Mylene Farmer: biography, best songs, interesting facts, video. The best images of Mylene Farmer and the biography of the singer

September 12, 1961. Canada. In a suburb of Montreal, in a place called Pierrefonds, at 5:17 am a girl is born (the second daughter in the Gaultier family: Max, Margarita and two children - two-year-old Bridget and one-year-old Jean-Lou). She is given the name Mylene. Father Max, civil engineer, works in Canada under contract. Margarita takes care of the children.

Eight Canadian years pass without any special impressions for Mylene (“Maple syrup, a stupid but rather sweet memory! Deep thick snow that covered everything; my first school - the school of St. Marcelina, maintained by nuns; a red squirrel, hidden by my efforts in a barrel and a small frog. Until the age of eight, I remember practically nothing else; I should ask the question “why?”, but I can’t answer it).

In the early seventies, the family returned to France and settled in the town of Ville d'Avray near Paris. Milen was sensitive to the move (“It was a real trauma, a strong and indelible shock. My relationships with people were completely different. Canada is a more closed country, there you feel as if in winter hibernation, more protected, confident”) Mylene’s character becomes more and more independent and strange (“My personal problem was that I never accepted my appearance; I think I hated myself. The paradox is that this feeling moved me forward. Sometimes I even had a secret desire to beat myself. This rejection of my own appearance and my doubts prompted me to act."

At an age when most little girls still play with dolls and jump ropes, she goes to the Gachet Hospital on Sundays, where she visits sick children. The sight of disabled children becomes a cruel test for the psyche of a ten-year-old girl. Since then, Mylene has hated Sundays. She has practically no friends among girls. All my friends were boys, whom Mylene tried to imitate in every possible way (“Until the age of 14, I was mistaken for a boy.” One of the characteristic memories of my youth that remained in my memory: one day, while I was looking through correspondence in the mailbox, the building security guard asked my name. I said Mylene. He replied that it was a beautiful name for a boy." At the age of 12, Mylene begins horse riding (“To prove something to my father, who always wanted me to succeed and flourish”). Having trained for 5 years, Milen dreams of becoming an equestrian instructor and devoting her life to horses. But two days after entering her senior year, she is expelled from school.

1979 Milen is 18 years old. She moves away from her family and refuses financial support. Now she is attracted to the theater, and cinema becomes her main goal. Although Mylene won at the age of ten children's competition singing, now she doesn’t even think about a possible career as a singer. Mylene enters the theater under the direction of actor Daniel Mesga. After studying there for only four months, she moved on to other acting courses. To pay for her studies, she enrolls in a modeling agency (she also worked as a gynecologist's assistant and a shoe saleswoman), where the most fateful meeting of her life takes place.

1983 One of Mylene's friends, Jerome Daan, in company with the then little-known director Laurent Boutonnat, came up with a song called Maman a cake. Then two friends leave in search of a performer. After an unsuccessful first casting, Laurent and Jerome decide to contact a modeling agency. The magical meeting took place there (“We were introduced to each other. She was going to be photographed at that time. When we saw her, we immediately realized that it was SHE. Indeed, it seems that she had just left the hospital, with her long hair, on the verge of a mental breakdown. You immediately imagine a tragic childhood that was destroyed by her father... In short, a real lightning strike"). Mylene recalls: “That day they chose me among all the models present. I was very surprised. Especially after they said they would like me to sing the song! I didn't hesitate for a minute. After reading the text, I said yes!” All that was left was to find a recording company (“It was very difficult, no one needed us”). But after a number of attempts, a contract was finally signed with RCA.

1984 Maman a cake comes out. On the black cover of the record there is a faint inscription: Mylène Farmer. Where does this stage name come from? Everything is explained by the dedication on the back of the cover, where drops of blood glow red: “a Louis II de Baviere, a Frances.” Louis II is the mad king of Bavaria, and Francis is Frances Farmer, Mylene's favorite actress. At this time, the Mylene/Laurent/Jerome trio meet Bertrand Le Page, who becomes Mylene's manager. To promote the song, Laurent is filming a video. Maman a cake strikes France (“I love what is forbidden to me, I love pleasures...”).

November 1984. The young singer is not allowed to pass by censorship on television. At this time, Laurent, Jerome and Mylene are recording a song in a new studio On est tous des imbeciles(“We are all fools”) (“The meaning of the song? It’s about creative people. You have to do the work seriously, but you don’t have to take yourself too seriously.”) Words and music written by Jerome. Despite favorable reviews in the press, the record, released in February 1985, did not touch the hearts of the public - about 40,000 units were sold in France. The failure of the disc put an end to cooperation with Jerome Daan and at the same time Mylene left RCA and signed a contract for a period of 3 years with Polydor.

End of 1985. The song comes out Plus grandir. A video is being shot for the song, corresponding to the text about saying goodbye to childhood and its experiences. But, despite the large-scale video, which was even censored on some channels, the public was not won over - only 100,000 copies of the record were sold.

1986 Libertine- a song that became a turning point in the career of Mylene Farmer. Back in 1983, Jean-Claude Dequean, owner of the Le matin calme studio, wrote music and lyrics, then found a singer, but this did not produce results. Laurent Boutonnat finds the instrumental interesting, and Mylène explains the origins of the Slutty plot: “We were in the studio, and we had to say something into the microphone. No matter what. Something needed to be checked or adjusted. I sang some words that came to me at random, I must have been very happy that day, and I sang: “I am a slut, I am a slut!” Laurent said: “Damn it, of course!”

March 1986. Laurent writes his lyrics and the record is released. Masked by the mores of the 18th century, this song openly talks about sex. An eleven-minute clip requires shooting 180 shots over 4 days with a budget of about 500,000 francs. At the same time, a revolutionary change in image occurs. Mylene dyes her hair fiery red. France is going crazy over her. 370,000 copies Libertine sold out within a few months, this is the real hit of the year. The motif, similar to a children's song, is remembered by everyone. One day, Milen notices a column of schoolchildren on the street, singing “Je, je suis libertine, je suis une catin” at the top of their voices.

April 1, 1986. Album goes on sale Cendres de lune. This disc was also recorded in the studio of Jean-Claude Dequean. The album contains 9 tracks, including all of Mylene's previous singles, except On est tous des imbeciles- due to disagreement with the RCA label. Mylene tries herself for the first time as a lyricist, writing two for the album; and the words of all the others, like the music, were created by Laurent. However, subsequently Mylene will always write the words of the songs, and Laurent will write the music for them.

