Synopsis of a lexical and grammatical lesson on the topic "autumn". Abstract of a teacher-speech therapist in a preparatory group for children with general speech underdevelopment on the lexico-grammatical structure of speech on the topic “Autumn”

"Pictures of Autumn." Getting to know the signs of autumn.

The speech therapist shows the children one subject picture at a time and pronounces the beginning of a sentence. Children must complete it based on the picture. They then repeat the entire sentence.

It happens in autumn... (rain).

It happens in autumn... (leaf fall).

It happens in autumn... (cold).

It happens in autumn... (wind).

In autumn there are... (vegetables).

In autumn there are... (fruits).

In autumn there are... (mushrooms).

In autumn there are... (yellow leaves).

In autumn there are... (red leaves).

"Fall has come". Memorizing a poem. The speech therapist reads a poem, displaying the “gifts” of autumn on the board.

Autumn, autumn has come to us!

She brought us gifts:

yellow leaves,

Delicious mushrooms,

Vegetables and fruits,

Bread products!

Development of coherent speech

Writing a story "Autumn" according to reference subject pictures.

"Autumn has come. Katya and dad went into the forest. In the forest the trees are yellow and red. There are a lot of leaves on the ground. Dad found mushrooms. Katya put them in the basket. It’s nice to be in the forest in the fall!”

Sensory development

« Let's trace the leaf."

Each child has a sheet of paper and a natural birch or linden leaf on the table. Children put it on paper and trace along the outline with a pencil. The speech therapist's instructions:

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo,

I'll find a pencil.

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo,

I'll circle the leaf.

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh,

My leaf is small.

Blow-blow-blow, blow-blow-blow,

Wind, wind, don't blow!

Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay,

You, leaf, don't fly away!

Children, together with a speech therapist, repeat the beginning, after which they begin to work.

Working on the sound side of speech

“Repeat the nursery rhymes.”

The yellow leaf flew into the little garden.

The birds flew and sang songs.

Dima is very, very happy: he saw the leaves fall.

“Repeat friendly words”:

leaves - mushrooms;

fruits - products;

tomato - fly agaric;

leaf fall - snowfall;

titmouse birds.

Physical education-logorhythmics

Children pretend to rain by tapping index fingers across the table to the beat of a poem "Autumn".

Rain, rain

All day

Drumming on the glass.

The whole earth

The whole earth

Got wet from the water...

Y. Akim

Thematic cycle “Vegetables”

(fourth week)

Children must learn: names of main vegetables; their color, shape and taste; general word vegetables; where vegetables grow.

Lexico-grammatical games and exercises

"Basket with vegetables." Formation of phrasal speech skills.

There is a basket of vegetables on the table. The children take turns coming up to her, choosing a vegetable, showing it to the children and saying: “There is a tomato in the basket.”

"Tiny vegetables." Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

I have a tomato, and Tanya has... (tomato) because he... (small, baby).

I have a cucumber, and Masha... (cucumber) because he... (small, baby).

I have carrots, and Kolya... (carrot), because she... (small, baby). And so on.

“The children learned vegetables.” Learning a rhyming miniature.

There are four pictures on the board (onion, carrot, tomato, fly agaric). Children must find the extra item.

One two three four,

Children learned vegetables:

Onions, carrots, tomatoes,

But not a vegetable - fly agaric!

"On the table or in the table." Drawing up proposals. Practical mastery of prepositions in speech on And V, differentiation of these prepositions.

The speech therapist takes two vegetables, puts one on the table, and the other in the table (table drawer) and comments, highlighting prepositions with articulation: “The tomato is on the table, and the carrot is in the table.” Children repeat the sentence after the speech therapist, and try to compose the next sentence themselves. If necessary, a speech therapist helps.

Development of coherent speech

Compensating group

for children with speech impairments (children 5-6 years old)


— Improving the grammatical structure of speech:

1) finishing sentences - changing words according to cases;

2) drawing up proposals;

3) use of plural nouns;

4) formation of adjectives.

— Automation of the pronunciation of sounds [P] in the game.

— Development of phonemic hearing and perception, clear diction, rhythm.

— Activation of children's speech.

— Generalization and systematization of ideas about changes in nature in autumn.

— Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Autumn. Vegetables" (names of vegetables, autumn months, dictionary of verbs and signs).

- Development visual perception and attention, thinking, coordination of speech with movement, fine and gross motor skills.

- Develop skills joint activities, the ability to negotiate, taking into account the interests and desires of others.

- Develop interest in artistic expression.

— Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: subject picture “Autumn”, 3 pictures of autumn and 1 summer, 4 cut pictures according to the seasons, leaves for phonopedic exercise 1 large and 2 small, dummies (cabbage, cucumber, carrots), object pictures (Beets, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, cucumber, pepper, pumpkin, potatoes, eggplant, radishes, peas), mnemonic table “Autumn”, 4 tables, chairs according to the number of children.

Pedagogical situation: ( transition from independent activities of children to direct educational activities )

The speech therapist says: “Hello, hello, don’t yawn and give us your palms” - a greeting.

Methods and techniques:

— Dynamic exercise “Greeting”

— Speech games and exercises:

- Game "Give me a word" change by case;

- Game “Yes or no? - give the correct answer" - developing attention to other people's speech;

- Game "Fourth wheel" development of independent speech;

- - development of independent speech, attention and memory;

- Game "One-many" - use of plural nouns;

- - automation of the pronunciation of sounds [P] in the game. Development of phonemic hearing and perception, clear diction, rhythm.

- Finger games"Autumn", "Garlic" - activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Autumn. Vegetables".

— Socio-game technique: division by the name of the season into 4 companies;

- Puzzles

Game "Tops and Roots" - consolidate knowledge about vegetables

Outdoor game "Leaves"

- activation of speech

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time

Hello, hello - don't yawn stand in a circle

And give us your palms.

Together with the sun we rise, rise on tiptoes, arms up

We sing with the birds: flapping their arms like wings

WITH Good morning hand clapping - rhythm

Happy clear day steps to the rhythm

That's how great we live! right hand forward - fist raised


2. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, guess riddle:

I bring the harvest

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees.

But I don’t touch the fir trees and pines,

Because I'm called... (autumn)

Well done, of course it's autumn.

A speech therapist exhibits a plot painting “Autumn”

Today we will talk to you about autumn.

Game "Give me a word" Add the word - AUTUMN to sentences:

We waited...(autumn)

There was no... (autumn) for a long time

We are glad... (autumn)

We dress warmly... (in autumn)

We sing songs about... (autumn)

We love...(autumn)

12345 I suggest you play!

Game “Yes or no? - give the correct answer" Children repeat the correct sentence; if they do not agree, they remain silent

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Are the clouds covering the sun?

The prickly wind is coming?

Are the fogs floating in autumn?

Well, do birds build nests?

Are the bugs coming?

Do animals close their minks?

Is everyone getting the harvest?

Are flocks of birds flying away?

Does it rain often?

Are the boots available?

Is the sun shining very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Do I need to wear jackets and hats?

Well done, you all know about autumn. Go to the chairs.

12345 we continue to play.

Game "Fourth wheel" 3 pictures of autumn and 1 summer are displayed on the dock

Guys, look carefully and think which of the pictures is the odd one out. Why?

How well do you know the seasons? Be careful: let's divide into companies by seasons: winter - spring - summer - autumn….

Children name the seasons in order (divided into 4 groups) and go to their table.

Find the picture on the table and sit down.

There is an envelope with a cut picture on the table, each company needs to collect it.

Game in the companies “Name it before and after” (about my picture)

- before winter there is autumn, and after winter there is spring

Game "One-many" in companies

I will name one object for each group, and you will respond with many, for example: girl - girls.


Well done. Guess riddle:

We saw him dressed in spring and summer,

And in the fall, all the shirts fell off the poor girl.

What is this? (forest)

Why is it said: “in spring and summer we see dressed?”

Why does it say: “all the shirts fell off?” What is meant?

Have you guessed what the riddle is about?

What is the name of the phenomenon in nature when leaves fall?

Why does leaf fall happen in autumn?

Right. In order for the leaves to be green you need warmth and sun.

Trees also need time to rest so that new green leaves will appear again in the spring.

