Organization of production is the basis of financial prosperity. Open a profitable production from scratch: ideas for businessmen

Section about production: business ideas, instructions on how to start from scratch and types of goods, profitability, equipment and manufacturing technologies, risks in small business, analytics and advice in this industry. Details about which one and how to open it, what you need to start your own business.

It is worth noting that modern production includes not only the material, but also the intangible sphere - the production of intangible goods and (new scientific discoveries, inventions, education, art and culture, healthcare, consumer services, management, financing and lending, sports, etc.). But the development of intangible production and the service sector largely depends on the material.

Business ideas for production

Articles are published here not only on how to start and open your own business, but also various relevant ideas that can be implemented in your existing business.

Continuation of the business idea

About business in this industry

Often the word “production” tends to evoke associations with factories, large workshops, complex machines and conveyors, a wide sales market and a large number of labor forces. Therefore, when thinking about our business, we rarely turn the vector of our thoughts in this direction. But in vain, because very often you can stumble upon simply great ideas production in small businesses that do not require large initial investments and the involvement of a significant workforce. Every day, if you wish, you can find your own business ideas, for which production is the main thing. Yes, if you are good at something or you simply have a thorough knowledge of how something can be done better or cheaper than others, and are looking for new business ideas, small production is just what you need.

Working for yourself is a very responsible decision. But, despite this, many people with an entrepreneurial spirit have always been inclined to make this choice. After all, you can not only earn money by working for yourself, but also be useful to others by choosing your business from among many ideas in this production sector.

In this section you will find many business ideas that are relevant today and you will definitely be able to choose something that suits your spirit and material capabilities.

The reason is easy to explain - despite all the complexity, there are many perspectives and good profit. And with a thorough search for ideas and costs will be minimal. However, this is easy to notice when considering five, very interesting and low-cost options.

: nail production

Construction will exist as long as people exist. And that means nails will always be needed. Therefore, as a business option, it is worth considering your own nail production. The advantages are the low cost of raw materials and constant demand.

As for production equipment, depending on the type of product the price of a wire nailing machine ranges from 100 to 300 thousand rubles.

But, of course, no one canceled the purchase of equipment that was already in use, and because of this noticeably cheaper equipment.

Option 2: production of monuments

As in the previous case, there will always be a demand for monuments. Moreover, taking into account the sharp rise in prices for funeral services, many compatriots prefer to purchase cheaper products.

Exclusive tombstones made from expensive marble or granite are not ordered very often. And this benefits budding entrepreneurs.

Equipment for making concrete monuments costs around 100,000 rubles. Raw materials, as you might guess, also have a low cost.

However, there is demand, just as you shouldn’t worry about appearance finished product. Having experience, you can make monuments that are not inferior to exclusive options.

Option 3: production of paving slabs

In order to ensure uninterrupted production of specific products in the near future, it is necessary now to decide on the specialization of your enterprise.

This contributes to a sharp reduction in start-up investments, and also allows you to focus on development and improvement technological process. Prepare for the fact that you will have to deal with licensing of your production activities.

Next, you need to competently assess all the risks and the subsequent payback of your company. Therefore, take into account all possible costs, losses and risks. Do this before starting your own production.

Don't forget reflect the estimated turnover of your products. If you seriously work on a business plan, your company will operate successfully based on the marketing plan you have drawn up.

The next step is to register with tax service as legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

If If you are planning to create a full-fledged enterprise, then the first option is much better suited than the second.

Unfortunately, not a single active specialist can answer your question in advance about how much money you need to spend to open a profitable business. You will be able to calculate all future expenses yourself.

As you already understand, in order to become a businessman, you must have starting capital. Financial investments directly depend on production volumes.

If you do not have the expected amount of money at your disposal that you want to invest, then we recommend going to the bank to use the lending service.

If you don't have a bad one credit history, but there is everything necessary documents to complete the contract, you will definitely receive the requested amount of money.

At the preparatory stage it is worth considering where your business will be located. You will need a production facility, warehouse for storage finished products and special.

Once you decide a whole series questions described above, proceed to searching for qualified employees. In production, people will be needed absolutely different ages and specialties.

So you can release various types products and increase your monthly income. You will need working personnel, but if you also want to deliver manufactured products, then an experienced driver will also come in handy.

Your business must develop, and this means that without marketing strategy there’s no way around it either. You need to try to make decisions quickly, because consumer demand for your products can soar and then fall.

