Drinking regime during restoration of intestinal functions. Be optimistic

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It is almost impossible to find a person who has never turned to medications for help in dealing with difficult bowel movements. Treatment of constipation and normalization of intestinal function - important step To healthy life. But you need to know how you can adjust your habits and what measures to take so as not to encounter such a problem.

Constipation occurs when the intestines do not function properly.

In this article you will learn:

The main methods of treating constipation

In order for the gastrointestinal tract to function properly, you need to maintain a healthy and active life. Eat general provisions, compliance with which is necessary for proper operation the whole body, including the digestive organs:

  • Movement improves the digestive system and the functioning of all organs, which has a positive effect on a person’s overall well-being. You need to do exercises in the morning, take more walks fresh air, walking, swimming, dancing, skating or rollerblading.
  • You also need to drink the right amount of fluid, because if there is a lack of it, a diet to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is ineffective. The liquid softens stool, stimulates intestinal function, which helps combat constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water without gas per day.
  • It is necessary to exclude junk food from the diet. This includes: semi-finished products, fatty and spicy foods, difficult-to-digest foods, canned food, soda, alcohol, packaged juices, fast carbohydrates (chocolate, buns, etc.). It is necessary to add foods rich in fiber and do fasting days. Fractional meals small portions will also have a positive effect on the intestines, because the load on the gastrointestinal tract will decrease.

Avoid eating processed foods
  • Hygiene is also important for preventing intestinal diseases. Even if there was no need to leave the house, you should always wash your hands before eating. It is also very important to wash fruits and vegetables, eggs.
  • Taking vitamins and minerals and biological supplements to normalize intestinal functions will have a good effect on the health of the gastrointestinal tract. These drugs include Bifidumbacterin. Replaced with drugs containing probiotics and prebiotics (Acipol).
  • Self-massage of the abdomen. Make circular movements, slightly pressing on the stomach. It should be performed in the morning, on an empty stomach, but after drinking 1-2 glasses of water.
  • Exercise with a hoop (hula hoop with massage elements) will also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines.
  • It is worth giving up starvation diets.

Hoop exercises are useful for preventing constipation
  • Frequent use of laxatives leads the body to addiction. The drugs often include the plant senna, which can cause sluggish bowel syndrome. With it, without pills, the intestines themselves will no longer be able to function normally.

Main causes of constipation

The main factors influencing the act of defecation:

  • Poor nutrition. There are many reasons for constipation, but this is the main one! IN modern world people pay less and less attention to their diet; it is often poor in plant fibers and fiber. These substances improve intestinal motility, stimulating its work. Thanks to this, feces are removed from the body in a timely manner. Products rich in plant fiber: rye and bran bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits.

Addiction to baked goods can cause constipation

But simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and baked goods made from wheat flour and animal fats, take up most of the human diet, and this is wrong! In combination with drinking a small amount of liquid, this leads to constipation. It is important to drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water per day.

  • Medications. Many medications have constipation as a side effect. These include: antibiotics, antiulcer drugs, anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs and anti-tuberculosis drugs.
  • Stress. People are often in a state of depression, mental stress - this also has colossal influence both on the body as a whole and on the intestines.

Emotional imbalance disrupts the habit of daily bowel movements.

  • Suppressing the natural urge to go to the toilet. In the morning, after waking up, the contents of the rectum begin to put pressure on the intestinal walls, which leads to the urge to go to the toilet. If this reflex inherent in nature is suppressed, then in the future, more and more filling of the rectum will be required to trigger this reflex.

With constant stress, the risk of constipation is also high

Basic nutritional requirements for constipation

You need to follow a diet for constipation to normalize intestinal function. The following should be excluded:

  • dishes made from wheat flour;
  • fatty foods;
  • all spicy and salty foods.

It is forbidden to fry food on large quantities oils, it is preferable to stew, boil, bake in the oven and steam.

Products to improve bowel function

There are a number of foods that are good for the digestive system. Here is their list:

  • Vegetables. It is necessary to eat more cabbage (especially sauerkraut), cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, garlic and onions.