1987 Single coming out Tristana. The video for the song is based on “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes" A.S. Pushkin. Filming the video lasted five days and cost almost 900,000 francs. The song was well received by the public, selling 250,000 copies. But at this time Mylene is already thinking about the 2nd album...

October 16, 1987. A hit comes out that begins with the words: “Dis, maman, pourquoi j" suis pas un garcon?” and announces the upcoming release of a new album. The song, which speaks of the duality of the sexes, is an instant success. The video develops it even more and increases sales to 500,000 copies, becoming an anthem among homosexuals, which elevates Mylene to the rank of an icon.

March 1988. Second single released Ainsi soit je. Following it is the album of the same name. As soon as it appears on store shelves, it immediately gets into the Top30 and will remain on the highest lines of the chart for several months. The song is accompanied by a luxurious sepia-toned video.

September 12, 1988. Third single released . The song's lyrics openly talk about sodomy, ecstasy and sexual pleasure. This makes many shudder... Never before has a video gathered so many people on the set. During the 8 days of filming, no less than 600 participants, numerous stuntmen and history specialists worked in the heart of the Rambouillet forest. The clip was of unprecedented length: 17 minutes 30 seconds, cost almost 4 million francs and, when it appeared on the screen, produced the effect of a bomb exploding. The battlefields, horsemen, and eroticism made the video look like a Hollywood movie. This masterpiece wins an award for production. Meanwhile, the song becomes a fantastic hit - the single sells 800,000 copies.

November 19, 1988. Mylene receives her first true musical victory - she is chosen best singer year. However, Mylene added some coolness to the evening, announcing that receiving this award was both joyful and sad at the same time, and refused to sing (“I spent several hours backstage where we rehearsed for this evening. All the “cream” of the show were there - business, and these people were deeply unpleasant to me. They all hate each other. I am sad that such people reward me...”).

February 1989. Single coming out Sans logique. More than 250,000 copies are sold. About the clip Sans logique there is a small scandal. Footage from it was used in political purposes: A photograph from the video, placed on their election poster, was captioned: “They promote ugliness and drugs: no to the subculture of the mass media.” Mylène seeks a court order against the European Workers' Party and gets all the posters removed.

September-December 1989. Mylene's first tour took place. It included 45 concerts throughout France. Midway through the tour, Mylene releases a new single À quoi je sers.... And after the end of the tour, a double live album is immediately released En concert.

Mylene thanks her friend and manager Bertrand Le Page for what she has done, but they have to part ways. Bertrand will tell you later: “I decided to give another lunch after Bercy-89, again for the press and colleagues in show business. A magnificent lunch for 500 people. Mylene and I were supposed to be presented with an award - a diamond disc (for the album Ainsi soit je...). This is where everything failed. I wanted something “starry”, something very solemn, and Alain Levy did not go this route. He gave her the disk while everyone was looking at their plates. There was no magic. I couldn't accept it. Then I screamed and the evening turned into a nightmare! Mylene was shocked. She tried to calm me down, saying that if I continued, she would leave. The others were also getting ready to leave... Mylene sent me a note: “If you need me, I’m here...” But a month later she called me and said: “We need to stop working together, your behavior became impossible."

1991 Mylene decides to return to the public. Now she has a new short haircut, a new manager and a new album. Disk named L'autre... required 5 months of writing and 4 months of recording in the studio.

March 1991. The first single from the new album was chosen Desenchantée. The text talks about spiritual emptiness, the irrevocable loss of illusions. Perhaps this is what makes it the anthem of the “disillusioned generation” of the 90s. As soon as it came out, the song hit the 1st line of the charts. Shortly after the release of the single, a video more than 10 minutes long is shot. The success of the song is such that no French singer has ever known - more than 1,300,000 copies have been sold. Mylene's popularity reaches its highest point!

Meanwhile, appearances on television are becoming increasingly rare. Mylene refuses to give big interviews. At the same time, a biography of the singer called Ainsi soit-elle. Its author is Philippe Séguy. This was the second biography of Mylene to appear in print; it is sometimes called the “official” biography. The first one was written shortly before by Patrick Milo, but it was of poor quality and Mylene ordered it to be withdrawn from sale.

July 1991. Single coming out Regrets and for the first time in the singer’s work a duet appears.

November 1991. Next single coming out Je t"aime melancolie. Videos were shot for both songs: complete opposites of each other - the romantic first and the sharp and bright second.

November 12, 1991. At this time, a drama plays out in Mylene's career: a fan kills a secretary in the Polydor office because he refused to give the address of his idol. And only a jammed rifle prevents other victims. Mylene is shocked (“I was offered security, I refused. In such a situation, you don’t think about yourself, not about what could have happened, but about a family in mourning, about a person who died for nothing and who had nothing to do with it... This death is so unfair...").

April 1992. The next single comes out Beyond my control. The title of the song is taken from the film Dangerous Liaisons, where John Malkovich utters this phrase. The video, again directed by Laurent Boutonnat, has the same effect as Pourvu qu"elles soient douces and is censored almost everywhere - for example, channel M6 only broadcasts it after midnight.

November 1992. Following the album, Mylene releases a song Que mon cœur lâche, which allows Mylène to appear in the book of records with over 1,800,000 copies sold. The video is directed by Luc Besson.

Late 1992. Collection coming out Dance remixes.

1993 The press says little about Mylene. The public wonders why she went into the shadows. New album? Child? No, the reason for the absence is different. Mylène stars in a film for the first time under the direction of Laurent Boutonne. Filming, which began in Slovakia in the winter of 1992, is taking place in the strictest confidence. Laurent has been dreaming of making this film since 1982 and finally it is becoming a reality. After lengthy auditions in Paris, London and finally Los Angeles, Laurent settled on an entirely English-speaking cast. Home male role American musician Jeff Dahlgren was invited. According to the script, his hero falls in love with the heroine Mylene. And as filming progresses, Mylene falls in love with Jeff... Colossal amounts of money are spent on the film - about 80 million francs. Finally, it is finished, and Laurent organizes the first closed screening in order to understand the impact it will have on the public before the film's release on August 24, 1994. Unfortunately, the critical response was not what he expected. The film is being released throughout France and is being talked about as the cinematic success of the year.

October 5, 1993. The film is released. It is removed after three weeks. This is a catastrophic failure, the press only grins evilly at the director. It is from this moment that the gap between Mylene and Laurent begins. Boutonna is depressed, Mylene and Jeff leave him and go to Los Angeles together.

A long stay in California changes her greatly, from her songs to her appearance. She throws herself into working on a new album (“I have a new life, I have a new lover, I will have new songs... and in general, my ensemble is missing a bass guitar!”).

