What do Rastorguev’s first wife and son do? Nikolai Rastorguev made an appeal. Political career of Nikolai Rastorguev

In the 1990s, Nikolai Rastorguev and the Lyube group toured extensively and successfully throughout Russia and abroad. During the first three years of the group's existence, about 800 concerts were organized, attended by more than three million people.

In 1992, the album “Who Said We Lived Badly?” was released. with the songs “Come on, play around”, “Hare sheepskin coat”, “Have mercy, Lord, on us sinners”, “Tram Pyaterochka”, which became hits.

In 1994, the album “Lube Zone” was released, where the songs “Road”, “Horse”, “Forgive me, Mom” were presented.

In 1996, the group released the album "Kombat", songs from this album - "Moscow Streets", "Samovolochka", "The main thing is that I have you" - immediately became popular, and the song "Kombat" took first place in the Russian charts .

In 1997, the collections “Collected Works” and “Songs about People” were published. The discography of "Lube" continued with the albums "Songs from concert program" (1998), "Half Stops" (2000), "Come on for..." (2002), "Anniversary" (2002).

In 2003, the Lyube group, specially for Defender of the Fatherland Day, released a thematic collection of their “military” songs - “Guys of Our Regiment.” It included the songs “Combat”, “Soldier”, “There, behind the fogs”, “The main thing is that I have you”, “Samovolochka”, “Call me quietly by name”, “Come on for...”. The album also included the legendary songs “Two Comrades Served”, “The Last Battle” and cover versions of Vladimir Vysotsky’s songs “On mass graves" and "Song of the Stars".
In 2005, "Lube" released the album "Rassya". The disc featured a duet between Nikolai Rastorguev and Nikita Mikhalkov - the composition “My Horse” based on the poems of the White Guard officer Nikolai Turoverov. The album also included the song "Clear Falcon", which the group recorded with Sergei Mazaev and Nikolai Fomenko.

In February 2009, the Lyube group celebrated its 20th anniversary in the Kremlin, in honor of which.

In April 2009, Nikolai Rastorguev underwent a complex kidney transplant operation, and on June 12 on Red Square on Russia Day.

In 2012, Rastorguev celebrated his anniversary at Crocus City Hall.

The new album of the group "Lube" - "For you, Motherland!" came out in 2015.

Besides vocal creativity Nikolay Rastorguev mastered acting profession. In 1994 he played main role in the film "Lube Zone", starred in the musical films "Old Songs about the Main Thing" (1996, 1997, 1998), the comedy "On a Lively Place (1998), crime film"Check" (2000), the film "Women's Happiness" (2001).

Rastorguev played Sharnin in the series "Striped Summer" (2003), Fyodor Kuzmich in the crime comedy "Money" (2014), Mark Bernes in the series "Lyudmila Gurchenko" (2015).

Songs performed by him are heard in the films and TV series “Hot Spot” (1998), “Kamenskaya” (1999-2000), “Admiral” (2008), “Gentlemen Officers: Saving the Emperor” (2008), “Dusty Work” (2011 ), "Family detective" (2011-2012), "Such work" (2014-2016).

In 2002, Nikolai Rastorguev made his debut at the Vl. Mayakovsky in Andrei Maksimov's play "Love in Two Acts".

In 2005, Rastorguev tried himself as a TV presenter and starred in the series of television documentary programs “Things of War”.

In 2006 he joined the party " United Russia", and in 2010 became a deputy State Duma V convocation from the Stavropol Territory, became a member of the Committee on Culture.

Rastorguev is married for the second time. The singer has two sons - Pavel (born in 1977) and Nikolai (born in 1994).

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

However, the artist’s merits are not limited to this: in addition to singing songs, he is also a successful film actor and an active politician who has achieved considerable fame in this field.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Rastorguev was born on February 21, 1957 in the village of Bykovo near Moscow in simple working family. Father Vyacheslav Nikolaevich earned his living by turning the steering wheel, and mother Maria Alexandrovna was an unrivaled seamstress, who after the birth of her daughter began working at home.

Dreams of a musical career began to haunt Rastorguev as a child, after the boy saw famous movie"A Hard Day's Night", where I first met the legendary British group. Stylish guys singing simple tunes won the heart of the future musician, and soon, together with other boys from the yard, he began to imagine himself in their place. The guys took guitars and tried to compose music, but it didn’t work out.

Nikolai’s dream did not find a response in the soul of his mother, who never tired of repeating to her son that his hearing was far from musical. But even this did not stop the boy from performing for some time as a vocalist in musical ensemble.

After school, where the guy graduated with C grades, his parents persuaded their son to enter the Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry. Studying did not inspire Nikolai at all; he soon began to skip classes, preferring the company of friends and entertainment. He did not take into account the integrity and responsibility of the headman, who regularly reported to the dean about students who did not show up for classes.

Rastorguev tried to resolve this issue, but overdid it - the headman ended up in the hospital, and the university teaching staff harbored a grudge against the guy. The future artist failed the next session and was expelled from the institute.

Rastorguev was ready to give 2 years of military service. He saw himself in the ranks of the Airborne Forces, but his dreams were not destined to come true: the guy did not pass the medical examination. The young man’s education and knowledge were enough to get a job as a mechanic at the Aviation Institute.


