Squats after cesarean section. When can you start exercising after a caesarean section?

After giving birth, many women notice that they are overweight, which they dream of getting rid of. Special diets in this case are prohibited, since mother’s milk must contain all the components necessary for the child. Go in for sports - here the right decision. But when the birth takes place by caesarean section, physical activity, as after any other surgical intervention, are prohibited for the first time. Therefore, the question of when you can start playing sports after such an operation is relevant.

What happens during the operation?

Important information: First of all, you need to consult a gynecologist. He will tell you when you can start classes, since the timing depends on individual characteristics body, as well as the presence of possible complications.

A caesarean section is performed in four main stages: incision of tissue and uterus, extraction of the newborn, removal of the placenta, suturing

Caesarean section is a serious abdominal operation. The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia or using epidural anesthesia. During the operation, two incisions are made:

  • abdominal wall (skin, fat, connective tissue);
  • uterus.

This is interesting: During a caesarean section abdominal muscles They are not cut, but simply moved apart, which ensures quick recovery.

After this, the child is removed from the uterus, and special drugs are injected into it to help reduce blood loss. The placenta is then removed and the incisions are sutured.

Important information: The cuts can be vertical or horizontal. For subsequent births, it is important which uterine incision was made. Therefore, a woman should ask her doctor about this.

When to start playing sports and fitness

According to experts, some sports exercises can be performed already on the tenth day after surgery. These include walking, squats, light exercises, and bending. It is worth noting that a woman receives her first load already in the first days after childbirth. We are talking about bathing, carrying and rocking a child. Carry out the usual homework specialists allow it immediately after discharge from the hospital. As for intensive exercises, it is recommended to start them no earlier than 6-8 weeks after surgery.

According to Lyubov Nikolaevna Bulatova (a doctor of the highest category with more than 20 years of experience, a member of the Russian Association of Gynecologists and Endocrinologists), there is no need to avoid playing sports if there are no complications after surgery. In her opinion, a few days after giving birth, you can do light gymnastics, which eliminates the stress on the abs. When walking with your child, it is recommended not to sit still, but to walk briskly along the path. In addition, you should keep your back straight at all times. This will help tighten your stomach and straighten your posture.

Gynecologist-endocrinologist Tatyana Viktorovna Chebotnikova (candidate of medical sciences, consultant) advises starting intensive training six months after the rehabilitation period. These include exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, waist and hips.

Important information: You need to start with the easiest exercises, gradually increasing the load.

Features of the first training

Each sport can place different stress on certain parts of the body. Therefore, there are some recommendations that will help you figure out which activities you need to start with and which ones you will have to wait for.

What sports can you do after surgery and when to practice?

After the woman’s body has recovered a little, gentle sports become available. So, 7-8 weeks after surgery, you can pay attention to the following:

  • Pilates - this sport involves smooth and leisurely exercises, which affects the entire body (the muscles of the pelvis, back and abdominal muscles are strengthened without the use of shock loads, thereby eliminating the risk of injury);
  • water – physical exercises performed in water are very useful and effective (there is a load on the entire body, although it seems that it is minimal);
  • yoga - has a positive effect on the entire body, normalizes metabolism, increases blood circulation, as well as the production of endorphins.

6 months after the operation, you can start dancing and aerobics. They use all muscle groups, charge the body with energy, help make your figure slim and your gait graceful. As for abdominal exercises and running, many experts recommend starting such activities no earlier than 8 months after surgery. Although some gynecologists allow them to start much earlier. The fact is that running puts a significant strain on the heart, and this is undesirable in the first months after exposure to anesthesia. Excessive tension in the abdominal muscles can lead not so much to super results, but to damage to the suture and even bleeding.

In the first months after a cesarean section, it is advisable to protect the abdominal muscles from heavy loads.

Important information: For women after a cesarean section, it is not recommended to use dumbbells and other fitness weights when doing abdominal exercises for the first time.

Prohibited sports during the healing stage of sutures

In the first months after childbirth, which took place through surgical intervention, you should not engage in sports that involve a large load. These include:

  • weightlifting;
  • tennis;
  • volleyball;
  • active cycling.

When to stop exercising

Every woman's body is individual. Some people are able to lead a normal life two months after the operation; for others, even minor physical activity causes discomfort. Great value It also has how the recovery period proceeds, the presence of possible complications, etc.

It is necessary to stop exercising in the following cases:

  • the occurrence of pain in the abdominal area;
  • the presence of any discharge from the vagina or suture;
  • seam divergence;
  • dizziness and other signs of general malaise.

