Dream interpretation of soiling a guy with feces in a dream. Why do you dream about feces?

When we dream about things that make us disgusted real life, we especially carefully try to analyze our night dreams. Let's say, why do you dream about feces? Most dream books classify this vision as a “reversal” dream, when a seemingly “bad” dream promises good events in life.

However, if you dream about feces at night, great importance has who “produced” it. Good value the dream occurs when the feces do not belong to the dreamer himself. If the dreamer himself defecated with the excrement that appeared in the vision, then the dream should be taken as a warning.

See from the outside

A dream in which you had to see feces will bring you a good sign or warning - it depends on both the plot and the state of the “object”. What visions of feces appear most often in dreams?

  • You can just smell it.
  • Seeing feces from the side.
  • Empty yourself.
  • Getting dirty in your own or someone else's feces.

As he says Newest dream book, the smell of feces in a dream, when you cannot find the very source of the “aroma,” means that those around you have their own opinion about how you should live and what to do. Try in reality to protect yourself from such “well-wishers” if you don’t want them to ruin your life.

Smell and see feces - a conflict situation is brewing in your life. How to proceed further depends on your goals. If you need conflict to free yourself from unpleasant influences, enter into it, but wisely, and if emotional “wars” are not part of your plans, turn on diplomacy mode.

If in your visions you notice abnormal bowel movements, this is a reason to take action in real life. So, if the stool was liquid, you are very nervous that those around you do not want to recognize your merits. If you dream about problems with bowel movements - you are too conservative, and this prevents you from working successfully, it is worth bringing fresh trends into your life.

Interact with excrement

Getting dirty with feces in a dream is considered a favorable sign. The Chinese dream book says that to see oneself smeared with excrement in a dream means that wealth awaits the sleeper. However, the Old Russian Dream Book attaches importance to the person whose feces the sleeping person was smeared with in the dream. In the case when the feces in which a person smeared himself in a dream was his own, the vision warns against careless actions and indiscretion, which can cause failures.

This vision also has a prosaic explanation: if you dreamed that you managed to put your feces on yourself, then you should take action to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Getting dirty with other people's excrement or animal feces, says Noble dream book, means profit, significant profit at that, and fun.

In a dream, did you have to go to to relieve your natural needs? If you dreamed of a plot that you had to do this in some inappropriate place, then there may be two interpretation options. First, your help will not be accepted by the person to whom you want to give it. Secondly, because of your goodwill and kindness, you may find yourself in an awkward situation, so you should not trust everyone.

To go to the toilet and see that someone’s feces are already floating in it - such a vision portends that you will learn someone else’s secret, one of those that is not customary to talk about out loud. A clean and dry toilet in a dream, according to Chinese dream book, in reality means rapid career growth.

You may also dream of such an unpleasant plot when the dreamer thinks that he is absorbing his own feces. feces is also interpreted in two ways: firstly, you shouldn’t gossip in reality - people don’t like it, and you can make ill-wishers even where you didn’t expect. The second meaning of the dream in which you had to eat feces is that you need to put your diet in order.

It’s unlikely that anyone would call feces a pleasant sight. But dream books rarely interpret this image with a negative message. Let's look at the question of why feces are dreamed of in order to be prepared for any turn of events in the future. life path that fate has in store for us.

Interpretation of the image according to various dream books

Miller's Dream Interpreter

Miller's dream book claims that feces in dreams signify big financial success and wealth. You will quickly climb career ladder, and businessmen will conclude large profitable deals.

But it is worth recalling that this is only possible if the dreamer is not lazy and shows own initiative to achieve your goals.

Interpretation of a dream according to Freud's dream book

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believes that this image in a dream symbolizes that the dreamer has committed some kind of shameful act, which you don’t dare tell even your closest people about. Perhaps your silence is even for the best, because your reputation and respect may be at stake.

Interpretation of the image according to Tsvetkov’s interpreter

Such a dream marks serious financial losses due to the fault of the dreamer himself. Even the smallest mistake can lead to big problems, so it’s worth thinking through every minute of your life more carefully. You need to be especially vigilant when signing important documents.