Absence music education and serious experience did not prevent Nikolai Rastorguev from realizing his childhood dream and becoming a vocalist in several youth groups. In 1978, he became a member of the popular ensemble “Six Young People,” famous in the early 70s of the VIA. At that time, there was a serious change in composition in the group, and it was not difficult for Nikolai to make friends with the new members. “Six Young People” took part in concerts, which allowed to a young performer learn music and performing arts from the example of a legendary artist.

Nikolai Rastorguev and the group “Six Young”

In 1980, they were joined by a still unknown vocalist, whose name some time later will be familiar to every lover of Russian rock.

The composition with Rastorguev was a success with listeners, and he soon became famous. Taking advantage of the popularity and recognition of the lead singers of the group “Six Young”, in 1980 new manager the ensemble “Leisya, Song” invited the entire team to join them.

The talent of the guys, together with the serious, creative approach of Vitaly Kretov, made the group “Leisya, song” popular, and their song “ Wedding ring"was heard on the radio for a long time.

However, the ensemble was accountable to the Kemerovo Philharmonic and had to comply with the norms and standards prescribed by the state. Their non-compliance - failure to pass the mandatory program - led to the abolition of the team in 1985.

Rastorguev found himself on his own, but did not plan to give up his dream. Already in those years, he began to nurture the idea of ​​his own team, but decided that the time had not yet come, and began going to auditions. The singer was interested in the group “Singing Hearts”, but they refused the talented and experienced soloist. Until 1989, Nikolai was the bass guitarist of the group “Rondo” and the vocalist of the group “Hello, Song!”

In 1989, fate brought Rastorguev together with talented composer. Their views on the future team completely coincided, which marked the beginning of a fruitful and successful union.

The name “Lube” was invented by Nikolai himself; as a child, he often heard various slang words, among them was the word “Lube”, which, in essence, meant “different”. It most accurately characterized the essence of the group, their diversity in styles and genres of performance. Started new stage V creative biography a musician who brought him all-Union and then all-Russian fame.

Nikolay Rastorguev and the Lyube group

The team became successful literally from the first minutes of their appearance on television, on the night of April 14 in live they performed the song “Old Man Makhno,” which brought popularity to the ensemble and their permanent leader Rastorguev. When creating “Lube”, Nikolai did not even hope for such success; he did not imagine that his creation would interest listeners for 30 years.

Nikolai Rastorguev and the group “Lube” - “Beyond the Fogs”

The memorable stage image of the soloist was helped to create by the Prima Donna herself, who considered that military-themed songs would go wonderfully with the soloist in a tunic and riding breeches. The artist heeded the advice of his colleague, and soon the whole group was appearing on stage in a military role, as evidenced by early photos and video recordings of performances. The uniform fit the stocky, densely built vocalist (Nikolai’s height is 168 cm, weight 70-80 kg) like a glove.

Hits from the first albums musical group"Atas", "Don't be a fool, America!" were heard literally from every window of the vast homeland. The songs “There Behind the Fogs”, “Little Sister”, “Taganskaya Station”, “Horse” and others, which were repeatedly awarded the prestigious Russian music award “Golden Gramophone”, were popular.

Nikolai Rastorguev and the group “Lube” - “Horse”

Rastorguev became famous, and his services were recognized by the state: in 1997 he received the title “Honored Artist Russian Federation", and 5 years later he became a people's artist.

Later, tracks from the discs “Lube Zone” and “Kombat” enjoyed success with the public. And in the new century, the collections “Half Stations”, “Come on for...”, “Guys of Our Regiment” were released.

Nikolai Rastorguev and Sergei Bezrukov - “Birches”

Popular artist pleases the audience not only with solo compositions: in a duet with Nikolai Rastorguev in 1998, he presented the hit “Zasentyabrilo”. Later there were the songs “Birches”, which the artist sang together with, “Long” with.

Nikolai Rastorguev and Ekaterina Guseva - “Long”

The second composition was performed in a duet with anniversary concert Rastorguev on the occasion of his 55th birthday. And 5 years later the group “Lube” presented the hit “Tulupchik Hare”.


Nikolai is also known as a film actor. His career began with a recording of Voznesensky's concert, where he performed with the Rondo group in 1985. In the next film, the artist also appeared before the audience in the image of himself. The director’s film “Lube Zone” was entirely dedicated to the work of the group and their songs. Each composition revealed the story of several people who were influenced by the group in one way or another.

Nikolai Rastorguev in the musical film “Old songs about the main thing”

From 1996 to 1997, Rastorguev took part in the filming of the musical television project “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” where he played several comic roles. Later, given the image of the artist, he was often invited to military or crime films. In the film "Check" the actor played the full role of detective Gennady Rastorguev.

Nikolai Rastorguev in the film “Lyudmila Gurchenko”

In 2015, a large-scale music project in memory of the great Soviet actress. In the film called “Lyudmila Gurchenko” it was planned to appear as an actor and singer, who was played by the permanent lead singer of the group “Lube”. The series premiered in the fall of 2015.

Personal life

The popular performer was married twice. Nikolai married for the first time in early youth, when he was 19 years old and the bride was 18. The chosen one future star Valentina Titova, a neighbor in the yard, took the stage. The friendship between them began in high school. It was a case of first love leading to marriage. After the wedding, the young people lived in the apartment of Valentina’s parents, and later rented a room in a communal apartment. The couple immediately thought about children - the first-born Pavel appeared in the family.

This marriage lasted 15 years. Talking about his personal life, the singer explains that he does not remember being single, because immediately after his divorce from Valentina, Nikolai took Natalya, his second chosen one, to the registry office.

