Social tourism project for students. Project to create a tourist route

Full project name: “Tourism as a means of health improvement and acquisition of safety skills for younger schoolchildren.”

Type, type of project: long-term, research and creative.

Location: MBOU Secondary School No. 20, Chernogorsk, Republic of Khakassia

Dates: 2015-2018 academic year.

Project participants: students 2b

Children's age: 7-8 years.

Form of implementation: collective project.

Partners: station for young tourists, parents of class 2b MBOU secondary school No. 20


“A person is capable of incubating his own illness

and gain health,” says the famous folk wisdom.

“A healthy person is the most precious

work of nature" Thomas Carlyle

Often drawn into the whirlwind of everyday life, we forget how many unexpected dangers await a person in life. life path. A person can prevent trouble, protect himself and his loved ones from danger if he has basic knowledge of the basics of life safety. We cannot control nature or prevent extreme situations, but we can teach children to behave intelligently in an unpredictable, sometimes critical situation.


Tourism and local history activities are one of the most accessible and effective forms of interesting child development. Tourist activities, trips, properly selected and well conducted, enrich children, develop will, initiative, desire to overcome difficulties, discipline and organize. The implementation of the project is caused by an increase in the number of children affected in various emergency situations of a natural, man-made and criminal nature. The training of the majority of students in general education institutions according to the life safety course program is currently carried out during school hours. But this is not enough to successfully obtain practical skills and abilities to act in natural emergencies. The program is standard, since it was developed on the basis of methodological recommendations developed by V.G. Varlamov, and regulations on the organization and conditions of the “School of Survival” competition. The huge role of tourism in the educational sphere. Understanding the history and culture of your country lies important aspect patriotic motivation, instilling love for one’s Motherland and respect for one’s national culture. The issue of introducing modern people to the cultural and historical potential of their country through tourist trips around the world is becoming relevant. native land. For many families, tourism is an excellent means of active recreation. It helps them develop the ability to organize their leisure time in an interesting and meaningful way; increases the motivation of the child and his parents for health and a healthy lifestyle. In tourism, children gain knowledge about safe behavior in the environment.

Target .

Formation and consolidation of safe behavior skills in nature for children of primary school age.

Project objectives:

1. Expand children’s understanding of the main sources and types of danger during the excursion

2. Familiarize children with the simplest methods of safe tourism in dangerous situations.

3. Develop and consolidate safe behavior skills in various unexpected situations

4. Provide first aid to the victim;

Approaches to project implementation:

– system-activity – development of a system of activities to develop environmental tourism knowledge and skills in environmental management among schoolchildren and their parents;

– culturological – organization of the behavior of children and their parents in nature based on the formation of their cultural attitudes towards nature and the environment.


– the principle of controllability and purposefulness – involves creating conditions for the development of tourism skills in children that contribute to the acquisition of safe behavior skills in the environment;

– the principle of effectiveness – is aimed at achieving intellectual and practical results in safe behavior in nature on a hiking trail.

IN result project teachingYuongoing must know:

    types and types of fires, rules for making fires and fire safety;

    rules for setting up tents on a hiking trip, types of tents for mass hiking;

    safety rules when performing movements in a tourist group;

    operating principle and components of a tourist compass, rules of orientation using a topographic map and compass, topographic signs;

    methods of providing first aid, the composition of a tourist first aid kit;

    types of tourist nodes and methods of their use;

    "components" of a tourist bivouac and the rules for the arrangement of its elements.

The program is designed for 2 years of study The program of the first year of classes provides for teaching children the “ABC” of tourism - providing initial information on organizational issues of preparing and conducting hikes; basic information about your region; basic concepts of terrain orientation, knowledge of the basics of topography, tourist hygiene, first aid for illnesses and injuries, overcoming obstacles with and without the help of special equipment. The test hike is the final stage in children’s mastering the basic elements of tourist equipment and camping skills. Here, special attention is paid to practicing such elements of tourist equipment as setting up tourist tents under normal conditions and at speed, making a fire in various conditions, overcoming obstacles with the help of special equipment, orienteering using a map, determining the sides of the horizon using local signs and the sun. During the hike, students should be well-mastered of the system of organizing movement along the route and camp bivouac life, proper packing of a backpack, cooking food, washing dishes, personal hygiene, fuel storage, etc.

Second year program provide for further improvement, deepening and expansion of the knowledge acquired in the first year of classes, further accumulation of experience, improvement of the skills and abilities necessary for every literate and cultural traveler.

Practical lessons and training trips are structured so that students learn to do everything on their own. It is very important that they get used to quickly, amicably, intelligently working at the bivouac and on obstacles, and not hide behind the backs of their comrades.

Safety issues in hiking in the second year course are discussed in each section of the Program - in topics that are in one way or another related to safety on a hike. Short conversations on these issues are also held during the hikes themselves, training, and practical exercises based on specific material about the correct and incorrect actions of young tourists.

The result of the project will be the creation of a safe tourism album

Stages of work on the project

I stage. Preparatory (September–December 2015)

1.Acquaintance and study of methodological and special literature

Instructor of children's and youth tourism

2. Study of public interests, as well as the interests and needs of students in conducting various forms of tourism local history work

3.Development of an annual event plan.

4. Coordination with the station for young tourists of events of various scales

5. Development of scenarios for tourism and local history events

1. The work of the tourism and local history association at school.

2. Conducting sports trips (promoting a healthy lifestyle, tourism),

3. Conducting events - tourist lessons, tourist school, obstacle courses, sports games, environmental and local history games, terrain games with orienteering elements

4. Conducting training camps on orienteering, hiking techniques, ski tourism, first aid.

5. Conducting educational and training camps in preparation for sedate hikes

6. Conducting sedate hikes in Khakassia

7. Preparation and conduct of tourism and local history events by students

9. Promotion of tourism, healthy lifestyle through means mass media(publications in the newspaper.)

III stage. Generalizing ( May June 2018)

1. Generalization of experience project activities

2. Analysis of the results of activities, taking into account the personal approach to the education of students, the selection of effective forms and methods of work.

3.Adjustment of the unification program.

5. Conducting the final seminar “Healthy lifestyle through tourism”,

The novelty of the project is to develop safe tourism skills

Expected results:

For children:

Reduced morbidity among students

Increasing the number of children complying with the regime proper nutrition and physical activity;

Up to 90% of children engage in outdoor games during recess and after school hours;

Increasing the number of families using recommendations for organizing proper nutrition and increasing physical activity of children;

Improving well-being, appetite and sleep, reducing absences due to illness;

For teachers:

Increasing the level of competence of teachers and parents on the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of children;

Revision of family food traditions towards healthy foods - project participants 2nd grade.

Reducing the consumption of refined and canned Pi by students - Creating a favorable psychological climate in the school community for students, teachers and parents - holding school-wide holidays together with parents; cabbage soup, modified products all students of the school.



1.1 Relevance of the topic

1.2 Main features of tourism





Relevance of the topic.

Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the world economy. In many countries around the world it is the main source of foreign exchange earnings. The development of tourism is a long-term and economically profitable prospect in the future, because tourism provides an influx of foreign currency and has a positive impact on indicators and the country's total exports.

Kazakhstan, with its independence, opened up great prospects for the development of tourism. The republic is now making efforts to attract foreign tourists, but insufficiently staffed, outdated material and technical base, poor service and a large number of costs for tourism services push tourists away from our country. The development of tourism, and especially international tourism, would make it possible to increase the inflow of foreign currency, replenish the budget, reduce , expanding the job market, increasing incomes and living standards and, ultimately, to the prosperity and sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Currently, there is interest in tourism in the Zhambyl region, which has great tourism potential, but occupies a small share in the global tourist flow. Interest in tourism in Kazakhstan is expressed, first of all, in the form of legal support by the state for this area of ​​activity.

