Apple marshmallow at home - old recipes with photos. How to cook apple marshmallow in the oven. Apple marshmallow at home - a simple recipe (10 options)

A store-bought dessert with the same name is a pathetic illusion of homemade apple marshmallow. This is not at all the delicacy that Pushkin, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky loved and mentioned in their works. It is not known when the original Russian dessert began to be prepared in the villages. But in XVIII century pastille factories have already opened in Russia. Today we meet the most easy recipes making for the winter.

Before the revolution, there were three centers in the country that were proud of their unique recipes for making marshmallows - Kolomna, Rzhev and Belev, in the Tula province. Pastila glorified Russia. In many European capitals, in London, Paris, Vienna, Russian shops selling dessert were popular. Based on the marshmallow recipe, the French came up with marshmallows.

How to make apple marshmallow at home

It’s not difficult to prepare homemade marshmallow, you just need to know some nuances so as not to spoil the preparation. Taste, color, airiness depend on the quality of the apples.

  • The most delicious dessert, dried in the sun. But this is long and quite troublesome. In the sun, the delicacy will dry in 2-3 days. But you will have to take it out in the morning and hide it at night.
  • Many cooks use modern drying assistants. These are gas ovens, electric dryers, convection ovens. Products dry much faster.
  • To prepare marshmallows, it is important that apples contain a lot of natural gelling substance - pectin. This requirement sour varieties answer.
  • After baking, grind sweeter varieties of fruit into puree and boil a little, making it as thick as possible.
  • Apple mass can be thickened artificially. For this purpose, gelatin and agar-agar are added. The industry now produces special crystals for cooking jelly “Confiturka”, “Zhelfix”, containing natural pectin.
  • If you are making baked apples, bake the whole fruit. The core is removed afterwards, since many apples darken when cut. In particular, Antonovka is an ideal variety for making marshmallows. You can bake in halves, then place the apples cut side down.

How to tell when pastille is ready

It is advisable not to miss the time when the workpiece is completely ready. If you don't dry the marshmallow completely, it will become like viscous toffee. Overdried one will also not give you pleasure; it will crumble, reminiscent of chips.

The finished apple delicacy is easily separated from the parchment. The plates are soft, elastic, easy to bend and twist.

Apple pastille in the oven with sugar

Find a wild one, it's sour. Or choose sour garden apples for marshmallows. The preparation at home is made from oven-baked fruits.

You will need:

  • Fruits – 2 kg.
  • Sugar - a glass.

How to cook:

  1. Pour some water onto the bottom of the baking sheet. Arrange whole apples.
  2. Preheat the oven to 170 o C. Bake the fruit for 40 minutes. For large fruits, increase the time slightly.
  3. Cool slightly, wipe with a sieve. Discard the pulp and place the puree into the pan. Drain off excess juice.
  4. Juicy apples require boiling; Antonovka can be left without cooking. Cook over low heat, stirring the contents occasionally.
  5. When the mass remains a third of the initial volume, turn off the burner. The puree should become golden and thick.
  6. Beat the mixture with a blender or mixer. She will lighten up.
  7. Continuing to beat, add sugar. When the sand has completely dissolved, proceed to the next stage of preparation - drying.

Drying marshmallows in the oven

  1. Preheat the oven to 40-50 o C. Place parchment paper or foil on a baking sheet and grease with vegetable oil.
  2. Spread the apple mixture in a centimeter layer.
  3. Dry with the oven door slightly open. Total drying time is about 6 hours.
  4. I usually dry for 2 hours. Then I turn off the oven. Without removing the baking sheet and without closing the door, I leave it for about half an hour. I check the pastille for readiness. If necessary, turn on the stove again and continue drying. Once you get the hang of it, you can judge by eye how much time you need to add.
  5. After drying the top layer, turn the marshmallow over. Continue the process until the second side is completely dry.
  6. Cut into shaped pieces, sprinkle with powder, and store in a jar or cardboard box.

Sugar-free apple marshmallow - homemade recipe

It will appeal to everyone who counts calories, monitors their health, and diabetics. The recipe is classic, since in the villages they used to prepare dessert without sugar; it was too expensive.