123 - assemble a circle. Let's play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Autumn”

The wind flew through the forest smooth wave-like movements of the palms

The wind counted the leaves: bend one finger at a time

Here's oak, here's maple,

Here is a carved rowan tree,

Here from the birch tree - golden,

Here last page from aspen

The wind blew it onto the path.

Outdoor game "Leaves"

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew.

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

The wind came again

And he raised the leaves up.

Spun and flew

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Phonopedic exercise “Leaflet”

Guys, let's try to sing the song of a falling leaf

PA-PA-PA (big leaves are falling loudly and slowly)

pa-pa-pa (small leaves fall quietly and quickly)

In the morning we go into the yard - the leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot and

Autumn is coming to visit us

For boys and girls

She bears a generous gift.

Guys, what is this gift? What does autumn have in store for the guys? (harvest)

Harvest of what?

Children clap and pass the names of vegetables and fruits in a circle.

Finger game "Garlic"

Our garlic has grown straighten your finger, massage on each vegetable

Pepper, tomato, zucchini,

Pumpkin, cabbage, potatoes,

Onions and a little peas.

We collected vegetables

They treated friends to them!

"Puzzles" If you guessed right, a dummy answer is shown.

What did you treat your friends to? Guess the riddles:

A matryoshka stands on one leg, wrapped up, tangled (cabbage)

Our piglets grew up in the garden

Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails.

These piglets play hide and seek with us. (cucumbers)

The girl is sitting in prison, and her scythe is on the street. (carrot)

Guys, name the answers in order. (the speech therapist changes the order of words)

How can we call our answers in one word? What is this? (vegetables)

12345 we continue to play with vegetables.

Game "Tops and Roots"

Guys, if a vegetable grows in the ground, we lower our hands down, and if a vegetable grows in a garden bed, we raise our hands up.

The speech therapist shows pictures and names vegetables, and the children raise and lower their hands accordingly:


Well done, you know vegetables well. Come on in, take a rest.

3. Summary.

What time of year were we talking about today?

Let's talk about autumn using pictures.

Working with the mnemonic table “Autumn”

What can you say about the sun in autumn? (it doesn't heat well, sunny days became less)

What is the sky like in autumn? (gloomy, cloudy, rainy, cloudy, gray, dark)

What happens to trees in autumn? (the leaves turn yellow, red, fall, the trees are bare)

What is the name of the phenomenon in nature when leaves fall from trees? (leaf fall)

What do leaves do in the fall? (turn yellow, turn red, dry up, fall, spin, fly, crumble)

What's happening to the grass? (dries out, withers, turns yellow)

What do birds do in the fall? (fly away to warmer climes)

What's the weather like in autumn? (rainy, windy, cold, cloudy, damp, gloomy, sunny, clear)

12345 we're done playing

I suggest you draw autumn.


1. Kudinova M.A. Health-saving technologies in the speech correction system for preschool children pp. 25 - 29, “Speech therapist” No. 2/2010

2. Nishcheva N.V. Subgroup notes speech therapy sessions V senior group baby lard for children with special needs. - SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDREN-PRESS” LLC, 2012.

3. Smirnova L.N.

Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 5–6 years old with general speech underdevelopment: A manual for speech therapists, defectologists and educators. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010.

4. Styapina LyuN., Rogova E.A. Cooperation between a speech therapist and parents in the correction of speech defects in children pp. 59 - 68, “Speech therapist” No. 1/2009

Lexical theme "Autumn"


Children should know:
- names of autumn months;
— the main signs of autumn;
— what happens to the trees, how the grass has changed, the meaning of the word “leaf fall”;
- what animals and birds do in the fall;
- what people do;
- what gifts autumn brought to people;
— why they say “golden” about autumn.
Extension vocabulary children:
titles: autumn, September, October, November, months, leaf fall, rain, clouds, puddles, wind, fog, dampness, bad weather, freshness, nature, harvest, garden, vegetable garden, fruits, vegetables, supplies, trees, leaves, forest, birds , animals, slush, winter, weather, withering, haze, sky, sun, people, clothes, umbrella;
signs: early, late, autumn, dull, sad, golden, farewell, foggy, distant, difficult, rich, long, short, frequent, rare, gloomy, stormy, rainy, damp, crimson, bare, fading, sad, wondrous, beautiful , lush, migratory, wintering;
actions: they fly, rustle, fall, rustle, crumble, advance, come, frown, say goodbye, fly away, coo, clean, tear, collect, dig, dress, get ready, wither, turn yellow, dry, drizzle.


