Shakira - biography, information, personal life. Style of star children: son of Shakira and Gerard Pique - Sasha

Shakira's children are two boys, several years apart. Their father is Gerard Pique from the Barcelona club.

The singer's personal life

Starting at the age of 23, the singer dated a lawyer named. Together, the young people attended many important events. Shakira's chosen one helped and supported her in every way possible, starting with everything. The lovers did not officially marry, but Shakira has always maintained that she treats Antonio as a husband. The lack of stamps and additional papers did not in any way affect, according to the Latin American singer, the seriousness of the relationship in the couple.

However, after 11 years romantic relationships Shakira and Antonio announced their breakup. Despite the fact that, according to the singer, the former lovers did not wish each other harm, 3 years after the breakup, de la Rua sued Shakira, extorting $100 million from her for her contribution to the development of her singing career. However, a California court rejected the lawsuit, citing the fact that similar cases should be heard in Colombia.

Meet Gerard Pique

Shakira began a romantic relationship with Gerard (the father of her children) during the filming of a video clip called Waka Waka (This Time for Africa). Since the video was created for the official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, it was directly related to Pique. After a year of dating, the singer confirmed her romance with the football player using social networks, where she published a photo of them together.

Surprisingly, football player Gerard was born on the same day - February 2, but with a difference of 10 years. On at the moment The Latin American singer is 40 years old, and Gerard is 30, respectively.

Shakira's children

In September 2012, the popular Colombian singer confirmed the information that she and her husband were expecting a child. Shakira's first child was born in January 2013. The boy was named Milan. The husband of the famous singer was looking forward to the birth of the child and even wanted to be present at the birth. However, the pop diva was categorically against the presence of her husband during the childbearing process. In addition, the girl demanded that only female representatives be present in the ward, and this request even applied to the medical staff.

After two years in funds mass media information appeared that concerned the second child of Shakira and Gerard. U famous couple in January 2015, another baby was born. The birth took place in Spain in one of the clinics in Barcelona. The boy was given the name Sasha (a photo of Shakira with the children is located in the article).

Both children famous singer were born through caesarean section. In order to get rid of unnecessary attention from journalists, Shakira occupied a separate floor of the hospital during childbirth.

Fans claim that Shakira's children are very similar to the singer. The eldest son Milan, according to them, is an absolute copy of her, and the youngest Sasha, in addition to resembling his mother, took some features from Pique: he has the same blond hair and big blue eyes.

However, not so long ago, in October of this year, information appeared about the breakup of Shakira and Gerard’s relationship.

The children's future was predetermined

As it turned out, after Milan was born, Pique immediately made him a member of his football club. This was not particularly difficult for the Spanish football player, since he is the grandson of the vice-president of the Barcelona club. After the birth of the second baby in social networks his mother Shakira wrote that the child has his father’s foot and will probably be a football player, like father Gerard.

From birth, the Latin American singer tried to teach her kids to play football (a photo of Shakira with her husband and children is posted below). Milan and Sasha were a kind of talisman for the football player. At almost every match in which Pique took part, Shakira could be seen in the fans' stands with his sons.

The singer’s eldest son, according to her, plays football all day long and sings the anthem of the Barcelona club, for which his father plays. Therefore, Shakira asked Pique never to leave the team.

Before breaking off relations with the Spanish football player, in her interviews, the Latin pop diva claimed that she was not going to stop with Milan and Sasha, but was dreaming of a big one. large family. Shakira, according to her, should have at least five children. Gerard Pique also dreamed of adding to his family, dreaming of eventually creating a full-fledged football team from his own sons.

Shakira's husband and children

After the birth of the babies, the singer’s husband purchased for the family luxury mansion in Barcelona, ​​so that each of the boys would have a separate room. However, as it became known, Shakira, her husband and children no longer live under the same roof. The Latin American singer bought herself a separate home in Barcelona and lives there with Milan and Sasha.

Shakira and Gerard lived together for 7 years, during which they sincerely demonstrated their tender feelings for each other. Fans of the singer were previously aware of Gerard's significant shortcoming - his excessive jealousy. The young man forbade the singer to shoot video clips with the participation of men. According to rumors, he was jealous of his wife and his male colleagues, so he tried to come to any filming with Shakira.