1.1 Main features of tourism

The Zhambyl region has huge potential for tourism development.

In the Zhambyl region it is possible to develop a variety of tourism, and especially its extreme types. “The spurs of the Karatau, Talas and Kyrgyz Alatau mountains are suitable for mountaineering and extreme tourism. You can include parachute jumping, paragliding and the like in the tour program. The Ters-Ashibulak, Alakol, and Bilikol reservoirs are convenient for water activities. You can conduct adventure tours in the vastness of the Zhambyl steppes. In general, in our region you can find everything from deserts to alpine meadows.”

However, at present, the natural potential of the region is practically not used in the tourism sector. Travel agencies in the region are mainly focused on outbound tourism, visa services and the sale of air tickets. There are few travel agencies involved in excursions around the region, offering, as a rule, 1-2-day tours with visits to historical or natural attractions.

“Today, tour operators in the region do not have a specific idea of ​​what type of tourism needs to be developed. - There is a weak marketing component of tourism enterprises.

“Transforming Taraz and Zhambyl region into the center of the tourism industry is one of the main tasks. The tourism sector, along with trade, can bring a significant portion of revenue to the regional budget. Moreover, the potential of our region in this direction is unlimited. To develop domestic tourism, we need, first of all, mutual understanding and cooperation between tour operators and the state.”

From a social point of view, tourism also has a great impact on the regions: thanks to the development of tourism, hundreds of thousands of jobs are created, communication systems are developed, the culture and literacy of the local population increases, etc. And in a number of regions remote from industrial and cultural centers, only tourism alone and can perform these functions.

Analysis current state tourism in many countries makes it clear that tourism development must be accompanied by efforts to promote domestic, national, tourism programs. Within each country, internal purism, thanks to the redistribution of national income, contributes to a stable situation national economy, a deeper awareness of common interests and the development of activities that are beneficial to the economy of the country as a whole.

National and international tourism activities are an integral part of the necessary transformations, which are based on the full and harmonious development of the individual, the human right to respect for his dignity and individuality, and respect for the moral values ​​of peoples.

Since tourism activity is one of the most labor-intensive and acts as a regulator of population employment, an important role is given to vocational education in tourism. Taking into account such characteristics of the tourism market as dynamic variability, the emergence of new trends and methods of entrepreneurship, it is important to teach tourism specialists to navigate the market and the dynamics of the tourism market. Only an educated, appropriately trained specialist is able to create a competitive product and sell it on the tourism services market.

2.1 General characteristics of Zhambyl region

Zhambyl region, located in the south of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was formed in 1939. Geographically, its territory is mostly flat.

The region's territory occupies 144.2 thousand square meters. km. The distance from north to south is 360 km, from east to west 480 km. There are 10 districts in the region, a city of regional subordination - Taraz and 3 cities of regional subordination - Karatau, Zhanatas, Shu.

The 10 administrative districts include: Zhambyl, Baizak, Zhualyn, Sarysu, Talas, Moyynkum, Kordai, Shu, Merken and Turar Ryskulov district.

The region is home to 1 million permanent residents. The population is represented by more than 100 nationalities and nationalities. 65% of the resident population are Kazakhs. It should be noted that the territory of the region is unevenly populated; the foothills are most densely populated.

A characteristic feature of the climate of the region is significant aridity and sharp continentality.

The flora and fauna of natural landscapes is vast and diverse. The flora of the region includes more than 3 thousand species. The total area of ​​hunting grounds is 13.9 thousand hectares, they are home to over 40 species of animals.

The fishery fund, covering an area of ​​27.8 thousand hectares, consists of 81 reservoirs, of which 59 reservoirs are suitable for fishing activities. The largest reservoirs include Tasotkel and Ters-Ashibulak. The predominant commercial fish species are silver carp, grass carp, carp, carp, pike perch, bream, krawl, and roach.

There are 3 reserves operating in the region:

The state natural reserve "Berikkara tract" (complex) occupies an area of ​​17.5 thousand hectares, where you can find more than 50 species of especially valuable trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants listed in the Red Book, and among animals - argali, Indian porcupine, paradise flycatcher;

State natural reserve “Urochishche “Karakunuz” (botanical), with a total area of ​​3.07 thousand hectares, is located in the western spurs of the Trans-Ili Alatau. Fruit plantings of apple trees, cherries, cherry plums, and grapes are replaced by areas of maple forest, white acacia, mulberry, and walnut;

Andasai State Nature Reserve (zoological), with a total area of ​​1000 thousand hectares, located on the right bank of the Shu River to the west of the village. Moyynkum. The vegetation cover is dominated by feather grass, fescue, biyurgun, rare ephemerals, black saxaul, and thickets of bush willows. Animal world represented by argali, kulans, goitered gazelles, roe deer, wild boars, hares, pheasants, partridges.

In its focus, the region is industrial-agrarian, 23.8% of gross output falls on industry, 20.2% - agriculture, 16.6% - transport and communications, 6.5% - construction, 9.2% - trade, 23 .7% - other industries. In 7 rural districts of the region, the agricultural sector predominates; in the remaining three, industry is developed, thanks to the presence of large mining complexes. A significant contribution to the development of industry in the region is made by enterprises of the regional center - the city of Taraz.

Zhambyl region is a unique base of phosphorite and fluorspar raw materials. Its territory contains 71.9% of the republic's balance reserves of phosphorites, 68% of fluorspar, 8.8% of gold, 3% of copper, 0.7% of uranium. The region is rich in non-ferrous metals, barite, coal, facing, ornamental and technical stones, and building materials.

Several natural gas fields have been explored within the Shu-Sarysu depression. Since the beginning of the development of the Amangeldinskoye gas field, 18 wells have been drilled, with a daily supply of blue fuel up to 820 thousand cubic meters. The construction of a mini-plant for processing gas condensate is nearing completion. The population of the region is provided with its own gas.

Promising deposits of lead-zinc mineralization have been identified in the Shu-Ili region. Copper ore is being mined at the Shatyrkul deposit of polymetals in the Shu region.

The region ranks 3rd in the republic in terms of the number of explored groundwater reserves. 40 deposits with approved operational reserves of 4520.94 thousand m3/day have been identified.

Within the Zhambyl region, 2 medicinal deposits have been explored mineral waters: Merkenskoe, with approved reserves of 0.518 thousand cubic meters. meters per day, and Uzynbulak-Arasan; More than a dozen manifestations and areas of groundwater with a chemical composition close to mineral water have been identified.

The region has great opportunities for the development of tourism, both domestic and international. A section of the Great Silk Road passed through it: the village of Sairam-Taraz-Aksholak-the village of Akyr-tobe-Kulan-Merke-Shu-Aspara-Kordai, along which the most interesting historical and cultural monuments are located.

The region is included in the State program "Renaissance historical centers Silk Road, preservation and continuous development of the cultural heritage of Turkic-speaking states, creation of tourism infrastructure.”

There are 1,080 monuments in the Zhambyl region, of which 844 are archeological monuments, 111 historical monuments, 97 architectural monuments, 28 monumental art monuments.

