True and false values. Loyalty to your calling. Life and its values ​​– true and false

Analysis of imaginary and true values in the novel "The Master and Margarita".

M. A. Bulgakov in the novel “The Master and Margarita” puts his heroes in front of eternal problems existence, forcing us to think about the meaning and purpose of existence, about true and imaginary values, about the laws of life development.

What are true and imaginary values? True values ​​are what is important always, everywhere and under any conditions. They are the same for all people.

True creativity


Freedom of the individual

Imaginary values ​​are an attempt to replace the main and only goal of a person with an auxiliary goal. Their implementation brings evil and misfortune to other people into the world.

« housing problem»

Thirst for personal gain


Death and Time reign on earth, -

Don't call them rulers;

Everything, spinning, disappears into the darkness,

Only the sun of love is motionless.

Love... It is this that gives the novel mystery and uniqueness. she is able to change a lot and withstand various difficulties. It is Margarita who reveals the themes of faith, creativity, love - all that from which true life grows. Love moved Margarita, she went through all the obstacles for the sake of the Master. She suffered mortal pain at the ball, not being sure that her wish would come true. And the fact that she sold her soul to the devil once again proves the strength of her love for the Master. Reward: The Master and Margarita find eternal happiness and eternal peace.

True creativity: . At the very beginning of the novel, the author introduces us to two writers: Berlioz, he is the head of MASSOLIT, and Bezdomny, a poet at the same MASSOLIT. From the dialogue it is clear that the work of these writers is one-sided and false.

Punishment: Ivan Bezdomny ends up in a psychiatric hospital. However, he realizes the uselessness of his false creativity and promises the Master not to write anything else.

Money. In the novel, this imaginary value affected two worlds - ancient Yershalaim and modern. Only Woland and his retinue remained indifferent to the money. Judas, who betrayed his friend for 30 pieces of silver, the residents of Moscow who greedily caught money falling from the ceiling in a variety show, Baron Meigel - they all “served” this imaginary value.

Punishment: Judas and Baron Meigel were killed, and the residents of Moscow received good lesson for their passion for money, when their bills turned into simple pieces of paper and their clothes melted before their eyes. Even Bosoy, who could not resist the opportunity to get easy money, was punished.

Freedom of the individual. Let's remember the Moscow Association of Writers. Its leaders created great amount useless clubs and circles in order to completely occupy all participants. Moreover, the abilities and talents of people did not matter at all. In other words, a person was obliged to comply with various regulations, and there could be no talk of any freedom here.

Punishment: Woland’s retinue forces all these leaders to sing non-stop to show what it’s like to do something against your will, without desire and ability.

Result: Bulgakov wanted to convey to us readers that there are many false values ​​in the world and only a strong personality can resist their oppression. A person cannot be happy if a large number of spends time on imaginary values, because they make his life empty.

An example of completing task 17.3 on the Unified State Exam in literature with examples and quotations from the text.

It is a widely known fact that Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was favorably received at court and for some time moved in select circles. However, with age, the writer began to realize how many lies and falsehoods had accumulated in this high society, how falsely people behave towards each other, how dishonor covers itself with the veil of aristocratic origin. Gradually, he left the world and began to look for the truth among simple peasants and artisans, with whom he communicated and discovered a lot of simple, but at the same time, new and surprising things. That is why in his book “War and Peace” the author raises the topic of the truth and falsity of our values, concepts and principles.

Absolutely all components in the novel, from the title to the ideas, are built on contrasts: Kutuzov and Napoleon, military battles and peaceful scenes, sincere heroes and liars. By contrasting one with the other, Tolstoy makes it clear what is true and false in beauty, patriotism and love. Each person must determine this for themselves in order to better understand the world, people and, of course, themselves.