The artist’s bride worked as a costume designer in the musical group “Zodchie”, which was on tour with the group “Lube”, performing as an opening act. The wedding celebration took place in 1990. In 1994, their boy Nikolai was born.

Rastorguev lives with his family in country house near Moscow. The eldest son Pavel gave his father a granddaughter, Sophia. Nikolai was informed that he had become a grandfather when the Lyube group gave a concert in London. At first, the singer could not get used to his new status, now his grandfather and Sonya are best friends. The girl is doing excellent at school and attends art studio And music school.

Nikolai Rastorguev is friends with the family of actors and even became godfather their son Elisey Pevtsov. Significant event happened in 2009.

In 2006, Nikolai Vyacheslavovich entered politics, joining the United Russia party. The artist believes that this is the only political force capable of establishing order in the country and raising it to new level. Since 2010, he has been a current deputy of the State Duma of Russia.

In 2007, Nikolai Rastorguev began to feel unwell. An examination at the clinic revealed that he had advanced renal failure, which required constant hemodialysis. While waiting in line for a kidney transplant, the artist did not stop creative activity and continued touring the cities of Russia. The only limitation was the availability of the necessary equipment in the clinics.

2 years after the disease was discovered, Nikolai underwent a kidney transplant. In 2015, Rastorguev continued treatment in Israel.

Nikolay Rastorguev now

In 2018, Nikolai Rastorguev received an offer from the creators of the military drama “We Will Not Say Goodbye” to perform the soundtrack of the same name for the film. The song was recorded, and soon a video appeared, based on footage from the film.

Nikolay Rastorguev - “We won’t say goodbye”

This is not the artist’s first work as a performer. musical compositions for films. The singer’s voice can be heard in the previously filmed films “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “August. Eighth", "Admiral" and many others.

In 2019, Rastorguev pleased fans with his appearance on television in New Year’s programs. Nikolai took part in concerts shown on Channel One and NTV.


  • 1989 - “Atas”
  • 1991 - “Don't be a fool, America”
  • 1994 - “Lube Zone”
  • 1996 - “Combat”
  • 1997 - “Songs about people”
  • 2000 - “Half Stops”
  • 2002 - “Let’s get…”
  • 2004 - “Guys of our regiment”
  • 2005 - “Scattering”
  • 2009 - “Ours”
  • 2015 - “For you, Motherland!”

Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Rastorguev. Born on February 21, 1957 in Bykovo, Moscow region. Soviet and Russian singer, leader music group"Lyube." People's Artist Russia (2002).

Father - Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Rastorguev (born 1932) - worked as a driver.

Mother - Maria Aleksandrovna Kalmykova (born 1930) - seamstress.

The parents and their daughter now live in the city of Lytkarino.

The Rastorguev family came from the Tambov region - the singer’s grandfather Nikolai was a hereditary blacksmith, his wife was Anna Petukhova, the daughter of a wealthy miller who was dispossessed. After getting married, they settled in the Moscow region. His wealthy maternal great-grandfather Nikolai Terentyevich Kalmykov was repressed, his grandfather Alexander Nikolaevich Kalmykov worked as an accountant all his life. Grandmother Zinaida Vasilievna Kalmykova (ur. Orlova), was the daughter of a repressed parish psalm-reader (Vladimir Church (Bykovo)), the granddaughter of a parish priest, in marriage she became a mother of many children and was awarded the Order of the Mother Heroine.

As a child, Nikolai, although he did not study very diligently at school No. 3 in Lytkarino, read, drew, and was interested in the group “The Beatles”. According to Nikolai, they encouraged him to take up music.

As a vocalist, he performed in a musical ensemble (rehearsed at the MIR cultural center in Lytkarino) of the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture (Lyubertsy, Moscow region). The passion for the Liverpool Four played an important role in the search for creative path. Later, when his hobby grew into the meaning of life and his main occupation, Rastorguev covered his favorite Beatles hits, which were even published in 1996 as a separate album, “Four Nights in Moscow.”

Didn't serve in the army, since he did not pass the medical examination: “I was not accepted because of my health: I did not pass the medical examination and received a “white ticket,” although I was seriously preparing for service, waiting for the call-up and dreamed of joining adult troops like the Airborne Forces. I am a purely peaceful person, but I can to say that, of course, it is necessary to serve. In a country like Russia, the army must be strong, capable and victorious. How a poor soldier is served in our army is another matter,” said Rastorguev.

According to another version, also voiced by Rastorguev himself, he was not drafted into the army because of his studies at the university: “I didn’t serve, but I wanted to. They didn’t take me because I was studying at the institute, so nothing worked out with the landing.”

After school, Nikolai studied at the Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry, but did not graduate because he was expelled.

After college, he began working as a mechanic at the Central Institute of Aviation Engine Engineering in Lytkarino.

Nikolai Rastorguev (before creating the Lyube group) participated in other groups and ensembles.

In 1978-1980, Rastorguev was a vocalist VIA "Six Young" together with Valery Kipelov, the future vocalist of “Aria”.

VIA “Six Young People” - “Where does childhood go?” (1978)

In 1980, the ensemble “Six Young People” completely became part of VIA "Leisya, song", where Nikolai sang until 1985, when the ensemble was closed by the authorities for failure to comply state program. In “Leisya, Song” with Nikolai there were also Valery Kipelov and Sergei Chernyakov, the future drummer of the Alpha group and the Black Coffee group.

VIA “Leisya, song” - “Karate”

Together with Kipelov, Nikolai took part in auditions for the Singing Hearts ensemble, but there was no vacancy as a vocalist for him.

