Design and research activities in correctional and speech therapy classes. Research activities in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten

The child cannot yet find answers to his questions on his own.

teachers help him. This is where the method of problem-based learning arose,

which consists of questions (logically developing thinking),

modeling problem situations, experimenting, solving

crosswords, charades, puzzles, etc.

A lesson summary is provided.



Apply these methods

Cognitive-search research activities in speech development classes.

Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 122, Molchanova A.G.,


From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him.

Everyone knows that five-year-old children are called “why kids.”

The cognitive activity of children at this age is very high: every

The teacher’s answer to a child’s question gives rise to new questions.

The child cannot yet find answers to his questions on his own.

teachers help him. This is where the method of problem-based learning arose,

which consists of questions (logically developing thinking),

modeling problem situations, experimenting, solving

crosswords, charades, puzzles, etc.

The main goal of this method is to develop creative personality child.

The tasks of the problem-based learning method are specific to each


IN younger age this is entering a problematic gaming situation,

formation of initial prerequisites for search activity.

At an older age it is:

  1. formation of prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative;
  2. developing the ability to apply these methods that contribute to

Solving assigned problems using various options;

  1. developing a desire to use special terminology, conducting a conversation in the process of joint research activities.

It has been proven that involving children in search activities increases the assimilation of various knowledge and skills, develops mental activity, independence, and intelligence.

The use of lexical and grammatical games in work contributes to

children's acquisition of grammatically correct speech skills.

Such games include:

1.Sensory games.

(What the word does - looks, listens, moves, etc.)

2. Character games.

(Modeling the content of the word)

3.Logic games.

(Search for the origins of word formation, establishing cause-and-effect

connections, use of a cause-and-effect chain)

4. Linking the content of a word with its initial form.

(perception of phonetic-phonemic image and pronunciation of the word -

analysis, errors in word structure).

5.Spatial games.

6.Games with the same root words:

a) formation of words of some part of speech

(whiteness - white,

whitening - turning white,

white - turning white)

b) formation from all parts of forms

Roda (protein – proteins

White – white)

Numbers (protein - proteins

white - white

Turns white - turns white)

c) the formation from all parts of speech of forms that clarify semantic shades

by using:

Prefixes (whitewash,


Suffixes (white,


Interfixes (white-barrel)

Postfixes (white - ka)

Case endings

(protein - squirrel,

White - white)

Conjugation endings

(turning white - turning white - turning white)

7. Games with words - antonyms

(words backwards)

The symbol of this game can be an upside down man.

8. Games of contradictions."

“Fedot, but not that one”, “I don’t see..., but on the contrary”, “The third (4-5) is extra

9. Bridge Games.”

Selection of intermediate words for a gradual transition from one

antipode to another (heat – warmth – cold)

10. Grammar games:

- "True False"

- “Stubborn words” - inflexible nouns (coffee,...)

11. Games with cards, pictograms, diagrams, models...

12. Analogy games.

Continuation of the synonymous series started by the teacher

(big-huge-huge, etc.).

13.Games for classifying objects.

14. Games with figurative expressions.

Definition of the figurative meaning of words (hands are tree branches)

Coming up with comparisons (hands, paws, pitchforks, wings,...)

15. Games with riddles, proverbs, sayings.


A selection of different statements about the same thing.

Interpretation of phrases, proverbs, sayings in your own words.

16.Games with rhyming words.

(I am a poet, I am a writer)

17. Games on sound connections of words.

(smoke - house, entered - left)

18. Games with words and sentences.

- “Add-ons” - selection of epithets, signs, actions

(bread - fluffy, fragrant, soft, rosy,...)

Comparison riddles

(with a tail, not a turnip mouse)

- “Chains of words”

(Coming up with phrases following one after another:

(The cat laps milk. The cow gives milk. The cow grazes in the meadow.


- “Gatherings - bandages”

Promotion of the plot one word at a time (winter...)

- "Composition"

Coming up with a general plot based on words from related

(tram - bus), distant (tram - forest), opposite

(day Night).

The method of problem-based search (project) learning is relevant and

very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment,

synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creative abilities

and communication skills, which allows him to adapt to the changed situation of school learning.


