“Genuine immortal works of art remain accessible and give pleasure to all times and peoples” Hegel (Unified State Examination Social Studies)

Preparation for the Unified State Exam. Essay on the Russian language. STATEMENTS (QUOTES) OF FAMOUS PEOPLE. ART.



1. The easiest way is to formulate statements (quotes) in the form of a sentence with direct speech. To do this, you need to know the statement by heart.

2.Fragments lyrical works, located in accordance with the poetic lines, are drawn up without quotes.

  • supporting words that are highlighted in bold in the statement; they need to be included in quotes;
  • information about the author of the statement
  • cliches for formatting statements (for formatting sentences with indirect speech)


To introduce a statement (quote) into an essay as an argument, use CLICHE.

I remember the words...

According to…

...said, spoke, asserted, considered, wrote...

Let's go back to the statement...

You can quote a statement...

I can confirm my opinion by saying...

To confirm the opinion..., I will quote a statement...

This can be easily verified by referring to the statement...

My point of view is confirmed by the statement...

To prove it, I will quote a statement...


Consider examples of interpretation of statement No. 7 for argumentation.

Genuine immortals works of art remain available and . (G. Hegel)

I recall the words of the German philosopher of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. G. Hegel that genuine works of art “deliver pleasure to all times and peoples.”

According to the German philosopher of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. G. Hegel, genuine works of art “deliver pleasure to all times and peoples.”

German philosopher of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. G. Hegel said that genuine works of art “deliver pleasure to all times and peoples.”

Let us turn to the statement of the German philosopher of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. G. Hegel that genuine works of art “deliver pleasure to all times and peoples.”

One can cite the statement of a German philosopher of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. G. Hegel that genuine works of art “deliver pleasure to all times and peoples.”

I can confirm my opinion with the statement of a German philosopher of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. G. Hegel that genuine works of art “deliver pleasure to all times and peoples.”

To confirm the opinion ..., I will cite a statement by a German philosopher of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. G. Hegel that genuine works of art “deliver pleasure to all times and peoples.”

This is easy to verify by referring to the words of the German philosopher of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. G. Hegel that genuine works of art “deliver pleasure to all times and peoples.”

My point of view is confirmed in the statement of the German philosopher of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. G. Hegel that genuine works of art “deliver pleasure to all times and peoples.”

To prove this, I will cite the opinion of a German philosopher of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. G. Hegel that genuine works of art “deliver pleasure to all times and peoples.”


The basis of art In eyes real criticism is living life.(V.G. Belinsky)

Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich (1811-1848) - Russian thinker, writer, literary critic.

About the Russian story and the stories of Gogol (“Arabesques” and “Mirgorod”)

Foundations of Russian grammar

Works of Alexander Pushkin

"Hero of our time". Works by M. Lermontov

Russian literature in 1840

Poems by M. Lermontov

Letter to N.V. Gogol

Task literature and art - find in the various phenomena of life the expression of the “single eternal idea”", reproduce it, show the goal - depict it in word and sound. (V.G. Belinsky)

Last the purpose of art is re-creation of life. (Andrey Bely)

Andrei Bely (pseudonym) (1880-1934) - Russian writer, poet, critic, one of the leading figures of Russian symbolism and modernism.

Collections of poems:

Gold in azure

Silver Dove


Baptized Chinese

The tragedy of creativity. Dostoevsky and Tolstoy

Revolution and culture

Memories of Blok

At the turn of two centuries

Beginning of the century

Between two revolutions


Rhythm as dialectic and “The Bronze Horseman”

Gogol's mastery

All sorts of things true art There is the path to a new life, a bridge to another world. (N.A. Berdyaev)

Berdyaev Nikolai Alexandrovich (1874-1948) - Russian religious and political philosopher.

Spiritual crisis of the intelligentsia

Philosophy of freedom

The meaning of creativity

About the appointment of a person


Truth and revelation

In defense of A. Blok

East and West

Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge

Cognition and communication

Man's problem

Social crisis of culture

Human personality and superpersonal values

What is a person?