How to make:

  1. Wash the fruits, divide into parts, removing the seeds. Cut off the peel or leave it, it's up to you.
  2. Pour water into the pan until the bottom is covered by about an inch.
  3. Fold the apples. On low heat, start boiling the mixture with the lid closed.
  4. Slowly bring to a boil. Simmer until the pieces become soft. Exact time It is impossible to indicate, it depends on the type of fruit and the degree of ripeness.
  5. If the apples are juicy, a lot of juice will appear. Drain it and rub the apples through a sieve. Drink apple juice, it contains many vitamins. Instead of a sieve, you can use a blender, this will speed up the process.
  6. How to dry. Line a baking sheet or wide cutting board (I sometimes use it for cutting dough) with parchment or cling film.
  7. Lubricate sunflower oil so that the finished marshmallow separates easily.
  8. Spread a thin layer of puree. To ensure the marshmallow dries quickly, make a layer of no more than a centimeter.
  9. When the top layer dries, turn the workpiece over and dry it completely. If the weather is good, the delicacy will be ready after 2-3 days.
  10. Divide the dessert layers into parts. Many people cut it into pieces right away. free form- squares, stripes. Be sure to sprinkle with powdered sugar. Store marshmallows in glass jars.

Attention! Using any of the suggested recipes, you can make a delicious marshmallow roll at home. To do this, sprinkle the dried elastic layers with powdered sugar and roll them into a roll. Cut into pieces and hide in a jar.

Recipe for airy apple soufflé with protein

They say that the French invented marshmallows. It is known for certain that they took a Russian recipe for apple marshmallow as a basis. They improved it a little by adding protein, resulting in a delicious treat.

I offer our version of marshmallows - in the form of a soufflé. A type of dessert is, the recipes of which I have already introduced. A simplified version is given here.

  • Ready applesauce – 0.5 kg.
  • Egg white.
  • Granulated sugar – 150-200 gr.

Step-by-step preparation of pastille:

  1. Bake the fruit in the oven as described in the first recipe.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the consistency of the puree, it is a bit liquid, reduce it a little until it reaches the correct thickness.
  3. Beat the mixture, adding sugar in portions.
  4. Beat the egg whites separately.
  5. Combine and continue working with the mixer. You will see stable peaks, the workpiece is ready.
  6. How to dry, also read in the first recipe.

Honey apple marshmallow - a simple recipe

Having learned how to make simple marshmallows at home, you can move on to more complex recipes.

Honey dessert is best made in small shaped molds.

You will need:

  • Fruits – 2 cups.
  • Honey - a glass.


  1. Bake the fruit until soft. Make a puree. Strain in a sieve, removing the core and skin. Measure, there are so many glasses. Beat with a mixer.
  2. Whisk honey in a separate bowl. If the product is candied, dissolve it in a water bath.
  3. Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly again.
  4. Place in molds in a 2-3 centimeter layer.
  5. Dry in the oven, placed on a baking sheet. Temperature – 40-50 o C.
  6. Glue the finished pieces together in pairs, coated with honey.

Video with a step-by-step description of making homemade apple marshmallow. Good luck with your preparations!

Pastila is a fairly popular delicacy in many countries. This sweet is prepared very simply, from any fruit or berries, but the most popular is apple-based pastille. It is very useful for the human body, in particular for children.

Composition and calorie content

Before preparing the sweets, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the marshmallow in more detail, and also consider several recipes. Apple pastille is prepared using puree. It can be given any shape, for example, rectangular, oblong, or simply rolled into a roll.

The classic preparation includes the following ingredients:

  • apple puree;
  • an egg, or rather, only its white;
  • bee honey or regular sugar;
  • a little flour.

If we consider the calorie content of marshmallows prepared according to this recipe, then per hundred grams there are:

  • 325 kilocalories;
  • 0.5 grams of protein;
  • 80 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 18 grams of water;
  • almost 1 gram of dietary fiber;
  • There is no fat in this product.

In addition, pastille is rich in vitamins. It contains vitamins PP and B2, as well as niacin. It also contains iron, phosphorus and calcium.

If you take marshmallow prepared completely without sugar, then it is less calorie and more healthy, especially for overweight people, as well as those suffering from diabetes mellitus. This pastille contains only 85 kilocalories.

