What exercises to do to stretch muscles. Lateral shoulder stretch. Bend forward with legs apart

Not a single workout is complete without stretching, which is aimed at improving the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. In addition, it helps maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system, improve the condition of the reproductive and excretory system, and prepare a woman for future pregnancy and childbirth. You can also learn how to do splits using stretching. Stretching at home for beginners takes only 10-15 minutes, but the results exceed all expectations.

When choosing stretching exercises, everyone wonders how long it will take to see the first result. The answer will be different for each person because it depends on different factors.

  • How old?
  • Genetic flexibility.
  • Warm-up intensity.
  • Muscular coordination.
  • Initial physical training.
  • Correct execution of exercises.

Even the attitude with which a person practices can have an impact. The lesson should begin with a warm-up, after which you can move on to the lesson itself. The duration of the lesson should be chosen depending on the age and condition of the body. For example, children usually do the splits faster than adults, since their ligaments are much more elastic.

The most important thing in trying to improve or not is to try to master the program to the maximum, chasing quick results. It’s better to do everything step by step, improving your results with each workout. In this case, you can avoid injuries or severe sprains that will delay your cherished goal.

How to prepare physically?

Many people wonder how to do everything correctly to prevent injury. Since you can practice even at home, you should choose a complex suitable for your age and level of training. These can be video lessons from stars or famous trainers, who during the execution process give instructions and suggest how to perform this or that approach correctly. For example, today it is very popular.

To begin with, the body always needs to be warmed up well, this can be squats, push-ups, or everything mixed in an intense rhythm. At first, the effect of the exercises may not be noticeable, since it will consist mainly of good coordination and improved condition of muscle tissue. The preparatory stage before stretching should be as follows:

Joint warm-up in the form of circular movements 10-15 times in each direction. It should be directed from top to bottom, that is, it starts from the cervical region and ends with the joints of the foot. In the process, do not forget to work out shoulder girdle and lower back.

  • Running in the park or on a treadmill.
  • Jump rope or cycling.

Best Stretching Exercises

There are many developed stretching routines that help achieve results. However, the most effective are those that mutually compensate each other, develop different groups muscles. Here are a few exercises that will help make your body more flexible and do the splits faster; they can be included in any workout or activity.

  • To increase the elasticity of the thigh surface at the back. For the starting position, you need to spread out and kneel. The torso is in a straight position, arms at your sides, head looking forward. One leg is straightened forward and placed on the heel, pulling the toe towards you. The second leg maintains its position and remains level. The body is lowered towards the leg, the arms are directed forward, the palms rest on the floor or on the thigh if you do not reach the floor. The head presses against the knee and continues with the body. It is very important to keep your shoulders level.
  • Front thigh stretch. You should kneel down, take a wide step forward with one foot and lower your pelvis as far as possible. The palms rest on the knee. The back is straight, the gaze is directed forward. Hold the position for a few minutes.
  • Tilt to the side towards the leg. Starting position - sit on the mat in a position, bring your feet together, your heels touch each other, your knees turned in different directions. You can support your legs with your hands, as it is important to keep your back straight. Alternately, one leg is straightened to the side, while the second maintains its original position, while at the same time the body is tilted. The hand on the side of the straightened leg makes a semicircle above the head, helping the body to lower itself lower. During the process, it is important to maintain the correct position of the back and lower back.

You can also bend over or adopt some poses that also successfully promote muscle stretching. The main thing is to observe technique and caution.

Rules for stretching at home

Stretching is more difficult at home for several reasons. First of all, it is very difficult to force yourself to train regularly, without skipping certain approaches. Secondly, no one controls the correct execution of each approach, which also affects the result. Therefore, for those who practice at home, experts recommend the following:

  • Reinforce activities proper nutrition, try to eat more fruits, legumes, spinach, nuts and carrots. They help reduce the likelihood of developing inflammation in the joints and give you energy.
  • Follow the technique during the exercise and monitor your breathing. Inhalations and exhalations should be even, smooth, without delay or shortness of breath.
  • You need to stretch not locally, but comprehensively. Therefore, classes should be systematic and aimed at the uniform development of the whole organism.
  • It is better to train in the morning. One such activity can replace three hours of evening effort.
  • You can also give up salt for a short time to avoid fluid retention in the body, establish a daily routine, get more sleep and exercise only when good mood. Then the results of your training will not be long in coming.