Art is alive through the living blood of sacrifices.
Art never addresses the crowd, the masses, it speaks to an individual, in deep and secretive the recesses of his soul. (M.A. Voloshin)

Voloshin Maximilian Aleksandrovich (1877-1932) - Russian poet, translator, art and literary critic.


Faces of creativity

Strife: Poems about the Revolution

Poems about terror

The ways of Russia

Art must come to thought through feelings. It is called disturb a person, make him suffer from other people's sorrows, love and hate.(B.L. Vasiliev)
Vasiliev Boris Lvovich (born 1924) is a Russian writer.

Main works:

And the dawns here are quiet

Ivanov boat

Don't shoot white swans

Not on the lists

Tomorrow there was a war


The Magnificent Six

Whose are you, old man?

My horses are flying

Burning bush

Exhibit No…

Genuine immortals works of art remain available and bring pleasure to all times and peoples. (G. Hegel)

Georg Hegel (1770-1831) - German philosopher, one of the creators of German classical philosophy and the philosophy of romanticism.

Major works:

Phenomenology of spirit

Science of Logic

Philosophy of law

Philosophy of nature

Philosophy of spirit

Philosophy of history

Science and art belong to the whole world, In front of them interethnic barriers disappear. (I.V. Goethe)

Goethe Johann Wolfgang (1749-1832) - German poet, statesman, thinker and natural scientist.


The Sorrows of Young Werther

Forest king

Experience on plant metamorphosis

Herman and Dorothea

Simplicity, truth and naturalness- Here three great principles of beauty in all works art. (K. Gluck).

Christoph Gluck (1714-1787) - Austrian composer.

Main works:

Orpheus and Eurydice

Paris and Helen

Echo and Narcissus



Art strives certainly to the good, exposes should we the beauty of all the best whatever is in a person, or laughs at the ugliness of the worst in man . (N.V.Gogol)

Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich (1809-1852) - Russian writer, recognized as one of the classics of Russian literature.


Dead Souls

Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka

Mirgorod (Viy. The story of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich. Old-world landowners. Taras Bulba)

Petersburg Tales (Nevsky Prospekt. Nose. Overcoat. Notes of a Madman. Portrait. Stroller)

Art must teach to love virtue and hate vice. (D. Diderot)

Denis Diderot (1713-1784) - French writer, philosopher.


Jacques Fatalist

Ramo's nephew


Encyclopedia, or Dictionary sciences, arts and crafts

Only then will there be art true to a person when his freedom of development is not hampered. ( F.M.Dostoevsky)

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-1881) is one of the most significant and famous Russian writers and thinkers in the world.


White Nights


Crime and Punishment

Humiliated and insulted

Brothers Karamazov

to be continued…


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In his statement, G. Hegel raises the problem of the eternity of art. The author is firmly convinced that a true work of creative activity of people will not lose its significance and will excite human hearts throughout human existence. One cannot but agree with the opinion of the thinker. I share his position and believe that art that touches human values and standards of virtue will never be erased into dust under the pressure of time.

To confirm the above, let us turn to theoretical argumentation. From the social science course we know that art is the embodiment of the creator’s plan, his inner world in artistic images, serving as a way of self-expression, manifestation of the originality of the creator, the uniqueness of his creative position. In society, art performs the following functions: hedonic (brings pleasure), ideological (forms a system of views, norms and values ​​on the world and a person’s position in it), communicative (ensures close interaction between people in the process joint activities) integrative (brings people together with common, similar ideas, views), socialization (promotes the development of sociocultural experience, norms and rules of behavior accumulated by previous generations).

The main features of art are historicity - throughout human development creative activity improves and undergoes changes under the pressure of time and conditions; subjectivity - art does not reflect general laws development, but is an expression creative individuality creator. Thanks to art, a person can embody tormented experiences, exciting emotions, impressions, reflect his own life position and attitude to the surrounding world, “to know your true essence, yourself.” Over the centuries, the following types of art have been developed: according to the degree of self-expression of the creator - folk, mass, elite; according to dynamics - temporal (music, literature), spatial (architecture) and spatio-temporal (circus, theater).

