Exercise in the morning. Morning exercises. Morning exercise complexes

However, when choosing exercises, you must remember that exercise is not an ordinary workout.

Morning exercises are a warm-up before the working day. It helps the circulatory system tune in to daily activity and improves the supply of muscles, brain, internal organs and tissues with oxygen. After sleep, blood circulation throughout the body is reduced, the lungs are narrowed, and the nervous system is inhibited. You cannot give yourself a serious load, such as running or strength exercises, immediately after waking up - the body cannot cope with it, there is a high risk of injury or even disrupting the balance of various systems. But after morning exercises, you can either go to the gym or go to work.

Thus, the purpose of morning exercise is to gradually improve blood circulation throughout the body. This will speed up your metabolism. And even if you sit in the office all day after exercise, at least in the first half of the day your body will not accumulate calories, but burn them. That's what you need to lose weight!

When and how?

It is best, of course, to do exercises every day. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough, but if desired, you can increase the duration to half an hour. If you can’t do it every day, do it as often as you can, it will still be more useful than not doing anything at all.

You need to do exercises BEFORE breakfast. But you should definitely drink water before exercise, at least a glass. After all, you didn’t drink at least 8 hours of sleep, some amount of water was excreted in your urine and sweat. Once the fluid is gone, it means the blood has become thicker and increasing its circulation in such an “undiluted” form is overloading the heart. So, you need water, and if you are hungry, juice. Those who cannot live without coffee or tea can also drink these drinks. But a standard cup of coffee (50 ml) will not dilute the blood, so supplement it with another liquid.

Now let's look at the intensity of movements. Remember a simple rule: the colder the weather, the less active you should start. That is, if in the summer you can do exercises with a pulse of 90–100 beats per minute, and by the end of the workout you can raise the pulse to 110, then in the winter start with 85–90.

Subtleties of choice

It is necessary to start with low-intensity exercises and gradually increase the load. The difference from a full workout is that after exercise you should never feel tired. If this happens, then shorten your morning warm-up or make it slower. At the same time, morning exercises are not relaxation or stretching. During class, you should feel that your heart has begun to beat faster and your breathing has become faster. After morning exercises, you should definitely feel light and cheerful. If, after charging, you are going to go to the gym or, for example, ride a bike, the charging should be longer and end at a higher heart rate than usual.

Another important point– breathing. Try to breathe as deeply as possible, not only with your full chest, but also with your stomach. This will open up the lungs that have collapsed overnight and increase the amount of oxygen entering the blood. In turn, increasing the amount of oxygen and improving blood circulation will speed up metabolism and increase the amount of fat burned during movement.


Now let's see what exercises are useful to include in morning exercises and how to perform them correctly.

It is best to start by stretching your arms up, turning your head, and twisting your arms to develop your joints. When you reach up and twist your head, do not throw it back under any circumstances (do not lower the back of your head onto your back). It is better to first bend your arms and legs slightly at the joints, without tension, and then begin to rotate them at a moderate pace.

Use complex exercises, that is, those that involve all the muscles of your body. For example, walking in place or around the yard. Don't forget to move your arms while doing it and don't slouch.

Great exercises to exercise are squats and lunges. You don’t need to go down too low, so that the angle is knee joint was straight or blunt. Never bend your knees when doing squats.

Another complex exercise is push-ups. Few people can do push-ups on their toes, as they require decent physical fitness. Feel free to simplify this exercise. The easiest option is to do push-ups with your hands on the wall. The farther your legs are moved from the wall, the more difficult it is. Slightly higher load - knees on the floor, hands on a chair or sofa. Even more difficult - feet (toes, not knees) on the floor, hands on the sofa. Finally, the “female” version – knees and hands on the floor. When you can do 20 push-ups like this, lean on your hands and toes.