In 1985-1986, Rastorguev played bass guitar in the group "Rondo", then vocalist in VIA "Hello, song!". Together with VIA “Hello, song!” took part in the first official Moscow rock festival “Rock Panorama-1986”.

Since 1989, Rastorguev became the lead singer of the group "Lube" since the creation of the group by Igor Matvienko, who had been nurturing the idea of ​​​​creating a new musical group with a national-patriotic slant and courageous vocals since 1987.

The first song “Batko Makhno”, heard on the radio in April 1989, became a new word on the stage.

The group gained wide popularity thanks to Alla Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings-89”. It was she who advised Rastorguev to put on a tunic, in which the singer performed for several years. Then the audience heard “Atas” and “Don’t chop, guys.”

Nikolai Rastorguev’s first tour as the frontman of the Lyube group took place in the same 1989.

"Lube" - "Atas"

In 1997, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1868 “For services to the state, great contribution and strengthening of friendship between peoples, many years of fruitful activity in the field of culture and art,” Nikolai Rastorguev was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”

Group "Lube"

In 2002, Nikolai Rastorguev was awarded the title “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation.” In the same 2002, Nikolai made his debut on the stage of the Mayakovsky Theater in Andrei Maksimov’s play “Love in Two Acts.”

In 2005, Rastorguev tried himself as a TV presenter and starred in the series of television documentary programs “Things of War”.

In 2006, Nikolai Rastorguev joined the United Russia party and promised to take an active part in the party’s election campaigns. Rastorguev himself explained his choice as follows: “We (the Lyube group) decided for ourselves that the United Russia party is the only serious political force in the country that is capable of reforming the country from an economic point of view, ideological and so on.”

In 2010, Nikolai Rastorguev became a deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation from the Stavropol Territory, replacing in this position the deputy of the UNITED RUSSIA WFP Sergei Smetanyuk, who was appointed Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District. Nikolai Rastorguev became a member of the State Duma Committee on Culture.

"Lyube" - "Let's get..."

In 2011, he signed an Appeal from representatives of the public against informational erosion of trust in judicial system Russian Federation.

On February 6, 2012, he was officially registered as a proxy of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation and the current President Vladimir Putin.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policies of Russian President V.V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.

In August 2015, the SBU added Rastorguev to the list of cultural figures whose actions pose a threat to the national security of Ukraine.

At the beginning of September 2015, in Lyubertsy near Moscow, a sculptural composition, dedicated to the group “Lube”.

Nikolai Rastorguev likes to play billiards, watch movies, smoke fragrant pipes and expensive cigarettes. Favorite music is “The Beatles” and popular classics (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, etc.).

At the beginning of 2007, Rastorguev began to have serious health problems. After the New Year holidays, he felt unwell and complained of severe fatigue, insomnia and cutting pain in the lower back. As a result of the examination, chronic renal failure in an advanced stage was discovered. During this period, he underwent hemodialysis almost every day. And although the singer continued to tour, he performed only in those cities whose clinics had a device for this procedure - an artificial kidney.

In 2009, Rastorguev received a donor kidney.

He has been a fan of Moscow Torpedo for many years and has even been spotted at away matches more than once.

Plays electric guitar acoustic guitar and tambourine. By the way, one of the features of the Lyube group is the use of a six-string bass guitar.

Anniversary concert “Lube” in the Kremlin

Personal life of Nikolai Rastorguev:

Nikolai's first wife was a girl from the neighboring yard, Valentina.

They met when he was 15 and she was 14 years old. Valentina later recalled: “This happened in our Lytkarino, on New Year. My neighbor, he lived on the floor above, invited me to celebrate with him." There she met Nikolai, her future husband. They got married in 1976. A year later, the couple had a son, Pavel (a cultural scientist by training).

Nikolai Rastorguev with his first wife Valentina

Nikolai and Valentina were married for 15 years.

While still married to Valentina, Nikolai began dating his future second wife, Natalya. She was a costume designer in the Zodchie group; they met on tour. At first they tried to meet secretly, and then she was already next to him constantly. They traveled together and lived in hotels.

They got married in 1990.

In 1994, Nikolai and Natalya had a son, Nikolai.

Nikolai Rastorguev with his second wife Natalya

Discography (solo) of Nikolai Rastorguev:

1996 - Four nights in Moscow

2007 - Birthday (With Love)

Discography of Lyube (albums, collections and concerts):

1990 - We will now live in a new way (Magnetoalbum)

1991 - Don’t be a fool, America (Magnetoalbum)

1992 - Who said that we lived badly..?

1994 - Lube Zone

1996 - Combat

1997 - Collected Works (album) (collection)

1997 - Songs about people

1998 - Songs from the concert program “Songs about People” at the Pushkinsky Concert Hall 02.24.98 (concert)

2000 - Half-stops

2001 - Collected works. Volume 2 (collection)

2002 - Let's get...

2002 - Anniversary. Best songs(concert for the group’s 10th anniversary at the Olimpiysky sports complex)

2004 - Guys of our regiment (collection)

2005 - Scattering

2007 - In Russia (concert for the 15th anniversary of the group at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall)

2008 - Collected works. Volume 3 (collection)

2012 - 55 (collection)

2015 - For you, Motherland!

