The brilliant French writer is Jules Verne. Jules Verne - biography, information, personal life

Jules Verne (1828-1905),

French writer,

founder science fiction.

Jules Verne was born in the French city of Nantes. He lived in Paris for several years, engaged in literary work.

With a deep interest in geographical exploration and aeronautics, Verne wrote a treatise on the possibility of exploring Africa by balloon. The treatise was rejected by many, but one of the publishers, P. Etzel, suggested Verne to remake it into an adventure novel. This is how the novel appeared "Five weeks to hot-air balloon» , which brought fame to the author. Soon the novel was translated into almost all European languages and made the author popular all over the world.

One day Jules Verne came to the reception room of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, where the secretary, very polite, said to him: “Please sit down, Monsieur Verne. After so much travel, you must be very tired...”

Fans of the writer’s talent really had no doubt that he was describing real travel, that his characters were actually flying. balloons and conquer the depths of the sea.

His recognition was so great that the Pope himself thanked Verne for the moral purity of his works.
Verne's works are novels about adventures in distant lands. The most famous of them is "Around the World in Eighty Days" (1873). Verne earned reader recognition primarily as the founder of the science fiction genre. His works include the classic novels "Journey to the Center of the Earth", "From the Earth to the Moon" and its sequel Around the Moon, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", « Mysterious Island» .
Predictions scientific discoveries and inventions contained in the novels of Jules Verne are gradually coming true. Verne had a remarkable gift of providence - he predicted not only space travel, submarines, helicopters, but alsoartificial satellites ( "500 Million Begums", 1879) and jet-powered guided missiles (, 1919).

Certain paragraphs of the novel “Flag of the Motherland” (1896) suggest that Verne guessed about the existence of atomic energy. In his later works there was concern about the use of science for criminal purposes: “Flag of the Motherland”, "Lord of the world", « Extraordinary Adventures Barsak's expedition".

Verne himself influenced both literature, establishing science fiction on a firm basis, and the rise of science, stimulating public interest in the development of aviation, speleology and the creation of submarines.

Verne believed that if the reader could guess how it would all end, then such a book would not be worth writing. So that nothing would distract him from his work, he moved from noisy Paris to the calm, quiet town of Amiens.

Jules Verne is a world famous French writer. He is considered the founder of the science fiction genre. He is the author of more than 60 adventure novels, 30 plays, several dozen novellas and short stories.

J. Verne was born in 1828. near the port town of Nantes. His ancestors on his father's side were lawyers, and on his mother's side they were shipowners and shipbuilders.

In 1834 parents sent little Jules to a boarding school, and two years later to a seminary. He studied well. He especially liked French and literature. The boy also dreamed of the sea and travel, so at the age of eleven he ran away and became a cabin boy on the ship Coralie, which was sailing to the West Indies. However, the father found his son and returned him home.

After graduating from the seminary, Verne continued his education at the Royal Lyceum. In 1846 received a bachelor's degree. He dreams of becoming a writer, but his father sends him to Paris to study law. There the young man became interested in the theater: he attends all the premieres and even tries his hand at writing plays and librettos. Made friends with A. Dumas.

Father, learning that Jules is paying more attention literary activity than lectures on the right, he became very angry and refused his son financial support. The young writer had to look different types earnings. He was also a tutor and worked as a secretary in a publishing house. He also did not give up his studies in 1851. received permission to practice law. And thanks to the petition of Dumas the Father, his play “Broken Straws” was staged.

In 1852-1854. Vern works in the theater. In 1857 gets married Then he becomes a stockbroker. Takes up writing novels. Regularly visits the library. He compiles his own card index, in which he records important information concerning various sciences (by the end of the writer’s life, it consisted of over 20 thousand notebooks). Closely monitors technological developments. To keep up with everything, he wakes up before dark.

In 1858 goes on his first cruise, and in 861 - in the second. In 1863 he publishes the novel “Five Weeks in a Balloon,” which brought him real popularity.

In 1865 Verne purchased a sailboat and rebuilt it into a yacht, which became his “floating office” and the place where he wrote many interesting works. Later he bought several more yachts on which he traveled.

IN last years life J. Verne went blind. He died in 1905. Buried in Amiens.