Simple and effective way establish a harmonious connection between body and mind through breathing, restore stressed muscles, increase energy in the body - all this is possible with the help of stretching and flexibility exercises. They should be included in every fitness program.

In almost every activity or sport, stretching is the main way to “warm up” the body and prepare it for movement or recovery after hard work. However, you don't have to be an athlete to experience the benefits of quality stretching.

All about stretching and flexibility exercises

The basis of all exercises that develop flexibility is muscle lengthening. Such stretching exercises are aimed at increasing the range of motion and lengthening shortened soft tissues.

Stretching and flexibility training is one of the components of the harmonious development of the body and the path to youth. Stretching exercises help develop ligaments and “clogged” muscle fibers, significantly expanding the functional range of motion. We offer a short set of exercises for the whole body for home or gym.

Learning to stretch is not difficult. It is recommended to perform stretching correctly:

  • in a relaxed state,
  • slowly,
  • focusing on the muscles being stretched.

Benefits of Stretching

The uniqueness of these movements lies in the wide and multidirectional impact on the athlete’s body:

  • reduces muscle and ligament tension, making the body more relaxed;
  • improves coordination and increases range of motion so you move more freely;
  • prevents injuries such as muscle strains and sprains;
  • makes strenuous activity easier, prepares the body;
  • develops awareness of your body and concentration on movement, establishes a connection between the mind and muscles;
  • stimulates circulation by directing oxygen and blood to the muscles;
  • accelerates the recovery process of injured and overtrained muscles;
  • improve the results of stretching exercises for fascia (the membranes covering muscles, tendons, organs and neurovascular bundles);
  • and most importantly, it clears your mind and lifts your spirits.

Types of stretching to develop flexibility

  • Passive- slow, controlled stretching of muscles with external assistance.
  • Active- the pulling position is maintained independently without body weight.
  • Static- maintaining the position at the extreme point of movement without jerking.
  • Ballistic- springy jerks in the extreme range of motion.
  • Isometric- alternating maximum stretching in the muscle with relaxation.
  • Dynamic- stretching movements of the limbs in a wide amplitude.

Passive stretching

The tensile force is applied externally: either manually by another person or the athlete himself (with a free limb), or using a machine or gravity. Tension aids often provide more permanent elongation. The passive stretching technique requires slow, controlled lengthening of relaxed muscles where you feel a stretch but not pain. Using the example of delta exercises.

Stretching the anterior deltas while sitting

Active stretching

Requires muscular action during the pulling movement. The tensile force is created by the efforts of the athlete. Often used in yoga. An example of active stretching is a controlled movement against gravity. To reduce weight, the muscles are contracted eccentrically. It is necessary to maintain the occupied position through additional muscle efforts. The tension of actively working muscles helps to relax the stretched antagonist muscles by mutual balancing. Using abdominal exercises as an example.

Abdominal stretch while standing

A modification of this type of stretching is Active Isolated Stretching, in which the target muscle is localized and separately worked. This technique is carried out using a mechanical device - an elastic belt, knee bandages, a rope jump rope and similar equipment, with the help of which you can pull a certain part of the body with your own efforts.

Quadriceps and hip flexor stretches

Static stretching

In the static technique, the athlete maintains a stretching position. It is necessary to take a comfortable position and then hold the position for some time (30-60 seconds or maximum). During stretching, you should be extremely focused - the exercise should be accompanied by a feeling of gentle stretching in the muscles under the influence of your own weight, without effort, jerking or sharp pain.

The correct technique for this type of stretching assumes that you are relaxed and do not try to influence the range of motion, maintaining a passive-static position. This stretching method is most suitable for beginners. Using the example of working out the calves.

Standing hamstring stretch

Ballistic stretch

Comparable to static stretching in its ability to increase joint range of motion. Ballistic techniques use rapid jerks to further stretch the muscles, but these uncontrolled movements can easily overstress and cause damage to the connective tissue, stretching it beyond its elastic capacity.

Forward Bend Hamstring Stretch

Isometric stretching

The essence of the technique is to alternate maximum isometric tension in the muscle (i.e., contraction without movement) followed by relaxation and stretching to the maximum possible state. For example, first the toe is pulled out and the calf is tensed, held this position for 4-10 seconds, then the sock is pulled towards itself, stretching the calf muscle as much as possible.

Dynamic stretching

It represents stretching movements of the limbs in a wide amplitude and within the range of one’s own physical capabilities. Dynamic stretching can include both slow and accentuated movements, as well as fast ones: for example, swinging the legs into the palm with a slow lowering of the limb to the starting position.

