Requirements to become a deputy. How to become deputies of local authorities

A few decades ago, boys dreamed of becoming astronauts or firefighters. Today, one of the most attractive professions for young people is profession politician. Being a mayor, governor or deputy is so prestigious that all other professions fade into the background.

If you also have a desire to get involved in politics, be sure to read on. Today we will try to figure out how to become a deputy of local authorities or a politician at the state level.

First tip: before you start long haul to the post of city deputy or State Duma, carefully study the legislation. As practice shows, the careers of those who ignored this point ended before they even began.

Requirements for a candidate:

Of course, meeting only these requirements to become a deputy of even local authorities, not to mention the State Duma, is not enough.

The first thing you need to do when you decide to run for office is to decide how you will do it. So, how to become a deputy?

Extension methods

There are two ways to nominate a candidate for election:

  • Self-nomination. In this case, there is no need to join any party, you will only have to create an initiative group - people who support the candidate. Get ready for their list of signatures to be thoroughly studied and checked. In addition, the number of adherents must be at least 2% of all voters.
  • Running for a party. It would seem that all you need to do is join political party, and you can move out. But the process is not that simple. In order for the party of which you are a member to decide to nominate you as a deputy, you must be either a major entrepreneur or a popular personality, and it doesn’t matter who - pop performer, an athlete or a film actor, the main thing is that you can bring your political organization the desired victory.

Stages of the election campaign

To make the election race successful, we advise you to strictly adhere to all stages:

  1. Once you have decided on how to nominate yourself, be sure to submit your application with all necessary documents(in addition to identification documents, you will need a diploma confirming your education, as well as documents from your place of work indicating the name of the organization and position held). This must be done within twenty days before election day.
  2. Considering the enormous competition in the modern political arena, the work must be carried out efficiently and professionally. First of all, hire a competent team of political strategists who will take care of your image, plan the campaign and tell you point by point, how to become a deputy.
  3. Engage in the production of campaign materials (leaflets, posters, booklets, calendars, newsletters, etc.).
  4. Invite an agitator to work - his role is one of the most important in your race for victory. The agitator must express the ideas of the candidate, become his face and mediator in communication with voters.
  5. Pay attention to information about your candidacy in print media, radio and television appearances.

In addition to the legislation regulating the activities of politicians, as well as long-developed technologies, how to become a deputy of the city duma and government agencies authorities, there are a number of unspoken requirements that must be followed to achieve success.

A candidate for deputy must have the following qualities:

  1. Charismatic. Having seen a politician on television once, he must be remembered. Pay attention to the bright speeches of some Russian deputies. This is by no means a manifestation of unrestrained temperament, but a well-thought-out PR move.
  2. Endurance. To people who are far from politics, it seems that the work of a deputy consists of rare speeches before the electorate. In fact, the day of a servant of the people is scheduled minute by minute - meetings, working with documents, assigning tasks to subordinates and constant monitoring of implementation require high level self-organization and resilience.
  3. Aliveness and clarity of mind. When running for deputy, you need to be prepared not only for paperwork and Duma meetings, but also for constant communication with the people and opponents.
  4. Ability to speak in public, communication skills. The need for these qualities is obvious - speeches during the election campaign, the ability to convince the electorate, holding meetings at the local and state level in future work - the position of a deputy cannot be done without all this.
  5. Good manners. Just as important as the previous point - voters are unlikely to trust a person who does not know the basic rules of etiquette.
  6. A future deputy cannot do without profitable acquaintances– connections in politics and the business world will become a huge priority when moving to power.
  7. Availability financial basis . As mentioned above, without significant financial investments it is impossible to conduct high-quality propaganda work. Moreover, if you are running for local government, you will need significantly less money than if you are running for the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

If you didn’t manage to take the high post of people’s choice the first time, don’t despair. In this case, there are several options. You can try to start a political career from office deputy assistant. This will help you study the kitchen of modern politics from the inside and carefully prepare for the next elections. If you decide to take this position, knowledge of office management will definitely not hurt you.

Another option is to go down one step in the hierarchy of power. In other words, if you ran for State Duma deputies, try yourself in local government. If the attempt to get into the city council was unsuccessful, start your career in smaller communities.

The main thing is, since you have decided to become a deputy, be patient, do not give up under any circumstances, and may good luck accompany you in everything.


If you decide to become a deputy, you will find it useful to watch this video.

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Top echelon politicians are the elite of any country.

They are seen as celestials, and attempts to join their company seem ridiculous and absurd in the eyes of ordinary people.

