A spell to grab a spoon - when to read it. Strong spells for a raking spoon

There is never too much money, as they say, but most of us lack it so much that we think not how to send it abroad, but how to feed and clothe our children. In such cases, one small thing can come to the rescue - a spoon. -zagrebushka souvenir for money conspiracy reviews will be presented in this article.

What is a scoop spoon and why does it help?

This spoon is a small silver souvenir that can be bought at any resort town or on the Internet. Its average price in Russia is 300 rubles. There are plenty of photos of scooping spoons on the World Wide Web. As a rule, this souvenir is carried in a wallet, next to the money.

A silver spoon attracts its owner good luck and wealth. It symbolizes satiety and prosperity. After all, just as you can’t hold liquid food in your hands and on a fork, but it’s better to hold it on a spoon, then you will remain full, so money with a spoon It’s good to keep it and add it to your wallet. And without it they will slip through your fingers like water. That’s why the souvenir is called a grab, because it grabs money into the owner’s wallet.

How to use a scooping spoon?

You have to know how to use a spoon like this for it to bring in money.

  • When you buy a spoon, you first need to believe that it will really help improve your financial situation. Without faith, no talisman will work for you.
  • Then you need to clean the raking spoon from negative energy. After all, silver passes human energy through itself and spends a lot of its energy on it. And if they sell a spoon like this on the street, then a lot of people look at it and not everyone has kind views. Keep the spoon in the holy water for one night and the bad energy will go away, and the spoon’s strength will be restored.
  • Then you need read the spell on a spoon, to activate a powerful attractive force for raking in money. And the words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“Spoon, spoon, row, bring money to me. May I, and my whole family, be rich. Don’t leave me in need - I will be faithful to you!”

  • Or this:

“My raspberry, spoon, my little spoon. I will walk with you, money and success will beckon. Money will flow with interest into your wallet dear. I will not part with the spoon, and I will become rich!”

  • After reading the plot, put down the raking spoon to your wallet, in a separate pocket. It is better not to keep small change together, as it can easily be lost. And in a separate pocket, your talisman will not be seen by prying eyes, and it will not get lost.
  • When you notice that the strength of the spoon has begun to fade, then in this case you need to restore its strength. You need to rinse the spoon under running water and put it, again, in a jar of holy water overnight.
  • So that your money does not decrease, you must not skimp and help those in need. Without a doubt, give it in your heart alms to the poor and do charity work, then the money will come back to you double and triple.

A raking spoon is an original miniature souvenir that symbolizes raking in money. The history of its origin is rooted in the pagan past of Ancient Rus'. Today there are legends about the magical properties of this item.

Popular rituals

Using it as an attribute in a magical ritual, you can attract financial well-being to own life, as well as improve the state of affairs at work or in business. An important condition The success of a ritual in which a raking spoon is used is that the object must be made of silver. In order for a scooping spoon to start attracting cash flows, it must be spoken magic words. Such rituals are very simple, and they can be performed independently.

A simple spell for a raking spoon

So, after purchasing a scooping spoon, you need to retire to a separate room and put the item in front of you. Then recite one of the following incantations:

    “I remove all the obstacles to a prosperous life, I drive away failures, and I scoop up money with a spoon.”

    “I had a silver spoon, and now it will become a spoon for money. I will be friends with her and not bother her. Not to know poverty, to have abundance. I go home and the money is all mine.”

The enchanted raking spoon must be carried in a wallet or purse in the cash compartment. This can be done without difficulty, since the item is miniature in size.

Ritual for better health

In addition to the properties of attracting material well-being, a scooping spoon is often charmed to improve health. In addition, being in close proximity to a person, a spoon becomes a strong talisman and acquires the ability to protect the owner from any negativity. Also, some facts indicate that this item cleanses the house of bad energy. In order for a silver object to become a universal talisman for the home, the rattle spoon must be enchanted. The plot goes like this:

“Beyond the seven endless seas, behind the seven dense forests, there is a high rock that cannot be climbed. A fine blacksmith built himself a house there and lives and lives there. And although he works day and night, not knowing fatigue, he does not complain. He does not forge bits and horseshoes for fast horses, but human happiness. He is in a hurry, working so that every living person gets it, so that no one on earth remains unhappy. If he hits the hammer once, he will strengthen the family; if he hits it a second time, he will turn the house into a full cup of blessings and goodness; if he hits it a third time, monetary wealth will appear.