Biography 2

Jules Verne is a French writer born on February 8, 1828. Jules became the first child in the family, and later he had a brother and three sisters. At the age of six, the future writer was sent to a boarding school. The teacher often talked about her husband, who many years ago went on a sea voyage and was shipwrecked, but did not die, but swam to some island, where he survives like Robinson Crusoe. This story greatly influenced Verne's future work. Later, at the insistence of his father, he transferred to a theological seminary, which was also reflected in his works.

Once, young Jules Verne got a job as a cabin boy on a ship, but his father intercepted him and asked him to travel only in his imagination. But Jules still continued to dream of sailing the sea.

Verne began to write very voluminous works very early, but his father still hoped that his eldest son would become a lawyer. Therefore, Jules soon went to Paris to study. Soon he returned to his homeland, where he fell in love with a girl. He dedicated many poems to her, but her parents were against such a union. The writer started drinking and almost gave up writing, but later pulled himself together and became a lawyer.

Thanks to his acquaintance with Alexandre Dumas and close friendship with his son, Jules Verne began to publish his works. He was interested in geography, technology and perfectly combined this in literature. In 1865, Verne purchased a yacht and finally began traveling the world, working on his own works.

In 1986, Jules was shot by his own nephew. The bullet hit his leg and because of this the writer began to limp. Unfortunately, I had to forget about traveling. And the nephew ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Soon Jules' mother dies, which depresses him even more. Then Verne began to write less and became involved in politics. In 97, my brother dies. Jules and Paul were very close. It seemed that the writer would not survive this loss. Perhaps because of this, he refused to have eye surgery and soon became almost blind.

In 1905, Jules Verne died of diabetes. Several thousand people came to pay tribute. But no one came from the French government. After his death, Verne left many notebooks with notes and unfinished works.

Jules Verne is a prominent representative of writers who weaved fiction into reality so sophisticatedly that it was almost impossible to distinguish it. Knowledge of human nature helped him to describe for a century to come what people of the 20th century would live with.

Lawyer and writer

Jules Verne was the eldest of five children in the family of lawyer Pierre Verne and Sophie-Nanina-Henriette Allot de la Fue, who had Scottish roots. Since the legal profession was distinctive feature Vernov is not the first generation, but first Jules also began to study jurisprudence. However, my love for writing turned out to be stronger. Already in 1850, the world saw the first production of his play “The Broken Straw.” It was staged at the Historical Theater named after Alexandre Dumas. In 1852, Verne began working as the director's secretary at the Lyric Theater, where he stayed for two years. And already in 1854 he tried himself as a stockbroker: he worked during the day and wrote librettos, stories and comedies in the evenings. First publications " Incredible adventures“In 1863, the Magazine for Education and Recreation first published his “Five Weeks in a Balloon,” a novel that opened the series of subsequent stories about adventures. Readers really liked the author’s style: in unusual conditions, the main characters experience romantic feelings and become acquainted with incredible and outlandish living conditions. Jules Verne understands that people like to read what he likes to invent. Therefore, several more novels are being published in the continuation of the cycle. Among them are “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, “Children of Captain Grant”, “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”, “Around the World in 80 Days” and others. But not all publishers shared the views of readers and the writer himself. So in 1863, when Verne wrote the novel “Paris in the Twentieth Century,” the publisher returned the manuscript to him, calling the author a writer and a blockhead. He did not like some of the “unreal inventions” that Verne described in great detail. It was about the telegraph, the automobile and the electric chair.

Family and eternal problems of the son

Jules Verne met his future wife Honorine at a friend's wedding in Amiens. She was a widow and had two children from a previous marriage. The very next year they got married, and in 1871 their son Michel was born. There was always some trouble with his only son: he was one of the worst at school, and he was also a hooligan, so Jules Verne sent him to a colony for teenagers. But then they had to take him away from there: Michel tried to commit suicide. And his father assigned him to a merchant ship as an assistant. After returning to France, Michel continued to go into debt. But already in 1888, he tried himself as a journalist and writer: several of his essays were published under his father’s name. By the way, after the death of Jules Verne, he wrote his biography and published several novels, which later turned out to be his works. Michel Verne was also a director; it was he who made several films based on the plots of Jules Verne's novels.