2.2 Features in the development of tourism in Zhambyl region

Considering that the region is located on a busy section of the Great Silk Road, has a rich history, many historical monuments, the mysterious Akyr-tas settlement, picturesque landscape, fishing spots, travel companies focus on the development of domestic and inbound tourism. Travel companies of the Zhambyl region, including historical ones from ancient to modern Taraz. Environmental - after all, Southern Kazakhstan is a world of contrasts. Snowy peaks and deep canyons, juniper forests and wide steppes, mountain rivers and lakes in the desert, modern settlements and the ruins of ancient cities - all this can be seen in a relatively small area.

Currently, there are 4 sanatoriums and resorts in the region's tourism services market, which have a state license.

The population of Southern Kazakhstan, which has preserved traditional customs, culture, cuisine and crafts, hospitable and friendly. Meals are organized at the request of tourists in restaurants and in numerous cozy cafes in the city.

In the Zhambyl region, which are valuable for the development of ecotourism, for example, the Northern region of the Western Tien Shan in the Zhambyl region. Unique flora and fauna, many plants of which are listed in the Red Book.

2.3 Natural objects of Zhambyl region

The lower reaches of the Koksay gorge and the adjacent Koksay canyon in the foothill valley of the Zhualyn plateau, Talas Alatau of the Western Tien Shan.

The lower reaches of the Koksay gorge constitute a buffer zone of the Aksu-Zhabagly nature reserve, which is administratively subordinate to the South Kazakhstan region. This territory represents the value of forest biocenoses, represented by tugai forests, juniper woodlands, mountain subalpine meadows and meadow steppes. The main tree species of the tugai forests of the gorge are rare and endangered species of Talas and Tien Shan birch, small-leaved willow, Turkestan rowan, shrubby and tree-like juniper.

Mountain steppes and meadows have a rich species composition, which is the gene pool of valuable, ornamental and medicinal species, such as St. John's wort, yarrow, zesiphora, mullein, Samarkand caraway, fireweed, fragrant chamomile, clary sage, ephedra horsetail, different kinds tulips, dark purple columbine, orchis, aconite thalas.

The canyon and gorge are one of the most outstanding natural heritage sites of the population of Zhambyl region. The gorge and canyon are very popular among foreign tourists visiting the republican reserve Aksu-Zhabagly in the South Kazakhstan region. Approximate area - 10 thousand hectares.

Makpal gorge area, Kyrgyz Alatau

The Makpal gorge is located on the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz ridge in the mid-mountain zone - an altitude of 2800m. The gorge is unique for its tugai forests of rare endemic species: Talas and Tien Shan birch, wild Sievers apple trees, Regel pear, hawthorn. The gorge has alpine and subalpine meadows with a rich species diversity of ornamental and medicinal herbs, including Red Book and endangered species: peony, caraway, licorice, elecampane, gentian, speedwell, irises, Greig, Kaufman, Albert tulips, etc.

The area of ​​the Beskyzyl gorge in the Kyrgyz Alatau.

The gorge is located on the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz Range. The height of the gorge with areas of eternal snow reaches up to 3800 m. The uniqueness of the mountain meadows of the gorge is the large distribution of the endemic Red Book plant - eremurus. Starting from the foothills, beautifully blooming white inflorescences of eremuros form entire fields - an unforgettable sight that we have not seen anywhere else.

The approximate area is 20 thousand hectares.

Administrative location – Ryskulovsky district of Zhambyl region.

Area of ​​the Shalsu-Taldysu gorge, Kyrgyz Alatau.

The area is unique in landscape and biological diversity. The gorge has steep terrain, rock canyons, waterfalls, moraine lakes, mountain rivers with clean and clear water.

The gorge is valuable as a habitat for such rare animals as snow leopard, argali, roe deer, lynx, and bear.

Picturesque landscapes with snowy peaks, rocky towers, healing air of juniper woodlands, clean mountain water, tall mountain meadows - all this provides a good opportunity for educational and health excursions.

Administrative location – Ryskulovsky district of Zhambyl region.

Region of the Kara-Archa Gorges - Shoshkaly, Kyrgyz Alatau.

The Kara-Archa and Shoshkaly gorges are located in the mid-mountain part of the Kyrgyz ridge. The gorges are popular among Zhambyl tourists due to good access roads, picturesqueness, and the presence of historical monuments - at the foot of the gorge there is a mysterious and grandiose historical and archaeological monument of the ancient settlement - Akyrtas, which arouses the interest of not only scientists around the world, but also numerous pilgrims.

The gorge has clean spring-fed streams. The flora is typical for the warm zone of the middle mountains - tugai forests with tall luxurious willows, Sivers apple tree, hawthorn, Semenov maple. There are also rare and endemic species of primroses, ornamental and medicinal herbs: various types of tulips, irises, Pskem and Karatau onions.

The approximate area is 20 thousand hectares.

Administrative location – Bayzak district of Zhambyl region.

Karatau – Bilikol natural zone.

Karatau is the leading ridge of the Western Tien Shan. This is a low-mountain relict country that has preserved the cenoses of the Tertiary period. On the territory of Zhambyl region there is the Belikol natural zone. It includes the northeastern slopes of the Karatau ridge and the adjacent foothill plains with steppe lakes. The flora of Karatau is rich in endemic rare valuable species, which gives it the reputation of a botanical museum. For example, in the upper reaches of the Berkara gorge, only a few specimens of Berkara poplar grow - a tree that is not found anywhere else in the world. Rich species diversity of flora and fauna. Only in Karatau, and nowhere else in the world, does a rare and endangered population of Karatau argali live. Currently on the northeastern slopes of the Zhambyl region, including 5 gorges: Sayasu, Zhurunsay, Berkara, Chimyrbaisai and Aksakalsai.

Approximate area -60 thousand hectares.

Administrative location – Zhualynsky district of Zhambyl region.

2.4 Cultural and religious tourist sites

Unique tourist sites that characterize this region.

In total, in the Zhambyl region, according to the State Institution Directorate for the Protection and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Culture Department of the Akimat of the Zhambyl Region, there are 1,080 monuments on the state register, of which 844 are monuments of archeology, 111 of history, 97 of architecture, 28 of monumental art. The following are considered the most attractive for tourists:

Ancient city of Taraz. One of the oldest cities in Kazakhstan is Taraz, the remains of which are hidden under the buildings of the modern city. Taraz is the ancient and largest trade and administrative center along the Silk Road of the 7th - 8th centuries, information about which appears in written sources already in 568 AD.

Currently, it is believed that the ancient city of Taraz is more than 2000 years old. The city was founded along the route of the Great Silk Road, thanks to which it gained great commercial and political importance.

Monuments in the city of Taraz are interesting for tourists. In total, on the territory of the city there are 6 archaeological monuments (Taraz and Tortkul settlements of the 1st - 17th centuries, the Tonkeris estate of the 6th - 12th centuries), 13 historical monuments, 53 architectural and urban planning monuments, reflecting the periods of formation planning structure and development of the historical part of the city, 7 - monuments of monumental art.

Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi. A unique monument of medieval architecture of the 11th - 12th centuries, located in the Zhambyl region on the outskirts of the village. Aisha Bibi, 20 km west of Taraz. The Aisha Bibi Mausoleum is the only monument not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout Central Asia, entirely covered with carved terracotta. Included by UNESCO in the list of especially valuable historical and architectural monuments of humanity.

Mausoleum of Babaja Khatun. Located in the Zhambyl region near the Aisha Bibi mausoleum, it is also unique architectural monument XI - XII centuries. Famous for its original 16-ribbed umbrella dome of double curvature. The umbrella ribbed covering of the dome has essentially no direct analogues in contemporary Central Asian architecture.

Mausoleum of Karakhan (Aulie – Ata), XI century located in the central part of Taraz at the intersection of Tole bi and Baizak batyr streets. The mausoleum is part of a cult-memorial complex formed on the territory of medieval Taraz. The building was erected during the Karakhanid era in the 11th century.

