The choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater Vikharev died from painkillers at the dentist. The Honored Artist of Russia died suddenly in the dentist's chair. During general anesthesia, his heart suddenly stopped

Mariinsky Theater artist Sergei Vikharev died in the dentist's chair after being injected with sleeping pills. Anesthesiologist wanted. The Investigative Committee is checking the private clinic of Dr. Livshits.

Press service of the Mariinsky Theater/Natasha Razina

On June 6, the Mariinsky Theater announced the date of farewell to the Honored Artist of Russia, choreographer Sergei Vikharev. His death at the age of 56 was called sudden. No reasons were reported. Fontanka learned that Vikharev sought dental help at a clinic on Torzhkovskaya, was immersed in a medicated sleep and never came out of it. His body reacted to the powerful anesthetic propofol, used in America to execute criminals.

The Mariinsky Theater announced Vikharev’s death on June 2. The main part of the obituary was devoted to the artist’s merits, and the ballet environment, due to the lack of information, fed on rumors. They said that Vikharev died in Yekaterinburg and almost on the stage of the local opera and ballet theater, for which the specialist staged Paquita. I succumbed to speculation and the ending was too typical - to burn out at work. In the spirit of Vikharev.

On June 6, the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Sverdlovsk Region categorically answered Fontanka’s question that Sergei Vikharev did not die in Yekaterinburg. They advised me to look in St. Petersburg.

It is known that the choreographer was afraid of dentists. On the morning of Friday, June 2, he was filled with determination and went to the private clinic “Doctor Livshits” on Torzhkovskaya Street. Remove teeth from the upper jaw and place implants. Depending on the complexity, removal costs from 4,000 rubles, implant - from 30 thousand. Vikharev came to replace several teeth.

The clinic (legal entity LLC Clinic of Doctor Livshits, registered in 2008) is owned by its founder and general director, who is also the head physician, Tatyana Livshits. Member of the Russian Dental Society, previously listed as a co-owner of Zubastiki Cury-dent LLC on the Petrograd side. Staff - 15 people, sales revenue in 2015 (later data is not available in SPARK) - 15 million rubles, loss - 3.4 million.

“We are always ready to give you the joy of beautiful smiles, relieve tension and awkwardness from the discomfort of inadequate communication and quality of life,” says the clinic’s advertising brochure.

A brigade was convened to service Vikharev. It included the only full-time surgeon Vitaly Kalinin, senior administrator Nana Gelashvili (serving as an assistant) and a guest anesthesiologist, 55-year-old Andrei Goltyakov. According to Fontanka, he is listed as wanted by bailiffs. He is known to the registration authorities of St. Petersburg for his change of surname, and to St. Petersburg mothers for his work in maternity hospital No. 2. There are characteristics about him on specialized forums. Not always flattering.

According to Fontanka, Goltyakov gave the artist an intravenous injection of the drug Propofol. It is effective and popular, but has side effects such as lowering blood pressure, impaired heart rate, short-term respiratory arrest. There are known deaths from overdose (the most famous deceased is Michael Jackson). In the United States, propofol is used, among other things, to carry out death sentences.

During Vikharev’s surgical intervention, the “Doctor Livshits” team recorded respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, and absence of pulse in the carotid arteries. As far as Fontanka knows, for half an hour, before the ambulance arrived, the clinic staff carried out resuscitation measures, including chest compressions. Upon arrival, doctors recorded death from unknown causes, but suggested thromboembolism - blockage of the pulmonary artery.

By the time the Investigative Committee of the Primorsky District arrived, staff members Kalinin and Gelashvili remained at the clinic. Goltyakov was absent.

As part of the pre-investigation check, several examinations were ordered, including biochemical examination. The peculiarity of propofol is such that a post-mortem autopsy shows the concentration of the drug administered intravitally.

Dentists interviewed by Fontanka pointed out that perhaps common features for private clinics (compared to public hospitals) are a less thorough examination of the medical history, and, accordingly, a lack of knowledge about the body’s allergic reactions to specific drugs, and the lack of resuscitation complexes.