Swing your leg to the side

How to do the exercises

Before the main exercise, take the time to lightly stretch the target muscle to avoid cramps and strain. Bring the muscle to a feeling of moderate tension and relax in this position. The tension created in the muscles should gradually go away.

  • Hold each good stretch exercise in one position for about 30 seconds without sudden movements.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply while stretching.
  • Concentrate on how your muscles stretch and visualize it.
  • Relax your whole body; never continue through pain or discomfort.
  • Stretching warmed muscles will give better results. Stretch after every cardio or strength training.
  • Stretching between sets during strength training will help the target muscles recover faster and grow more.
  • Having an experienced partner while you stretch will help you achieve better results.

Can stretching and flexibility exercises prevent sports injuries? Although stretching has not yet been proven to reduce the risk of sports injuries, practice shows that these exercises are indeed effective in stimulating muscle activity and increasing the range of motion of joints.


Flexibility is an important part of strength training and speed development programs and should be considered when planning your training program. Flexibility is also important for ordinary person because of its connection with human health and ability to work. Short muscles can become sore when exposed to physical activity. Inflexible joints and muscles limit your work efficiency and lead to various problems, such as injuries and pain in the lower back.

Special flexibility exercises - stretching - promote the development of plasticity, elasticity and strength of muscles, flexibility of joints and strengthening of ligaments. It stimulates muscle growth, improves transfer nutrients and increases intracellular protein synthesis. During forced breaks in training, regular stretching (for 20-30 minutes per muscle group) can slow down the reduction of muscle mass.

Set of exercises

Start with passive stretching after a light warm-up, focusing on the muscle groups you work the most, and then move on to the main exercises. To warm up your muscles before stretching and make them more pliable, you can apply heat locally. If muscles are spasming, use massage. If joint mobility is limited, use mobilization before flexibility exercises.

Complex for stretching and flexibility

Note: Do it alternately in each direction. Slowly tilt, hold at the maximum point and return to the starting position.

Important! Do not do the exercise with sudden movements.

Important! on each leg

Important! Perform 3 sets. At the same time, hold at the top point for 10 seconds and slowly, as you exhale, without jerking, lower yourself to the starting position.

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Do a short cardio workout or some warm-up exercises. Exercises should be performed for each muscle group and joint for which you need flexibility. Stretching should be gentle and gradual to avoid overstretching, as the stretch reflex can come into play, causing pain and possible damage to soft tissue, ligaments or tendons.

The stretch should be spread out over several stretches rather than performed in one sitting. Do stretching and flexibility exercises several times a day, 4-5 days a week. The stretch should be progressive over 10 to 30 seconds.

Stretching exercises

Before starting any program, after a short warm-up, do these exercises to get a good stretch.

Side bends

Straighten your arms above your head, grasp one hand with the other. Slowly bend at the waist and gently pull your arms toward the floor.

Pelvic rotation

Place your hands on your hips and make circular movements to the right and left.

Body flexion (hands to toes)

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend at the waist until you begin to feel a stretch in the back of your legs. Do not make sudden movements or stretch too much. To return to an upright position, bend your knees slightly to relieve downward pressure on your lower back and stretch your hamstrings.

Another exercise, bending the body (arms to toes), is performed while sitting on the floor, heels at a distance of about 15 cm. Clasp your hands and pull them as far as possible, at least to the lower shin or ankle.


In a sitting position, place your right leg on your left, move your left elbow behind your knee, and press down. Repeat with your left leg resting on your right.

Stretching while sitting

This stretch is performed by: In a lunge position, keep your heels in a straight line and bend your knee over your foot. Roll your foot outward and inward to achieve a full stretch in the ankle, Achilles tendon, groin, and hip flexors.

Quadriceps Lunge Stretch


Sit with one leg straight at the knee, toes pointing up. The second leg is bent so that the heel touches the thigh. Lean forward and stretch your arms as far as possible. Then lie on your back, making sure that your bent leg touches the floor with your knee.

Stretching the body maintains joint flexibility, helps relax muscles, develops coordination, accuracy and range of motion, and prevents injuries. By regularly doing stretching exercises, you can feel and control your body better.

How to stretch correctly

When drawing up a training program, it is necessary to take into account the degree of flexibility individual characteristics muscles. The basis of success is regular home training, relaxed, thoughtful and slow performance of each exercise. The body needs to be given some time to adjust to even minor physical activity– no one managed to learn how to sit in one day.