Mausoleum of Dauytbek 13th century (Shomansura) is included in the memorial and cult complex along with the Karakhan mausoleum. The mausoleum of a traditional portal-dome shape was built over the grave of a major military leader of the 13th century.

Architectural complex Tekturmas X – XIV centuries. - one of the oldest places of worship, built on the right bank of the river. Talas is in the south-eastern part of Taraz, on a hill overlooking the surrounding area. Tekturmas is considered the burial place of Saint Sultan Mahmud Khan. The complex began to form in the 7th – 11th centuries, before the penetration of Islam.

Palace complex Akyrtas VIII-IX centuries (T. Ryskulov district) is a mysterious and interesting structure on the territory of not only the Zhambyl region, but also Kazakhstan. The history of studying Akyrtas continues for more than 130 years, but it continues to amaze. Located 40 km east of Taraz, 6 km south of the Aksholak railway station, at the foot of the Kyrgyz Alatau.

Currently, archaeological excavations are underway on the territory of the complex, led by the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the future, it is planned to create a museum complex within the framework of the republican program “Cultural Heritage”.

Karakozha Mosque early XX century- a multi-domed square complex built of burnt brick. The uniqueness of this monument is that the arched-domed composition of the mosque includes nine equal-sized domes. The mosque is located in the Talas district on the outskirts of the village. Seilback on open, flat terrain.

Eastern bath Kali – Yunus, end of the 19th century. (Taraz). The bathhouse building was built at the end of the 19th century. resident of Aulie-Ata. The principles used during construction architectural composition and heating system of eastern medieval baths.

Abdikadyr Mosque beginning XX century, located in Taraz on the street. Abaya, building 5. Artistic value represents the entrance part of the complex, preserved from the original building - the only example of a monumental structure of the “darbaza” type in the region.


To solve the main problems in tourism in our region, the following tasks need to be solved:

Creation of well-maintained tourist and recreational areas in places where tourists traditionally relax;

Development of additional types of tourism that do not cause damage to natural resources (main tourist routes of the Zhambyl region).

Special attention is devoted to the development of domestic, national tourism.

In this regard, the characteristics of the existing material and technical base of tourism in the Zhambyl region and the analysis of the current state of the main segments of the tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan are relevant: the transport network, hotel and restaurant enterprises, various tourist organizations. Tourism is a large sector of the economy. All developed countries of the world have long been interested in its development. In the global economy, tourism has taken a leading position, competing only with oil production.

The rapid development of electronic computing technology throughout the world and the introduction of automation in tourism make it also the sphere of international information technologies and processes.

The role of international, regional and national tourism organizations is great, contributing to the development of tourism and pursuing protectionist policies within individual countries and regions.


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2. Balabanov I. T., Balabanov A. I. Economics of tourism: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1999.

3. Butlerova N.V. Management and marketing of foreign tourism: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Soviet sport, 1999.

4. Gvozdenko A. A. Financial and economic methods of insurance: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1998.

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6. Kvartalnoye V. A. World tourism on the threshold of 2000: forecasts and reality. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1998.-P.

7. Explanatory dictionary of tourist terms: Tourism. Tourism industry. Tourism business / Author-comp. I. V. Zorin, V. A. Kvartalnoe. - M.-Athens: GYROOKOUR, 1994.

Internet sites:

Tourism: investment projects in the tourism industry and opportunities for the business community to participate in them Report to the meeting of the Coordination Council for Small and Medium Enterprises under the Regional Governor Director of the Investment Policy Department A.V. Zolotovsky Yaroslavl July 12, 2013 Government of the Yaroslavl Region

TOURISM IS A PRIORITY DIRECTION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION 1 Government of the Yaroslavl Region Cluster of “Innovative Energy” Cluster of “Logistics and Transport” Cluster of “Information Technologies” Cluster of “Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturers of Automotive Components” Cluster of “Modern pharmaceutical industry and innovative medicine" Tourist and recreational cluster Agricultural cluster Priority strategic clusters of the Yaroslavl region

TOURISM IS A PRIORITY DIRECTION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION 2 Government of the Yaroslavl Region Central Program for the development of tourism and recreation in the Yaroslavl Region for the years of the Federal Target Program for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (years) Concept of SER YaO until 2025 Strategy of SER YaO until 2030 Target image of the region One of largest tourist centers in Russia The goal of the program is to increase the level of competitiveness of the region's tourist and recreational complex. The goal of the program is to increase the competitiveness of the tourism market of the Russian Federation



Tourist flow to the Yaroslavl region The tourist flow in the Yaroslavl region has increased almost 6 times over the past 10 years. At the same time, the flow of foreign tourists increased by 25%. More than 40% of Russian and almost 10% of foreign guests visit the Yaroslavl region again. Total receipts from tourists in the regional economy in 2010 - 4.0 billion rubles. 2011 – 5.6 billion rubles. 2012 – 6.8 billion rubles* (according to preliminary data) DYNAMICS OF TOURIST FLOW TO THE YAROSLAVL REGION Number of tourists who visited the Yaroslavl region in 2009 – 1.39 million – 1.56 million – 1.85 million – 2.2 million. Government of the Yaroslavl Region 5

HOSPITALITY INFRASTRUCTURE 7 The volume of tourism services in the Yaroslavl region exceeded 4.2 billion rubles. In 2012, more than 30 investment projects were carried out in the region for the construction of tourist infrastructure facilities totaling more than 2 billion rubles. There are 84 hotels in the region with 6,500 beds. Until 2020 In 2012, it is planned to commission another 32 hotels of various star ratings. In 2012, there were 25 sanatorium and resort organizations and recreation organizations with 5,120 beds. The Yaroslavl Region plans to increase the annual tourist flow to 4 million tourists by 2015. The Government of the Yaroslavl Region 6

Tourist infrastructure of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM ON THE EXAMPLE OF PERESLAVL-ZALESSKY AND PERESLAVSKY DISTRICT Government of the Yaroslavl Region 7 Hotels - 10 Travel agencies - 10 Catering establishments - 19 Museums and exhibition halls- 14 Objects Orthodox culture and cultural heritage Souvenir shops - 13 The number of tourists has increased 2.5 times since 2004. (127.9 thousand people) by 2012 (317.9 thousand people) Number of people employed in the tourism sector in 2012 – 835 people. Ratio to the total number of people employed in the city’s economy – 4% Average wage employed in the city’s tourism sector – 14.8 thousand rubles.

DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM BY THE EXAMPLE OF PERESLAVSKY DISTRICT Government of the Yaroslavl Region 8 As part of the implementation of the ECP for the development of SMEs in the cities. from the regional budget and from the federal budget, 2 grants = 600 thousand rubles were allocated to the city of Pereslavl and the Pereslavl region to provide subsidies to SMEs. - for the development of folk arts and crafts thousand rubles, 5 thousand rubles.