Exercises can be done with dumbbells and other weights. In this case, choose exercises that again use as many muscles as possible. That is, don’t just bend and straighten your arms, but do bends in different directions, squats, lift dumbbells from the floor, etc. with weights. But abdominal exercises (crunches, leg lifts) are not suitable for morning exercises - they involve too few muscles, they do not increase the flow of oxygen and blood circulation. It is better to leave them for the evening.

Finally, another option is to exercise with a device that, willy-nilly, involves the whole body. For example, a short bike ride, spinning a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop), stretching an expander, and so on.

In general, as you can see, morning exercises are very simple and at the same time very effective!

After waking up, our body wakes up for a long time, launching all internal systems and preparing for a fruitful day. Only a few hours later does he fully awaken. Morning bath procedures help to invigorate and activate the nerve centers, but complete awakening is impossible without developing the muscles and joints that are activated with light morning exercises. But before you figure out how to do it right morning exercises, you need to outline its benefits and advantages.

Some rules for morning exercises

It is very important to know how to do exercises correctly in the morning so that it is as effective and comfortable as possible. There are simple tips that can make a 10-minute lesson enjoyable:

  • there is no need to start the morning with intense training and weight training, it should be light gymnastics for the body, the exercises of which are aimed at warming up the muscles and warming up the joints;
  • Start your warm-up while still in bed. You need to do simple stretching, arching and bending of the limbs;
  • Before doing morning exercises, you need to wash your face. This will help you cheer up faster and stimulate your brain to take physical action;
  • For morning body exercises, exercises accompanied by energetic music are suitable, which will stimulate you to work. After all, it’s much more pleasant to spend 10 minutes listening to fiery rhythms;
  • To saturate cells and muscles with oxygen, you need to breathe properly. A set of exercises for the morning may also include breathing exercises;
  • We don’t pump muscles in the morning, without loading the body immediately after waking up.

Warm-up exercises

Morning exercises for girls are aimed at developing joints with the help of simple exercises. The warm-up begins from top to bottom, using all parts of the body from the neck to the feet.

Morning exercises help to activate the functioning of the organs of hearing, vision, smell, etc. The central nervous system is more protected from negative impact and better resists various irritants. After exercise, you fall asleep better in the evening, your performance improves, and your relationships with the outside world improve.

Regular exercise will help prepare the body for unexpected physical and mental stress that can become stressful for a normal body. A correctly selected complex of active work and charging will become an indispensable assistant in everything.

A contrast shower or strong coffee is the wrong start to the day. It's kind of like doping for nervous system and the brain, which temporarily gives a feeling of vigor, but does not awaken the body completely. As a result, after a couple of hours fatigue, drowsiness and apathy sets in. Only exercise will give you a real boost of energy. Lightweight exercise stress makes all body systems work, gives you the strength to be active during an eventful day. In addition, the habit of performing a set of exercises for morning exercises will have a positive effect on your health.

Unfortunately, 90% of people neglect exercise, preferring to spend a few extra minutes in bed. They have no idea what they are depriving their body of. The benefits of morning exercises can be described by five advantages.

  1. Energy. A little physical activity speeds up blood circulation. Thus, every cell of the body is saturated with oxygen. Within a few minutes a person feels a surge of vigor and strength.
  2. Mood. Charging involves a light load that does not tire or exhaust you. Moreover, it promotes the production of endorphins, which are known to be hormones of happiness.
  3. Slenderness. Morning exercise starts your metabolism. Thus, what you eat for breakfast will be quickly processed by the digestive system without harming your figure. For pregnant women, moderate physical activity is also important in terms of maintaining normal weight. And given the benefits for the spine, you can count on improved posture.
  4. Endurance. Getting up early and doing physical activity is a small test, but still a test of your willpower. This way you will learn to overcome laziness. This will help you in all your endeavors.
  5. Immunity. Morning exercises will make the body stronger and more resistant to external negative factors. If you do exercises daily, over time you will notice that colds began to bother you much less often.

A set of exercises for morning exercises

If you have realized the importance of exercise for your back, for your joints and for your overall health, this is already half the success. All you have to do is choose the optimal set of exercises that suits your age and level of physical fitness.

