Repentance for shameful actions. The problem of showing a feeling of remorse (according to the text by V.P. Astafiev). Several interesting essays

Repentance is an incredibly important ability human soul. If a person is unable to repent of his bad actions, committed intentionally, this means that, most likely, he is mentally deprived, he has no morals and conscience. We have found some definition of repentance, but what significance does it have in people's lives and why? Arguments from the literature will help you understand this.

Regarding the problem of repentance, of course, the most striking work is “Crime and Punishment” by the famous Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. The main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, commits murder and suffers. He cannot find a place for himself, although initially he believed that this murder was for the benefit of his theory that not all people are needed. After a conversation with his beloved Sonechka, he truly repents, yields to his conscience and confesses everything to the investigator. He suffered his punishment, but he showed that he remained human. From all of the above, it turns out that repentance is precisely what makes it possible to understand that a person still remains such, that he does not accept the evil that he has committed. Isn't this an important indicator?

Next, I want to turn to the wonderful play “The Eldest Son” by Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov. Two acquaintances: Silva and Busygin end up in the musician’s family, not wanting to stay on the street at night in another city. The young people decide that one of them will pretend to be his son, and they will stay to warm up. But the man was deprived of the attention and love of his own children, so he very warmly accepted the named son, he wanted to believe him. The musician gives the impostor an heirloom.

In the end, Busygin repents; he does not want to break the heart of the person who received him so cordially. Therefore, when his acquaintance opens his eyes to everyone, he confesses, although he could not do this, because the head of the family firmly believed that this was his eldest son. After the confession, their relationship only became stronger, they remained father and son, Busygin became a short time closer to a man than anyone else. Thus, repentance puts everything in its place; it allows a person to return to a state of harmony, when his feelings and mind are one.

After some reasoning, it can be revealed that repentance is of great importance - it is what keeps people in some kind of balance with themselves, it makes it clear that inside a person, despite his actions, something very important remains - morality. In addition, repentance allows those who have been offended to forgive, and this makes repentance an even more important point in life.

Essay The Problem of Repentance based on the text by Astafieva Postscript

An excerpt from the text is revealed in front of me famous writer Soviet period, in which the problem of repentance stands out as a red thread. The author analyzes the named problem in such a way that it becomes completely clear to the reader that the once committed shameful act in orphanage– turned off the loudspeaker.

Years pass, but that act from childhood torments the author to this day. He describes himself as an adult in a city garden. He truly enjoys listening symphony concert. But this pastime of his disrupts the behavior of other vacationers: they get up from their seats, slam the seat covers, and speak loudly and impolitely. Their behavior is a manifestation of ignorance and lack of education. It is important that in this moment The author realizes that as a child he disrespected the manifestation of other people's talent. Today the author is a different person who, in his own thoughts, pays respect to the musicians who “strain themselves” to cover the noise that the ignorant created.

I agree with the author's opinion. Admitting your own mistakes is a strong-willed step that not every person is capable of. It is important that the repentance be sincere, as they say “from the heart” - then nothing like this will happen in the life of such a person.

I will try to confirm my point of view with examples from fiction.

First, I will turn to the well-known story “Sotnikov” by Vasil Bykov. In it, Vasil talks about the partisan Rybak, who betrayed Sotnikov, his comrade in arms, to the Germans. Moreover, during the execution by hanging, he pushes the bench out from under his feet... But..., then Rybak could not live with such a heaviness in his soul and took his own life.

Secondly, let’s re-read Bunin’s story “ Dark alleys" The key problem in it is also the problem of repentance. The author focuses on a man who deceived a girl in his youth. Fate is very cruel to this man: he is quite experienced, lonely, and his son is a worthless person...

Thus, the problem of repentance is very popular both in life and in fiction. We must remember that a person who admits his mistakes will not repeat them in later life.

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The problem of our guilt before loved ones, the problem of repentance


Why are young people so eager to leave their native home, family, loved ones? After all, then they, like the prodigal son from the Gospel parable, often repent of their deeds. The problem of guilt towards loved ones and the problem of repentance are posed in the text by S. Lvov.