“It’s not to say that respiratory and cardiac arrest are so rare during general anesthesia,” explained one of the interlocutors. - Another thing is that many clinics do not even have an Ambu bag - a manual preparation for artificial ventilation of the lungs. Usually, when breathing stops, you can use this bag to “breathe” the patient.”

Today the Mariinsky Theater announced that farewell to Sergei Vikharev will take place on the morning of June 8 in the foyer of the dress circle of the Mariinsky Theater (historic stage). This means that the Investigative Committee allowed the relatives to hand over the body. The artist will be buried at Serafimovskoye Cemetery.

Alexander Ermakov,

Choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater Sergei Vikharev died in dental chair. He was given intravenous anesthesia, but during the operation the artist’s heart stopped. After half an hour of resuscitation measures, death was pronounced, Fontanka reports.


The Investigative Committee of Russia has already begun an investigation, Flashnord reports. A number of examinations have been appointed. Experts say that the tragic incident did not occur due to the negligence of doctors or other reasons related to the human factor. According to statistics, mortality during dental surgery does not exceed 0.001%.

“I think that the mortality rate is no more than thousandths. Do the math for yourself: on average, about 15 million visits to a dentist per year. Last year, two deaths were recorded in the dental chair,” says the chief dentist of the Russian Ministry of Health, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oleg Yanushevich.

The risk of complications when the patient is under general anesthesia exists during any operation, he assured. And not only in dentistry.

“In any medicine there is a risk of complications that arise when a person is immersed in deep anesthesia. But the need for using anesthesia today for dental procedures is very doubtful. I do not recommend using it, especially for adults. Because they have a much higher risk of complications from anesthesia ", said the chief dentist of the Ministry of Health in an interview with RT.

The death of the choreographer did not go unnoticed by the Russians. Internet users express their condolences to loved ones on social networks. Fans of the artist’s talent do not want to believe that he is no more.


Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Vikharev, whose death was previously reported by the Mariinsky Theater, died while visiting a dentist. The body of the Mariinsky choreographer reacted to the intravenous painkiller administered. They could not bring him out of his medicated sleep.

The Investigative Committee is conducting a pre-investigation investigation into the death of Mariinsky Theater choreographer Sergei Vikharev, who died in St. Petersburg on June 2 during a dental operation. This was reported on Wednesday by the press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg.

Vikharev sought dental help at a clinic on Torzhkovskaya, was plunged into a medicated sleep and never came out of it. His body reacted to the powerful anesthetic propofol, used in America to execute criminals (Michael Jackson died from an overdose of this substance - editor's note).

Vikharev died on June 2 at the age of 55. As the department said, the choreographer died while he was receiving dental services in one of the St. Petersburg clinics.

“Currently, a set of verification measures is being carried out aimed at clarifying all the circumstances of the incident,” the message says.

In particular, medical documents were confiscated and a forensic medical examination was ordered.

“He died before the ambulance arrived. A forensic medical examination has been ordered to establish the circumstances and cause of death. Based on the results of the pre-investigation check, a procedural decision will be made,” said the press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg, refusing further comments.

According to the press service of the Mariinsky Theater, farewell to Sergei Vikharev will take place on June 8 at 10.30 in the foyer of the mezzanine of the historical stage. The artist will be buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery.

The choreographer died at the age of 56. At the Mariinsky Theater he was one of the leading soloists, and for the last ten years he worked as a teacher and tutor.

At the Mariinsky Theater, Vikharev performed reconstructions of the ballets “The Sleeping Beauty”, “La Bayadère”, “The Awakening of Flora”, “Carnival”, “Petrushka”, and was the dance director for the opera “A Life for the Tsar”.

In 1980 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet. A.Ya.Vaganova (teacher Vladlen Semenov) and was accepted into ballet troupe State academic theater Opera and Ballet named after. S. M. Kirov (now the Mariinsky Theater).

In 1986 he became a soloist of the ballet of this theater.