Universal “ten minutes”

To complete your morning exercise program, set your alarm clock 10 minutes earlier. This will be quite enough to reproduce a simple set of exercises that involves all parts of the body. This short and simple morning exercise is suitable for children. The complex is also suitable for those who are looking for options for morning exercises for older people. The table shows the training scheme.

Table - Ten-minute morning exercises

What worksExerciseTechniqueReplays
NeckHead rotation- Slowly and smoothly, without throwing your head back, perform rotations5 to the right and left
HandsPropeller- Spread your arms to the sides;
- clench your fists;
- rotate your forearms, leaving your shoulders motionless
20 in and out
Hand rotations- Arms are lowered down and tense at the elbows;
- synchronously and sweepingly, with maximum amplitude, describe circles in the air with your fingers
10 back and forth
Infinity- At chest level, connect your hands into a lock;
- trying to use only your brushes, “draw” a horizontal figure eight (infinity sign)
FrameMill- Place your feet wide;
- spread your arms straight to the sides;
- keeping your spine straight, bend down;
- with your hands, alternately reach the toe of the opposite leg
Hip rotations- Place your feet at a short distance;
- fixing your hands on your hips, describe a circle with your pelvis
10 each way
LegsBent leg rotation- Bend your leg at the knee and pull it as close to your body as possible;
- rotate your shin so that the toe of your foot describes a small circle in the air
10 for each leg
Heel spin- Straighten your body, bring your feet together;
- move one leg to the side on your toes;
- without lifting your toe off the floor, draw a circle in the air with your heel
20 for each leg

Before you start charging, be sure to do a short warm-up. It is enough to march in place for three to five minutes to bring the body into “combat readiness.”

For women

Women, as a rule, have a lot of complaints about their bodies. Morning is the time to work on the negative aspects of your figure. The table contains the optimal exercises that are useful for losing weight and creating a beautiful silhouette.

Table - Correct morning exercises for women

What worksExerciseTechniqueReplays
NeckHead tilts- Alternately tilt your head in different directions20
HandsTriceps stretch- Place your feet wide;
- straightened right hand move well to the left in front of you;
- push the worker even further with the opposite one so that you feel a strong tension in the muscles
One minute for each hand
Vertical scissors- Place your feet at a short distance;
- extend one arm along the body, and lift the other up;
- rhythmically change the position of your hands to the opposite
FrameForward bends- Place your feet together and lower your arms down;
- gently stretch your fingers towards the floor, trying to keep your back straight
Cat- Get on all fours;
- leaning on your hands, press your chest to the floor;
- arching your back, like a cat, smoothly rise with outstretched arms
LegsSwing your legs- Place your hands on your waist or grab the back of a chair if you have problems with balance;
- with a straight leg, swing alternately in different directions
12 for each leg
Squats- Spread your feet wide and extend your arms in front of your chest;
- squat without bending your back
Heel lift- Connect your feet;
- bend one leg and lift it;
- lift the heel of the second leg as high as possible, “spring” on the toe

The number of repetitions can be changed. If you feel tired, you can adjust the number downward. good physical form allows you to increase charging time.

For men

Men need more intense morning exercise than women. It should be aimed at all muscle groups, give the body energy and develop endurance. The table shows the optimal set of exercises

Table - Classic morning exercises for men

What worksExerciseTechniqueReplays
NeckHead turns- Smoothly turn your head left and right10
HandsWall push-ups- Stand facing the wall and take a step away from it;
- place your hands on the surface at chest level;
- bend your elbows and start doing push-ups
Boxing- The starting position should resemble a boxing stance;
- alternately straighten your arms, imitating punches
FramePlank- Lie face down on the floor;
- rest your toes on the surface;
- place your palms under your chest and lift yourself up on straight arms;
- straighten your back, pull in your stomach and buttocks;
- stay in this position
30 seconds
Hammer- Stand straight with your legs wide apart;
- clasp your straight arms in front of your chest;
- perform body turns, setting the direction with your hands
Press- Lie on your back with your hands under your head and your legs bent;
- Raise your head and shoulders off the floor
LegsSquats with dumbbells- Place your feet wide;
- stretch your arms down, having previously taken weights in them;
- squat, keeping your back straight
Side impacts- Place your feet wide and squat slightly;
- for balance, stretch your arms in front of you;
- bend one leg at the knee and lift it to the side;
- straighten your leg sharply, simulating a blow
10 for each leg

