Outline of a lesson in mathematics (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of GCD in the preparatory group "Sea voyage". GCD for preparation group "Travel to Antarctica"

Elena Mambetova
Summary of open GCD in preparatory group in mathematics

Summary of open GCD in mathematics in the preparatory group

"Journey to the Planet" Mathematics»

Target: Consolidation mathematical knowledge and skills through play - travel.



Practice counting within 10 forwards and backwards;

- consolidate concepts: "previous", "subsequent", "neighbours" the named number;

To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons,

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a plane.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish concepts: higher - lower, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.

Develop the skill of answering questions completely.


Create conditions for development logical thinking, intelligence, attention,

Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination, fine motor skills hands

Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.


Develop speech, the ability to argue, reason, prove.


To develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and carry it out independently.

Cultivate interest in math classes.

Foster friendly relationships between children and the habit of studying together.

Preliminary work with children:

Guessing riddles, solving logical problems, solution of simple arithmetic problems, calendar monitoring, individual lessons

Methodical techniques:

Game: Using surprise moments.

Visual: using cards, screen.

Verbal: reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children.

Encouragement, lesson analysis.

Equipment: computer, numbers, notebooks, counting sticks, ball.

Demo material: cards depicting figures made from counting sticks.

Dispensing material: math sets, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks, geometric shapes.

Progress of the lesson:

I - Guys, guests have come to our lesson, let's give them our smiles and greet them. We will try to be in class attentive and answer questions well. And now they sat down beautifully, legs put together, back straight. Let's start the lesson with a poem.

So that as a doctor, a sailor

Or become a pilot.

First of all, we must

Know mathematics.

And there are no professions in the world,

Will you notice?

Wherever you need it


- “Guys, what do you think we are going to do with you today? We will go into space to the planet Mathematicians. Great difficulties await us there, but I think you can cope with them."

- “What will you and I go on? In front of you is a piece of paper, and on it are numbers. By connecting the numbers in order, we will find out what we will fly on.” - “So what will you and I fly on? What did we get?" (Rocket)

II – But in order for our rocket to rise, we need to correctly press the necessary buttons from 1 to 10.

Ball game "Say the number" Educator asks: - Which number is called the previous one (the one that comes before the one named) and what is the next one? (the one that comes after the one named). The teacher throws the ball to each child individually: - “I will throw the ball and call the number, you, throwing the ball back to me, will call the previous and subsequent numbers.”

Well done. We completed the task, now take your seats and get your fingers ready.

Finger gymnastics

Luno, luno, lunar rover

Takes flight.

Ready, attention, ignition


III – “We flew (slide No. 1). In the meantime, while you and I are flying, so as not to get bored, I will tell you riddles. Listen attentively:

1) The apples in the garden are ripe,

We managed to taste them:

8 rosy, liquid,

1 sour.

How many are there? (8)

2) 4 are sitting on a tree birds: 2 sparrows, the rest crows.

How many crows (2)

3) Murka cat-mouse trap

Ate three mice in the pantry,

And now she has crept up to the hole.

Tsap! Another one caught

That's how Murka is! How old is she

We managed to catch the mice. (4)

4) Five crows sat on the roof,

Two more arrived to them.

Answer quickly and boldly

How many of them arrived? (7)

5) A star fell from the sky,

I dropped in to visit the children.

Two scream after her:

"Don't forget your friends!"

How many bright stars gone missing

Has the star fallen from the sky? (3)

6) I got up tonight

I counted all the stars:

Three - on the window,

Two - on a feather bed,

One in the cap

On a green chest.

I counted, I worked,

But then I lost count.

Help me again

7) They gave us a riddle,

Let's count in order:

2 stars and 3 comets

They're walking somewhere in space

Who can help me guess what number this is? (5)

IV- “Guys, we didn’t even notice how quickly you and I arrived. (slide No. 2) What do you think the inhabitants of the planet like to do most? Mathematicians(solve problems and perform math problems) . Look, there are tasks prepared for us here, pay attention to the screen.

1 task: “What is extra and why?” (slide No. 3-6)

All numbers and one letter and vice versa;

All quadrilaterals and one pentagon;

All figures are green, one is red;

If the answer is correct, the extra picture will disappear. Main! Don't forget to prove why this particular picture is redundant.

Exercise for the eyes. Think over the clouds

The sun played hide and seek with the clouds (close, open your eyes)

The sun was counting the clouds and flying clouds.