If you continue to feel unwell, you should consult a doctor.

Video guide: weight loss option after cesarean section

The above problem attracts the attention of many doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, famous on television. Unfortunately, this specialist has not yet made any specific recommendations for fitness classes, but you can get acquainted with the popular method of a famous fitness trainer and part-time mother of three children.

A caesarean section is not a reason to deny yourself everything. After giving birth you can quickly return to ordinary life enjoying motherhood. And physical exercise will help you get in shape. The main thing is not to overdo it and monitor your own health.

Sports after caesarean section is a multifaceted and individual topic. Firstly, loads are different from loads, and some workouts can be practiced in just a couple of days, while others are highly not recommended even after months. Secondly, the approach to any physical activity should be very careful and balanced, taking into account many factors, including the woman’s age, the number of pregnancies, and a whole series related indicators. In this article, I will share with you the general recommendations that I give to my patients, tell you when a new mother can add exercise to her routine after a cesarean section, and also give examples of useful and effective exercises.

When can you exercise after a caesarean section?

Time aspect in this issue depends, first of all, on the type of physical activity in question. For example, if we talk about easy morning exercises or therapeutic exercises, then the woman herself will feel when she can engage in such sports after a cesarean section. Literally a week is enough for the body to return to normal, the strength and desire to take care of your figure. At this time, you can already include gentle exercises in your rhythm of life aimed at restoring and maintaining muscle tone.

Did you exercise before pregnancy?


But about when you can start playing sports fully, i.e. practice running, cycling, fitness, swimming, you should definitely talk to your doctor. As a rule, this is permitted no earlier than six months after surgery. It is also important to take into account that even after the specified period, not all types of physical activity will benefit a woman.

Prohibited sports

As I said above, after any complex surgery, recovery takes at least six months. This is exactly how long it takes for the uterus to involute, and for scars to heal completely. During this entire period, and sometimes even longer, serious loads are contraindicated. Any exercises that put stress on the heart muscles, as well as the muscle corset, are taboo.

In particular, a young mother needs to forget about:

  • playing tennis;
  • basketball and volleyball;
  • cycling;
  • athletics;
  • running;
  • high-repetition powerlifts;
  • cross-fit;
  • exercises that involve lifting weights weighing more than 5 kg.

It is also highly recommended not to engage in rock climbing and other sports that involve overcoming long distances. Using a hula hoop is dangerous, since the spikes, hitting the internal organs, can significantly harm the condition of the woman in labor. After a caesarean section, you can twist a light hoop, which creates a weak amplitude.

And, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, parachute jumping is also prohibited. I never thought that such an idea could occur to young mothers, but, as my practice has shown, women are ready to do anything to regain their prenatal shape.

Important information! Any sports that provoke a large release of adrenaline can have a bad effect not only on the pregnancy, but also on the condition of the woman in labor as a whole.

If the operation went without complications, you can start doing the first exercises in the maternity hospital. While lying down, practice joint-tendon and Kegel exercises, as well as breathing techniques. After one and a half to two months you can start Pilates. A set of exercises developed using this method perfectly strengthens the muscle corset, helps restore the muscles of the pelvic floor, back and abdomen, helps correct posture and relieves lower back pain, which often makes itself felt after pregnancy.

Daily exercise should consist of:

  • swinging your arms;
  • squats;
  • raising the legs bent at the knees to the chest.

After a caesarean section, you can exercise three times a week for half an hour to an hour. Heavy loads do not necessarily have the same immediate effect. The load should be increased gradually, paying attention to the body's reaction.

Women who have recently given birth can also dance, but only after consultation with their doctor.

Features of the first training

Fitness needs to be very selective after a cesarean section. His main rule during this period is exercises that are as natural as possible for the body. At first, training should be calm and stress-free. Even if before pregnancy you were known as an avid athlete, and your coach himself was jealous of your abs, take into account the fact that after childbirth the muscles weaken significantly and you need to work on their restoration carefully.

The first lesson should not last longer than 10 minutes. Increase the time gradually, adding one or two minutes per day. It is allowed and even recommended to wear special compression clothing or a postpartum bandage during training.

When to stop exercising

It all depends on the level of physical fitness of the woman as a whole. If she led an active lifestyle before pregnancy, then most likely such questions will not arise. Our muscles are very good memory and quickly “remember” their shape. But if previously sport remained only in your far-reaching plans, then you need to understand that the body will not always react positively to stress.