By regularly reducing muscle tension, you can gradually increase your range of motion. The desire to quickly and at any cost develop flexibility can lead to rupture of a ligament or muscle. Stretching exercises done correctly should be enjoyable.

Stretching can be done not only at home, but also on the street - while waiting for the bus, on the beach, while walking in the park, at work in the office. It is important to do the exercises in a relaxed state, slowly, concentrating on the muscles and joints.

Many beginners build a stretching and flexibility training program by performing exercises in jerks or until the muscles hurt. This approach can do more harm than good.

When muscle fibers are overstretched during a jerk, they reflexively contract to prevent injury. As a result, the muscles that need to be stretched become even more tense instead of relaxing.

Some fibers tear, causing pain and scar tissue, causing the muscles to lose their elasticity. Therefore, when performing flexibility and stretching exercises, you need to immediately respond to painful sensations. Their appearance is a sure sign that the sports movement is being performed incorrectly.

The best way to stretch your body and muscles is to begin exercises before mild tension appears. You need to stay in this position for 10-15 seconds and try to relax. The feeling of tension should disappear. Otherwise, you need to reduce the amplitude, eliminating severe discomfort. It is important to learn to feel the stretch and not feel pain at the same time.

When the muscle tissue is prepared, move smoothly and without jerking to the next phase of the exercise, increasing the stretch until a feeling of moderate tension appears. After 10-15 seconds it should also decrease. If, on the contrary, the tension has increased, the stretching position must be reduced.

To control the relaxation of the body, it is important to constantly breathe. Inhalations and exhalations should be slow and rhythmic. If it is difficult to breathe in one position or another, it means that the body has not relaxed properly.

Before stretching, it’s a good idea to warm up your muscles with simple exercises - walking, running in place, various physical exercises of the torso, arms, legs.

Home stretching for back, shoulders, arms

Simple muscle stretching exercises will help relieve tension in the upper body - an indispensable companion to stress:

  1. Get on your knees, stretch both arms forward. Keeping your palms on the floor, reach back to stretch the muscles on the sides of your body and up to your elbows. Maintain a relaxed state for 10-15 seconds.
  2. Position on your knees, palms on the floor, fingers turned towards the knees. Without lifting your palms from the floor, stretch back. The exercise relieves tension and stretches the muscles of the forearms.
  3. Place the palms of your vertically straightened hands so that your thumbs face forward. As you inhale, stretch upward, bend your back slightly back for 10 seconds.
  4. While sitting or standing, place your palm right hand on the left shoulder. Use your left palm to push your right elbow towards your left shoulder. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Change hands.
  5. To stretch the shoulders and triceps, raise bent arms up, forearms crossed behind the back of the head. Using the palm of your left hand, pull your right elbow towards your left shoulder blade for 10 seconds. Relax, breathe. Repeat for the other side.
  6. In a standing position overhead, clasp your forearms. Holding your right elbow with your left hand, tilt your torso to the left and hold for 10 seconds. Similarly, lean to the right.
  7. Difficult shoulder stretching exercise. One arm is bent and raised up, the other arm is lowered and also bent. Try to clasp your fingers behind your back for 15 seconds. Change hands.
  8. Interlock your fingers, extend your arms at shoulder level, turn them palms forward to stretch the muscles of the shoulders, forearms, wrists, and hands.
  9. Straighten your arms vertically upward, hands clasped together. Move your palms back slightly to relax your shoulders.
  10. Take turns raising and lowering your shoulders, holding the upper position for 3-5 seconds. As you lower your shoulder, tilt your head toward the opposite shoulder.
  11. Close your palms behind your back. Rotate your straightened arms, moving your elbows towards each other. Hold the position for 10 seconds.
  12. Starting position as in the previous exercise. Raise your palms up to stretch your chest muscles.
  13. To relax your muscles after sitting for a long time, stand up with your palms on your lower back. Pull your elbows back a little and bend your torso for 10 seconds.

Leg stretching exercises

With age, in the absence of regular exercise, the muscles of the lower leg, arches of the feet, and ankle joints weaken. Even minor loads cause severe overvoltage. In addition, some beginners strive to stretch their tendons and muscles in order to quickly learn how to do the splits.

