Summary of an excursion to the local history museum for preschoolers. Synopsis "excursion to the local history museum." II. Work on the topic “Excursion to the local history museum”

Goals: expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the history and culture of the Penza region;

develop skills and abilities to work independently with additional information on a given topic; develop skills in constructing an oral monologue;

develop oral speech, student independence;

cultivate love and respect for the native land.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: computer, disk “Our Land of Penza”.

Lesson plan.
1) Check homework.
2) Work on the topic:
- independent work in groups using cards;
- report on the work done.
3) Summing up. Ratings. Homework.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Checking homework.

Today we continue our virtual tour at the Penza Museum of Local Lore. During the lesson we will get acquainted with the ethnography, history and culture of our region, you will become a guide for a while and take us through the halls of the museum.

Remember what you know about the local history museum. Tell us when the museum was founded, who is the director, what excursions are held, what halls exist.

II. Work on the topic “Excursion to local history museum».

Each group has a task that you started working on in the last lesson. Today you finish work, and after 10 minutes each group presents its hall, i.e. you, as guides, will tell us about your section, about the most famous people and interesting exhibits.
Task No. 1.

1) B explanatory dictionary find out the lexical meaning of the word “ethnography”.

2) Prepare a message about the costumes and demonstrate them.

3) Talk about Anisimova.

Task No. 2

Write a story about the historical past of our region using the following questions:

When was the city founded?

What did the city look like in the first decades of its existence?

People of what nationalities inhabited Penza?

What civil wars took place in the Penza region in the 17th-18th centuries?

Task No. 3

1) Tell us about the people who glorified Penza:

Show the state exhibition. figures, tell us about one hero;

Show the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, make a report about Kizhevatov.

2) Tell us about the exhibits in your section, demonstrate them.

Task No. 4

1) Tell us about cultural life Penza (about education, theaters, museums).

2) Make a report about Lermontov

2) Tell us about the exhibits of the exhibition. Show them to the whole class.

Task No. 5

Tell us about the most promising sports.

Show off the best athletes.

Task No. 6

1) Prepare a story about an art gallery.

2) Make a report about Savitsky, about Tatlin, about Lentulov.

Task No. 7

1) Tell us about Zotkin. Explain why it is necessary to talk about it in local history lessons.

2) Tell us about Abashev’s toy. Show these toys to the whole class and describe them.

3) Read poems about Zotkin.

III. Summing up. Ratings.

Which story did you like best?

What people who glorified Penza did you learn about today?

What would you like to know more about?


Write a review about today's excursion

1) text-narration of the artistic style “Excursion to virtual museum(write down which halls you visited, what you remember most, what you would like to see in a real museum)
2) text description in artistic style“The exhibit that I remember most” ( General overview about the subject. Description of details. My attitude to the subject).

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with older children


To provide knowledge that the local history museum is the custodian of authentic monuments;

material and spiritual culture of our city;

Introduce children to the life of our ancestors;

To cultivate a sense of pride in one’s land, love for it, and the desire to preserve

and enhance its history.

Preliminary work:

Introducing children to the history of the city of Voronezh;

To form the “image of a museum”, to introduce children to folk culture, activate the vocabulary: guide, exhibits, collection.

Development of a route by the teacher. A conversation about the rules of behavior on the road, walking and in public places, a conversation about the museum.

Terms : date: November.

Excursion progress

Guys, today we will go on an excursion to our local history museum. What is a museum? (children's answers.) That's right. The museum contains exhibits - real objects that existed in those distant times.

Have you been to museums? Which ones? What did you see? (children's answers).

Today we will visit the Voronezh Museum of Local Lore and see an exhibition of exhibits. Who knows what an exhibition and exhibits are?(children's answers - when they show us something)

Yes, an exhibition is a display of objects exhibited for public viewing, and exhibits are those objects that are exhibited for viewing.

And who takes visitors around the halls of the museum and talks about the museum’s collections?(Children's answers: tour guide).

Well done, now let's remember how to behave in a museum and other public places. (children's answers- In the museum we must behave quietly, because other tourists come there and we must not disturb them. You are not allowed to touch anything in the museum without the permission of the museum staff.

