Morning exercises - where to start, a set of exercises. Why is morning exercise beneficial?

G hypokinesia - this is the name for the deficiency physical activity. People engaged in mental work, as well as schoolchildren and students who have to sit for a long time are its first victims. This condition is characterized by metabolic disorders, insufficient heart function, and blood supply to tissues. In people who don't move much, immunity decreases, chronic diseases worsen, and sleep is disturbed. The person becomes irritable, forgetful, and gets tired quickly. To avoid the state of hypokinesia, first of all, it is advised to do basic morning exercises, which is the same hygienic procedure as brushing your teeth and washing your face.

How does morning exercise affect the body?

It sometimes takes several hours for the human body to emerge from sleep. Is it worth talking about the well-being of a person who “invigorates” himself with a cup of coffee with a cigarette and reading news from some gadget. For those whose work involves sitting in an office, minimal physical activity in the form of exercise is simply necessary.

Exercise improves blood circulation and saturates the blood with oxygen, thus increasing tone and mood. After a correctly selected set of exercises, a person feels awakened and receives a long-lasting boost of energy. Physical activity helps activate the central nervous system, as well as the senses and vestibular apparatus, preparing the body for the challenges of the working day. Having made morning exercises a way of life, a person will soon feel an improvement in the condition of muscles and joints, notice an acceleration of metabolism, increased endurance, loss of excess weight, positive changes in the functioning of organs - lungs, heart.

If exercise in the morning becomes regular, after a while the minimum load becomes insufficient, and a desire arises to engage in some kind of sport or fitness

Anastasia Egorova,

Difference between exercise and training

Morning exercises are light physical activity, comparable to hygiene procedures in the morning. If a person has managed to make it regular, there may be a need to increase the load. There are several ways to satisfy this desire:

  • make the exercises more difficult;
  • go to the gym;
  • take up another sport.

The goals of training in the fitness room and exercise are completely different. A morning set of exercises is a relatively light physical activity, its purpose is to invigorate a person before the working day. Actually, the word “charging” comes from the word “charge.” During training, a person wastes energy, and after it he is unlikely to want to work. Therefore, gym sessions should be postponed until the afternoon. It takes three times as much time to train as it does to exercise.

Watch a video of morning exercises:

Morning exercise rules

When starting exercise, you should remember a few rules so that exercise brings maximum benefit.

  1. Strong physical activity is harmful immediately after waking up and sudden movements, so you need to start with smooth rotations, turns, and bends.
  2. It is better to perform exercises after some activity (not immediately from bed).
  3. Before a set of exercises, it’s a good idea to drink a glass of water.
  4. Do exercises on an empty stomach, before breakfast.
  5. For morning exercises, you can use rhythmic music.
  6. If gymnastics is more like stretching, it is more logical to turn on calmer music.
  7. Clothing for exercise should be comfortable.
  8. Charging should be done in a ventilated area, with open window or a window (depending on the season).
  9. After gymnastics, it is advisable to take a shower.
  10. Correctly performed exercises should leave behind a feeling of vigor, not fatigue. Otherwise, you need to reduce the load.

How to choose exercises?

Complex morning exercises– it’s an individual matter, but there is general principles, which should be followed when forming your exercises. These are bends and rotations with different parts of the body, squats and breathing exercises, stretching and bridge, plank and push-ups. You need to choose your exercises based on your own feelings. Charging should not be tiring.

Here are some exercise options for gymnastics in the morning:

  1. To strengthen the muscles of the neck and head (tilts left and right, back and forth; circular rotations - perform smoothly).
  2. For different parts arms (rotations with hands clenched into fists; rotation of shoulders - together and alternately; rotations with elbows and forearms; swinging arms.
  3. Loads for the entire body (bending forward - as low as possible; leaning to the sides top part housings; rotation of the pelvis.
  4. Exercises for legs (swinging legs back and forth, to the sides; squats; knee rotations).

The complex can be diluted with exercises with a hoop, expander, jump rope, abdominal pumping, exercises with light weights (dumbbells 1-5 kg), running in place.

