Fear the indifferent precisely with their tacit consent. Beware of the indifferent

1. “Fear the indifferent! It is with their tacit consent that all the evil on earth is committed!”
(Julius Fucik, February 23, 1903 - September 8, 1943)

2. “Don’t be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Don't be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you.
But be afraid of the INDIFFERENT - they do not kill and do not betray,
but only with their tacit consent are committed on earth
all the lowest crimes"
(novel "Conspiracy of the Indifferent", Bruno Yasensky - July 17, 1901 - September 17, 1938).

I bring official point view of the “attitude of Russians” towards the war in Ukraine, formed by the powerful Russian elite in the media.

“66% of Russians are against the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine;

Moscow, July 7. The majority of Russians are against the introduction of Russian troops into Ukraine, but every fifth admits this possibility if a security threat arises for our citizens. VTsIOM reported this on Monday.

Thus, over the course of several months, the share of respondents admitting that a war could break out between Russia and Ukraine in the near future has increased significantly – from 17% at the end of March to 30% in June. At the same time, there are significantly fewer of those who consider such a scenario of events to be incredible - today 54% think so (14% call military action absolutely impossible, and 40% extremely unlikely), whereas at the end of March there were 80%. Finally, 11% of respondents said that such a war is already underway.

Two-thirds of Russians (66%) oppose the introduction of Russian troops into South-Eastern Ukraine in order to end the military conflict. This position in to a greater extent shared by older people (71% over 60 years old), residents of large and medium-sized cities (74-75%). The need for military intervention on the part of Russia is stated by a quarter (27%) of respondents, and above all, Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents (41%), supporters of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (35%), and respondents with low incomes (35%).
At the same time, reflecting on what events could cause the deployment of troops, already a third of respondents (33%) said that Russia should not do this under any circumstances. According to a fifth of respondents, Russian troops may enter Ukrainian territory, first of all, if they continue to die civilians in Ukraine (18%), or there will be a threat of terrorist attacks on the territory Russian state(18%), attacks on our checkpoints on the Russian-Ukrainian border will continue (18%). Another 13% of respondents believe that the cause of military action on the Russian side could be the introduction of NATO troops into the territory of Ukraine. And 10% would offer to respond to requests for the deployment of troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.

New deaths Russian journalists 7% of survey participants consider this to be a good reason for sending troops. Others (7%) are inclined to agree to military intervention provided that sabotage against Russian trains and the gas pipeline continues. And only 3% of respondents said that everything that has happened is already enough to make such a decision.”


Since when has the strategy and tactics of military operations and the vital interests of the state been decided by VOTING?

We (Russians) have come to terms with this.

I'm not talking about billionaires and multimillionaires. There are many of them - about a million. They are no longer the Russian elite - they are the elite of the WEST. This is a cut piece.

The less rich (those still living in “THIS COUNTRY”), not burdened by moral principles, have settled well in this life, especially in large Russian cities. We purchased property in Geyrope, Maldives, Cyprus, Seychelles, etc.

They are STILL living and, most importantly, they think that it will continue to be like this... Flying on business trips and vacations to “Europe” and “America” - the main thing is not to appear disloyal to these “beacons of democracy” (in case they are being monitored by the Mossad, NSA or CIA ???).

There are many of them - these cowardly and vile traitors to their peoples who became whores under the “New World Order” (in Russia there are 20-30 million of them).

Their justification: the world government is creating a new (even fascist), but its own world order, and we should accept it (we have already settled well into it).

But why the devilish order and not the divine?

To this question their answer is: we don’t care. . . - if only we could eat sweetly, have sex with beautiful female or male whores, have power, money and get high, get high...

The point of no return has been passed.

70-90%% of individuals of our species will die. These are, basically, indifferent people (whose “huts are on the edge”). The laws of Nature cannot be changed.

LIVE, indifferent...

In the meantime:

This is the menu offered by one of the capital’s establishments, located right on the Maidan itself (picture above).

The names of some dishes are not only surprising, but shocking. The entrepreneur, who decided to play on people’s feelings, hit the nail on the head: the tragedy in Odessa was presented by him as “Odessa-style Colorado beetles” (baked), the “President” of Ukraine merged in a play on words with Dmitry Yarosh, turning into the dish “P(Yarosh )enko in chocolate!!!”, this businessman-cook also added Oleg Lyashko and Arsen Avakov to his list, and the name Russian President became, probably, the most favorite item on his menu.