The Voronezh Provincial Museum, the founder of the Voronezh Regional Museum of Local Lore, was opened in the fall of 1894. From the first days of its existence in 1894 to the present day, this museum has been and remains one of the largest centers of historical and cultural heritage of the Central Black Earth Region. More than 3000 exhibits reflect various aspects history, culture and nature native land, evoke genuine admiration and respect for the amazingly colorful history and culture of the Voronezh land.

During the First World War, in 1915, the building was used as a military hospital.

The Civil War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45 caused enormous damage to the city, not sparing the museums. Museum workers launched active efforts to save perishing historical and artistic values. But during the Great Patriotic War, only a small part of the funds was evacuated to Kazakhstan and Siberia, and the remaining collections were mostly lost. In 1943, the museum resumed its activities. In 1948, the building that previously belonged to it was returned to the museum, in which the Museum was also located fine arts. A few years later, the museum was allocated a separate building on Plekhanovskaya Street, where it is still located today.. The history department presents materials on the history of the Voronezh region on the topics: archeology, the foundation of Voronezh, the era of Peter I, Voronezh in the 18th-19th centuries, Voronezh in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, modern industry of Voronezh and many others. There are also two exhibition halls for constantly changing thematic exhibitions.

“Today the museum has about 170 thousand exhibits. It has 18 halls, several exhibitions “History of the Voronezh Region”, “Weapons of the Eight Centuries of the XII- XX centuries", "Animal Kingdom", "Winged Miracle"The museum's collection includes items from archaeological excavations“Frequent burial mounds” and “Khozar settlement.

Stop 1: Archaeology.

It all starts from ancient times, the first small hall is Archeology 1.

Late Paleolithic era. Mesolithic. It contains a diagram of Paleolithic monuments.

Also in this room there are busts depicting an approximate appearance ancient people living on the territory of modern Voronezh region.

On a separate stand are the bones of ancient animals, mostly mammoths, but there is a skull woolly rhinoceros and aurochs horn.

Stop 2: Archeology 2

This room is also dedicated to ancient times – the Neolithic. Chalcolithic. Bronze Age.

The stands in this room contain found utensils and tools.those times.Separately, there are remains of Bronze Age ceramics from the 3rd-2nd centuries BC.

I would also like to say a word about ancient fishermen. These were happy people! Judging by the hooks on display at the museum, our ancestors were very ambitious food producers. Nature allowed them to fish not for the small things that today’s fishing enthusiasts carry, but for trophies that could be eaten for many days. This can be seen both from the photographs of the fish themselves and from the hooks that are presented on the stands.

Stop 3: Archeology 3

This room is dedicatedNomadic peoples of the early Iron Age. Ancient Slavs.

There is a long stand displaying finds from different times, from the pre-Scythian period of the 9th-7th BC to the period when the ancient Slavs of the 7th-10th centuries AD began to live in the Voronezh region.

Separately, an image of the reconstruction of the Mayatsky fortress of the 9th-10th centuries hangs on the entire wall.

Stop 4 Foundation of Voronezh.

The fourth hall is dedicated to the founding of Voronezh. Officially, the year of foundation is 1586; this year the fortress was built. Although there was already a settlement here before the fortress.

In this room there is a map of the Russian state and the Crimean Khanate of the first half XVI century. Coins, armor, documents and other things of that time.

Stop 5: Peter's times

The fifth hall is associated with the time, which, apparently, Voronezh residents are especially proud of. Namely, with the period of shipbuilding in Voronezh. This is the time when, at the direction of the Boyar Duma and Peter I, the navy began to be built.

In the hall there is a model of the first Russian battleship Goto Predestination, its recreated copy stands near Admiralty Square and is a museum ship.

There is also an example of what the Voronezh shipyards looked like at that time. They worked from 1696 to 1711, until the Voronezh River became shallow. After this, a new shipyard was built downstream in the village of Tavrovo.

Stop 6: Shipbuilding in Voronezh.

The sixth hall is also associated with shipbuilding in Voronezh. When you go to it you pass a small room. It contains an anchor, a cannon, diagrams, paintings and other items related to the navy of that time.

Weapons are displayed in the hall itself. Scheme of the uprising on the Don of 1707-1708. A copy of the bronze death mask of Peter I next to his portrait.

In the room with the mask of Peter the Great and the mask of his hand, there are a lot of portraits of other figures of that time with descriptions of their lives and how they relate to Voronezh.