10 MUSEUMS WERE BUILT WITH FUNDS OF PRIVATE INVESTORS: - Museum of the Birth of a Fairytale - Museum of Money - Museum of Steam Locomotives - Museum of Dummies - Museum of Radio - Museum of Irons - Museum of Sewing Machines - Museum "On a Visit to Berendey" - Museum of Alexander Nevsky - Museum of Cunning and Ingenuity WITH FUNDS PRIVATE INVESTORS BUILD: -Hotels -Restaurants -Souvenir shops PRIVATE INITIATIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST INFRASTRUCTURE ON PERESLAV LAND Government of the Yaroslavl Region 9

11 Tourist and recreational cluster “Golden Ring”, Pereslavl district Project implementation period: Project investor: CJSC Golden Ring Resort Financing: total investment 7843.5 million rubles. federal budget funds, 0 million rubles. funds from the regional budget (including the local budget) – 348.5 million rubles; own funds investor – 5490 million rubles. As a result of the project, it is planned to create jobs. INVESTMENT PROJECT FOR CREATION OF TOURIST AND RECREATIONAL CLUSTER “GOLDEN RING” Government of the Yaroslavl Region 10

SOCIAL EFFECT FROM THE INVESTMENT PROJECT The area of ​​the room stock of collective accommodation facilities is 60 thousand sq.m. Investments in fixed capital of accommodation facilities - at least 7,843.5 million rubles. Number of places in collective accommodation facilities – units. Number of workers in collective accommodation facilities – people. The number of people working in travel agencies is 300 people. Increase in tourist flow by 350 thousand people. per year to the total number of tourists 810 thousand tourists per year Volume of tourism services provided to the population - million rubles. Volume of paid services of hotels and accommodation facilities – million rubles. 11 Government of the Yaroslavl Region Information on the website: Within the framework of the project, it is planned to build the 2nd and 3rd stages of the project: -Construction of a complex of 3* hotel bungalows -Construction of a children's play club -Construction of a complex of souvenir goods and other tourist infrastructure facilities

Tourist and recreational complex "Yaroslavl seaside", Rybinsk district Project implementation period 2010 - 2025. Project investor: Agranta group of companies Planned investment volume: more than 10 billion rubles. Creation of a world-class resort area with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. km. Creation of up to 10 thousand new jobs Increasing the tourist flow to 210 thousand visits per year TOURIST AND RECREATIONAL COMPLEX “YAROSLAVSKY VZMORYE”, RYBINSKY DISTRICT Government of the Yaroslavl Region 12

Hotel "Koprino Bay" Restaurant on the water "Ark" Hotel complex Bank protection and dredging of the river bed. Training Development of the yacht club harbor, construction of embankments Construction of roads, improvement of roadside areas Shopping and entertainment complex "YAROSLAVSKY VZMORYE" TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES Government of the Yaroslavl Region

SOCIAL EFFECT FROM THE INVESTMENT PROJECT The area of ​​the room stock of collective accommodation facilities is 40 thousand sq.m. Investments in the fixed capital of accommodation facilities are over 10 billion rubles. Number of places in collective accommodation facilities. Number of additional jobs – up to people. Possibility to receive a tourist flow of over 500 thousand vacationers annually Volume of tourist services provided to the population – million rubles. Volume of paid services of hotels and accommodation facilities – million rubles. 14 Government of the Yaroslavl Region Information on the website: Within the framework of the project, additional construction of tourist infrastructure is planned: -Water park -4 restaurants -Equestrian center and walking trails -Shopping and entertainment center, etc.

HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL COMPLEX “VYATSKOE”, NEKRASOVSKY DISTRICT 15 Government of the Yaroslavl Region Since 2007, a reconstruction program for the village of Vyatskoye has been implemented with the aim of turning it into a tourist center. As part of this program, work is underway on the reconstruction of buildings in the historical part of the village, as well as the construction of new structures and buildings (including residential ones). The project for the reconstruction and transformation of the village of Vyatskoye is being implemented exclusively with funds from a private investor. Every year, many guests from different cities come to the village of Vyatskoye to take part in festivals and holidays, visit museums and exhibitions. Holiday Red Hill Holidays in Vyatskoye March - Maslyanitsa Wheel May - Red Hill June - Russian Wreath July - Village Day August - Apple Spas

MUSEUMS OF THE HISTORICAL-CULTURAL COMPLEX “VYATSKOE” Government of the Yaroslavl Region 16 Museum of Russian Entrepreneurship or “The History of a Village That Wanted to Become a City” Polytechnic Museum “ Amazing world mechanisms and machines" (pictured) Museum "Russian Bathhouse Black" Museum "House of Angels" Museum "Vyatka Trading Peasant" or House of the Peasant Gorokhov (pictured) Interactive Museum "Numbers of the Merchants of the Urlov Brothers" Museum of Kitchen Equipment Museum "Children's World" "(dolls and toys of the Soviet period from 1920 to 1990) (pictured) Information on the website:

TOURISM IS A PRIORITY DIRECTION IN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Government of the Yaroslavl Region 17 To the administrations of municipalities of the Yaroslavl region To the entrepreneurs of the Yaroslavl region, the Department of Investment Policy of the Yaroslavl Region announced a competitive selection of municipalities of the region, whose budgets are provided with subsidies from the regional budget for the implementation of municipal programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in 2013 Entrepreneurs of the region can contact the administration, or independently submit an application to the Department of Investment Policy of the Yaroslavl Region Department of Investment Policy / ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneurs of the Yaroslavl Region Take part in existing investment projects. Start your own business using the positive experience of investors.

Vice-President of OPORA Russia Alexey Kozhevnikov presented the prize to Inga Exarcho (agritourism complex "Exarcho Farm").

On September 18, the main day of the ITIF-2017 forum, the selection of leaders of the travel startup competition took place. In the morning, the jury members were presented with three solutions in the field of hospitality infrastructure. Experts assessed business ideas under the guidance of the General Director of Alliance Hotel Management Vadim Prasov. At the same time, voting was taking place in the hall. The opinions of experts and the audience did not always coincide. For example, the Matsesta agrotourism complex “Exarcho Farm” received the most sympathy from the public, but the jury had doubts: specialists in the tourism industry were not sure that investors would be able to quickly return their investments. And yet, this particular project won in its category. According to the general director of the Znanie sanatorium, Dmitry Bogdanov, the farm is the least innovative project among those presented, but its significant advantage is that the business is already “firmly on its feet.” “There really are no such proposals in Sochi yet. If you position it correctly, you can count on successful integration into the tour operator product and attracting individual tourists,” concluded Vadim Prasov.

The second and third pitch sessions were united by the topic of technology in tourism and hospitality. One of them was moderated by Valentin Dombrovsky, the “leading alchemist” of Travelabs, the other by Vadim Shpilman, CEO of Miceline. A total of five projects were reviewed, and there were more strong startups than prize places, so the emotions of the audience ran high.

Vadim Shpilman, speaking about the finalists, noted that they were all worthy of investment, so the selection of the jury was extremely difficult: “For example, the Frontdesk24 project is an absolute niche for small and medium-sized hotel businesses. requires a little improvement, but it will be in great demand, since we currently have few technological excursion services. And so on - almost every project is interesting and has potential in the world of travel business.”

In the end, the jury still had to choose the two best business ideas. The first was the travel media platform izi.Travel - in the apt words of the founder of IQPlanner, business angel Igor Kaloshin, “an experienced killer for startups that deal with audio guides.” And Valentin Dombrovsky noted that he believes in the team of creators of this service: “These are experienced fighters who have gone through a lot, even bankruptcy. This is the same case when for one beaten one they give a hundred unbeaten ones. They will succeed!”

And the winner of the last session was the online ski guide Skadi. Deputy Director for Product and Operations at TUI Russia Leonid Pustov noted that both the solution itself and its implementation are at top level. At the same time, in his opinion, there are still many possibilities hidden in it that have not yet been revealed. “And then this application can be sold to some giant,” he predicted. And Andrei Umansky, who was not on the jury, admitted that he would borrow the idea from Skadi interactive game for your hotels.