True and false patriotism in the novel War and Peace

In the novel "War and Peace" there are real and false, leavened patriots. For example, many nobles stopped speaking French and wore sundresses and caftans when the War of 1812 began. Prince Rostopchin, the Governor-General of Moscow, completely exuded tasteless, feigned, jingoistic appeals, and this was instead of really helping and supporting the frightened, desperate people who were leaving their native land.

Showed true patriotism simple people, who, being not rich, still burned their houses, belongings, arable land, just so as not to leave anything to the enemy, not to help him with their belongings and shelter to get to Moscow. Left destitute, these unknown heroes went into the forests and organized partisan detachments, and then dealt crushing blows to the French, risking their lives for the liberation of their homeland. At the same time, many nobles did not see the difference between the Russian Tsar and the foreign invader: they put their personal interests above national ones. They calmly accepted the invaders and fawned over them in order to preserve their privileges.

True and false heroism in the novel War and Peace

Prince Andrei thinks about true and false heroism when he goes to war for glory. At Shengraben, he takes part in the battle and sees the feat of the battery of the modest and awkward captain Tushin, the breakthrough of the detachment of captain Timokhin, who put the French to flight, and the daredevil Dolokhov, who heroically captured the French officer. The hero cannot figure out which of them is the real hero, although the answer lies on the surface. For example, Dolokhov demanded a reward for his action, boasted about it during the formation, and Tushin was almost deprived of command for his modesty, and would have been deprived if Bolkonsky had not stood up for him. Which one is the hero? Selfish Dolokhov or unknown hero Tushin? How to decide, since both of them risked their lives for a common goal?

At the Battle of Austerlitz, Andrei rouses soldiers to a deadly bloody battle that could have been avoided. The hero, like Dolokhov, was flattered by the fame and did not count the heads along which he walked towards her. No wonder Kutuzov taught him to take care of life, but Bolkonsky did not heed this advice. This is false heroism, as the prince was convinced of from his own experience.

True and false beauty in the novel "War and Peace"

Tolstoy describes the multitude ugly women, because his task is to depict the truth of life. For example, about Natasha Rostova he writes: “Ugly, thin...”, and does not forget to mention the ugly stretched mouth of the crying girl, her angularity and imperfections on her face. He speaks directly about Princess Bolkonskaya: “Ugly Princess Marya...”.

But Helen, a regular at salons and balls, is a dazzling beauty. She is superbly built, her shoulders turned even the hottest heads.

However, true beauty for Tolstov does not lie in appearance: “The ugly princess Marya always looked prettier when she cried, and she always cried not from resentment, but from sadness or pity.” The soul of this girl was beautiful and shone from within when she was given free rein. Natasha Rostova is also beautiful in her mercy and simplicity. Her incomparable charm was also manifested in her creativity, because Natasha sang magnificently and danced talentedly.

Thus, true beauty is always expressed in naturalness, kindness, creativity, but not in appetizing forms devoid of spiritual content. To those who don't understand true beauty, will not find happiness and harmony in life, like Pierre Bezukhov, who was deceived by Helen.

The meaning of the novel "War and Peace" lies in a permanent movement towards the truth, because only those heroes who were able to make this movement understood themselves and found happiness.

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Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov spent ten years creating the novel “The Master and Margarita”. He began writing it in 1929 and finished it in 1938. Throughout the novel we see how the writer’s consciousness and his thoughts changed. We can trace fear, grief, joy, and many other emotions in the work. But one thing remains unchanged throughout the novel - this is the author’s attitude towards human values.

In his work, M. A. Bulgakov, from the first pages, makes the reader think about true and imaginary values, but what are values? I believe that this is what a person considers the most important in his life, to which he attaches higher value. For many people, love, friendship, family, and faith are of great importance. However, in his novel M.

A. Bulgakov shows us that this is not always the case. There are also people who value money, fame, and prestige above all else. I believe that the conflict between people with imaginary and people with true values ​​is one of the main ones in the work.