These obscenities caused quite justified indignation among the people of Kiev.

BUT why, YOU, gentlemen of Kiev, were not indignant when your compatriots were burned alive in Odessa, and some of you even applauded this barbarity?

These are not groundless accusations - everything is captured on the Internet and you cannot escape...

Wise thoughts

Activist of the Czechoslovak communist movement, writer, critic, journalist. National hero of Czechoslovakia. Member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia since 1921.

Quote: 1 - 15 of 15

Beware of the indifferent! It is with their tacit consent that all the evil on earth is committed!

A hero is a person who, at a decisive moment, does what needs to be done in the interests of human society.

Even the strictest isolation cannot isolate anyone unless the person isolates himself.

Every fraudster relies on the poor memory of the one who is about to be deceived.

Everyone who was faithful to the future and died to make it beautiful is like a statue carved from stone.

People, I loved you, be careful!

We speak different languages, but there is no difference in our blood - the blood and will of the proletariat. (Report with a noose around the neck)

Do not be afraid of enemies - they can only kill; do not be afraid of friends - they can only betray; Be afraid of indifferent people - it is with their tacit consent that all the most terrible crimes in the world occur.

But even the dead we will live in a particle of our great happiness; after all, we have invested our lives in it.

I ask one thing to those who will survive this time: do not forget! Do not forget either the good or the evil. Patiently collect testimonies of those who fell for themselves and for you.
The day will come when the present will become the past, when they will talk about a great time and nameless heroes who made history. I would like everyone to know: there were no nameless heroes. There were people, each with their own name, their own appearance, their own aspirations and hopes, and the torment of the most unnoticed of them was no less than the torment of the one whose name will go down in history. May these people always be close to you, as friends, as family, as you yourself!
Entire generations of heroes have fallen. Love at least one of them, like sons and daughters, be proud of him, like a great man who lived in the future. Everyone who was faithful to the future and died to make it beautiful is like a statue carved from stone.
(Report with a noose around the neck)

I ask one thing to those who will survive this time: do not forget!
Do not forget either the good or the evil.
Patiently collect testimonies of those who fell for themselves and for you.

Individuals can: morally decay, people - never.

Looking at people with a broken conscience is even worse than looking at people who have been beaten.

I loved life and fought for its beauty. I loved you, people, and was happy when you answered me in kind, and suffered when you did not understand me. Whom I offended - forgive me, whom I pleased - don’t be sad. Let my name not cause sadness in anyone. This is my testament to you, father, mother and sisters, to you, my Gustina, to you, comrades, to everyone who loved me as passionately as I loved them. If tears help you wash away the veil of melancholy from your eyes, cry. But don't be sorry. I lived for joy, I die for it, and it would be unfair to place an angel of sorrow on my grave.
May Day! At this hour they were already forming ranks on the outskirts of cities and unfurling banners. At this hour, the first ranks of troops are already marching on the streets of Moscow for the May parade. And now millions of people are waging the last battle for the freedom of mankind. Thousands die in this battle. I am one of them. Being one of the warriors of the last battle is wonderful!
(Report with a noose around the neck)

Class hour "Indifference"

"People! Beware of the indifferent - it is with their tacit consent that all the most terrible crimes in the world occur!”

Julius Fucik (Czechoslovakian journalist, literary and theater critic)

Group SZ-21

Date 03/29/2013

Goal: to form right attitude to such a human condition as indifference, develop everyone's own view on this problem.

Preliminary preparation : form three groups

Required materials : Film, cards with sayings.

Equipment: computer, projector, board.

Move class hour:

Good afternoon, my dear guys! Today I would like to talk to you about indifference and, as a consequence, cruelty.