Subject: " Cognitive-search speech activity"

Design and research activities in correctional speech therapy classes. How to pronounce the sound [R] correctly.
Project is a way of organizing joint activities adult and child to achieve a common goal. The founder of the projects, American educator William Kilpatrick, imagined the educational process in kindergarten as a series of experiments. The knowledge gained during one experience developed and enriched subsequent experiences. Design means the ideal understanding and practical implementation of what should be. Didactic meaning project activities is that it helps to connect learning with life, forms research skills, develops cognitive activity, independence, creativity, the ability to plan, and work in a team. Such qualities contribute to children's successful learning at school. It was on this basis that I decided to try to conduct a little research work with the children.
Corrective classes at the speech center kindergarten children visit preparatory groups with problems with sound pronunciation. The goal of a speech therapist is to prepare the child’s articulatory apparatus for pronouncing sounds that are difficult for him with the help of special articulation exercises, to produce (call out) the sound, and to consolidate it in the student’s independent speech. At the first stage of work, it is necessary to form a “physiological image” of sound.
Without understanding where and how the organs of articulation (lips, teeth, tongue) are located when pronouncing a sound, it is impossible to reproduce the necessary articulatory postures, and, consequently, sound production becomes more complicated. Partially, the “physiological image” of sound can be explained with the help of articulatory gymnastics exercises, when, using game plots and object pictures, speech therapists develop tongue mobility, its switchability, accuracy and sequence of movements. But not all children immediately perform the exercises correctly and reproduce the desired articulatory pattern.
This is due to a number of reasons, for example, the absence of front incisors in children does not provide support for the tongue when pronouncing certain sounds. In this regard, I decided to conduct a little research with the children. And since at the beginning school year Most preschoolers cannot do this on their own, much less formalize the results, and attracted parents. Most children who are speech pathologists have impaired pronunciation of the sound [P], which is why the topic of our research work is “How to correctly pronounce the sound [P].”
The goal of the project: a child speech pathologist will understand the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [P].
-find out which organs are involved in the formation of human speech, -establish which of them take part in the pronunciation of the sound [P], -identify the peculiarities of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [P]
Project type:
research, short-term, individual
The project is being implemented within the framework of the Program of Correctional and Speech Therapy Work with Children with Sound Pronunciation Disorders
Project participants: children of the preparatory group Age of participants: 6-7 years
Implementation period: November 2015-2016 academic year
Expected result: conscious adoption of the correct articulatory pattern when pronouncing the sound R. Proposed criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the project: creation of a booklet that can be used by other children with sound pronunciation disorders.

Attached files

Oksana Proskurina
Elements of experimental research activities in the work of a speech therapist teacher

1.(slide 1) Target work of a speech therapist: beautiful, correct speech all children in our kindergarten, and not just children with speech disorders.

Experimentally– research activity is not the main goal in work as a speech therapist teacher, but acts as a tool.

Let's consider the methods and techniques of organization experimentally– research activities which I use on frontal, subgroup and individual classes:

2. As a surprise moment in individual lessons, I suggest looking through a kaleidoscope. Multi-colored patterns, of course, are very attractive to children. How surprised they are when I show them how a kaleidoscope works. (kaleidoscope demonstration). Place mirrored cardboard folded into a triangle in a Lay's chips jar. Between the two lids of these chips I place various items: beads, sequins, beads. Several such replaceable blocks can be produced. Kaleidoscope is a surprise and educational moment.

3. One of the reasons for sound pronunciation disorders is insufficiently developed auditory attention. Maria Montessori's noise boxes are non-demountable wooden cylinders. The child listens to the sound and selects a cylinder from another noise box with the same sound. The disadvantage is that children always want to know what's inside. Therefore, I suggest the children fill Kinder surprise boxes and plasticine jars "play up" beads, beans, rice, peas, buckwheat.

4.(slide 2) Famous speech therapist Tatyana Aleksandrovna Tkachenko developed a manual“Pictures with a problematic plot for the development of thinking and speech in preschoolers aged 5-7 years.” The guys not only make up interesting stories according to the plot picture, but also together with me they solve this or that problematic situation. For example, a picture "Candy with a surprise".