August 1996. A video for Mylene's new song is being filmed not far from Hollywood. XXL, which becomes the first single from the new album.

October 1996. A new album is coming out, which is called Anamorphosee . The melodies are saturated with live guitar sound, the album has more of a rock sound. As for the lyrics, some critics understood them as “goodbye tears.” Mylene sings about the California sky, about size love XXL, but in the album there was also room for the old melancholy ( Rêver, Comme j"ai mal).

December 1995. Single coming out L"instant X.

March 1996. Another single is coming out - California. This song becomes one of Mylene's most popular songs in the history of her career. The videos for the last 2 singles were also filmed in the USA.

May 1996. Mylene returns to France and begins a tour in support of the new album. The show's concept has nothing to do with the '89 tour. Gone are the gloomy settings, graves and barred doors, replaced by pyrotechnic effects and cutting-edge technology. Black gave way to white. On stage, Mylene performs almost all songs from Anamorphosee, as well as old hits in a new arrangement. The tour is a resounding success and Mylene's new look captivates the audience. But then an accident intervenes...

June 15, 1996. In Lyon, in front of more than 9,000 spectators, a few minutes before the end of the performance, Mylene falls from the stage: while performing XXL, carried away by her own dance, she suddenly stumbles and falls along with one of the dancers; shocked fans can't believe their eyes. She is immediately taken to the nearest hospital and told the sad news: Mylene has a broken wrist and the tour cannot be continued. The recovery period takes a long time. Mylene returns to the stage only at the end of the year, releasing a single with a symbolic title Comme j"ai mal(“How it hurts me”)

October 26, 1996. Mylene loses her brother Jean-Loup - he dies in a car accident. Later, Mylene will dedicate a concert video to his memory Live a Bercy. This video receives “diamond” status and is a stunning success.

1998 Mylene disappeared from the public eye and almost nothing is heard about her. She travels a lot, visits Italy, Ireland, Russia. Reads books by Salman Rushdie, Primo Levi, Innamoramento Alberoni. And from new impressions the concept of a new album gradually emerges...

February 1, 1999. Radio station NRJ is broadcasting Mylène Farmer's long-awaited new song entitled L"âme-Stram-Gram - a slightly modified line from a nursery rhyme.

March 1999. Single released. Mylene herself writes the script for the video, which is being filmed in China by director Ching Siu-Tung.

April 1999. Album coming out Innamoramento, which translates from Italian as “falling in love.” It contains 13 compositions, 5 of which Mylene wrote music herself ( Pas le temps de vivre, Méfie-toi, Optimistique-moi, Serais-tu là?, Et si vieillir m"était conté...) - this is her second attempt after the experimental Tomber 7 fois from Anamorphosee. Apart from the guitar arrangements, there is little that reminds us of previous album, in the “anamorphic” style is maintained only Dessine-moi un mouton. Basically, there are light melancholic songs here, which give some reason to talk about a return to the L"autre style...

June 1999. Single coming out Je te rends ton amour and immediately makes people talk about themselves, thanks to the scandalous video by Francois Ans, in which, according to the censorship committee, there are “indecent” scenes: violence, a sea of ​​blood, as well as anti-church motives. A shortened version was shown on television, cut by censors, and even that only at night. However, this did not stop this video from becoming truly iconic. At the same time, preparations for the event are in full swing in Los Angeles. Mylenium tour, which is due to begin in September. Laurent Boutonnat does not participate in Mylene’s projects (“He went his own way, and I went mine”).

September 28, 1999. Single released. While the tour is a stunning success, Mylène has a surprise in store for her fans outside the French-speaking countries.

November 9, 1999, in the TV show Les annees tubes, Mylène reports the news: Mylenium tour will end in Russia (“because the public accepts me”). Later, Mylene explained the reason for the visit to Russia more prosaically: “They showed my videos a lot of times at the beginning of my career.” At first, the concerts were planned in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv, but later Kyiv was canceled and the third date was also moved to Moscow.

2000 Milen wins the NRJ Music Awards competition organized by the radio station NRJ. She wins in the categories "Francophone Singer of the Year", "French-Language Album of the Year" and "Concert of the Year". The last nomination was not even on the list; it was awarded by professionals, and the rest were voted on by the public.

February 8, 2000. Mylenium tour resumes after a two-month break. During this time, Mylene slightly changes the arrangements of some songs. A single and a video will be released in the same month. Optimistique-moi.

March 2, 2000. Milen arrives in Moscow to give concerts at the Olimpiysky sports complex on March 4 and 5.

March 8, 2000. The final concert is taking place in St. Petersburg Mylenium tour. The singer says goodbye to the public in Russia... For the next few months, nothing is heard about Mylene.

End of June 2000. An article appears in Voici magazine explaining the reason for this silence: Mylène and Laurent are busy with a new project. This time they are writing a song for the aspiring 15-year-old singer Alize - as always, Mylene writes the lyrics, and Laurent writes the music. Single Moi... Lolita comes out in July and immediately hits the top of the charts. The success of the song is stunning. More than a million discs sold. Mylène and Laurent decide to take advantage of their success and begin writing an album for the girl. Meanwhile, Mylene releases Live a Bercy on DVD and Innamoramento, the fifth and final single from the album of the same name. The song's video was again directed by François Anse and based on the concert video.

Late 2000. Mylene surprises the public again by agreeing to write a song for an American cartoon Rugrats in Paris. The song gets its name L"histoire d"une fée, c"est... and first appears on the soundtrack to the cartoon released in America, and a few months later as a separate single. Meanwhile, Alize's first album is ready ( Gourmandises)...

December 2000. Video coming out Mylenium tour and immediately takes 1st place in the ratings. At the same time, a video cassette with clips from the album goes on sale. Innamoramento and single Dessine-moi un mouton from the live album Mylenium tour. The single cover features Mylene Farmer's own drawings. And at the beginning of 2001, Mylène won the M6 ​​Awards competition as the best French-speaking singer of the year. This is a real triumph!

November 2001. The video and the next single Mylene are released - Les mots. It is a duet with the English-speaking singer Sil. The video was directed by Laurent Boutonnat, marking his return to directing music videos for Mylène. Two weeks later a double compilation appears Les mots with Mylene’s best songs and tracks not previously released on albums ( Les mots, C"est une belle journée, Pardonne-moi, La veuve noire, Mylène is calling, Effets secondaires, Puisque, My soul is slashed). The compilation is an enviable success.