I will come to the rock and ask the fine blacksmith for a little. Help me make a silver spoon into a spoon for raking in happiness and goodness. Whoever takes it will say goodbye to trouble and stop grieving. His family will live in abundance, and they will always have plenty of money. The deed is done forever and nothing and no one will change my words. Amen".

The raking spoon, which after the conspiracy turned into a talisman for the home, should be stored in the dishware compartment, where other cutlery is located: ordinary spoons, forks and knives. A great gift to a loved one is a scoop spoon. The plot will allow you to turn it into a magical object, but even if you don’t do this, it will become a constant reminder that you have a reliable friend who wants material well-being and prosperity in life.

Any talisman is always endowed with some kind of miraculous power that can protect from troubles and help in difficult times. But its magical effect depends on the person. It's important to believe in extraordinary abilities things and strengthen them through rituals. One of these talismans - a raking spoon - will help improve your financial situation. The conspiracy over it must be read at a certain time or on specific days of the lunar calendar.

Definition of scoop spoon

Since ancient times, our ancestors in everyday life endowed an ordinary spoon with extraordinary power. It was believed that it is a symbol of prosperity in the house: there is always food and other material goods there, because with one spoon you can choke a lot at once and quickly eat your fill. At first they were made from wood with their own hands; the owner put his soul into creating such a device for each family member. Even when visiting, it was customary to bring your own spoons, because they were individual property. People carried out a spell on a raking spoon at a certain phase of the moon to attract:

  • money;
  • Good luck;
  • material goods.

The scooping spoon souvenir is designed to attract money and prosperity to the home, beneficial energy and a cozy atmosphere. Sold in jewelry stores. There are various engravings, patterns and words on the zagrebushki - you can choose according to your taste.

Such a souvenir can be a wonderful gift for a loved one. It is better if the material of the product is silver, since it has the greatest magical power and holds the energy of the conspiracy longer. If the owner of the zagrebushka takes good care of it, cleans it on time, repeats the ritual for money after some time, it will not only attract wealth, but will also protect its owner from troubles, the evil eye, and damage to poverty. A spoon helps preserve existing capital from squandering, theft, and unpleasant situations.

Proper Use

In order for the scooping spoon to work, you need to carry out a number of necessary actions, a kind of ritual.

  1. It is important that the spoon is given to a loved one from a pure heart and out of sincere motives, otherwise it will not fulfill its function.
  2. After buying a souvenir, you need to come home, wash the spoon in seven waters (dip it in seven different waters, pouring out each one), then wrap it in a piece of red cloth and read or recite the desired spell from memory.
  3. You need to wipe the spoon and put it in the wallet in the section with large bills or in the pocket where they are stored credit cards(it will protect against debts). It is not advisable to place it together with small change: only small change will be found. This talisman, like a purse mouse, will attract material well-being, the main thing is not to lose it.
  4. You can also use a regular kitchen spoon as a scooping spoon. First, you need to clean it of dirt. To do this, you can use baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, toothpaste or other means. It’s better if it’s a new spoon: you just need to wash it in seven waters and wrap it in a red cloth. Next, you need to read the spell over a clean spoon and put it with everyone else. There is no need to mark it in any way. If family members constantly eat using it, then material success will not leave the house.
  5. Such a silver souvenir can even be used to treat diseases. To do this, you need to pour water into a plate and put a spoon there. At dawn you need to give the sick person 3 tbsp. l. this silver water, and in the evening spray the patient with it from top to bottom. Thanks to these actions, a person’s energy field will be cleared, and he will be on the path to recovery.

No impact

The souvenir will not have any effect if it is used incorrectly.