For teenagers

Schoolchildren and students spend most of the day sitting. Moreover, they have a habit of hunching, stooping, in a word - sitting any way, but not straight. Therefore, morning exercises for teenagers should focus on the back. Simple and effective complex presented in the table.

Table - Exercises for teenagers

What worksExerciseTechniqueReplays
NeckHead rotation- Rotate your head slowly5 each way
HandsBoxer- Bend your elbows, clench your palms into fists at chest level;
- “box” with sharp and strong movements, simulating blows
2 minutes
FrameBody rotation- Place your hands on your belt and lock your hips in a stationary position;
- rotate your body with a large amplitude
5 each way
Tilts- Standing straight, bring your hands back and clasp;
- lean forward without bending
Deflections- Get on all fours and arch your lower back as much as you can;
- bend over as much as possible
LegsWalking in place- March in place, raising your knees high2 minutes
Squats- Take a stable position with your back straight;
- try to squat as low as possible without lifting your heels

“Bed” workout for the lazy

If you can't find the strength to do a full exercise, warm up without getting out of bed. Five easy techniques will get your body and mind ready for a busy day ahead.

  1. Stretching. The legs lie flat and the arms are raised up. Stretch your fingers and toes.
  2. Twisting. Place your hands back. Keeping shoulder girdle in a stationary position, rotate your pelvis to the right and left. Just ten crunches.
  3. Knee lift. Raise yourself slightly, leaning on your elbows. Pull your knees toward your chest five to seven times.
  4. Boxing. Lying on your back, punch the air sharply and forcefully. You need to box for a couple of minutes.
  5. Bike. Lying on your back, imitate riding a bicycle for two minutes, rotating your legs forward. Rotate your legs in the opposite direction for another two minutes.

Rest a little after exercising. Before getting out of bed, lie on your back for three to five minutes, trying to breathe as deeply as possible.

7 rules of efficiency

Do not take morning exercises lightly. There are many conditions that, if ignored, can lead to the opposite of the expected effect. Close attention deserve seven rules.

  1. Do not overdo it. The body, pampered by sleep, should not be loaded with prolonged intense training after waking up. Exercise should invigorate, not debilitate.
  2. Start exercising while in bed. Before getting up, stretch thoroughly to warm up your body after sleep.
  3. Wake up your brain. Before gymnastics, wash your face, brush your teeth or make your bed. This will finally bring you to your senses before morning exercise.
  4. Turn on the music. A catchy rhythm will make the body move more actively and the brain work more intensely. You might like the idea of ​​a dance workout or Zumba-style workout.
  5. Breathe deeply and evenly. Every cell of the body must be saturated with oxygen. If possible, work with open window or ventilate the room in advance before doing exercises in the morning.
  6. Don't starve yourself. Ideally, exercise is done before meals. But if you wake up and feel very hungry, don’t torture yourself. Eat a banana, a couple of oatmeal cookies, or a handful of nuts to perk you up. After eating, wait a quarter of an hour before charging.
  7. Consider your health status. If you have contraindications to physical activity, it is better to consult your doctor about the morning exercise program. For osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the role of morning exercises can be performed by physical therapy.

In the warm season, it is good to do exercises on fresh air. If you're not lucky enough to live in a private home, do your morning workout in a nearby park.