In the first chapter of the novel, Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny walk along the patriarch's ponds. They are discussing the poem that Ivan Nikolaevich will write. The editor “Ordered a large anti-religious poem from the poet,” but in his work Jesus turned out “as if alive,” which Berlioz did not like. This whole scene is meant to denounce art. The creativity of the MASSOLIT writers is false, made to order, and this contradicts the purpose of art - the free self-expression of the author, his honest communication with the reader.

Another false value that occupies a central place in the novel is money.

Only Woland and his retinue, as well as the Master and Margarita, remain indifferent to them. When Woland performed at the Variety Show, people were catching money and running for clothes. Each tried to take more for himself than the others. For this they were punished: the money turned into simple paper, and the clothes disappeared.

But it is a mistake to believe that the heroes of the novel do not have true values. The main ones in the novel are love and faith. The example of the Master and Margarita shows that love is capable of much. For the sake of the Master, Margarita suffers at the ball, not even being sure that her beloved will be returned to her. In order to be with the Master, she sells her soul to the devil. Margarita has amazing fortitude, and her love for the Master is so strong that it seems there is nothing that could prevent them from being together. And even death cannot separate lovers.

So, M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” is one of key works writer. He shows us that there are many false values ​​in the world, and only a person with true values ​​can cope with any difficulties. So, Margarita managed to go to Satan’s ball to meet the Master, cope with pain and fear and ultimately find happiness and peace with her beloved.

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He puts his heroes before a moral choice, makes them think about the true and imaginary values ​​of life, the purpose of existence and the laws of existence. The undeniable and highest value in the novel is love. She is the one who is able to change everything around her and overcome the most difficult obstacles. At the very beginning of the work, the author introduces us to two writers Mikhail Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny.

From their conversation it becomes clear that their work is false and one-sided. As punishment, Berlioz is beheaded by a tram, and Bezdomny ends up in a psychiatric clinic, where he meets a real writer with true values. Ivan himself realizes the meaninglessness of his poetry and promises the Master not to write anything in the future. Thus, according to Bulgakov, creativity can be true and imaginary. He lists personal freedom and friendship as other controversial issues.

For example, in the Moscow Association of Writers, the leaders created a huge number of circles that no one needed, just to somehow occupy the time of the participants. As punishment, Woland's retinue forced them to sing non-stop so that they could feel what it was like to do something without much desire or ability. The theme of friendship in the novel is closely intertwined with moral problems. According to the author, happy is the one who finds friendship in love and everyone is rewarded according to his faith.

The best example of friendship is the close connection between the Master and Margarita and the kind-hearted relationship between the mere mortal Ga-Notsri and the powerful Pontius Pilate. The author presented money as an imaginary and obviously false value. Both in the Yershalaim world and in modern Moscow, they lead to negative consequences. Two thousand years ago, Judas sold Ha-Nozri for thirty pieces of silver, for which he was subsequently killed.

And in Moscow in the 1930s, people are losing their heads from the unexpected rain of money organized by Woland at the Variety Theater. As punishment, all the bills they greedily collect are later turned into ordinary pieces of paper. Special punishment was presented to the chairman of the housing association of the house on Sadovaya, who suffered from a mania for bribery. He was charged with currency speculation. The only heroes who remained indifferent to money were Woland and his henchmen.

It should be noted that Margarita was also not at the mercy of money. She was only interested in personal well-being with the Master and a worthy assessment of his work. If we make two separate lists of true and imaginary values ​​touched upon in the novel, then the first will be love, friendship, true creativity, personal freedom, faith and honesty. And the second category includes money, false creativity, the “housing problem,” betrayal and the thirst for personal gain.

To summarize, we can say that Bulgakov, dividing the world into true and imaginary, singled out the strong and weak people. Strong people could resist false values ​​and their oppression, but weak people could not.