Filmography of Nikolai Rastorguev:

1985 - Stained glass master - cameo

1994 - Lyube Zone - cameo

1996 - Old songs about the main thing-1 (TV project) - chairman of the collective farm

1997 - Old songs about the main thing-2 (TV project) - Kolya

1997 - Old songs about the main thing-3 (TV project) - stuntman

1998 - On a busy place - Vukol Ermolaevich Bessudny

2000 - Check - detective Gennady Rastorguev

2000 - I remember (film “Old songs about the main thing-4”)

2001 - Women's happiness - cameo

2003 - Striped Summer - producer Sharnin Igor Valentinovich “Shara”

2011 - First autumn of the war

2015 - Lyudmila Gurchenko - Mark Bernes

Every day new singers and artists appear, but there are also those who have already won our recognition for many years of unforgettable concerts and soulful songs.

One of these popular and talented musicians is Nikolai Rastorguev, who for many years has been giving his fans real hits and unforgettable songs, and the whole country is still singing them. Moreover, the words from his songs are familiar to any age. He is best known for his participation in the Lyube group.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Rastorguev?

Nicholas personifies the simplicity of our people. He is the representative of a real man. At the age of 60, he has achieved heights in his career and shows all Russian men an example of how to live and not worry about his age.

With a height of 174, he weighs 85 kg, which is quite excellent for a man. Height, weight, age, how old is Nikolai Rastorguev, often worries the public, and now you know the answer. Nikolai does not worry about his age, and believes that age is not an obstacle to happiness, you can always enjoy life.

Biography of Nikolai Rastorguev. Is he dead? What is the date of death?

Nikolai was born in the Moscow region, the village of Bykovo, into an ordinary working-class family that had nothing to do with creative life. My mother worked as a seamstress in a factory, and my father was a driver. When Nikolai's younger sister was born into the family, my mother decided to quit work and start sewing at home in order to pay sufficient attention to raising children.

At school, the boy was not an excellent student, on the contrary, he often earned C grades, but as he later proved, grades are not the main thing. As a child, he was a very sociable boy, but still the main place in his life was occupied by a small company of several friends. The mother of one of the boys worked in a cinema, so the children always had the opportunity to go to their favorite and interesting films. At one of these screenings, they saw the film “Night After a Hard Day,” which featured the Beatles, who inspired the young Rastorguev. He realized who he should look up to and that he wanted to connect his life with the stage and performances.

After watching the film, the friends were inspired by the exploits of the great artists and decided to create their own group, strumming guitars in free time. But this was just self-indulgence, because it seemed to Kolya that he had no musical talent, and his mother told him more than once that he had no voice.

After graduating from school, Nikolai went to a technological institute, his parents insisted on this. But since studying for the future star was not interesting, he very often missed classes, for which he was punished by deprivation of his scholarship. After which Rastorguev became very angry with the head of the group, who wrote reports on him, having sorted it out “with his fists.” For such behavior he was reprimanded, and in the end he completely failed the exams. Nikolai was kicked out and now has the opportunity to get higher education, was closed. He decided to go to work as a mechanic and not waste time on things that were unnecessary for him. In his opinion, education would not give him anything interesting or useful; it would have been better to immediately go earn money.

The biography of Nikolai Rastorguev shows an example of how a man had a dream that no one believed in, not even himself. But despite this, his fate still turned around in an interesting way. In 1978, he became a member of the popular ensemble “Six Young”, once very famous in the early seventies. At that time, there was a serious change in composition in the group, and it was not difficult for Nikolai to make friends with the new members. They played at Vysotsky’s own concerts, which allowed Nikolai to learn by example famous person.

Later the group began to recognize, notice and invite to concerts. Nikolai became famous and was popular throughout the USSR. But still, some time later, the team broke up, and then Rastorguev decided to create his own group. Having met the composer Igor Matvienko, he still managed to carry out his plans, and his new acquaintance helped him. Actually, this is how the now famous group “Lube” began its existence. When the group already existed, Alla Pugacheva gave Rastorguev very good advice about the appearance and image of the group as a whole, which is still their personal “trick”. The group has developed and now brings good fees to the artist. Besides musical career Nikolai also tried himself as an actor more than once and he succeeded quite well.

When Nikolai was diagnosed with a serious kidney disease in 2007, similar phrases even began to appear on the Internet: “Nikolai Rastorguev is the cause of death,” but curious journalists hoped early for sensational news, because the famous singer was able to overcome the disease and continue his life without illnesses and problems . Therefore, know that by asking your question in the form: “Rastorguev Nikolai passed away, date of death” - you are only bringing his death closer.

Personal life of Nikolai Rastorguev

Nikolai was married twice and from both marriages he has beautiful children. Rastorguev had his first marriage at the age of nineteen, when he fell in love with a girl from his yard. In their marriage, they had a son, Pasha, with whom the singer still supports good relationship. After 15 years of marriage, the couple decided to separate. Things don’t always go as smoothly as we want, and Nikolay experienced this through his own example.

But Nikolai Rastorguev’s personal life does not end there and he had a second marriage, which continues to this day. Nikolai married a girl 13 years younger than him, but this only played into the hands of both. And a little later, his wife gave him a son, whom the couple decided to name Kolya. On at the moment the singer lives with his family and their frequent guest is their granddaughter from their first son, Sophia, who is a full-fledged member of the Rastorguev family.

Family of Nikolai Rastorguev

It’s rare that any of us can boast of a real idyll in our family, but the famous singer is lucky and has two beautiful sons, a good wife and a beloved granddaughter. They live with the whole family in the Moscow region and enjoy the quiet family life. Let's hope that happiness awaits the Rastorguev family, because they deserve it.