And as always, ordinary pessimists are wrong.

Don't be afraid to think about it how to become a deputy, because every person can make a political career, regardless of age.

The main thing is to choose The right way achieve the goal, do not give in to difficulties and act according to a strictly planned plan.

Everything will work out for you, just as it turned out for those people whom you constantly see in the Parliament of your country.

Who can and who cannot become a deputy?

If you decide to become a deputy, you must understand: the path to the political top is not easy, you will have to overcome many obstacles until you reach your goal.

It is also very important to understand that you will become a public person, so your every step will be closely watched not only by journalists and competitors, but also by voters, posting your every mistake on the Internet.

Think carefully about whether you are ready for such a step.

If yes, then carefully study who can become a deputy and who is prohibited from a political career by law.

1. Who can become a deputy?

If you look at our politicians, you get the impression that anyone can become a deputy, no matter how bandit, idiot or freak he may be.

But just because they were lucky, it doesn’t mean you will be lucky too.

Still, when planning to become a deputy, you need to figure out whether you have enough qualities to take responsibility for the fate of the country and whether your candidacy contradicts the legislation of the state of which you want to become a deputy.

A member of the State Parliament can become:

  • an adult who has already turned 21 years old;
  • a citizen of the country to whose Parliament he intends to be elected;
  • mentally healthy and without a criminal record;
  • capable;
  • having higher education or at least completed secondary school;
  • endowed with the qualities necessary to work in the legislative branch;
  • having a desire to work for his own good home country.

2. Who cannot become a deputy?

If you cannot boast of several points from the list above, this does not mean that you cannot become a deputy.

In this matter, the main thing is that you are, know how to please people in your country and do not fall under any of the points in the following list.

A person cannot become a deputy in our country:

  1. Who has not yet turned 21 years old.
  2. Who has an outstanding criminal record, is under investigation or is wanted.
  3. That he is mentally ill, and his health problems have been confirmed by a doctor.
  4. Who is lazy, invisible among others, uptight, unpleasant both in appearance and in communication, the exception is that you are very rich, so you can simply buy a place on the party list.
  5. Which has a tendency towards theft, fraud (enough already - and so everything that can be stolen from the state treasury).
  6. Which is as stupid as a plug (again, the exception is exorbitant wealth and generous party funding).
  7. Who works against the interests of his country and hates the state for which he is nominated.

How to become a deputy if you are a businessman?

Very often representatives of big business become deputies.

Moreover, this happens not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in other countries, where deputies (no matter what they are called there) are better and more honest than domestic ones (well, let's not let patriotism cloud our eyes and admit the truth).

Let's take, for example, Donald Trump, who, in business, decided to become not just a deputy, but the President of the country - one of the world leaders.

In Russia and Ukraine, businessmen want to become deputies for various reasons:

  1. Wanting to satisfy my ambitions, they say, in business I have achieved everything I could, now I need to look for political opportunities for implementation.
  2. Seeking to gain the immunity that Members of Parliament have in our country.
  3. Eager to tap into government financial flows and get richer even more.
  4. Want to protect your business from tax audits and raider attacks by competitors.
  5. Trying to change the future of their country (I understand that the last point made many people smile, but you can’t see everything in black – you can go crazy if you think that every single deputies are thieves and bastards).

If you have managed to earn a lot of money (the amounts in your accounts are half a million dollars or more), then becoming a deputy will be very easy for you.

You just choose a party you like (it’s better to choose among those that have a great chance of getting into parliament) and offer to put your candidacy on the electoral list (ask for a place) in exchange for financial assistance to the party.

If no one can outbid your money and the party needs money, then you can easily become a deputy and make a political career.

I won’t say exactly how much you will have to pay to go to work in the State Parliament - each party puts forward its own conditions.

Just ask the party leaders about the price, I’m sure they will easily tell you the required amount.

You can try to go to the polls on your own, as a majoritarian.

But in this case, you will have to spend much more on the election campaign and no one can guarantee that the country’s voters will believe you and agree to help you become a deputy.

Still, buying a place on the list is somehow more reliable.

How to become a deputy, making a career from the very bottom?

Watching who is rising to the top of the political Olympus, we have become real skeptics and stopped believing that to an ordinary person without connections and big money, you can become a deputy.

And yet there are ways.

True, this path to becoming a politician is long and difficult.

Ready to work?

Well, then go ahead and sing!

1. A party member is a deputy at five minutes.

I want to illustrate this path to becoming a deputy with the story of my classmate.