  1. If you put a silver souvenir spoon in your wallet just like that, without a spell, then it will not work. You need to give her a target instruction, an installation to attract money using special magic words.
  2. If to an ordinary person, who works hard, lives by honor and conscience, the amulet will bring money, then for deceitful, arrogant, hypocritical, boastful, evil, envious, greedy people, the talisman will act the opposite. Such people need to either take the righteous path or not use such a talisman at all.
  3. A spoon will not bring profit to those people who do not clean it on time, do not wash it with running water, and do not get rid of accumulated negative energy.

Possible conspiracies

There are many different conspiracies. All you have to do is choose the one you like and read it, turning to the spoon. It does not take a lot of time. To attract money to your family, just read one of the following spells on a spoon 7 times. This can be done at any convenient time immediately after cleansing the talisman.

  1. “I drive away all the obstacles to getting money, and I grab luck and money for myself forever.”
  2. “I won’t slurp up soup with a spoon, I’ll ask for money for manna. To row them at work, forgetting about worries. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".
  3. “I have a silver spoon, I’ll cast a spell and turn it into a raking spoon. I will rake in money with it and live in abundance. Everyone knows that whoever makes friends with such a magical object will never bother. I go home, and the money keeps following me. There is always prosperity, and there is still money left. Amen". After reading the plot, be sure to put the souvenir in the pocket of your wallet with large bills. It is strictly forbidden to place it in an empty pocket.
  4. “Rake spoon, my best friend. I’ll talk you into gold so that we can live richly. Let there be money in the house, I won’t tell anyone about you. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

So that there is always money

If you really want to buy something, but there is no material opportunity, there is a way to attract money. You need to take your spoon out of your wallet, stroke it gently and lovingly and say calmly:

“I previously had an ordinary spoon, but now it’s a magic one. She looks small and unprepossessing, but so remote and strong. She attracts good luck and money to me and allows me to buy anything I don’t want to buy.”

Afterwards, you should put the amulet back in your wallet, the result will not be long in coming.

There is a spell used for spoons, with which you can and should then eat; they will lie on the kitchen table next to others:

“Beyond the seven seas, behind the seven forests, there stands a mountain, high and steep. Don't climb. A fine blacksmith lives on that mountain. He works day and night. Let him not get tired, let him not complain. The blacksmith forges not horseshoes and bits, but human happiness, so that everyone gets it. No one was left unhappy. Once it hits, the family will be strong and molded. If it hits twice, the house will be full. If it hits three times, there will be plenty of money. I won’t ask the blacksmith for much. Help me, good blacksmith, I had a silver spoon, but it will become a spoon for money, whoever eats from it will not have to worry, will live in abundance, and will have money left over. Forever and ever. My word is strong, there is no other! Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

The red rag in which the device was wrapped while reading the plot can then be used as a handkerchief or oven mitt in the kitchen.

Ritual of increasing money

Another great way to attract money into your home is to perform a ritual. You need to retire in the room so that no one sees or interferes. Take out a spoon and place it in front of you. Look carefully and concentrate all your attention on it. Mentally imagine how you collect bags full of money, your wallet is bursting with them, how you open a bank account, and there is a certain amount there, how you collect hands full of dollars, swim in them, how you can come to the store and afford absolutely everything. Freeze in this state for a minute.

Looking at the spoon, say the following words:

“The spoon is silver, a simple souvenir. Give me wealth so that the world will envy. As soon as I grab one and another, let the money be with me for a whole century. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

There is such a conspiracy to multiply money:

“Spoon, spoon, help, increase the money! Zagrebushka, don’t be lazy, work, work, work! Euros, dollars, rubles, row, row, row! Spoon, live in your wallet, take the money to yourself. I will be friends with you, live in happiness and prosperity!

This plot is read at sunrise exactly 7 times. After reading, the souvenir should be put in your wallet.

New moon spell ritual

Objects enchanted during the new moon have special power. The magic of the moon has been known for a long time; the Slavs skillfully used it. To charm a spoon for material success, good luck in career growth, a wallet full of money, you need to sprinkle it with holy water and say these miraculous words:

“Everything that got in the way in life, everything that distracted from success, away from the Servant (s) of God (s) ( given name). Good and handsome money will come to me day and night. From now on, money will flow to me like a river and will attract good luck to all my endeavors!”