2002 In January, the next ceremony of presenting the NRJ Music Awards, organized annually by the French music radio station NRJ, took place. Mylène again wins the category “Best French-Speaking Singer of the Year.”

April 2002. Coming soon new clip to the song C"est une belle journée. It is directed by Benoit di Sabatino, and the video itself is made up of animated drawings by Mylene. Benoit - it is he who becomes Farmer’s friend and life partner for all subsequent years. “At first he fell in love with the heroine of my videos...” recalls Mylene.

October 2002. The following video and single are released - Pardonne-moi. The video director is Laurent Boutonnat again, however, all his late works laconic and no longer have the same scope with which he filmed in the 80s.

2003 Mylène again becomes “Best French-Speaking Singer” - according to NRJ!

April 2003. Her first book goes on sale - Lisa-Loup et le conteur(“Lisa-Lou and the Storyteller”). Containing 150 pages and illustrated with 30 drawings by Mylene as if in continuation of the theme of the video C"est une belle journée, this work is a philosophical and poetic tale about friendship and loneliness.

In the same year, new books about Mylène were published: L "ange blesse ("The Wounded Angel") - author Caroline Bee; Mylène Farmer, le mystere ("Mylène Farmer, the mystery") - author Mathias Goudeau; Mylène Farmer, l "ange rouge (“Mylene Farmer, red angel”) - by Beatrice Nouveau; La part d'ombre ("The Shadow Side") - authors Caroline Bee, Antoine Boy, Benjamin Thiry and Amelie Nothomb. At the end of the year, a collection of remixes with a simple title will be released RemixeS. There are rumors that Mylene is preparing to release her new studio album.

Among the fans there were rumors and secrets were born. Either they were talking about a possible film with Mylene’s participation, then about her recording a rap track, or about an album of duets. The apotheosis of the nervousness of that time was the phrase of the president of Universal music, Pascal Negre, that Farmer was preparing to release a large two-disc album in 2004. However, in reality everything was different. At that time, Mylène, together with Laurent, was working on Alizée’s second disc ( Mes courants electriques), her concert tour and several other projects. The singer herself decided to dispel all the secrets.

December 9, 2004. At a specially convened press conference, Milen told reporters that her new album is called Avant que l'ombre... and its release is scheduled for early 2005. Also that day, Farmer's concert plans became known. As promised, the show will be “restricted to travel”, and all concerts will be held at the Bercy Hall in Paris in January 2006. The public was intrigued...

March 2004. The first single from the album is Fuck them all. Scandalous, rude and provocative, it nevertheless quickly becomes a hit on radio stations, including in Russia. The video of the same name was filmed in snowy Romania by director Augustin Villaronga. The video, which is not completely clear, contains many signs and symbols that have become the “calling card” of the new album.

April 4, 2005. A new album is coming out. His style came as a surprise - in Avant que l'ombre... Calm and lyrical songs predominate, with many acoustic accompaniments. The album is received ambiguously by fans.

July 4, 2005. A composition with a simple name was chosen as the second single Q.I. Rather a dance melody, a play on words “on the verge of a foul”, a fashionable and quite frank video - it would seem that success was guaranteed, but the song was received coolly by the public. Then it became a surprise from the category of “unpleasant”.

November 12, 2006. Mylene performed on the television program Symphonic show with a song Redonne-moi.

January 2, 2006. A single was released next - Redonne-moi. The video for this calm and thoughtful song was shot by François Anse and while working on it, several shots needed to be filmed in the Louvre in Paris. The video makes us remember the legendary Je te rends ton amour... Meanwhile, it's time for concerts! All tickets for them were sold out several months before the performances.

January 13, 2006. Concerts have begun in Bercy. 13 evenings, 13,000 spectators. The enchanting show, filled with the spirit of mystical luxury, became a real musical event! The concerts were incredible performances with the use of huge scenery and special effects that had never been used before (for example, “artificial rain” in the finale). The performances left no one indifferent - neither the singer’s many fans, nor the usually fastidious journalists. Without a doubt, this is Mylene's most colorful concert to date.

Spring 2006. It's time for new videos and singles. They became L'amour n'est rien… And Peut-être toi, released in March and August respectively. Both clips are atypical for Mylene and are rated differently by fans. The discs did not show high sales, but this was compensated by frequent rotation of songs on the radio (especially L'amour n'est rien…) At the same time, Mylene records a duet with the American singer and electronic composer Moby, which becomes extremely popular. The single's sales figures reach several hundred thousand, which by today's standards is an impressive figure.

At the same time, Mylene collaborates with Luc Besson, who is filming the cartoon “Arthur and the Minimoys.” It was in her voice that one of the main characters, Princess Selenia, spoke, and for this Farmer received the “Best Dubbing” award (2006). Later, Mylène would voice Selenia in two more Besson films about minimoys.

December 4, 2006. Live album released Avant que l"ombre… à Bercy, instantly skyrocketing to the top of the charts! The success of the live performances also extended to him - the disc received excellent reviews from the press. The DVD version of the album contains over an hour of "bonus" videos that cover the production of the show. Single released at the same time Avant que l"ombre… (Live), based on a concert performance of the song of the same name. Touching on themes of death and religion, it is recognized by fans as one of the most beautiful in Mylene’s entire creative career.

March 5, 2007. A few months later, the second live single was released: Déshabillez-moi. After this, Mylene again goes into the shadows, saying in a television interview that she is preparing to star in the film L'ombre des autres(“Shadow of Others”) based on the novel by Nathalie Reims - her best friend.

Over the next two years, very little is known about Mylene's life. She performed a song for the new film by Laurent Boutonne ( Jacquou le croquant), appeared at several public exhibitions and events.

Autumn 2007. An event took place that was so anticipated by the singer’s fans for many years. 13 years after its release, the film Giorgino was released on DVD; The soundtrack was also re-released. On this occasion, the organizers organized a special screening of the film in the cinema hall - the same one where critics once rejected this film. Places were raffled off among radio listeners and the lucky ones were able to not only watch Giorgino on the big screen, but also to meet Laurent Boutonnat.

Milen's young niece - Lisa - sang a song Drole de Creepie, which sounds in the cartoon of the same name. This childishly simple but sweet composition was written by the familiar Farmer-Boutonnat tandem and was subsequently released as a single.

Beginning of 2008. First, online publications, then several officials reported the unexpected news that Mylene was preparing to release a new album. After some time, information about upcoming concerts appeared. For the first time in her long career, Mylene will perform at stadiums (Paris, Geneva and Brussels), including the Stade de France on her birthday - September 12, 2009. Ticket sales began more than a year in advance of the show, and a total of 160,000 tickets were sold out within 5 hours. A fantastic result that has no precedent! Later it was reported that the matter would not be limited to a few dates, and Milen intended to give a series of concerts in the French province. In total, more than 30 performances were planned.