He knows exactly how to become a deputy without having much money or useful connections.

Vitalik comes from the regional center, which is located near Kyiv.

While still studying at the capital's university, he was involved in social and political activities, participated in the Orange Revolution, and was the secretary of one of the headquarters of Viktor Yushchenko's Our Ukraine party.

After graduation, Vitalik remained to live in the capital, replacing Our Ukraine, which was rapidly losing popularity, with the party of V. Klitschko UDAR.

Since the party was young and finding representatives in the regions was not so easy, my classmate was sent to his historical homeland to promote a new project.

He did quite well, was a deputy of the city council, but the guy showed his talents best during the Euromaidan.

Vitalik traveled to Kyiv for protests, spoke at main square his hometown, organized the delivery of food and medicine to Kyiv, helped those wishing to take part in the revolution in the country get to Euromaidan, etc.

Naturally, the guy was noticed, he became one of the most popular young politicians within his city and not the last person in the UDAR party.

When the time came to elect a new parliament, Vitalik entered the Verkhovna Rada on the party list.

In my opinion, a very decent career for a boy from a simple family.

2. A social activist is almost a deputy.

This is another one Right way, which will definitely help you become a deputy of a city or regional council, or even get into the Parliament of Ukraine or Russia.

The fact that public activists who have achieved fame can easily become deputies has been proven by many, such as Yegor Sobolev, for example.

He started as a journalist: first he wrote for regional Donetsk publications, and, having moved to Kyiv in 1996, he gradually began to gain momentum, working for such well-known publications as “Zerkalo Nedeli” or “Correspondent”, then (from 2004 to 2008 ) was “Channel 5”.

And in 2008, Sobolev organized the Bureau of Journalistic Investigations “Consciously”, working as a social activist, exposing political agreements and waste budget funds, corruption schemes, bribe-taking deputies, etc.

All this allowed him to start a political career and in 2014 become a People's Deputy of Ukraine.

Egor Sobolev is not the only social activist who managed to become a deputy on the party list.

Anna Gopko, Yaroslav Moskalenko, Viktor Romanyuk and many others walked his path.

3. 10 tips for those who want to become a deputy, rising from below

You are still a completely unknown person who wants to make a political career.

You have neither big money, like businessmen, nor connections, like, for example, Alexei Poroshenko, the son of the President of Ukraine, nor the nationwide love that musicians, actors, athletes and other famous personalities can boast of.

You will have to climb from the very bottom, acquiring connections and gaining a name for yourself, proving to the country that you are worthy of becoming a deputy.

If you want to become a deputy in your country:

  1. Do more good deeds that the press would like to cover, your task is to get into the media as often as possible as a benefactor, social activist, initiator, etc.
  2. Start your own blog and get active in in social networks– the more subscribers and friends you have, the higher your chances of becoming a deputy.
  3. Take care of yours appearance, speak in a language that people can understand.
  4. Write your own program: why are you going to Parliament, what do you want to change so that people in your country can live better, what bills are you going to promote, etc.
  5. Create an impeccable image for yourself, for example, a caring father, a faithful husband, good specialist, decent person, etc.
  6. Take care of your reputation, do not allow scandals around your name - this will disgrace not only you, but also the party that you represent.
  7. Before pursuing a political career, remove everything that compromises you.

    Remember what a scandal raged only recently, because Deeva, who was appointed Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, did not remove her nude photos from her online page.

  8. Constantly develop yourself, read more, memorize quotes famous people– voters should think that you are well educated and intellectually developed.
  9. Criticize your political opponents less and don’t throw mud at them, prove that you are good and not they are bad.
  10. Carefully choose the party that will help you become an MP.

    If you make the wrong choice, you will ruin your political career.

How else can you become a deputy?

Every person goes through several life stages.

You can long years be content with your job and position in society, and then - bam, and you have an irresistible desire to become a deputy, to change something for the better in your country.

Is it stupid to count on a political career when you were doing something completely different?

But no, it’s just that in this case you need to either take advantage of the upcoming changes in your country, or gain capital in the form of fame and recognition.

1. Becoming a deputy on the wave of political and historical changes in the state

I think that the most shining example recent years how you can become a deputy using historical events in his country - Euromaidan and the war in the east.

During the period from the end of 2013 to 2015, people who had not previously thought about political career and did not aspire to become a deputy.

Historical events in the life of their native country forced them to take responsibility and engage in political activities.

Thus, Euromaidan activists, volunteers, volunteers in the ATO and many others got into the VIII Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Their pre-war professions have nothing to do with politics.