This problem falls into the “eternal” category. It is relevant in all centuries and times. That is why the author wants to reflect on this, to point out to readers its importance.

S. Lvov tells us about the fate of the famous German artist A. Durer. In his youth, he left his home, left his family, his wife and parents, and went to Italy. At this time, the plague epidemic was just beginning in Nuremberg. Talking about this story, the author reveals the feelings of parents left behind by their children: “Who hasn’t waited for months, or even years, for news from a child who left their father’s house! How many people are familiar with sleepless nights, when you mentally imagine your child hungry, undressed, shoeless, sick, and the thought that you are powerless to help him, feed him, clothe him, caress him, pierces your heart with helplessness and horror.” It was after this trip that Durer created his famous engraving “ Prodigal son" And in the features of her hero we notice a tangible resemblance to the artist himself. Dürer apparently experienced the same thing acute feeling melancholy and repentance, which A.S. wrote about. Pushkin. And this feeling is familiar to each of us. However, “you can’t turn back time.” Therefore, we must be kinder, more attentive, and more tolerant in our relationships with loved ones. That's exactly what it is author's position in this passage.

S. Lvov's text is very figurative, bright, expressive. He uses a variety of tropes and rhetorical figures: epithets (“with great joy,” “impatient thirst for youth”), metaphor (“the thought pierces the heart with helplessness and horror”), question-and-answer form of presentation (“Dürer could have experienced a feeling of repentance in Italy, that he left his homeland, leaving his relatives in danger? Could he, and probably even experienced it?

I completely share the position of S. Lvov. The feeling of belated repentance is familiar to each of us. Therefore, we must think about what our family means to us. K.G. writes about the daughter’s feelings of guilt before her deceased mother. Paustovsky in the story “Telegram”. The main character of the story, Nastya, lives a bright, rich, interesting life. She works in the Union of Artists, tries to help people, restore justice - she arranges an exhibition for one of the talented sculptors. At the same time, Nastya remains indifferent to the fate of her own mother, who lives far from her. She doesn't even have time to come to her funeral. In the finale, Paustovsky’s heroine cries bitterly, suddenly realizing what she has lost. Nastya's behavior is both cruel and immoral. According to the writer, vanity and petty worries should not consume a person. All the ostentatious kindness and care are worthless if we are indifferent to our loved ones.

A belated feeling of repentance also visits the hero of V. Astafiev’s autobiographical story “The Last Bow.” Like the prodigal son in the parable, his hero left his home long ago. And then his grandmother died, left in native village. But they didn’t let him go from work for this funeral. And the grandmother, who raised and raised the boy, was everything for him, “everything that is dear in this world.” “I had not yet realized the enormity of the loss that had befallen me,” writes V. Astafiev. “If this happened now, I would crawl from the Urals to Siberia to close my grandmother’s eyes and give her my last bow. And lives in the heart of wine. Oppressive, quiet, eternal.<...>I don’t have words that could convey all my love for my grandmother, that would justify me to her.”

Thus, the family, according to S. Lvov, is ours small homeland. Therefore, we will appreciate every minute spent with loved ones, we will love and take care of them.

Text for the essay

While working on a book about the artist Albrecht Durer, I learned that, soon after he got married, he left his native Nuremberg for Italy. Left unexpectedly. Hastily. Leaving my wife and parents at home. He left just when the plague epidemic began in Nuremberg.

Many biographers of Dürer have tried to explain this trip to Italy. And they couldn't. And I tried. And I couldn’t either. And how can you explain it? But it seems to me that the boundless sharpness of repentance that permeates his engraving “The Prodigal Son,” created shortly after this trip, explains something.

I will not be able to describe this engraving and the thoughts that it evokes in me differently than I did in my book “Albrecht Durer”. I present here this description with some abbreviations. Among the gospel parables, the parable of the prodigal son turned out to be especially understandable and close to many people. He impatiently demanded his share of the inheritance from his father, “went to a distant place and there squandered his property, living dissolutely.” Having gone broke, he learned of hunger and hard work. Having repented, he returned to his father, and he received him with great joy.