Benefits and harms

Majority delicious desserts do more harm to the human body than good. However, marshmallows are an exception to the rule.

Useful properties of apple marshmallow

This product has many advantages that need to be considered in more detail:

  1. It charges the body with energy due to the fact that it contains large number Sahara. This allows a person long time feel in great shape.
  2. A large amount of fiber, as well as honey, help restore digestive processes. This significantly accelerates not only the breakdown, but also the removal of sugar from the human body.
  3. In addition, pectin, which is abundant in this product, removes metal salts and, importantly, all toxic substances.
  4. Marshmallow is good for the liver. It saturates the body not only with phosphorus, but also with iodine. The marshmallow has this property thanks to the agar-agar it contains, which contains a large amount of seaweed.
  5. The product contains a large amount of proteins and helps strengthen muscles.
  6. Glucose, which is in marshmallows, helps strengthen the immune system.
  7. And most importantly useful property It is believed that after eating this delicacy, the body produces seratonin, that is, the hormone of happiness.

Negative points

Pastila practically cannot harm a person. However, there are some negative points:

  1. For people struggling with extra pounds, you need to limit yourself to sugar-free marshmallows.
  2. It should not be used if you have diabetes.
  3. Also, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product, since many manufacturers add artificial preservatives to the composition.

How to cook?

You can prepare this delicacy at home in different ways. A slow cooker is also suitable for this. This can also be done in the oven, in an electric dryer, and even in the air.

Apple delicacy in a slow cooker

You can prepare such a simple delicacy at home. Here you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of apples, better if they are green;
  • 300 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 80 grams of nuts, walnuts possible;
  • 100 grams of lemon juice.

Method of preparation.

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash the apples and cut out the middle of them. After this, you need to peel them and beat them in a blender.
  2. Transfer the finished mixture to a slow cooker and add granulated sugar. Then mix everything well and cover with a lid.
  3. Prepare the pastille using the “Cooking” mode.
  4. After one hour, you need to add lemon juice, as well as chopped nuts and mix everything again. If the finished consistency is too liquid, you need to cook it for about half an hour.
  5. After this time, you need to spread the resulting jelly on parchment paper and straighten it well.
  6. In this form, put the marshmallow on the windowsill and leave it there for 5-6 days. After this you can taste it.

Apple marshmallow cooked in the oven

This version of marshmallow is considered the fastest. Within a few hours you will be able to enjoy the treat. In order to prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • 2 kilograms of apples;
  • 1.5 cups granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 cups lemon juice;
  • You can add nuts (to taste).

Step by step recipe.

  1. Apples must be washed and peeled and cored. Beat them in a blender.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients there and mix them well.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pour the prepared mixture there. The thickness of the layer should not exceed 70 millimeters.
  4. The oven must be preheated and a baking tray placed in it. Natural apple pastille is prepared for approximately 6 hours, at temperatures up to 50 degrees Celsius.
  5. The readiness of the product can be checked by the lag of the marshmallow from the parchment.
  6. If the marshmallow is ready, cut it into strips and roll it into rolls.

Using the same principle, you can prepare marshmallows in a fruit dryer. The only thing that distinguishes it from cooking in the oven is time. It will take 12 hours. The delicacy will be quite crispy.

Apple marshmallow prepared outdoors

This option is possible with sufficiently active sun. Making such marshmallows at home will be easy. In addition, it will be dietary, as it is prepared without sugar. To prepare it you only need 1 kilogram of apples and a little water.

Step by step recipe.

  1. The first thing to do is wash and peel the apples.
  2. Then they need to be cut into slices and placed in a pan.
  3. Next, you need to fill them boiled water so that the layer is 3 centimeters.
  4. You need to cook until the apples are completely soft. This will take up to approximately 30 minutes.
  5. After this, the container should be set aside and the product should be allowed to brew for 15 minutes, while removing the lid.
  6. Then everything must be filtered through a sieve.
  7. We prepare marshmallows from the pulp. To do this, place the mass on parchment paper in a thin layer and leave to dry in the sun for up to 5 days. It’s better to clean it at night so it doesn’t get damp.
  8. After this time, the pastille must be turned over and left to dry for another eight hours. It will turn out to be sheet and, if necessary, it can be cut into pieces or rolled into a roll.