Can be done in new moon Another ritual: wrap a clean spoon in a red cloth and place it under your own pillow. Next, read the spell on the spoon:

“My good raking spoon, from this moment you will always be next to me. I’ll put you under my pillow now, and in the morning I’ll put you in my wallet. You will turn from a spoon into a raking shovel. There will always be wealth in my house, but money will not be transferred in my wallet. With you I have sweet life begins. You are with me, and monetary happiness is always with me. Amen".

After this you need to fall asleep immediately. In the morning, the spoon is placed in the wallet, but throughout the next day, you periodically need to open it, while no one sees, and repeat the following words:

“Whatever I do, wherever I am, whatever I say, everywhere and everything will turn into wealth. And a scooping spoon will help me with this. She will help me put money in my wallet.”

If you do all this, the talisman will begin to work. Every time before any very important event, on the outcome of which money depends, you need to repeat the conspiracies listed above. The energy of silver will be replenished, and the amulet will become an even stronger magnet for attracting money.

Time to read conspiracies

Rituals and readings of conspiracies can be performed at any time, with the exception of certain rituals. Even the moon phase doesn't matter of great importance(it is ideal to speak during the new moon, but the words will also work at any other phase). Be sure to wash and clear the spoon of everything before doing this. You cannot speak to someone else’s energy that is not purified; the ritual may not work. There is nothing complicated in the conspiracy; it is important to simply read the magic words with feeling.


A souvenir spoon, if handled correctly, will always help improve your material well-being. better side. You just need to find time, go to a jewelry store and buy this miracle. People confirm that a raking spoon, like a purse mouse, really affects financial well-being. The main thing is to believe in magic and in your own strength, never give up and never give up. When purchasing a talisman, choose a silver product.

A spoon will save your money and prevent it from leaking between your fingers. And not only from waste or fire, or some other disaster, but also from black witchcraft, from damage caused to your money. A spoon is a very ancient object, one of the first that man made.

A spoon is a very simple item and, at first glance, cheap, but you can’t do without it. In the old days, the whole family lived in one common hut, they drank from one cauldron, but everyone had their own spoon, sometimes they even marked it so as not to mix it up.

And even in the poorest family they avoided taking someone else’s spoon, because it was believed that doing so could bring misfortune and illness upon oneself. They also believed that a spoon connected those living with their ancestors, with their clan. And if you treat it correctly, the clan will always defend the house and all the good in it, and will not allow the family to beg.

And in Altai, during the funeral meal, spoons were placed on the table after each meal for the grandfathers to eat with, and an extra spoon was always included for the recently deceased. Therefore, an extra spoon in your house, and, moreover, correctly enchanted, will definitely protect the good and your home.

You definitely need to buy a new spoon. It can be either wooden or silver. It is better not to buy cheap metal spoons.

According to the size of a spoon, take a tablespoon: the larger the spoon, the more goodness it will hold. You can buy a spoon and bring it into the house any day, but it’s better if you think about it Parents' Saturday or Trinity, maybe for the day of remembrance of someone from your relatives.

When you bring a spoon into the house, you must wash it under running water and then put it in salt water for an hour. After which, do not wipe it, but hang it so that the water drains from it. Then the spoon will also protect your home from witchcraft.

Security plot for money against theft and financial fraud

They read, drawing 12 crosses around themselves with a spoon:

Cross of Christ the Spassky, Cross of Jerusalem, Cross - twelve stars. With the cross I protect myself from passions, from misfortunes, from sorrows, from delusions, from the dark forest, from dashing people, from human misfortune, from need, from poverty. Save, Lord, save and have mercy.

A conspiracy to keep money and things left unattended safe

They say it if they are planning a trip during which you leave your home unattended. The plot will also help on the road - you never know how to take your eyes off the good. They take the money set aside for the household or some business (that is, not the one in your wallet, but the one that lies in your house), and fanning a spoon with it, they say:

I stroke - I smooth, I caress my sweetheart, I cherish - I cherish the money received, entrusted to me. New money, lucky money, I caress you, I call you elder money. You sit in my purse, keep an eye on all the money, don’t let me go anywhere, and attract new money. I said it, and everyone heard it. Amen. Afterwards, you need to put the money with other money and not spend it for a year (mark it).