The universal nature, both on Earth and in space, manifests itself in two aspects, one of which we call the higher nature, corresponding to the Divine truth, the other aspect of it we call the lower nature, which on the surface appears to be opposed to the Divine. If the highest nature embodies the idea of ​​absolute knowledge and universal unity, then the lower nature, under the cover of ignorance, strives for maximum universal division. The higher nature is mainly the kingdom of the gods or devas, and in the lower nature the asuras rule the ball, having their own hierarchy of powers. For gods or devas (In Indian Vedic cultural tradition devas are gods, but in the Avestan tradition, asuras are called devas. The author adheres to Vedic terminology - approx. ed.) the perception and awareness of the reality of the world from the inside is characteristic, while at the same time, asuras perceive the reality of the world only from its outside. Hence, the devas realize the essence of events in their unity and the meaning and purpose of everything that happens in the world; asuras, separated by a veil of ignorance from true essence of everything in the universe and from its purpose, are able to perceive and manipulate only the material values ​​of this world. Comprehension of the true goal is inaccessible to them, since this is possible only by perceiving the reality of the world in its indissoluble unity, from which they are separated by ignorance. In this regard, they use division to understand and master it. Devas and asuras can be compared to people with normal and myopic vision. When looking at a picture, devas see it as a whole, but asuras can look at it in parts and, therefore, the whole picture is inaccessible to them. They are like three blind men studying an elephant, each of whom perceives only part of it. After this kind of perception, based on the results of their research, they could express their opinions, each of which was only part of the knowledge, but not the whole knowledge. From here it follows that people who are guides and executors of the Asuric will cannot know the true purpose of all things in the Universe and, of course, on Earth. Not knowing the true goal, they replace it with various plans, the implementation of which becomes their goal.

Asuric forces, stricken by the blindness of ignorance, are unable to realize the irresistible flow of Divine evolution, in which they are only executors of the Divine will, and the few of them who are given the opportunity to realize this flow try to resist it. But both those and others do not know that any of their actions are sanctioned by the Divine for his own purposes, which they are not given to know in full.

There is one very important feature of the influences and interactions of all things in the Universe - they occur in harmony. And the consequence of this feature is the transformation human personality when it is in some way consonant with the forces of universal nature.

Man, unlike the asuras and devas, contains within himself all the endless possibilities of the Universe, and those of them that are in tune with the vibrations of the asuras, under their influence, not only open up, but also grow, pushing aside all the others. human qualities. At the same time, a person cannot change anything in an asura, who has only those capabilities that are aimed at revealing everything low and destructive in a person. Hence, the external manifested world is a field of lower nature, on which opportunities that have low destructive vibrations are revealed. This disclosure is necessary in order to separate the “wheat from the chaff”, and for people walking the spiritual path - awareness of their imperfections in order to transform them.

Man belongs to universal nature; accordingly, he is also divided into two poles - one of which is under the influence of the higher nature, the other - the lower. And if the first is turned to Divine truth and is under the influence of Divine forces, then the second, to which the outer part of the human being belongs, is turned to the values ​​of the manifested world and is under the power of the asuras. This asura tried to seduce Jesus Christ when he told him that he would give him power over all the kingdoms of the earth if he fell to worship him. It was about him that Jesus Christ said to those who accused him: “Your god is the devil.” Don’t people who strive for power and wealth fulfill the will of the asura? Is it not through them that he satisfies his passion for undivided power and worship of him, and is it not they who quite consciously prepare humanity for the coming of the beast (Antichrist), corrupting religions and corrupting human souls? Currently, the symbol of his name is spreading everywhere - “666” (Apoc. 13, 18.). these people not only prepare humanity for the coming of the beast, creating an atmosphere that is consonant with it, but by placing symbols of its name everywhere, they seem to invite it to hurry up with its arrival. An example would be a barcode. Next, I take a quote from the book by S.V. Valtsev - “The Decline of Humanity”: A bar code is a number like a number, if not for one BUT. Each barcode contains the encrypted number 666. This means that any product, and now our documents, are marked with the sign of the Antichrist. Is this really true? Everyone is familiar with the white label on the packaging with black stripes and numbers underneath...