The family of Nikolai Rastorguev recently suffered a serious experience, because in 2007 the singer and head of the family was diagnosed with kidney failure, which is why he almost needed a transplant, but the operation was performed only in 2009. All this time, the family was in excitement and, of course, provided tremendous support to their beloved father and husband. It is thanks to its loving family the actor always remains in good shape and knows that he is capable of much. Support is so important for each of us.

Children of Nikolai Rastorguev

The singer has two beautiful sons who maintain a warm relationship with their father. The first son from his first marriage, Pavel, is already quite an adult and even has his own family and a beautiful daughter, Sophia, who constantly lives with her beloved grandfather. The second son from his second marriage, Kolya, who is currently 23 years old, is trying to try his hand at acting career and he has already managed to voice the role of Guiard in the cartoon “Three Heroes”.

At school, the guy more than once convinced everyone of his talents, performing at school matinees and other concerts, now all that remains is to watch the development of his future. The children of Nikolai Rastorguev were raised by a real man, so they only took from their father best qualities.

Son of Nikolai Rastorguev - Pavel Rastorguev

In 1977, Nikolai was born in his first marriage wonderful son Pavel, who is currently already developing his life, is raising a beautiful daughter and enjoying his father’s popularity.

Trained as a cultural scientist. It often happens that children inherit the genes of their father or mother and how they do creative career, but in this case everything was wrong and Pavel is very far from star life. Despite the fact that Nikolai left the family, Nikolai Rastorguev’s son, Pavel Rastorguev, maintains an excellent relationship with his father and often seeks his father’s advice. And Pavel’s daughter, Sofia, loves her grandfather very much and spends almost all her time in their house.

Son of Nikolai Rastorguev - Kolya

The second son Nikolai, who was apparently named after his father, apparently inherited more from him. Even from childhood, a theatrical streak began to be visible in the boy, and at school he more than once showed everyone around him what talent he had. At the moment, the guy is already 23 years old, but he still lives with his parents.

The son of Nikolai Rastorguev, Kolya Rastorguev, has already managed to prove himself and voice the role of Guiard in the cartoon “Three Heroes”, let’s hope that his acting career will not end there, we can only wait.

Ex-Wife of Nikolai Rastorguev - Elena Rastorgueva

Nikolai met his first wife when he was just a teenager. Then he fell in love with a sweet girl Lena from his yard. Their love began in adolescence, but they got married when Nikolai turned 19 years old. They had happy marriage within 15 many years.

In his first marriage, the singer had a son, Pavel, with whom his father still maintains good relations. Ex-Wife Nikolai Rastorgueva - Elena Rastorgueva and Nikolai himself always understood each other perfectly and were truly close people. But still, the reason for the breakup was new love Nicholas.

Nikolai Rastorguev's wife - Natalya Rastorgueva

In 1990, Nikolai realized what it was true love, having met Natalya, the costume designer of the Zodchie group, on tour. In their marriage they had a talented son, Nikolai. Nikolai Rastorguev’s wife, Natalya Rastorgueva, has been with her beloved for many years and is still his main support.

Despite the adversity and health problems of her husband, she always remains close and perhaps it is thanks to her support that he is a real star. She always approves and even helps in all his decisions, no matter how absurd they may be. This is an example of a real loving wife.

Such an understanding as plastic is alien to Nikolai. He always kept himself in shape with the help physical activity and nutrition. The singer is not afraid of old age and believes that a person should be able to enjoy life at any age.

Photos of Nikolai Rastorguev before and after plastic surgery often appear on the Internet, but true fans understand that these are all lies of journalists. And if you look at the photographs of Nikolai in his youth and now, then with the naked eye it is noticeable that the surgeons did not work on the singer’s appearance; the only one who worked on his appearance was time.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nikolai Rastorguev

U famous singer there is no time to spend posting photos and information on social networks, only his managers can do this. Nikolai’s life is very busy, and since 2010 he has become a member of the United Russia party, which takes up his precious time doubly.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nikolai Rastorguev will not be filled with colorful photographs of the singer’s life, but it will give a lot interesting information from Nikolai's biography to his fans. Now Rastorguev continues to delight us with his creativity and we hope that this will continue for a long time.

Nikolay Vyacheslavovich Rastorguev(February 21, 1957, Bykovo (according to other sources - in Lytkarino), Moscow region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer, permanent frontman of the Lyube musical group. People's Artist of Russia (2002). Member of the United Russia party since 2006.

Nikolay Rastorguev
Birth name - Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Rastorguev
Date of birth February 21, 1957
Place of birth - Bykovo, Moscow region, RSFSR
Years of activity 1978 - present V.
Country USSR → Russia
Professions: singer, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
Singing voice lyric tenor
Genres - Rock music
Groups - “Six Young”, “Leisya Pesnya”, “Hello, Song”, “Rondo”, “Lube”

Father of Nikolai Rastorguev- Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Rastorguev(born 1932), mother - Maria Aleksandrovna Kalmykova (born 1930), who worked as a driver and seamstress, still lives with her daughter in the city of Lytkarino. The Rastorguev family came from the Tambov region - the singer’s grandfather Nikolai was a hereditary blacksmith, his wife was Anna Petukhova, the daughter of a wealthy miller who was dispossessed; After getting married, they settled in the Moscow region.
His wealthy maternal great-grandfather Nikolai Terentyevich Kalmykov was repressed, his grandfather Alexander Nikolaevich Kalmykov worked as an accountant all his life. His grandmother Zinaida Vasilyevna Kalmykova (ur. Orlova), was the daughter of a repressed parish psalm-reader (Vladimir Church (Bykovo)), the granddaughter of a parish priest, in marriage she became the mother of many children and was awarded the Order of the Mother Heroine.