It would seem, where is Peter I - and where is Voronezh? However, the monarch did not while away all his days in the center of Russia or in St. Petersburg under construction. He took care not only of the fleet in the Baltic, but also in the Black Sea.

On October 20, 1696, the Boyar Duma decided to begin construction of the first state government in Russian history. navy. By decree of Peter I, the Voronezh Admiralty was created in Voronezh, to which the cities on the Voronezh and Don rivers were assigned. By the spring of 1699, 10 ships, 2 galleys, 2 small vessels and 4 sailing boats were launched...

Stop 7: Voronezh region at the beginning of the 19th century.

In this room there is a small exhibition depicting one of the rooms of the nobles of that time, and in front of it are peasant clothes.

There are vases, dishes, and things related to Orthodoxy here. Weapons, including a duel kit.

Stop 8: Life of the Voronezh province in the 19th – early 20th centuries.

Here is the installation peasant hut. Separately, there are things that represent the life of that time. At the end of the hall there is a model of a steam locomotive and things related to railways.

Stop 9: Civil War 1917-1922.

The walls here are red, apparently the color of the Bolshevik flag. Leaflets, posters and photographs from the revolutionary era hang on the walls. There is a machine gun and a machine from an underground printing house,medals, weapons, sabers, mortars!

Here is the legendary cart, in which various bandits drove across the Voronezh steppes and completely destroyed the whites. I must say, during Civil War the city was occupied by white troops twice, the first time in September 1919 by the Don Corps of K.K. Mamontov and in October 1919 by the detachments of A.G. Shkuro. However, both times he was quickly freed.

The First World War also distinguished itself with cartoons. Our ancestors had a funny sense of humor! On a postcard sent from the front to his native Voronezh by a soldier Russian army, depicts valiantly retreating enemy troops.

In general, in Voronezh, as not the most distant from the fronts of the First World War, there were hospitals and the Red Cross Society was very active.

The distance from the center - the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg did not affect the events of 1917. In Voronezh, too, everything was very cruel and bloody. On October 30, 1917, after the uprising of the 5th machine gun regiment located in Voronezh, power passed to the Bolshevik Military Revolutionary Committee headed by A. S. Moiseev.

Stop 10: banknotes Russia XIX– XX century.

The hall displays the first royal money, a lot of money from the Provisional Government, then there are account cards, treasury notes and all sorts of “money substitutes” from the Civil War.

Several piggy banks are presented. Near them are the coins that were kept in such piggy banks. And, by the way, they buried them right in these tin jars. Treasures are not uncommon in the Voronezh land, because the history here was very turbulent, and, as usual, people preferred to store money not in savings banks.

Stop 11: Cosmic Voronezh.

Voronezh turns out to be closely connected with the domestic cosmonautics. Hereinformation from Wikipedia:

At the end of the 1950s, the KBHA Voronezh enterprise developed the RD-0105 oxygen-kerosene liquid rocket engine for the third stage of the Luna launch vehicle, which made it possible in 1959 for the first time in the world to reach the second escape velocity. Based on the RD-0105 engine, an engine was created for the third stage of the launch vehicle spaceship"Vostok" with the world's first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin on board.

This room contains exhibits of the space industry, including a mock-up of the RD-0109 engine.

Stop 12: Exhibition “Weapons of Eight Centuries (XIII-XX Centuries)”.

In the hall behind glass there are various military armor and uniforms, sabers and guns, as well as other bladed weapons and firearms.

Stop 13: Exhibition "Winged Miracle"

In this room you will meet withthe world of butterflies and interesting specimens of arthropods of the world fauna and private collections of a number of Voronezh collectors.

This exhibition introduces the unusually vibrant and diverse world of insects on our planet. More than 3,500 of the most interesting and famous representatives of butterflies, beetles, dragonflies and some other insects are exhibited. Tarantula spiders and scorpions are also represented. The amazing exhibition will interest not only children, but also adults.

Stop 14: Animal Kingdom

At this exhibition you can get acquainted with the fauna of the Voronezh region, look closely at stuffed animals, birds, fish and reptiles, as well as see archaeological finds - fragments of the skeletons of prehistoric animals: bones of mammoths and trigonteria, shark teeth, etc.