So, playing sports after a cesarean section should definitely be stopped if:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • high temperature;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • fluid of unknown origin around the seam.

The listed symptoms indicate complications that have arisen. Only a doctor can determine their presence, causes, and degree of danger. And depending on the results of the examination, give permission or prohibit physical activity for some time.

In my practice, it is very rare, but still there are situations when patients have to forget about training forever after giving birth. Prohibitions in similar cases are not in any way related specifically to a cesarean section, but are caused by other reasons, including diseases of the neuropsychic, cardiovascular system, malignant tumors, etc. In the absence of serious pathologies, physical education should be on the list of mandatory tasks for every woman.

Training intensity

It is better to start playing sports approximately eight weeks after a caesarean section. Start every workout with a warm-up. It may include walking, swinging your arms, bending your torso to the sides, lightly exercising your joints, rotating your head, and alternating shoulder shifts.

You can also dilute the warm-up by walking on a stepper or briefly riding an exercise bike. It is better to postpone sudden movements until later. late date, like push-ups.

As soon as you feel that the exercises are easy for you, you can begin to engage in more complex sports. During this period, water aerobics and special gymnastics are also allowed.

Types of exercises

Fitness after cesarean section should be varied, but at the same time gentle. Alternate exercises that target individual muscle groups and give you exceptional vigor and not fatigue. I offer an optimal complex that allows you to tidy up your figure without harming the health of the mother in labor:

  1. Bridge to strengthen the hips:
  • while lying on your back, bend your knees and spread them shoulder-width apart;
  • try to lift your hips up so that they form a single line with your lower body;
  • Squeeze your lower abdominal muscles while raising your hips;
  • try holding this position for 2–3 seconds;
  • return to the starting position;
  • repeat the exercise three times with short breaks.
Bridge to strengthen the hips
  1. Kegel exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor:
  • squeeze your vaginal muscles;
  • hold them compressed for up to five seconds;
  • gently relax your muscles;
  • repeat the exercise several times.

Important! Kegel exercises can only be performed with an empty bladder to avoid pain and discomfort.

  1. Bends that strengthen your back:
  • place your hands on your hips and place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • bend over slowly, keeping your back straight;
  • return to the starting position;
  • repeat 3-4 times.

Back strengthening bends
  1. Plank – perfectly strengthens all muscle groups:
  • take a stance as if you are going to do push-ups;
  • transfer the weight of your body to your elbows, your knees should not touch the floor;
  • straighten up so that your whole body forms a single straight line parallel to the floor;
  • try holding this position for 30–40 seconds;
  • repeat two to three times, increasing the time each day.

Whatever exercise you choose, don't forget about cardio. Walking should be part of your daily routine. And it’s even better if these walks take place outside. Fresh air will benefit not only you, but also your baby.

The exercises I have listed are quite enough to return your body to its former shape in a few months. How long after a cesarean section can you engage in full-fledged fitness, including strength training, running, exercises aimed at strengthening, will be determined by a specialist after an ultrasound examination.


Above, I already clarified when you can start playing sports, and under what symptoms physical exercise should be stopped.

Important! Physical activity should never cause discomfort or pain.

Doctors' opinion

On forums, including medical ones, the topic of when you can play sports, and whether physical activity is generally acceptable after a caesarean section, is one of the most discussed. Expert opinion in in this case The only thing is that there is no exact definition of the period. Every body handles pregnancy and surgery differently. Some women start training within a few months, others need a year to recover. Many factors are important, including the level of physical fitness, state of health in general and the characteristics of the surgery in particular. Sports are, of course, necessary, but when to start exercising should be determined by the doctor individually, taking into account many factors.


So, I tried to fully cover the topic of sports after cesarean section, told you what you need to consider before starting training, what contraindications there are, etc.

The conclusion from the above can be drawn as follows: sport is very useful! But it is important to approach the loads seriously, dosing them correctly so as not to harm yourself. When creating a set of exercises to practice at home, you need to consult a gynecologist. If you choose to train at the gym, warn the trainer that you have recently had surgery. This is the only way you will achieve excellent results without consequences for your own health.

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Many women gain excess weight, and each of them dreams of losing it as quickly as possible. Hunger and special diets are prohibited in this case, so the young mother has no choice but to exercise intensely. And a woman who has undergone surgery will certainly be interested in the question of when she can play sports after a caesarean section. This rather complex procedure is a great stress for the mother’s body. And in order to get rid of its consequences and restore her previous health, a woman will need a lot of time.