Possible reasons for breaking up a relationship

In the media after the breakup married couple Several theories have emerged that could have caused the breakup between Shakira and Pique. In the first place was the jealousy of the young athlete, which completely tired popular singer. In second place could be a return to Shakira's active schedule. The pop diva had no plans to end her career. On November 8, 2017, she launched a tour around the world, which included visits to about 100 cities in 30 different countries.

Also one of possible reasons is the big age difference between the Spanish athlete and Shakira. In addition, Pique’s active civic position could harm the singer’s career. It is known that not so long ago Gerard at one of football matches stated that he could leave the national team if the authorities continue to impede the movement for Catalan independence. For Shakira, who always bypassed political topics, such statements by her husband could have raised concerns about her performances in Madrid.

Celebrity biographies


02.02.17 10:55

At school she was told she “howled like a goat,” but she became one of the best-selling singers of our time. Looking at her attractive appearance, you would never think that behind this face lies an IQ that would be the envy of scientists. She is a star, philanthropist, poet, composer, public favorite and companion of one of the most famous football players - Shakir. Biography of a Colombian – shining example, what can you achieve if you don’t bury your talent in the ground!

Biography of Shakira

Goddess of Light Prodigy

The full name of the star, who turns 40 today, is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, the only child of Nydia and William Mebarak Shadid. When Shakira was born (February 2, 1977), the family lived in Barranquilla (Colombia). From Arabic the singer’s name is translated as “full of grace”, from Hindi – as “goddess of light”. Shakira has been bringing light to people for many years!

Shakira's mother's ancestry included Catalans, Castilians and Italians; her father was born in New York, where his Lebanese ancestors moved. William has been married before, so singer Shakira has eight older sisters and brothers. The baby grew up very smart, began to read and write long before school, and at the age of four she surprised her parents with her first poem. Dad gave his seven-year-old daughter a typewriter, and she wrote down her poems. One of the brothers died when the girl was two years old, and the father put on sunglasses so that no one sees his tears. This is how the song “Your Dark Glasses” was born, which Shakira composed in 1985.

She was fascinated by belly dancing

One day, William took his daughter to a restaurant where they were playing doomback (an Arabic drum that accompanied belly dancing). Shakira was fascinated. She studied at a Catholic school and was already singing in the choir, from where she was soon expelled. The music teacher winced at the strong vibrato and said: “You howl like a goat!” However, the girl was not embarrassed and continued to sing solo, and also took belly dancing lessons.

The first contract is with Sony Music Colombia

As a child, the future singer Shakira felt her first strong sensations from performing on stage - she presented her art at concerts in hometown, and the schoolgirl liked singing and dancing in public more and more. Local agent Monica Ariza supported Shakira and introduced the young talent to Ciro Vargas, who worked for Sony Music Colombia. I had to be persistent, but this led to the signing of the first contract in Shakira’s biography.

However, the debut studio album “Magia” (1991) and the subsequent disc “Peligro” (1993) did not cause a stir. Commercial failures only provoked the girl, however, she took a break in order to finish school.

Breaking into the American charts

Already the “adult” album of the singer Shakira “Pies Descalzos”, which was released in 1996, became the leader of several charts (though not American), but one of the singles from the disc took fifth place in the US chart.

In support of the album, Shakira conducted her first tour, consisting of two dozen performances. The fourth album, “Dónde Están los Ladrones?”, launched two years later, was received even warmer. But the English-language market was finally conquered when singer Shakira released the stunning disc “Laundry Service” (in 2001). A year later, the hit from this album “Whenever, Wherever” was recognized as a sales leader.

Growing popularity and the World Cup anthem

Further, the popularity of the beauty, who raised Latin American music to new level, which used ethnic instruments and motifs, masterfully performed belly dancing and amazed with its vocal range, was only gaining momentum. In 2005, Shakira released two albums at once - Fijación Oral, Vol. 1" and "Oral Fixation, Vol. 2". The song "Hips Don't Lie" was recognized as the best-selling hit (at that time).

Although the singer's next two discs became victims of Shakira's disagreements with the Epic Records brand, the reviews for them were still excellent. And the Colombian’s achievements by that time (2010) had reached incredible heights. She performed duets with fellow stars, released videos, recruited record number views (and followers on social networks).

Sales of Shakira's albums (according to media reports) have exceeded 70 million, this is the best result for a Colombian artist. In 2010, she wrote the “anthem” of the World Cup in South Africa, “Waka Waka (This Time for Africa).” On YouTube music video This song was seen by more than 629 million users.