This story has worried people for centuries not only with its allegorical, but also with its direct meaning. It is clear to everyone who has children and who knows how they are eager to grow up from under their parents’ roof, how unreasonably, in the parents’ opinion, they use their barely acquired freedom, wasting, if not money, then time and health. Who hasn’t waited for months, or even years, for news from a child who left his father’s house! How many people are familiar with sleepless nights, when you mentally imagine your child hungry, undressed, shoeless, sick, and the thought that you are powerless to help him, feed him, clothe him, caress him, pierces the heart with helplessness and horror. Who doesn’t understand the happiness of the unexpected return of your flesh and blood, when past grievances seem absurd, when nothing is sorry for the returnee, if only he could live longer in his father’s house, and most importantly, if only he were happy. But the impatient thirst of youth to live their own life, free from parental care and pointers, the trials that befell the one who set out on a journey along the path of life, the bitterness of regrets about what was lost, the sharpness of repentance when it seems that one is ready to endure anything, anything, just to return to one’s own, the great happiness of crossing one’s native threshold and finding everyone alive - all these feelings are also close and understandable to people. Everyone was a son before becoming a father.

Peering at Durer's engraving, we notice with amazement that in the face of the prodigal son there is a tangible resemblance to the artist himself, as he depicted himself in some self-portraits. The prodigal son has the same shoulder-length curly hair and the same, unexpected for a swineherd farmhand, puffy sleeves of a thin shirt. Could Dürer experience a feeling of remorse in Italy for leaving his homeland, leaving his family in danger? I could and probably even experienced it. But it seems to me that the resemblance of the prodigal son to Durer in this painting means something deeper. An artist, obsessed with his work, is in a hurry to learn as much as possible about life and experience it. This desire is familiar not only to artists. The person who is possessed by it involuntarily moves away from family and friends, sometimes for a while, sometimes forever. Immersed in his search, busy with his business, he does not spare himself, but it happens that he does not spare his relatives either, without meaning to, he becomes cruel towards those closest to him. While he is feeling uplifted, while his work is going well, he does not notice this alienation. But the work was difficult or failed, and my strength dried up. Previously, he could hardly wait for the morning to continue what he started, now he wakes up in anguish before the coming day. Everything that has been done seems worthless, everything that remains to be done seems unbearable. My head is filled with memories of real and imaginary guilt in front of loved ones, thoughts about money that I thoughtlessly spent, about time that I wasted in vain, about promises that I made but did not fulfill, about hopes that did not live up to. The heart burns with unbearable melancholy, the hands are clenched in despair, the face is distorted by a grimace of pain, and it takes on the expression captured in the engraving “The Prodigal Son.” It could be called both “Repentance” and “Remorse”. In order to depict this state in this way, you need to at least once experience the feeling that Pushkin talks about.

Regional scientific and practical conference for schoolchildren


/ study/

Theme of sin and repentance

in Russian literature

Performed: 10th grade student

Municipal educational institution "Nebylovskaya Secondary School"

Runova Yulia

Supervisor: teacher Titov S.L.

Unprecedented 2011

1. Introduction. About the problem of sin and repentance. With tr. 3-4

2. The theme of sin and repentance in Russian literature: pp.4-10

· The sinful, lost and ruined soul of Katerina in the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm". pp. 4-5

· The great power of compassion and empathy between man and man in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". pp.5-7

· “Test of strength” in Leonid Andreev’s story “Judas Iscariot” pp. 8-10

3. Conclusion. Staying in virtue as a manifestation without sinful life. With tr. 10

4. Literature used p.11

1. Introduction

About the problem of sin and repentance

IN Lately The question of what is morality and what is immorality is very acute for people. How to live: according to the laws of a soulless society or according to conscience? This dilemma should concern each of us. The voice of conscience is the inner, secret voice of God in us, and woe to those who do not listen to its advice and demands, who deliberately drown out its voice so as not to hear its judgment and not feel its torment, who leans more towards the side of sin and vice .

In my work, I pursue a goal: to try to understand what is happening. What's the matter? What is the reason that people’s conscience has become coarsened and dulled and a person no longer feels its remorse, he has become unscrupulous? The works of clergy and the works of Russian classics will help me achieve my goal.