These people were engaged in business on a small scale, agriculture, taught, treated people, etc.

But the fact that they responded to her call at a difficult time for the country allowed them to become a deputy.

In the wake of changes in the country, the following became deputies: D. Yarosh, V. Parasyuk, B. Bereza, T. Rychkova, M. Gavrilyuk, S. Semenchenko and many others.

What you need to do in order to become a deputy in the Russian Federation,

explained in the video:

2. First, a famous person...

Another sure way to becoming a deputy is popularity acquired before you decide to go to the polls.

This popularity does not necessarily have to be acquired in politics.

you can be famous athlete, artist, journalist, showman, director, blogger, etc., to become a deputy.

Each party dreams of getting not only professional politicians or businessmen on its lists, but also recognizable faces that will help get votes.

Thanks to his popularity, he managed to become a deputy in Russia and Ukraine:

  • athletes: O. Blokhin, A. Kabaeva, S. Bubka, N. Valuev, V. Tretyak, D. Selantiev, S. Zhurova;
  • singers: I. Kobzon, Ruslana, Zlatea Ognevich, S. Vakarchuk;
  • actors and directors: M. Kozhevnikova, L. Tanyuk, S. Govorukhin, B. Stupka, E. Drapeko;
  • journalists and TV presenters: V. Syumar, I. Gerashchenko, A. Pushkov, O. Pushkina and many others.

Maybe before you think how to become a deputy, take a different path and earn recognition and fame in some profession?

And then you can save your homeland.

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How to become a State Duma deputy? It would seem a non-trivial question that does not have a clear answer. However, as you know, nothing is impossible in this world. Especially in our state.


So, how to become a deputy? First you need to do a few things simple conditions to meet the requirements of a candidate for deputy. Firstly, to do this you need to reside in the country on a permanent basis and have Russian citizenship. Secondly, a person over the age of 21 can become a deputy. Thirdly, you must not have a criminal record. Fourth, you must not be in business or hold a government position. Combining the work of an official and a politician is prohibited by law. The exception is professional scientific or teaching activity. And finally, fifthly, remember: no one will immediately tell you how to become a politician. To do this, you need to have fairly good connections, be in the “political circle” and move in the appropriate elite environment. “Strangers” are not liked in politics.

Party choice

If all preconditions are met, then the question of how to become a deputy smoothly moves into the legal plane. Before making a final decision, remember that in Russia there is a proportional system; only candidates from parties enter the State Duma. Therefore, you need to decide on whose behalf you will run. This is not just a matter of ideological preferences (there are still a few left who still care about this), but also the likelihood of passage. The State Duma is dominated by " United Russia", therefore, it is more likely that the application will come from this organization. Moreover, it is not necessary to formally join the party; membership in the ONF is sufficient. Of course, you can choose the Communist Party of the Russian Federation or the Liberal Democratic Party, but here, as they say, it’s a matter of chance. You need a guarantee that you will be in the top 50 “lists”.

And other procedural issues

Further, the problem of how to become a deputy rests on purely internal party bureaucratic work. First of all, you need to formulate the so-called Program Provisions, which will then go “into the furnace” when drawing up the all-party program. At the same time, you will have to go through the crucible of the “primaries”; at this stage, “worthy” candidates will be selected. This is a rather tough and nervous procedure, but it is needed to weed out “random” people. In the meantime, you will be able to prove your ability to negotiate and play on interests, which will certainly be useful in your parliamentary work.

Electoral activity

Based on the results of the “primaries,” it is necessary to obtain an official representative of the ONF or another party. Then the most interesting part begins - submitting documents to the Central Election Commission and finally approving the list. Surprises are also possible at this stage, so you need to comply with all regulatory requirements and not provoke conflict situations. Then the probability of passing through the “sieve” of the Central Election Commission will be quite high. If you passed it, you received the go-ahead to win.


The above procedures, it seems, describe only the formal path to becoming a deputy. However, the informal part remains. Any party, and even United Russia, is a bureaucratic structure. Here you need to move around, have personal status and a lot of money. Still, an election campaign is not a cheap undertaking.

An excellent start to a political career is to become a deputy. For people with the desire and charisma, such a complex process at first glance will turn out to be quite realistic. Where to begin? First of all, decide on your interests, which will subsequently become a priority for voters. Afterwards, a logically consistent chain of actions should be built, the result of which will be the nomination of a candidate for the post of deputy.