Voiced a parody of herself

In 2014, the singer released her namesake album (“Shakira”), the single from which (“Can’t Remember to Forget You”) was incredibly popular. An animated film was released in 2016 feature film, in which there is a cute parody of Shakira - pop star Gazelle, who was voiced by Shakira herself. Both the cartoon itself and the character came out wonderful, smart, kind, lively and funny!

Shakira received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and served on the jury of the American show “The Voice” for 2 seasons. She is the winner of two Grammys (and eight Latin Grammys), won 28 Billboard Latin Music Awards and many other awards and honors.

Goodwill Ambassador with high IQ

The performer and composer paid and continues to pay special attention to charity. She's an ambassador Goodwill UNICEF with its own fund that has raised millions of dollars. Largely thanks to this, singer Shakira entered the hundred most powerful women on the planet (according to Forbes) - twice, in 2013 and 2014. Shakira fights hunger and advocates for the rights of poor children to education and a decent life.

There are still many surprising things in Shakira's biography. She is a polyglot, and although her native language is Spanish, the beauty speaks Portuguese, English, Catalan, and speaks Arabic and French well. She studied the History of Western Civilization course at the University of California, incognito, under her middle name, "Isabel Mebarak." Sources say singer Shakira's IQ is 140, so she's probably the smartest person in pop culture.

Shakira's personal life

Greedy Antonio

At the age of 23, Shakira became the companion of a lawyer from Argentina, Antonio de la Rua; she later claimed that they did not need to get married, they already felt like husband and wife.

This union lasted a long time, but at the beginning of 2011, Shakira’s personal life changed - she stated that she broke up with Antonio by mutual agreement. However, the star was wrong: the offended de la Rua wanted compensation (he allegedly served as the singer’s manager) and initially planned to sue his ex-girlfriend for 250 million, but then filed a lawsuit for 100 million dollars.

Music connected them: an affair with Pique

After Barcelona center back Gerard Pique Bernabeu appeared in Shakira's music video (the 2010 World Cup anthem), the two began dating. Shakira announced her relationship in March 2011. It is interesting that the Spaniard Gerard Pique and his beloved were born on the same day - February 2, but with a difference of 10 years (the football player is younger).

Charming quartet: Gerard, Shakira and children

They are very beautiful couple, Gerard and Shakira! The children from this union - Milan, born on January 22, 2013, and Sasha, born 3 years later, are also charming.

Both sons were born in Barcelona - the singer’s father and mother live there. Gerard is also from there, with whom the singer still has a “civil marriage”. Shakira is not going to change her personal life - she is satisfied with this order of things. I just wonder who Shakira named one of her children after, Sasha? Not a Latin American or Spanish name at all!

Shakira Isabel Merabac Ripoll is a Colombian singer, dancer and composer. She has Italian and Spanish roots, was born into a Lebanese and Colombian family. The star was born on February 2, 1977 in a city called Barranquilla. She was the first child of her mother Nydia Ripoll, so from childhood the baby was surrounded by an increased amount of love and care. The family also raised eight children from the previous marriages of their father, William Nebarak Shadid. He owned a jewelry store in free time wrote prose. Thanks to this, the family's income was above average.

The first songs written in childhood

At the age of one and a half years, the future singer learned the entire alphabet. Two years after this, she was already completely ready to study at school, she knew how to read and write. Professionals stated that the girl had a great future ahead of her and could be considered a child prodigy. Since childhood, Shakira has drawn a lot; at the age of 4 she began writing her first poems. At the same time, the little girl constantly danced and performed in front of the public.

When the Colombian was eight years old, she wrote her first song called “Your Dark Glasses.” At the same time she won children's competition beauty "Child of the Atlantic". In 1990, at another talent show, she meets journalist Monica Arias, who is closely involved in promotion future star stage.

A few years later, Monica introduced the young talent to official Ciro Vargas, who represented Sony Music. He was so impressed by the baby’s voice and performance style that he immediately decided to sign a contract with her for three years. Thanks to this, Shakira, at the age of 13, recorded her first album, called “Magia”. It was released on June 24, 1991. It cannot be said that the record brought the singer wild popularity, but she still managed to attract the attention of her compatriots. The same can be said about the second disc “Peligro”.