At the end of our excursion I want to say the following

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic development.


  • familiarization with the origins of the spiritual culture of the Russian people;
  • acquaintance with the history of the doll, to evoke an emotional response;
  • respect for the environment objective world, the desire to make a toy with your own hands.

Part 1. Introductory

Educator. Guys, have you ever been to a museum? How can you explain the word "museum"?

A museum is a collection of rare and wonderful objects. Would you like to all go to amazing trip and learn a lot of interesting things about the origin of probably the most favorite children's toy?

Part 2. Information(Takes place in the museum.)

Guide. Guys, I think you have a lot of toys at home. Do you have dolls? Would you like to know how the very first dolls appeared, and what they were like?

The doll is the first among toys. She has been known since ancient times, remaining forever young. She is not affected by time, she continues to find her way to the hearts of children and adults.

Everywhere where a person settles and lives, from the harsh snow-covered Arctic expanses to the sultry waterless sands of deserts, the doll is his constant companion. It is simple, but in this simplicity lies a great mystery.

A doll is not born on its own: it is created by a person. The very first dolls were made from pieces of fabric - shreds. Making these dolls does not require needle sewing, so they can be made even with very young children. This is how it was in ancient times - children played with patchwork toys: dolls, bunnies and even horses. In the evening, a mother, or maybe a grandmother, with a little girl will sit down and make a doll - the parts are not sewn together, but tied with threads. Fearing that an evil spirit would move into the doll, faces were not marked on it, thereby protecting the child from evil forces. The custom of not painting the face of a doll persisted for a long time among many peoples and was widespread in ancient times and in Rus'.

3rd part. Problematic

Educator. Guys, what do you think is needed to make such a doll?

Children. Textile white for the face, scraps of colored fabric for scarves and sundresses, multi-colored threads, ribbons and ribbons.

Educator. Are all dolls made in the same way, because they are so different? There really are many ways to make dolls. And the dolls are called differently. Would you like to learn more about them and learn how to make such dolls?

Part 4. Stimulating children's questions

Children walk through exhibition hall, look at the exhibits on display and ask the guide questions about the names of the dolls and the techniques for making them.

The techniques for making dolls are very diverse. The Kuvadka doll and lovebirds are made from nothing but scraps tied with thread; the Vezha doll consists of three “balls” - lumps of wool, wrapped in a rag, and at the base of the various columns is a column twisted from fabric. If you dress up two sticks tied crosswise, you get a doll - a cross, if a bag of grain - a grain.

The guide draws the children's attention to a doll in a hut on chicken legs and invites them to close their eyes.

Music is playing. Baba Yaga appears and invites the children to guess riddles about the forest inhabitants:

What kind of forest animal

Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass,

Ears higher than your head? (Hare.)

The master sewed a fur coat for himself.

I forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog.)

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel.)

Look what -

Everything burns like gold

Walks around in an expensive fur coat.

The tail is fluffy and large. (Fox.)

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree,

And when spring comes,

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear.)

Water masters

They build a house without an axe,

A house of brushwood and mud,

Called a dam. (Beavers.)

Then Baba Yaga offers the game “Who can fly around the tree on a broom faster” and treats the children with candy.

Statement of a new problem

Educator. Guys, would you like to make a doll yourself? At home, together with adults, select scraps of fabric, multi-colored threads and ribbons, and then in a group, we will make dolls - diapers. Think about who the doll will be for: for yourself or maybe it will be a gift?

Part 5. Symbolization

Productive activity. Artistic handicraft: “A doll - a diaper.”

Description of material: Dear friends, I bring to your attention a report on an excursion for preschoolers to the local historical and local history museum in Safonovo. This material will be useful to teachers of preschool institutions.