Vanga's Dream Book

A Bulgarian clairvoyant interpreted feces seen in night dreams as a symbol of financial well-being. But you should be extremely careful with your savings, because big money forces a person to spend more and more. If you don’t keep track of your financial savings, then you can quickly lose them and end up with nothing.

Interpretation of the image according to Hasse's dream book

Like all her “colleagues,” Miss Hasse believes that feces in dreams only signify financial well-being. But money must be earned only in an honest and legal way, otherwise the punishment will not be long in coming.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus's dream book, the image of feces in dreams foreshadows unexpected gifts and surprises from friends and distant relatives. Sometimes people see such a dream on the eve of some celebration, for example, the dreamer’s birthday. This explains this image.

Nostradamus also notes that the dreamer will soon be able to acquire what he has long dreamed of. This purchase will be very expensive, but the emotions from the acquisition and the benefits of the thing itself will justify the costs.

Why do you dream about feces? Seers are almost unanimous in predicting improvement financial condition. But the nuances of interpretation largely depend on the plot of the vision.

Miller's interpretation

The psychologist deciphers feces that appear in a dream as new sources of income. Projects that you considered unpromising and forgot about them will suddenly begin to pay good dividends.

Miller's dream book for people working in the service sector interprets that you will enter into a serious contract that will ensure high profits.

Other predictions

Why do you dream of feces with a sharp unpleasant smell- relations have become tense, thunder is about to strike. If you are looking for the source of the stench, the dream book shows that they will blatantly interfere in your destiny and try to impose a certain manner of action and options for resolving problems. These recommendations will be unpleasant and useless. Try to distance yourself from these personalities in reality.

Why do people who farm or raise livestock dream about feces - the harvest will be generous, and the offspring will be strong and healthy. Have you invested in a growing business? The dream book predicts a consistently high income.

To see feces in a dream briefly and accidentally - in reality you are overly susceptible to the influence of others, you do not have your own opinion, controversial issues go with the flow. It’s time to change, says the dream book, because the people nearby are unceremoniously taking advantage of your spinelessness. Learn to refuse, defending your beliefs, otherwise the insolent people will soon sit on your neck.

But human shit in a dream is interpreted ambiguously. One of the prediction options promises a deterioration in relationships with people, endless conflicts out of nowhere, squabbles, and misunderstandings. In addition, the dream book allows for a chance to get rich. Personalities with whom in reality you are in a long-standing confrontation will help with this.

Was the feces in the dream yours? Felomena foresees: as a result of absent-mindedness, a person will find himself in an awkward position and will be ashamed of his actions. The reasons why this happened will be quickly forgotten, but uncertainty will settle in your soul for a long time.

What did you do with the feces?

Why dream of feces when you stepped into it or got dirty - to profit, perhaps an extraordinary bonus. But if health problems begin in a dream, take feces and urine to the laboratory for analysis - bad sign. It symbolizes unexpected losses, waste, losses.

Did you clean up the feces? The dream book advises you to remember which other people you met in a dream. Most likely, you are heavily dependent on the person from the vision.

The plot where I had to taste shit in a dream has a dual meaning. On the one hand, this dream scenario symbolizes the ability to make good money thanks to the ability to persuade and eloquence. On the other hand, it shows the dreamer’s excessive stinginess and greed. But sometimes the dream book thus warns a person against verbal intemperance.

Falling into a sewer pit with feces portends a high probability of ending up in a stupid, unpleasant situation, disgracing yourself in front of everyone. In the near future, be patient and self-controlled, ignore provocations and attempts to touch a sore spot.

according to Loff's dream book

As noted in one of the chats, it doesn't matter how bad fate treats your children; There will certainly be people who will say that this is the result of a “perverted” upbringing. In principle, this approach to psychotherapy is one of Freud’s perpetuated developments after the theory of penis envy. Interest in this approach is fueled by Freud's own "scatological" struggle with the consequences of his childhood experience, which is mentioned in his biography. Many people believe that feces predict prosperity and wealth. But it should be noted that this can mean both wealth itself and your desire to acquire it. In any case, this interpretation is based on Freud's theory that feces are perceived by the child as something produced by himself, and therefore as something valuable. It would be amazing if an adult woke up because he dreamed of feces and felt light and free from it. To interpret a dream, it is important to know the source of the feces and how you discovered them. For example, if in a dream feces appear in a natural biological way, then determine whose feces it is and what you do with it - you just saw it, removed it - this will say a lot about your relationship with the characters in the dream. If you detect feces or don't see them but are aware of their presence, then you are concerned that others are trying to interfere with your life. The issue of money may also be involved here, if someone's influence goes too far or others interfere in your life too intrusively.

