How many years did it take to build the Taj Mahal? Moonlight Garden. Religious symbolism of the Taj Mahal

On July 7, 2007, in Lisbon (Portugal), the new seven wonders of the world were named and the Taj Mahal mausoleum-mosque was included in this list. It is located in Agra (India) near the Jamna River. The easiest way to get to the Taj Mahal Palace is to fly to Delhi by plane and from there take a bus, taxi or train to your destination. The journey by train takes up to 3 hours, by taxi 3-5 hours. It is considered a crime if you visit India and do not see the Taj Mahal Mosque.

It is simply impossible to describe the splendor and beauty of this mosque in words. This is truly fabulous and beautiful architectural structure, which combines elements of Islamic, Persian and Indian architectural styles.

The emergence of the Taj Mahal is the story of the tender love of Shah Jahan, the Mughal king, for his wife Mumtaz Mahal. While still a prince, Shah Jahan took a 19-year-old girl as his wife, and his love for her was boundless. Despite owning a large harem, he gave all his tenderness and attention to only one Mumtaz. She bore him 14 children, six girls and eight boys. But during the last birth, Jahan's wife died. Shah Jahan's grief was so great that he lost the meaning of life, turned gray, declared 2 years of mourning and even wanted to commit suicide.

On the orders of Shah Jahan, the beautiful Taj Mahal palace was built over the grave of his wife, in which he himself was buried a few years later near the grave of his wife. The Taj Mahal is not just a wonder of the world, it is a symbol eternal love two people. Shah Jahan promised before his wife's death to create a monument that would convey all the beauty of Mumtaz.

Construction and architecture of the Taj Mahal

History does not answer the question of who built this mosque. The fact is that in the Islamic world of that period all construction ideas were attributed not to the architect, but to the customer. A group of architects worked on the mosque, but the main idea belongs to Ustad Ahmad Lakhauri. Construction of the palace began in December 1631. The construction of the central mausoleum ended in 1648, and 5 years later the construction of the entire complex was completed. Over the course of 22 years, about 20 thousand people took part in the construction of the Taj Mahal. More than a thousand elephants were used to transport materials that were delivered from India and Asia. The blocks of marble were pulled by bulls along a specially built 15-kilometer ramp made of compacted earth. Sculptors from Bukhara, stonemasons from Balochistan, masters of inlay from southern India, calligraphers from Persia and Syria, as well as specialists and craftsmen in cutting marble ornaments and erecting towers worked at the construction site.

The Taj Mahal is considered the "pearl of Muslim art in India". The most famous component of the palace is its white marble dome, which is also called the onion dome due to its appearance. Its height is 35 meters. Its crown is made in the Islamic style (the moon's horns point upward) and was originally made of gold, but was replaced with a bronze copy in the 19th century.

The height of the mosque itself is 74 meters and is represented by a five-domed structure with four minarets in the corners. The minarets are slightly inclined in the direction opposite to the tomb, so as not to damage it during destruction. The building is adjacent to a garden with a swimming pool and fountains. Inside the mausoleum there are two tombs, which are located strictly above the burial place of the Shah and his wife. The walls of the palace are made of marble inlaid with gems (carnelian, agate, malachite, turquoise, etc.). And in the rays of light the walls are simply mesmerizing. In sunny weather, marble looks white, moonlit night it turns silver, and at dawn it turns pink.

The exterior of the Taj Mahal is considered one of the best examples of architecture. Various plasters, paints, carvings and stone inlays. Also for decorative and decoration the complex used excerpts from the Koran. On the gate of the Taj Mahal is written: “O you, resting soul! Return to your Lord satisfied and having achieved contentment! Come in with My servants. Enter My Paradise!

The interior of the palace used great amount semi-precious and precious stones. The interior hall of the Taj Mahal is a perfect octagon. The height of the walls is 25 meters, and the ceiling is decorated in the shape of the sun and is represented by an internal dome.

The only asymmetrical element of the complex is the cenotaph of Shah Jahan, which is located near the grave of his wife. It was completed later and is larger in size than Mumtaz's cenotaph, but decorated with the same decorative elements. On Mumtaz's tombstone there are calligraphic inscriptions that praise her, and on Jahan's grave it is written: "He set out on a journey from this world to the abode of Eternity on the night of the twenty-sixth day, the month of Rajab 1076."