When can you exercise after a caesarean section?

Specialists in the field of gynecology believe that serious sports loads, helping to strengthen muscles and relieve excess weight, a woman can begin only two months after the operation. But feasible and non-burdensome exercises designed to restore her health after childbirth must be performed much earlier, when she feels that her condition is satisfactory. The attending gynecologist monitoring the patient will tell the woman when she can start exercising. You can also ask him what exercises are acceptable in this case.

Postpartum recovery. Gentle gymnastics

For six months after the operation, the woman is strictly prohibited from performing any exercises that affect her. In addition, she must not lift a load or make sudden movements. You can do simple exercises for your arms and legs. Sitting comfortably, the woman can rotate her hands or feet alternately in different directions. It is allowed to bend and straighten your arms and legs. It is helpful to tense your gluteal muscles and then relax them. The most acceptable sports at this time are swimming and yoga, but always under the supervision of a trainer. And after a few months have passed, your doctor will advise you on special exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles.

When can you exercise after a caesarean section? How to get rid of belly fat

Experts say that a woman’s stomach will retract on its own after nine months. But for many women this period is too long. Business, career, creativity make the modern business woman have ideal physical forms much earlier. But also stress on the abdominal muscles long time are strictly prohibited. Therefore, in order to visually remove all excess from the chest to the beginning of the hips, women are recommended to use a special bandage. It can be prenatal as well as postnatal. In order for the stomach to retract as quickly as possible, it is necessary that the uterus contract faster. To do this, a woman is recommended to sleep on her back or stomach. If she wants to remove postpartum stretch marks on her body, you can use special creams, milk, and skin moisturizers. Once healed, the treating gynecologist will advise the woman what abdominal exercises she can do. In addition, nowadays in cities there are special clubs for young mothers for postpartum recovery. There you can get acquainted with a set of exercises for the abdominal muscles. When you can play sports after a caesarean section, what types of sports you are allowed to do - your doctor and sports trainers will tell you all this. But every woman should carefully monitor all the changes in her body and try not to miss the misfortune that befalls her. It’s nice to have something beautiful after giving birth, but it’s even more important that it’s healthy.

Caesarean section is a very complex operation. Complete recovery of the body occurs over several years, not months. Although from the outside it seems that natural childbirth much more complicated; from a physiological point of view, this is not entirely true. Caesarean section is unnatural for the body and takes a long time to heal. But at the same time, girls do not have to limit themselves in nutrition, living a full life, or playing sports. There are certain nuances that must be taken into account when choosing a training program.

What happens during the operation?

During a caesarean section, the fetus is removed by making an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus. Rehabilitation of the uterus takes about 8 weeks. There are complications that slow down this process: trauma, swelling, hemorrhages in the suture area, etc. The incision is made in the lower segment of the uterus, which consists of muscle tissue and almost does not include blood vessels. The use of synthetic absorbable threads allows the edges of the wound to remain on the uterus for a long time. This way the healing process takes place most optimally and a scar is formed on the uterus. This is important for subsequent births.

After cesarean section, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used to avoid the development of any infectious diseases. This reduces immunity and suppresses beneficial intestinal microflora.

There are two types of seams:

  • Horizontal/cosmetic. Accurate, performed during a pre-planned cesarean section. Recovery takes 2-2.5 months. With light loads, you can get into shape in 4-5 months.
  • Vertical. Performed in an emergency situation, not thought out in advance. The result is severely damaged muscles. To gain flat stomach you will have to put in a lot of effort. Sometimes you have to use a laser to polish the scar. Exercise allowed one year after surgery.

How long after a caesarean section can you start exercising?

Thanks to the popularization of a slim figure, many women are involved in sports, including heavy strength exercises. After a break during pregnancy and childbirth, the body becomes flabby and weakened. I want to start training and get back into shape as soon as possible.

At least six months should pass from childbirth using cesarean to the first training. These should be light exercises, gymnastics, Kegel complex. Abdominal exercises, and especially strength exercises, are strictly prohibited - the seams may come apart. Internal bleeding will begin.

Light exercise can be done 2 months after surgery. This includes exercises from physical education lessons at school that tone the body, but do not require much effort or tension in the body (bending, turning the head, warming up the feet, moving the shoulders). After 3-4 months, with the approval of the doctor, more difficult exercises can be included in the complex. After half a year, Pilates, dancing, yoga, swimming, and bodyflex are allowed. You cannot run or exercise in the gym with weights. If you want to study in gym, then you should select an aerobic training program, having first told the trainer about your cesarean section. The power ones will only be safe in a couple of years.