Traveling for inspiration

Jules Verne often left France. He had not so much a desire to see the world as to change his worldview and get acquainted with the culture of other peoples. As a geographer, he knew a lot of interesting things, but he understood that he did not know even more. He was interested in scientific discoveries, he was drawn to knowledge both as a scientist and as a writer - after all, in his novels one can trace not only specific facts from science, but also dreams that will soon become reality. Therefore, it is not surprising that Jules Verne is not afraid to travel on his own yacht to the shores of England and Scotland. In 1861 he sailed to Scandinavia, and then to America - in 1867 he visited Niagara and New York. In 1878, Verne traveled around the Mediterranean on a yacht: his route included Lisbon, Algeria, Gibraltar and Tangier. Four years later, he is drawn to Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. The Russian Empire was also in his plans, but a storm prevented him from reaching present-day St. Petersburg. In 1884, he again got ready to sail on his yacht Saint-Michel III, this time he visited Malta and Italy, and was again in Algeria. All these trips eventually became part of the plots of his books.

What Jules Verne predicted and where he went wrong in his books

As a science fiction writer, he foresaw many innovations in science. So in his books, many decades before their inventions, he talks about airplanes and helicopters, the electric chair as a form of punishment, television and video communications, flights into space and satellite launches (there wasn’t even such a word then), the construction of TurkSib and even Eiffel Tower. But what Verne got a little wrong with was the ocean at the South Pole and the uncharted continent at the North Pole. Everything turned out to be exactly the opposite. He also guessed wrong when he wrote about the cold core of the earth. In addition, the “Nautilus” he described is so perfect that science has not yet been able to do submarine with such functions.

"Towards immortality and eternal youth"

In 1896, a tragic incident occurred in the life of Jules Verne: his mentally ill nephew shot the writer in the ankle. Due to injury, Vern was never able to travel. But the plots for next books were already in Jules Verne’s head, so in 20 years he managed to write 16 more novels and many short stories. A few years before his death, Jules Verne went blind and could no longer write himself, so he dictated his books to stenographers. Jules Verne died of diabetes at the age of 77. After his death, over 20 thousand notebooks were left, written in his hand, about various inventions and facts from the history of mankind. The science fiction writer was buried in Amiens, the inscription on the monument that stands on his grave reads: “To immortality and eternal youth.”

Titles and awards

In 1892, Jules Verne became a Knight of the Legion of Honor. In 1999 - Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame / Hall of Fame (posthumously)

  • Jules Verne's books have been translated into 148 languages, and he himself is the second most popular author in the world, after Agatha Christie.
  • Most often he worked fifteen hours a day: from five in the morning to eight in the evening.
  • “Journey to the Center of the Earth” was banned in the 19th century. Russian Empire. The clergy decided that the book was anti-religious.
  • Jules Verne was accepted into the Geographical Society of France due to his frequent travels.
  • Captain Nemo from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was originally a Polish aristocrat who built a submarine to take revenge on the Russians. But the editor advised changing the details, because Verne’s books had already begun to be translated into Russian and sold in Russia.

Jules Verne - writer and geographer, recognized classic of adventure literature, founder of the science fiction genre. Lived and worked in the 19th century. According to UNESCO statistics, Verne's works rank second in the world in terms of the number of translations. We will consider the life and work of this amazing person.

Jules Verne: biography. Childhood

The writer was born in the small French town of Nantes on February 8, 1828. His father owned a legal firm and was very famous among the townspeople. His mother, of Scottish origin, loved art and even taught literature at a local school for some time. It is believed that it was she who instilled in her son a love of books and set him on the path of writing. Although his father saw in him only the continuer of his business.

Since childhood, Jules Verne, whose biography is presented here, was between two fires, raised by such dissimilar people. No wonder he was hesitant about which path to take. IN school years He read a lot, his mother picked out books for him. But having matured, he decided to become a lawyer, for which he went to Paris.

Already as an adult, he will write a short autobiographical essay in which he will talk about his childhood, his father’s desire to teach him the basics of law, and his mother’s attempts to raise him as an artist. Unfortunately, the manuscript has not been preserved; only those closest to him read it.