The architectural complex is adjacent to a magnificent garden, which extends 300 meters in length. In the center of the park there is a water channel, which is lined with marble and in the middle of it there is a pond. It reflects the image of the tomb. Initially, the garden amazed with its abundance of vegetation, but over time the landscaping of the garden changed.

Myths and legends

There is a legend that Shah Jahan wanted to build an exact copy of a palace made of black marble on the opposite bank of the river, but did not have time. There is also a myth that the emperor brutally killed the architects and craftsmen who took part in the construction of the palace, and all the builders signed an agreement in which they agreed not to take part in the construction of such a structure. But to date, such information has not been confirmed by anything and remains just fiction and legend.


Millions of tourists visit the Taj Mahal every year. different countries. Tourists are interested in the fact about its optical focus. If you move backwards towards the exit, respectively, facing the palace, you get the feeling that the mausoleum is simply huge against the backdrop of trees and environment. And by the way, planes are prohibited from flying over the Taj Mahal. The mosque is open to the public from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, except Fridays, when prayers are held there. The Taj Mahal is also open for night viewing on the day of the full moon, including two days before and after the full moon, except Friday and the month of Ramadan.

The Taj Mahal is an outstanding architectural monument and one of the main attractions in India dating back to the Mughal period. The Taj was built as a mausoleum for Shah Jahan's beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth. Shah Jahal himself was later also buried in the Taj Mahal. The word Taj Mahal is translated as “The Greatest Palace”: Taj in translation means crown, mahal means palace.

Taj Mahal - history of creation

The history of the creation of one of the main attractions of India began in 1630. The Taj Mahal was built on the banks of the Jamna River, south of the city of Agra. The Taj Mahal complex includes:

  • minarets;
  • mosque;
  • jawab;
  • Big gate.

20,000 artisans and craftsmen worked on the construction of the Taj. Construction lasted twelve years. The mausoleum-mosque combines Persian, Indian, and Islamic architectural styles. The height of the five-domed building is 74 meters; four minarets rise at the corners of the building. The minarets are tilted to the side so that when destroyed, the tomb of the Shah and his wife does not damage.

The mausoleum is surrounded by a beautiful garden with a fountain and a swimming pool, which reflects the entire building. The Taj Mahal Mausoleum, located in the city of Agra, is famous for its optical trick: if you walk with your back to the exit, the building appears huge compared to the surrounding trees. The center of the complex is the tomb. It is a symmetrical structure with an arch, erected on a square pedestal and topped with a large dome. The height of the main dome, built in the shape of an onion, is impressive - 35 meters. On the tops of the domes are traditional Persian figures.

What is the Taj Mahal made of?

The foundation consisted of wells filled with rubble stone. The materials were transported on a fifteen kilometer ramp using oxen and carts. Water was extracted from the river using a rope-bucket system. From a large reservoir, water rose into the distribution compartment, from where it was delivered to the construction site through three pipes. The construction cost was 32 million rupees.

The majestic finish deserves special attention: white polished translucent marble inlaid with gems such as turquoise, agate, and malachite. In total, twenty-eight types of semi-precious and precious stones are inlaid into the walls of the tomb. The marble from which the mausoleum is made was brought from quarries 300 kilometers from the city. During the day, the walls of the mosque look white, at night - silver, and at sunset - pink.

Craftsmen not only from India, but also from Central Asia, Middle East, Persia. The designer of the main building is considered to be Ismail Afandi from Ottoman Empire. There is a legend according to which a copy of the Taj should have been located on the other side of the Jumna River, but only made of black marble. The building was not completed. For a plot of 1.2 hectares, the soil was replaced and the site was raised 50 meters above the river level.

Taj Mahal - interesting facts

According to legend, after being overthrown by his son, Shah Jahan admired the Taj Mahal from the windows of his prison. An interesting fact is that the tomb of Humayun in Delhi is very similar to the Taj Mahal, built like the Taj Mahal as a sign great history love between spouses. Moreover, the tomb in Delhi was built earlier, and Shah Jahan used the experience of building the tomb of the Mughal emperor during its construction. There is also a smaller copy of the Taj Mahal, located in the city of Agra. This is the tomb of Itimad-ud-Daula, built in 1628.