Popularity in the music world

After two albums that actually failed commercially, the producers seriously thought about continuing the contract. The singer herself also began to doubt the advisability of working in the studio. It is unknown how it would have ended if not for the composition “Dónde Estás Corazón”, written on the way to the production center. This song became one of the title songs on Shakira’s next album; the spent budget of one hundred thousand dollars paid off in as soon as possible.

The singer's third disc went platinum not only in Colombia. It instantly sold out in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Peru. Even the critic liked the girl’s music; the project received several prestigious awards. The inspired girl begins recording the next record, but suddenly most of the texts are stolen by unknown attackers.

After an unpleasant incident, Shakira begins work on her second official album from scratch, ironically mentioning thieves in the title of the album “Dónde Están los Ladrones?” , which translates to “Where are the thieves?” It is a stunning success in America, despite the fact that the songs are written in Spanish. The singer was even nominated for a Grammy Award. Some time later, she recorded the MTV Unplugged concert collection, which also received two music awards.

On November 13, 2001, the star’s next album, entitled “Laundry Service,” was released. The first single from it was the hit “Whenever, Wherever”, which is still remembered and loved by people around the world. In 2005, the Spanish-language album Fijaction Oral Vol.1 was released, a few months later the girl recorded its second part, this time the songs were performed on English.

In 2007, the charts again exploded with Shakira's creativity, this time thanks to her joint song with Beyoncé. After that, the singer took a break for some time, and then delighted fans with the album “She Wolf” in 2009. The girl decided not to settle on a certain style, mixing in an original way everything she liked.

In 2010, the Colombian recorded the anthem of the World Cup, and some time after that, her next album, “Sale el Sol,” was released. One of the title songs of this disc was “Loca”; this composition was loved even by those who did not consider themselves fans of the singer.

The tenth record took a lot of energy from the girl; she constantly changed the release date. On January 13, 2014, the single “Can’t Remember to Forget You” was released, recorded together with Rihanna. Two months later, fans finally got the opportunity to hear Shakira’s new work thanks to the album of the same name.

Achievements of the singer

In 1994, after graduating from school, the girl moved with her mother to the capital of Colombia, Bogota. There she starred in the melodramatic project “El Oasis”. Thanks to this, Shakira received the title “Miss TVK” and her first large-scale photo shoot. The girl was always demanding of herself, so she did not continue acting career. She believed that she looked unconvincing compared to professionals; later the singer refused the offer of Steven Spielberg himself.

In 2007, the girl became a student at the University of California. There she studied under the name Isabelle Mebarak. Shakira has also been involved in charity work from a young age. Thanks to her, a fund was organized to help children from poor families in Latin America. This foundation, created in 1997, has opened several schools throughout Colombia. There children can study, they are fed and taken care of. Today, the girl continues to take the initiative, discussing important issues with students around the world. She purchased 10,000 pairs of sneakers, which were taken apart by children in Shakira's hometown.

Incredibly, Gabriel Garcia Marquez himself admires the singer. He is amazed by her sensuality and at the same time naivety, fiery movements and unusual style of music. In 1996, the singer was named “Woman of the Year” because she became the first Colombian to conquer Japan, Spain and Portugal. In 1999, the president appointed the girl as a Goodwill Ambassador. At the same time, the Pope scheduled an audience with her at the Vatican.

Personal life

At the age of 13, the girl first fell in love with a neighboring boy. She even managed to tell him about her dream of being famous singer. In 1996, Shakira started an affair with former member group Polygamia, but they were unable to maintain the relationship due to the constant employment of the musicians. In 1997, the singer began dating actor Oswald Rios. They tried to hide their feelings, but it didn't work very well. Eight months later, the partners broke off the relationship.

In 2000, the Colombian met Antonio de la Rua, whose father was previously the president of Argentina. It was love at first sight; the singer dedicated many of her compositions to him. The couple dated for a long time, they were even planning to get married. But then Antonio’s father was removed from office, their relationship gradually began to deteriorate, and at the beginning of 2011, the lovers announced their separation. They parted as friends, but after the breakup, the president’s son tried to sue the girl for 100,000 allegedly for moral damage.

Even during her affair with Antonio, the singer was credited with an affair with football player Gerard Pique. Later it became known that the couple had been dating since the fall of 2010, they managed to hide their relationship until March 2011. Their age difference is 10 years, but this did not stop whirlwind romance. In the fall of 2012, Shakira shared information with reporters that they would soon become parents. The firstborn was named Milan Pique Mebarak. In January 2015, the couple had their second son, Sasha. Nevertheless, the lovers do not plan to legalize the relationship yet; they feel comfortable without it.