Each exercise is performed 8-10 times. The intensity and complexity increases gradually. The starting position for all exercises is hands on the lower back, feet shoulder-width apart. All turns, tilts, and rotations should not be sharp.

How to start doing exercises?

It's never too late to start doing exercises in the morning, even if you retirement age. For some people, life is just beginning at this age. Now is the time to take care of the health of the body. Doing morning exercises is much cheaper than treating endless cardiovascular diseases, joints and bones suffering from hypokinesia.

To start exercising, it is better to choose a vacation time, because often a working person simply does not have enough time in the morning to exercise. In any case, you can’t force yourself. The impetus for starting classes should be a powerful motivation for recovery, weight loss, self-improvement, and increased productivity of the working day. There are always many reasons to start something.

How to develop the habit of doing morning exercises?

  1. Reschedule your morning. Remove things from your to-do list that can be done in the evening.
  2. Set your alarm 15-20 minutes earlier than your usual wake-up time.
  3. Replace the habit of lying in bed after waking up with exercise.
  4. A set of morning exercises should be written down on paper.

If a person manages to make exercise part of his daily regimen, he will very soon notice positive changes:

  • work productivity will noticeably improve, since with the acceleration of blood circulation, the supply of oxygen to the brain improves, therefore, the activation of mental activity;
  • improved blood flow also improves metabolism, which is so necessary for weight loss;
  • the person becomes more disciplined;
  • Regular physical exercise has a general strengthening effect on the body and strengthens the immune system;
  • the functioning of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels improves significantly;
  • a person suffering from physical underload is irritable.

All these points become a reality as soon as the smallest physical activity enters a person’s life, which he will soon want to increase. Exercising in the morning is a necessary minimum to help you feel young and vigorous until old age.

A set of exercises for morning exercises is recommended to be performed daily. Naturally, there can be no coercion here, but later you will understand why this is vitally necessary.

Modern lifestyle and the need to move

Today, many devote too little part of their lives to physical activity. Modern man spends every day sitting, lying down, or in various combinations of these two positions. As a rule, this is due to the characteristics of their work or hobby.

For example, a sound engineer is forced to spend the entire working day in a chair. The writer sits at his laptop most of the time. And there’s no need to talk about the employees of numerous offices. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal, but let’s see what a sedentary lifestyle leads to:

  • Prostatitis in men.
  • Hemorrhoids in both men and women.
  • Problems with the spine, back pain, pinched nerves and a lot of discomfort in life during active movements.
  • Brain stroke.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system, pressure surges, hypertension. The list goes on.

The heart ceases to function normally, followed by a reduction in the vital volume of the lungs, the brain gradually loses its former functional acuity, and the muscles lose strength and precision of movements. The body ages faster. Physical activity is a kind of panacea.

Please note that not all physical activity is beneficial and not every day. There is work that is considered hard - this is the work of loaders, when you have to carry and move something for the entire shift. Here the human body is already wearing out, which also leads to premature aging.

And there is healing physical activity - morning exercises, amateur sports ( Gym, football, tennis and everything else that is done for one’s own pleasure).

The minimum you can do for your health is exercise.

The benefits of morning exercises and why it should be done in the morning

Good news:

  1. A boost of energy and an opportunity for the whole body to effectively “wake up” every day.
  2. Preparing the body for work after sleep.
  3. Acceleration of blood throughout the body, prevention of stagnation, aeration of the lungs.
  4. Maintaining body flexibility.
  5. Minor maintenance of muscle tone (here it all depends on the degree of difficulty of the exercise).

Most people wake up in the morning. They get up and pour themselves a cup of coffee every day, using the caffeine to raise their blood pressure in the body. This is stress for our body. Therefore, it is often said that drinking too much coffee can lead to unpleasant consequences. In addition, having become accustomed to coffee, a person needs a stronger stimulus and begins to drink energy drinks. Goodbye heart!

Exercising every day raises blood pressure much more effectively, and in a gentle manner.

Actually, that’s why the exercises are known as a complex of morning exercises, because they are done almost immediately after sleep. However, you should know that heavy training after waking up is not recommended, since the body is still “sleepy” and its metabolic processes are too slow.