Dried apple paste

Required components:

  • 4 glasses dried apples;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 0.5 cups of powdered sugar;
  • 0.5 cups granulated sugar;
  • 6 egg whites.

Step by step recipe.

  1. Dried apples must be thoroughly washed and placed in a container.
  2. Then you need to fill it with water and bring to a boil.
  3. Cook everything until done, over low heat.
  4. After this, you need to rub the resulting mass through a sieve.
  5. From puree, granulated sugar and egg whites, using a mixer, prepare a fluffy mixture.
  6. After this, you need to put it on the prepared baking sheet and put it in the oven to cook. When it dries, let it cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar. The finished product can be cut into small rectangles.

Pastila “Belevskaya” with egg white

In order to prepare this type of marshmallow, you will need a very small amount of granulated sugar. It is based on apples.

Required components.

  • 2 kilograms of juicy apples;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • chicken egg, 1 piece;
  • 15 grams of powdered sugar.

Step by step recipe.

  1. Wash and dry apples must be peeled and cored.
  2. Then they need to be laid out on a baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven. They must be cooked until they become soft.
  3. Let them cool and beat in a mixer, adding half the sugar.
  4. Separate the white from the yolk and thoroughly beat it with the rest of the granulated sugar until a thick foam forms.
  5. After this, you need to combine both mixtures together and beat them until the mass becomes homogeneous. Transfer a few spoons of the mixture to another container and put it in the refrigerator.
  6. Preheat the oven to 70 degrees. Meanwhile, place parchment paper on a baking sheet and spread the mixture in a layer 1.5 centimeters thick. If everything does not fit on one baking sheet, then it is worth dividing the workpiece into two parts.
  7. You need to dry it in an uncovered oven for up to 5 hours. You can check the readiness with a toothpick - when the mass is dry, then you can take it out.
  8. Grease the finished cakes with the mixture from the refrigerator and place on top of each other. “Belevskaya” marshmallow is multi-layered.
  9. Then the treat must be placed on a baking sheet and placed back in the oven. You will have to bake it for about half an hour.
  10. When the marshmallow has cooled, cut it into portions and sprinkle with powdered sugar on all sides.

Apple honey marshmallow

Required Components

  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • a little cinnamon.

Step by step recipe.

  1. Washed and peeled apples must be thinly sliced. Then they need to be placed in a prepared container and water added.
  2. Place the container in the oven and cook until the fruit softens.
  3. Then beat the apples with a blender until a homogeneous mass (puree) is formed. Then put the mixture on the stove and cook until it turns golden.
  4. Next, beat again, adding cinnamon and honey.
  5. Place the finished mixture on a baking sheet, spreading a sheet of parchment paper there.
  6. Dry the cakes in the oven without closing it for about 3 hours.
  7. Let them cool slightly and cut the cakes into the desired size pieces. After all, once the cakes have cooled down, they will be difficult to cut.

Pastille with apple agar-agar

If you prepare marshmallow based on this ingredient, it will turn out more airy and a little like marshmallow, beloved by many. The following components are required for this:

  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 1 kilogram of juicy apples;
  • chicken egg;
  • 4 grams of agar-agar;
  • 60 milligrams of water;
  • a little powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Step by step recipe.

  1. The apples must be washed and peeled, and then pureed.
  2. Add half the sugar to it and beat with a mixer.
  3. When the mass has cooled, you can add the protein to it and beat everything until smooth.
  4. You need to dissolve agar-agar in water, add the remaining sugar to it and boil for a minute over low heat.
  5. When the syrup has cooled a little, add it to the prepared mass and beat the whole mixture for a couple more minutes. It is worth knowing that the syrup should not be cold, but also not so that the protein is brewed.
  6. The finished mixture should be poured into a mold and allowed to cool for some time. Then sprinkle it with powdered sugar and start tasting.

Pastila prepared at home can be wrapped in paper and then placed in a bag. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator. In this case, she will keep her taste qualities for several months.