Today, February 2, Shakira celebrates her birthday, and this year she has a special date: the singer turned 40 years old. To be fair, it is worth noting that this is only evidenced by an entry in the passport: Shakira’s appearance does not in any way reflect her real age. Wrinkles are barely noticeable on his face, his figure is as fit and slender as in his youth. It’s also not easy to believe that the singer and her 30-year-old lover Gerard Pique, who also celebrates his anniversary today (they were born on the same day), have a 10-year age difference. What is Shakira's secret? HELLO.RU studied several interviews with the star in an attempt to find answers to this question.

To keep my skin looking healthy and glowing, I use a vitamin C serum, especially when my skin is dehydrated. If the skin is very dry, I apply a thin layer of vitamin E - I buy regular capsules at the pharmacy, crush them and apply them to my face. In addition, it is very important to thoroughly wash off your makeup every evening; it is advisable to use a special brush (or glove) to remove all dirt.

It seems to me that the best makeup for any girl is a smile. A beautiful smile gives you a feeling of confidence, so your teeth need equally careful care. I smile a lot, photographers sometimes even ask me to stop doing it in order to get a more serious and sexy image.

It is very important to protect your skin from aggressive sun rays. Instead of regular sunscreen, I use children's sunscreen: its protection is better and stronger than any "adult" one. Plus, it’s important to me that the product contains as few harmful chemicals as possible.

During flights, I drink tons of plain water and avoid salty foods, which retain fluid in the body.

When it comes to makeup, I adhere to the principle “the simpler the better.” I like to paint my lips with only natural shades of lipstick and highlight my eyes. But I still think that I look much better with minimum quantity cosmetics on the face. In my opinion, I look much better now than I did 10 years ago.

If I do decide to wear makeup, I usually use foundation and a little blush. I apply them to the apples of my cheeks. I try to choose a shade slightly pinker than my skin color. If you find it difficult to choose the perfect blush color for you, I advise you to pinch your cheeks before purchasing and focus on the natural blush.

I don't like to put too much emphasis on some things great value. For example, I am completely indifferent to spas and various beauty treatments, simply because I don’t have time for it. Such services are not designed for people like me.

I love food, so I had to apply self-discipline and self-control to start eating healthy. Now I continue to eat a lot, but now I choose only healthy foods. I pay close attention to what ends up on my plate, but of course, sometimes I cut myself some slack. For example, I am a real chocolateaholic - sometimes I simply cannot do without this sweetness. But I still try to snack on something healthy, for example, I like seaweed chips and granola with kale.

I try to exercise regularly, but I like to vary my activities. Every day, so as not to get bored. I do a little boxing, a little dancing, sometimes I play tennis or just go to the gym and work out on the machines. I train 5 or 6 days a week, and I always wear a heart rate monitor to determine the optimal load for myself. During pregnancy, I attended Zumba classes, this helped me not gain a lot of weight.

I don't use any special expensive products in hair care. Before going out in the sun I apply conditioner, I like oils and shampoos without sulfates. I also like the Colombian brand Sedal, it is inexpensive but very effective.

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll is a famous Colombian performer. What is noteworthy is that she is one of the most successful Latin American singers on the international pop stage. Shakira's songs are characterized by a very unique performance style. It's a cross between Latin, pop rock and folk. And her performances themselves constantly present entire shows, consisting of impressive performances and oriental dances. And although she is already slightly over 40, even despite this she is still popular and loved. It is known that Shakira is involved not only in musical performances, but also in charity work.

Height, weight, age. How old is Shakira

Few people know that full name performer given to her at birth is Shakira Isabelle Mebarak Ripoll. Thus, it turns out that Shakira is not a pseudonym, as many fans might have assumed, but just part real name singers. Just like her name, fans of this gorgeous Latina are also interested in her height, weight, and age. How old Shakira is is easy to calculate. She is currently 41 years old. But at the same time, the woman is surprisingly petite. So, with a height of only 157 centimeters, the woman weighs 46 kilograms. And this despite the fact that she already has two children!

Therefore, if you want to look at photos of Shakira in his youth and now, you are unlikely to notice a significant difference. After all, she is still luxurious.