As I consider the issue of sin and repentance, I will hopefully strive for self-examination and inner improvement. What does it mean to examine your conscience, to look into your heart? We must not forget: if the heart is filled with petrified insensibility, deathly coldness, then the soul is in danger.

Self-justification, impatience of reproaches, vanity, stubbornness, selfishness and pride - these are the main sins that need to be paid serious attention to. Sin puts a stain on us that cannot be removed by anything other than sincere repentance. Eat good remedy, which leads us to the knowledge of our sins, is to remember what people accuse us of, especially those living nearby and loved ones. Their comments, accusations, and reproaches are almost always justified. But knowing about your sins does not mean repenting of them. Grief over the evil deeds committed is what is most important in repentance. After great sorrow, the sinner receives great joy and consolation - the unity of the soul with the Almighty. This is the fruit of true humility and repentance. Repentance is not only confession in church, it is a person’s whole life in a feeling of repentance.

There are many pious, intelligent and learned;

There are many truthful, chaste, ready

Help everyone, forgive sometimes, but you can meet a little

With a humble soul - to recognize yourself as the worst of all!

Seeing all the sins in yourself is a feat!

It's the same as hating yourself

This means - to renounce the idol of self-conceit!

This means agreeing to accept all insults.

Pride is the most terrible of all sins, but beautiful humility

Christ Himself became incarnate!

2. The theme of sin and repentance in Russian literature The sinful, lost and ruined soul of Katerina in the drama “The Thunderstorm”.

The theme of sin, retribution and repentance in highest degree traditional for Russian classical literature. Suffice it to recall such works as “The Enchanted Wanderer” by N.S. Leskova, “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by N.A. Nekrasov, “Crime and Punishment” by F.M. Dostoevsky and many others. The same theme is developed in his socio-psychological drama “The Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky, one of outstanding masters Russian drama.
The drama "The Thunderstorm", written in 1859 on the basis of real life impressions, paints a vivid picture of the life of a provincial Volga city, a bourgeois-merchant environment. The main character, Katerina Kabanova, is an extraordinary person - sincere, unable to be a hypocrite, freedom-loving and natural. It is difficult for such a woman to get along in a family where everyone submits to a domineering, despotic mother, where a weak-willed and spineless husband cannot serve as support and protection for her. But Katerina is also deeply religious. This alone constitutes the contradiction between the freedom-loving, open nature of the heroine and the preaching of Christian humility and patience. The motive of the thunderstorm, Katerina’s unreasonable fear of this natural phenomenon, is also connected with this: she is afraid not of death, but of the fact that she will die without repentance, without having time to properly perform all the necessary religious rituals. The scary thing is “that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts,” Katerina admits to Varvara. She considers her nascent love for Boris “ terrible sin”, trying to break and deceive herself that she will love only her husband. The scene of Tikhon's departure is decisive for further development actions. Katerina was rudely humiliated by her mother-in-law, Tikhon did not understand and pushed her away, and led Varvara into temptation, giving away the key to the gate. The author is like a master psychological analysis, reveals state of mind heroine: why is she, well aware of the sinfulness and forbiddenness of her love, unable to resist it. She clearly understands that she has “ruined” her soul, and for her this is the most terrible tragedy. Katerina is not interested in the opinions of others, public reputation - all this is petty and insignificant compared to the tragedy of a soul ruined by mortal sin. “If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?” - she says to Boris. Therefore, “The Thunderstorm” is not so much a tragedy of love as a tragedy of conscience, collapse inner world a heroine forced to live by the rules of hypocritical public morality.