Parchment paper can be easily peeled off if wet cold water. A few minutes will be enough and it will come off without damaging the surface of the prepared marshmallow.

Apples for marshmallow should be selected only juicy and dense. Otherwise, such a delicacy simply will not work.

You can prepare such a tasty and healthy dessert at home. And the effort expended is definitely worth it, because the delicacy turns out incredibly tasty!

You will learn more about how to make apple marshmallow in the following video.

When picking apples, the question often arises of what to do with those fruits that are not suitable for their usual purposes. In this case, a marshmallow recipe will come in handy. Homemade apple marshmallow is good for tea or just like that; it is readily eaten by both small and adult sweet tooths and even those who do not like sweets very much.
If you prepare apple marshmallow with us, you will understand that apple marshmallow at home is not only very tasty treat, but also a profitable way to process a rich harvest. In this recipe, you can use fruits that do not last long or those that are already beginning to deteriorate (of course, problem areas are cut out). In the process we will use an electric fruit dryer, but it is possible to use an oven. In this case, the temperature should be set to the minimum, and the time should be adjusted independently according to the degree of readiness.

Taste Info Berries and fruits / How to dry...


  • apples (we have the “White Filling” variety) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • water – 100 ml.

How to make apple marshmallow at home

First, let's prepare the products. Apples can be of any degree of ripeness (except for completely green ones, they should not be used). Let's wash them, cut out the core, and remove problem areas. It is better to use bottled water for marshmallows.
Cut the apples into pieces as desired (cutting is not important in our recipe). Place it in a metal ladle and fill it with the required amount of water.

Next, put the ladle on the stove and set the fire to medium temperature. Cook the mixture over medium heat until the slices become soft. This should take 15-20 minutes.

Then put the mixture into a blender container. By starting the device, we get homogeneous applesauce.

Next, put the apple mass back into the ladle and, stirring, boil it down to 1/3 of the original volume. This should take from 1 to 2 hours (depending on the intensity of the fire and the amount of liquid). During this cooking period, the puree boils strongly, splashes in different directions, turn the heat to low and stir the mass often.

Then put the amount of sugar into the saucepan with the puree and cook the contents for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Next, turn off the fire.

Now our mass needs to be dried until ready. This is best done in an electric dryer. Cover the entire inside of the container with high-quality food parchment. It is very important to lubricate it vegetable oil so that there are no problems with removing the finished marshmallow. Place the slightly cooled apple mixture from the ladle onto the parchment in a thick layer (12–15 mm). Let's turn on the drying device. After about five hours, our apple marshmallow will reach its optimal level of readiness. The first sign of this: the apple layer is easily separated from the paper and holds its shape.
Apple pastille in the dryer turns out to be quite dry, but not overdried, holds its shape well and curls easily.

Cut the marshmallow into strips 5–7 cm wide and roll into tubes. You can start tasting.

Recipe from grandma:

As a child, I really loved eating marshmallows at my grandmother’s; it turned out incredibly delicious, which replaced marmalade and other sweets for us; I often use her old recipe today.

The grandmother took 2 kg of overripe and unsuitable for other purposes sweet varieties of apples and sorted them out. Then I cut and cleaned them, putting the pieces in a saucepan with a thick bottom, adding 50 grams of warm water.
Close the lid tightly and simmer for 20 minutes on a gas stove over medium heat. During this time, the apples became soft.

Then she crushed the apple mass directly in the saucepan with an ordinary wooden masher (the result was a non-uniform puree). I added crushed walnuts(I “blowed them well” first so that there would be no husks). Then it simmered without a lid and over very low heat until the mass turned thick and brown, like jam. This usually took more than 2 hours and the longer the puree was cooked, the more often it was stirred. Then the gas was turned off and the oven turned on.

The apple mass was laid out on a baking sheet in a thick layer (about 2.5 cm) on parchment, which was well lubricated with refined sunflower oil. Then it was dried in a warm (but not hot) oven. It was taken out when the marshmallow easily came off the parchment. This usually took about 5 hours.

Next, the grandmother cut the finished marshmallow into small rectangular strips, sprinkled it with powdered sugar and placed it in glass jars. This delicacy was stored in a cool and dark pantry. And the marshmallow was especially delicious for Christmas.