So, upon reaching adulthood, Verne goes to Paris to study. At this time, the pressure from the family was so strong that the future writer literally ran away from home. But even in the capital he does not find the long-awaited peace. The father decides to continue guiding his son, so he secretly tries to help him get into law school. Vern finds out about this, deliberately fails his exams and tries to enter another university. This continues until there is only one faculty of law left in Paris, where the young man has not yet tried to enter.

Vern passed the exams with flying colors and studied for the first six months, when he learned that one of the teachers had known his father for a long time and was his friend. This was followed by a major family quarrel, after which the young man did not communicate with his father for a long time. Nevertheless, in 1849 Jules Verne graduated from the Faculty of Law. Qualification upon completion of training - licentiate of law. However, he is in no hurry to return home and decides to stay in Paris. By this time, Verne had already begun to collaborate with the theater and met such masters as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas. He directly informs his father that he will not continue his business.

Theater activities

Over the next few years, Jules Verne experiences dire need. The biography even testifies that the writer spent six months of his life on the street, since there was nothing to pay for the room. But this did not encourage him to return to the path chosen by his father and become a lawyer. In these Hard times and Verne's first work was born.

One of his friends from the university, seeing his plight, decides to arrange a meeting for his friend at the main Historic Parisian Theater. A potential employer studies the manuscript and realizes that this is an incredibly talented writer. So in 1850, a production of Verne’s play “Broken Straws” appeared on stage for the first time. It brings the writer his first fame, and well-wishers appear ready to finance his work.

Cooperation with the theater continues until 1854. Verne's biographers call this period the initial period in the writer's career. At this time, the main stylistic features his texts. Over the years of theatrical work, the writer has published several comedies, stories and librettos. Many of his works continued to be performed for many years.

Literary success

Jules Verne learned a lot of useful skills from his collaboration with the theater. The books of the next period differ greatly in their themes. Now the writer was seized with a thirst for adventure; he wanted to describe what no other author had been able to do. This is how the first cycle, called “Extraordinary Journeys,” was born.

In 1863, the first work of the cycle “Five Weeks in a Balloon” was published. Readers praised it highly. The reason for its success was that Verne supplemented the romantic line with adventure and fantastic details - for that time this was an unexpected innovation. Realizing his success, Jules Verne continued to write in the same style. Books are coming out one after another.

“Extraordinary Travels” brought the writer fame and glory, first in his homeland and then in the world. His novels were so multifaceted that everyone could find something interesting for themselves. Literary criticism I saw in Jules Verne not just the founder of the science fiction genre, but also a man who believed in scientific and technological progress and the power of the mind.


Jules Verne's travels were not only on paper. Most of all, the writer loved sea travel. He even had three yachts that bore the same name - Saint-Michel. In 1859, Verne visited Scotland and England, and in 1861 - Scandinavia. 6 years after that, he went on a transatlantic cruise on the then-famous Great Eastern steamship in the USA, saw Niagara Falls, and visited New York.

In 1878, the writer travels on his yacht around Mediterranean Sea. On this trip he visited Lisbon, Gibraltar, Tangier and Algiers. Later he also sailed again on his own to England and Scotland.

Jules Verne's travels are becoming increasingly large-scale. And in 1881 he set off on a long voyage to Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. There were also plans to visit St. Petersburg, but a storm prevented this plan. The writer's last expedition took place in 1884. Then he visited Malta, Algeria and Italy, as well as a number of other Mediterranean countries. These travels formed the basis of many of Verne's novels.

The reason for stopping travel was an accident. In March 1886, Verne was attacked and seriously injured by his mentally ill nephew, Gaston Verne.

Personal life

In his youth, the writer was in love several times. But all the girls, despite signs of attention from Verne, got married. This upset him so much that he founded a circle called “Eleven Bachelors’ Dinners,” which included his acquaintances, musicians, writers and artists.

Verne's wife was Honorine de Vian, who came from a very wealthy family. The writer met her in the small town of Amiens. Vern came here to celebrate his cousin's wedding. Six months later, the writer asked for his beloved’s hand in marriage.

Jules Verne's family lived happily. The couple loved each other and did not need for anything. The marriage produced a son, who was named Michel. The father of the family was not present at the birth, as he was in Scandinavia at that time. Growing up, Verne's son became seriously involved in cinematography.