Gray clouds to the right,

Black clouds to the left

Lungs - two things, (eyes up)

Heavy - three things, (eyes down)

The clouds said goodbye, the clouds are gone, (cover your eyes with your palms)

The sun was shining in full force in the sky. (wide open your eyes)

2 task: “Name the geometric shapes” (slide No. 8)

3 task: Mathematical dictation(slide number 10)

Following dictation instructions, children arrange geometric shapes into different parts of the sheet.

Rectangle in the upper right corner

There is a square in the upper left corner

There is an oval in the lower right corner

Triangle in the lower left corner

And in the middle there is a circle

After completing the task, children check whether it was completed correctly by saying each action.

Well done! Now we'll take a little rest.


(Starting position : standing scattered)

One, two - there is a rocket.

(raise your arms up to your sides, palms together above your head)

Three, four - an airplane.

(arms to the sides, shake slightly with straight arms)

One, two - clap your hands. (clap our hands)

And then on every count T: (we walk in place)

One, two, three, four - (clap our hands)

Arms higher, shoulders wider, (hands up and down)

One, two, three, four - (clap our hands)

And they walked around on the spot. (we walk in place)

How the springs all squatted

And they sat down at once.

4 task “Name the number you have in mind” (slide No. 12)

Each of you has your own set of numbers. I ask a question, you think, and you show the answer with a number.

This number is greater than 1 and less than three

This number is a neighbor of numbers 6 and 8

This number is between the numbers 5 and 7

5 task "Make it like this" (counting sticks). (slide No. 14)

The teacher displays a picture - a sample. Children make a pattern using counting sticks according to the sample

V – All tasks have been completed, and now it’s time for us to return home. But to fly back, we need to find other buttons.


Well done!

We say our magic code and go into space - 3 5 9 1 8 6!

Start! Let's fly!

VI “And while you and I are flying - a small "Mental workout"

What time of year is it now? What about a month?

How many days are there in a week? (seven)

Name them.

Today is Tuesday, what about tomorrow?

What arithmetic signs do you know?

If a ruler is longer than a pencil, then is it a pencil?

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair?

If the road is wider than the path, then is it a path?

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother?

VII.- Summing up.

- We've landed! Children, did you enjoy our trip?

What did we do? What did you like most?

I really liked what you did today! You were persistent attentive, smart and therefore you managed to complete all the tasks. Thank you! Let's give ourselves a pat. Well done!

GCD in mathematics

in the preparatory school group

on the topic: “The Flower of the Seven Flowers.”

Target: consolidation and systematization of children’s knowledge in mathematics for the first half of the school year.


1. Continue to teach how to compare adjacent numbers, establish their sequence, and mentally count from 1 to 10 in forward and reverse order.

2. Develop spatial orientation and eye.

3. Practice comparing objects by height.

4. Continue to teach how to determine the place of a number in the natural series.

5. Practice solving problems, strengthen the ability to divide an object into 2 and 4 equal parts.

6. Develop intelligence, attention, creativity, imagination.

Preliminary work: fixing forward and backward counting within 10, solving problems, working with counting sticks, in workbooks.

Material: a house with the composition of the number 10, petals of a seven-flowered flower, a helium balloon, a letter.

GCD move.


Guys, today we invited guests to show what we have learned.

What's your mood today?

Do you like mathematics?

Note the mood in which you will begin to do mathematics today. (we invite children to choose a colored circle of their choice) Why did you choose this color?

Answer options:

1. I chose blue, because I want to invent and compose.

2. I like red. I want to be fast, energetic. Do everything quickly.

3. I chose yellow. I want to be smart to achieve goals.

4. I love green. I want everyone to be friendly and kind. When I look at the color green, I feel calm and joyful.

5. I like purple. I want to remember everything quickly.

6. I chose blue. He always calms me down. When I look at him, I think better.

7. I like orange. I feel happy and happy. I want to do something, invent something, play.

A helium balloon flies into the hall with a letter. .

"Hello. The girl Zhenya from the fairy tale “The Flower of the Seven Flowers” ​​is writing to you asking for help in finding the petals of the Flower of the Seven Flowers that was scattered by the wind. But it’s not that easy, you need to complete tasks.”

Guys, do you agree to help the girl?

Look on the table there are petals scattered by the wind from a flower of seven flowers, a task is written on them, but the petal will be attached if the task is completed correctly.

Task No. 1 “What is mathematics for?”

Let's tell you why mathematics is needed?