Charging complexes

Frequency of training

So, such a light set of physical exercises should be done every day after sleep in the morning. It is not recommended to do exercises after eating, if you have a muscle strain. If you play sports, you can do without exercise, since it is replaced by your regular workouts, maintaining good muscle condition.

Since the level of training different people different, then we will divide the set of physical exercises into 2 complexes: for beginners and for people with little training. Let's call them the first and second levels, respectively.

Any set of morning exercises begins with a warm-up, this applies to both levels.


Warm-up will consist of bringing the joints and tendons into working condition:

  1. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly rotate your head 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other.
  2. Then we tilt our head to the right and left, forward and backward 2-3 times, stretching the muscles.
  3. We make circular movements with our shoulders, in the same way - 10 times in both directions. Then we make 2-3 stretching movements up, down, back and forth.
  4. Now rotate with outstretched arms in both directions at the same time. 10 times.
  5. Next, we do the same with the bend of the elbows. We twist our hands in the way that is most convenient.
  6. Stretch your hands - make circular movements.
  7. We rest our hands on our sides and make circular movements with our pelvis 10 times in each direction.
  8. We rest our hand on the wall and make 10 rotational movements in each direction with our knee bent. We try to increase the radius of the circle with each swing.
  9. We raise our leg so that the distance from the toe to the floor is approximately 10 cm. We draw a circle on the floor with the toe extended towards the floor by moving the knee.
  10. Then we do the same, but with the help of the ankle, and the leg is motionless at the knee.

That's it, warm-up is over. It may take 3–5 minutes.

Level 1 charging

Exercises for morning exercises of the first level are suitable for older people age groups and persons with poor physical fitness:

  1. We do this, trying to reach the floor with our hands on outstretched legs. This is a back muscle workout.
  2. We raise our legs bent at the knees up, simulating a step with a high knee lift - training the front muscles of the legs and abs.
  3. We sweep the heels back, remaining in one place - training the back muscles of the legs and buttocks.
  4. We move the leg to the side and back - training the lateral muscles of the legs.
  5. We swing our legs back and forth, trying to swing our legs a greater distance each time.
  6. We lie down on a fitness mat. Hands behind the head, we lift the legs bent at the knees alternately: right-left, right-left. This is an abdominal muscle workout.
  7. We clasp our knees with our hands, pressing them to our chest, and try to ride on a spine bent into an arc. Try to roll along the sides of your spine - that's where the muscles are. Of course, it is better not to ride on the vertebral bodies themselves.
  8. Roll over onto your stomach, place your hands on the floor and, pressing your pelvis to the floor, straighten your arms. Your body will rise up, look at the ceiling, throwing your head back as much as possible. This is stretching after working with the abs.
  9. Lift your pelvis off the floor and lift it towards the ceiling, the angle between the body and legs in the pelvic area will become straight (in a lying position it is 180 degrees). IN in this case core muscles are trained.

Each exercise involving swinging or other movement should be done 10 times for each part of the body.

Charging completed. Charging time is 10–15 minutes.

Second level charging

This option will give you energy and warm you up on a cold winter morning:

  1. The first exercise is the same as in the previous version.
  2. Squats with arms raised forward – 10–15 times.
  3. Free style push-ups – 10–15 times.
  4. Torso bending from a lying position – 10 times.
  5. press – 10 times.
  6. Bridge – 20–30 seconds.
  7. Plank – 60 seconds.
  8. Running in place – 20–30 seconds.
  9. Jumping on your toes – 20–30 seconds.
  10. Restoring breathing.

Then you need to go to the shower. Those who are tempering themselves should take a very good shower cold water. For the rest, a regular warm shower is enough.

Over time, you will notice that you no longer need coffee in the morning. By the way, you can come up with your own set of exercises for morning exercises.

If you are too lazy to do exercises every day, do it every other day or 5 times a week. But it’s better to develop a stable and strong habit of waking up with thoughts about exercise.

There are many different complexes, for example, in the practice of yoga (“5 Tibetans”, etc.), which are also well suited for morning exercises. Some people just need to warm up in the morning, others do stretching after pre-warming up. Some people do 50 push-ups as soon as they fall out of bed onto the floor. Everyone has their own approach.