Involving older children preschool age to museums in highest degree expedient. A museum for preschool children is a means of developing a holistic personality and introducing the child to cultural values ​​and traditions. At the same time, they decide the most important tasks by formation:
- cognitive motivation;
- need to visit museums;
- culture of behavior in the museum;
- aesthetic taste.
The staff of the Safonovo Museum of History and Local Lore successfully cooperates with many preschool institutions in our city. Excursions for preschoolers to the local history museum, as one of the ways to organize direct educational activities with children in our preschool institution are now often practiced. We understand well that excursion activities in the best possible way allows children to become acquainted with objects and phenomena of nature, with the peculiarities of the organization of human life in a natural environment.
The role of the museum in introducing children to the world of museum values ​​is invaluable. The museum, like a huge magic casket, stores an unusual jewel - time, which lives in the form of museum objects created by man. Excursions around the museum contribute to the development of cognitive interest and coherent speech in preschoolers. Here they receive patriotic education, the essence of which is to cultivate in the child’s soul the seeds of love for native nature, home and family, history and culture of your country, to everything that was created by the work of relatives and friends.
More recently, for the students of our speech therapy group another sightseeing tour was held through the halls of the Safonovo Museum of History and Local Lore. The guys got an idea of ​​what museum item, exhibit, exposition, learned the rules of behavior in the museum. They were told about history and culture in a form accessible to preschoolers. small Motherland. This was a significant event for the children; they took it with interest. new information and were imbued with new impressions.

I invite everyone to a sightseeing tour of the halls of the Safonovo Museum of History and Local Lore!
“Today is a solemn and strict day.
The door is open, the museum welcomes guests,
Within its walls it greets those who enter,
You just have to cross his threshold."

Here is a stupa from the century before last and a TV from the last century that greet us in the museum.

Clothes of our grandmothers.

Household items.

"I saw household items
From revived antiquity.
It's open to me now
The past of my country!"

Peasant hut.

Nice little shoes!
"Look at the pair of bast bast shoes,
They are worth a look by the way.
In our age among intricate things
There are no more ingenuous and simpler shoes." Mikhail Burchak

Grandma's "mixer".

Miracle iron.

How unusually melodious the music from the gramophone sounds.

Hall of Military Glory.

Machine gun from the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Automatic machine from the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Rifle from the First World War.

Soldier's overcoat.
"With tears of pride
To the first corner of the upper room
Mother will hang the old one
Gray overcoat."Yuri Mikhailenko

The literary hero of A.T. Tvardovsky is the legendary Vasily Terkin.
"The fighter just took the three-row,
It’s immediately obvious that he’s an accordion player.
First things first, first things first
He threw his fingers from top to bottom.
Forgotten village
Suddenly he started, closing his eyes,
Sides of the native Smolensk
Sad memorable motive..."

Portrait of V.V. Griboedova, cousin of the poet A.S. Griboyedov

Violin of the Soviet military leader, Marshal Soviet Union M.N. Tukhachevsky

An old gramophone.
"What was, then goes away
Forgetting like a dream.
It's a pity that rarely anyone starts,
Good old gramophone..." Ignatov Alexander

At the portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin.
"The glow of the sunset is fading.
Twinkling, the first star whispers:
“Gagarin did not leave, believe me, guys.
He is with you, here, forever!” Yu. Goverdovsky

Banner of the city-forming enterprise of the Avangard plant

Our famous fellow countrymen.

Exhibition of topariums.

Abstract of the GCD "Excursion to the Clock Museum" according to educational field"Cognitive development" in senior group

Goal: familiarization with the variety of clock mechanisms and ways of using them in human life.


1. Introduce children to the history of watches; different types of watches (pocket, wrist, alarm clocks, wall, sand, electronic);

2. Introduce children to the dial and two hands - minute and hour;

3. Fix the names of the parts of the day by type of activity and the position of the sun in the sky.


1.Develop logical thinking;

2.Develop cognitive interest to the past and future of the clock.


1. Develop the ability and ability to take care of your personal time and the time of others.

Preliminary work: getting to know the clock, reading encyclopedias, didactic game "What time is it?" working with cards, learning poetry.

Equipment: a mini-museum of clocks was created by a group of parents, which contains clocks of various shapes and sizes (wall clocks, wrist clocks, alarm clocks, oil clocks, electronic clocks, floor clocks), pictures of clocks, pictures of activities and the position of the sun in the sky.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Hello, dear visitors!

Do you want to know a lot of interesting things?

Educator: Today we invited you to our mini-museum,

Make yourself comfortable as quickly as possible.

What will our conversation be about?

You will find out if you solve the riddle.

Day and night they go.
Never get tired.
They whisper monotonously to the beat:
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
The arrows look like mustaches.
They are called...