Grammatical structure of speech

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes
"Call me kindly"

Rain - rain, rain, sun - sunshine,
puddle - puddle, tree - tree,
wind - breeze, leaf - leaf, leaf, leaf,
cloud - cloud, forest - forest,
garden - garden, bird - bird.

Formation of the plural of nouns in the genitive case
"One is many"
A month - months, a tree - trees,
rain - rain, fruit - fruit,
puddle - puddle, vegetable - vegetables,
harvest - harvests, leaves - leaves,
garden - gardens, bird - birds,
vegetable garden - vegetable gardens, slush - slush,
umbrella - umbrellas, forest - forests.

Noun and adjective agreement “Say with the word “autumn””

The sky (what?) is autumn,
wind (what?) - autumn,
alley (which one?) - autumn.
The exercise is continued with the words: sun, cloud, rain, flowers, forest, weather, boots, day, morning, coat.

Formation of qualitative adjectives “Tell me what the weather is like?”

What is the weather like in autumn? it's raining? - rainy,
... the wind is blowing - windy;
If it's cold outside, what's the weather like? - cold;
if it's cloudy - cloudy,
... damp - raw,
... gloomy - gloomy,
... sunny - sunny,
... clear - clear.

Formation of the plural of verbs, nouns and adjectives “One - many”
The autumn day has come - the autumn days have come,
there is a yellow leaf on the tree - there are yellow leaves on the trees,
a dark cloud is floating - dark clouds are floating,
there is a big tree - there are big trees,
it's cold rain, it's raining cold,
blowing strong wind- strong winds blow,
a warm jacket is hanging - warm jackets are hanging,
a flock of birds is flying - flocks of birds are flying.

Lexical structure of speech

Retelling the story "Autumn"

After summer comes autumn. Leaves on trees and bushes turn yellow, red, and fall off. The sky is often covered with clouds and it rains. They are not like in summer - warm and strong, but small and cold.
At the beginning of autumn there are still many warm days, the sun is still warm, and there are many flowers in the flower beds. This Golden autumn. It's beautiful all around. By the end of autumn, there are few sunny days, the sun does not heat well, and it becomes cold. The cold freezes the water, sometimes snow falls, but it melts from the daytime heat. Almost all the trees are bare, the flowers have withered. It's getting cold, so the birds fly south. These are migratory birds. Animals are also preparing for winter. Some go to bed for the whole winter, having stored up fat reserves over the summer (bear, hedgehog, badger), others change their fur coat to a warmer one (hare, squirrel), many animals store food for the winter (squirrels, mice).
Insects hide in old stumps, snags, and climb under the bark. The forest is quiet and deserted.
In the fall, the crops are harvested: vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden.
People dress warmer: they put on jackets, hats, warm pants, sweaters, cover their heads with scarves, put on boots.

Search for antonyms for “Say the opposite”

Early autumn - late autumn,
a happy day is a sad day,
sunny day - cloudy day,
white cloud - black cloud,
... cold - hot,
... good - bad.

Search for the relevant concept
"I'll start, and you finish"

People are dressed in autumn, (what?) - ...;
schoolchildren go with their briefcases (where?) - ...;
the leaves on the trees have become (what?) - ... ;
flowers in the flower beds (what did they do?) - ...;
birds fly away (where?) - ...;
animals do for the winter (what?) - ...;
people collect in forests, gardens, fields and vegetable gardens (what?) - ....

Constructing a monologue
“Tell me about autumn according to plan”:

1) when autumn comes;
2) autumn months;
3) signs of autumn in nature;
4) the beauty of golden autumn;
5) what birds and animals do in the fall;
6) human labor in the autumn period;
7) autumn clothes.

Finding factual errors
"Correct mistakes"

Summer has passed and autumn has come. Cold winds blew, flowers withered, leaves blossomed on the trees. The animals began to make provisions for the winter: the hedgehog - honey, the squirrel - nuts, the bear - cabbage, the fox - apples. Birds flew in from the south.
The children put on their Panama hats and went out for a walk in the yard. They played hide and seek, made a snowman and fed crumbs to the birds.


Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,
And the bare bushes look sad.
The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow.
The winter crops are just turning green in the fields.
A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine.
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.
The waters rustled like a fast stream.
The birds flew away to warmer lands.
A.N. Pleshcheev

Guess the riddles!

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly. (Autumn.)

Dry - wedge, wet - damn. (Umbrella.)

They often call me, they wait for me,
And when I come, they hide from me. (Rain.)

Yellow leaves are flying,
They rustle underfoot.
The sun is no longer hot.
When does all this happen? (In autumn.)

All the trees have flown over,
Only spruce trees turn green,
It rains day and night,
Dirt and puddles at the gate. (Autumn.)

Outdoor game
"Hello, autumn!"

Host: Hello, autumn!
Children: dance in a round dance.
Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, autumn, will ask you,
What did you bring as a gift?
Simulates making pies.
I brought you torment -
Children: So there will be pies.
Host: I brought you some buckwheat -
Children Porridge will be in the oven.
Simulates cutting vegetables.
Presenter Brought to you
vegetables -
Children For both soup and cabbage soup.
Presenter Are you happy about pears?
They spread their hands, showing a deck of honey.
Let's dry the children for the winter.
Presenter Brought honey too -
Children Full deck!
Host: And apples -
what honey! For jam, for compote.
Children: You and apples, you and honey,
You also saved some bread,
And good weather
Did you bring us a gift?
Host: Are you happy about the rain?
Children: We don’t want it, we don’t need it!
Who will get caught in the rain?
He'll drive now.
They run away, “hiding from the rain.”

Musical-rhythmic exercise
Autumn leaves

We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on the branches.
The wind blew and they flew.
We were flying, we were flying
And they sat quietly on the ground,
The wind came again
And he picked up all the leaves.
Twisted them, twisted them
And he lowered it to the ground.
Children accompany the poem with appropriate movements.

Finger gymnastics

Autumn leaves scattered, (open and close fists)
I painted them with a brush. (Make smooth waves with your palms up and down.)
We’ll go to the autumn park, (They “walk” with the fingers of both hands.)
We will collect bouquets of leaves. (Cross palms with fingers spread.)
Maple leaf, aspen leaf, (Bend your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
Oak leaf, rowan leaf,
Red poplar leaf
He jumped down onto the path. (jump from the chair and land squatting on the carpet)
I. Mikheeva

Let's talk about the roles:

- Sun, sun, where are you from?
- I am from a golden cloud.
- Rain, rain, where are you from?
- I am from a thundercloud.
- Wind, wind, where are you from?
- I'm from the far side.
- Leaf, leaf, where are you from?
- From the birch country!
From the manual by G. Bystrova, E. Sizova, T. Shuiskaya

Goals: to develop general speech skills, intonation expressiveness of speech, voice strength.
Autumn, autumn,
We ask for a visit.
Stay for eight weeks:
With abundant bread,
With the first snows,
With falling leaves and rain,
With a migrating crane.

Target: enrichment, clarification and activation of vocabulary on the topic “Autumn”.

1. Enrich and activate vocabulary on the topic “Autumn” (subject dictionary, dictionary of signs, verb dictionary).

2. Develop the grammatical structure of speech (selection of related words, work with relative adjectives).

3. Activate knowledge on topics: trees, migratory birds, wild animals.

4. Develop the ability to answer a question with a detailed sentence.

5. Improve auditory attention and the ability to follow instructions.

6. Develop gross motor skills.

7. Develop the ability to listen to each other.

Equipment: projector and screen, laptop with presentation, autumn leaves from: birch, maple, oak, rowan, linden.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Children enter the office and stand in a semicircle.

Speech therapist: Today we will go to a fairy tale, to get there we need to play a magic game. I will talk and show different actions, but you must do only what I say.

Progress of the game: the speech therapist shows - hands to the sides and makes hands to the sides, shows hands up - says hands down, etc.

Children complete the task and sit on chairs.

II. Learning new material.

Children sit on chairs in front of the screen.