Since 1983, the Taj Mahal has been a World Heritage UNESCO. According to a survey conducted in 2007, the Taj Mahal was included in the list of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

Currently, there is a problem of shallowing of the Jumna River, as a result of which the mausoleum is settling and cracks are forming on the walls. Also, due to air pollution, the walls of the Taj, famous for their whiteness, turn yellow. The building is cleaned with special clay.

The Taj Mahal in India is located near Agra. In its external majestic appearance, it resembles a temple, but in fact it is a mausoleum built in honor of the second wife of Shah Jahan - Mumtaz Mahal (otherwise known as Arjumand Bano Begum).

History and Legends of Mumtaz Mahal

Translated, Taj Mahal means Crown of the Mughals. For some time it was also called Taj Bibi-ka-Rauza or the burial place of the queen of the heart. According to an old legend, Prince Guram, the future Shah Jahan, once saw a poor girl in the market. Looking into her eyes, he immediately decided to take her as his wife. So, at the age of 19, Arjumand Bano Begum acquired the status of the second wife of Prince Guram. Guram had many other wives and concubines, but it was Mumtaz who won the heart of the future ruler for a long time.

Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal

During the conquest of the throne, Mumtaz became the prince's most faithful companion. But the struggle was serious: the prince was opposed by his brothers, and besides, he had to hide from own father Jahangir. But still, in 1627, Guram managed to seize the throne and receive the status of Shah Jahan - the ruler of the world.

Mumtaz occupied an important place in the life of the government. Shah Jahan organized various receptions and feasts in her honor. Mumtaz was present at all important state ceremonies, she was listened to even at state councils.

Specific facts about Mumtaz's life and death different sources get confused, which over time made them a legend. So Mumtaz gave birth to nine or thirteen children, and died in 1636 or 1629. The reason is also confused - according to one of them she fell ill, according to the other she died during childbirth. Much comes down to the fact that this event occurred during the return with victory from the Deccan. Legend also says that before her death, Mumtaz asked her husband to build a tomb equal to their love.

History of the creation of the mausoleum

Initially, the queen was buried in Burkhan-Nur, where she died. Six months later, her remains were brought to Agra. And on the anniversary of his death, Shah Jahan began construction of the mausoleum. The best architects of the East took part in the project competition. All the masters were surpassed by the architect Usto Isa Khan Effendi from Shiraz. The emperor generally liked his project very much, and was only partially changed later.

It took 22 years for 20 thousand people to build this landmark of India. The tomb itself was surrounded by a wall made of red sandstone. A huge courtyard was built in front of the Taj Mahal mausoleum. future garden. According to one of the beautiful legends, on the opposite side of the Jumna River, the ruler began the construction of another mausoleum of the same shape, but made of black marble, for himself. Shah Jahan's love for symmetry is visible in this legend and in the general architecture of the building. The construction of an anti-copy of the mausoleum was not destined to come true - his son Aurangzeb intercepted the throne and imprisoned his father in the Red Fort. This is how Shah Jahan spent his last years lived under house arrest and died in 1666.

According to his father's will, Aurangzeb transfers his body to the Taj Mahal to his wife. Many other wives of Shah Jahan, as well as some family members and their associates, were also buried here.

The Taj Mahal is truly a very beautiful building. No description, photo or video can convey everything true beauty this building. The architecture of the building conveys a mixture of Indian, Persian and Islamic architecture. The fortress walls at the corners are framed by pavilion towers. In the center rises the tomb building itself in iridescent colors depending on the lighting. At night it appears dazzlingly white, and when the river is in flood, all this beauty is evenly reflected in its flow.

The building is surrounded on three sides by a park. The façade of the palace is made up of a marble portal flanked on either side by two domed towers. Along the central axis of the mausoleum in front of the facade there is an irrigation canal divided by a pool. There are paths from the pool towards the four minarets, to which access has been closed due to suicide cases.

The feeling of lightness of the building from afar is reinforced by its decoration upon closer examination. So the walls are painted with a subtle pattern, the marble blocks are inlaid with gems that shimmer in the light. It seems that this building was erected quite recently. It is not surprising that according to another legend, Shah Jahan ordered the hands of the architect to be cut off so that he could not repeat this.