(slide 3) At one of the stages work while composing a story, we assume that it is tied to the ball, answers children: "big candy, medicine, homework, little doll". Then we take a balloon filled with helium and tie various objects, see if the balloon rises up. The ball could not lift anything except a sheet of paper. The guys decided that there was homework attached to the ball.

4. (slide 4) In the story "Fire" two boys extinguish the fire in the attic with a swing and a bucket of water. We also made a swing from a ruler and a pencil and launched a paper clip. The paper clips flew higher, lower, further, closer, depending on the force, but it was impossible to launch it at the desired target. The children concluded that the boys would not put out the fire; they needed to call the fire brigade.

5. (slide 5) Another manual by this author is called “Logic exercises for speech development”. One of the tasks experimentally– research character:

- "If in severe frost put the fur coat on the snow. Will the snow melt?

This is the question I ask the guys while studying the topic. "Cloth". At the beginning of the walk, the teacher and the children place a fur cloth on the snow, at the end of the walk they check the result and conclude that the fur coat does not warm, but retains heat.

6. (slide 6) Getting ready for the retelling famous story Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy "Smart Jackdaw" The guys and I throw pebbles into a transparent container of water. We mark the water level on the walls with a red marker. After each child carefully lowers the pebble, we consider the water level and proceed to the retelling.

7.(slide 7) By developing the duration of exhalation necessary for proper speech breathing, we experimenting with straws and water. We conclude that bubbles depend not only on the force of exhalation, but also on the width of the tube.

7. (slide 8) Research Job carried out both in kindergarten and at home. Project "Houseplants" long-term. The guys are growing houseplants in a group and at home. Progress reports work at home they prepare presentations, newspapers, prepare a story and perform in front of all the children in the group. Yasmina, her mother and younger sisters grew a tangerine tree.

9. There are many different projects in our kindergarten, one of them was not planned by the teachers in advance, but this is how it turned out. During the project "My hobbies" One of the pupils brought an experiment with baking powder to kindergarten. (slide 9) The children liked it so much that they also wanted to bring other experiences and experiments. Pupils at home with their parents chose any interesting and safe experience and carried it out at home. Parents prepare the child to show this experience to all the children in the group. And teachers help both parents and children. Dasha prepared an experiment with milk and dyes, painting with milk. And Gena showed and told that not all liquids mix.

10. (Slide 10). Kira really wanted to perform in front of her friends and came up with the experience herself at home. Mom suggested several experiments, but Kira was persistent. In the group, she proudly poured water into balloon, and asked questions: “Do you think the water will spill out? How much water can fit in a balloon? And others.

So a scientific laboratory was opened in the senior group.

11. (slide 11) Alice surprised both children and adults. I brought hydrophobic sand to kindergarten. The guys could not explain why the sand remains dry in the water. The experiment was done many times, and each time the dry sand from the water was surprising.

12. (slide12) Polina showed experiment with regular crayons, which turned out to be not only interesting, but also useful. Dry crayons do not draw well on paper, but if you keep them in sweet water, they draw brightly and beautifully. If a child has General speech underdevelopment, then in individual lessons we first talk through and work out comments on the various stages of the experience.

13. These the experiments are so interesting, fascinating. They motivate children to speak. After this experiment, the boy with motor alalia talks about it. (slide 13

14. These are some examples of use elements of experimental research activities in working together teachers– speech therapist and teachers of combined groups.

Topic of the issue

“Prospects for teaching children with disabilities”