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Cooking tips:

  • IN there must be odes in apples minimum quantity, the more liquid, the longer it will take to evaporate.
  • To prevent the boiling mass from splashing too much, you need to stir it quickly and often. The fire shouldn't be big. Here you need to be careful not to get burns from boiling splashes.
  • Parchment can stick to the marshmallow in two cases: if the mass is too dry or if it is poorly oiled. It will be easy to peel off the pastille if you moisten the paper with water. This should be done carefully so that water does not get on the pastille; if after wetting the pastille does not come off, wet the parchment again, but not too much. Repeat this several times until the paper gets wet.
  • If during slicing you find that the delicacy is still soft and sticky, then simply dry the already cut strips.
  • Apple marshmallow can be stored at home for a long time (until spring), but it requires some effort. The cut strips should be sprinkled with powdered sugar, placed in a glass or tin jar and buried tightly. The storage temperature should be constant, just below +20.
  • There is no need to store it in cellophane in the refrigerator, this will make the tasty treat sticky. It is better to place the strips in a glass container, close tightly and leave at room temperature (up to + 25) in a dark cabinet. So, it can be stored for 1–1.5 months.

Apple marshmallow at home will become a real dessert, rich nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, you should not buy store-bought marmalade, but rather prepare a natural product that will appeal to both kids and adults.

Pprepare marshmallow very simple. It can be custard or classic. Below are some delicious and simple recipes .

Apple marshmallow at home in the oven

To prepare you need:

  • 1.1 kg apples;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 50 ml water;
  • vegetable oil to grease parchment sheets.

To prepare marshmallows in the oven you need apples. It is better if they are green varieties, because they have a higher pectin content. A good option There will be a Semerenko variety, a little sugar and water will be added to it. If you use sweeter varieties, you can omit sugar altogether.

Making apple pastille step by step:

  1. The apples are washed, cored and cut into slices.
  2. Place them in a saucepan or saucepan, add water, and cover with a lid.
  3. Simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes until they become soft.
  4. When the fruits look like those shown on photo, remove the container from the heat, allow the apples to cool slightly and carefully drain the resulting juice. It can be eaten, it is tasty, similar to jelly.
  5. Now you need to remove the peel from apple slices. To do this, grind the entire mass through a sieve or remove the skin from each slice using a spoon.
  6. Sugar is added to the resulting puree, everything is mixed and put on low heat for another 15 minutes.
  7. After the time has passed, use a blender to blend the puree into a homogeneous apple mass.
  8. Lay sheets of parchment on a baking sheet and grease with vegetable oil to make it easier to remove the marshmallow later. Spread apple puree in an even layer.
  9. It is necessary to place the baking sheet in the oven and dry the marshmallow at a temperature of 130 degrees. This happens within 60-90 minutes. The oven door should not be closed completely, but leave a gap for ventilation.
  10. Hot marshmallow is a little soft, it will harden when it cools. To make it easier to remove from the parchment sheets, they can be separated with scissors along with the marshmallow.
  11. Then, prying the pastille from one side and removing it from the parchment, you need to roll it into a roll.

Watch the video! Apple marshmallow

Recipe for sour apples in the oven

For cooking Belevsky marshmallow necessary:

  • 1.3 kg of sour apples;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • egg white.

Cooking process

  1. Cut the washed apples into halves or quarters, remove the stem and core. Line a baking sheet with foil and place apples on top.
  2. Bake in the oven for 45-60 minutes at 150 degrees.
  3. Cool the apples and puree them with a blender. The finished puree will be approximately 950 g. You can prepare it without sugar, but it is better to add a little granulated sugar to sour apples.
  4. Half a portion of sugar is added to the puree, and the rest is added to the protein, which must be beaten to the consistency of meringue.
  5. Carefully combine the puree and whipped egg whites and place on a baking sheet, which should first be covered with foil.
  6. Place in the oven on low heat or in a fruit dehydrator.
  7. Depending on the oven power, adjust the temperature and time. You need to put it in for about 120 minutes, then take it out and let it cool completely, put it back in the oven for 60 minutes.
  8. The last time the marshmallow is cooled completely and put in the oven for 30 minutes.
  9. Dry until ready, so that the marshmallow is dry and easily releases from the foil. You will get approximately 220 g of finished product.