IMPORTANT! Exercising does not affect the availability of milk. This becomes the cause in very rare cases, diagnosed by a doctor.

Allowed sports

You should pay attention to the following exercises:

  • Nordic walking.
  • Tilts to the side.
  • Circular movements with shoulders and head.
  • Exercises for hip joints and ankles.
  • Classes on a stepper, exercise bike.
  • Squats, lunges (after half a year).
  • Push-ups from the wall, from the knees (after 4-5 months).
  • Water aerobics. In water, muscles train well and joints do not get tired. This is a great option for girls who want to lose weight.
  • Stretching arms and legs.

Very helpful breathing exercises. One of the options:

  • Take 10 breaths with your chest. The stomach remains motionless;
  • take 10 breaths in and out with your stomach, carefully holding the seam;
  • Pull the perineum and abdominal muscles inward 10 times, very carefully and gently.

Frequent walks are beneficial for both children and mothers. fresh air. This gives a certain load, but you don’t have to strain your muscles too much.

IMPORTANT! Exercises that can be done will be given by a physical therapy doctor during a consultation in the maternity hospital. This complex is useful; it can be performed 2 weeks after discharge from the hospital. The exercises are aimed at accelerating blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

Prohibited sports

Even six months after a cesarean section, it is not recommended to exhaust the body with serious sports, which put stress on the heart and muscles. The ban on sports is due to the fact that the operation affects not only the superficial layers of the skin and muscle, but also the uterus. Heavy loads may damage it. Strictly prohibited:

  • Football.
  • Tennis.
  • Volleyball.
  • Basketball.
  • Cycling.
  • Athletics.
  • Crossfit.
  • Multi-repetition powerlifting.
  • Exercises with lifting weights greater than 5 kg.

Camping that involves covering long distances, rock climbing and other activities is not recommended. Skydiving is also prohibited. Any extreme activity that causes a release large quantity adrenaline are strictly contraindicated.

The use of a hula hoop is also prohibited. especially in the first months. Even a simple hoop. Without spikes, creates a fairly strong amplitude, and impacts on internal organs may cause harm.

You cannot play sports if you have the following diseases:

  • Endothermitis, uterine bleeding.
  • Poorly healed stitches.
  • Subfertile temperature.
  • Various pathologies of the uterus.

When should you stop exercising?

Sometimes the body itself sends alarm signals. You should stop playing sports after a cesarean section if you feel any pain in the lower abdomen: pulling, cutting, aching. If the pain does not stop within an hour, you should immediately go to the doctor.

If your body temperature rises, your milk suddenly disappears, your blood pressure jumps sharply - these are also alarming signals. It is better to wait until the body has fully recovered and resume training. Getting your body in shape is much easier than treating diseases of the internal organs.

In any case, before starting sports, you should conduct an examination and consultation with your doctor. He must know the specifics of the operation performed and the possible consequences.


Exercising is definitely beneficial. But if you approach the load unreasonably, then it will most likely cause harm. Thanks to strength exercises, the body will become toned short terms, but the internal organs most likely will not withstand the load. When choosing a training program, be sure to consult with your doctor, and warn your coach about the surgery you have undergone. This way you can protect yourself from unwanted consequences and really achieve good results.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

When asking the question whether it is possible to play sports after a caesarean section, most often we mean, after all, not performance sports, but physical education. This article will focus on feasible physical activity to improve health, and not on sports as such. If you have trained at an advanced amateur or professional level, there is only one general rule - you need to get clearance from a doctor. But the recovery time is an individual concept. Moreover, with “physical education for health” the situation is exactly the same.

Why is sports after cesarean a controversial topic?

"Gynecological" sources Soviet school impose a six-month ban on any physical activity after cesarean section. The motives are:

  • abdominal surgery affects not only the muscles and skin, but also the walls of the uterus, which means that excess tone can damage not only the muscles, but also the reproductive system;

  • you still won’t be able to really exercise, allegedly, milk disappears or becomes sour due to increased activity, overwork increases every day, because not all babies sleep equally peacefully at night, the semantic series usually continues with a statement in the spirit of “do more with your child, think less about unimportant things."