June 2008. Mylene went to Prague to join Bruno Aveillan's film crew to work on a new video. After lengthy preparation, in 7 days two clips were shot at once, united by a common plot (as in their time Libertine). Not entirely unambiguous, but certainly talented works Dégénération(“Degeneration”) and Si j"avais au moins…(“If only I…”) were shown on music channels with an interval of almost six months (this was the selection of singles), as well as as part of a short film The Farmer project. Presenting herself in the form of a girl endowed with supernatural powers, Mylene reminds humanity of its senseless cruelty, of the victory of love and compassion over the spirit of war.

August 2008. The new album has a name Point de suture, which sounds ambiguous: it is both “suture” and “no seam”. Mylène herself has repeatedly emphasized this duality of the name in interviews. The disc is designed in an unusual way - on its cover we can see a photograph of a red-haired doll, with its features reminiscent of Mylene. “Pain and suffering” is the first thought that arises when looking at her... The album booklet contains a quote from the film “Carlito’s Way”: “All the seams in the world cannot unite me into one.” The disc contains 11 songs, designed in a rather modern, fashionable style. Despite the harsh electronic sound, the unique mood of Mylene's songs is still noticeable in it. For the first time in her career, Farmer performed a classic piece - Ave Maria Schubert, this is the last song on the album.

November 2008. Between these clips, a single was released Appelle mon numéro. This song turned out to be quite successful, both in sales charts and on radio stations, which is good news. The director of the music video was Benoit di Sabatino, and as part of the program Ca ne finira jamais in December 2008, the public was presented with, in fact, an alternative video (as was already the case in the days Innamoramento).

January 2009. After Point de suture recognized as “Best French-Language Album of the Year” according to NRJ, Mylène briefly disappeared from the eyes of fans. Preparations for the concerts have begun. Both Mylene's old acquaintances and new faces were invited to participate in the 2009 Tour. The musical director of the tour was once again Ivan Cassar, and Christophe Danschot, who has been working with Mylene for a couple of decades, was responsible for training the dancers. However, there were losses: drummer Abraham Laboriel could not take part in the tour, whose place was taken by Charlie Paxson. As for previous concerts, the dancers were selected by Christophe Danshaw in the USA.

April 2009. Released as a single C"est dans l"air, one of the most striking and fan-favorite songs on the album. The video for it turned out to be a kind of prelude to the concerts: skeletons and skulls appeared there for the first time, which became the basis of the tour’s scenery. The video received a lot of criticism from a number of Mylene's fans, but it turned out to be successful on music channels in France.

The concert script was developed by Mylene together with Laurent. The 2009 tour was perhaps the most contrasting of all Mylene's performances. Gloomy skeletons at the back of the stage, skinned costumes, flames and shadowy figures appearing on the screens - all this would be enough to make the show truly creepy. But... Mylene “miraculously” mixed the darkness of her lyrics with bright electronic sound, the skeletons on stage were shaded by naked figures (reminiscent of the video California), and even the afterlife flames that “show” at the beginning and end of the performance seem to be nothing more than another special effect. Both new and old Mylene songs were performed at the concerts. Their visuals were created by Alain Escal, who was inspired by descriptions from several medieval books (including " Divine Comedy"Dante), and the costumes were created by the world famous fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier. As in the case of Bercy 2006, the middle of the concert was represented by a “slow movement” with Mylene performing several ballads to piano accompaniment.

May 2, 2009. The first concert of the tour took place in Nice and over the next two months, Milen, together with her concert team, traveled around French cities, in each of them invariably meeting with a packed hall and an enthusiastic reaction from the public. The 2009 tour received excellent reviews in the press, including from people previously new to Mylène Farmer's work. The singer herself characterizes its main idea as follows: “Instead of being afraid of death because of its inevitability, it is better to treat it with ease, to laugh at it. Even if it is not always easy... Here I want to turn to the imagination, to the unconscious. I tell my story and everyone can make up their own with these words.”

June 28 and July 1, 2009. Concerts took place in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Many of Milen's fans, who came from all over Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, sometimes from thousands of kilometers away, have the best memories of those days! The Russian public received Mylene's performances wonderfully, singing along with her throughout the two hours of the concert and experiencing touching moments of the performance with her. Sounded especially for Russia L"amour n"est rien…, Fuck them all And Je t"aime melancholie, not performed in France. Unfortunately, the Russian concerts were slightly overshadowed by ticket fraud, when due to the fault of unscrupulous sellers, Mylene’s arrival was in jeopardy.

The first stage of concerts was completed in Moscow, after which there was a break in the 2009 Tour. During this period, the fifth and final single from the album was released. Point de suture - Sextonik. And in September, Mylene was destined to make a loud return to the stage!

September 11 and 12, 2009. Mylène Farmer's performances at the Stade de France on these dates are some of the most impressive concerts ever staged by French artists. The tracklist was finalized especially for them, new multi-meter sets and giant screens were built, additional backing vocalists and the Bale de Rua ballet were invited. Over the course of two evenings, Mylene’s concert was seen by more than 160,000 spectators who had been waiting for this performance for more than a year... On September 12, tens of thousands of people sang “Happy Birthday to You...” for the touched Mylene, and a little later, the whole stadium joined in Desenchantée acapella. The concert was filmed for an official video.

After the 2009 Tour ended, Mylène returned to the studio to prepare a live album, which was released a few months later. №5 on tour became Mylene's first live album to achieve widespread success in Russia. A promotional single was released in support of it. C"est dans l"air (Live), and the world famous DJ and electronic musician Tiësto remixed C"est dans l"air. Later, this remix was heard by hundreds of thousands of spectators, as Tiesto repeatedly included it in the setlists of his DJ sets at open-air performances. Never before have Mylene's remixes won such a large audience!

April 2010. It's time to release a concert video. Milen's management launched an official website, where information about the future release was promptly updated and exclusive photos and videos appeared. The exclusive premiere of the video took place on the same site. Paradis inanimé (live), which became a kind of trailer for the future DVD. By the way, in addition to the DVD, a concert Blu-Ray was also released (Mylene began to “master” this format a couple of years earlier, releasing her last concert on Blu-Ray). The two-hour video, filmed at memorable concerts at the Stade de France, unanimously won over both fans and the music press. Mylene's concert films are still one of the world standards of this genre, as proven by sales: 120,000 copies were sold only in the first 10 days after release! For the first time, only digital cameras were used to film Mylene's concert. The video is somewhat different from previous concert films: it pays more attention to the audience, the atmosphere of the performance, as well as showing large-scale decorations at the Stade de France. Few viewers were left disappointed after watching...