It is best to do exercises in the fresh air in combination with jogging. Or just go to the gym three times a week. This is a good alternative, but it won't help you wake up in the morning. Therefore, no one canceled the exercise!

Hello, dear ladies! The other day a friend told me this story:

An uncle came to visit them, who still has a Soviet background (you know, there are such “communies,” as my mother calls them). He's a devotee healthy image life, which characterizes him only with positive side. So, my friend’s uncle does morning exercises every morning. Of course, this is a good habit. But he makes it to a Soviet radio recording, in which a cheerful male voice commands which direction to turn and how intensively to wave your arms.

In our family, the attitude towards warming up in the morning has always been, in my opinion, undeservedly indifferent. And after meeting such an ardent fan of hers, I seriously thought about revising my morning schedule. But with the marches of the Soviet radio, it’s still too much.

Today I invite you to consider exercises for morning exercises, which were dictated by a cheerful male voice, and find out why they are useful. I suggest performing all these activities to modern dynamic music that you personally like.

Why do you need to do exercises in the morning?

For reference: Morning exercises are a single set of exercises that help you get a huge boost of energy for the whole day. It helps tone the body, relieve lethargy and drowsiness. Supports physical health, improves performance and helps to have a positive outlook.

Warming up increases the flow of blood and lymph, helps metabolism activate, and eliminates congestion in the body that forms during sleep.

It should be regular. Exercises must be done every day and at the same time. Regularity increases body flexibility and promotes weight loss.

Physical activity helps improve intellectual abilities. Therefore, exercising in the morning will help you cope better with your work at work every day.

What will you need? Light sports clothing and light sports shoes. To perform exercises while lying down, you will need a mat.

You should not include heavy loads in the complex. It is better if they are simple, but activate all muscle groups.

Warm-up will be more effective if done outside, in the fresh air.

Now let's summarize all of the above. You need to exercise! And you will be positive all day! And as they say: “Health is good - thanks to exercise!”

Set of exercises

Let's move on directly to the set of classes. It is worth remembering that they should be done to rhythmic music that you like, observing the sequence of execution. It is better to choose music in advance. The duration of the warm-up music series is approximately 10-15 minutes.

Starting position: standing, legs spread at shoulder level, you can do a dance spring to the beat of the music.

Warm-up (1 minute)

  • Slowly walking around the room with calm breathing.
  • Walking in place.

Activating the neck

  • Head tilts left and right (6 times).
  • Now back and forth (6 times).
  • Slow rotation (10 times).

For arm and shoulder muscles

  • We rotate our shoulders simultaneously and alternately, while our arms are lowered (6 times each).
  • Rotate alternately with outstretched arms (10 times).
  • Alternate sharp swings of the arms (10 times).
  • We bend our elbows at shoulder level, then sharply straighten them and move them back. We return to the starting position (6 times).
  • We move our bent arms back several times, after which we move our straight arms back once (6 times).
  • We spread our arms to the side and rotate our hands, sometimes clenched into a fist, sometimes with open palms. Alternately and simultaneously (10 times).

Activating the torso muscles

  • Smooth forward bends touching the floor with your fingertips (7 times).
  • Rotation of the pelvis. First to the right. Then left. At the same time, we keep our hands on our belts (10 times).
  • Place your right hand on your belt, raise your left hand above your head and bend over right side. Then we change hands and the side of the tilt (6 times).
  • Raise your hands and lock them together. Tilts left and right, back and forth (6 times).
  • Arms straight, parallel to the floor. Turn your torso left and right (6 times).

Leg muscles wake up

  • Alternately swing your legs back and forth (10 times with each leg).
  • Squats without lifting your heels off the floor (10 times).
  • Alternately swing your legs to the sides. Left and right (6 times each).

Stretching exercises

  • Sitting on the floor with your legs straight, try to touch your toes with your fingers (10 times).
  • Lying on the floor, with your knees bent, rotate your knees left and right. Your knees should touch the floor (6 times in each direction).
  • Lying on your side, swing your legs up. First with one leg, then turn and swing with the other leg. (10 times).

Strengthening the press

  • From a lying position, lift your torso up. With straightened arms, reach for your toes. Lie down on the floor again (10 times).