Conspiracy against theft

To prevent your money from being stolen, say this to the spoon:

Holy hut, you stand in a holy place, I close the doors, windows and all your cracks from the thief-robber, from the envious, from the slanderer and the slanderer, from the dashing person and the unclean spirit. It’s not me who is slandering, she is slandering herself mother of God by the power of his curse and the Life-Giving Cross.

A conspiracy against deception through which you can lose money

Read this spell on a spoon in the morning, before dawn, in a whisper, if you want not to be deceived about your money. This conspiracy will also help you avoid the temptation to get money by cunning and deception.

Righteous God, mighty God, help me, a sinner, free me from any cunning, from any deception, from darkness, from darkness, from swamp fog, and from every cunning, evil creature, and from every person who says one thing and does another. . I am with you, Lord, with your holy truth, forever and ever, Amen.

A conspiracy to return something dear to you

If she disappeared expensive thing, stolen, or maybe she got lost, such a conspiracy will help. You need to put a spoon next to any knife (but always one that you use often) and say the following spell:

There is a tower in an open field. In that mansion lives a beautiful sister, and a great brother. Like that brother’s knife is damask steel. My brother will go hunting into the underworld, beyond the Sayan Mountains, into boiling tar, into burning ash. As soon as he sees the villain - the villain, he will wave his knife.

The villain - the villain - will scream and groan: “Let me go, brother, don’t stab me with a damask knife, don’t use wood chips, then I’ll return all the theft to you.”

If my brother takes it, well done, I’ll steal it and bring it to his sister in the tower. So to me, the servant of God (name), brother, return the damask knife that I stole, bring it to the house and leave it at the doorstep. For this I will call your sister great and bow to her. Amen

A conspiracy that helps protect your property from theft

Place all the money you have in the house in a box or casket, put a spoon on top and say, crossing your possessions three times: K The cross is on me, the cross is on the wall. Whoever takes my money will die from the second cross. Amen.

A conspiracy not to lose money

Late in the evening, after dinner, as soon as the family leaves the table, clear everything away, and then put down your spoon and place a plate next to it. Bow at the waist and say: Grandfather, come to me for dinner. Leave everything like this overnight, in the morning when you come to breakfast, before putting the device away, say over the spoon like this:

A dead man lies in a coffin, he does not hear the singing of the church, nor the ringing of the bell, and I, (name), did not hear any losses or thefts.

A spell that will protect you from poverty

And this is how you can defend yourself. Take a spoon and say:

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, out of the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gate into an open field, under the red sun, under the morning dawn, to the east; I will pray and worship the Most Holy Theotokos, I will go to the damp mountains, to the blue sea and into an icy puddle; An icy serpent flows from the icy puddles and devours pure silver and red gold.

And you, serpent, do not devour pure silver and red gold, and come to my house, bring me the silver, and you, serpent, devour all the lessons and touches and windy slander that are on my house: and which words I passed, both spoken and unspoken, and all be fulfilled, and forever and ever, amen.

Poverty conspiracy

By helping the poor and the needy, you will save yourself from poverty. Therefore, when I am in need, do not forget to give alms. And in order to protect yourself even more reliably from this misfortune, read the spell on a spoon - three times in the morning. In the evening, cook soup in which you add any poultry meat (for example, chicken), any vegetables and cereals (for example, potatoes and rice). This soup needs to be eaten with a spoken spoon. Just as a white swan cannot become a black duck, so I, the servant of God (name), will not know joy in wealth, nor know misfortune - poverty. The swan flies - it's beautiful, she drops her feathers - the coins are arriving in my wallet. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Trying to increase their wealth and improve their financial situation, people resort to magic, witchcraft, calling on supernatural forces for help. It is also common to keep various talismans in your home, wallet, or pocket to attract money.

One of these magic talismans became a “spoon scoop”. A beautiful product should be kept in a wallet, right with the money, the financial aura of the happy owner will certainly improve!

What is a spoon ragrebushka

In appearance, the zagrebushka spoon is an ordinary, unique souvenir. Very beautiful, attractive, and by the way, very inexpensive. Few can resist buying such beauty, especially since the cost varies around one hundred rubles.