Prunes have good laxative properties
  • Fruits. You should eat melon, avocado, apples, kiwi, raspberries, peaches and apricots, lemons, oranges, tangerines, and grapes.
  • Dried fruits are great for helping to overcome constipation: prunes and dried apricots have an excellent cleansing effect.
  • Dairy products. You should eat more sour cream, cottage cheese, drink kefir, sugar-free yogurt and bifid drinks. Thanks to this type of product, beneficial intestinal microflora is restored.
  • You also need to eat foods rich in plant fiber: bran, muesli, cereals (except rice and semolina), Rye bread. Such food improves digestion and helps the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vegetable oils in moderation are also beneficial for the intestines.
  • You also need to eat steamed fish and chicken.
  • In the morning, you can eat a spoonful of a mixture of flax seeds and sprouted wheat. You need to wash them down with a glass of water and start eating after half an hour.

The duration of the diet is no more than 5-6 days, you can repeat it every month to cleanse the intestines. It is not difficult to follow.

Muesli helps normalize digestion

Sample menu for 1 day

The following menu can be used as an example:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal in water without additives, but with pieces of berries and nuts. Tea or yogurt without additives.
  • Snack: 1-2 fruits or freshly squeezed juice.
  • Lunch: low-fat broth or steamed vegetables, steamed fish, fermented baked milk. Fish can be replaced with chicken.
  • Snack: yogurt.
  • Dinner: fresh vegetable or fruit salad, steamed fish or meat, herbal tea.

Before going to bed, you can drink kefir or yogurt with the addition of oat bran a couple of hours before bed.

Drinking regime during restoration of intestinal functions

The formation of constipation occurs not only from poor nutrition, but also from non-compliance with drinking regime. When the body does not receive the required amount of water or dehydration occurs (for example, during illness, at high body temperature), the feces also become dehydrated and become denser. Often people do not notice that they practically do not use clean water at all!

It is very important to drink enough fluids

Normalizing stool for constipation includes drinking 100-150 ml of water every hour. Eating fiber without the right amount of water will not give the necessary results, because it will not be able to swell and stimulate intestinal motility. You can drink fresh juices, mineral water still, herbal tea. But you should avoid sweet sodas, alcohol and store-bought juices from a package.

Movement is life

Physical activity improves the functioning of the intestines and the body as a whole. Exercises for constipation should be performed daily to see their effectiveness. Do exercises in the morning, before going to the toilet or 2-3 hours before bedtime. Exercises are selected by a doctor or specialist specializing in therapeutic exercises. To make a choice, you need to pay attention to the patient’s age, height, weight and physical condition of the body.

Any physical exercise can be used to prevent constipation.

Here are some exercises to help improve bowel function:

  1. I. p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Lean forward 90 degrees. Repeat 10 times. The lumbar muscles are trained, and the function of the colon is activated.
  2. IP sitting on a chair, side to its back, arms crossed behind his head. We bend forward, then return to i. p. and bend back. Repeat 10 times. The muscles of the abdominal wall and back are strengthened, blood circulation in the body improves.

Whatever exercise the patient chooses, the main thing is to move. Even just a walk in the fresh air will have a positive effect.

Traditional methods for solving the problem

If the occurrence of a problem is not associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but is a temporary difficulty in the body, then they will help folk recipes. Herbs for constipation work well if the medicine is prepared correctly.

You can prepare a remedy from walnut kernels

Decoction of walnuts. After grinding 100 g of nut kernels in a blender, you need to pour 1 liter of hot milk over them. Place on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for another 4-6 minutes. Strain the cooled broth, add 1-2 tsp. honey for taste. You need to drink 1 tbsp. per day, dividing the doses into 3 times. It should be consumed warm, in the morning on an empty stomach, and the rest of the doses an hour before meals.

Dried peas crushed to a powder also help get rid of the problem. You need to consume 1 tsp. powder mixed with water.

You can also use enemas for constipation. You can make oil at home. Use olive oil, mix 2 tbsp. l. with 100 ml of water. Using a bulb, it is inserted into the anus. The solution must be warm for the best effect. The solution envelops feces and helps to release them. The enema is given at night.

Tea made from dried cherries and apples also helps achieve the desired effect. The drink should be drunk throughout the day.

If you want to know how to quickly and easily relieve constipation, then watch this video:


Medicines to get rid of the problem are divided into groups according to their action. All of them are presented in the table.