Improve your mood (5-7 minutes)

  • Slowly running in place.
  • We dance freely to the beat of the music.

Congratulations, you did it. Let's move on to water treatments!


I took this set of exercises from a Soviet radio recording that the hero of my story listened to. But after looking at the information about exercises for morning exercises, I came to the conclusion that little has changed since then. Some sources add two or three more, others add a couple of exercises less. This means that many generations have been doing this warm-up in the morning.

A huge number of specialists: athletes, coaches, doctors, teachers, psychologists, have confirmed the effectiveness of these trainings. Also, this complex is not divided according to gender and age. That is, it is universal.

Well, thanks to my friend, or rather her relative. He gave us a wonderful gift. And my uncle changed his march for classes, now he does exercises in the morning not to the sounds of the march, but to modern music. And now I start every morning with a warm-up. And I can say with confidence that it lifts the mood great:

Well, if you still have nostalgia for the Soviet past, this video is for you:

On this, dear women, I bid you farewell. I really hope that you learned a lot from this article. Don't forget to tell your friends and subscribe to blog news. Health and beauty to you. See you again!

It helps not only to control your weight, but also to take care of your health and good spirits, which is much more important than the fight against extra pounds. For it to be beneficial, it needs to be approached systematically. Difficult to pick out the best complex morning exercises, because everyone chooses exercises for themselves, so next we will look at several successful options.

No coffee

Most people are skeptical about physical activity and especially about morning exercises. To get out of the inhibited morning state, use coffee or a contrast shower. But these are just stimulants that do not awaken the body, but only temporarily dull drowsiness and fatigue.

And they give a simply amazing effect - they awaken the entire body, tone the muscles and charge a person with energy for the whole day. Cold shower or a cup of coffee only affects brain function and nervous system, and in order to fully wake up, you need to use your muscles and joints. A good morning exercise copes with this task and gives a person great mood and vigor for the whole day.

The benefits of morning exercise

Before we look at the best complex, let's find out how else morning activity is useful.

The most important thing that morning physical education can give is the improvement of the body. But this is only possible if systematic approach, which involves not only regular execution, but also gradual complication of exercises. Immediately after charging, you can feel how your body “blooms”: your mood rises, and your brain and nerve cells begin to work fully. All this ultimately leads to new successes and conquering the desired heights.

Charging rules

As with everything else, morning physical education has its own laws and rules, by adhering to which you can guarantee a high-quality result. Otherwise, even simple morning activity can lead to negative consequences. Let's find out what you need to do to get a good morning exercise:

  1. Immediately after waking up, you should not overload the body with heavy exercise - this can negatively affect the functioning of the heart.
  2. It is recommended to start exercises right in bed. This can be: stretching, bending arms and legs, turning the body and other simple actions.
  3. After getting out of bed, you shouldn’t immediately start exercising, you first need to give your brain and nerve cells a couple of minutes to wake up. During this time you can wash your face. Now you can begin the main set of exercises.
  4. Need to pay attention Special attention breathing, because it saturates cells with oxygen and increases the overall tone of the body.
  5. You shouldn’t overwork yourself, since the main goal of exercise is to wake up, and not to pump up a bunch of muscles. If your body gives signals of overwork, be sure to listen to it.

The best exercises for morning exercises

Maximum stimulation of the body is achieved only by performing well-chosen exercises. As you probably know, there are many methods and types of morning exercise. As in any other sport, there are fundamental exercises that are included in any well-designed system. Let's take a look at them:

  1. Neck area. This is where standard bends, turns and head rotations come to the rescue, improving blood flow to the brain and awakening the whole body.
  2. Hands. It is recommended to start warming up the joints by rotating your fists or hands closed in a “lock”. Then comes the rotation of the forearms and finally the fully extended arms.
  3. Frame. We continue to remember the school program. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, you need to perform smooth and measured tilts of the body forward, touching the floor with your fingers, and ideally with your palms. Then, placing your hands on your belt, you need to perform pelvic rotations. All that remains is to do lateral bends. To do this, one hand remains on the lower back, and the second stretches towards the inclination.
  4. Legs. You can start with warm-up leg swings. However, you should not bring them to a critical height. For each leg, 10-15 swings will be enough. The next stage is leg raises to the side. After this, circular rotations are made knee joints. And finally - squats. Here you don’t need to try to squeeze out all your strength, because we are doing exercises.