Such talismans have always been highly effective. The first mentions of a wonderful talisman came to us from paganism, Ancient Rus'. Externally, a monetary souvenir is a small product, shaped like a small spoon. Why a spoon? Probably because the spoon has long become a symbol of a well-fed life, full of prosperity and material wealth.

A rake spoon is most often made from precious metals - gold or silver. Based on the author's talent, they decorate the product by applying different images of animals - a rooster, a horse, a sheep. Sometimes the scoop spoon is similar to its ordinary counterparts only in shape, while its main body is a small decorated spatula, scoop, broom. A rooster, a horseshoe, or a coin can sit on the handle. The talisman may be distinguished by the presence of zodiac signs, incomprehensible symbols, and the inscription “Zagrebushka”. Talismans may vary appearance, but the shape should at least be similar.

A beautiful product with amazing decoration in fact, it is very miniature and can easily fit not just in a wallet, but in a small compartment for plastic cards.

How to use a raking spoon

Like anyone money talisman, you need to know how to use a scooping spoon correctly. Firstly, you need to know that you can buy it yourself, you can receive it as a gift as a small souvenir, but the giver must be a friend, a good man and such a souvenir must be presented from the heart, without hiding malice. Only under such conditions will the product attract prosperity and financial profit.

Before placing the spoon in the wallet, it is cleaned with a saline solution. At night, place a spoon in a glass filled with salt water. In the morning, rinse with running water, wipe, put in a permanent storage place, having spoken first. The scoop spoon is given a special place, next to large banknotes, not near coins. When the talisman lies next to small change, it will only attract coins, otherwise you will even begin to lose money. The product cannot be placed in an empty compartment.

If over time the talisman begins to lose its strength, it is again left in salt water overnight, washed and the spell is read over it again. It is important to remember that the product in the wallet should not be seen by anyone else. It is also undesirable to talk about it, if you want to help your loved ones, in this case give them a spoon and teach them how to use it, but you cannot brag that you already have one and it works!

Plot on a spoon raspberry

Actually for long years Using such an attractive product, many people have developed many conspiracies that help enhance its magical properties. Conspiracies are certainly associated with small rituals.

Important! In order for a talisman to bring money, you must sincerely believe in it.

You can find a lot of examples on the Internet and choose something more suitable for yourself. It is important to pronounce the words of the spell with the right attitude, believing that the words will give the object additional power, help attract money more quickly, and attract good luck.

When and what to read

Immediately after the product goes through the cleansing procedure with salt and running water, a spell is read over it. It is advisable that the time of the ceremony falls on the waxing Moon. So that the words of the conspiracy have greater power when reading, the spoon is held under moonlight. The following ritual will allow you to increase the power of the talisman. Place 4 lit candles exactly in a row, the distance between them is shifted with clover petals.

The magical product is placed behind burning candles. The person performing the magical ritual takes a sip of holy water in advance and pronounces the chosen spell.

Plot options

As already said, there are many variants of the conspiracy, but their essence is always similar. The applicant asks for improved well-being and financial condition:

  1. Spoon, scooping spoon - you are my amulet! Money, more money for me and less troubles. I rake with my rakes and multiply my wealth!
  2. What was an obstacle to happiness - I completely banish it. I am raking in money, happiness and luck!
  3. Spoon, spoon, help me, rake in a lot of money. I will be friends with you, give happiness and joy to everyone.

Conspiracies can be something like this. Although, according to experts, if a person really truly believes in such talismans, then financial well-being it will improve anyway. You can say the spell yourself, asking for what you need in your own words, or you don’t have to say it at all.

Why does the scoop spoon work?

The effectiveness of such money amulets is indicated primarily by faith in their ability. If the owner of the talisman does not believe in its power, then the flow money energy things won’t work out, they won’t go in the right direction. Secondly, over the amulet, before putting it in your wallet, it is recommended to read a special spell that enhances the abilities of an unusual item.

The product is made from precious metals for good reason. Of course, this is beautiful and unusual, but silver, in turn, helps to remove negative energy, protects from bad things, including the money evil eye, damage to money. Gold and silver products protect their owner from waste, theft, and losses, increasing the existing capital.