Performed leading roles in the ballets “Sleeping Beauty”, “Giselle”, “Romeo and Juliet”. He danced in productions by Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe, as well as in ballets by Boris Eifman, Alexander Polubentsev, and Vladimir Karelin. In 1999-2006 he was the chief choreographer of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. Since 2007, Vikharev has worked as a choreographer and tutor at the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1999, Vikharev staged the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” at the Mariinsky Theater, reconstructing from recordings the 1894 performance staged by Marius Petipa, and then his “La Bayadère” staged in 1900. IN Bolshoi Theater reconstructed the Mariinsky Theater's 1894 production of Coppelia, choreographed by Marius Petipa and Enrico Cecchetti (2009).

Choreographer Sergei Vikharev died in one of the private dental clinics due to medical negligence.

The tragedy occurred in St. Petersburg private clinic"Doctor Livshits", where famous artist applied for implantation. According to media reports, before installing dental implants, it was necessary to remove several dilapidated teeth. It is also known that Sergei Vikharev, like many of us, was afraid of dental treatment. Apparently, due to the extensive intervention and the patient’s dental phobia, the clinic decided to carry out the entire procedure under “general” anesthesia. In total, three specialists took part in the operation: a dental surgeon, his assistant and an anesthesiologist. The latter administered propofol to the patient, a reaction to which presumably resulted in death. It is reported that some time after the administration of the drug, Sergei Vikharev stopped breathing and his pulse disappeared. Before the ambulance arrived, the clinic staff tried to resuscitate the artist on their own, but this did not produce any results: the doctors who arrived at the scene confirmed the death of the famous choreographer.

According to information published by some media outlets, the anesthesiologist’s name is Andrey Goltyakov: he used to work in a maternity hospital and at one time changed his last name. Journalists also write that this specialist has a number of negative reviews from former patients, however this information not yet confirmed. In addition, on the website of the Doctor Livshits clinic there is no information about the availability of a license to conduct general anesthesia. Perhaps this is why dentistry was forced to turn to outside specialists for this service. This situation Antonina Getsman commented for Startsmile - chief physician Dental Fantasy dentistry, where general anesthesia and sedation have been successfully used for 12 years:

“Treatment under general anesthesia is carried out only in clinics licensed for this type medical intervention. The safety of treatment under anesthesia is ensured by orders 909n and 919n. These documents describe in detail necessary equipment and requirements for medical personnel to provide quality medical care. If you even briefly read the contents of these documents, you will see that the requirements for dental treatment of patients under anesthesia are as serious as the requirements for non-dental operations “during sleep.”

It is important that the clinic employs experienced specialists. Safety of treatment in in this case provided by an anesthesiologist-resuscitator and nurse anesthetist. Today, dentists and their assistants are constantly trained in emergency care (Basic life support (BLS) / advanced life support (ALS)). This also has a positive effect on the quality of treatment and reduces the medical risks that are always present with any type of treatment. Today, our attention is drawn to the fact that more and more clinics provide treatment under general anesthesia. This is due to the fact that anesthetic technologies are becoming increasingly safe and, as a result, widespread in dental practice throughout the world.”

This is not the first case of death after the use of propofol. Although it is considered a very effective anesthetic, propofol has strong impact on the body, and can also cause allergic reactions, so its use requires a doctor to have a lot of experience and extreme caution. In one of the American states, propofol is even included in the injections used for death penalty. They died from an overdose of this drug legendary singer Michael Jackson, as well as actress Joan Rivers. Now another celebrity has been added to this list. Sergei Vikharev graduated from the Leningrad Choreographic School, now the Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova, and in 1986 became a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. During his time as a choreographer, Sergei Vikharev became the author of a number of outstanding productions that received wide recognition in Russia and abroad.

Honored Artist of Russia and choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater Sergei Vikharev passed away on June 2 - the man died at the age of 56. At the Mariinsky Theater, Vikharev’s death was called “sudden.” No more details. There were rumors that he died on tour in Yekaterinburg. They say my heart couldn't stand it...

Today it turned out that the artist died in the Northern capital. In the dental chair.