How to spur yourself into action

Morning physical exercise at home is a mere trifle. Just a few minutes of light physical activity. But why then do the vast majority of people ignore it? useful activity? The problem is lack of willpower. Five ways to motivate are recommended for the lazy.

  1. Place your alarm clock away from your bed. Usually people turn off the annoying ringer without lifting their head from the pillow. Try placing your alarm clock on the other side of the room. Then you will definitely have to get out of bed to turn off the signal. This will allow you to cheer up before gymnastics.
  2. Get support. Involve all family members in morning workouts. Together it is much easier to overcome laziness.
  3. Fix your action plan. Make a daily routine not mentally, but in writing. Place it somewhere visible.
  4. Prepare for charging in advance. In the evening, place it in convenient location all equipment necessary for exercise (gymnastic mat, dumbbells, chair, etc.). Then you will have fewer excuses for not training.
  5. Thank yourself. Come up with a reward system. If you've been doing exercises all week, treat yourself to some chocolate. For a month of regular classes, you can treat yourself to a small new thing. But if you skip charging, you can punish yourself with a lack of entertainment.

Brag good habit in front of friends. To maintain your brand, you will have to work every day. You may want to share your successes and future plans for self-improvement on your personal blog, inspiring others.

Based on numerous surveys, University of Florida scientists have concluded that regular physical activity makes a person more confident and increases self-esteem. British researchers claim that the habit of doing exercises in the morning reduces the risk of diabetes. Even if you're skeptical of such claims, there's no doubt that morning exercises for beginners or seasoned athletes are a great way to boost energy for productivity.

Reviews: “This is an absolutely brilliant thing!”

From my own experience, I know how effective morning workouts are for losing weight. After all, after an overnight fast, there is the least amount of glucose in the blood, which means during morning workout fat reserves will be burned. I can also say that if I plan an intense workout in the morning, I will definitely snack on a banana and work out 40 minutes later. If you exercise lightly, then you don’t have to snack. But after class I eat about 40 minutes later.

Marisha, http://www.davajpohudeem.com/uprazhneniya/domashnie/kompleks-dlya-utrennej-zaryadki.html

Morning exercises are an absolutely brilliant thing. At least 5 minutes in the morning - and you can do anything that day! And than. Today, as always, I woke up terribly broken. Because I don't sleep well. I didn’t even know how I was going to do things. As soon as I leave the house. But I forced myself, following the Japanese kill-me-I-don’t-remember-name principle, to do exercises for at least a minute. In the end, I did it for half an hour. Well, then yoga also joined in)).Then right oatmeal I had breakfast, took a contrast shower (which I hate) and energetically went about my business! How is that?))

Ann, http://www.woman.ru/health/medley7/thread/4541521/

I'm a sloth. I can’t count how many Mondays I’ve already had that I’ll definitely start with now. But every time there was some important and, most importantly, objective reason that prevented me from making exercise as an unconditional part of my morning as washing my face or brushing my teeth. Strangely enough, my daughter changed everything. She wakes up early, and one day, to keep both myself and her occupied, I turned on music, and the two of us did several simple exercises. Now I have no choice - every morning a ringing voice wakes me up: “Mom, exercise!” `) And coming to an agreement with her is not at all as easy as with your inner voice)))

Guest, http://obzorka.net/health/15232-polza-utrenney-zaryadki.html


Most of the world's population is very skeptical about sports exercises. This is especially true for such a thing as morning exercises.

After all, many people are better off enjoying a few minutes of peace in order to somehow compensate for the “inhibited” state; many resort to such tricks as contrast showers and strong aromatic coffee.

But all of these are just stimulants that do not awaken the body, but simply slow down the processes of fatigue and drowsiness.

As for morning exercises, they give an amazing effect, not only awakening the body, but also filling it with energy and tone for the whole day. After all, the very process of washing and using various stimulants triggers the work of only the nerves and brain, and for full activity this is not enough, you also need to use all muscle groups and joints. This is exactly the effect that morning physical training is aimed at.