Two side staircases lead to the second floor of the tomb, where open terraces lie under a huge dome rising to a height of 74 meters. Niches are carved into the facade of the building, which further enhances the feeling of weightlessness of the building. Entering through the facade passage, you can see a spacious hall, in the center of which there are two white marble sarcophagi.


The walls of the building are decorated with stone mosaics. They are woven into many plants, garlands of flowers, letters. The vaults of the arches are painted with fourteen suras from the Koran.

Indian Taj Mahal, the most famous monument love, which has long become a symbol of this country. It is one of the most popular attractions among tourists, perceived as eternal story love in stone.

Address: India, Agra
Start of construction: 1632
Completion of construction: 1653
Architect: Ustad Ahmad Lahauri
Height: 72 m
Coordinates: 27°10"30.5"N 78°02"31.4"E

As soon as they didn’t call famous mausoleum Taj Mahal! The famous Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote about the Taj Mahal that this monument is “a tear sparkling on the face of eternity.”

Bird's eye view of the Taj Mahal

In 1983, the mausoleum was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and was recognized as the best example of Hindu-Muslim architecture.

Taj Mahal - a legend of love frozen in marble

Facts and legends are closely intertwined in the history of the white marble masterpiece, but most historians agree that the tomb was built in the 1630s. about the order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his untimely deceased wife Mumtaz Mahal. The lovers got married when the beautiful Mumtaz Mahal was 19 years old. Shah Jahan loved only her and did not notice other women. The emperor's wife became his closest adviser, participated in the conduct of state affairs and accompanied her husband on all military campaigns. The couple had 13 children, and during the birth of the 14th child, Mumtaz Mahal died. The emperor sat for a long time at his wife’s deathbed, tirelessly mourning her. Heartbroken, Shah Jahan turned gray, declared two years of mourning in the country and decided to build a mausoleum in Agra, the capital of the Mughal Empire, on the banks of the Jamna River, which has no equal on Earth, has never been and never will be. 22 many years construction continued. More than 20,000 people took part in it, among them builders from all over the empire, craftsmen from Venice, Persia, Central Asia and the Arab East. According to legend, the ruler was so amazed by the grandeur and perfection of the tomb that he ordered the hands of the chief architect, Ustad-Isa, to be cut off so that he could not repeat his masterpiece.

View of the Taj Mahal from the garden

Some scientists believe that the mausoleum was designed by Shah Jahan himself, who was passionate about architecture. He gave his creation a name consonant with the name of his deceased wife - Taj Mahal (“Crown of the Palace”). On the other bank, the ruler was going to build the same mausoleum for himself, but from black marble, and the two buildings were to be connected by an openwork bridge made of gray marble, spanning the river. But the emperor's plans did not come true. A fierce struggle for power soon unfolded, during which Aurangzeb, the son of Shah Jahan, overthrew his father from the throne and imprisoned him in the Red Fort for 9 years, after which the prisoner died and was buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.

Architecture of the Taj Mahal

Today the white marble monument great love, the “gem of Indian architecture” is one of the most important landmarks in India. In 2007, the Taj Mahal was included in the list of the New Seven Wonders of the World, compiled after a survey of more than 100 million votes. The majestic five-domed mausoleum with 4 minarets in the corners rises to a 74-meter height on a white marble platform and, reflected in the motionless surfaces of an artificial reservoir, seems to float above the earth like a fairy-tale mirage.

Taj Mahal from the opposite bank of the Jamna River

Its walls, made of polished marble, shine white on a bright sunny day, emit a lilac-pink glow at sunset, and silver on a moonlit night. This marble was transported for construction 300 km from Rajasthan. Used in wall inlay gems and gems; The decor with quotes from the Koran is made of black marble. Malachite was brought from Russia, carnelian - from Baghdad, turquoise - from Tibet, sapphires and rubies - from Siam, lapis lazuli - from Ceylon, peridot - from the banks of the Nile. Symmetry is impeccably observed in the architecture of the ensemble. It is violated only by the tomb of Shah Jahan, which was built after his death, much later than the tomb of Mumtuz-Mazal, located strictly in the middle of the mausoleum.