To confirm my reasoning, let us turn to the work of G.

Uspensky "Straightened", in which the narration comes from the perspective of the author, haunted by sad thoughts and vague anxieties, who accidentally wandered into the Louvre. The meeting with the statue of Venus de Milo shed light on the narrator’s spiritual world, made sad thoughts dissipate and breathed a fleeting joy of life into his heart. Stopping in front of the sculpture in a daze, the author experienced an internal transformation, the awakening of the soul from a long sleep and a feeling of faith in true beauty.

The next argument confirming my position is an example from World history. The most famous creation of Leonardo da Vinci is the painting "Mona Lisa", which made the souls of his contemporaries tremble and continues to excite the consciousness of people at the present time. The mysterious smile of Gioconda, the mystery of the creator, still remains unsolved. And today the Mona Lisa attracts the attention of visitors to the Louvre, unable to take their eyes off the original work, radiating life-giving strength and energy.

Thus, we have come to the conclusion that true art addresses the inner world of every person, raising hidden feelings and emotions to the surface of the soul, answering eternal questions, the search for which takes the entire period of life allotted to a person.

Updated: 2018-06-17

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Nature knows two minds:
the mind of animals and from God!

A donkey drinks water in the river -
tongue thirsty.
The man put his palm up
invented the first glass!

And the pinnacle of beauty -
crater found in Pompeii:
centuries the rosary does not fade
naked dumbness...

Animals have keener senses
but what should they do in the museum?



Statements of great people about art

- Life is short, art is eternal!

Alexandre Dumas - son
- Art requires either solitude, or need, or passion. Whether he holds a chisel, a pen or a brush in his hand, the artist truly deserves this name only when he infuses soul into material objects or gives form to spiritual impulses.

Leonardo da Vinci
- Where the spirit does not guide the artist’s hand, there is no art.

Giordano Bruno
- Art makes up for the shortcomings of nature.

Salvador Dali
- Painting is a hand-made color photograph of all possible, super-exquisite, unusual, super-aesthetic examples of specific irrationality.

L. N. Tolstoy
- Simplicity is a necessary condition for beauty.

Honore de Balzac
- Constant work is the law of both art and life.

- Genuine immortal works the arts remain accessible and provide pleasure to all times and peoples.

Emile Zola
- Piece of art there is a piece of nature filtered through the artist’s temperament.

Johann Joachim Winckelmann
- Drawing for an artist is the same as for an orator in Demosthenes: he should be in first, second and third place.

Leonardo da Vinci
- Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard.

Anton Semyonovich Makarenko
- To refuse risk means to refuse creativity.

Boris Pasternak
- The purpose of creativity is dedication,
Not hype, not success.
When a line is dictated by a feeling,
It sends a slave to the stage,
And this is where the art ends,
And the soil and fate breathe.

- The arts are useful only if they develop the mind and do not distract it.


T. Dreiser
- Art is a powerful means of correcting human imperfections.

A. N. Tolstoy
- Perceiving art... is as difficult as creating it.

- Everything beautiful is rare.

G. Flaubert
- All colors are good, you just need to know how to paint with them.

P. Picasso
- Why try to understand art? You are not trying to understand what the bird is singing about.

- No, I will not leave, Muses, your altar... True life no without art.

L.N. Tolstoy
- Art is one of the means of uniting people.

V. Goethe
- We need an artist even in moments of greatest happiness and greatest misfortune.

Andre Gide
- Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and how less artist, all the better.

Denis Diderot
- Art lies in finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary.

Michelangelo Buonarotti
- Art is jealous: it demands that a person devote himself entirely to it.

G. Hegel
- Art has as its task to reveal the truth in a sensual form.

Brecht Bertolt
- All types of arts serve the greatest of arts - the art of living on earth.