But before I tell you about what special methods and systems exist, you first need to know all the useful aspects of this approach to getting up in the morning.

The very first thing this type of exercise provides is a healing effect. The results from the exercises will only be in the systematic case, when over time all the loads will become heavier and more complicated. In addition to all this, morning exercises should be done in light clothing and in a room where the air is well ventilated.

The benefits of such movements can be felt immediately, because after exercise your body will be in good shape, your mood will rise, and all nerve and brain cells will work in full mode, which will lead you to new successes.

As in any other business, charging has its own rules and laws that guarantee high-quality results.

Do you have a question, what should you do to ensure that your morning exercises are correct?

Below will be brief instructions, which will help you make all the loads enjoyable and give the desired result.

The instructions are as follows:

  • It is undesirable to load the body with “heavy” exercises immediately after waking up. This is bad for the heart.
  • It is recommended to start charging from bed. Such exercises include stretching, turning the body, bending and bending the arms and legs.
  • Also, after bed, you should go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. This way you stimulate your brain to work and nerve cells will begin to actively perform their functions.
  • Only after all the above procedures is it recommended to start the main set of exercises.
  • It is recommended to turn on music that you like and start charging while listening to the sounds of melodies.
  • Pay special attention to breathing, because proper breathing saturates muscles and cells with oxygen, which leads to better tone.
  • Do not put stress on the body, as your task is to bring the body into working condition, and not pump up a bunch of muscles. Listen to your body, and as soon as it gives you signals that you are overtired, stop exercising.

Also, do not forget that stimulating the body is properly selected exercises for morning exercises. This is a system that will contribute to your well-being, activity and vitality for the whole next day.

Instead of coffee and artificial stimulation, you can get real and effective activity without harm to the body or its individual organs.

Since it has already been said that morning exercises are a set of specific exercises, a whole section will be given below in which the system will be described in detail general position for morning exercise.

A set of exercises for morning exercises

Undoubtedly, morning exercises are divided into many types, but, like any sport, there are some basic and fundamental exercises that are included in any system. All included principles will be listed below.

  • Neck area. For this area, it is recommended to tilt the head to the left and right side, it would also be useful to lower and throw back your head. Rotating your head in a circle improves blood circulation.
  • Exercises for hands. It is recommended to start warming up the joints by smoothly rotating your fists or by closing your palms in a “lock”. Then you should move on to shoulder rotations, both together and separately. After warming up your joints, begin rotations with your arms fully extended. After completing the approach, begin to develop the forearm muscles of the arms by rotating them. After all these manipulations, touch your shoulders with your fingers and begin to make rotational movements with your hands in this position.
  • Hull loads. We recommend you remember school curriculum, and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. And we begin to bend towards the floor very smoothly and evenly, while it is necessary to touch the floor with your fingers, or better yet, with your palms. After warming up, fixing your hands on your lower back, begin circular movements with your pelvic joint. After this, you need to bend to the sides, while keeping one hand on your lower back, and extend the other and continue bending.
  • Exercising your legs. Swing your legs alternately, movements should be made forward and backward in 10-15 approaches. Then, alternately lift each leg to the side. When you finish the exercise, start making circular rotations with your knees. And at the final stage you need to do squats. Please note that when squatting, your heels should not leave the floor.

By doing this whole simple set of morning exercises, you will be able to feel a surge of energy and activity in your body after the first session. And this will contribute to your career success and progress, which will certainly not only strengthen your social status, but will also make you healthier and happier.

It is also worth noting that in addition to general rules exists a large number of specialized techniques that are designed specifically for children, quick tone, weight loss, or women who want to put their figure in order and tighten sagging areas.

Morning exercises for women

As stated above, morning exercises have different sets of exercises and their own results for the body.

The very first and most popular system is considered to be women’s morning exercises, because women have many “questions” about their bodies.” And in order to enjoy your body, you need to do the following exercises:

Want something interesting?