April 24, 2010. Mylène Farmer appeared on France 2 with a new version Ainsi soit je…, and that evening the era ended Point de suture.

This time Mylene's return was swift!

September 27, 2010. Polydor has unexpectedly released a message that a single from Mylene Farmer's new album will be available on radio in a few days. Moreover, according to representatives of the label, the music for it was written by the “fashionable” musician RedOne, and not by the well-known Laurent Boutonnat. Thus began a new round of Mylene Farmer’s creativity...

September 29, 2010. The single premiered at NRJ, and then it became known that the new album would be written in collaboration with Moby, the already mentioned RedOne and the English group Archive. The recording of the disc was completed in early September.

Never before has Mylene been able to keep the preparation of an album a secret for so long. Not the first single Oui mais...non, nor the album itself was “leaked” online before the official premiere, despite the fact that interest in them was enormous. Also, this is Mylene's first studio album recorded without the participation of Laurent Boutonne.

Oui mais...non, a dance song, managed to become one of Mylene's most successful singles in recent years. Thanks to its easy style, it received good rotation on the radio, and the video, shot by English director Chris Sweeney, became one of the most popular videos on TV channels in January 2011. The single sold more than 100,000 copies (including legal downloads). Several famous DJs were brought in to work on the official remixes. WITH Oui mais...non Mylene performed at the NRJ Music Awards 2011.

Internet technologies were actively used to fuel interest in the album. On a specially created website, more and more new elements of the future disc gradually appeared: cover, tracklist, photos, song excerpts...

Autumn 2010. Two duets featuring Mylene were released: C"est pas l"heure(with French actress Lyn Renaud) and Never tear us apart(cover version of the famous INXS ballad, sung by Mylene with Ben Harper).

First days of December 2010. It contains 12 songs, most of which were composed by American musician Moby. The change of composer led to some change in style: Bleu noir It is designed in a leisurely, thoughtful manner, and Mylene’s sensual, hypnotizing voice is combined with electronic sound. Without a doubt, the songs written by Milen in collaboration with the musicians of the English group Archive turned out to be very interesting. The songs written by RedOne can be described as standard Europop: the melodies are simple but easy to remember.

The album was well received by critics and showed good sales results (about 600,000 copies, including 300,000 in the first month)! The second single from it was the title track Bleu noir, which first appeared on radio at the end of January 2011. Later, a laconic video was shot for it, in which Olivier Dahan (author of the sensational biopic Edith Piaf “La Vie En Rose”) had a hand.

July 2011. As the final single from Bleu noir was chosen Lonely Lisa. This energetic and potentially “hit” song had a lot of expectations in terms of boosting album sales, but its radio success turned out to be modest. Even numerous remixes (of which a record number were released) could not correct the situation. Many people remember the surreal video Lonely Lisa, filmed by director Roy Raz in the Israeli desert.

Summer 2011. There was quite a bit of news from Mylene (except for her luxurious appearance at the Jean-Paul Gaultier fashion show in a bride's dress), but it soon became known that the singer was preparing to release a new best-of. 10 years after the release of the “last version” of the collection best songs - Les mots, it was decided to publish a new version of it. On disk 2001.2011 it turned out that the “main” songs of Mylene Farmer of the previous decade and two new ones were collected - Du temps And Sois moi - Be me, and Du temps was released as a single. These two simple songs were written in a dance style in collaboration with Laurent Boutonnat.

Early 2012. Mylene, without breaking tradition, appears at the NRJ Music Awards ceremony. The singer performs her new song Du temps surrounded by dancers. For the first time in the history of the award, Mylene receives an award for achievements in music throughout her career. Especially for this special occasion, the classic NRJ statuette takes on a new look and its name sounds like a “Diamond” award. It is presented by a specially invited friend Milen, the famous fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier.

Spring 2012. Rumors are beginning to circulate among Russian fans about a new Mylene tour, which should be announced in the coming months. This was reported by the concert agency “Russian Academy of Entertainment” of Andrei Agapov. The whole summer passes in anticipation, some believe the rumors, others don’t. Everything is still shrouded in mystery.

End of September 2012. Mylene delights fans with her appearance on the red carpet on the occasion of the opening of La Cité du Cinéma, the film town of her friend Luc Besson. Everyone notices that Mylene looks great.

Morning of September 27, 2012. Photos of concert posters for 2013 appear like a bolt from the blue. This time, Mylene has surpassed herself in terms of unpredictability. From the poster, instead of the usual red-haired Diva, a blue-eyed, burnt-platinum blonde looks at us, in whom familiar features are hardly recognizable. This photo, which belongs to the hand of Hervé Levis, caused a lot of gossip among the crowd. But, nevertheless, all this fades into the background, since the poster marks the new, long-awaited tour of Mylene Farmer - Timeless 2013!

Following this shocking news, we learn about a new album, in support of which a tour will take place. Consisting of 12 tracks, the music for which was written by Laurent Boutonnat, it is called Monkey me and is expected to be released in December 2012. The first single is already at the end of October! The news could not leave anyone indifferent.

October 22, 2012. As promised, the first single from Mylene’s new album will be released at the end of October - À l "ombre.

November 23, 2012. Pre-listening of the album took place in Paris Monkey me, to which selected fans were invited at random. And even fans who didn't win an invitation to the pre-audition will be in for a surprise that day. Mylene presents a new song - Quand. This lyrical ballad appears on the Internet, decorated with a beautiful and gentle video created by Francois Anse. Almost at the same time, Mylene appears on the cover of the new issue of TV Magazine. It becomes known that she has a new pet, Betty, a four-year-old female gibbon.

December 1, 2012. A new video for the song is shown live on TF1 TV channel À l "ombre. When creating the video, its director, Laurent Boutonnat, was inspired by the works of Olivier de Sagazan. In the video, Milen repeats Sagazan’s experience, based on one of his performances: she smears her face with clay and colored paints.

December 2, 2012. Mylene's weekend on TF1 continues and she appears on Claire Chazal's show, where she gives an interview about upcoming concerts and the new album, from which fans learn that: the title of the new album actually contains a reference to a deceased monkey; By naming the new tour Timeless, Mylène did not mean that it would be the last of her career; the idea of ​​becoming a blonde on posters and covers was completely spontaneous.