That morning he went to the dentist to have his teeth removed and implants installed. The operation was planned in advance.

Vikharev’s smile had to be transformed by three doctors - under general anesthesia. But as soon as the patient was injected with the drug (we are talking about the anesthetic propofol), he stopped showing signs of life. Breathing stopped, then the heart.

Resuscitators tried to resuscitate the 55-year-old man. In vain. For about thirty minutes, doctors tried to bring the man back to life, but his heart still did not beat. As a result, doctors declared death.

Investigators from the Main Investigative Directorate of the Russian Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg are conducting an investigation. Several examinations were ordered and medical documents were confiscated. Detectives have to find out what exactly caused the death of a man in the prime of his life. According to KP, Vikharev could have heart problems.

Farewell to Sergei Vikharev will take place at the Mariinsky Theater on June 8. The choreographer will be buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery.

Komsomolskaya Pravda is following developments.


Chief resuscitator-anesthesiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Igor MOLCHANOV:

– To prevent similar cases, there is a regulatory framework and clear instructions, including preliminary diagnosis of the patient. Most often, such incidents occur either due to individual intolerance to the drug, or due to incorrect actions of doctors. There can be no other options here! As for the anesthetic, I would not blame it on it. Propofol is a very popular anesthetic drug. It is no more dangerous than its analogues, moreover, it is one of the best drugs in this area! The main thing is that it is used in specialized conditions. And all dental clinics should have these.


Sergei Vikharev is not the first St. Petersburg resident to die at a dentist appointment. A similar incident occurred on June 6 in one of the dental clinics on Marshal Kazakov Street: a 71-year-old pensioner died there. No signs of violence were found on the elderly woman's body. The corpse is in the morgue, the cause of death is being established.

Another tragic incident occurred in 2012, when parents brought their 3-year-old daughter to one of the private clinics. The baby was afraid of treatment, so they decided to give her anesthesia. The result was anaphylactic shock, two days in intensive care, cardiac arrest. It turned out that the child had a rare genetic disease that was incompatible with the components of anesthesia.

A similar case occurred in 2013 - a 42-year-old St. Petersburg woman died at a dentist appointment. Events followed the same pattern - anesthesia, then death. It turned out that the woman had a severe allergy to the active substances of the drug.


Friends - about Sergei Vikharev: In life he would be incredibly charming and witty!

In February, the choreographer celebrated his 55th birthday and was full of plans for his life.

“He was a fantastic dancer, with an incredible sense of style,” say Sergei Vikharev’s friends. – And he was gifted as a teacher, restoring the legendary ballets of Marius Petipa. Thanks to him, we saw all their splendor and luxury. Next year they will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Petipa (a Frenchman from Marseille, who dedicated his life to St. Petersburg, was born on March 12, 1818. – Ed.), and Sergei Vikharev had huge plans in this regard. He was a unique dancer and choreographer, which is why this loss is so irreparable for the entire ballet world.

In life - incredibly charming, witty, good-natured, generous. Insanely, catastrophically unfortunate. He just celebrated his 55th birthday in February...


After graduating from the Vaganova Choreographic School in 1980, he was accepted into the troupe of the Kirov Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater, now the Mariinsky Theatre. He danced many roles in performances of the classical repertoire: La Sylphide, The Sleeping Beauty, Chopiniana, Giselle, Swan Lake", "Romeo and Juliet". He danced in productions of the Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova, as well as in ballets by Boris Eifman, Alexander Polubentsev, Vadim Karelin.

At the Mariinsky Theater he restored “The Sleeping Beauty”, “La Bayadère”, “The Awakening of Flora”, “Carnival”, “Petrushka”, staged dances in the opera “A Life for the Tsar” and ballet scenes in the opera La Gioconda in Italy, worked a lot in Astana and Tokyo, and staged Petipa's Raymonda at La Scala.

Since 2007, Sergei Vikharev has been a choreographer and tutor at the Mariinsky Theater. Winner of many international competitions. Honored Artist of Russia.