Strategy is needed for qualitative acceleration of the return on all investments and a gradual increase in productivity.

Be prepared for the fact that significant start-up costs can dramatically increase the payback period of the enterprise. Sometimes you have to wait months or years to see a net profit. Initial stage production activities presuppose the competent distribution of income received in order to establish reporting.

Think about it implement into automated control. Ultimately, we can try to reduce monetary losses and minimize the human factor. This advice should be used if there is staff turnover or if there are no worthy candidates for work in your company.

Now you know how to constantly maintain it at the proper level. Manufacture high-quality products, win the trust of many customers and strive to expand the range of your functions.

High-quality and beautiful clothes are something that will be in demand at any time of the year. There are few developed networks of ateliers, and small sewing workshops mainly engage in clothing repair. Competition in this industry is low, and anyone can get into it interesting thing. Moreover, the sewing business does not require large investments. Why is a clothing business idea interesting, what are the pros and cons for aspiring entrepreneurs, how to open a clothing business from scratch and what should be done for this, read on.

First steps

The relevance of the business idea is that there are many different clothing stores in the city. But when you come to any of them, you don’t always find what you need. And then a person can contact a tailor and order a product to suit his taste and size.

It is important to immediately decide what types of services your studio will offer. The following options are possible:

  1. Sewing specialized clothing (medical gowns, uniforms, etc.). In this case, you can count on large orders from owners of pharmacy chains, construction or specialized service industries. You will also be able to participate in tenders for government procurement.
  2. Tailoring and repair of outerwear. You will need to purchase specialized powerful sewing machines, since you will be working with leather, fur, and thick fabric. The main users will be private clients.
  3. Sewing and light repair clothes: dresses, shirts, trousers. This option is the easiest for beginners. You will need a small room and simple equipment.

Where to start the project? To understand whether the discovery of a particular species will be profitable sewing workshop in your region, a competitor analysis is carried out. An idea is being thought through on how to take its place in the market and offer customers something new, different from competitors.

The idea of ​​sewing clothes has its pros and cons associated with high risks:

  • Insolvency of the target audience in the region.
  • Poor quality equipment requires high repair costs.
  • The tailor's lack of experience makes possible marriage or damage to an item for which the studio is responsible to the customer.
  • Tailor-made clothes are always more expensive than analogues from Chinese manufacturers, so it is difficult to make money from an atelier in regions of Russia with below-average incomes.

Pros: low costs, no special requirements for premises and location.

How to register a business

To organize a sewing production, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur yourself. But if you are planning to start manufacturing workwear or opening a factory, then it is better to immediately register an LLC. The point is that individual entrepreneurs do not have the right to participate in government tenders, and large companies will be more willing to cooperate with a legal entity.

To register an individual entrepreneur you will need the following package of documents:

  • Application for registration of individual entrepreneurs. The application indicates one main and two additional types activities. The following codes are suitable for a sewing workshop: 14.1 “Manufacture and sewing of any type of clothing, except for working with furs”, 14.2 “Manufacture of workwear”. OKVED is selected depending on the chosen specifics of your studio.
  • Receipt from the bank confirming payment of the state duty.
  • Notarized copies of passports and TIN.

Notarizing photocopies costs from 1,500 rubles. For consideration of the application tax authorities it will be three weeks. After receiving the certificate, you must immediately switch to the simplified taxation system.

But there's no need to waste time. When the documents are collected and submitted, you can proceed to the implementation of the idea.

Organizational issues

To implement the idea you will need a small but very bright room. Even the basement floor of a large building is suitable shopping center. The main thing is that your potential clients easily get to the order department. It is better to place the studio in the central part of the city, near bus stops public transport. It’s good if there are beauty salons and bookstores nearby that sell fashion magazines. For a small workshop you will need a room of at least 80 square meters. m.

Inside the room is zoned:

  • Order acceptance area.
  • Fitting room.
  • Sewing workshop.
  • Relaxation area and locker room for staff.

If the price list of your services only includes clothing repair, then an area of ​​20 square meters is sufficient. m. The fitting room is fenced right next to the sewing area. But you can’t expect high income from a small clothing repair department.


To operate the sewing workshop you will need the following personnel:

  • Director. Will supervise the work and establish relationships with major customers.
  • Accountant. Maintains accounting records.
  • Seamstress-cutter (4 people). Performs fittings, cutting, and sewing of products.
  • Fashion designer. Works with clients, creates individual projects, and designs display areas.
  • Cleaning woman.