Step One: Nomination

Before running for deputy, it is necessary to determine the method of nomination - from an electoral association or through self-nomination. The latter method involves “proposing” one’s candidacy within twenty calendar days from the official publication of the resolution on holding elections. At this stage, candidates for deputies provide to the election commission:

  • notification of self-nomination;
  • a statement that contains consent to run for office;
  • copy of passport;
  • copies of all documents specified in the application;
  • reliable information about income, securities, bank deposits, etc.

Step two: creating and financing an election campaign

How to run for parliament, if about yours long-term plans, aimed at improving the welfare of voters, is unknown to any of them? No one will simply know about the noble impulses of the new candidate. It is for these purposes that parliamentary candidates conduct an election campaign. But even at this stage there are a number of important aspects: such a campaign is carried out at the expense of the election fund. How is it formed? Here are several sources:

  • own funds;
  • voluntary donations from future voters (citizens) or legal entities.

It is important for future deputies to know that there are limits on the amount of the election fund. For example, if you are planning to become a deputy in a district, the amount of the above fund will be a smaller amount than for candidates in higher-level elections.

Step three: collecting signatures or depositing a sum of money

Registration of candidates for deputies is preceded by the collection of signatures from voters in their support or the payment of an electoral deposit. If a future deputy has received notification from the commission about his nomination, the next day he can already collect signatures in support of his candidacy. Subsequently, these signed sheets must be submitted to the election commission. But here, too, there is a time limit, according to current legislation - no later than twenty days after the publication of the resolution on holding elections. At this stage, there is a second option for the development of events - contributing fifteen percent of the maximum maximum amount of the election fund.

Step Four: Registration Process

So, the signatures of potential voters have been collected, and the election campaign is in full swing. This means that the future deputy is already halfway to success. It's time to move on to the official part of candidate registration. For this purpose, the election commission will check the authenticity of the signed sheets that are provided to it by those wishing to run. After this, it will make a decision within ten days on whether to register the candidate or to refuse.

Step Five: Completing the Process

From the moment of a positive response from the election commission, a potential deputy has every right to campaign among voters. To achieve the goal, all means are good, but there are a number of exceptions: the law prohibits bribing voters, giving gifts, and it is also prohibited to promote the seizure of power and military action. Campaigning ends at 00:00 Moscow time one day before the vote.

What a candidate needs to consider

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation will not include a candidate in the list of candidates if:

  • Concealing the fact of an unexpunged or unexpunged criminal record.
  • There is evidence of non-compliance with restrictions during the campaign period.
  • Availability of information about registration in another federal list of candidates.
  • The presence of other factors that contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The decision of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation on the formation of a list of candidates can be challenged in the Supreme Court. The legislative body will make an appropriate decision within five days from the receipt of the complaint. Before running for parliament, you need to responsibly weigh every step you take in your upcoming political career. An important life stage is approaching. After all, the nomination of candidates and the subsequent activities of the deputy are accompanied by impeccable compliance with all norms of the current legislation.

So, if a citizen has reached the age of twenty-one, is legally competent, neither he nor his family members have a criminal record or have been involved in it, and the candidate is a citizen of the Russian Federation, there are no obstacles to a political career. Yes, and it is important to have political ideas and knowledge of ways to implement them.

Pros and cons of parliamentary activity

If you approach this issue With full responsibility and awareness of the matter, and most importantly - its consequences, one can consider not only the number of overwhelming advantages. The positive aspects include immunity, the opportunity to leave your mark on history, sufficient government support and moral satisfaction (subject to quality work). But there is also the other side of the coin: an increased sense of responsibility, the likelihood of a threat to the lives of loved ones and relatives, and an almost complete lack of free time.

The deputy through the eyes of voters

With the onset of the next elections, every citizen is in excited anticipation of the coming positive changes. There is a widespread belief that before running for office, each candidate promises literally “mountains of gold” in the hope of getting an extra vote. It is no secret that both the election campaign and the campaigning are drawn up and planned according to the topic of the day.

Judging by the above guide to action, becoming a deputy is not at all difficult. It is difficult not to lose the trust of your voters, to justify every vote cast for the benefit of building a new, bright future. It is likely that not everything depends on the newly-minted deputy; he will not be able to immediately break the complex system that was built many years before his appearance on the pedestal of power. But at the same time, a young, ambitious person, with the assistance of a close-knit team of similar leaders, is capable of grandiose actions that will definitely lead to the achievement of their goals. The consequence of all this will be positive changes in reforms, prosperity of the economy and infrastructure.