In the scene of Katerina’s public repentance, Ostrovsky again shows himself to be a subtle psychologist: he again connects the heroine’s state of mind with the motif of a thunderstorm, and we see how every seemingly little thing affects the further outcome of events. Random remarks from passers-by, threats from a crazy lady, a fresco on the wall of the chapel - all this drop by drop fills the heroine’s patience, and she falls to her knees, confessing to the sin she has committed. Again, the contrast between a truly believing soul and the hypocritical behavior of ordinary people is revealed. There is no place for forgiveness or mercy. In response to Kuligin’s words that enemies need to be forgiven, Tikhon replies: “Go, talk to your mother, what will she tell you about this.” Boris Grigorievich is also weak, unable to protect Katerina. The poor woman dreams of her last date, considering only herself to blame for everything. She dreams of death as a release from torment; now she no longer cares: “I’ve already ruined my soul.” And having said goodbye to Boris, she realizes even more clearly that she has no reason to live anymore: she is disgusted with the house, its walls, and people. An already ruined soul is indifferent to the sin of suicide; what is much more important to it is that “you cannot live.” Katerina’s suicide was regarded in criticism in different ways: both as a protest of the individual against the foundations of the “dark kingdom” (NA. Dobrolyubov), and as simply stupidity (D.I. Pisarev). But we can probably talk about the tragedy of a truly religious person in a world of generally accepted hypocritical morality, where sin is simply covered up by external appearances and lies, and there is no place for forgiveness and mercy. Katerina paid dearly for her originality, exclusivity, and desire for love and happiness. Will retribution come to this society for its lost soul? Can Tikhon’s words, thrown to his mother in anger, be considered an epiphany: “Mama, you ruined her...” It is unlikely that anything will change in the life of the city of Kalinov, although the revolutionary democrats claimed that in “The Thunderstorm” there is a clear sense of “that something refreshing and encouraging” (N.A. Dobrolyubov). But character main character, a sincere, bright personality, capable of selfless love and dedication, has become one of the brightest characters in Russian drama and arouses the sympathy of readers, even despite the fact that the heroine is a sinner, lost soul.

The great power of compassion and sympathy between man and man in Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”

The novel “Crime and Punishment” was written by Dostoevsky after hard labor, when the writer’s views took on a religious overtones. Convinced that it is impossible to avoid evil in any social structure, that evil comes from the human soul, the author of the novel rejected the revolutionary path of transforming society. Raising the question only of the moral improvement of each person, the writer turned to religion.

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova are the two main characters of the novel, appearing as two oncoming streams. Their worldview forms the ideological part of the work. Sonya Marmeladova - moral ideal Dostoevsky. She brings with her the light of hope, faith, love and empathy, tenderness and understanding. For Sonya, all people have the same right to life. She is firmly convinced that no one can achieve happiness, both their own and that of others, through crime. A sin remains a sin, no matter who commits it and for what purpose.

Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov exist in complete different worlds. They are like two opposite poles, but cannot exist without each other. The image of Raskolnikov embodies the idea of ​​rebellion, while the image of Marmeladova embodies the idea of ​​humility and repentance. Sonya is a highly moral, deeply religious woman. She believes in deep inner meaning life, she does not understand Raskolnikov’s ideas about the meaninglessness of everything that exists. She sees the predestination of God in everything and believes that nothing depends on man. Its truth is God, love, humility. The meaning of life for her lies in great power compassion and empathy from person to person.

Awareness of one's own guilt and repentance

Many people life path they have to meet people who later become their friends. However, friendship can be real and imaginary.

The problem with the text is that a person must remain extremely honest in all situations, including in friendly relationships.

The commentary on the text is as follows. If one of the friends has committed a bad act, then the second one, privy to his secret, becomes his accomplice, provided that he hides the immoral act of his so-called friend, does not condemn him, and does not make it public.

What is the author's position? Firstly, highly moral people, with a clear conscience, united by friendly ties, will not do deliberately dishonest, evil deeds. If both of them or one of them commit an offense, then their task becomes to get out of the current situation with dignity: accept the well-deserved punishment and not try to “get away with it.” Honestly admitting what you have done, experiencing shame and the weight of guilt is not an easy act, but only after going through all this do people become morally cleansed and vow not to repeat mistakes.

I confirm the correctness of the author's position with the following first example. Prince Gorchakov, a man with a sharp mind, was not a friend, he was a contemporary of Pushkin. The poem “Gabriiliad”, written in 1821, had scandalous fame. The authorship was attributed to Pushkin, and he, years later, in 1828, was strictly interrogated by the authorities and even by the Tsar himself. According to the version, Pushkin was afraid of punishment and at first stated: the author of the work was Prince Gorchakov, who by that time was no longer alive. However, there is evidence that Pushkin subsequently admitted that he was the author of the poem. He expressed this confession in a letter to the king and was forgiven by him. At the same time, it is known that the poet himself experienced a feeling of guilt all his life for the mistakes he made and the cowardice he showed.