  • Walk in one place while raising your knees as high as possible.
  • Cross your fingers, then put them on one knee, and stretch the other leg forward and perform bending. The exercise should be repeated on each leg in turn.
  • Throw your arms behind your back and stretch them out, while tilting your torso to the floor as low as possible.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, put one hand on the back of your head, the other on your lower back and bend to one side so that the hand on your leg slides down along it.
  • Fix your hands on your belt, then turn your head left and right.
  • Rotate your arms in a circle.
  • Perform a set of squats.
  • Stand against a wall or cabinet and alternately raise your knees to your chest.
  • Lie on a flat surface, bend your knee and pull it towards your chest, then clasp your tightened knee with your hands and lift your entire torso.
  • Do abdominal exercises.

In addition to women's normal charging, which has a significant difference from men, many representatives of the fairer sex want to put their body in order and get rid of the annoying “fat layer” that secretes more and more over time. Due to an unkempt body and not toned muscles, girls develop of various nature complexes. To prevent this from happening, many specialists are doing a tremendous amount of work on creating new works that will help get rid of excess “fat deposits.”

Get a boost of energy and lose weight at the same time

Morning exercises for weight loss are a specific complex that combines many unique and necessary exercises.

When they are performed, it is the excess deposits that are burned.

For such charging the following loads are required:

  • Cardio loads;
  • Exercises that work the arms, back and legs;
  • Pumping the abdominal muscles;
  • Techniques that affect the buttocks and legs.

All exercises for morning exercises that are included in the weight loss system are based on key exercises and must be performed according to recommended standards. But this type of exercise also has its own additions, namely rhythmic music and a mandatory preparation procedure, which includes the mandatory consumption of water on an empty stomach.

In addition to such complex and time-consuming exercises, there is an extremely quick and “non-aggressive” morning exercise, designed to last 10 minutes.

Morning activity: fast and reliable

In order to get your body into working condition after waking up, morning exercises for 10 minutes have been developed, which helps improve metabolism and a surge of vigor for the whole next day.

The complex itself includes exercises for working all muscle groups of the body: starting from the chest and ending with the least active nodes of the body. To do this, it is enough to simply warm up the joints and nodes of body parts in the main directions.

In addition to standard exercises, there is a unique Chinese technique called “gygong” or simply morning exercises. Many practicing trainers and people claim that this type of exercise slows down aging, fills the body with vigor, and also helps to cure almost all human diseases. After all, the technique is built on obtaining positive and healing energy.

In addition to ten-minute exercises, you can also do children's exercises, which are designed for children and have an amazing effect specifically for little people.

Morning exercises for children are a set of exercises that are known to all people of the world, as they are included in the school curriculum and stimulate the physical development of the child. At the same time, it does not overload his body, does not lead to injury, and is very effective, since it is designed as a game. And games, as you know, are very much in the spirit of children and they happily combine business with pleasure. It is important to note that such exercises should be carried out before breakfast for 4-5 minutes..

We all want to be young and absolutely healthy long years. To keep your body and soul young, to greet every morning with joy, you need to do exercises.

Proper morning exercises will not only invigorate the body, but also activate mental activity.

Absolutely everyone knows that sport is a very useful thing. But how beneficial is morning exercise for our body?

After waking up, a person still remains sleepy, and his body is sluggish. Morning exercises can very effectively invigorate the entire body, giving it a charge of activity for the whole day.

But more importantly, exercise in the morning increases the supply of oxygen to the human body, and this in turn increases the performance of the human brain.

We need morning exercises for the following reasons:

      Exercise is a path not only to healing and strengthening the body, but to the basic awakening of a person.

      Exercise helps improve blood circulation, which means that it activates all systems of our body.

      Morning exercise speeds up your metabolism. Calories will be burned faster during the day.

      Charging hardens.

    Exercise develops discipline.

    Exercise increases performance and simply improves mood (the release of joy hormones into the blood).

Despite all the benefits of exercise, many people do not want to do it, looking for a thousand reasons for shirking. Let's look at the most common ones and give counterarguments.