Answer options:

1. Knowing the numbers, you can find out your house number.

2. You can determine the time.

4. You will find out how many sweets I will have left if I treat my friends.

Task No. 2 “Game Storm”

Guys, even in the game, need to be able to count.

Breathing exercises

(After the game, the children show how the wind blows different strengths and sit on the chairs).

Task No. 3 “Tasks”

Now the task is to solve the problems.

1. One bunny bought 3 carrots, the other bought one carrot. How many carrots did both bunnies buy?

2. Sasha bought 4 apples and ate one. How many apples does he have left?

3. Dad bought Vadik 5 books. The boy gave one book to his friend. How many books are left?

4. There are four nesting dolls on the shelf. The seller supplied another one. How many nesting dolls are on the shelf now?


“We understand everyone’s hands”

Three, four - arms wider,

Five, six - sit down quietly.

Let's sit and relax

And then we'll start again.

Task No. 4 “Composition of the number 10”

(Children fill out the table)






"Happy week."

All week in order,

The eyes are doing exercises.

- On Monday when they wake up

The eyes will smile at the sun,

Look down at the grass

And back to heights.

Raise your eyes up; lower them down, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

- On Tuesday watch eyes,

They look here and there,

They go left, they go right

They will never get tired.

Turn your eyes to right side, and then to the left, the head is motionless; (relieves eye strain).

- On Wednesday we play blindman's buff,

Close our eyes tightly.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's open our eyes.

We close our eyes and open

So we continue the game.

- On Thursdays we look into the distance

There's no time for this,

What's near and what's far

You should look at your eyes.

Look straight ahead, place your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from your eyes, turn your gaze to the tip of your finger and look at it, lower your hand. (Strengthens the eye muscles and improves their coordination)

- On Friday we didn't yawn

The eyes ran around.

Stop, and again

Run in the other direction.

Raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back: left, down, right and up again; (improves complex eye movements)

- Even on Saturday day off,

We are not lazy with you.

We look for corners,

To make the pupils move.

Look at the upper right corner, then the lower left; move your gaze to the upper left corner and lower right (improves complex eye movements)

- On Sunday we'll sleep

And then we'll go for a walk,

To harden your eyes

You need to breathe air.

Close your eyelids, massage them using circular movements of your fingers: the upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa (relaxes the muscles and improves blood circulation)

No gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes cannot live!


“We understand everyone’s hands”

We all raise our hands - this is “one”

The head turned - it’s “two”,

Hands down, look forward - that's "three"

Hands turned wider to the sides to “four”

Pressing them forcefully to your shoulders is a high five.

All the guys sit down quietly - this is “six”.

Three, four - arms wider,

Five, six - sit down quietly.

Let's sit and relax

And then we'll start again.

Task No. 5 “Neighbors of numbers”

I'll tell you a story. Once upon a time, a long time ago, on the same street they built new house for numbers, so that they all live together and are not bored (a number series is posted). When all the numbers became acquainted, they began to live together. But now we will check how you know what neighbors each number has.

Name the neighbors of the number 3? (2.4)

What numbers live next to 5? (4.6)

Name the neighbor of number 6 on the right? (7)

Name the neighbor of number 7 on the left? (6)

What number lives to the left of the number 8? (7)

What are the neighbors of the number 9? (8.10)

Game "Find the same number"

The children are given numbers from zero to 10, the children run to the music, and at the end of the music the children must find a pair for themselves using the same number.

Task No. 6 “Intellectual problems with a ball”

I will throw you the ball and ask you a question, and you answer the question and return the ball to me.

    How many days are there in a week? (7)

    How many angles does a square have? (4)

    How many tails do five cows have? (5)

    How many paws do two geese have? (4)

    What arithmetic signs do you know?

    If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?

    If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair...?

    If the road is wider than the path, then is it a path?

    Name the neighbor number 7 on the left, on the right

    Name the number following the number 5. (6)

    How many months are there in a year? (12)

    What are all the figures with four corners called?

    Name the neighbors of the environment.

    What day of the week is before Friday?

    Name the weekend days of the week.

    What days is Monday between?

    How many ears do two cats have? (4)

    How many eyes does a traffic light have? (3)

    How many fingers are on one hand? (5)

    How many suns are there in the sky? (1)

    How many paws do two dogs have? (8)

    How many fingers are there on two hands? (10)

    How many days off are there in a week? (2)

    How many suns are there in the sky at night? (0)

    What number is greater than 8 but less than 10? (9).

Guys, you know so much, you are future first-graders, you will soon go to school. And the last task of Flower of the Seven Flowers is “Comparison of numbers”.

