Gogol short stories. What is the most famous work of Gogol

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (birth name Yanovsky, from 1821 - Gogol-Yanovsky; March 20, 1809, Sorochintsy, Poltava province - February 21, 1852, Moscow) - Russian prose writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, recognized as one of the classics Russian literature. Came from ancient noble family Gogol-Yanovskikh.

Great Russian writer.
Born in the town of Velikiye Sorochintsy, Mirgorod district, Poltava province, in the family of a landowner. Gogol spent his childhood years on his parents' estate Vasilievka (another name is Yanovshchina). Cultural center The region was Kibintsy, the estate of D.P. Troshchinsky, a distant relative of theirs, Gogol’s father acted as his secretary. Was in Kibintsi large library, existed home theater, for which Gogol's father wrote comedies, being also its actor and conductor.
In May 1821 he entered the gymnasium of higher sciences in Nizhyn. Here he paints and takes part in performances. Tries himself in various literary genres(writes elegiac poems, tragedies, historical poem, story). At the same time he writes the satire “Something about Nezhin, or the law is not written for fools” (not preserved). However, he dreams of a legal career.
Having graduated from the gymnasium in 1828, Gogol in December, together with another graduate A.S. Danilevsky travels to St. Petersburg, where he makes his first literary attempts: at the beginning of 1829, the poem “Italy” appears, published by “Hanz Küchelgarten” (under the pseudonym “V. Alov”).
At the end of 1829, he managed to decide to serve in the Department of State Economy and Public Buildings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During this period, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “The Nose”, “Taras Bulba” were published.
In the fall of 1835, he began writing “The Inspector General,” the plot of which was suggested by Pushkin; the work progressed so successfully that the play premiered in the spring of 1836 on the stage of the Alexandria Theater.
In June 1836, Gogol left St. Petersburg for Germany (in total, he lived abroad for about 12 years). He spends the end of summer and autumn in Switzerland, where he begins to work on the continuation of Dead Souls. The plot was also suggested by Pushkin.
In November 1836, Gogol met A. Mitskevich in Paris. In Rome he receives shocking news about the death of Pushkin. In May 1842, “The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead souls" came out. The three years (1842-1845) that followed the writer’s departure abroad was a period of intense and difficult work on the second volume of Dead Souls.
At the beginning of 1845, Gogol showed signs of a mental crisis, and in a state of sharp exacerbation of his illness, he burned the manuscript of the second volume, on which he would continue to work after some time.
In April 1848, after a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Gogol finally returned to Russia, where he spent most of his time in Moscow, visiting St. Petersburg, and also in his native places - in Little Russia. In the spring of 1850, Gogol made his first and last attempt to organize his family life- proposes to A.M. Vielgorskaya, but is refused.
On January 1, 1852, Gogol informs Arnoldi that the second volume is “completely finished.” But in last days month, signs of a new crisis were revealed, the impetus for which was the death of E. M. Khomyakova, sister of N. M. Yazykov, a person spiritually close to Gogol.
On February 7, Gogol confesses and receives communion, and on the night of February 11-12, he burns the white manuscript of the second volume (only five chapters have survived in incomplete form). On the morning of February 21, Gogol died in his last apartment in the Talyzin house in Moscow. The writer's funeral took place with a huge crowd of people at the cemetery of the St. Daniel's Monastery, and in 1931 Gogol's remains were reburied at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol - great Russian writer, author immortal works“The Inspector General”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Taras Bulba”, “Viy”, “Dead Souls” and many others.

Nikolai Gogol was born on March 20, 1809 in the town of Velikiye Sorochintsy, Mirgorod district, Poltava province, into the family of a poor landowner. My childhood was spent on my parents’ estate Vasilyevka, near the village of Dikanka, the land of legends, beliefs, historical legends. His father, Vasily Afanasyevich, a passionate admirer of art, a theater lover, and the author of poetry and witty comedies, played a certain role in the upbringing of the future writer.

After home education, Gogol spent two years at the Poltava district school, then entered the Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences. Here he learns to play the violin, takes up painting, takes part in plays, playing comic roles.

After graduating from high school in 1828, the writer went to St. Petersburg with the hope of starting a broad career. But the first literary attempts were unsuccessful.