  • Institutions and authors mentioned in the issue


    • 2nd preschool department of GBOU “School No. 1909 named after. Hero Soviet Union A.K. Novikova", Moscow
    • GBOU "School No. 498", Moscow
    • GBOU "School No. 1566", Moscow
    • State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "TsPPiSP", Vladimir
    • State Budgetary Institution CSSV "Family Academy", Moscow
    • GBU CSSV " Scarlet Sails", Moscow
    • State Budgetary Institution CSSV “Our House”, Moscow
    • GKU TSSV "Yunona", Moscow
    • MADOOU d/s "Alenushka", village. Sosnovka, Beloyarsk district, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-YUGRA
    • MADOU TsRR - d/s "Fairy Tale", slave. village Red Baki, Nizhny Novgorod region.
    • MBDOU d/s No. 1, Apsheronsk, Krasnodar Territory
    • MBDOU d/s No. 7, pos. Testaments of Ilyich Khabarovsk Territory
    • MBDOU d/s No. 14, Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory
    • MBDOU d/s No. 18, Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory
    • MBDOU d/s No. 35, Sergiev Posad, Moscow region.
    • MBDOU d/s No. 105 “Antoshka”, Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region.
    • MBDOU d/s No. 124, Cherepovets, Vologda region.
    • MBDOU TsRR - d/s No. 156, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic
    • MDOU d/s No. 10, Bogoroditsk, Tula region.
    • School for children with disabilities “Blago” GBPOU “Technological College No. 21”, Moscow
    • Akhmetshina Anastasia Alekseevna
    • Bobyleva Elena Vladimirovna
    • Wedding Valentina Nikolaevna
    • Volkonskaya Tatyana Viktorovna
    • Germanovichene Elena Nikolaevna
    • Dzhengurova Larisa Nikolaevna
    • Zhuzhma Alina Nikolaevna
    • Zapyantseva Vera Ivanovna
    • Ivanenko Olga Valerievna
    • Kirillova Rosa Alexandrovna
    • Kleimenova Daria Alexandrovna
    • Kuznetsova Svetlana Adolfovna
    • Kukushkina Evgenia Borisovna
    • Martynenko Svetlana Mikhailovna
    • Sevostyanova Anna Nikolaevna
    • Strygina Elena Nikolaevna
    • Tikhonova Elena Alexandrovna
    • Trunova Iya Vasilievna
    • Fetisova Maya Valentinovna
    • Shishkina Svetlana Anatolevna
    • Shmakova Marina Vyacheslavovna
    • Shmakova Maria Igorevna
    • Shuba Svetlana Vasilievna
    • Shchelkunova Elena Pavlovna

Editor's column

  • Dance S.Yu. Prospects for teaching children with disabilities

Guest room

  • Martynenko S.M. Be able to see the present and predict the future

Master Class


  • Sevostyanova A.N. Study of the sound-pronunciation aspect of speech in preschool-age orphans with intellectual disabilities

    The article describes the sound pronunciation of orphans with intellectual disabilities. Provided comparative analysis sound pronunciation of children with normal development and children with disabilities.

New forms of work

  • Kuznetsova S.A., Venchalnaya V.N. Visiting Chicken Ryaba. Lesson on speech development with elements of non-traditional drawing techniques for young children with disabilities

    The article presents experience on the development of children's speech early age with HVZ using Russian folk tale And unconventional technology drawing.

We invite you to discuss

  • Zhuzhma A.N. A walk through the winter forest. Lesson on differentiating prepositions on and under for children 4-6 years old with OHP

    The article presents different types exercises for understanding and differentiating prepositions for children with general underdevelopment speech, work with spatial concepts.

Methodical living room

  • Ivanenko O.V. Cognitive and research activities in speech therapy classes with children with special needs development

    The article presents tasks on search and research activities for students senior group with ONR in accordance with the lexical and thematic plan, examples of conversations are given. Introduction to speech classes Such tasks will help increase attention, interest, and motivate children to speech activity.

We work with preschoolers

We invite you to a lesson

  • Bobyleva E.V. An incredible journey into a fairy tale. Lesson on differentiating sounds (s) - (s’) for children 4-5 years old

    This article presents a lesson on differentiating sounds [s] - [s’] using the Russian folk tale “Geese-Swans”, practical exercises for their automation and differentiation.

  • Shmakova M.V., Shmakova M.I. Emphasis. Lesson in a preparatory group for school

    The article presents a lesson with various types games and exercises that can be used in individual, subgroup and frontal lessons with preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

Leisure and entertainment

  • Trunova I.V. Our guest is Kuzya the brownie. Lesson on the development of lexical and grammatical structure of speech

    The article presents a compensatory lesson for children of the senior group on the development of lexical and grammatical categories on the topic “Food”.

  • Kirillova R.A. Merry country Read-games. Speech therapy leisure in a preparatory school group

    Speech therapy leisure can be used both in speech therapy and general education groups. In progress practical activities children learn the elements of literacy.