As Bruno Yasensky once said, do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Don't be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Be afraid of the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth!
The idea that characterizes our society. It has never been distinguished by its special humanity and desire for someone help. Although there have always been some people who are not indifferent to the misfortune of others, there are, unfortunately, more indifferent people. Russian students conducted an experiment. Twelve times they “robbed” a figurehead in the subway, eight times they even took off the guy’s shoes. Experiment results shocking: only once did a woman timidly say: “Why did you take the shoes?” Many similar ones crimes is done daily. And who is to blame? In my opinion, it is an indifferent society that is responsible for such incidents. Are people not in a hurry to help, fearing that the criminal will harm them too? Maybe. But, rather, they think that this cannot happen to them. And once they find themselves in the role of a victim, they sincerely wonder why society is so cruel and indifferently. What is happening to us? Sometimes those who would like to help do not do so only because people say: “Do you need it more than anyone else?” or simply afraid of judgment and sidelong glances.

Information from the dictionary “Indifference is the state of an indifferent person, indifferent, devoid of interest, passive attitude towards the environment.”

Please tell me synonyms for the word indifference (indifference, passivity, apathy)

I bring to your attention the film, after watching which we will try to find out why this happens.

Film (6 minutes).

I. Group assignment (10 minutes):

    Give reasons for this behavior

    What could have been done to change the situation?

II. Group assignment (10 minutes):

Cards with statements about indifference, give your explanation

III. Group assignment (10 minutes). Give an analysis of the situation.

Situation 1

Situation 2.

Situation 3.

The dictionary says that cruelty is a human feeling that does not know pity, regret, or sympathy. This is the ability to cause suffering to people or animals.

    Cruelty is always the result of fear, weakness and cowardice. (Helvetius)

    Cruelty is the product of an evil mind and often a cowardly heart. (L. Aristo)

    Cruelty always stems from heartlessness and weakness. (Seneca)

Never be afraid help people! This is the only way we can remain Humans, and not just beings. Only by improving ourselves do we improve society. Seeing the good deeds and actions of others, perhaps the hearts of indifferent. And then we will stop being afraid that no one will come to our aid.

And now I ask each of you to name what you liked or didn’t like, what new things you learned and whether you need it.

    Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

    If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve to be called a human being. (M. Saadi)

Read the statements. How do you understand them? Explain.

    Science has invented a cure for most of our diseases, but has never found a cure for the most terrible of them - indifference. (Helen Keller)

    The worst crime we can commit against people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference; This is the essence of inhumanity. (B. Shaw)

Read the statements. How do you understand them? Explain.

    It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference.

    People live and do not see each other, they walk side by side, like cows in a herd; V best case scenario They'll drink the bottle together.

    People now have no time for each other.

Situation 1. Anton, leaving class for recess, quietly took his classmate’s phone from his desk, so that he could sell it later and spend the money on his own pleasures. Several people noticed this, but did not stop him. Later, when the noise was made, again everyone remained silent.

Situation 2. The old grandfather tried to cross the road. Or rather, he was only able to cross one lane; then no one stopped. Drivers honked and drove around, but no one let us through.

Situation 3.

young man They dropped him off the bus, and he stood in the cold for 12 hours, receiving serious frostbite. Now he needs surgery - doctors fear that his hands will have to be amputated, Vesti FM radio reports.

Disabled Vitaly Sedukhinsky was accompanied by his mother, but at the bus stop she slipped and did not have time to enter the salon. The doors slammed shut in front of her. The woman was unable to catch up with her son on another bus. The young man drove to the final stop - the village of Novosilikatny. The young man simply could not ask for help - due to his health condition, he does not speak. 12 hours later, at 4 a.m., a passerby discovered the disabled person at this stop. She called an ambulance.

In 1925, Bruno Jasieński, a Polish poet and prose writer of the radical left, left with his wife for Paris. Four years later, he was expelled for communist propaganda, and specifically for the revolutionary utopian novel “I’m Burning Paris.” Yasensky became a citizen of the USSR, editor of the journal International Literature and a member of the board of the Writers' Union. In '37 he was arrested and a year later executed.

In addition to Polish, Yasensky wrote in French and, already in the USSR, in Russian. Because of his arrest last novel The “Conspiracy of the Indifferent” remained unfinished. However, the wife kept the manuscript, and in 1956 “The Conspiracy...” was published in Novy Mir.
The novel is preceded by an epigraph:
Don't be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you.
Don't be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth.
Robert Eberhardt. "King Pithecanthropus the Last"

Robert Eberhardt is the name of one of the main characters in the novel, a German anti-fascist intellectual who trained as an anthropologist; “King Pithecanthropus the Last” is the title of his unpublished book. The epigraph to the novel immediately became a walking quote among us.