In 1830, Gogol’s first story “Basavryuk” appeared in the journal “Otechestvennye zapiski”, which was later revised into the story “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”. In December, Delvig’s almanac “Northern Flowers” ​​published a chapter from historical novel"Hetman". Gogol becomes close to Delvig, Zhukovsky, Pushkin, friendship with whom was great value for development public views and the literary talent of young Gogol. Pushkin introduced him into his circle, where Krylov, Vyazemsky, Odoevsky, the artist Bryullov were, and gave him plots for The Inspector General and Dead Souls.

Gogol's literary fame was brought to him by "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" (1831 - 32), the stories "Sorochinskaya Fair", "May Night" and others. In 1833 he decided to devote himself to scientific and pedagogical work and in 1834 he was appointed associate professor in department general history at St. Petersburg University. The study of works on the history of Ukraine formed the basis of the plan for "Taras Bulba". In 1835 he left the university and devoted himself entirely to literary creativity. In the same year, collections of stories "Mirgorod" were published, which included "Old World Landowners", "Taras Bulba", "Viy", etc., and "Arabesques" (on themes of St. Petersburg life). “The Inspector General” was written in 1835 and already staged in Moscow in 1836 with the participation of Shchepkin.

February 11, 1852, while in serious state of mind, the writer burned the manuscript of the second volume of the poem “Dead Souls”. On the morning of February 21, Gogol died in his apartment on Nikitsky Boulevard.

Gogol was buried in the cemetery of the Danilov Monastery in Moscow. After the revolution, Gogol's remains were moved to the Novodevichy cemetery.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a classic, known to each of us from school times. This brilliant writer and a talented publicist, in whose work interest continues to this day. In this article we will turn to what Gogol managed to write during his short life. The list of the author’s works inspires respect, let’s consider it in more detail.

About creativity

The entire work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a single inextricable whole, united by the same themes, motives and ideas. Lively, bright style, unique style, knowledge of the characters found among the Russian people - this is what Gogol is so famous for. The list of the author’s works is very diverse: there are sketches from the life of farmers, and descriptions of landowners with their vices, the characters of serfs are widely represented, the life of the capital and the county town is shown. Truly, Gogol describes the whole picture of Russian reality of his time, without making distinctions between classes and geographical location.

Gogol: list of works

Let us list the main works of the writer. For convenience, the stories are combined into cycles:

  • the cycle “Mirgorod”, which includes the story “Taras Bulba”;
  • "Petersburg Tales" includes the story "The Overcoat";
  • the cycle “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, which includes one of Gogol’s most famous works - “The Night Before Christmas”;
  • play "The Inspector General";
  • the “Arabesques” cycle, which stands out strikingly from everything written by the author, as it combines journalism and artistry;
  • poem "Dead Souls".

Now let's look at it in more detail key works in the writer's work.

Cycle “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”

This cycle became Nikolai Vasilyevich and was published in two parts. The first was published in 1831, and the second only a year later.

The stories in this collection describe stories from the life of farmers that occurred in different time periods, for example, the action of “May Night” takes place in the 18th century, and “Terrible Vengeance” - in the 17th century. All works are united by the image of a storyteller - Uncle Foma Grigorievich, who retells stories he once heard.

The most famous story in this series is “The Night Before Christmas,” written in 1830. Its actions take place during the reign of Catherine II in Ukraine, in the village of Dikanka. The story is completely consistent with the romantic tradition with its mystical elements and extraordinary situations.


This play is considered Gogol's most famous work. This is due to the fact that from the moment it was first staged in the theater (1836), it has not left the theater stage to this day, not only in our country, but also abroad. This work became a reflection of the vices, arbitrariness and limitations of county officials. This is exactly how Gogol saw provincial towns. It is impossible to compile a list of the author's works without mentioning this play.

Despite the social and moral implications and criticism of autocracy, which are clearly visible under the guise of humor, the play was not banned either during the author’s lifetime or later. And its success can be explained by the fact that Gogol managed to unusually accurately and accurately portray the vicious representatives of his time, who, unfortunately, are still encountered today.

"Petersburg Tales"

Gogol's stories included in this collection were written in different times- approximately from the 30s to the 40s of the 19th century. What unites them is their common place of action - St. Petersburg. The uniqueness of this collection lies in the fact that all the stories included in it are written in the spirit of fantastic realism. It was Gogol who managed to develop this method and so brilliantly implement it in his cycle.

What is this? This is a method that allows you to use the techniques of the grotesque and fantasy in depicting reality, while maintaining the relevance and recognition of images. So, despite the absurdity of what is happening, the reader easily recognizes in the image of the fictional Petersburg the features of the real Northern Palmyra.