Type of drugNameAction

  • Regulak, Senade, Gerbion (contains senna extract;

  • Dulcolax, Bisad, Pirilax (based on bisacodyl);

  • Duphalac, Goodluck, Poslabin (based on lactulose).

Laxatives for constipation are used to irritate the intestinal walls and stimulate peristalsis.

Preparations made on the basis of lactulose have a milder and safer effect on the intestines. Such medications are allowed for pregnant women and young children.

Drugs that normalize flora

  • Probiotics (Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Acipol);

  • Prebiotics (Normaze).

Colonization of the intestines with beneficial microflora, growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria.
AntispasmodicsNo-shpa, PapaverineThey will help with spastic constipation when you need to relieve spasm.

Only your attending physician can select the necessary medications. Laxatives help instantly solve the problem of bowel cleansing. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days, otherwise an addiction effect may occur.

Strange as it may seem, but according to statistics, many newcomers, having received a job in a large company, do not stay in the workplace for even a year.

And the reason for this is that not everyone is able to quickly get along with new colleagues and organically join the team, which, as a rule, already has its own established relationships, some kind of routine and unspoken rules, which can be very easily violated without even wanting it.

Let's find out how to join the team on new job to the maximum short term, proving yourself to be a person you can trust.

Moreover, today many managers, having hired a new employee, do not evaluate him first. professional quality, and the ability to quickly find mutual language with the people around him.

How to behave on your first working day in a new place

On your first day of work, no one expects you to achieve work records. On this day the most great attention focus on the first impression you make on your new colleagues.

First of all, it is important to take care of your appearance. As you know, people are greeted by their clothes. Therefore, prepare your “clothes” in advance - a new suit and a neat, ironed shirt will come in handy.

Even if the new place has adopted a relaxed style of clothing, you should not show up on the first day in flip-flops on your bare feet and torn jeans.

Set your alarm an hour earlier so you don't have to rush to get ready in the morning. Calmly do all your morning hygiene procedures and go to work so that you arrive 10 minutes before the start of the working day.

Be calm and friendly. Say hello to others and introduce yourself.

On this day, try to remember the names and patronymics of several employees whose workplaces are located in close proximity to your desk.

Also, on your first day of work, it is advisable to go to your immediate supervisor and ask about the priority matters that you should do. You can also ask to designate someone to whom you can seek advice.

First working week

After the first acquaintance with your colleagues has taken place, you can move on to your direct work responsibilities. At this time, there is no need to isolate yourself. First working week It is advisable to spend it not only on getting to know the job, but also on getting to know the people who work near you.

To do this, you can use any opportunity - ask where this or that folder is, find out how to use the microwave, don’t be afraid to ask for advice. This way you can get to know your new colleagues better and form a positive opinion of yourself. After all, we usually endow good qualities those who are courteous and friendly with us.

You shouldn't talk much during the first week. During this time, you should try to listen more. Listen and remember how it is customary to communicate, dress, and behave at work. All this will be very useful to you in the very near future.

If you really love tea with bergamot, which you brew exclusively in an intricate teapot purchased in the homeland of tea producers during a tourist trip, then you should not show it to others.

Try to stand out as little as possible. Soon everyone will get used to you, and then you can feel a little freer.

First month

If in the first week you tried not to stand out too much, then during the month you should try to somewhat strengthen your relationships with colleagues. To do this, for example, you can find out where they usually go for lunch and go with them for company. Just say “can I join you?” If you are friendly, they will, of course, take you along and this will be another small step towards joining a new team.

If it is customary to get together at work to celebrate a birthday, wedding, name day or christening, do not shy away from such get-togethers. Be closer to the team. You don’t have to initiate it yourself, but don’t try to sneak away unnoticed to avoid getting together.

Within a month, you should already clearly know the entire hierarchy in your team - who has unquestioned authority and who is considered a loser, who is a leader and who is a follower, whose opinion should be listened to, and who is best avoided.

At the same time, you should not play at being a grateful, curious student, otherwise you may be labeled as a fool for a long time, which, of course, is unlikely to be beneficial when moving up the career ladder.

At the same time, you need to try to find a common language with your boss. Try not to bother about trifles, but you shouldn’t hide either.