A flexible work schedule is being developed. The administrative staff works every day, from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 19:00. Seamstresses work in pairs in shifts on a 2/2 schedule, fashion designer - from 10:00 to 19:00 every day.

All employees work according to employment contract, and for them contributions are made to pension and insurance funds. The accountant and director work on a salary system. Seamstresses-cutters and fashion designers have a salary equal to the minimum wage and 5% of each completed order.

More detailed personnel costs are outlined in the business plan for the sewing workshop.


To equip the sewing workshop you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • Machine 1022 class – 1 pc.
  • Class 51-A vehicle – 1 pc.
  • Machine 62761 class – 1 pc.
  • Class 97 car – 1 pc.
  • Cutting table – 1 pc.
  • Mannequin – 3 pcs.
  • Steam iron – 2 pcs.
  • Ironing board – 2 pcs.
  • Bracket – 1 pc.
  • Coffee table – 1 pc.
  • Desk – 1 pc.
  • Computer – 1 pc.
  • Mirrors – 6 pcs.
  • Tailoring scissors – 4 pcs.

Sewing accessories: needles, pins, pins, threads.

To equip a small studio you will need at least 500,000 rubles. More details about cost and step by step instructions outlined in the business plan.

In addition to basic expenses, you need at least 100,000 rubles. for unforeseen expenses and depreciation of equipment.


The profitability of the project directly depends on the number of customers. To attract customers, the studio has introduced the following specific services: coffee, tea, consultation with a fashion designer, fashion magazines. Convenient work schedule from 09:00 to 19:00 and lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00. Closed on Sunday.

The studio has introduced a number of features that attract consumers:

  • We publish our own catalogue, where we present various options light outerwear. In the catalog you can order a specific model in the desired color scheme and from a specific fabric.
  • With the help software A fashion designer can demonstrate to clients clearly how a finished item in a particular color scheme will look on the figure.
  • Discounts are offered on children's models, for large families, pensioners.

In the end

The sewing workshop business idea is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs with different levels budget. It is not difficult to implement a business from scratch, since you do not need a large list of equipment. The main thing is to choose your own direction in tailoring and implement the idea according to detailed business plan. Investments in this small business will be at least 500,000 rubles. The project will pay off in 1-2 years.

Chelyabinsk entrepreneur Denis Vidyakov says that now is the time when small firms can make a name for themselves

Not everyone can engage in production - in the current economic situation, many novice entrepreneurs do not risk investing in such a complex business. However, the crisis brings not only difficulties, but also new opportunities - it all depends on what angle you look at it from. Entrepreneur Denis Vidyakov from Chelyabinsk, who opened a business producing metal structures, showed by his own example that when there is a goal, all obstacles can be overcome. This story told leading Chelyabinsk portal

Denis Vidyakov | Photo: Oleg Kargapolov

I started working with metal structures last year. My father is a welder, and at some point he had difficulties at work. I didn’t waste time - I registered an LLC, rented premises, purchased some equipment and started working. I already had experience in business - before that I opened a paintball club, which is still operating successfully today. But metal structures are a completely new direction for me, I had to study the subject as I went along.

Room 80 sq. m was filmed together with a partner in the Leninsky district of Chelyabinsk. At the very beginning, the equipment consisted of grinders from the garage, drills from home, and jigsaws from work. All advertising took place exclusively through free sites, and the first orders slowly appeared. We opened at the beginning of last summer, and it was very difficult because the season was already lost. They grabbed onto literally everything that was connected with metal structures: awnings, change houses, horizontal bars, benches, trash cans. From the first order we bought a pipe bender, a compressor, and welders.

To be honest, at first it was enough only for rent and salary. This was the case until mid-autumn, when orders stopped coming in altogether. They pulled out small things, mostly for their own acquaintances - to make a stove for someone, a fence or a table for someone. Once they worked at a disadvantage - I miscalculated the change house. But a contract is a contract - I had to make it and give it away.

In the fall, real problems with money began, because rent had to be paid every month. The debt accumulated until December and amounted to 70 thousand rubles at the beginning of this year. As a result, I had to move out of the rented workshop and write a receipt on my own behalf that I would personally give the money.