The works of Jules Verne were not only bestsellers of their time, they remain in demand and loved by many today. In total, the author wrote more than 30 plays, 20 stories and stories and 66 novels, among which there are unfinished ones and published only in the 20th century. The reason that interest in Verne’s work does not subside is the writer’s ability not only to create bright storylines and describe amazing adventures, but also portray interesting and lively characters. His characters are no less attractive than the events that happen to them.

Let's list the most famous works Jules Verne:

  • "Journey to the Center of the Earth."
  • "From the Earth to the Moon."
  • "Lord of the world".
  • "Around the Moon"
  • "Around the world in 80 Days".
  • "Michael Strogoff"
  • "Flag of the Motherland."
  • "15-year-old captain."
  • “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, etc.

But in his novels, Verne not only talks about the greatness of science, but also warns: knowledge can also be used for criminal purposes. This attitude towards progress is typical late works writer.

"The Children of Captain Grant"

The novel was published in parts from 1865 to 1867. It became the first part of the famous trilogy, which was continued by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and The Mysterious Island. The work has a three-part form and is divided depending on who is the main character of the story. The main goal of the travelers is to find Captain Grant. For this they have to visit South America, Australia and New Zealand.

"Captain Grant's Children" is recognized as one of best novels Verna. This is an excellent example of not only adventure, but also youth literature, so it will be easy to read even for a schoolchild.

"Mysterious Island"

This is a Robinsonade novel that was published in 1874. It is the final part of the trilogy. The action of the work takes place on an imaginary island, where Captain Nemo decided to settle, having sailed there on the Nautilus submarine he created. By chance, five heroes who escaped from captivity in a hot air balloon end up on the same island. They begin to develop desert lands, with help from them scientific knowledge. However, it soon becomes clear that the island is not so uninhabited.


Jules Verne (his biography does not confirm that he was seriously involved in science) predicted many discoveries and inventions in his novels. We list the most interesting of them:

  • A television.
  • Space flights, including interplanetary ones. The writer also predicted a number of aspects of space exploration, for example, the use of aluminum in the construction of a projectile car.
  • Scuba gear.
  • Electric chair.
  • An airplane, including one with an inverted thrust vector, and a helicopter.
  • Construction of the Trans-Mongolian and Trans-Siberian Railways.

But the writer also had unfulfilled assumptions. For example, the underground strait located under the Suez Canal was never discovered. It also became impossible to fly in a cannon shell to the Moon. Although it was precisely because of this mistake that Tsiolkovsky decided to study space flight.

For his time, Jules Verne was amazing person, who was not afraid to look into the future and dream of scientific discoveries that even scientists could not imagine.

Who doesn’t know the popular French writer, one of the founders of science fiction, Jules Verne. The author wrote for both teenagers and adults; in his works he managed to capture the entrepreneurial spirit of the 19th century, the charm of the people of that generation, scientific inventions and achievements of the technical revolution.

Jules Verne's books are more distinguished by the form of writing in the form of notes, which allows you to become even more immersed in the thoughts of the characters. Some of the author's ideas turned out to be prophetic.

Features of the work of Jules Verne

Jules Verne was one of the first who decided to raise the problem of the moral side of scientific discoveries, which several decades later led to many discussions and debates: whether or not humanity should be on the same planet with deadly man-made monsters like the atomic or hydrogen bomb.

The author's popularity came instantly; all his novels were liked by the public. Majority Russian writers such as Saltykov-Shchedrin, Leo Tolstoy, Turgenev wrote positive reviews of the works and never ceased to be amazed at the virtuosity of Verne’s imagination. Dmitry Mendeleev was also a fan of the author and called him a “scientific genius.”

The best books by Jules Verne online:

Over time, science has gone far ahead, ahead of the heroes from the books of Jules Verne. But what's surprising here? But that's just Once again confirms that Jules Verne was able to realize his long-standing and only dream: to unite science and art.

Brief biography of Jules Verne

The future writer was born in 1828 in the city of Nantes. He grew up in a family of lawyers, so from childhood he was immersed in the legal environment, which influenced his future life. After finishing school he went to Paris to study legal laws. At the same time, Jules Verne began to become interested in literature.