Don't be afraid to ask if your boss is happy with your work. This will form the manager’s opinion of you as an open contact person who is responsible for what he does.

As you can see, forming a positive impression at a new place of work is not so difficult if you follow the tips given.

Thinking constantly leads to the question: “How can I improve my life?”, but everything is not going according to plan? The way of thinking of a poor person and a rich person is fundamentally different, but what is the secret? New life, full of joy, is just around the corner, but you need to find reasons that break all plans for a cloudless future.

In reality, the Universe is not against a person who is ready to remake himself. You can rush into battle against stereotypes and your own weaknesses today! What is needed? Become the master of your life! Sit back and right now you will learn the secrets that will help you always be one step ahead.

Get her in order

If every morning for many years does not begin with a happy smile, lightness in the soul - it’s worth thinking about! Feelings of instability and constant conflicts within oneself lead to a harmful way of thinking. Finding the cause of all troubles, getting rid of them once and for all is the main task on the path to a new “I”. Why is everything around you not happy? The meaning lies in the fight against harmful habits that drag a person to the moral “bottom”.

First you need to calm down, take your will into your fist and begin to sort the situation into pieces. This is necessary not to blindly follow the templates again and fall into the same rake. The hope “maybe I’ll get lucky or this won’t affect me now” is essentially wrong. If you follow the chosen path again, then arm yourself as best as possible.

In which difficult situation We wouldn't be, you can't be completely backed into a corner. Life does not like those who constantly cry, complain, blame the moon, the fortune teller and the pouring rain for the problem. Self-observation allows you to identify everyday little things. It is from them that circumstances arise, development occurs and, as a consequence, life experience. Let's develop willpower and take luck by the tail from now on!

Focus on discipline

“Think positively and life will certainly lead you in the right direction,” is a rule that not everyone is told from childhood. But it is thoughts that direct everyone to what they really deserve. It is impossible to achieve fundamental changes with consciousness alone. A person’s self-control must come from within, from the heart, and not just from the head alone. Thanks to the energy to win, we can reach heights in sports, build a business, and destroy social boundaries. Effective advice from psychologists is to perform self-control using internal sensations. The idea should be supported not by blind judgments, but by personal feelings.

« Discipline helps you become wise, and wisdom to constantly follow discipline.” How to change your lifestyle if a person has independently put himself into a state of deep depression? You can get out of a moral hole only through a clearly formed plan of ideas. Problems occur as failures and inharmonious relationships with other people accumulate. Many people voluntarily get involved in situations that they simply can avoid. Then how, how to improve your life? You can get rid of erroneous behavior using 10 rules of successful people.

Hasty conclusions are for the stupid

How to change when a person acts according to rough assumptions? This only complicates the situation! Believing what will surely happen, but not backing it up with actions, is a mistake. Without vigilance, any assumption will be wrong. As a result, actions become chaotic. People are bad at being a soothsayer. Reading thoughts and actions with personal judgments without reliable information is the same as hiking in the mountains blindfolded. Stupidity does not lead to success 100% of the time, so it is worth paying attention to the facts.

Never dramatize

A wind that will soon turn into a hurricane, or a meeting with a person that will lead to a fatal quarrel. Sound familiar? You shouldn’t make irreversible, dangerous situations out of little things. Anxiety in the soul gives rise to fears that can constantly creep up at an unexpected moment. Worrying about anything doesn't lead to anything consistently good. How to set up your own without such a habit? Develop resistance to sudden changes, do not perceive everything in shades of gray.

There should be few rules

If you think of a bunch of “I must”, “this is necessary, but this is not possible”, then your thoughts will simply weigh down your head. Many rules are useless. They build imaginary ideas about reality, orders that no one needs. Lack of motivation comes when the brain is filled with non-existent obstacles. It would be a mistake to transfer these frameworks to others. From the outside, a person becomes either a whiner or a self-confident fanatic.

Stereotypes and labels hinder development

Attach a bunch of labels “this is good and this is bad”, “here you need to criticize” and then? How? Negativity gives rise to such thoughts and actions. The desire to put everything in its place, to squeeze it into a clear framework, will soon lead to personality disorder. Not everything fits into a specific category. It is important not to limit your own thinking to completely useless ideas. Without labels the world gains real picture. The result may be pleasantly surprising!