Task No. 7 “Comparing numbers”

I will tell you the inequality of numbers, and if I say it correctly, you answer “yes,” and if it’s wrong, “no.”


1. 3>2, 2<3

2. 5<4, 6>5

3. 4>3 on 1

4. 5<6 на 1

5. 7<6 на 1

6. 8>9 on 1

GCD result

So you and I have collected the Flower of the Seven Flowers, all that remains is to send it to Zhenya in a balloon and wish her not to waste the petals in vain (the balloon flies away).


There are red and yellow emoticons on the tray

Reds - I didn’t like the lesson (why didn’t I like it?)

Yellow - liked the lesson (what did you like?)

What difficulties did you have?

1.form ideas about the geographical location, climate, animals of Antarctica, repeat the structural features of birds, conduct an experiment proving the adaptability of animals to their habitat;
2.develop attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination, observation, cognitive interest, coherent speech, and the ability to draw conclusions;
3. cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a respectful attitude towards interlocutors.
METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT: cardboard egg, globe, seven-flowered flower, model of an icebreaker, models of icebergs, penguin toys, starfish, panels with animals, parts of a map with an inscription, video and audio accompaniment, glasses of water, napkins, Vaseline, models of the mother of the penguin , photos of penguins by number of children.
VOCABULARY: icebreaker, iceberg, penguin kindergarten, ocean, distinctive features.
PRELIMINARY WORK: examining a globe, maps, the game “Collect the whole”, reading books about Antarctica and looking at illustrations, memorizing poems, performing massages and health-improving exercises, playing “Who’s the odd one out”, “Say the opposite”, “Zoological lotto”, drawing on the topic Antarctica, sculpting penguins.
MOTIVATION: the appearance in the group of a little penguin who lost his mother.
EDUCATIONAL AREAS used during direct educational activities: cognitive development, social and communicative, physical development.
1. Introductory part.
The teacher brings a cardboard egg into the hall.
The house is round, the house is white,
When will it finally crack?
Guys, look what the group got to us. And it looks completely intact. A young man will jump out into the wild!

Whose egg do you think this is? Who can emerge from it (listens to the children’s answers). And in order to find out who is there, I suggest you guess the riddle. And I look like a chick. Where can I find it? Guess what! I... (Penguin) Educator: guys, do you think the little penguin didn’t mix up anything, is he really a bird? (children prove this by naming the characteristic features of birds) And his name is Peter. Guys, where can we look for the penguin’s mother? Look, the egg is not simple, there is something in it. This is a map, let's collect it and find out where Peter lives. (If you add them up correctly, you will get a map of Antarctica. While completing the task, the background music "Song of the Baby Mammoth" is turned on. Children work with the globe and look for Antarctica on them.) You are cold even in appearance. You lie like an icy spot. (educator) The ocean is covered with ice, It is from edge to edge the Kingdom of cold and darkness. Educator: yes, guys, in winter there are often blizzards and frosts raging here. The thickness of the ice in the ocean reaches the height of our kindergarten. What is the name of this ocean? Let's catch the ocean inhabitant and find out! (they come across a starfish who says that the ocean is not warm, not scary, there are no raging waves in it, not loud) So which one means? (cold, quiet) Children name the animal and tell Peter what they know about it. Educator: Guys, let's choose animals with which Peter can be friends! (game “find the odd one out”) Why did we leave the petrel and sea lion in place? (they give reasons)

Educator: look at this animal, it’s called an elephant seal. (story)
Educator: Guys, look at some animals in front of us, maybe among them are Peter’s mom and dad? (Antarctic animals appear on the tablet: sperm whale, leopard seal, blue whale, albatross, crabeater seal)
Kingdom of Mother Winter.
Like an icy desert -
The waves do not rage in it.

Educator: Let's take the little penguin to Antarctica, because that's where his relatives live. And at the same time, you and I will explore this continent. And Tsvetik-seven-flower will help us get there. What color do you think the petal should be torn off? And why white? And what will we go there on? (on an icebreaker) And why on it? So, sit down more comfortably, take Peter with us and say the words: fly, fly petal and help us find Antarctica!