The competition leaders were awarded cash prizes from Uniteller, Go2Rus and OneTouch & Travel, and most importantly, they acquired many contacts in business and investment circles. “I am a venture investor, so in order for me to decide to invest money in a startup, its sales growth potential should reach 1,000 times in five to seven years, in addition, a good product and sales “gene” is needed, i.e. a strong team with high competencies. I really liked Skadi, but for me it has “outgrown” the stage at which I could invest - it is already more interesting for funds. In terms of investment, izi.Travel is also very attractive,” Igor Kaloshin shared his impressions of the competition.

Read about the atmosphere at ITIF in the online forum diary at

Silantieva Veronika Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 58", Kulikova Natalya Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 40"

This project describes the work carried out to create a tourist route in the Tatishchevsky district of the Saratov region.



Interregional project competition “I explore the world”

Project on the theme: “There is no better native land.”

The work was completed by:



Relevance of the topic

Possible climate changes due to the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (global warming), according to expert forecasts, can lead to changes in the species composition of many ecosystems on Earth, since the number of some species will decrease and others will increase.

The loss of species diversity as a vital resource can lead to serious global consequences, as it threatens human well-being and even his very existence on Earth. The stability of ecosystems can be compromised when biodiversity decreases; species that are this moment are not dominant, but can become dominant when environmental conditions change. It is not yet possible to predict how the loss of biodiversity will affect the functioning of the ecosystem, but experts suggest that such losses are unlikely to be beneficial.

Even if exotic plants do not pose an immediate threat, they impoverish nature, allowing a number of native species to survive or creating hybrids through interspecific crossing. A growing number of scientists agree that bioinvasion is the most pressing—and certainly the fastest growing—threat to plant and animal life since forest destruction and the breakneck pace of land development. "Once you have a non-indigenous plant or animal in the system, it becomes very difficult to restore the natural environment to its original state," laments Mark Spencer, an exotic species expert at London's Natural History Museum. On a global scale, Pimentel says, the cost of biological invasion for the economy and nature - damage to river basins, soil depletion and extinction of wildlife is taken into account - can reach up to 1.4 trillion dollars a year. And if scientists’ calculations are correct, then the cost of biological invasion will only increase.
By their qualities, aggressive pests and pathogenic microorganisms are ideally suited to the characteristics of a world without borders. Some alien plants and animals only need a small “clue” to establish themselves on new land. Just ten years after the Baltic clam Dracena hit the inland waters United States from the holds of European ships, and it has already spread from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River Delta, clogging water pipes, clinging to hydroelectric power plants and pushing the algae and mollusks of the natural environment to the margins of ecosystems. Authorities are spending $1 billion a year to control the dracena mollusk and the quagga (a type of horse), just two of the 88 exotic species that roam the United States.
Biologists call them, somewhat old-fashionedly, “exotic species,” but for the rest of humanity they are bioinvaders that appear under different guises: from tiny microbes to giant trees, from mosquitoes to mongooses. But they all share a common penchant for camouflage and adaptation: they fly around the planet on the wings of migratory birds, nest in clothing or travel in the human bloodstream. A huge number of bioinvaders are deliberately released into the wild by farmers and various clever people who are trying to outwit nature (for example, importing snakes to drive away rats), gardeners with exotic predilections (for example, for the knotweed plant) or not very far-sighted entrepreneurs (who want to get the “ideal” grape snail). We learned about the grape snail in the botanical garden. It was also brought to us from the Carpathians. Does a lot of damage. It's almost impossible to get rid of. Bioinvaders are also ruthless in their competition: freed from the threat posed by predators in their homeland, they thrive in new territories, monopolizing all food sources and reproducing at a rate that rabbits can only envy. Once established on a new land, the invading species may never leave, forcing the authorities to fight it again and again with excavation, fire and poison - all a "Sisyphean task".
Bioinvaders can “hibernate” for decades and wait for their biological chance (like a storm or heat) to “awaken” them.

Justification of the problem

Our work dates back to 2011. Gymnasium students began to conduct excursions around memorable places Saratov region. First, for the purpose of holding tourism competitions, which included a local history competition. Then such meetings grew into visits to memorable places associated with great compatriots. Here we can mention A.N. Minha, A.A. Shakhmatova and others. Having seen the deplorable state in which cultural monuments were located, the first attempts appeared to restore and protect historical places. With an attempt to protect manor parks and parklands, it became necessary to justify their decision in the need to restore parks and monitor park plants.

In addition to the historical and local history value of the objects, we identified a more specific and important problem that could lead to the extinction of many species of vegetation in our region. This problem can be called “Exotic Plants”.

Objective of the project

Draw up and organize a tourist route through the villages of the Tatishchevsky district.

Project objectives

  1. To attract public attention to the preservation of historical heritage.
  2. Help in the restoration of homestead parks in the villages of the Tatishchevsky district of the Saratov region;
  3. Organize a volunteer movement in the gymnasium to protect and restore cultural monuments located in the Saratov region.
  4. Take part in a study of the influence of exotic plants on the nature of our region.

Activity planning

During our work, we identified steps that we intend to take in the near future.

  1. Collecting information in archives, a local history museum and in conversations with local residents about the history of villages. Studying literature on exotic plants.
  2. With theoretical material, take part in school scientific and practical conferences in order to attract the public to the problem.
  3. Contact SSU employees who will help us substantiate, from a theoretical point of view, the importance of the problem and conclude an agreement on joint activities with the employees of the botanical garden (feasible participation in scientific and practical activities).
  4. Agreement with SGSEU, with the Department of Tourism for economic calculations on the route and mastering technologies for creating tourist routes.
  5. Involving students and their parents at our gymnasium and other schools in environmental activities.
  6. Hikes to memorable places in the Saratov region and work to restore parks and cultural heritage.
  7. Conducting thematic classes for students of the gymnasium and other schools in the region.

To create a tourist route (Appendix No. 1), we defined the following criteria: the route must have a legend to maintain interest, villages must be located at a short distance to save time, each village must have exotic plants, local plant species of unusual shapes and sizes, famous personalities(compatriots) who contributed to the development of the country, the route should generate profit, which can be used for the development and arrangement of parks.

Our literature research has led us to the conclusion that exotic plants, if uncontrolled by people, can, with a slight climate change, change the entire flora around, change the chemical composition of the soil and lead to an environmental disaster. Our search led us to the Museum of Local Lore, where we met Irina Mikhailovna. She introduced us to the archive of I.B. Milovidova, former director Botanical Garden, in which we found Inna Borisovna’s works describing the village and the plants that interest us. Through her efforts, these plants were classified as memorial plants. Next, my classmates and I went on an excursion to the Botanical Garden. Having received explanations on exotic plants from Alexey Vladimirovich Panin, an employee of the botanical garden, it became clear that with proper care of the park (maintaining it in its original condition, replanting the necessary plants, removing unnecessary ones, systematically monitoring all changes in the natural environment, and most importantly - keeping it clean) can avoid many problems in the future. As part of the task of taking part in the study of the influence of exotic plants on the nature of our region, we received confirmation of our theory about exotic plants and an agreement with an action plan for monitoring plants and the opportunity to participate in writing scientific articles on our developments.