Educator: YES, today we will talk about watches. In our mini-Museum, together with our parents, we have collected various types of watches. What clock do you see?

Children: wall-mounted, wrist-mounted, electronic.

Educator: You are absolutely right. There's even an alarm clock. What is it for?

Children: To wake you up, show the time, so as not to be late, etc.

Educator: Cuckoo clock, sundial. Of course, without watches, people would be late for work, planes, trains, and would be lost in activities... Listen to N. Chuprov’s poem “The Clock”
The clock is knocking all night.
They are not silent for a minute!
I ask: “Watch, wait,
Don't bother me
Let me sleep some more
I don’t want to get up!”
And the clock answered: “Tick-tock,
Wake up, weirdo!
The night is somewhere far away
The sun is high in the sky,
A wonderful day awaits you,
Open your eyes, my friend!

Educator: And now I invite you to see what types of watches are collected in our mini-museum. Various watches are presented here. There are alarm clocks on the top shelf. Do you know what an alarm clock is? Probably each of you has alarm clocks at home. An alarm clock helps me a lot; it stands next to my bed and wakes me up for work every morning. Guys, raise your hands, who has alarm clocks at home? I am very glad that every home has an alarm clock. This is very useful thing. Guys, what do you think, what kind of alarm clocks should I buy, large or small? (Children's answers). I think those that a person likes.

Teacher, pointing to the wall: What clock should be here? LISTEN.

G. Tereshkova "Clock"

On the wall in the room watch,
They do not hang for beauty.
And to the rhythm of knocking: tick-tock, tick-tock.
Everyone is served symbol.
Day and night change outside the window.
The dawn is wonderful. And then
In humans all year round
It's time for the day's worries. (wall). What other types of clocks do you know? (sun clocks, sand clocks, floor clocks, etc.

Educator: Guys, what watch do you choose for yourself? (beautiful, large, practical, sandy) And of course, so that the owners like the bell and the arrows show right time. Look, all clocks have two hands. Guys, do you know what the big hand on a clock is called? (Children's answers) Correct It shows minutes and is called minute. Who knows what the little arrow is called? (children's answers). That's right. This is the hour hand. From it we find out how many hours it is. Guys, what do you think, which arrow moves faster, the small one or the big one? (Children's answers.) Well done, they answered everything correctly.

But now I want to tell you a little about the history of watches. What do you guys think, was there a time when there were no clocks? (Children's answers)

Educator: I agree with you, in ancient times there was such a time. In those days, people determined time by the sun. The sun rose and people woke up, the sun set and people went to bed. Guys, what do you think, when did people sleep longer - in winter or summer?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Correct. People slept less in the summer, because in the summer the night is short, and people have a lot of work in the fields and gardens. Therefore, they tried to sleep less and work more. No wonder they said a summer day feeds the year. And in winter people slept longer, why?

Children: Because the night is longer and the day is short. People rested more in winter, and ate what they prepared in summer and fed animals too summer preparations.

Mustachioed Sun
Hid behind a piece of glass.
Moves his mustache, his name is...

Children: for hours.

Educator: Guys, what shape is our clock: (answers) what people did before, before there were clock mechanisms. You can tell time by the sun. When the sun shines, the trees cast shadows. Look at this picture. Here a shadow falls and in the old days a person used it to tell the time. Guys, do you know when the shadow is longer, in the morning, afternoon or evening?

(Children's answers)

Educator: When the sun rises or sets below the horizon, the shadow is longer, and during the day the shadow is shorter. When a man noticed the properties of the shadow, then he came up with a sundial. Look, in our museum there is a picture with such a clock. But these watches did not always help a person, since such watches only work in sunny weather. And a man came up with an hourglass. Here they are, standing on the shelf. They happen different sizes. These are for three minutes, and these are for ten minutes. But this watch was not very convenient either, because it had to be turned over all the time.

Let us play while the sand falls, we will walk throughout our museum, and then sit down in our seats. Let's come to the cuckoo clock.

Physical education minute

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Who in the house can do this?

This is the pendulum in the clock

Beats every beat (tilts to the right, left).

And there is a cuckoo sitting in the clock,

She has her own hut (they sat down in a deep squat).

The bird will crow for time,

He will hide behind the door again (squats).

The arrows move in a circle,

Do not touch each other (rotate the body to the right).