Games and equipment

  • Germanovichene E.N. Sound lock. Author's manual for children 4-6 years old

    The article describes Toolkit“Sound Castle” presents practical material on creating a developmental educational environment that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, to reinforce the pronunciation of sounds in children.

  • Volkonskaya T.V. Games for developing the vocabulary of children with special needs development

    The article presents the experience of developing and enriching vocabulary using games aimed at activating speech and developing logical thinking.

  • Strygina E.N. The magic of grammar. Lesson using literacy games for children 5-7 years old

    The article presents a literacy lesson using games that combine motor gymnastics and exercises for the development of spatial perception.

  • Shishkina S.A. Talking toy Logo-game complex for children 3-5 years old with disabilities

    The article presents the author's development - a speech therapy toy used in individual and subgroup speech therapy classes. With its help, the speech therapist teacher creates a game situation, while solving correctional and developmental problems.

Interaction with family

  • Dzhengurova L.N. Mini-crosswords as a form of interaction between parents and children

    The article presents practical experience in using mini-crosswords as one of the forms of interaction with parents. mini-crosswords can be used as a part of a lesson or part of a leisure activity.

  • Kukushkina E.B. Parent conference on children's speech development

    The article presents the cooperation of a speech therapist with parents within the framework of the conference, and sets of exercises for speech development are given.

  • Fetisova M.V. Why are we silent? Let's start talking! From the experience of organizing work with parents of non-speaking children

    The article is devoted to the formation of speech in non-speaking children with developmental disabilities. Two aspects of the work are revealed: medical-rehabilitation and correctional-pedagogical.

We work with schoolchildren

Methodology of correctional work

  • Akhmetshina A.A. Individual adapted program of speech therapy work with schoolchildren with ASD

    The article reflects the specifics of organizing psychological and pedagogical support for the family of a student with autism spectrum disorders. Special attention devoted to the development of an individual adapted program within the framework of the activities of a speech therapist teacher.


To a young speech therapist

  • Zapyantseva V.I. Retelling the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Smart Jackdaw". Senior group lesson

    The article presents a lesson on retelling a work using reference pictures. The grammatical structure of speech is developed using various exercises.

Secrets of the profession

  • Kleimenova D.A., Tikhonova E.A. Cryotherapy in classes with preschoolers with intellectual disabilities

    The article describes cryotherapy - effective method development of tactile sensations, classes with elements of cryotherapy are given.

Good pages

  • Shuba S.V. Individual lesson with a non-speaking child with cerebral palsy

    The article presents experience of working with children with severe speech impairments and cerebral palsy. The described gaming techniques allow you to activate the innervation of muscle movements and develop expression.

  • Shchelkunova E.P. One two three four five. Author's game for older preschoolers

    The proposed game for differentiating sounds helps older preschoolers in correcting sound pronunciation and forming grammatical structure.

Funny pages

  • Children say...

    I love going to kindergarten. There are a lot of interesting things there: friends, toys, and they also teach us how to draw and make books for junior group. Dima, 6 years old

    I have many friends in kindergarten. But my most beloved friend is a speech therapist. I learned to say the R sound. Sergey, 5 years old

    I'm already an adult. I am 4 years old. I'm working in the garden. I can dance and play with cars. And I go to work with a speech therapist. We are learning a fairy tale about a tongue. Vitaly, 4 years old

    I am 5 years old. I know the letters. I go to the garden. It’s interesting in the garden, it’s fun there, because the speech therapist gives us homework. Both my dad and I draw vegetables and fruits in the album. Dad does better because he speaks well. Roma, 5 years old

Did you know

  • Right to education. State guarantees of the realization of the right to education in the Russian Federation

    In order to realize the right of every person to education, federal government agencies, organs state power subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments create the necessary conditions for people with disabilities to receive high-quality education without discrimination disabilities health, for the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation, providing early correctional assistance based on special pedagogical approaches.

    Federal state standards and federal government requirements. Educational standards

    Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements provide:

    • continuity of main educational programs;
    • variability in the content of educational programs at the appropriate level of education, the possibility of creating educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students.