It echoes a saying usually attributed to John Kennedy:
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in moments of great moral crises.

Kennedy actually quoted these words in two of his speeches - in February 1956 and September 16, 1959, both times with reference to Dante.
An early version of this saying appeared in Theodore Roosevelt's America and World War"(1915): "Dante reserved a special inglorious place in hell for those low-spirited angels who did not dare to take either the side of good or the side of evil."

And this maxim (with the caption: “Dante”) received its final form in the collection of thoughts and aphorisms “What is Truth,” published in Florida in 1944. The author of the collection was Henry Powell Spring (1891–1950).
Theodore Roosevelt was much closer to Dante's text than Spring and Kennedy. At the beginning of the third song of the poem “ Divine Comedy. Hell" describes the threshold of hell:
There are sighs, crying and frantic screams
In the starless darkness they were so great,
That at first I wilted in tears.

And with them are a bad flock of angels,
That, without rebelling, she was also not faithful
To the Almighty, observing the middle.

Heaven overthrew them, not tolerating the stain;
And the abyss of Hell does not accept them,
Otherwise, guilt would become proud.
(Translation by M. Lozinsky)

In turn, Dante developed the thought expressed in the verses of the Revelation of the Apostle John, i.e., the Apocalypse:
You are neither cold nor hot; Oh, that you were cold or hot!
But because you are warm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.

Dante places neutrals in the struggle between God and the devil at the entrance to the underworld, and not at all in the “hottest places.” But starting from the 17th century, Protestant preachers both in England and the USA spoke about “the hottest places in hell.” These places were assigned either to unrepentant sinners, or atheists, or (already in the 19th century) hypocrites.

In Russia, and in other countries, the saying about “the hottest place in hell” came into use as a quote from Kennedy’s speech. But at least once we encountered it much earlier.

At the end of 1929, the Communist Academy held a multi-day discussion of the mistakes of literary critic V. F. Pereverzev. As usual, the discussion boiled down to sticking political labels on the person being discussed. This event was led by S.E. Shchukin, a former security officer and military worker who graduated from the Institute of Red Professors. In his closing remarks he attacked his colleagues who denounced Pereverzev not zealously enough:
– First of all, I want to dwell on the category of those who objected, or, rather, on the category of those who participated in this discussion, which, according to Dante, are destined for the hottest places in hell, mind you, not lukewarm, but precisely the hottest places. This is the category of people whom Dante calls neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm.

Do you agree with the statement of B. Yasensky “Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth”?

What is indifference? This is the most terrible quality of a person. It means indifference to anything: things, thoughts, life... And sometimes to people. B. Yasensky once said: “Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth.”

And you know, he turned out to be right. Is an indifferent person capable of acts worse than indifference?

This topic is of interest to both foreign and Russian writers. First of all, I would like to dwell on the story of F.M. Dostoevsky "The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree" The main character comes to St. Petersburg with his mother, who soon dies due to illness. After her death, the boy becomes useless to anyone: no one gives him a piece of bread to save him from hunger, no one donates to him some warm thing so that the child does not freeze. Even a law enforcement officer passing by the main character turns away from him. Indifference has overwhelmed people's souls too much.

This indifference to the problem of a child who was left completely alone destroyed him: the boy is freezing on the street. And after this, do you still think that you shouldn’t be afraid of the indifferent? That we shouldn’t be afraid of those who simply allow death to take an innocent soul? Very in vain...

As a second example, I would like to take Yu. Yakovlev’s story “He Killed My Dog.” Taborka, main character, picks up a dog on the street and brings it home. The boy’s mother immediately showed indifference to the animal: she told Sasha to look after her himself. Even when Taborka’s father kicked the dog out into the street and then shot it completely, the woman showed her complete indifference. Just like a man. The boy's parents showed indifference not only to the fate of the poor animal, but also to how their child would feel. Taborka’s mother, a woman who should be everything to her child, allowed her father to do such an inhumane thing. She didn't kill, she didn't betray. But because of her tacit consent, the dog was killed, and first of all, the child’s soul was killed.

Thus, it becomes clear that indifference is the most terrible quality of a person. It is only because of the indifference of people that betrayal and murder still exist on earth. So should we fear those whose worst act is indifference?

Updated: 2017-11-08

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