You should start training your leg flexibility with stretching exercises:

  1. Sit on your heels, torso vertical. It is important to feel how the thigh muscles and ankle joints are stretched. Remaining in a sitting position, place your right foot at the level of your left knee, your right knee in the armpit area. Lift your right heel off the floor and, using pressure on your knee, help stretch the Achilles tendon.
  2. Extend your left leg back, knee on the floor. The right thigh is in contact with the torso, which is slightly tilted forward, the projection of the knee coincides with the heel. on the floor and help maintain balance. Lower your pelvis down to stretch the muscles of your left thigh. Repeat for the other leg.
  3. The starting position is the same, but the left leg is almost straightened, only the toes are on the floor. Lower your pelvis down. To complicate the exercise, bend your arms, as during push-ups, so that your right knee is on the outside of your forearm. Repeat for the other side.
  4. Extend your left leg back, knee on the floor. Torso in vertical position, the shin of the right leg is perpendicular to the floor, palms on the right knee. Straightening your arms, lower your pelvis at the same time. Repeat for the left side.
  5. Perform the previous exercise, but the leg set back is almost straightened and the knee does not touch the floor. This sports movement develops flexibility of the pelvis and hips.

Split stretching exercises

This skill is not in great demand in everyday life. In addition, the ability to do the splits requires fairly developed flexibility. Before performing exercises, it is necessary to warm up the muscles properly. Developing stretching for the splits requires hard training, during which it is necessary to relax so as not to cause injury.

Cross twine. Left leg extended behind, knee on the floor. The torso is slightly tilted forward, the projection of the right knee coincides with the heel. Fingers on the floor help maintain balance.

Slowly move your foot forward until tension appears in the groin area. Lower your pelvis down and hold the position for 10-15 seconds. Move your foot forward a little more, resting on your heel. Lower your pelvis even lower, keeping your back straight. Repeat for the other side.

Longitudinal twine. Palms on the floor, torso parallel to the floor. Spread your straightened legs, feel inner side hips Lower your pelvis slightly, holding the stretch for 10-15 seconds.

As your training increases, lower yourself lower, leaving your heels on the floor and pointing your feet up to relieve the load on the knee ligaments.

Alternatively, sitting on the floor, spread your legs wide apart and use your arms to bend your torso forward, stretching your inner thighs.

Modified: 08/11/2018

Whether you are actively involved in fitness or bodybuilding, you have certainly heard about the importance of stretching. The cool-down should be the final stage of your workout, no matter what, strength or cardio.

Why do you need a cool-down after training?

Why do you need muscle stretching, you ask? – Stretching improves blood flow to muscle tissue and improves joint mobility, allowing you to increase your range of motion while working. In addition, athletic performance improves, since the cool-down reduces the risk of injury and muscle pain after training.

In order for your training results to constantly increase, you must know which muscles you are stretching in a particular exercise and how to perform it correctly. This knowledge allows you to choose the right technique for stretching the target group. This knowledge also helps you pinpoint the problem muscle if you happen to feel pain in any area.

Before using this set of muscle stretching exercises, make sure that you do not have problems with the musculoskeletal system, or better yet, consult a specialist. Never start stretching if the muscles are not warmed up - this risks tissue injury.

Features of the cool-down process

Don't think about how long it takes you to cool down. Focus on your sensations, feel how your muscle tissue lengthens and returns back to its resting state. Each exercise takes on average 5-30 seconds. Try to hold each position for at least 8 seconds. If it’s hard, then choose a time that is convenient for you.

During the post-workout cool-down exercises, you should clearly feel the target muscles. Focus on your breathing and try to perform the movements as easily and as naturally as possible. Any pressure or strain in muscle tissue or joints is a clear sign of incorrect technique.

While working, you should not experience pain, but a feeling of stretching of the muscle fibers is a must. As you exhale, try to increase the range of motion.

Main equipment: fitness mat, crossbar, support.

We present to your attention a set of muscle stretching exercises:

Exercise No. 1 (neck muscles). This technique is best performed in a sitting position. Focus on your work while avoiding damage to your cervical spine. For additional stretching of the target group, it is enough to apply light pressure with the palm of your hand.

Exercise No. 2 (neck muscles). The technique is performed in a standing position. When bending your head back, make sure that there is no pressure on the cervical spine.

Exercise No. 3 (neck and trapezius muscles). Place your feet together and do a squat, moving your hips back and simultaneously rounding your upper back. Using your hands, gently pull your head forward and touch your chin to your chest.