Watch the video! Apple pastille in the oven

Making apple pastille with cinnamon and honey

This recipe is simple, made from apples with the addition of spices.

Required Products:

  • 1 kg sour apples;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • a little cinnamon and vanilla.

Cooking steps

  1. Wash the apples, remove the peel and core, cut into small slices.
  2. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 160-170 degrees, adding 100 ml of water.
  3. Make a puree from the baked wedges and simmer it over low heat.
  4. Beat the puree with a mixer until it becomes light in color (about 3 minutes). Thanks to this, the puree will be saturated with air bubbles to make the pastille more elastic.
  5. Add honey and spices to the puree, beat everything. Instead of honey, you can add sugar, then you need to beat it thoroughly so that it melts completely, otherwise the sugar can break through the marshmallow when drying.
  6. Spread the sweet puree onto greased parchment paper.

Important! The thicker the layer, the longer the marshmallow will dry.

  1. Place in the oven to dry at 100 degrees for 2-3 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer, without closing the door completely, so that steam escapes and the marshmallow does not burn.
  2. The finished marshmallow should not stick to your hands (but with honey it will still stick a little), become thinner and be easily removed from the paper.
  3. Cut the finished marshmallow and roll it into rolls.

Watch the video! Apple marshmallow with honey

These simple recipes will help housewives prepare a tasty and healthy treat for the whole family.

The history of world cooking knows thousands of recipes for sweet dishes and desserts. There are original ones, invented by modern confectioners, and traditional ones, characteristic of a particular country or area. Pastila is a dish based on apples, egg whites and sugar. Three simple ingredients help create not only a tasty, but also a very healthy dish.

Fruit marshmallows are a healthy sweet that is suitable for girls and young children who are losing weight. Pastila is prepared only from fruits and berries, with or without the addition of a small amount of sugar. This is the case when sweets are not only not harmful, but also healthy. After all, all the benefits of vitamins, microelements and fruit fiber remain.

Pastila can be purchased ready-made. Now this delicacy is very popular and you can buy it not only in specialized stores, but also in any supermarket. Or you can cook it yourself. This is done very simply and quickly, and the cost of homemade marshmallows will be several times lower.

How to make apple marshmallow at home - photo recipe

To make marshmallows, you only need apples, berries such as cranberries and a little sugar. First you need to make the base - thick fruit and berry puree. The base must contain berries or fruits rich in pectin, not watery, such as apples or plums. But as a flavoring additive, you can use absolutely any berries to your taste.

Cooking time: 23 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Apples, berries: 1 kg
  • Sugar: to taste

Cooking instructions

    To prepare the puree, peel the apples and clean out the insides. Cut the apples into small pieces and place in a saucepan.

    If the berries have rough skin or seeds, then it is better to rub them through a sieve so that only a delicate berry puree gets into the marshmallow. To do this, first grind the berries in a blender or meat grinder.

    Then rub this mass through a sieve.

    The cake will remain in the sieve, and the homogeneous puree will fall into the pan with the apples.

    Add some sugar.

    Without adding water, cook the apples with berry puree over low heat until soft.

    Grind the contents of the pan until smooth. If you used juicy berries, then boil the puree a little until thick.

    Cover a baking sheet with parchment. The quality of the parchment is key. If you are not sure about it, grease the parchment with a small amount of vegetable oil.

    Place the fruit mixture on parchment and distribute evenly over the entire area. The thickness of the fruit layer should be only a few millimeters, then the marshmallow will dry quickly.

    Place the baking sheet in the oven, turn it on at 50-70 degrees for 20 minutes. Then turn off the oven and open it slightly. After a few hours, repeat the warm-up. As a result, you need to dry the mass to the point where it becomes a single layer and will not break or tear.

    You can check this by lifting a corner. The pastille should easily come off in a single layer. Usually the marshmallow dries in 1-2 days until it is ready.

    When the marshmallow dries, cut it into convenient size layers directly on the parchment.