Symbols hidden in the layout of the mausoleum

The Taj Mahal has many symbols. So, for example, in the park surrounding architectural ensemble, cypress trees grow - the personification of sadness in Islam, and on the entrance gate are carved verses (revelations) from the Koran, addressed to believers and ending with the words “Enter My Paradise!” Thus, one can understand Shah Jahan’s plan - he built a paradise where his beloved would live. Modern researchers claim that, maddened by grief, the emperor decided to get closer to divine knowledge by creating paradise on Earth. At times Shah Jahan said that he was building a throne for Allah himself.

Fragment of the facade of the Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is in danger of extinction

Currently, the creations of medieval architects are falling into decay. Cracks have appeared on the walls of the Taj Mahal, and it is losing its shining whiteness due to air pollution, and the minarets have deviated from the vertical axis by 3 mm and may collapse in the future. The Jumna River is shallowing, and this can lead to changes in the soil structure and subsidence of the foundation. And yet, despite all the threats of destruction, the magnificent Taj Mahal has existed for more than 350 years, attracting millions of guests from all over the world with its romantic legend and architectural perfection.

This grandiose mausoleum is called a monument to immortal love, and for many centuries everyone has been concerned about it romantic story creation. Recognized as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Mahal has been protected by UNESCO since 1983. The most famous india, which has no analogues throughout the world, characterizes an entire era of the emperor’s reign.

The sadness and tenderness expressed in the stone make all travelers stop in admiration before the majestic masterpiece of art, telling about amazing love.

History of creation

The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum located in the city of Agra. It was erected by order of the grandson of the country's ruler Shah Jahan, who dreamed of fulfilling the will of his wife who died during childbirth.

They are all tested, including eternity. It is surprising that historical chronicles record tender and romantic relationship the ruler and his wife, whom the emperor affectionately called the Taj Mahal, which translated means “the pride of the palace.” This is very rare for Muslims, because strong love Most often they manifest themselves towards God and their homeland, but not towards a woman.

Ancient legends

A beautiful legend says that after tragic death The emperor did not leave his beloved chambers for a week, and when his subjects saw their master, they did not recognize him: he had aged several years and turned gray. Shah Jahan renounced the throne, indulging in intense grief for his wife who had left forever.

True, there is also a less romantic version, which says that the ruler was overthrown by his own son, explaining his behavior by the fact that his father’s grandiose projects were ruining the country. But this is no longer very important for posterity, because the value of a world-famous monument is not diminished by this.

A fulfilled oath

Shah Jahan remembered how the mother of his children once asked him to build a beautiful palace. The ruler, distraught with grief, vowed to build the most luxurious tomb in the world. In memory of his wife, large-scale construction of a majestic structure began.

Thus, thanks to official records made by the subjects of the Muslim king, we became aware of the official history of creation. The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most expensive buildings in the world, on which huge amounts of money were spent.

The rest of his life spent in prison

There is another legend about the emperor’s desire to build a second similar structure, but he did not have time to do this. And all that was left for him after he was overthrown by his own son was for the rest of his life to look sadly from the small window of the dungeon at the stone work of art that became the tomb of his departed wife.

A masterpiece of world art

The construction of the Taj Mahal, the photo of which only slightly conveys the grandeur and scale of the work of world art, began in 1632. More than 20 thousand workers, gathered from all over the country, took part in the construction. About them future fate few people know, but, according to legend, so that the craftsmen would not tell anyone the secrets of constructing the mausoleum, they were all executed after finishing the work.

The plot of land on which the luxurious palace was built did not belong to the emperor, but he exchanged it from a subject to build a monument to his love. The builders filled deep wells with a special solution and stones to protect the structure from collapse due to the proximity of groundwater, and raised the foundation by 50 meters. Marble blocks were placed at the base for special reliability.

Long-term construction

The phased construction of the Taj Mahal in the city of Agra (India) took more than 12 years. Especially for the cladding of the mausoleum, the purest marble was brought on elephants from one province of the empire, and the construction of other structures from it was strictly prohibited.

To feed the workers, who tirelessly built the luxurious monument day and night, grain was brought to them, intended to be sent to the provinces, and a terrible famine began in the country, which led to an unstable financial situation.