You and I will turn around

Counterclockwise (Rotate the body to the right)

And the clock goes, goes, (walking in place),

Sometimes they suddenly lag behind (slowing down the pace of walking).

And sometimes they’re in a little hurry,

As if they want to run away (running in place).

If you don't start it,

Then they completely stand up (the children stop).

Educator: We walked for 2 minutes, and now we’ll rest and then talk about the clock. People decided to pour oil into their watches instead of sand and they got an oil watch; such a watch did not show the time accurately. And this, guys, is it good or bad when the clock does not show the exact time. (Children’s comments)

Educator: What can happen when we don’t know the exact time?

(Children's answers)

I. Shimko
I teach my watch to walk:
-You better not rush in the morning.
People really want to sleep,
And you: “It’s time to get up, get up!”
I'll sneak off to the beach -
Spin the tendril arrows,
Please slow down
So that the forelock and panties dry.
But when in the garden -
You run faster!
And then you'll look at you,
It's like you're sleeping.
What if they suddenly punish
For anything me -
Let the arrows flash like that
Like sparks of fire.
So that I leave the corner
As soon as possible
And I was able to do it with the guys
Have time to play hockey.

Educator: And now I will show you a very unusual clock - this is a flower clock. These are the most common fresh flowers. The buds of some of them open in the morning and close during the day, while others have flowers that open only at night and are always closed during the day. You can also tell the time from them.

Educator: Guys, in our wonderful built mini-museum there is a candle clock. Look, the divisions are marked here. The candle burns out, decreases in size, and by the divisions one could determine what time it is. Over time, man came up with a special mechanism, and various watches appeared. Now I will show you the most important clock in our country. Such a clock is located in Moscow on the Spasskaya Tower, we are all excitedly waiting for the hands to connect and everyone listens to the chimes.

Educator: Our museum presents different watches. And raise your hands, those who don’t have a clock at home. I don’t see a single hand because every person values ​​his time and tries to do everything in his own time. Shops, kindergartens and schools open during this time. Planes fly and ships sail according to schedule.

Educator: Let's check if you know all the clocks that are in our museum.

What is the name of the clock that hangs on the wall? (wall-mounted)

What is the name of the clock that stands on the table? (desktop)

What is the name of the watch that is worn on the wrist? (wrist)

What is the name of the clock that wakes us up in the morning? (alarm clock). By always waking up with an alarm clock, you will have time to do all the things you have planned.

Educator: Friends, there is an electronic watch on this shelf. I also want to draw your attention to the wall where we have a cuckoo clock hanging. True, they are beautiful, but they are also accurate. They help us do everything on time and according to schedule. During this time, they will feed you, sit you down for classes, and take you for walks.

Listen to the poem by E. Cotillard, which is called "The Clock-Clock".

There are no clocks in the world!

And each has its own secret.

There is a clock on the floor,

Bass speaking: Bom, Bom, Bom.

For the whole house.

This is a street clock on a pole

Anyone you know?

They are very necessary here:

Giant arrows

Visible from a distance.

And the walkers are in the hut!

Cuckoos live in them.

The window will open

The cuckoo will start "cuckoo", "cuckoo"

Like in a forest on a branch.

And you’ll set the alarm clock in the evening

And you will go to sleep peacefully.

The alarm clock will not forget to wake you up.

Educator: Now, guys, guess the riddles. Let's summarize, what interesting things did we learn, what new things did they give you?

1. We don’t sleep during the day,

We don't sleep at night

And day and night

Knock, knock (Clock)

2.Two sisters next to each other

They run lap after lap

Shorty - just once

The one above - every hour (Arrows)

3.On the hand and on the wall,

And on the tower above,

They walk, they walk at the same pace,

From sunrise to sunrise. (Watch)

I have little ones.

Their name is minutes.

If you put them together

You will know about me. (Hour)

Educator: Our excursion has come to an end. Thanks to everyone who visited our mini-museum of watches. What was interesting for you? What do you remember?

Everyone has been to the museum,

We learned a lot

And about the hands, about the minutes

We can't forget history.

See you soon in interesting place.

The song by E. Krylatov "SONG ABOUT BELLS" sounds

"The clock is striking on the old tower,

Continuing yesterday,

And the bells are ringing...