As a child, Nikolai, although he did not study very diligently at school No. 3 in Lytkarino, read, drew, and was interested in the group “The Beatles”. According to Nikolai, they encouraged him to take up music. As a vocalist, he performed in a musical ensemble (rehearsed at the MIR cultural center in Lytkarino) of the Lyubertsy Palace of Culture (Lyubertsy, Moscow region). His passion for the Liverpool Four played an important role in his search for a creative path. Later, when his hobby grew into the meaning of life and his main occupation, Rastorguev covered his favorite Beatles hits, which were even published in 1996 as a separate album, “Four Nights in Moscow.”

After school, Nikolai studied at the Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry, but did not graduate because he was expelled. After graduation, he began working as a mechanic at the Central Institute of Aviation Engine Engineering located in Lytkarino.

Nikolay Rastorguev(before the creation of the Lyube group) participated in other groups and ensembles. In 1978-1980, Rastorguev was the vocalist of the VIA “Six Young” together with Valery Kipelov, the future vocalist of “Aria”. In 1980, this ensemble completely became part of the VIA “Leisya, Song”, where Nikolay Rastorguev He sang until 1985, when the ensemble was closed by the authorities for failure to fulfill the state program. In “Leisya, Song” with Nikolai there were also Valery Kipelov and Sergei Chernyakov, the future drummer of the Alpha group and the Black Coffee group. Together with Kipelov Nikolay Rastorguev participated in auditions for the ensemble “Singing Hearts”, but there was no vacancy as a vocalist for him. In 1985-1986, Rastorguev played bass guitar in the group “Rondo”, then as a vocalist in VIA “Hello, song!”. Together with VIA “Hello, song!” took part in the first official Moscow rock festival “Rock Panorama-86”.

But since 1989 Rastorguev became the lead singer of the Lyube group from the moment the group was created by Igor Matvienko, who nurtured the idea of ​​​​creating a new musical group with a national-patriotic slant and courageous vocals since 1987. Nikolai Rastorguev’s first tour as the frontman of the Lyube group took place in the same 1989.
In 1997, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1868 “For services to the state, great contribution and strengthening of friendship between peoples, many years of fruitful activity in the field of culture and art” Nikolay Rastorguev awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”.

In 2002 Nikolay Rastorguev awarded the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation". In the same 2002, Rastorguev made his debut on the theatrical stage of the Mayakovsky Theater in Andrei Maksimov’s play “Love in Two Acts.”
In 2005, Rastorguev tried himself as a TV presenter and starred in the series of television documentary programs “Things of War”.

Public position of Nikolai Rastorguev

In 2001 Nikolay Rastorguev signed a letter in defense of the NTV channel.
In 2003 Nikolay Rastorguev and "Lube" during the elections to the State Duma campaigned for the patriotic bloc "Rodina" led by Dmitry Rogozin and Sergei Glazyev.

In 2006 Nikolay Rastorguev joined the United Russia party and promised to take an active part in election campaigns parties. Myself Rastorguev He explained his choice this way:
We (the Lyube group) decided for ourselves that the United Russia party is the only serious political force in the country that is capable of reforming the country from an economic point of view, ideological and so on.
In 2010 Nikolay Rastorguev became a deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation from the Stavropol Territory, replacing in this position the deputy of the UNITED RUSSIA WPP Sergei Smetanyuk, who was appointed Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District. Nikolay Rastorguev became a member of the State Duma Committee on Culture.

In 2011 Nikolay Rastorguev signed the Appeal of representatives of the public against informational erosion of trust in the judicial system of the Russian Federation.
February 6, 2012 Nikolay Rastorguev was officially registered as a confidant of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation and the current President Vladimir Putin.
March 11, 2014 Nikolay Rastorguev signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policies of Russian President V.V. Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.

Interesting facts from the life of Nikolai Rastorguev

A characteristic attribute of Rastorguev’s stage image is the military gymnast, which Alla Pugacheva advised him to wear at her “Christmas meetings.” However, in the late 1990s, after dry cleaning, this tunic shrunk, and it is quite difficult to get a similar tunic from 1943, and since then the singer usually performs in ordinary clothes, partly reminiscent of a military service jacket. But at the concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Igor Matvienko, Rastorguev again performed in a tunic.
In 1991, at the presentation of the “Black Album” of the Kino group at the Moscow Youth Palace, Rastorguev almost got into a fight with Yuri Shevchuk, the leader of the DDT group. Two months later they reconciled.