Perfectionism does not lead to ideality

Remember that example with the dress that affected the whole world. Some saw the thing black and blue, while others are white and gold. So in life, many things take on only a white or black hue. Everyone sees one thing from a certain angle. In the end, everyone is completely individual and the common rule may not apply to them. and lifestyle? Understand the meaning of the word “enough.” The “all or nothing” rule often leads to complete collapse. The search for the ideal job ends with a constant lack of money, ideal relationship lead to loneliness. The “golden mean” is something that is perfectly applicable to any life situation.

Don't generalize your surroundings

Failure happened several times - is this a sign of complete failure? If you were lucky enough to win the lottery - will you always be lucky? No! It is stupid to generalize everything from isolated cases. This theory does not have a lingering tendency, but can turn around at any moment. Interesting example from the world of business: “The founder of the 7UP company (Seven Up) has achieved success in promoting soda around the world by 7 times!” He assessed the situation soberly and this allowed him to succeed in what he loved. Not equating everything to a specific case will lead to success sooner or later.

Take it easy

Even the closest people, friends, teachers cannot take care of a person 100%. What can I say, neighbors of the same entrance may never hear about each other for 10 years. This has never made anyone unhappy! Relationships with colleagues can only be built on professional matters. Behind the walls of the company, these people are already ready to put spokes in each other’s wheels. You shouldn’t take the problems, downs and ups of others’ moods to heart.

Emotions can lie to us

Feelings don't always tell us the truth. A quick temper alone cannot reveal the truth. The mood to help is sometimes overwhelmed by a wave of negativity. Emotions can be born simply under the influence of fatigue, hunger, headache, irritation. Feelings cannot be equated with truth.

Be optimistic

Expecting bad things usually leads to bad consequences. Training positive thinking is a task for all the remaining years. A negative driver has a distorted view of the road, and an irritated pedestrian can get into an accident. The main thing is not to see the world through the prism of all the bad things.

Don't live with past memories

There are so many examples in practice! Holding on to grievances, grief, success in the past does not lead to the development of the present. By replaying a lot of things from your youth in your mind, you can forget to live in the present. The rule “live here and now” will give you a great surge of strength.

Well done for reading the article to the end! Here you learned how to improve your life, despite life's difficulties. Surely, you won’t put some of the advice into practice, but you will certainly get yourself off the ground. Did you like the work? Share it with your friends on in social networks. This makes us write more and more relevant topics!

Every person, regardless of how much he earns, wants to improve his financial situation. Effective money rituals will help you not only achieve financial stability, but also gain wealth.

Material stability is one of the important components happy life, but sometimes financial difficulties force people to go to extremes or devote all their time to work, forgetting about their personal life. Of course, hard work and effort help you earn the necessary amount to survive in the modern world, but is this enough for you to not deny yourself anything?

Since ancient times, monetary rituals have been one of the most popular. Many people who have performed such rituals claim that in most cases they are incredibly effective. The site team recommends that you conduct one of these powerful money rituals using a candle. If your desire to improve your financial situation is strong enough, then rest assured: you will soon forget about your difficulties with money.

How to choose the right candle for a money ritual

Since ancient times it has been known about magical power candles. They are used during prayer, during love spells and conspiracies, and to attract and get what you want. Depending on what your ritual is aimed at, you should use a candle of a certain color. By choosing the right candle, you can speed up desired result.

Of course, the flame of the sanctified has special power. church candles. Main secret is that they are made of natural wax, without the addition of chemicals. You should not expect results from a candle with impurities, because it is believed that the candle is comparable to human life, where the wax symbolizes faith, the light from the flame symbolizes hope, and the fire itself symbolizes love, and nothing unnecessary should be present. By performing various rituals with a candle, you ask it for your innermost desire, a mental connection with fire cleanses your thoughts, and the flame burns all your troubles, failures, as well as mental pain.

Candles differ from each other in color and shape. And each of them is intended for use in certain rituals, depending on what you want to receive. A green candle is best suited for monetary rituals, since the color itself symbolizes happiness, fertility and material wealth. By performing a ritual with the right candle, you will get the desired result much faster, and perhaps you will gain much more than you expected.