The second example proving the correctness of the author’s position can be cited from Vasil Bykov’s story “Sotnikov”. Partisan Rybak, in captivity, betrays Sotnikov, who was sent on a mission with him, to the Germans and commits a terrible crime, knocking out the bench from under his feet during his execution. Subsequently, the traitor punishes himself: unable to bear the pangs of conscience, he dies.

Conclusion. Honest people, with a clear conscience, live according to the laws of goodness and truth. If, for some reason, they commit an immoral act, then they themselves pass the most severe sentence on themselves.

Searched here:

  • problem of repentance arguments
  • problem of remorse
  • the problem of repentance arguments from literature

Guilt. Why do we experience it? How does it affect our lives? Is it easy to get rid of this feeling? These and other questions arise in my mind after reading L.M. Leonov’s text.

What is this event? We learn about him from a letter from a soldier to his beloved girl Polya. He writes that only she can tell this and asks her to burn the letter. What is this secret? We learn that part of Rodion’s army is constantly retreating, leaving the civilian population “at the mercy of the enemy.” From history we know that the first years of the Great Patriotic War Soviet army had to retreat. In “one Russian village, which our unit passed through in retreat,” a girl of about nine approached him with a bouquet of wild flowers. “She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - it’s a thousand times easier to look at the midday sun, but I forced myself to take the bouquet, because I’m not a coward... I closed my eyes and took it from her.” Since then, Rodion has been carrying a dried bouquet, “like fire in his bosom.” And he doesn’t know whether “my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift.” The problem that the author raises made me think deeply about the feeling of guilt that sometimes haunts us.

The author’s position is clear to me: the feeling of guilt is a painful feeling that does not give peace, forcing us to return in memory to our actions again and again when we are forced to various reasons act against your moral principles and values. Rodion understands that this girl remains in territory that is about to be captured by the enemy, and that by retreating, they are betraying their people. But war dictates its own rules, and he is unable to change them.

I agree with the author. Guilt is the voice of our conscience, our inner judge. Our conscience tells us that we did wrong. I believe that responsible, highly moral people more often experience a feeling of guilt and remorse, because they realize the complexity, inconsistency, and sometimes injustice of our life. Heroes works of art often feel guilty. I will give examples.

In the story “The Fate of a Man” by M.A. Sholokhov, Andrei Sokolov loses the most valuable thing he had during the war. Home, family. His wife and daughters were killed by a bomb, and his captain son was killed on the last day of the war. The hero went through captivity, hard work in captivity, bullying, an unsuccessful escape and a successful one, when he also managed to grab the tongue of an important officer with documents. But, having learned about the death of his family, he blames himself for it. He blames himself for building the house near the airfield. The Germans bombed the airfield, and a bomb hit his house. He blames himself for reproaching his wife Irina when they separated, because she cries as if she were burying him. It turned out that she felt that they would never see each other again. The feeling of guilt fell heavily on the hero’s heart. Of course, he blamed himself for being alive, but his closest people were gone. Meeting Vanyusha and caring for him pushed this feeling into the background. Andrey Sokolov now has someone to live for.

In F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonechka Marmeladova are young people, but they both feel guilty. I'm not talking about crime and making obscene money, I mean guilt for injustice in life. Why do people live so poorly? Why do they suffer and suffer? Are they the only ones to blame for this? Raskolnikov is imbued with sympathy for Marmeladov, because he understands how this man suffers, how sick he is. Sonechka does not leave Raskolnikov, having learned about the crime, she stays with him to ease his suffering. The girl understands what a painful and difficult path lies ahead of him. They cannot be happy when someone else is having a hard time. Suffering, worries, the desire to help others - this is their destiny. Inability to help everyone, to change lives - they feel guilty about this. That's why we like these heroes so much.

Thus, the feeling of guilt is not only a painful feeling, but also a cleansing and elevating one. Only moral person capable of truly feeling guilty. This person is incapable of either meanness or betrayal.

Updated: 2018-01-24

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