This method of writing numbers was invented in the 19th century in the USA. The barcode indicates the country of origin, quality, name, and sometimes the cost of the product. A modern barcode is a computer type of notation, where each number corresponds to lines of different thickness.

Anyone can verify that each barcode has thin nearby parallel lines at the beginning, middle and end that are slightly longer than all the others. They are called “security parallels”. True, these lines are not signed with any numbers, but they are graphically identical to only one number - six. It turns out that absolutely any barcode includes three sixes. Many specialists working with computer technology assure us: “there was no need to use the number 6 sign as a dividing line.”

Thus, the “prince of this world” and the executors of his will are building their own paradise on Earth, which, of course, will correspond to their basic essence. For example, a frog, if it were possible for it, would build its own swamp paradise on Earth. What are they doing in modern world executors of the will of the asuras, director Daneliya Georgy Nikolaevich showed very well in his film “Kin-dza-dza”.

When Sri Aurobindo said that one must live from within, he meant that a person should rely on his heart in his activities in this world. To be aware of the world from the inside is the way gods or devas perceive the reality of the Universe. Living from the inside means not being attached to this manifested world, living according to Asuric principles that lead humanity to degradation, and at the same time, using the reality of this world to ascend consciousness. For a person living from within, no moral rules or laws are required, because to live from within means to be in highest harmony with the whole world

Human consciousness has two poles - one of them is facing the outer world, the other is facing the inner world. And if in outside world the lower nature reigns, then the higher nature reigns in the inner. Asuric forces are not interested in a person perceiving the world of external values ​​from the inside, since in this case he leaves from under their influence.

Only those values ​​of this world can be true, which are in tune with divine truth. Those that sound in dissonance with it are false values. Another definition is also possible: true values ​​do not tie a person to the values ​​of the material world and do not make him dependent on them. And there is one more important feature - movement towards true values ​​always requires volitional efforts, at the same time, false values ​​are tempting in themselves and no effort is required from a person to move in their direction, all that is required is silent agreement, which they will immediately use and make him dependent on themselves, and accordingly, subsequently transform his worldview. In this case, a kind of mental castration of a person occurs, after which he ceases to notice everything that is consonant with Divine truth, and the voice of conscience subsides in his heart. Now a person will not seek high harmony in his interactions with the world, and he will be completely satisfied with either sensory harmony or mental harmony, based on the ego and external laws and rules.

True and false values ​​have their differences only within a person, but in the external world they are indistinguishable. In the outside world, these are only facets of the same reality. Therefore, if a person lives by his mind, supported by the body of desires, then for him false values ​​will be true, and true values ​​will be false. Among false values, fetishism occupies a special place. A fetish is something that is the subject of unconditional recognition, blind worship (Dictionary foreign words L. P. Krysin ed. Eksmo 2008). Fetish includes many facets of the reality of this world, which can be both creative and destructive for a person. This is due to the fact that a fetish narrows a person’s consciousness and thereby does not allow him to perceive reality as it really is. For example, on a social level it is authoritative for us social status person, although this position is only a mask that replaces true face this man. But we are not critical, because the fetish evokes unconditional recognition from us social status person and corresponding to this status of his psychological characteristics. We are completely uncritical of the so-called Holy Scripture. We believe that it is sacred even when it affirms lies, aggression, betrayal and many other low aspects of human psychology. Blind faith is dangerous because a person does not see reality as it really is. Various statements by people who are authoritative for us, even if these people are unpleasant for us, can significantly change our attitude towards the reality about which these authorities speak. And what about the various holiday dates that act as a trigger on a person. And we ourselves don’t really understand why we feel festive on the appointed holiday. They show us fireworks and we get into a festive mood. We attach true meaning to the word “democracy”, although this word has long been only a mask behind which lawlessness and lies reign. If you look closely at everything that surrounds a person, it is easy to discover that people live among symbols, a largely symbolic life, among which the fetish occupies an honorable place.