“The competition in this business is fierce, it’s hard to survive. But on the other hand, now all the large companies in this area have slowed down due to economic instability in the country, and the time has come when small firms can make themselves known.”

We found a new workshop with good conditions, minimum rental amount. There was one condition - we must train students of this institution. No students showed up, and as a result, our rent was increased, but fortunately, at that moment we already had orders. First from free sites, and later I began to slowly invest money in advertising. Calls started pouring in and enthusiasm also began to grow. Plus, in two months I made a website with advertising, and word of mouth works great. A friend helped us make the site, so we saved money here. In a certain business, everything always revolves in one circle - everyone knows each other, and people begin to give us our contacts.

It should be noted that the competition in this business is fierce, it is difficult to survive. But on the other hand, now all the large companies in this area have slowed down due to economic instability in the country, and the time has come when small firms can make themselves known. I realized this in practice - if you do everything right, then in a crisis you can rise even better. You have to compete on price, quality and your own developments.

For some time in the winter we tried to make firewood holders, fireplace scoops, pokers for stoves - it didn’t work. Then I realized that I need to concentrate on one thing and not spread myself thin. different directions. This year I was approached by a company that deals with children's playgrounds. It has been working on the market for a long time, but now its suppliers have stopped meeting deadlines. They contacted me, we worked together, and I got involved in small forms - these are swings, carousels, benches, horizontal bars, and so on. That is, I am now engaged in beautifying children's play areas.

Another type of activity that I chose was the entrance groups for the project - staircases and railings. My partner left the business because he didn’t have enough time, now I’m developing on my own. We also received orders from other companies: we had to sit through calls to establish the necessary connections. In general, people are not refusing, there is a rush, despite the fact that this year the construction season is generally wrong. It started at the beginning of summer, and now it is only gaining momentum, although it usually gains momentum earlier.

Initially, I didn’t think about big money at all, I needed to keep my father busy, and that’s where the idea was born. I also made some mistakes, not without it. For example, initially I wasn’t particularly good at detail, because I didn’t study the subject thoroughly, I learned everything in practice. Now I can confidently say that I know my business.

There is enough work. In addition to me, the staff includes five employees: a manager, three welders and an assistant. Found painting partners. Metal volumes have also increased, and we are already getting discounts.

I order metal from Chelyabinsk resellers. I got a good discount from one supplier, they deliver with delivery, everything is included. Volumes do not yet allow us to order from factories, and my metal is all different types. I mostly buy consumables from advertisements, since there is no point in buying them in a store - it turns out to be too expensive. And it’s easier to negotiate with private individuals.

The equipment has now been fully paid for; new machines have already been purchased. We do some of them ourselves - we order spare parts and engines from turners. Today, everything is automated; the workshop is ready to produce certain volumes of products. A catalog is currently being prepared, and in the future I also want to create an online store. We will also undergo certification, since this is required by all schools and kindergartens with which we plan to work.

“Basically, you can make money on anything if you have a goal and a clear understanding of what you are doing.”

Certainly, good equipment is expensive. I want to purchase laser cutting so that I have a full range of metalworking services, but, unfortunately, this is not possible yet; it costs about five million. But the main thing is that we are on the right track. The company has gained momentum and all employees receive their salaries on time. We have now reached a stable work schedule, all processes are streamlined and automated. The workshop used to be 80 sq. m, and now 150 sq. m. But this is no longer enough. When an order arrives for 30-40 benches, there’s simply no room for space.

Recently I was contacted by leaders of a charity movement. They suggested beautifying the courtyards: installing sandboxes for children, swings, and horizontal bars. The first yard has already been chosen, I think we will continue to work in a similar format.

What can I advise aspiring entrepreneurs to believe in their business and not be afraid of the crisis. In fact, you can make money on anything if you have a goal and a clear understanding of what you are doing.

Costs to start a business (RUB):

  • LLC registration – 4000;
  • rent – ​​16,500;
  • electricity – 2500;
  • salary – 25,000;
  • accountant services – 2000;
  • authorized capital – 10 000;
  • consumables – 7000.
One-time expenses (rub.):
  • equipment - about 160,000;
  • website development – ​​5000.
  • hosting – 3000.
Monthly costs (RUB):
  • employee salary – 140,000;
  • hosting - 3000;
  • accounting services – 4000;
  • rent – ​​15,000;
  • electricity – 4000;
  • consumables – 10,000;
  • website advertising – 5000.