We started our trips with an excursion to the village of Polchaninovka, Tatishchevsky district, Saratov region. The gymnasium students really liked the village, especially the area. The children talked with the director of the Polchaninovskaya school, Vyacheslav Yuryevich Moiseev, about the history of the village and the lives of famous fellow villagers. V.Yu. Moiseev and Alexander Petrovich Kulikov presented us with interesting facts about Polchaninovka, about the people associated with this historical place. They told us the history of Polchaninovka and Polchaninovskaya volost, a little from the life of Alexander Nikolaevich Minkh, about what was happening in the village now, and showed photographs. Last year there was an anniversary - Polchaninovka turned 205 years old. We also managed to get acquainted with the archives of the “Rodina” club, which included Polchaninov children engaged in volunteer activities to keep the park and village clean. V.Yu. Moiseev gave us a recording of his speech at the bottom of the village. (Appendix No. 2). The second village was Gubarevka - Rodina famous family Shakhmatovs. Here the excursion was given to us by the school director from Bolshaya Kamenka F.F. Kusyapkulov. He told us a legend that made our route more interesting and was the main criterion for selecting the route.

Now the Minha estate and the village are in poor condition: the house in the estate is dilapidated, everything is overgrown with weeds. Previously, more than ten years ago, volunteer activities were carried out in the village under the leadership of the school director Vyacheslav Yuryevich Moiseev and the head teacher of the school Valery Vladimirovich Dubov. Village residents and school students actively participated in the prosperity of the village. Last works were held in the 2006 anniversary year. At the moment there is none of this. Even though we are not residents of this village, we want to help. As part of solving the problem of organizing a volunteer movement in the gymnasium for the protection and restoration of cultural monuments located in the Saratov region, we decided to create a volunteer team, which will consist of students of grades 6A and 8A. Now we (eighth-graders) are preparing a thematic lesson for 6th grade students on the history of the village of Polchaninovka and are developing a ski trip to Bolshaya Ivanovka.

To help restore homestead parks in the villages of the Tatishchevsky district of the Saratov region, we do not yet have the experience and help of adults, but together with the teachers of our gymnasium and the staff of the Botanical Garden, we are planning to go to Polchaninovka and carry out the first work to clear the territory of the A.N. Park. Mincha. We think we can do it.

We would like to finish our work with the words of I.B. Milovidova: “Neither in Saratov, nor in Atkarsk, where A.N. Minkh spent the last years of his life, and in the village of Koleno, where his parents’ estate was located, there was nothing left connected with his life. Only Polchaninovka is the keeper of his memory.” And this can be said about every memorable corner of our small Motherland.

Appendix No. 1. A tourist route:

“There is no better native land”

We're all leaving somewhere,

Trying to find a convergence of roads.

And only after drinking it all will we find out

How dear our native threshold is to us.

And how many different places in the world,

There are countless beauties on earth.

But these divas will not replace

Those dear places that are in the heart

Polchaninovskaya volost.

The Tatishchevsky district of the Saratov region is famous not only for its many air defense points, but also for the presence of elements of Russian estates from the late 19th century that have survived to this day. The estates of the Tatishchevsky district were located in picturesque places, mostly in the Polchaninovsky volost.

I would like to briefly talk about all these estates so that people can appreciate how much wealth is concentrated in just one district of the Saratov region.

Polchaninovskaya estate (estate of A.N. Minkha).

The Polchaninovskaya estate belonged to Alexander Nikolaevich Minkh for 23 years (from 1874 to 1896). Polchaninovsky Park is located on the outskirts of the village. Polchaninovka, at the foot of the wooded slope of Round Mountain, along the shore of the pond. From diary entries and drawings by A.N. Minha follows that the park was created by him after acquiring the estate, in 1876-78. Thus, he is the oldest in the region. 120-year-old spruces, pines, larches, white poplar, and somewhat younger birches are still growing and impressing with their grandeur. Until the 70s, the only “cedar” (Siberian pine) of that age in the South-East, sown by A.N., grew and bore fruit. Minhom, as well as Canadian spruce.

Having reached a height of more than 20 meters and a trunk diameter of 60-100 cm, the trees give the park the charm of antiquity and make it possible to judge the life expectancy of trees in local conditions.

The estate complex, in addition to a park and a pond, includes a brick house with a mezzanine, built in 1853, a deciduous forest, linden alleys along the border of the former orchard, and two ancient springs. Based on drawings and descriptions by A.N. Minkha, the existing path and road network can be traced, the site of a church, gazebo, vegetable gardens, inn, stables can be seen, a pond with a ditch-drainage, where there was a birch bridge, has been preserved.

Gubarevskaya estate (Shahmatov estate).

Gubarevskaya estate of the Shakhmatov nobles near the village. Gubarevka was located on flat terrain and along a wooded ravine with a stream. The border of the former estate is clearly delineated by the preserved boundary ditch. According to the plan found in GASO from the middle of the last century, the sites of former buildings, roads, a square in front of a white lilac house, and a linden alley can be easily restored. More than two centuries old oak and two old pine trees, an abandoned orchard, an alley with wild rose bushes, a daylily in the place of a flower garden in front of the house, a spring - signs that allow you to navigate the area.

The name of Alexey Aleksandrovich Shakhmatov, a linguist, specialist in East Slavic languages, the history of the Russian language and ancient Russian culture, ethnographer, academician of the Russian and Soviet Academies of Sciences, member of a number of foreign academies, honorary doctor of many European universities, is associated with the Gubarevsky estate. As we managed to find out, out of the 56 years he lived (1864-1920), 47 years were connected with Gubarevka. Either by constantly staying there, or by coming for vacation, or during vacation time, when he worked especially fruitfully 15 hours a day. Gubarevsky house with a large library brought by his uncle from Paris, an atmosphere of high spirituality, acquaintance with A.N. Minkhom predetermined the fate of a talented child who became a scientist. IN mature years A.A. Shakhmatov, his beloved Gubarevka continued to be a center of culture: he came here to visit A.A. Shakhmatov, Norwegian Slavic scholar Olaf Brock.

Bolsheivanovskaya estate (estate of Kazarinova, S.P. Korbutovsky).

When the Saratov region was settled, this land belonged to landowner Kazarinova, who chose to build a house here because she liked the oak grove, which was later turned into a park. It has survived to this day, although there are few very old trees left. The overgrown self-seeded deciduous trees are very dense, and there is no maintenance of the park. Only recently has an attempt been made to remove dead wood. A large orchard adjoined the park. They were separated by a linden alley. The garden ceased to exist, but the linden trees, which reached a height of more than 20 meters, are quite viable, continuing to bloom profusely. There is no other linden alley of this age, length and good preservation in the region.

On the territory of the former estate, a manor house, a pond, and a mill have been preserved.

The last owner of the estate was Sergei Pavlovich Korbutovsky, a great friend of Alexander Nikolaevich Minkha, who lived in Polchaninovka, five miles from Bolshaya Ivanovka. Friends visited each other almost every day. Minkh came sometimes alone, sometimes with his wife, sometimes with his brother G.N. Minkh, a professor at Kyiv University, when he visited Polchaninovka. In turn, S.P. Korbutovsky went to visit Minkh with his wife and mother-in-law. Meetings also took place with Nikolai Pavlovich Korbutovsky, the head of the N.P. Korbutovsky Garden Farm.

● Considering the above, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that Bolsheivanovsky Park testifies not only to the history of the settlement of the region, but also allows us to imagine cultural environment, which was formed in the Polchaninovsky volost thanks to the local nobility. Polchaninovskaya estate A.N. Mincha was the intellectual center of the entire area. The Shakhmatovs from Gubarevka, a man of very broad interests, gravitated towards him, in whose family a nephew was raised, who later became an academician, a historian of the Russian language, perhaps not without the influence of A.N. Minha, as well as S.P. Korbutovsky from Bolshaya Ivanovka with his brother N.P. Korbutovsky, the famous head of the Garden Economy, and others.