He often wrote comedies and stories. In 1850, his play was staged for the first time in the theater, and in 1863 the first novel in the “Extraordinary Journeys” series was published. Since then, Jules Verne tried many things, but never stopped writing.

The first book brought the author great success. Motivated by positive criticism, the writer decided to continue writing adventure novels with the wonders of science. Verne traveled around the USA, the Mediterranean and all of Europe. His creative achievements include 66 novels, many plays and stories.

In 1886, during a shootout with his mentally ill nephew, Jules Verne was seriously wounded in the leg. After which I had to give up traveling. In 1892, the writer was awarded the title of Knight of the Legion of Honor. Before his death, the writer became blind and had to dictate last chapters their books. Jules Verne died of diabetes in 1905.

Creator of the classic adventure novel. A writer whose works are ageless - and a hundred years later they will be read with the same pleasure as a hundred years ago.

Take a look - and even now you will see it in the cinema! and on television screens there are dozens of film adaptations of Jules Verne’s novels.

"Twenty thousand leagues under the sea." The story of Professor Pierre Aronnax and his friends, who by chance found themselves on the underwater ship of the mysterious Captain Nemo...

The heroes travel across three oceans, searching for the shipwrecked Scottish patriot, Captain Grant. The work contains widely developed pictures of nature and people’s lives in various parts Sveta.

Artist: P. Lugansky

In “Around the World in 80 Days,” Verne describes an imperturbable Englishman and his efficient servant, who, on a bet, rush to circumnavigate the globe as quickly as possible, experiencing a lot of adventures. Unlike many other fictional journeys in Verne's books, which took place on fantastic, not yet invented means of transport, here the heroes used already existing means.

Before you is the book “Captain Nemo” - the famous trilogy of adventure novels by the talented dreamer and storyteller Jules Verne. These exciting novels, loved by children and adults all over the world, are united by common characters, the main one being the extraordinary inventor and fighter for justice, Captain Nemo.

“Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” is one of the most famous novels by Jules Verne, telling about trip around the world the uncharted depths of the sea with the fearless crew of Captain Nemo.

“The Mysterious Island” is a Robinsonade novel about five Americans who, by chance, find themselves on a desert island, and over time they realize that something mystical and inexplicable is happening there.

"Captain Grant's Children" is a novel about the exciting and dangerous adventures of Mary and Robert, who set out in search of their father, Captain Grant, whose ship was shipwrecked somewhere in the southern hemisphere.

A famous scientist accidentally discovers in lava samples from a northern volcano the remains of animals that disappeared from Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. Is it really under earth's crust all these countless centuries it has been hidden from people prehistoric world giant dinosaurs and pterodactyls, ichthyosaurs and other monsters that official science considers long dead?!

The expedition to the center of the Earth begins.

And even its brave participants themselves do not yet know how many exciting and deadly adventures they will experience in " lost world"Where no man has ever gone before...

During times civil war In the USA, five brave northerners escape captivity in a hot air balloon. A terrible storm washes them ashore desert island. The courage and talents of the new settlers of the island help them arrange their lives without experiencing the need for food, clothing, warmth and comfort. The peaceful stay of the “Robinsons” on the island is disrupted by the threat of an attack by pirates, but some mysterious force helps them in the most difficult situations.

The book contains 129 illustrations.

Jules Verne wrote his large popular science work “The History of Great Travels and Great Travelers” over the course of 16 years. It vividly and entertainingly describes the most significant travels, discoveries, events that gradually changed man's understanding of the geography of the world, erased blank spots on maps, promised riches and became causes of wars. The author covered the period from ancient times to the 40s of the 19th century. In his work, he was greatly assisted by the geographer, translator and librarian Gabriel Marcel. The first volume of the History, entitled The Discovery of the Earth, covers the period from ancient times to the end of the 17th century, including the Age of Discovery. The translation in this book is based on the “canonical” translation of E. Brandis, first published in the 50s. XX century. It was rechecked with the original, inaccuracies in the text were corrected and extensive denominations were restored. Translation of missing passages - A. Moskvina. He also re-compiled a list of additional literature.