Fortunately, you and I are no longer in the USSR. Information regarding sour and wasted milk has not been scientifically proven. And for it to really disappear, you need to do something super intense, which in this case is excluded. Therefore, only the first motive should be taken into account.

Your specific gynecologist should answer the question of when you can exercise after a cesarean section. It's important here:

  • don’t hide your goals - you don’t need to talk about health if you want to do fat-burning workouts, and, conversely, talk about serious loads if the goal is not to turn into a vegetable at all;

  • Don’t be abstract – the doctor needs to clearly state the types of activities you are planning to do, the duration of your training and the type of your diet.

Normally, light activity such as work elliptical trainer, home stepper, exercise bike, as well as gymnastics without weights are allowed 6 weeks after cesarean section. In practice, the doctor will “release” you only after complete recovery.

Let's say the recovery is complete and permission is received. Now it is important not to “overwhelm”.

Notes for losing weight: fitness after cesarean section

General rule, voiced by all the trainers in the world, sounds like this: “Do what you did before pregnancy, during it and are going to do for the rest of your life, but exclude risky movements.” The following types of activity are strictly medically contraindicated during the first six months after cesarean:

  • rows and lifts of anything that collectively weighs more than 6 kg. The ban is lifted at 12 weeks, according to the information from the FPA textbook, and individually, if we take into account information about the postpartum recovery of female athletes;

  • squats and lunges with a barbell overhead, as they cause significant tension in the center of the body, which not every person can control;

  • all exercises with kettlebells, except goblet and front squats with light weights;

  • all TRX, any exercises on bare feet and other unstable platforms;

  • all heavy bases, squats and presses are possible only with light weights in a multi-repetition mode;

  • classic deadlift. It is possible to do deadlifts on straight legs with light weights in a multi-repetition mode;

  • jumping on a bench or support, plyometric squats and lunges.

Girls who came to the gym after the beginning of the 2000s may be surprised: “What remains and how to write an exercise program for losing weight, how to get rid of belly fat after childbirth, will the abs ever become the same?” We'll have to remember what our...older sisters learned, that is, some principles of classical strength training, without emphasis on the “base”.

Exercises after cesarean section in the form of a weight loss program may look like this:

Warm-up: walking on a stepper slowly, 10 minutes, or simple walking

Main part:

Workout 1:

  • without weight, feet hip-width apart, 3 to 20;

  • lunges without weight, medium amplitude, 3 to 20;

  • bringing your arms together in front of your chest in the butterfly exercise machine, or squeezing the Easy Curves expander, 3 to 15, very light load;

  • traction of the expander fixed to the leg of the bed (or lower block), 3 to 15, minimal resistance;

  • high standing position (“Plank”), palms under shoulders, toes perpendicular to the floor, 4 sets of 30-90 seconds.

Workout 2:

  • bending forward or standing on straight legs with small dumbbells or an empty bar, 3 to 20;

  • dumbbell press up while sitting on a bench on the shoulders, 3 to 15;

  • expander pull to the chest or pull of the upper block to the chest, 3 to 15;

  • calf raises, 4 max;

  • dumbbell curls for biceps, superset with push-ups from a bench while sitting, 12 repetitions, 3 sets;

  • high emphasis while standing, as in training 1.

Classic crunches cannot be introduced into the program after 4-5 weeks of regular exercise. Weights and resistance are added according to how you feel.

Hitch: at the end of the workout - low-intensity cardio cool-down, pulse no more than 60% of MHR.

When and how to pump up your abs after cesarean section

The general rule is a ban on twisting and lifting the legs until 10 weeks after surgery. In reality, you can recover faster, but it is still better to avoid any abdominal exercises other than high emphasis until these very 10 weeks have passed.

Usually girls start twisting to regain their waist, but this can be fraught with problems with healing and even mechanical damage if it is severe. It’s better to completely give up this exercise for at least six months after giving birth, and then buy yourself a light plastic hoop, and work on the frequency and amplitude of movement, and not on beating your sides with the hoop.

Breathing exercises after cesarean section

Well, breathing exercises after a caesarean section will help speed up recovery. In most consultations, they are given in the form of a printout, but if you didn’t receive them, these are 10 deep breaths with the chest, without moving the stomach, 10 deep breaths with the stomach, holding the suture with your hands, and 10 gentle pull-ups of the stomach and perineal muscles inward.

Remember that any activity should be feasible, and you can return to setting records when the baby starts walking. By the way, running after him is additional cardio. These are not languid walks with a stroller.

Elena Selivanova, fitness trainer