● In all surveyed estates, the following elements are present to varying degrees of preservation. The buildings have been preserved in the following places: Bolshaya Ivanovka, Polchaninovka. Parklands are best preserved in Polchaninovka. The remains of orchards continue to exist in Gubarevka. Water elements are everywhere.

The age of parklands ranges from 90 to 120 years, but only in two cases has it been established precisely: in the Polchaninovsky estate of A.N. Minha, who left notes in his diaries about the time of tree planting. In the rest, the age of the park is given approximately, dating from the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. In a number of places where the park area included a forest, many trees are older: in Bolsheivanovsky Park, two specimens of Scots pine are the oldest in the region, in the Gubarevskaya estate, their age is about 250 years. The green spaces of the parks include more than 70 trees and shrubs, of which about 40 are exotic.

In Gubarevka, wild roses still grow, and among the herbaceous ones, daylilies.

● In Polchaninovsky Park, trees planted by A.N. himself are preserved. Minhom, determines their memorial status.

Part 2. From the history of the village of Polchaninovka

In this chapter I will give a speech at the “Village Day” holiday on August 11, 2006 and an interview with the school director V.Yu. Moiseev.

Dear fellow villagers and guests of our village!

2006 is the anniversary year of Polchaninovka. Two hundred years of history are 10 generations of Polchaninovites who lived and are living on this land, who in peacetime grew grain, raised livestock, and when hard times came, they went to defend their land, as it was during the Great Patriotic War. They fought heroically at the front, and worked heroically in the rear. Two hundred years is a long time. The whole history of the village cannot be retold, and we don’t know it all. This is our problem. Popular wisdom says: you cannot be Ivans who do not remember their kinship.

I am not the first person to become interested in the history of Polchaninovka. We must know and remember about these people: they loved and love our village.

Nina Andreevna Vasilyeva, being a librarian at the village library, put a lot of effort into finding information about Polchaninovka and created a selection of documents from different periods of the life of the village.

Alexander Pavlovich Fedorov, resident of the village. Vyazovka. It was unique person, there are few of them: tactful, soft, but persistent when it came to preserving memory and museum exhibits. He devoted his whole life to creating a museum in the Tatishchevsky district. He knew more about Polchaninovka than any Polchaninovka member. Blessed memory to him!

Purposeful work on studying the history of the village begins in the 90s. The inspirer and organizer of this work was Valery Vladimirovich Dubov, a history teacher at our school. It was Valery Vladimirovich who established a close connection with another wonderful person - Inna Borisovna Milovidova, biologist, local historian, member All-Russian Society protection of historical and cultural monuments. Historical and literary club “Motherland”, organized by V.V. Dubov corresponded with I.B. Milovidova, who had the opportunity to work in the regional archive, she came to our village, took the children and us adults around the grove and told us: “There was a gazebo here, that place was called the “little saucer,” this spring is the “red cross.” ... And this type of pine does not grow anywhere else in the Saratov region. And these linden trees are a hundred extra years..." We walked and surprised ourselves, how much do we not know?!

Inna Borisovna Milovidova first got to know our village in the sixties of the last century. This is how she describes her first meeting with Polchaninovka (J-l "Volga" No. 5-6, 1995)

Excerpt from magazine No. 1.

And in 1998, for the 200th anniversary of the Saratov province, the almanac “Monuments of the Fatherland. All Russia". No. 40 is dedicated to monuments of the Saratov region. Our Polchaninovka was also included in this almanac. In the “Forgotten World” section, an article by I.B. Milovidova “Polchaninovka” and its owner”, dedicated to Alexander Nikolaevich Minkh, the park created by him, and our native village.

Excerpt from magazine No. 2.

And I can’t help but mention one person: Vyacheslav Viktorovich Korolev. City dweller. He spent his childhood in Volsk and lives in Saratov. Came to Polchaninovka in the 90s. As they say, I came “for love.” When I first heard the story of Polchaninovka in his stories, I was surprised how he knew this. He replied: “I have a book by Mincha about Polchaninovka.” It was a photocopy of the original book by A.N. Minkha “Saratov district. Saratov collection: materials for studying the Saratov province." Year of publication 1881. With “yat” and “ery”. I asked to read it and then reprint it.

Based on all the documents listed above, thanks to meetings with the most interesting people and was recreated quite real historical picture the first half of the life of our village.

* * *

The history of the village of Polchaninovka begins approximately in 1779. According to the books of general surveying of those years, the Polchaninovsky dachas belonged to the village of Troitsky (Glyadkovka too) and were separated from the villages: Pokrovsky (Sokur) and Nikolsky-Chardym (Ozerki); Majorsha Kazarinova Avdotya Fedorovna was named at that time as the owner of these lands.

Around 1802, Kazarinova set up inns on the right bank of the Sokurka River (the large Moscow postal road ran here). According to plans and maps, they were called “Sokursky Umet”, later “Kazarin’s Umet” (In the old days, farmsteads were called Umet).

In 1806, the wife of Fyodor Dmitrievich Kazarinov, Natalya Mikhailovna (the peasants called her Kazarikha), nee Shevyreva, evicted 10 families that belonged to her from the village of Polchaninovka, Petrovsky district, to the Kazarinovsky district, where there were inns on the post road; The immigrants sat down below these courtyards (behind the current cemetery) along the bank of the Sokurka, in one order, facing the barracks. In the second half of the 1840s, the village was moved to the place where it sits and now along the main road, in two orders, one straight and wide street.

Natalya Mikhailovna, according to the recollections of old-timers, was an “important” lady who carried bread and salt with governors and authorities; she had a son, Sergei Fedorovich, and three daughters: one of them married Protopopov.

Vasily Petrovich Protopopov, who received the estate from his wife, in 1853 built a stone house with a mezzanine and a magnificent basement under all the housing.

Excerpt No. 3.

And in 1873, the estate was bought by Alexander Nikolaevich Minkh

(Famous scientist, local historian, one of the founders of the Saratov local history museum, member of the Imperial Moscow Archaeological Society at Moscow University, member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, member of the Nizhny Novgorod, Tambov and Vladimir archival commissions, Saratov Provincial Statistical Committee and correspondent of the Ministry of Agriculture...)

The foundation of Minkhovsky Park took place from 1874 to 1880. Most of the trees planted in these places had never grown before: common spruce, Scots pine, Siberian cedar, Canadian spruce, thuja, silver poplar, etc. A.N. Minchom also founded a large Birch Grove, more than one hundred and fifty trees. In the drawings of Minha that local residents have, these trees are just over half a meter tall. To say that Alexander Nikolaevich created all this for himself, to please his own eyes, would be wrong. He created all this for the future residents of Polchaninovka!

List of used literature and materials:

I.B. Milovidov “The Saratov Botanical Garden in the history of Saratov University”;

Bulletin of the Saratov Botanical Garden state university, issue 6, 2007;

Bulletin of the Botanical Garden of Saratov State University, issue 8, 2009;

Bulletin of the Botanical Garden of Saratov State University, issue 9, 2010;

Milovidova I.B. “Manorial parks - monuments of nature, cultural history”;

Milovidova I.B. almanac “Monuments of the Fatherland. All Russia". No. 40

Photocopy of the original book by A.N. Minkha “Saratov district. Saratov collection: materials for studying the Saratov province." Year of publication 1881.

Lukin S. So that the connection of times is not interrupted. - Years and people. Issue 4. - Saratov: Volga Book Publishing House, 1989.

Interview with the school director. Polchaninovka

Essay on the modern Russian literary language Shakhmatov A.A. Uchpedgiz. 1941.;;;,,, book/5-8360-0263-0,,, ,,, .