Exercise No. 4 (latissimus dorsi). The technique is performed on a horizontal bar. Grab the bar with a wide grip and slowly lift your feet off the floor. You should feel a slight feeling of "pulling". This post-workout cool-down exercise is not recommended for those who have lumbar problems.

Exercise No. 5 (pectoral and latissimus dorsi muscles). To work you will need a wall or stand. When bending, the spine should be parallel to the floor. Move your chest down. If you feel tension in the back of your thighs, bend them slightly at the knee.

Exercise No. 6 (pectoral and latissimus dorsi muscles). To work you will need a partner. As you stretch, you should feel a slight "grip" in the thoracic region. In this case, sudden movements should be avoided so as not to injure the shoulder girdle.

Exercise No. 7 (rectus and oblique abdominal muscles). This technique of a set of muscle stretching exercises requires good flexibility. Avoid placing strong pressure on the lumbar spine. If you have problems with cervical spine, do not throw your head back too much.

Exercise No. 8 (oblique abdominal muscles).

Exercise No. 9 (buttocks and oblique abdominal muscles). This technique is recommended for those who suffer from lumbar pain. For additional stretching of the target group, apply pressure with your hand on the knee, but do not allow discomfort in the lower back area.

Exercise No. 10 ( inner part hips). The foot of the working leg rests on the heels, toes pointing up. Slowly stretch first your right leg, then your left leg.

Exercise No. 11 (inner thigh). Without sudden movements, stretch the muscles by lightly pressing your hands on your knees. In this case, the legs should be located as close to the torso as possible. The closer, the more effective it is to stretch inner surface hips.

Exercise No. 12 (front surface of the thigh). Place your supporting leg so that you feel the stretch in your thigh. By adducting your working leg, increase the amplitude of the stretch.

Exercise No. 13 (lumbar region and back of the thigh)

This technique can be done by experienced athletes and is not recommended for beginners. Starting position, as for lunges, begin to slowly lower down. You should go as low as possible, but make sure there is no overstrain in the muscles.

Exercise #14 (Hamstrings, Hamstrings and Calves). Stretch your fingers towards your feet until you can touch and hold them. If you feel a lot of tension, bend your knees slightly. Keep your back straight at all times.

Exercise No. 15 (soleus and gastrocnemius). You can do the work on a counter or on the edge of a step. You should clearly feel a stretch in your calves.

Cool down principles

There are several principles of stretching after training:

  • All movements should be slow, without jerking or tension.
  • Give your muscles a gentle stretch and gradually increase it, but only after complete muscle relaxation.
  • Do not use force, work in comfortable conditions. You should feel how the tension in the muscle tissue decreases as the static progresses.
  • Watch your breathing, it should be slow and natural. If you feel that it is becoming more difficult to breathe, stop.

On initial stages Don't focus your attention on quickly developing flexibility. First of all, learn how to perform the technique correctly, and flexibility will appear as a result of regular stretching. Now you know exactly why muscle stretching is needed. Good luck!

In addition to people who neglect to stretch, you can often find people in the gym who stretch mindlessly, for example, doing a few exercises to stretch the hamstrings and hamstrings and then call it a day.

Such a casual approach to stretching not only does not provide benefits, but can also cause harm: for example, it can negatively affect your posture. Let's figure out how to fix the situation.

1. Use the principle of uniformity

The first principle of proper stretching is uniformity. For convenience and clarity, Lifehacker will analyze it using the example of myofascial meridians (lines) described in the book “Anatomical Trains” by Thomas Myers.

Why is it important to stretch your body evenly?

By stretching just one part of your body, such as your hamstrings, you risk developing poor posture.

The fact is that the muscles in the human body are not isolated from each other, so stretching or contracting one muscle affects others.

Groups of muscles and fascia that are interconnected and transmit tension are called myofascial meridians.

Hypertonicity or, conversely, overstretching of one or more muscles in the myofascial line leads to poor posture and problems with the spine.

Two myofascial meridians are responsible for posture, flexion and straightening of the body: the superficial posterior line (SPL) and the superficial frontal line (SFL).

Left - superficial posterior line, right - superficial frontal line

The function of the superficial posterior line is to keep the body straight and prevent it from twisting when flexed.

If this line is short, it prevents the body from bending forward: for example, when a person cannot reach his toes with his hands without bending his knees.

If the PCL muscles are overstretched, this causes problems with the spine. For example, hyperextension of the knees can increase lumbar lordosis and.