Alexandrov Georgy
- Highest art is a slice of time frozen for centuries.

Malevich K
- The time has long come to understand that the problems of art and the problems of the stomach are very far from each other.

Sand Georges
- The roads leading to art are full of thorns, but you can also pick beautiful flowers along them.

Leonardo Vinci
- Painting argues and competes with nature.

Helvetius Claude Adrian
- The task of art is to excite hearts.

Schiller Johann Friedrich
- Precisely because true art strives for something real and objective, it cannot be satisfied with only the appearance of truth.

Anatole France
- There is no need to be especially afraid of attributing to the artists of the past an ideal that they never had. Admiration is impossible without an admixture of illusion, and to understand a perfect work of art means, in general, to recreate it in one’s own way. inner world. The same works are reflected differently in the soul of those who contemplate. Each generation looks for new emotions in the creations of old masters. The most gifted spectator is the one who finds, at the cost of a few successful false interpretations, the most tender and most strong emotion. Therefore, humanity experiences a passionate attachment mainly to such works of art and poetry that contain dark places that allow for the possibility of different understandings.

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev (1906-99)

Letters about the Good and the Beautiful

Letter thirty-two


So, life is the most great value what a person has. If you compare life to a precious palace with many halls that stretch in endless enfilades, which are all generously varied and all different from each other, then the most Big hall in this palace, the real “throne room” is the hall in which art reigns. This is a hall of amazing magic. And the first magic he performs happens not only to the owner of the palace himself, but also to everyone invited to the celebration.

This is a hall of endless celebrations that make a person’s whole life more interesting, more solemn, more fun, more significant... I don’t know what other epithets to express my admiration for art, for its works, for the role it plays in the life of mankind. And the greatest value that art rewards a person is the value of kindness. Awarded with the gift of understanding art, a person becomes morally better, and therefore happier. Yes, happier! For, awarded through art with the gift of a good understanding of the world, the people around him, the past and the distant, a person makes friends more easily with other people, with other cultures, with other nationalities, it is easier for him to live.

But understanding works of art is far from easy. You have to learn this - learn for a long time, all your life. For there can be no stop in expanding your understanding of art. There can only be a retreat back into the darkness of misunderstanding. After all, art constantly confronts us with new and new phenomena, and this is the enormous generosity of art. Some doors opened for us in the palace, followed by others.

They often say about someone: he has innate taste. Not at all! If you look closely at those people who can be said to have taste, you will notice that they all have one thing in common: they are honest and sincere in their sensibility. They learned a lot from her.

I have never noticed that taste is inherited.

Taste, I think, is not one of the properties that are transmitted by genes. Although the family cultivates taste and from the family, much depends on its intelligence.

You should not approach a work of art with bias, based on established “opinion,” fashion, the views of your friends, or the views of your enemies. One must be able to remain “one on one” with a work of art.

Nietzsche's aesthetics. "Art was Given to us so as not to Die from the Truth."

Choose one of the statements below and write a mini-essay based on it.

Identify, at your discretion, one or more main ideas of the topic raised by the author and expand on it (them). When revealing the main idea(s) you have identified in your reasoning and conclusions, use social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical positions), illustrating them with facts and examples from public life and personal social experience, examples from other educational subjects.

To illustrate the theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions you have formulated, provide at least two facts/examples from various sources. Each given fact/example must be formulated in detail and clearly related to the illustrated position, reasoning, and conclusion.

C9.1 Philosophy.“Genuine immortal works of art remain accessible and give pleasure to all times and peoples.” (G. Hegel)

C9.2 Economics.“Economic control is inseparable from control over the entire life of people, for by controlling the means, one cannot help but control the ends.” (F.A. von Hayek)

C9.3 Sociology, social psychology.“In every person, nature grows either as grains or as weeds; let him water the first in a timely manner and destroy the second.” (F. Bacon)

C9.4 Political Science."The opposition is a safety valve through which the excess of popular strength and energy escapes - a valve that cannot be closed without running the risk of explosion." (B. Constant)

C9.5 Jurisprudence.“Equality of rights does not lie in the fact that everyone enjoys them, but in the fact that they are granted to everyone.” (Seneca)


To cope with the task, we definitely need to familiarize ourselves with the criteria for assessing the work. You can find the criteria on the FIPI website; they are posted in one document along with a demo version of the exam.