Speech therapist: You and I found ourselves in a fairyland. We are met by 4 girlfriends, who do you think they are?

Children: These are the seasons.

Speech therapist: Correct. How did you guess?

Speech therapist: What seasons are there?

Children answer in turns, naming one season at a time, then one child summarizes what was said.

Speech therapist: What comes after summer?

Similar questions: what time of year is between winter and summer, what comes after winter, etc.

The children answer.

(Slide No. 3)

Speech therapist: What time of year is it now?

Children: Now is the time of year - autumn.

(Slide No. 4)

Speech therapist: Autumn invited us to its fairyland. She prepared pictures from her country so that you can always recognize her when she comes to our city. Look at the first picture, how will you understand that autumn has come?

Anya: In autumn the sun shines, but does not warm. The days are getting shorter.

(Side No. 5)

Speech therapist: Look at the next picture, how else can you understand that autumn has come?

Anton: I realized that autumn has come, because it often rains outside the window.

Speech therapist: What can rain do?

Expected children's answers: It may rain, drizzle...

Speech therapist: What words do you know that are relatives of the word rain?

Suggested children's answers: rain, raincoat, rainy...

(Slide No. 6)

Speech therapist: Look at the next picture.

Diana: I realized that autumn had come because the leaves were turning yellow and red.

(Slide No. 7)

Speech therapist: Let's see what other picture autumn has prepared for us.

Dasha: I realized that autumn had come, because the leaves were falling from the trees.

Speech therapist: What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall?

Sasha: The phenomenon when leaves fall from trees is called leaf fall.

Speech therapist: What words are relatives of the word leaf do you know?

Suggested children's answers: leaf, leaf, leaf, foliage, deciduous, larch.

Speech therapist: Anya, tell me how the guys realized that autumn had come?

Anya: We realized that autumn has come, because the sun is shining, but it’s not warming. It rains often. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and red. Leaves are falling from the trees.

IV. Physical exercise.

Children get up from their seats and choose pre-prepared pieces of paper.

Speech therapist: Autumn brought you leaves and invites you to play with them. Oleg, what leaf are you?

I Maple Leaf OK.
All children answer in turn.

Speech therapist: Let’s imagine that you and I are leaves.

We, autumn leaves, (show leaves to each other)
They sat on the branches. (shake their leaves)
The wind blew and they flew. We flew, we flew. (walk in a circle, waving leaves)
And they sat down quietly on the ground. (children sit down)
The wind came again.
And he picked up all the leaves. (run in a circle)
He turned them over and around. (circle around themselves)
And he lowered it to the ground. (children sit down)

Children repeat words and actions after the speech therapist.

Speech therapist: Now let’s arrange leaf fall. Place your leaves on your palm and blow them off your palm.

Children complete the task.

III. Learning new material.

Children take their seats in front of the screen.

(Slide No. 8)

Speech therapist: Look, what is the next sign of autumn?

Anya: Birds fly south.

Speech therapist: Do all birds fly south?

Children: No, only migratory ones.

Speech therapist: What migratory birds do you remember?

Children take turns naming the birds.

(Slide No. 9)

Speech therapist: What do wild animals do in the fall?

Suggested children's answers: Animals are preparing for winter. Squirrels make provisions for the winter. Bears hibernate. Bunnies change their skins from gray to white. And so on.

(Slides No. 10,11,12)

Speech therapist: What do people do in the fall?

Expected children's answers: Harvest the crops (dig up potatoes, pick apples, etc.), put on warm clothes.

(Slide No. 13)

Speech therapist: What kind of autumn is there?

Suggested children's answers: Golden, rainy, etc.

Speech therapist: What are the differences between early and late autumn?

Children express their guesses.

(Slides No. 14, 15, 16)

Speech therapist: What autumn months do you remember?

Children's answers: September, when the children go to school, October - at this time it often rains and leaves fall from the trees, November - late autumn sets in, the trees are bare, and it becomes even colder outside.

Choral recitation of all the autumn months. The speech therapist summarizes everything the children say.

IV. Summing up. Assessment of children's activities.

(Slide No. 17)

Speech therapist: Autumn says goodbye to you. She hopes that now you can always know when she comes to stay with you. What did we talk about in class?