The meaning of a dream about excrement

according to Freud's dream book

To see in a dream human feces- you are tormented by some problem related to your personal life, but you do not want to discuss it with the culprit of the current situation. Trying to wipe excrement from your own body in a dream means you will find yourself in an awkward position when more is known about you than you would like. To get dirty in someone's excrement - you will learn some secret about the personal life of one of your colleagues, and he himself will not know that you are privy to his secret.

Why do you dream about excrement?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

evil intent, evil intrigues against the sleeper in the material, if liquid and do not stain; urine (spilled) - trouble; trouble through children; your own (excrement) - to money; improve material affairs; strangers - dually: enrichment, if it is unknown whose; if known - inheritance, income or squabbles with the one whose “good”; see Latrine.

Expert answers


I dreamed about Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, the former head of the USSR. He stands on the podium, gives a speech, and shit rains down from him, in very large quantities. He stands without trousers, but in a jacket and a shirt. And I ask someone why he doesn’t have trousers, and they tell me he has incontinence, so he doesn’t have trousers so as not to get dirty. Why did I have such a dream? (Tatyana)

Seeing a political leader in a dream often means that there are many words around you, but little action. A large number of feces seen in a dream may portend good profit. For accurate interpretation there are few details, but we can assume that subconsciously you feel that the money is going to someone else and passing you by, because you talk a lot, but do nothing and think that in the USSR your fate would have been much more successful.

According to several popular dream books, a harbinger of large incomes, prosperity and wealth is human excrement. Seeing feces in a dream turns out to be good sign, which promises a lot of easy ways to make money. At the same time, it is important to remember all the circumstances of the dream in order to find out why human or animal feces are dreamed of.

Fate according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a toilet in a dream or stepping on human, cat or dog excrement is not so scary, says Miller in his works on dreams. All your actions will bring income in the near future. Even seemingly obviously losing cases and operations will become profitable for you.

A well-known psychologist explains in detail why feces are seen in dreams:

  • human - to replenish the wallet in any way;
  • feline - there will be a chance to improve matters by cunning;
  • dog - to a good deal with a friend;
  • mouse - for small bonuses and surprises;
  • cows - to a large monetary project.

If you dreamed that you had to clean up a lot of excrement after animals, rejoice - this means that every action you take will lead to dividends.

Be afraid of getting into an unsavory story

Seeing excrement in a dream, collecting it, preparing food from it is a double sign. Dream Interpretations do not reduce the interpretation of dreams only to profit and explain some aspects as bad changes. For example, cat, dog, mouse feces, especially when there are a lot of them, symbolize shame and disgrace according to Freud’s dream book.

In reality you will have to experience a feeling of awkwardness and embarrassment for your shameful actions - this is exactly what you dream of cleaning up and hiding the excrement of a cat, a cat, and sometimes a person too. This is what Vanga’s dream book says.

If you dreamed that you managed to step in animal feces, but you can’t clean them off your shoes - be prepared to listen to an impartial monologue addressed to you from your superiors or older relatives.

Luck and nothing more

To see a stranger getting into trouble by stepping into excrement in a dream, or to see oneself get dirty in excrement means becoming a witness to someone’s secrets. The details of someone else's correspondence will give you many trump cards that will make it easier to win any process.

To understand why a recovering person dreams of excrement, you need to remember your feelings when you see them. Dream books claim that the smell of sewage in a dream and a feeling of lightness in the body indicate that the body has independently coped with the disease and things will soon get better.

Get ready to spend your profits

Monetary well-being will grow if you dreamed that you managed to “get into” excrement against your will. Tsvetkov’s dream book promises a person income even without his knowledge. For example, an inheritance may unexpectedly arrive, or a nice gift from close relatives.