The first criterion (K1) is decisive. You need to reveal the meaning of the statement. If you do not do this or reveal the meaning of the statement inaccurately, you will be given zero points for K1 and all essays will not be checked. If K1 is met, you are given 1 point and the expert checks the work further.

Second criterion (K2). You must provide arguments from your social studies course. It is necessary to introduce and explain the concepts social processes, laws that will help reveal the meaning of a statement.

The maximum number of primary points for this criterion is 2. If “the answer contains individual concepts or provisions related to the topic, but not related to each other and to other components of the argumentation,” the expert reduces the score and gives one point.

If the meaning of at least one term is conveyed incorrectly, then the K2 score is reduced by 1 point: from 2 points to 1 point, from 1 point to 0 points.

Third criterion (K3). According to this criterion, you need to provide 2 factual arguments in favor of your own point of view. If you make a factual error (for example, say that Putin is the chairman of the government), the argument will not be taken into account. If the argument does not work for your point of view and reveal the meaning of the statement, it will not be taken into account either.

Arguments should be from various sources: “media reports, materials from educational subjects (history, literature, geography, etc.), facts of personal social experience and own observations.” Two arguments from the literature or two arguments from the media can be counted as “arguments from the same type of source,” which will lead to a decrease in score by 1 point.

How to choose a quote?

Before you write your essay, you need to choose a quote. And you need to choose not according to the principle “liked - disliked”, “boring - interesting”. You need to carefully study the statements and evaluate the prospects for writing good essay for each of them. This should take no more than 2-3 minutes.

Read the statements carefully. Identify several quotes whose meaning is most clear to you.

For each statement, the meaning of which is clear, determine the range of terms, processes, phenomena and laws from the social studies course. Discard quotes that you are not sure about.

From the remaining quotes, choose those to which you can provide quality arguments.

If, after you run all the quotes through these three filters, you are left with all five quotes, you can choose the one that is closest to your heart. (In that case, you know your social studies course very well, congratulations!)

Essay writing algorithm

You have chosen a quote whose meaning is clear to you, and you can easily make theoretical and factual arguments. At worst, this quote will cause you the least amount of trouble, which is also a good thing.

We are writing an essay based on the fact that it will have only two readers - Unified State Exam experts. This means that we need to make it as easy as possible for them to check their essays. It will be convenient for the expert to check if the work is structured into blocks according to the criteria.

The essay structure might look like this:

1) Convey the meaning of the quote. It is important that this is not just a retelling of the statement. You must demonstrate understanding of the author's words.

It's okay if you write primitively. There are no requirements for text style in the essay criteria.

We chose a quote from economics. “Supply and demand are a process of mutual adaptation and coordination” (P.T. Heine).

2) Formulate our own point of view: I agree / I disagree with the author.

As a rule, it is difficult to argue with the statements that are offered to graduates at the Unified State Exam. But if you feel you disagree, don't be afraid to argue.

Example: I agree with P. Heine because...

3) Support your point of view with terms, concepts and laws from the social studies course. Moreover, it is important to use material from that area public relations, which is indicated in the task. Expand the quote on economics in economic terms, in political science - in terms of political science, etc.

Example: The basis for interaction between a consumer and a manufacturer (seller) in market conditions is the mechanism of supply and demand. Demand is the desire and ability of the consumer to buy a specific product or service here and now. Supply is the desire and ability of the manufacturer to offer the consumer a product or service at a specific price within a certain time. Supply and demand are interconnected. An increase in demand can affect the quantity of supply, and vice versa.