Biography and personal life of Shakira

Shakira is famous and has long been famous performer from Colombia. She is probably even the most successful Latin American singer on the modern stage.

She was born in February 1977 in the town of Barranquilla. Her father is William Nebaraka Shadid, a rich man who owns a jewelry store. In addition, it is known that he was fond of writing prose. Mom, Nydia Ripoll, took care of the house and raised Shakira’s seven other brothers and sisters.

It is known that the girl did not immediately become a singer. After graduating from school, she tried to start a career as an actress. And it started with a melodrama series, in which the girl immediately played the title role, which was appreciated by critics, and TV GUIA magazine organized a personal photo shoot for her.

It is not surprising that Shakira became a world star while still very young. The debut album of the sexy Latina received two awards in 1997 and was positively received by music critics.

It is noteworthy that when Shakira arrived in Bogota to record the album, the unexpected happened - most of all things were stolen, including the lyrics. And the young singer had to start working on her first album from the very beginning. By the way, the singer decided to mention this incident in the title of her disc.

In addition to music, Shakira is also involved in charity work. For example, she founded a special fund to help children.

Shakira's biography and personal life have been worrying her ardent fans for a long time. Currently, the singer continues to actively develop her career. Last year she even took part in international competition Eurovision, which took place in the capital of Ukraine. After which she began promoting her latest album. Information about this was highlighted on the singer’s Instagram.

As for the personal life of this gorgeous woman, she is still single, regardless of her age. For ten years, the singer was in a relationship with lawyer Antonio de la Rua. They did not officially marry, but Shakira simply asserted that they did not need cliches to talk about the seriousness of the relationship.

Their romance ended in 2010. And soon Shakira met football player Gerard Pique, who became the father of her children. But not a spouse.

Shakira's family and children

Shakira's family and children occupy an important place in her life. As, indeed, in the life of any woman. Despite the fact that she is already slightly over 40, she has never officially had a husband. She had relationships with two men. And from the last of them, Shakira gave birth to two beautiful boys. After the aforementioned lawyer, she met a football player named Gerard Pique. This was in 2010.

They began a relationship, despite the ten-year age difference. She even introduced him to fans on social networks. In 2013, and then in 2015, Shakira gave birth to two sons from him. But a couple of years later they broke up. Official reason- lack of time for each other.

Shakira's sons - Milan and Sasha Pique

Shakira's sons Milan and Sasha Pique are both still little boys. The singer gave birth to them from a famous football player named Gerard Pique, who, however, never became her official spouse for the entire seven years of the relationship. Milan is five years old, and Sasha is three years old. They both live with their mother, who loves them very much.

But even their appearance could not ultimately save the couple’s relationship. The initiator of the separation, according to official information, was Shakira herself. And the reason is the football player’s lack of time for herself and their common children. The boys themselves are still calmly enjoying life and don’t think at all about the problems of the future.

Shakira's husband

The question of whether Shakira's husband really existed is quite controversial. Official sources claim that in fact Shakira was never truly married. But she considered all her relationships to be serious. According to the woman herself, she and her man do not need stamps in their passports to consider the relationship official. Therefore, we can say that she (albeit conditionally) considered both of her men to be husbands. Although according to the documents they were not such.

In any case, Shakira is still quite young and looks gorgeous. Therefore, there is a high probability that one day she will meet someone whom she can officially call her husband.

In addition to an excellent voice, Shakira also has an absolutely luxurious appearance. And this is not surprising, because Shakira is not only a singer, but also a wonderful dancer. This is a woman about whom they say “everything is with her”: her hair, her figure, and her voice. All this together helps her deliver great performances.

And looking at the hot photos of Shakira in a swimsuit, one can only admire how quickly she was able to return her figure to normal after her second birth! It’s not difficult to find leaked photos online. Some fans don't even mind looking at pictures of their favorite singer naked. But finding such ones will be more difficult.

Instagram and Wikipedia Shakira

Like many other pop stars, Shakira’s Instagram and Wikipedia are freely accessible and are one of the main sources of the most reliable information for fans. Wikipedia contains information about Shakira’s family, her personal life, as well as the most complete information about the development of the singer’s career.

The performer’s Instagram is also particularly popular. And this is proven by at least the presence of more than 48 million subscribers on her profile! If you subscribe to her page, you can literally follow Shakira’s life and receive information first-hand.