First time Rastorguev married at age 19, in 1976. This marriage produced a son, Pavel (1977), a cultural scientist by training. The singer married for the second time at the age of 33 in 1990, having met Natalya, a costume designer for the Zodchie group, on tour; in this marriage he had a son, Nikolai (March 30, 1994). From his eldest son there is a granddaughter, Sonya, with whom he still lives in the city of Lytkarino, having his own cafe (with billiards).
Rastorguev loves to play billiards, watch movies, smoke fragrant pipes and expensive cigarettes. Favorite music is “The Beatles” and popular classics (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, etc.).
At the beginning of 2007, Rastorgueva health problems began. After New Year's holidays he felt unwell and complained of severe fatigue, insomnia and cutting pain in the lower back. As a result of the examination, chronic renal failure in an advanced stage was discovered. During this period, he underwent hemodialysis almost every day. And although the singer continued to tour, he performed only in those cities whose clinics had a device for this procedure - an artificial kidney. In 2009, Rastorguev received a donor kidney.
Nikolay Rastorguev did not serve in the army because he did not pass the medical examination:
- They didn’t take me because of my health: I didn’t pass the medical examination and received a “white ticket”, although I was seriously preparing for service, waiting for the call-up and dreaming of joining adult troops like the Airborne Forces. I am a purely peaceful person, but I can say that, of course, it is necessary to serve. In a country like Russia, the army must be strong, capable and victorious. Another thing is how a poor soldier is served in our army...

According to another version, voiced Rastorguev, he was not drafted into the army because of his studies at the university:
- I didn’t serve, but I wanted to. Moreover, he asked not to go anywhere, but to join the elite troops - the Marine Corps, the landing force. But they didn’t take me because I studied at the institute. So nothing worked out with the landing...

In 1998 Nikolay Rastorguev performed at the “Song of the Year” competition in a duet with Sofia Rotaru with the song “Zasentyabrilo”
He has been a fan of Moscow Torpedo for a long time and has been spotted at away matches more than once.
Nikolay Rastorguev plays electric guitar, acoustic guitar and tambourine.
One of the features of the Lube group is the use of a 6-string bass guitar.

Filmography of Nikolai Rastorguev

As an actor Nikolay Rastorguev took part in the following films:

1985 - Stained glass master (song “Lights Out”, Spanish N. Rastorguev, gr. “Rondo”, concert film by A. Voznesensky) - cameo
1994 - Lyube Zone - cameo
1996 - Old songs about the main thing-1 (TV project) - chairman of the collective farm
1997 - Old songs about the main thing-2 (TV project) - Kolya
1997 - Old songs about the main thing-3 (TV project) - stuntman
1998 - On a busy place - Vukol Ermolaevich Bessudny
2000 - Check - detective Gennady Rastorguev
2000 - I remember (film “Old songs about the main thing-4”)
2001 - Women's happiness - cameo
2003 - Striped Summer - producer Sharnin Igor Valentinovich “Shara”
2008 - Steelworkers of Russia 1
2008 - Steelworkers of Russia 2
2008 - Steelworkers of Russia 3
2011 - First autumn of the war

Solo discography of Nikolai Rastorguev

1996 - Four nights in Moscow
2007 - Birthday (With Love)
These albums are often classified as part of Lyube’s general discography.

Discography of Lyube and Nikolai Rastorguev

Rich in issues musical creativity on different physical media the hero of our story. However, judge for yourself:

Albums, collections and concerts with Nikolai Rastorguev

1990 - We will now live in a new way (Magnetoalbum)
1991 - Atas
1991 - Don’t be a fool, America (Magnetoalbum)
1992 - Who said that we lived badly..?
1994 - Lube Zone
1996 - Combat
1997 - Collected Works (album) (collection)
1997 - Songs about people
1998 - Songs from the concert program “Songs about People” at the Pushkinsky Concert Hall 02.24.98 (concert)
2000 - Half-stops
2001 - Collected works. Volume 2 (collection)
2002 - Let's get...
2002 - Anniversary. Best songs (concert for the 10th anniversary of the group at the Olimpiysky sports complex)
2004 - Guys of our regiment (collection)
2005 - Scattering
2007 - In Russia (concert for the 15th anniversary of the group at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall)
2008 - Collected works. Volume 3 (collection)
2009 - Ours
2012 - 55 (collection)
2015 - For you, Motherland!

Participation of Nikolai Rastorguev in soundtracks

1998 - Hot Spot
2000 - Kamenskaya (TV series)
2000 - Border. Taiga novel
2000 - Lethal force
2000 - Lethal force-2
2000 - Lethal force-3
2001 - Lethal force-4
2001 - Salome
2001 - National Security Agent-3 Combat
2002 - Special Forces (TV series)
2003 - Special Forces 2 (TV series)
2003 - Lethal force-5
2003 - Next 3
2003 - Plot (TV series) (composition “Birches” with Sergei Bezrukov)
2005 - Lethal force-6
2005 - Death of the Empire (TV series)
2005 - Swan Paradise (TV series)
2006 - Enchanted Site (TV series)
2006 - Prince Vladimir (cartoon)
2006 - Park of the Soviet period
2008 - Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor
2008 - Admiral
2009 - High Security Vacation (composition “A Dawn”)
2010 - Mercy Route (TV series)
2011 - Special assignment (reality show)
2011 - Family detective
2012 - August. Eighth
2013 - Exchange Brothers
2014 - Outgoing nature
2015 - Such work

Awards, prizes of Nikolai Rastorguev

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (February 21, 2007) - for great services in the development of the national pop art and many years of fruitful work.
Order of Honor (February 21, 2012) - for his great contribution to the development of domestic pop art and many years of creative activity.
Personal dagger from the President of the Russian Federation.
2006 - FSB Award in the category “ Musical art“for a cycle of military-patriotic songs (including “Through the Tall Grass”, “Come on for...”) and achievements in the field of art in conditions as close as possible to combat.
People's Artist of the Russian Federation (October 10, 2002) - for great achievements in the field of art.
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (April 16, 1997) - for services in the field of art.
Honored Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia (May 13, 2014).