    Homemade Belev pastila - a classic recipe

    Over the past one hundred and fifty years, Belevskaya marshmallow has been one of the business cards Tula region. For its preparation use only Antonov apples, which give the finished dessert a surprising delicate taste with light sourness and aroma.

    The proposed recipe contains a small amount of ingredients; the preparation process is simple, but quite time-consuming. Fortunately, time is needed to dry the marshmallow and bring it to the desired condition; the participation of a cook is practically not required. Sometimes she will need to go to the oven to monitor how the process is going and not miss the moment of readiness.


  • Apples (Antonovka variety) – 1.5-2 kg.
  • Egg white – 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Antonov apples must be thoroughly washed and removed from stems and seeds. Peeling is not necessary since the applesauce will still need to be passed through a sieve.
  2. Place the apples in a fireproof container and place in the oven, heated to a temperature of 170-180 degrees. As soon as the apples “float”, remove from the oven and pass through a sieve.
  3. Add half the norm of granulated sugar to the apple mixture. Beat with a broom or blender.
  4. In a separate container, using a mixer, beat the whites with sugar, first only the whites, then, continuing to beat, add sugar (the second half) a spoonful. The protein should increase in volume several times; readiness is determined, as housewives say, by “hard peaks” (protein slides do not blur).
  5. Set aside 2-3 tablespoons of whipped egg white and stir the rest into the applesauce.
  6. Line a baking tray with baking paper, place a fairly thin layer on it, and place in the oven to dry. Oven temperature is 100 degrees, drying time is about 7 hours, the door should be slightly open.
  7. After this, carefully separate the marshmallow from the paper, cut it into 4 parts, coat with the remaining protein, stack the layers on top of each other and put them in the oven again, this time for 2 hours.
  8. The marshmallow turns out to be very light, aromatic, and can be stored for a long time (if, of course, you hide it from your household).

Kolomna pastila recipe

Kolomna, according to various archival sources, is the birthplace of marshmallow. For several centuries it was produced in fairly large volumes, sold in various regions Russian Empire and abroad. Then production died out, the traditions were almost lost, and only at the end of the twentieth century Kolomna confectioners restored the recipes and technologies. You can prepare Kolomna pastila at home.


  • Apples (best sour, autumn, Antonov type) - 2 kg.
  • Sugar – 500 gr.
  • Chicken protein - from 2 eggs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The rules are almost the same as in the previous recipe. Wash the apples and pat dry with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  2. Remove the core from each and place on a baking sheet (previously lined with parchment or foil). Bake until softened, being careful not to burn.
  3. Scoop out the apple pulp with a spoon; you can rub it through a sieve to make more puree. You need to squeeze it out, you can use a colander and gauze to less juice will remain in the puree, the sooner the drying process will take place.
  4. Beat the applesauce until fluffy, gradually adding sugar (or powdered sugar). Separately, beat the egg whites with half the sugar and carefully combine with the apple mixture.
  5. Line a baking sheet with high sides with foil, lay out the mixture, and place in the oven to dry (for 6-7 hours at 100 degrees).
  6. The finished dish should be sprinkled with powdered sugar, cut into portioned squares, and carefully transferred to a dish. You can invite your family to a tasting!

How to make marshmallows without sugar

Some housewives make sure that the dishes for their beloved household members are not only tasty, but also healthy. It is for such cases that the sugar-free apple marshmallow recipe is suitable. Of course, this option cannot be called classic, but this recipe is a solution for dessert lovers who track the calorie content of their dishes and want to lose weight.


  • Apples (Antonovka variety) – 1 kg.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Wash the apples, dry them with a paper or regular cotton towel, and cut them into 4 parts. Remove the stem and seeds.
  2. Place on low heat, simmer, and use an immersion blender to grind the “floating” apples into puree.
  3. The resulting puree must be passed through a sieve to remove the apple peel and remaining seeds. Using a mixer (blender), beat until fluffy.
  4. Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the aromatic apple mixture in a fairly thin layer.
  5. Heat the oven. Reduce temperature to 100 degrees. The drying process continues for at least 6 hours with the door ajar.
  6. But then such a marshmallow can be stored, wrapped in parchment, for quite a long time, unless, of course, children find out about it.