Here are some yoga exercises to stretch the muscles of the superficial posterior line.

Superficial back line stretching / hanuman.ru

Also in formation correct posture Another line is involved - the superficial frontal. Its main function is to maintain balance with the superficial back line.

Here are asanas in which the PFL muscles are stretched.

Stretching the superficial frontal line / hanuman.ru
Stretched muscles / hanuman.ru

Since two lines regulate the position of the body in space, when stretching you need to pay attention to both of them.

How to stretch your body evenly

To stretch all the muscles of the body evenly, you can use the asanas presented above, or simply select stretching exercises in accordance with the principle of uniformity.

If you do hamstring stretching exercises (leg bends, elevated stretches), it is worth including rectus femoris stretches (quadriceps stretches against the wall, on the knee).

If you stretch the erector spinae muscles, for example by performing a leg tuck, you also need to stretch the rectus abdominis muscles: in sit-ups, lying on your stomach, bridges, or other exercises.

2. Consider your lifestyle

Our body is designed to be in motion, and not to remain frozen in one place for a long time, especially when sitting.

When you sit, some muscles of the body are overly stretched, while others, on the contrary, are in constant tone. This spoils and causes problems with the spine. And the first common problem among those who lead a sedentary lifestyle is weak, overstretched muscles in the back of the thigh.

How to fix a hyperstretched hamstring muscle

When you sit, the muscles of the back of the thigh are constantly in a stretched and elongated position. Because of this, a natural need to contract arises and the muscles feel stiff.

Many people, feeling the stiffness of their hamstrings, believe that they need to be properly stretched. In fact, this can only aggravate the problem: the already excessively elongated femoral biceps will become even stiffer from stretch to stretch.

The solution is to massage the problem area, which you can do yourself by rolling out the hard biceps of the thigh on a massage roller or barbell. When you relax your muscles a little, you can stretch them during strength exercises: deadlifts, lunges.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle is often the cause of a shortened iliopsoas hip flexor muscle.

Iliopsoas stretch

Unlike a stretched hamstring, the iliopsoas muscle becomes too short. It pulls the vertebrae of the lumbar spine forward, which causes an unhealthy arch in the lower back (hyperlordosis).

Therefore, if you have a sedentary job, be sure to spend time stretching your iliopsoas muscle.

Iliopsoas stretch / enhancephysiotherapy.net.au

3. Strengthen your muscles to make stretching safer.

For a trained person, stretching is safer: if you have strong muscles, the risk of sprains is reduced and progress is accelerated.

The fact is that the ability of a muscle to stretch depends mainly on connective tissue - collagen fibers and their elasticity. Exercise reduces the number of collagen cross-links that make muscle stiffer, especially as you age. Therefore, trained muscles are better stretched, and the risk of spraining ligaments and tendons during stretching is reduced.

This means that if you decide to improve your flexibility, you should include strength exercises in your training.

And the last factor that needs to be taken into account when composing a stretching routine is which muscles were involved in the workout.

4. Stretch the muscles you worked

By stretching your muscles, you improve tissue nutrition, increase blood circulation and even increase strength. One study Chronic Static Stretching Improves Exercise Performance. has shown that regular muscle stretching, even without other physical exercise increases strength and strength endurance.

For 10 weeks, participants in one group stretched their leg muscles for 40 minutes several times a week. After this, their one-time maximum in exercises for raising and lowering the legs on simulators increased by 32%, and muscular endurance - the number of repetitions they could perform before muscle failure - by 60%.

Thus, stretching not only improves metabolic processes in tissues, but also helps to become stronger.

After training special attention Focus on the muscles involved in the exercises, and also stretch the opposing muscle groups.

Let's give an example.

If your workout consisted of weighted lunges, deadlifts, push-ups, and dumbbell rows, you are stretching:

  • pectoral muscles;
  • hamstrings and quadriceps;
  • buttocks;
  • triceps and biceps of the arms;
  • latissimus dorsi muscles;
  • trapezius muscles.

Stretching exercises can be viewed in or based on it.


So, to create a post-workout stretching routine, use the following diagram.

  1. Mark the target muscle groups that were involved in the workout.
  2. Choose a stretching exercise for each group.
  3. Incorporate stretches for muscle groups from the opposite myofascial line to balance the complex.
  4. Perform each stretching exercise for 90–120 seconds (during this time the fascia has time to get used to the new position).

That's all. If you have your own tips and comments about stretching after a workout, share them in the comments.