masters for admiration and imitation of beauty male body. But beauty also reflects the general condition of your body, i.e. By developing the physical beauty of the body, you simultaneously put everything in order internal organs, relieve stress, grow spiritually and prolong your life.

Where to start training to improve your body

In order to achieve beautiful athletic male forms, you need to lose excess fat and pump up various muscles. Exercises for men are aimed at these goals.

First of all, decide on the ratio of your weight and height. Take a closer look yourself or with the help of a trainer, which muscles you need to pump up and where to remove excess deposits. Remember that when choosing exercises for men, an individual approach is required. Consult with doctors and sports specialists, as it is necessary to take into account your state of health and age.

Choose activities that are enjoyable. For serious work on the body, training in the gym is suitable. Don't forget to alternate strength and aerobic training. Strength exercises will help you get rid of excess and acquire the necessary muscle forms. Aerobic training will burn excess fat tissue and, in addition, strengthen the cardiovascular system.

The duration of training in a sports gym, provided that you visit it three to four times a week, should not exceed two hours. So, we say goodbye to laziness, shyness from our imperfections and go to the gym.

What exercises for men will help you get a beautiful body?

In the gym they will show you and tell you how to properly do exercises to develop all the desired muscles. Now we will focus on the basic exercises for creating a sports image.

To develop and strengthen the biceps, it is necessary to alternately flex and extend the arms with projectiles, both and each hand separately, alternating in different ways (from above, from below) to grab the projectiles.

To develop the muscles of the forearm, we do exercises for men with a barbell, grasping it from below and from above. At the same time, the hands are strengthened. We develop triceps with the help of dumbbells and barbells – lying down, sitting.

The deltoid muscle is strengthened by pressing a barbell or dumbbells from behind the head, from the chest.

Exercises for the chest muscles are also based on barbell presses, lying on a bench, push-ups, and pull-ups. When doing pull-ups on parallel bars or a bar, or bent-over barbell rows, the back muscles are strengthened.

To strengthen your legs, various squats, flexions and extensions are suitable. The buttocks can be strengthened using various swings and lunges with a barbell.

Those who want to get rid of an excessively bulging tummy

First of all, try to switch to fractional meals, i.e. eat four to five small meals a day. Trick your body. Try to give up fast foods. Well, get started with abdominal exercises for men. It is not difficult.

Start getting rid of your belly fat with strength training and cardio training. It is better to do cardio exercises on cardio equipment, since they can monitor your heart rate, which is very important if you are overweight.

To eliminate excess fatty tissue on the abdomen, exercises in which the torso will consistently take squeezing and unclenching movements are suitable for you. At the same time, you can strengthen your feet: from a lying position, reach for your feet and alternately, with each pull-up, turn your torso in different directions. Good exercises include bending forward and slowly raising straight legs. It won't hurt to jump rope and use weight exercises.

These abdominal exercises for men are based on the fact that significant energy is expended, metabolic processes are improved, and fat cells are burned. Exercises should be done every day for at least one hour. The result will not be long in coming.

Home exercises for men

Gyms are good. But it happens that the gym is located far from home, or for some other reason there is no opportunity to pamper yourself with classes on various exercise machines. Don't be upset. Home workouts will also benefit you. In addition, you will gain time that is spent on going to the gym.

Start with push-ups. There are many variations of push-ups, and all of them will help you stay toned. Don’t forget that you can also pump up your abs while lying on your stomach – put your hands behind your head and lift your torso off the floor.

Then you put a backpack on your shoulders, first throwing a couple of other books into it (then increase the load), and run into the yard. Surely there is a horizontal bar in the yard, and you start doing pull-ups. Do pull-ups rhythmically with alternating or intercepting your hands, inhale when lifting, exhale when lowering. Jump rope, squat. And all this with a backpack.

Sometimes for men, home exercises are more convenient than going to the Gym. Especially shy men who doubt their abilities.

Exercises with dumbbells for men

Exercises with dumbbells are the most common type of training both at home and in gyms. For men, dumbbells weighing 5 kilograms are suitable to begin with, then the load increases. Using dumbbells, exercises are performed to develop the biceps, triceps, deltas, forearm, back muscles, chest, hips, legs, i.e. almost all muscle groups. When performing exercises with dumbbells for men, you need to maintain breathing and rhythmic movements.

Exercises with dumbbells increase the body's performance and endurance. Any exercise performed with dumbbells enhances its effect.

If you want to get a more sculpted result, then increase the weight of the dumbbells. Just don't overdo it. 10-kilogram dumbbells are enough for a more pronounced relief.

Take control of yourself for your health and the joy of women, start doing intensive exercises for men and then you will feel the joy of feeling the beauty of your body.