Money ritual with candle

Before starting the ritual, count all the money in your wallet. After that, take a piece of paper and write on it a list of the most expensive things that you would like to purchase, but for which you do not have enough finances. Be sure to indicate their price.

After this, light the candle and hold a piece of paper to the flame. While it burns, say:

“Let me get everything I want. Let the money not come from me, but into my hands. I don’t want to live in poverty and lack, I want to be rich and happy. Let it be as I say!”

After this, collect everything that remains from the burnt leaf and put it in a matchbox. Put it where you keep your money in the house. If there is no such place, then put it in the bag in which you carry your wallet.

If you want to get rid of financial difficulties, do not be afraid to turn to rituals for help. Very often people themselves scare away financial success by violating the most simple rules. By following money signs, you can avoid difficulties with money, as well as attract wealth into your home. Blessings to you and your loved ones, and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.10.2017 03:56

Money rituals - effective method improve your financial situation. Attract wealth into your life and...

There are situations in life when someone close to you is very annoying. You can tell yourself that this is not decent, especially if we are talking about a mother or a child, but emotions are something that cannot be hidden. If an emotion appears, it will find a way out. If not now, then at another moment, most often the most inopportune one. This, by the way, means that emotions do not need to be restrained. Especially children. In children, all hidden emotions make themselves felt after thirty.

Our conversation now is about the need to solve the problem of relationships quickly, without digging into the past, without finding the reasons why this irritation arises. I offer a technique that you can master and apply yourself.

Imagine that you have the opportunity to turn into an animal for one day. Which animal would you turn into?

What three qualities do you like about this animal? Describe them.

How do these qualities show up in your life? Describe the situations.

What values ​​do these qualities represent to you?

Do the same with the person who annoys you (maybe a work colleague): the animal, then the qualities, then their manifestation in his life, his values. Expressed through these qualities.

Next, mentally place these animals in the same territory. It happens in life that a lion and a cat live in the same enclosure, or a snake and a rat. When animals understand that they have no options, and in order to live, they must live together, they live. So here it is in yours mental picture animals are in the same room. Watch them - what happens there immediately after the animals are together? Then describe what happens the next day. In a week, in 2 weeks. When observing animals, ask yourself questions: how do they coexist, how can you make them live more friendly.

For clarity, I will give an example from my practice. The girl is annoyed by her mother’s excessive concern, plus her mother’s pessimistic outlook on life and, accordingly, whining about this topic. The topic, I think, is familiar to many.

The animal the girl wanted to turn into was a CAT. Three qualities that I like about this animal: they don’t get attached to anything, they think that the whole world is for them, independence, detachment, you can pet him only if he wants it. They behave like masters of life.

How do these qualities manifest themselves in her life: “I can’t be like everyone else, I live the way I do, the desire for independence, I like to do as I want, not to push myself into a box, I’m a cat - and this is an achievement in itself, I - This is me, others are not like that.”

Values: freedom and self-development. Here I asked how self-development occurs in a cat? To which the girl replied that self-development occurs naturally in a cat, they know everything by nature and improve it through life. Self-development is life itself. The difference between a cat and a person is that a cat does not have goals, but a person does.

Next, we moved on to mom. If mom turned into some kind of animal for one day, what would it be? It turned out that mom is a chicken. Her three qualities: she only cares about eggs and chickens, everything else is not interesting. Even if someone else's egg is thrown at her, she will also hatch it without even noticing the substitution.

How do these qualities manifest themselves in life? She takes care of everything. The main and only task: to feed and warm everyone. She knows how to organize it all. She has a hypertrophied sense of care - “everyone will be lost without me.”

Her main values: family, children, caring for everyone.

Chicken and cat in the same territory. The cat doesn't want to eat chickens. He's sleeping. The hen takes care of the chickens, looks at the cat with caution, and defends herself just in case. The cat minds its own business and doesn’t pay attention to them. A week passes. The chicken got used to the cat. But her instincts kick in and she still takes the chickens to a corner. Away from the cat. Chickens do not see danger; they play with the cat when the chicken does not see. The cat's attitude is that he doesn't care. He doesn't pay attention to the chicken. If the chicken cackles, then he climbs higher. Waiting it out. He thinks it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get out of here. Although, it’s not bad here either. Warm and satisfying. Therefore, the fuss can be tolerated.