The ideal situation is when there is an equilibrium price in the market. If demand exceeds supply, a scarce market for a certain product develops. If supply exceeds demand, this can lead to overproduction.

In conditions of high competition, when there is great demand and many producers in the market, the quality of goods increases, and the price falls, as sellers are forced to fight for buyers. This is one example of changes in the market situation under the influence of supply and demand.

4) Give two factual arguments from different sources. If you use a fact from personal experience, try not to make it up. The examiner will most likely not believe you if you state that you ran for president of Chile or are on the Nobel committee.

Example: One example that proves the regulating function of supply is the situation on the oil market in modern world. In 2014, the price of hydrocarbons fell due to declining demand. The oil market has been squeezed out by promising technologies: solar energy, wind energy and other renewable resources. Oil companies had to adapt to new conditions - reduce oil production costs, reduce added value and lower product prices.

The law of supply and demand does not only work in global commodity markets. We can see how, under the influence of supply and demand, the situation is changing literally outside the window of our house. IN residential area, where I have lived for more than 15 years, there was a grocery store in the basement of a high-rise building. Residents of nearby houses regularly bought essential products there. However, a supermarket of one of the large retail chains. The prices there were lower, the work hours were more convenient, and the assortment was much richer. People voted with their feet, and after a while the small store closed because it could not adapt to the new situation in the local market.

5) Conclusion. Here you can summarize your thoughts. Write your conclusion only if you have time left and you are sure that all other tasks do not require double-checking. Otherwise, forget about the conclusion - the presence or absence of a conclusion is not assessed in the criteria for the task.

Example: In a market and mixed economy, the regulating influence of supply and demand is the basis of economic relations. Indicators of supply and demand are taken into account when planning the activities of any enterprise and the entire country. It is important that supply and demand are balanced, otherwise crisis phenomena may arise in the economy.

It is worth remembering that the enemy of good results in the exam is a waste of time. Do not do it extra work. Many teachers demand that the problem raised by the author be deduced. There is no need to do this, it will not affect the assessment, and the risk of making a mistake will increase.

This algorithm is not the ultimate truth. You can adhere to it, you can focus on it, but you should not use these recommendations thoughtlessly. Perhaps after training you will have your own idea of ​​how to write an essay. Wonderful! Most importantly, do not forget that this work is assessed according to strict criteria that you need to try to comply with.

G. Gegkl in this statement raises the problem of the eternity of art. What is its eternity? The fact is that it will always and everywhere, even after tens, hundreds, thousands of years, true masterpieces of art will not be forgotten.

Does everyone need art? Controversial issue. Some may be neutral towards it, while others may devote their entire lives to art.

It can take on any form. But it will be forever.

Art instills in people a sense of beauty, which is necessary for the development of human moral qualities. After all, without feeling wonderful people They will begin to grow stale and die spiritually. Without art we would cease to be human. That’s why it’s so important to our society, that’s why it will last forever.

During the Great Patriotic War people fought and died for art. The Hermitage was the largest collection of artistic and historical treasures. Although the evacuation of the works was planned, not all of them were able to be removed. Then it was decided to hide them behind the walls of St. Isaac's Cathedral, in its basement.

The windows were blocked with bricks and sandbags to protect museum collections. Museum workers worked in the darkness and frosty dampness, checking the condition of the paintings. They lived in the basement of the cathedral. In the first winter, 20 people died from cold and hunger. The rest, tired and exhausted, fought for masterpieces of art. In the summer of 1942, only 12 employees could work. People sacrificed their lives to preserve and pass on works of art to future generations.

Or in Ray Bradbury's work "Fahrenheit 451", where people simply exist mindlessly by inertia, because the majority are obsessed with sports, primitive hobbies, TV series, and various attractions. But is there any spiritual development? The answer is obvious - no. This “apocalypse” happened because of book hatred. The firemen did not put out the fire, but rather set the books on fire. People stopped reading and developing spiritually. And in the end they became like robots.

This is why art will exist forever and will never disappear.

Updated: 2018-09-30

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