As you can see, the complex is not complicated at all. It is suitable for everyone and allows you to feel a surge of strength after the first lesson. But a good mood in the morning helps a person achieve success throughout the day.

Besides general rules, there are also specialized techniques that are developed for a narrower circle of people: separately for men, women, children, for those who want to lose weight or with an emphasis on a particular problem area, for the disabled, etc. Next, we will take a closer look at the complexes for women and men, as well as for weight loss.

Exercises for women

Women's exercises are slightly different from men's both in the level of load and in the principle of exercise. So, let's look at the most successful exercises that the best morning exercise for women should include:

  • walking in place with maximum knee lift;
  • having crossed your fingers and placing them on one knee, you need to slightly extend the second leg forward and perform bending;
  • lean back and, throwing your arms behind your back, reach your heels with your fingers, then lean forward - and so on in a circle;
  • feet shoulder width apart. One hand rests on the back of the head, and the second on the belt. The torso is tilted towards the second arm;
  • placing your hands on your belt, perform head rotations;
  • rotation of the arms at the elbow and then at the shoulder joint;
  • squats;
  • leaning against the wall, alternately raise your knees to your chest;
  • Lie on a flat surface and, bending your knee, pull it to your chest with your hands. In this position, raise your torso;
  • and finally - light exercises for the abdominal muscles.

All exercises are performed several times on each side (if their essence suggests this).

The best morning exercises for the stronger sex

The differences between women's morning exercises and men's can be expressed in the table:

As you can see, there are differences between the female and male approaches, but they are not that significant. The best one may include the same elements as a warm-up as the women's one, but the emphasis is more on strength training. In order not to repeat ourselves, we note only those exercises that are included only in the men’s complex:

  1. As an option for a good, but not intrusive cardio load, the so-called “shadow boxing” using small dumbbells is considered. Moreover, it is advisable not to limit yourself to blows, but also to perform various rotations of the arms and twisting of the body.
  2. Although we are talking about exercise, and not about a full-fledged workout, a few push-ups and pull-ups will not harm a man at all. Especially if you perform them under control and try to stretch at the peak points.

The rest of the exercises are similar to those for women, only the number of repetitions needs to be increased.

The best morning exercise for weight loss

Many people are concerned about the problem of excess weight. For such people, there are special methods of morning exercises that allow not only to effectively awaken the body, but also to get rid of annoying excess weight.

The difference between this complex is that it involves increased load. Therefore, before performing such exercises, you need to let the body wake up using the exercises described in the first complex. It is also recommended to drink a glass of water before starting work.

The morning exercise complex for weight loss includes the following steps:

  1. Warm up. It can consist of jumping, swinging arms and legs, bending the body, and rotating the pelvis. A light, short jog, including on a treadmill, is a good warm-up.
  2. Hand training. For this you will need small dumbbells. All kinds of bending, lifting and swinging are done with them. Next, you can do various push-ups that activate the pectoral girdle muscles.
  3. And finally, it will be useful to do a set of squats. The main thing is not to rush and follow the technique.

As you can see, exercise for weight loss is not much more complicated than simple exercise (especially for men), however, it is more effective. But we repeat once again - you should not turn morning exercise into a massive pumping of the whole body in order to burn fat. This needs to be done at another time.

For weight loss, the regularity of physical exercise is much more important than its duration. So if you want to reset overweight, try to do at least a little exercise every day.

Now, in a nutshell, about other types and charging options.

Accelerated complex

A good morning exercise can be quick. This is very relevant, because modern man There is always not enough time. There is, for example, a 10-minute complex, which, being short, allows the body to wake up normally and recharge with energy. It includes non-aggressive work on all joints and major muscle groups.


Except standard types For morning physical education, there is also an amazing Chinese technique called qigong. According to practicing trainers, it allows you not only to fill the body with vigor, but also to slow down the aging process, as well as heal annoying diseases. The technique is based on obtaining healing positive energy.