Many people want to become a people's deputy of the State Duma. Today, entrepreneurs, executives, even pop stars and athletes are thinking about this - people who seem to have nothing to do with politics. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, especially since becoming a State Duma deputy in our country is not as difficult as some people think.

The pride that fills you with the thought that you will serve such a Great Country as Russia only adds relevance and desire to become a State Duma deputy.

The procedure for becoming a State Duma deputy

According to the law, any Russian citizen at least 21 years old, permanently residing in the country and not prosecuted can become a State Duma deputy. It is curious that higher education is not required to obtain a deputy mandate: a certificate of completion of 9 grades of school is sufficient.

It is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the legislation of the Russian Federation; but... it’s also not necessary. That is, the people whom citizens entrust to create laws are not themselves required to know the law, even the Constitution. By the way, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation lies a large number of shortcomings that will soon have to be resolved.

Before becoming a State Duma deputy, you need to become a candidate for deputy. To do this, you need to fill out the appropriate application and collect a certain number of signatures in your support. If the required number of votes has been collected, you can move on to the next stage. The newly minted candidate joins a party, which, in theory, supports its representative by all possible means. You can also act as a self-nominated candidate, but this is much more difficult in terms of labor intensity and financial costs: you will have to organize the entire election campaign yourself. There are also special rules for self-nominated candidates to make it easier to collect votes and register as a deputy.

It is also possible to pay a parliamentary deposit . In this case, the paid amount is returned to the candidate. in full, if he gets at least 3 percent of the votes in the elections; otherwise, the deposit goes to the budget. This measure is quite reasonable, since it protects against dubious persons who simply want to draw attention to their person; such a false candidate risks his capital.

So, all the necessary procedures have been completed . A candidate for State Duma deputy begins a full-scale election campaign. There are quite a lot of funds for its implementation, and they are designed for the different solvency of the nominee. A standard and inexpensive means is leaflets, they
are used everywhere. The information on the flyers should tell about the candidate's biography and what he plans to do for the country if he wins the election. You can put up leaflets yourself, although it is unlikely that a bird of such high flight will agree to do this “dirty” work itself. You can ask friends or relatives, but the best (albeit more expensive) way is to order the distribution of leaflets from a promotional agency.

If a candidate for State Duma deputy has large funds, then he can, for example, order an advertising billboard.

Each candidate receives standard stripes in central newspapers and a certain number of minutes on television. However, if this is not enough for him, he can buy additional bands and airtime.

The election campaign begins three months before the election and ends at midnight before election day. On this day, citizens finally decide for themselves who to vote for, without any information pressure.

Finally, the winning candidate becomes a deputy and begins to perform his duties.

Another important point is that a State Duma deputy is obliged to refuse entrepreneurial activity and other types of paid work. The exception is teaching, scientific and creative activity. After all, the deputy is fully supported by the state and is exempt from taxes. Alas, Russian parliamentarians do not always comply with this law.

Responsibilities of State Duma deputies

A newly appointed State Duma deputy who wins the elections becomes an employee of the Russian parliament for five years. What does his activity amount to? First of all, this is, of course, attending State Duma meetings. Parliament is the place where bills are born and discussed, which can subsequently come into force. In addition, deputies must attend special meetings, participate in various commissions and other similar events.

Next, deputies must hold conversations with members of the government, ask them questions, find out the motives for this or that decision. If a people's representative discovers that a government employee is violating the law, he is obliged to report this to the appropriate authorities.

Another important responsibility is communication with
. The activities of parliament must be open to the people, to whom deputies report on decisions made.

A member of parliament should not shy away from political activity and simply attend meetings and meetings. And in the huge collective that is the State Duma, it is not so easy to show your activity. The opinion of one may not coincide with the decision of the majority. The temptation to take time off from work is great, especially since monitoring the work of all members of parliament is problematic: there are 450 State Duma deputies. It is much more convenient to observe the parliament in small states such as Iceland: the Althing there has only 68 members. The activities of such a meeting are both more transparent and more coordinated.

The State Duma, strictly speaking, is only one half of the Russian parliament - the lower house. The upper house is the Federation Council. Unofficially, it is called the Senate - by analogy with the same chamber in European parliaments. Despite its status, the Senate is in no way connected with the activities of the State Duma and does not have a significant influence on the life of the country. The work of its members comes down to establishing a state of emergency, approving presidential decrees, changing the country's borders, the impeachment procedure (removing the president from power) and some others.

Get elected to the State Duma and serve your people honestly.