December 18, 2012. A new issue of Têtu magazine is being released, with Mylene as the cover hero. In the issue we will find an interview conducted by Jerome Begle, who talked with the singer on the topic of same-sex marriage. The interview is accompanied by photographs from Nathalie Delepine, where Mylene is captured in a tuxedo and with a cigar.

Early 2013. New Year 2013 greets us with great news! Album Monkey me becomes Diamond in France! This means that stores have already sold out more than 500,000 copies of the album. And this happened in less than a month! Mylene's previous studio album Bleu noir also achieved Diamond status, but much longer - 3 months after its release. Thus, this is the first time that Mylene's album rises to such heights in such a short time!

February 2013. And again NRJ Music Awards. Finally, the last doubts about the chosen composition for the ceremony are dispelled. This Je te dis tout. Mylene does not appear on the red carpet. We see her only on stage during the performance of the composition. Red hair is tied with a black ribbon. Many, remembering the image of Milen in Libertine And En concert, regard this as a return of the singer to the roots of her career. Following this event, the Pure Charts website announces the release of Mylene's new single. As expected, this Je te dis tout!

January 29, 2013. On the official website the clip of the same name becomes available for viewing. In it we can observe rich, beautiful landscapes. Mylene appears in the frame along with the horse, which is the main character of the video. Again the black ribbon in the singer’s hair, red gloves on her hands - it’s as if she is indulging in nostalgia, immersing the viewer in it. Director Je te dis tout François Anse performs. According to the details that have emerged, filming took place in Shaali Abbey Park.

Spring 2013. Throughout the spring and summer there has been virtually no news from Mylene, except that she was spotted at a Lana Del Rey concert in May. Apparently, this calm is explained by preparations for the tour. There are also rumors that Mylene was in the USA for some time, where she was choosing dancers for a new show. After a long wait and all sorts of predictions, it finally turns out that the third single from the album Monkey me its theme song has been chosen! At the same time, the single cover is created very in an unusual way- for the first time in Mylene’s entire career, the fans themselves are invited to make it! A special website is being opened for the competition:

September 7, 2013. The Timeless 2013 tour starts, which includes 39 concert dates (10 of them - Bercy in Paris), 14 cities and 5 countries, including Russia and Belarus. The show's budget is more than 30 million euros. Mylene presents a grand cosmic light show featuring dancing robots.

October 7, 2013. The third single of the same name from the album is released Monkey me. The cover of the single features the winning work of the competition for the best cover of one of Mylene's fans.

December 9, 2013. Live album released Timeless 2013 with a circulation of 150,000 copies, as well as the first live single - Diabolique mon ange. The single is sold only on digital media.

March 24, 2014. Mylene's fans congratulate her on the 30th anniversary of her career and buy a page of the Liberation newspaper, which contains an image that refers us to the story more than 20 years ago, when Mylene was supposed to begin her first series of concerts, taking the stage at the Paris Palais des Sports.

March 29, 2014. In one of the next issues of the newspaper, fans receive a response from Mylene to congratulations. She follows their example and buys the strip, on which appears the image of “Lonely Lisa” and the inscription Merci a vous.

March 27, 2014. The concert video was shown in cinemas in France, Belgium and Switzerland Timeless 2013. Le film. Mylene attracts about 100,000 spectators.

May 16, 2014. DVD and Blu-Ray of the film are being released in a circulation of 180,000 copies. The video includes bonuses for the film from Mylene's fans from Russia and Ukraine, and valuable material that was filmed in Moscow and St. Petersburg during the tour.

2015 begins, there is no news from Milen. Fans know that after concerts there is a long period of calm and everyone is plunged into quiet anticipation.

May 15, 2015. Mylene releases another gift for fans - an album of photographs Fragile. More than 90 photographs, artistically rendered by photographer Sylvie Lancrenon, are complemented by excerpts from the lyrics of Mylène's songs.

June 5 - July 31, 2015. At the Acte 2 gallery in Paris, Sylvie opens an exhibition of photographs presented in the book.

At the same time, news appears that Milen has broken her leg and is forced to walk on crutches. This news shocks fans and makes them quite worried.

August 28, 2015. Suddenly news from Polydor appears: Mylene Farmer will record a single with Sting. Performers choose an existing Sting song Stolen car, giving its sound a slight French charm. The new track is mixed by the famous French DJ The Avener.

At the same time it becomes known that Stolen car is the first single from the tenth studio album Interstellaires, which will be released on November 6th.

September 1, 2015. Before the release of the video for the song Stolen car A video from the paparazzi from the filming of the video, which took place in Paris on the Seine embankment, appears online. There we can clearly and quite closely see Mylene in Sting's arms, still moving carefully with the help of crutches.

October 12, 2015. The video comes out Stolen car. Having found new life, the clip blows up the Internet and breaks records for the number of views.

November 6, 2015. The long-awaited album is coming out Interstellaires. It consists of 11 compositions. The music for nine songs is jointly written by Mylène Farmer and Martin Kirzenbaum (founder of the Cherrytree Records label, who previously worked with such artists as Lady Gaga, t.A.T.u., LMFAO, etc.). Separately, we can mention the song City of love, the music for which was also written by American singer, composer and songwriter Matthew Koma. The last time Mylène Farmer wrote music was in 2005 for the song L'amour n'est rien..., which is included in her album Avant que l'ombre...

October 28, 2015. Mylene Farmer's new song from the album becomes available for legal download Interstellaires - Insondables. And then comes an animated video illustrating the song. Insondables does not become an official single.

November 7, 2015. Mylene and Sting appear at the NRJ Music Awards and perform Stolen car.

November 12, 2015. Michel Onfray's book "The North Star" is published, illustrated by Mylène.

December 04, 2015. For the first time in her career, Mylene, accompanied by Sting, appears on American television on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. They perform Stolen car with live sound. Interstellaires is Mylene's first album to be released in the United States on Cherrytree Records, owned by Martin Kirzenbaum.

December 12, 2015. New single from the album Interstellaires becomes City of love.

December 20, 2015. As a gift for the Christmas and New Year holidays, Mylene releases a video for the song City of love. In it, she appears as a creature fallen from heaven with broken wings, searching for “Love.” The director of the video is the French mystical director Pascal Laugier (“Martyrs” (2008), “The Secret (2012)”), specializing in horror films.

March 25, 2016. Single City of love is released on physical media and includes CD and maxi-vinyl formats.