In addition, one way or another, the hero of each work in the cycle is the city itself. Petersburg, in Gogol’s view, acts as a force that destroys man. This destruction can occur on a physical or spiritual level. A person can die, lose his individuality and turn into a simple man in the street.


This work is included in the collection “Petersburg Tales”. At the center of the story this time is Akakiy Akakievich Bashmachkin, a minor official. About life and dreams " little man"N.V. Gogol tells in this work. The overcoat is the ultimate desire of the protagonist. But gradually this thing grows, becomes larger than the character himself and ultimately consumes him.

A certain mystical connection is formed between Bashmachkin and the overcoat. The hero seems to give part of his soul to this piece of clothing. That is why Akakiy Akakievich dies a few days after the disappearance of the overcoat. After all, along with her, he lost a part of himself.

The main problem of the story is the harmful dependence of people on things. The subject has become the determining factor in judging a person, and not his personality - that’s the horror surrounding reality, according to Gogol.

Poem "Dead Souls"

Initially, according to the author's plan, the poem was supposed to be divided into three parts. The first describes a kind of “hell” of reality. In the second - “purgatory”, when the hero had to realize his sins and take the path of repentance. In the third - “paradise”, the rebirth of the character.

At the center of the story is the former customs official Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. This gentleman dreamed of only one thing all his life - to earn a fortune. And now, in order to fulfill his dream, he embarked on an adventure. Its meaning was to buy up dead peasants who were listed as alive according to the last census. Having acquired certain number such souls, he could borrow a decent amount from the state and go with it somewhere to warmer climes.

The first and only volume of Dead Souls tells about what adventures await Chichikov.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the most famous writers 19th century. For my short life he managed to write large number outstanding works, many of which are now studied in school. The top ten includes the most popular and best books Gogol, the list of which is located below.

Sorochinskaya fair

"Sorochinskaya Fair" opens a list of works written by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and is part of the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. The actions in the story take place in the homeland of the prose writer. The plot centers on a young man named Gritsko, who falls in love with beautiful girl named Khavronya. Main character wants to marry her. The girl’s father doesn’t mind, but the stepmother refuses to give her stepdaughter to him because he didn’t please her. Then Gritsko turns to the gypsy for help, who makes a plan on how to still win the favor of his stepmother and arrange a wedding.


"Portrait"− a work included in the “Petersburg Tales” cycle. The main character of the story is a young man Chartkov, who is engaged in art. He is incredibly poor, he doesn’t even have money to pay for rented housing. Despite this, the artist uses his last money to buy a portrait depicting an old man. He attracts the young man because the eyes in the portrait seem to be alive. The young man begins to be pursued at night strange dreams as if an old man is coming out of a frame with a bag full of money. In a dream, Chartkov manages to snatch one package with 1000 chervonets. The next morning, the young man wakes up and discovers that this money is actually there. He moves to a prestigious area, rents expensive apartments and becomes a sought-after young artist with big list orders. Chartkov does not realize that this portrait is cursed and brings only misfortunes to its owner, which will soon affect this artist.

Nevsky Prospekt

"Nevsky Prospekt" included in the book “Petersburg Tales”. Nikolai Vasilyevich begins the story with an enthusiastic description of Nevsky Prospekt, which he considers one of best places in St. Petersburg. It is here that any thoughtful observer can gain many impressions. The main characters of the work are Pirogov and Piskarev, who meet in this place while courting beautiful ladies. Gogol tells two stories of these, at first glance, completely different young people, whose hopes were not justified. The author draws an analogy between these heroes and leads the reader to the idea that despite all their individuality, there is something that unites these men.


"Overcoat"- a story included in the collected works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. In the work, the prose writer touches on the theme of the “little man.” At the center of the plot of the book is a titular adviser living in poverty named Akakiy Akakievich Bashmachkin. He was very responsible about his official duties, despite the fact that it was insignificant. Young officials also made jokes about this about Bashmachkin. Soon Akaki notices that his old overcoat has become unusable and takes it to a tailor to have it patched. But he refuses to do this, saying that he needs to sew a new one. Bashmachkin begins to save, infringing on himself even in small ways in order to raise money for a new overcoat. Having collected the required amount, he orders it for himself. The joy from the new thing was short-lived, as soon the adviser was robbed. He has no choice but to wear his old one. Soon the hero catches a cold and dies.