Children's exercises

There is a separate variant for children. This complex in different manifestations is found in school programs. It stimulates the healthy physical development of the child, without overloading the young body, and most importantly, it is designed in the form of a kind of game, which allows you to interest even the most restless kids.


The best morning exercise may be different for each person. We have only sorted out basic principles, which are considered the most universal and effective. As you can see, many of the principles of morning exercises are familiar to each of us from childhood. So there are no obstacles on the path to health and good spirits! The main thing is not to forget that charging is needed to wake up and it does not tolerate overload!

How to do exercises correctly?

The awakening of the human body occurs gradually, and accordingly it must be loaded in the same way. You should start with a warm-up, which should affect all muscle groups, helping to increase blood circulation in them, saturate the cells with oxygen, and prepare the muscles for more significant loads. Without a good warm-up, you cannot start performing the main set of exercises to avoid injury. Warm-up is also important for the heart muscle, sharp increase load on which is extremely undesirable.

Of course, warm-up exercises alone are not enough to charge the body with energy for the whole day and give the necessary tone. Therefore, after warming up, you can go wash your face, drink a glass of water, and go out to breathe fresh air on the balcony, and then proceed to the basic set of exercises. A great option is to do exercises while listening to music. It will set the desired rhythm, increase the level of motivation and lift your spirits.

After finishing your morning exercises, you should feel a surge of strength, vigor and energy, and a desire to do your favorite things. If after gymnastics you feel tired and want to rest, then the load level is chosen incorrectly and needs to be reduced.

It is better to start exercising by warming up your legs and pelvic muscles, for which you can simply walk in place or roll from toe to heel. To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to do 10-20 repetitions of this exercise.

After this you can move on to your hands and pectoral muscles. You can tone them with separate exercises or one exercise that covers several muscle groups at once. Since the main goal of exercise is a complex effect on the body, and not the development of some individual muscle groups, we will focus on the second option. The most popular exercise of this nature is performed as follows: feet are placed shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides. While inhaling slowly, the arms are raised up, which can be completed by clapping your hands. With the same slow exhalation, the hands are lowered to the hips. Number of repetitions of the exercise: 5-10 times. It works well with calf raises with your heels together. To warm up your neck, perform 5-7 repetitions of circular movements.

After such a warm-up, you can proceed directly to performing morning exercises. They are also best done from the bottom up. You can start with one of the simplest, but incredibly effective exercises, - squats. They are done as follows: the legs are brought together, the back is kept straight, the arms are extended in front perpendicular to the body. When you inhale, bend your legs at the knees, that is, squat; when you exhale, you return to the starting position. It is extremely important during the execution to ensure that your back is as straight as possible.

The well-known twisting exercise is perfect for training your torso muscles. To obtain the necessary charge of vigor and activate the work of all systems, you should perform from 25 to 50 repetitions. With regular morning exercises this exercise should be included in the program every other day.

To tone muscles shoulder girdle It is advisable to take small dumbbells weighing about a kilogram. From the starting position, in which the legs are shoulder-width apart and the arms are lowered down, as you inhale, smoothly move the dumbbells forward, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. The following exercise is also highly effective: from the starting position, in which the arms are held in front of you parallel to the floor, as you inhale, the dumbbells rise up, and as you exhale, they lower down. It is recommended to do 15-20 repetitions of this exercise.

Even if you limit yourself to doing only these exercises, you can ensure that your body is constantly in good shape and in good functional readiness without visiting any gyms.

You can select exercises for a complex of morning exercises according to your taste and preferences; there are no restrictions in this regard. During exercise, it is advisable to perform exercises both to prepare for the physical activity to come during the day, and to stretch, which is useful for all people at any age.

After waking up in the morning, every person initially feels a certain lethargy, so the body needs about several hours to finally leave the state of rest and awaken. A surge of energy is provided by traditional morning hygiene procedures that send impulses to the nerve centers, including washing, showering, and brushing your teeth. However, complete awakening occurs only when the muscles and joints begin to work well, so in order to quickly get into the working rhythm, morning exercises are necessary.