You're on a colored globe
Antarctica, Antarctica,
3. Main part.
I am neither a goose nor a peacock.
What kind of bird is my mother?
I'm fresh out of the egg
2. Activating children's attention.
“Let's get warm” (carrying out a warming massage and health-improving gymnastics)
Educator: Guys, aren’t you cold? To avoid getting sick, let's warm up a little.
stroke the edges of the ears (4 times);
press on the earlobes (4 times);
rub your nose with a glove, tug it (4 times);
play on your head with your fingers;
Rub your palms together until you feel intense warmth.
Walking on toes;
jumping from ice floe to ice floe;

“like a penguin swims” IP - lying on your stomach, arms along your body, raise your head and legs, sway. Educator: Guys, while you and I were warming up, something else appeared ahead. Let's swim closer and find out what it is. These ice blocks are called icebergs. They float because the wind pushes them. They come in a wide variety of bizarre shapes. For example, like this (the teacher shows silhouettes cut out of polystyrene foam). What do these ice floes look like? Guys, what do you think will happen to the icebergs if they get to us?

5. Continuation of the main part of the lesson.
Our icebreaker stopped, which means we have arrived at the place. Everyone, as one, jumps into the water together, Everyone, as one, knows no fear in the sea, Everyone, as one, lives in a friendly flock. 6. Conducting the experiment.
Let's imagine that our finger is a penguin. Dip your finger into a container of water and remove it. Look at him carefully. And if there was a severe frost now, what would happen to him? Now lubricate them lightly with Vaseline. Place your finger in the water again and remove it. What did you notice? Now try to explain this incident with the penguin.
Educator: Look, here are the penguins, they jump out of the water together and shake themselves off, splashes fly in all directions from them (watch the video). Why aren’t they covered with ice, since they crawl out of the water in such severe frost? To understand how penguins adapted to such conditions, let's do an experiment.
Everyone, as one, quickly swims into the sea,
All of them, as one, never fly,
How do we recognize the penguin breed?
Think about where a person uses the phenomenon of non-wetting?
The mother penguins saw Peter and lined up, listen to how they make noise and quarrel, whose son is this. Let's resolve this dispute and find out who his mother is. (children find their mother by distinctive features).

Now let's watch a video about some facts from the life of St. Petersburg. (Children watch the video “hatching an egg,” “penguin kindergarten.” Our journey has come to an end, it’s time to return. Goodbye penguins! Where is our seven-flowered flower? What kind of petal are we Shall we tear it off? (they say the words: help us petal, get to our home!) Here we are.

Topic: “Journey to the land of Dunno and Why”
Age School preparatory group.
Direction Cognitive-speech
Main educational area "Cognition"
Integrated Areas - Communication
-Reading fiction.
Form of implementation Joint activities of children and adults.
Goal To consolidate quantitative account.
Counting forward and backward.
Educational objectives: to cultivate interest in mathematics, maintain a positive emotional attitude; develop the ability to listen to an adult, quickly complete tasks, and help a friend.
Developmental: develop spatial orientation and eye, intelligence, attention, creativity, imagination.
Educational: continue to teach how to compare adjacent numbers, establish their sequence, count mentally from 1 to 10 in forward and reverse order; practice comparing objects by height; continue to teach how to determine the place of a number in the natural series; consolidate the ability to divide an object into 2 and 4 parts.
Planned result: Strengthen verbal counting from 1 to 10 in forward and reverse order; consolidate the ability to divide an object into 2 and 4 equal parts.
Methods and techniques Visual: showing methods of action, demonstrating pictures (illustrations).
Verbal: explanation, directions, explanations, questions for children, encouragement.
Practical: modeling, exercises.
Visual teaching aids. Demo material:
- illustration of Dunno and Pochemuchka, pictures depicting a high house and a low house:

Envelope with a letter from Dunno and Pochemuchka:

Number series:

- cards for the game “Yes-no”:
3 is greater than 2; 2 is less than 3; 5 is less than 4;
- envelopes with tasks:


Picture of circle and square:

Organization of children
Vocabulary work High, low, left, right, neighbors, textbook, riddle drawings, equally, greater than, less than signs. Individual work Teach Bogdan to compare adjacent numbers, repeat counting in reverse order with Arina, exercise Slava in solving problems.
Structure Lesson 35 minutes:
Part 1: reading the letter – 1 minute;
Part 2: game “Help me find an apartment” - 3 minutes;
Part 3: game “House for Numbers” - 3 minutes;
Part 4: physical education session – 2 minutes;
Part 5: game “What is it like” - 3 minutes;
Part 6: outdoor game “Let’s play ball” - 3 minutes;
Part 7: game “Yes-no” - 3 minutes;
Part 8: completing tasks – 2 minutes;
Part 9: lesson analysis – 2 minutes.
GCD move:
Part 1: “Reading the letter”
- Guys, today when I was walking to kindergarten on the way, I met a postman and gave me a letter, this letter was addressed to “Kindergarten No. 12 Ladushki” to group No. 5 “Dwarfs”. Do you want to know what this letter is about? (children's answers). Fine. Listen to me carefully (read the letter): “Dear guys! Pochemuchka and Dunno are writing to you. My friend Pochemuchka really likes to ask questions, but he never received answers to them, because I don’t know anything. One day I thought: “Why does the girl keep asking what and why?” But I don’t know anything and therefore I can’t answer the questions. What if Pochemuchka doesn’t want to be friends with me? And my friend Pochemuchka thinks like this: I keep asking what and why, but Dunno cannot answer my questions. And he won't be friends with me. And we decided to turn to you guys in order to maintain our friendship and find answers to all our questions.” Guys, let's help Dunno and Why? (children's answers). Pochemuchka and Dunno have prepared tasks for you. Let's try to solve them.
Part 2: game “Help me find an apartment”
- So, the first task (I take the first task out of the envelope), and it’s called “Help me find an apartment.” Here is the street where Dunno and Pochemuchka live (I show a picture of the street). Pochemuchka invited Dunno to visit and said that he lives in the tallest building on the fifth floor in the apartment on the left. Help me find his window (I call the children one by one and ask them to complete the task). Dunno also invited Pochemuchka to visit and said that he lives in the lowest building on the fourth floor, apartment on the right (I call the children one by one and ask them to complete the task). Well done. You completed the first task.
Part 3: game “House for Numbers”
- And now the second task (I take the second task out of the envelope). On the street with Dunno and Pochemuchka they built a new house for numbers, so that they could all live together and they wouldn’t be bored (I’m posting a number line). When all the numbers became acquainted, they began to live together. But Dunno and Pochemuchka don’t know what neighbors each number has, and they want to ask you about it (I ask the children questions):
Name the neighbors of the number 3? (2, 4)
What numbers live next to 5? (4, 6)
Name the neighbor of number 6 to the right? (7)
Name the neighbor of number 7 on the left?(6)
What number lives to the left of the number 8? (7)
What are the neighbors of the number 9? (8, 10)
Smart guys. And you did an excellent job with this task.
Part 4: physical education session
- And now we’ll rest and do a little warm-up:
Now guys stand up
Raise your hands slowly
Squeeze your fingers, then unclench them
Hands down and stand like that.
Leaned right, left
And get down to business again (together with the children we do physical education)
Part 5: game “What is it like”
- You and I have had a little rest and now let’s move on to the third task (I take the third task out of the envelope), and it’s called “What does it look like.” Now you must sit at the tables (the children sit at the tables, I give them drawings - riddles). Guys, each of you has riddle drawings on your table. And they were drawn by a mutual friend of Dunno and Pochemuchka Tube. He decided to play with them, and because... friends love to draw. Tube came up with riddle drawings for them. The kids wondered what Tube wished for, but they guessed nothing. Send these riddles to us. You need to add details to the figures so that you get some object (I show the children how to complete this task). Fine. Everyone turned out beautiful drawings.
Part 6: outdoor game “Let’s play ball”
- And now the fourth task, and it’s called “Let’s play ball.” You need to stand in a circle, each of you passes the ball to each other and counts from 1 to 10, and then in reverse order (I show how to play this game). Well done. You did a good job with this task.
Part 7: “Yes-no” game
-Fifth task. We already know that our friends were trying to get ready for school. This is what they did. Let me read to you how they compared the numbers. If I say correctly you shout yes, and if I say incorrectly no (read the task):
3 is more than 2 and 2 is less than 3
5 is less than 4 and 6 is more than 5
4 is more than 3 by 1
5 is less than 6 by 1
7 is less than 8 by 1
8 is more than 9 by 1
Part 8: dividing a circle and a square into parts
Sixth task. The children sit at the tables and I give them pictures of a circle and a square. I read the task to the children: Dunno and Why was treated to apples and cookies. They can't agree on who gets what. Help divide the apple and cookies equally. You need to divide the circle and the square into two parts, and the square into 4. Let's start completing the task, and I'll see who does it and how.
Part 9: lesson analysis
- Well done. You completed all the tasks. Well, the Cape and you helped Dunno and Pochemuchka. They are very grateful to us. Dunno and Pochemuchka prepared small gifts for helping them complete their assignments. Did you like the lesson? (children's answers). Who did we help today? What games did you play? What tasks have we completed? (children's answers). This is where our lesson ended.