Oleg: About the signs of autumn.

Speech therapist: What signs of autumn do you remember?

Children answer the question.

Speech therapist: Which months are called autumn?

Children: September, October, November.

Speech therapist: Well done everyone. Now only those who can tell what autumn it is will be able to go to the group.

Children answer the question and leave the room.

Topic: Formation of the lexical and grammatical component on the topic “Autumn”.

Sound O.Middle group.

« Autumn leaf fall» .

The lesson is held in the parkthem.Gagarina

Activate and enrich the vocabulary on the topic “Autumn”.

Clarify articulation and characterize the sound O. Strengthen the skill of performing speech motor exercises on the sound O.

Improving grammatical inflection skills.

Deepen children's knowledge about plants in the Gagarin Park.

Develop auditory perception: distinguish sound among other sounds, in syllables, words.

Develop common and fine motor skills, skills of coordination of movements with speech, speech memory, attention.

Foster a positive attitude towards the nature of your native land.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time. Children with a speech therapist in Gagarin Park.

Movement exercises “Walk in the park” e".

They went for a walk in the park and marched

Let's walk happily.

We walk along the path “snake” between the trees

Leaves are falling like rain.

Swinging hands rustle under your feet

And they fly, fly, fly

Answers on questions

Here we are in our favorite park! Today the weather is wonderful in the forest: the sun is shining, clouds are floating across the sky. All trees, bushes, grasses are in autumn attire. And under your feet there is a carpet of autumn leaves.

Tell us what there is a lot in our park? (lots of trees, leaves, grass, stumps, branches, cones,.)

What trees grow in the park? (maple, spruce, rowan, birch, elm.)

– What outfit does the maple have? (multi-colored leaves: yellow, yellow-red, orange, crimson)

What does a maple leaf look like?

-What birch tree? (slender with golden leaves). What kind of trunk does a birch tree have? (smooth, white with black dashes).

– Go to the elm, touch it with your hand. What kind of trunk does the elm have? (rough)

Which trees in our park do not change their appearance in the fall? (spruce,)

Selection of action words.

Trees sway, stand, make noise, grow. Leaves fall off, cover the ground, turn yellow, rot, dry, wither, rustle.

Exercise for the development of speech breathing “Falling Leaves”.

Veterok wants to play the game “Falling Leaves” with us. Do you know what leaf fall is? Children's answers.

The wind puffed out its thick cheeks, puffed it up, puffed it up

And I blew, blew, blew on the motley leaves.

Breathing exercise. Children blow on the leaves with different strengths, depending on the command: “weak breeze” and “strong wind”. At the command “leaf fall,” the leaves are released and they fall.

Speech game “Autumn Leaves”

Children take two autumn leaves (maple, elm, birch, linden). Perform movements with speech.

We are autumn leaves (hands up, swaying movements left and right)

They sat on the branches, (sat down)

The breeze blew (blow on the leaves),

And we flew (circular rotations around ourselves)

We flew, we flew (squat slowly)

And they quietly sat down on the ground (sit down).

Game “Guess and Count” Guessing riddles. The speech therapist shows the children leaves and makes riddles about the trees in the park. Children guess the tree and count the trees nearby)

Exercise"Hear the sound".

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If birds flew to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,

This time of year, what are the children's names? (autumn)

The speech therapist invites the children to determine what first sound we hear in the word “autumn” and clarifies the articulation of the sound and its characteristics. Children pronounce the sound O in chorus and individually.

Repetition and reinforcement speech motor exercise for the sound O.

Game "Umbrella". The speech therapist puts his palm up, and the children put their fingers under an umbrella and must remove them when they hear the sound O: a, sa, o, u, ua, Olya, autumn, oh, duck….

Game "Hide and Seek". Consolidating the implementation of the speech therapist’s instructions and the use of prepositions in speech.

On the instructions of the speech therapist, some of the children hide behind the trees, while others, on the instructions of the speech therapist, look for them. (“Find who is hiding behind a tall tree, a short one, a thick one, a thin one, at a long root, at a short root, etc.”)

At the same time, prepositions are practiced: for, about, before, next to, because of, between, on.

Lesson summary

Children make bouquets of autumn leaves.


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