Achieve maximum effect You can avoid morning exercises only if you do it regularly. At the same time, over time, you can improve and complicate the set of exercises included in it, however, there is also no need to overdo it in this case. Regular morning exercises help overcome hypokinesia syndrome, which manifests itself in excessive irritability and increased drowsiness, a feeling of constant fatigue, bad mood, lethargy, decreased vitality.

Many people today underestimate the importance of morning exercises, even those who regularly exercise. People who go to the gym argue that they do not want to do gymnastics in the morning by saying that they get enough physical activity and they don’t need additional exercise. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong, because training in the gym, as a rule, is aimed at losing weight or building muscle mass, while exercise is necessary to maintain the body in good shape, providing the basis for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

Special meaning morning exercises has for women during difficult life periods, for example, during recovery after childbirth, during age-related hormonal changes, etc. Thanks to daily morning exercises, muscles are strengthened, immunity is improved, and resistance to negative impacts environment.

In the morning hours, the body is especially susceptible to positive intervention in its work, and the rhythm set from the very beginning will help you spend the whole day actively and productively.

It is important to understand that exercise is not a workout. It has a completely different goal - to charge the body with energy for the whole next day. Training involves excessively high loads and muscle strain, so after it it’s difficult to talk about vivacity and a surge of strength. After a quality workout, you want to relax and sleep, and after exercise, you want to actively create.

Often people try to combine exercises with a complex strength exercises, however, this requires much more time than regular gymnastics. In addition, again, the body receives excessive stress, which in no way contributes to a surge of strength and vigor. Charging should be a set of exercises aimed at warming up joints and muscles, toning them, but without overloading. Of course, exercise may include some strength exercises, but there should not be a lot of them.

Talk about positive impact Charging done in the morning can be done almost endlessly. Here are just a few of its advantages:

  • Helps set the desired rhythm for the whole day. It is in the morning hours that the body accumulates the strength and energy necessary for productive work throughout the day. Without morning exercises, this energy will not exist, and throughout the day you will feel some weakness and drowsiness.
  • Trains the heart. Everyone knows what exactly proper operation The length of our life largely depends on the heart. Trained heart muscles smooth out Negative influence on our main organ of overload, stress and other factors. To train the heart, morning exercises play an invaluable role, as it ensures the gradual inclusion of all other muscles of our body in the work. In this way, the load on the heart falls evenly, and not with frantic overload, as is the case if you immediately begin hard work without proper preparation. Regular morning exercises will ensure full saturation of the blood with oxygen, improve blood circulation, and prevent the development of heart pathologies associated with a sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, and poor physical fitness.
  • Provides complete nutrition to all organs and systems. In order for the body to work like a clock, to maintain its youth and resistance to negative external influences for as long as possible, all its organs must receive nutrition in a timely manner in the form of useful substances that are carried along with the blood.
  • Helps maintain blood vessels and capillaries in good condition. Exercising ensures that additional oxygen enters the blood, preventing the development of age-related diseases and premature aging. For the full functioning of the entire cardiovascular system, it is important that the capillaries and other vessels have good permeability and are sufficiently elastic. In this case, the risk of aneurysms will be minimal. Regular physical activity in moderate quantities strengthens arteries, veins and capillaries, facilitates blood flow, and improves the patency of blood vessels.
  • Thins the blood. Daily 15-minute morning exercise helps thin the blood, which is of great importance for preventing the development of atherosclerosis, blood clots and other similar problems.
  • Helps to develop, increases intelligence. By saturating the brain with additional oxygen, memory improves and concentration increases. This is extremely important both for pupils or students who constantly have to deal with a large amount of information and the need to remember a lot of new things, and for all other people.

The greatest positive effect from morning exercises can be achieved if you do the exercises outdoors. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the nearest park every morning, so you can simply open the door to the balcony during class to fill the room with fresh air. You can also do gymnastics directly on the balcony or loggia, if there is enough space there.

As has been repeatedly mentioned, exercise should be done regularly, and for this it should not cause associations with severe physical exercise, variety is also important. To prevent classes from becoming boring, it is necessary to periodically change the complexes, introduce something new into them, experiment, so that the exercises bring pleasure every time.