    Organization of education for students with disabilities

Municipal government preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten No. 381 of a combined type"


IN THE WORK OF A Speech Pathologist TEACHER

(from work experience)

Speech therapist teachers

MKDOU d/s No. 381





To successfully implement the new Federal State Standards, we must ensure the diversified development of the child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics. And to achieve these goals, it is important to develop the ability to speak beautifully and correctly.

To master the phonetic side of a language, you need to be able to listen well, hear and distinguish between correct and incorrect pronunciation of sounds in someone else’s and your own speech, as well as control your own pronunciation.

A child’s developed phonemic awareness is an indispensable condition for successful literacy learning. Distinguishing speech sounds -phonemic awareness - is the basis for understanding the meaning of what is said.

The development of phonemic hearing begins from the very first stages of speech therapy work and is an integral part of the correctional impact on the frontal, subgroup and individual forms of direct educational activities.

In speech therapy and neuropsychology, special exercises have been developed and successfully used in practice for the formation of non-speech sound discrimination. Distinguishing non-speech sounds by ear is the foundation and basis for the development of phonemic hearing. It is important to take these exercises seriously, give them as much time and attention as needed, and at the same time do not forget that the activities should become attractive and interesting for the child.

Game experiments for the development of phonemic hearing

“Where is it ringing?”

Determine the direction of the sound. For this game you need a bell or other sounding object (whistle, tambourine). The child closes his eyes, you stand away from him and quietly call (rattle, rustle). The child should turn to the place from which the sound is heard, and with his eyes closed, show the direction with his hand, then open his eyes and check himself. You can answer the question: where is it ringing? – left, front, top, right, bottom. A more complex and fun option is “blind man’s buff”. The child is the driver.

"Ears - rumors"

An adult shows wooden, metal spoons, and crystal glasses. Children name these objects. It is suggested to listen to how these objects sound. Having installed the screen, the adult reproduces the sound of these objects in turn. Children recognize sounds and name the objects that make them.

"Noisy boxes"

You need to take two sets of small boxes - for yourself and the child, fill them various materials, which make different sounds when shaken. You can pour sand, cereals, peas into the boxes, put buttons, paper clips, paper balls, buttons, etc. You take a box from your set, shake it, the child, closing his eyes, listens carefully to the sound. Then he takes his boxes and searches among them for one that sounds similar. The game continues until all pairs are found. This game has many options: an adult shakes several boxes one after another, a child remembers and repeats a given sequence of different sounds. Don't forget to switch roles and be sure to make mistakes sometimes.

“Listen, try how it sounds”

Explore the sound nature of any objects and materials at hand. Change the volume and tempo of the sound. You can knock, stomp, throw, pour, tear, clap.

« Guess what it sounded like"

Analyze household noises with your child - the creaking of a door, the sound of footsteps, a telephone ringing, a whistle, the ticking of a clock, the noise of pouring and boiling water, the clanking of a spoon on a glass, the rustling of pages, etc. The child should learn to recognize their sounds with open and closed eyes, gradually it is necessary to accustom him to retain in his memory the “voices” of all objects, increasing their number from 1-2 to 7-10.

"What does it sound like"

Make a magic wand with your child, tap the wand on any objects in the house. Let all the objects in your home sound. Listen to these sounds, let the child remember what it sounds like and find sounding objects at your request: “tell me, show me, check what sounded,” “what sounded first, and what then.” Give the wand to the child, let him “voice out” everything that comes to his hand, now it’s your turn to guess and make mistakes. Don't forget to take your magic wand with you on your walk.

A more difficult option is recognizing sounds without relying on vision. The child answers the questions: “What object did I knock on? And now? What sounds similar? Where have we heard similar sounds?

“Pick a picture or a toy”

You knock (rustle, rattle, trumpet, ring, play the piano), and the child guesses what you did, what it sounded and selects the corresponding picture or toy.

« Fork"

Invite your child to pronounce any poetic text syllable by syllable and at the same time tap its rhythm according to the rules: syllables are tapped (each syllable - one beat), on each word, including prepositions, the hand or foot changes.


Important section speech therapy work is the development of breathing and the correction of its disorders. Correction of breathing disorders begins with general breathing exercises, the purpose of which is to increase the volume, strength and depth of inhaled and exhaled air and normalize the breathing rhythm.