Visual effects

It is interesting that the Taj Mahal, the photo of which evokes a feeling of admiration even in the most indifferent person to architecture, was designed taking into account optical illusions, which were very unusual for that time.

To get to the palace, you first need to go through the arch leading to the heritage of world culture. And here an interesting visual effect arises: as you approach it, the building seems to move away. The same thing happens when leaving the arch, when it seems that the Taj Mahal somehow becomes much closer than before.

Another one optical illusion, which misleads visitors: it seems to them that the minarets located next to the mausoleum were built in parallel. In fact, they deviate slightly to the sides, and such a design was justified by protecting the palace in case of earthquakes. The huge towers would not have damaged the mausoleum, but fell next to it. Surprisingly, the seismically dangerous place escaped cataclysms.

Tombs under the mausoleum

There are lines in the Koran that say that the peace of a deceased person cannot be disturbed. Under the main dome of the mausoleum there is a tomb, which in fact is not one. Fearing that someone would dare disturb his beloved wife, the emperor ordered her to be buried in a secret hall located under a unique masterpiece. After the death of Shah Jahan, his remains found shelter next to his wife.

Jewelry box

Amazingly beautiful from the inside uniting several architectural styles Indian Taj Mahal. The walls of the luxurious halls are decorated using Italian technologies. Colorful patterns of gems make the mausoleum a real treasury storing valuables. The stones were delivered from the most different corners countries, and even ambassadors came to Russia to purchase malachite, which was valued in the country.

Palace divided into two parts

Built in accordance with Islamic ideas about the afterlife, the famous Taj Mahal mausoleum is divided into two parts. The four courtyards of the caravanserai and the market streets refer to earthly existence, and the mausoleum itself and the Garden of Eden refer to the otherworldly. By the way, all income received from trade went to maintaining the palace.

It is believed that the arch in front of the mausoleum and the beautiful pond laid in the middle of the main path represent a person’s transition to another world.

Who is the author of the masterpiece?

Researchers cannot accurately name the architects of this amazing masterpiece. It is precisely established that foreigners did not take part in the design of the mausoleum. And some experts are sure that the ruler himself acted as the main author, because he was famous for his education and sense of style.

The architecture of the mausoleum expresses the basic principles of the era: strict lines and a symmetrical layout make the earthly building look like a heavenly palace.

Majestic complex

The complex itself consists of a tomb, mirrored four watchtowers - minarets, from the tops of which they rang, announcing the beginning of prayers. On the sides of the mausoleum there are two mosques made of compressed sand. And most of the territory of the art monument is occupied by an amazing park with a pond, which reflects a perfect example of art. At the end of the green corridor, visitors are greeted by the luxurious Taj Mahal.

Color solution

The color design of the pearl also attracts attention. The buildings related to earthly life are made of fiery red sandstone, and the snow-white mausoleums symbolize the belief in life after death.

It is interesting to watch the play of light when the sun's rays at dawn or sunset paint the walls in delicate colors.

Contemporary issues

Thousands of tourists, for whom the masterpiece is a symbol of India, visit the Taj Mahal. The country is proud national treasure, A local authorities are very concerned about the preservation of the attraction for posterity. Unfortunately, architectural monument with a huge history, it settles and becomes covered with cracks.

The former capital of the Mughal Empire, Agra (India), is a densely populated city with a poor environmental situation. Polluted air causes marble to turn yellow, and periodically to improve appearance buildings, it is rubbed with white clay. In addition, the cladding also suffers from pigeons settling under the dome.

All visitors are carefully screened before entering. It is prohibited to bring lighters, cigarettes, food, Cell phones and even chewing gum. Therefore, it is not recommended to take these things with you.

On Fridays, tourists are prohibited from entering the Taj Mahal, as Muslims gather for prayers at the nearby mosque in Agra.

Symbol of immortality

Included in the list of new wonders of the world, the world masterpiece continues to excite minds with the special beauty of architectural lines and luxury of decoration, and creative people and all lovers are concerned about the sad story of creation.

The Taj Mahal is stunning at first sight, and every visitor touches eternity captured in marble. The ancient landmark, which has become a symbol of fidelity and immortality, will remain forever in the memory, and will keep the heart unforgettable experience from what he saw.