  • “Doing exercises in the morning is bad for health”

    Do not confuse simple exercise and grueling sports training. Exercise in the morning is a cure for drowsiness, tones the body and warms up the muscles.

    If you do exercises correctly, it will not cause discomfort and fatigue, and its effect on the body will only be positive.

Warm-up exercises

The most important requirement is to charge correctly. Before the main exercises, you need to do a warm-up.

Morning exercises

The exercises will consist of three segments.

    Ab exercises

    To perform them, lie down either simply on the floor or on a special mat.

    • Raise your torso while keeping your back straight. Afterwards twisting is performed.

    • Leg lifts are performed without lifting the lower back from the floor surface. Legs cannot be bent; they must be absolutely straight.


    • Perform any 20 jumps in one place. Jumping with legs crosswise, back and forth, or simple jumps are also suitable.

    • Jump the same number of times on one leg, that is, 20 times on the right and 20 times on the left.


    • Spread your legs as wide as you can. At the same time, bend one leg and keep the other straight.

      The stretching itself takes place through light springing movements that do not cause discomfort. Do the exercise with each leg.

    • Standing straight, place your hands on your waist. Stand on your toes and, as you inhale, spread your arms in different directions. Lunge and then bend forward.

      You need to touch the floor with your palm. Exhaling, return to the original position.

    • Sit on the floor. Place your legs as wide as possible. Bend towards the toes of each leg one at a time.

    • Lie on the floor on your stomach and bend your knees. Further top part lift your body and grab your ankles.

      In this position, you need to sway for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat several times.

    • Lie on your back. Legs are bent at the knees. You need to touch the ambassador’s knees to each side in turn, but you cannot lift your shoulder blades off the floor.

    Strength exercises

    They will be good for men and at least slightly prepared women.

    If the only good physical activity of the day for you is exercise in the morning, then strength exercises will keep you in shape.

    This complex includes the following exercises.

  • Squats

    The front surfaces of the legs should act. Works the calves and buttocks, as well as the spine.

  • Push ups

    The load is placed on the triceps, deltoids and, of course, the chest.

  • Pull-ups on the bar

    Men should appreciate this exercise. It perfectly develops pulling muscles.

  • Ab exercises

    This exercise is a powerful weapon against belly fat. It will give you an amazing waist. You need to lie on your back and straighten your legs. Exhaling, lift your legs and slowly lower them, but do not put them completely on the floor. Repeat several times.

Morning exercises for weight loss

When making a list of exercises for weight loss, start from the time you are going to devote to exercise in the morning.

If you only have a quarter of an hour at your disposal, then warm up for the first minutes, and devote the remaining time to basic exercises.


Walk around the room with your stomach pulled in. Keep your arms tense and move them while walking. Gradually increase the intensity of both arm movements and walking. Switch to jumping jacks and easy running.

Basic exercises


You need to squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Do the exercises 10 times, stretching your arms forward, and after 10 times, stretching your arms up.

Push ups

If you are a beginner, then start doing push-ups from the floor from your knees. If you are already at least a little prepared, then do push-ups from the floor with your legs straight.

The exercise is done 15-20 times.


Lie on your stomach. Alternately lift your legs and arms off the floor. Use them quickly to make movements perpendicular to the floor surface.


The essence of the exercise is to hover above the floor surface for 25-40 seconds. Lie down on the floor (stomach down). Bend your elbows at right angles.

The body should be straight as a string from the heels to the top of the head. Your support is your toes and forearms. The body must be kept straight.

Your abdominal muscles should be in constant tension, do not relax them. You can't bend your hips.

Plank jump

You need to stand up straight and lean forward. Next, touch the floor with your hands and take a lying position. The toes and palms act as support.

You need to jump out so that your toes are near your palms, and then stand up straight. This exercise is repeated 5-6 times.


A straight twist is performed. Raising straight legs (perpendicular to the surface) will also be useful.