May Night, or the Drowned Woman

"May Night, or the Drowned Woman"
- a story by Gogol, included in the book “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. The work is based on legends about restless souls who died innocently. Main character, a young lady who can no longer tolerate the bullying of her stepmother, throws herself into the river to drown herself. After death, she turns into a beautiful mermaid. But even there the stepmother does not want to give peace to her deceased stepdaughter. She also turns into a mermaid. The first one has no choice but to seek help from people. In a dream she comes to young man Levko, who is the son of the head. He helps the unfortunate woman, and in return she makes his personal life happy.

The evening before Ivan Kupala

"The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala"− The story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, which, like many of his works, is filled with mysticism and folklore legends about evil spirits. This is the first story that opens a cycle of works combined into the book “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. The plot centers on Petrusya, whose fate is deeply unhappy. In this story, Gogol wants to convey to the reader that man himself is the architect of his own happiness and in order to achieve his goal, in no case should one turn to Satan for help.

Christmas Eve

"Christmas Eve"− one of best works Nikolai Vasilyevich, included in the book “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”. Main character the blacksmith Vakula is madly in love with the beautiful girl Oksana, who constantly mocks him. The young man wants to marry her, for which she gives him an impossible task. The young man must get for her the slippers that the queen wears. Vakula understands that such a task is beyond his strength and is going to go to hell for help. Evil spirits By coincidence, it turns out to be at his fingertips. Together with the devil, he flies straight to the queen in St. Petersburg, where he asks the ruler for slippers for his bride. Meanwhile, there is a rumor in the village that Vakula committed suicide. Oksana will punish herself for this. But the young man returns healthy and unharmed with the promised gift.

Taras Bulba

"Taras Bulba"− one of the most famous books Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. The story has been filmed several times and gained enormous popularity. The work is entirely based on historical materials, as well as parables of the Zaporozhye Cossacks. The main character of the story is Taras Bulba, who is an example of what a true Cossack should be. The book revolves around him and his two sons.

Notes of a Madman

"Notes of a Madman" included in the collection “Petersburg Tales”. Gogol places Poprishchin, who is the author of the notes, at the center of the story. The main character is a minor official dissatisfied with his position and the fact that everyone pushes him around. He is obsessed with the idea that he must find his field, and keeps a diary in which he describes his entire life, as well as expresses his existing thoughts. The main character gradually goes crazy, which is reflected in his notes.

Dead souls

"Dead Souls"- the main creation of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s entire life. The book describes Mr. Chichikov’s journey across Russia with the purpose of buying “ dead souls" While reading the novel, the reader will get to know many characters, each of which has its own individual psychological portrait. The author shows all the ugliness of the souls of the landowners, who in fact are people with dead souls, there is nothing human about them. Their only goal in life is profit.

As soon as the rather ringing seminary bell, hanging at the gates of the Bratsky Monastery, struck in Kyiv in the morning, schoolchildren and students hurried in crowds from all over the city. Grammarians, rhetoricians, philosophers and theologians, with notebooks under their arms, wandered into the classroom. The grammars were still very small; as they walked, they pushed each other and scolded each other in the thinnest treble; they were all almost all in tattered or soiled dresses, and their pockets were always filled with all sorts of rubbish; somehow: grandmothers, whistles made of feathers, a half-eaten pie, and sometimes even small sparrows, one of which, suddenly chirping in the midst of the extraordinary silence in the class, delivered to his patron a fair amount of fire in both hands, and sometimes even cherry rods. The rhetoricians were more respectable: their dresses were often completely intact, but on the other hand, there was almost always some kind of decoration on their faces in the form of a rhetorical trope: either one eye went under the very forehead, or instead of a lip there was a whole bubble, or some other sign; These spoke and swore among themselves in tenor. The philosophers took it a whole octave lower: in their pockets there was nothing except strong tobacco roots. They did not make any reserves and ate everything that came their way; from them one could hear a pipe and a burner sometimes so far away that a passing craftsman would stop for a long time and sniff the air like a hound dog.
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Ivan Ivanovich has a nice bekesha! excellent! And what smiles! Wow, what an abyss! blue with frost! I bet God knows what if anyone has these! Take a look at them, for God’s sake, especially if he starts talking to someone, look from the side: what a gluttony this is! It’s impossible to describe: velvet! silver! fire! Oh my God! Nicholas the Wonderworker, saint of God! Why don’t I have such a bekesha! He sewed it back when Agafia Fedoseevna did not go to Kyiv. Do you know Agafia Fedoseevna? the one who bit off the assessor's ear.