Breathing training is carried out in various positions of the child: lying on his back, sitting, standing. The speech therapist performs all exercises together with the child. When performing breathing exercises, you should not overtire the child. It is necessary to ensure that he does not strain his neck, shoulders, or take an incorrect position. You need to monitor the smoothness and rhythm of your breathing movements. Breathing exercises should be carried out before meals, in a well-ventilated area.

To work on mastering voluntary breathing (the ability to voluntarily change the rhythm, hold the inhalation and lengthen the exhalation) requires long-term training based on involuntary breathing movements. These exercises are necessary preparation for further work on the establishment and development of speech breathing. With the development of speech breathing, the speech therapist carries out work aimed at differentiating nasal and oral inhalation and exhalation. It is necessary to exhale through the mouth as much as possiblearbitrary, long, rhythmic .

While performing breathing exercises, the child’s attention should be focused on the sensations of movements of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, and the duration of voluntary inhalation and exhalation. For this purpose, it is effective to carry out some breathing exercises in the form of experiments. In this case, we invite the child to observe and compare the results when performing exercises with different exhalation forces. This is especially important when working to eliminatelateral sigmatism . In order to form a directed air stream, it is necessary to show the child that exhaled air can exit from the mouth into different directions: forward, sideways or even in the cheeks. To do this, we suggest experimenting, “catch” the air stream in various games breathing exercises with objects.


You need to take two transparent plastic cups. We pour a lot of water into one, almost to the brim, and into the other - a little bit. The child is invited to play “glug-glug” using cocktail straws. The child’s task is to play “Bul-Bulki” in such a way as not to spill water. Trying to blow into cups in different ways, the child draws a conclusion - into a cup with a lot of water you need to blow weakly through a straw, and into a cup with little water you need to blow strongly. At the same time, we observe what happens if you blow strongly into a glass with a lot of water. Be sure to draw the child’s attention to the words:weak, strong, much, little .

Three candles

To play you will need large multi-colored candles. It is necessary to place three candles on the table in front of the child different colors at different distances from him and ask him to blow them out in turn: near, middle and far. You need to blow slowly, the inhalation should not be noisy, and you cannot puff out your cheeks. During the game, we observe and draw a conclusion: in order to blow out the near candle, it is enough to blow weakly; to blow out the far one, you need to blow as hard as possible.


The child is asked to push the cotton ball into the goal. To do this, you need to stretch out your lips with a “tube” and blow on a cotton ball, trying to drive it into the “gate” from the toy building material. In this case, the gates are placed at different distances from the child. Carrying out this exercise, the child draws a conclusion about the required force and direction of exhalation.Game option - drive the car into the garage.


The child is asked to show a trick: put a piece of cotton wool on the tip of his nose, smile, open his mouth slightly, blow forcefully on his tongue, trying to blow the cotton wool off his nose. Performing this exercise in different ways, we conclude: in order to blow the cotton wool upward, you need to bend your tongue upward and blow harder. And in order to keep the cotton wool at the top longer, the exhalation must be not only strong, but also long.

Catch the air stream

The child is asked to blow on a small pinwheel, which will spin only if exhaled air hits it. In order to “catch” the air stream, the child blows and at the same time slowly moves the pinwheel left and right. Where the spinner spins, air comes out. This exercise is useful for lateral sigmatism.

Two turntables

To play you will need two turntables - one with small blades, the other with large ones. The child blows on the blades of a toy-pinwheel and observes: to make the blades of a small pinwheel spin, you can blow weakly, but to make the blades of a large pinwheel spin, you need to blow harder. Similarly, it is suggested to blow on a pinwheel with one flower and on a pinwheel with several flowers: in order for all the flowers to spin, you need to blow much harder.

Warming our hands

In this exercise we learn to compare the exhaled air stream. To do this, the child is asked to control the exhalation with his palms - blow on his palms. We use the same exercise when producing whistling and hissing sounds. The child uses his palm to control the correctness of his pronunciation. If the “breeze” is cold, “winter,” then the sound [s] is pronounced correctly. When pronouncing the sound [w] the “breeze” is warm, “summer”, the palms warm up.

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