April 2016. It becomes known that Mylène Farmer will star in the next film by Pascal Laugier (video director City of love), which is called Incident in a Ghostland. Filming is scheduled to begin this summer (August) in New York and Toronto. The film will take place sixteen years after the tragedy, upon the return of two sisters to their childhood home. One has built a stable family life in Los Angeles, while the other seems to have lost her mind. It is planned that Mylene will play the role of mother - Colleen. Crystal Reed and Anastasia Phillips are nominated for the role of the two sisters.

Summer 2016. Mylene loses her mother Margaret Gauthier.

October 2016. Filming begins. Filming location: Winnipeg, Canada.

March 15, 2017. Mylene changes her label to Sony music and signs a contract with them. She is leaving Universal music after almost 30 years of collaboration. The transition is due to the departure of Pascal Negre from Universal, who now owns the new #NP label based on Sony. For a long time there has been no news about Mylene, except for fragmentary rumors about the upcoming film and the possible release of a new album.

October 13, 2017. Mylene, accompanied by Benoit di Sabatino, appears at the funeral of the actor Jean Rochefort. The appearance is accompanied by many photos and videos from the paparazzi.

Early 2018 it becomes known that the world premiere of the film Ghostland will take place on March 14, 2018. In Russia, the film will be shown a day later - on March 15.

January 18, 2018. On Twitter of the #NP label, to which Mylène Farmer switched in the spring of 2017, a video appears with a mysterious inscription Rolling stone. According to preliminary information, Mylene's new single may hit radio stations tomorrow morning. In addition, there are rumors about the filming of Mylene's new music video in Prague on January 15 and 16, as well as about a new album in March.

January 19, 2018. Mylene Farmer's new single is out - Rolling stone. A completely new sound and changed vocals of the singer. Mylene manages to blow everyone away again...

Until the age of ten, Mylène Gautier lived with her parents in Montreal, Canada, and then, at the end of her father’s work contract (he was an engineer and helped in the construction of the Manicouagan Dam), she went to the suburbs of Paris. The move was not easy for the future star. Vulnerable and closed, the girl had difficulty making friends, so it was difficult for her to part with her Canadian acquaintances.

In her senior year, the girl was kicked out of school for bad grades, which became the reason to start a new life - she went to the capital for happiness. Mylene managed to try many jobs: she was an assistant to a gynecologist, a saleswoman, but she stayed the longest at a modeling agency, taking photographs for furniture and clothing catalogs. But Mylene’s real dream at that moment was cinema, so she gladly attended theater courses.

Star Trek singer

A fateful meeting for Milen was with the composer and director Laurent Button, who was just looking for a performer for his new song Maman a Tort in the modeling agency where the future star worked. They managed to record a single, and Laurent suggested that his ward take a pseudonym. This is how Mylene Farmer appeared - in honor American actress Frances Farmer, who became famous in the 30s and 40s of the last century not only thanks to her successful roles, but also to her prolonged treatment in a psychiatric clinic. In 1984, the track was published in a circulation of 100 thousand copies and became the best-selling track in France. An English version of the hit Mama Is Wrong is also being released.

On the wave of popularity, Mylene decided to record an album. Her collection Cendres de Lune sold millions of copies in France, Switzerland and Belgium. The public especially liked the song Libertine, in which the performer shamelessly called herself a slut. At the time of the popularity of the first record, Mylene dyed her hair from natural black to red.

Two years after her debut, the album Ainsi soit je... was released, which brought even greater success: Milen received the title of “Artist of the Year” and the role of the French Madonna, and her concerts were sold out. The audience was delighted not only by the girl’s full-blown texts, but also by the singer’s long and intense clips, which told a little story of madness and loneliness.

In 1991, the third album L'Autre was released, the most popular single of which was the hit Désenchantée, which sold a million copies.

At the peak of her popularity, Mylene decided to fulfill her old dream and starred in Laurent Button’s film “Georgino”. The film tells about desperate and cruel people who survived the First World War, and includes all the favorite leitmotifs of the singer’s work: a psychiatric hospital, pain, both physical and spiritual, the tragedy of love. However, despite the efforts the creators put into this film, it failed at the box office. Mylene never succeeded in becoming an actress, but later she lent her voice to Luc Besson’s animated film “Arthur and the Minimoys” and the two parts that followed it.

In 1995, Farmer released a new album, Anamorphosée. In search of a new image, she completely abandoned the gloomy scenery and melancholy lyrics and appeared before the public more cheerful and cheerful.

The next collection, Innamoramento, was released four years later. And in 2000, Milen decided to start producing and, having written the song Moi... Lolita, helped the aspiring singer Alize to promote it.

In 2003, Farmer tried herself in a new role - as a writer. Her philosophical novel “Lisa-Lu and the Storyteller” was published.

Personal life of Mylene Farmer

Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutton are one of the most creative couples in France. And fans have always suspected that these talented people were connected by more than just their careers. However, the singer never commented on these rumors and generally rarely spoke in interviews about her personal life.

Mylene Farmer (Mylene Gaultier born September 12, 1961) is a French singer. She is considered one of the most famous French performers in the world. Her discs invariably sell millions of copies, and her concerts attract thousands of fans.


The star of the French stage was born in 1961 in Canada. The first years of her life were spent in the small town of Pierrefonds, where her father, an engineer by profession, was building a dam. When the girl was a little over 10 years old, her parents decided to move to France.

Despite the fact that the family moved from a remote province to the suburbs of Paris, Milen was not at all happy about such changes. Being very shy and vulnerable, she had a hard time getting along with strangers. Moreover, those few friends who remained in distant Canada were especially dear to her.

In her new place she never got along with anyone. The girl preferred to read about insects and watch them alone.

That's why no one paid special attention that one fine day, already in her senior year, the girl suddenly disappeared. Unexpected for others, but not for herself. In fact, Mylene realized long ago that she wanted to become an actress. Therefore, I saw no point in continuing my education. Instead, the girl went to Paris.

Meeting with Paris

The capital did not wait for Milen with open arms. She had to work hard just to have somewhere to live and eat every day. However, this did not bother the girl. She tried herself in different areas. Most of all she liked being a fashion model. At the same time, she did not forget about her dream and attended acting classes.

Perhaps Mylene would have achieved her goal and become an actress, but alone fateful meeting changed everything.

Producer and composer Laurent Boutonne has been looking for a performer for his new composition for months. However, none of them corresponded to the image that had formed in his head. And it’s unlikely that any of the stars of that time would have had the courage to sing what he had in mind. It was a song about rebellious teenagers who were not satisfied with sexual taboos.

At one of the castings, Bouton saw Mylene. Thus began their many years of fruitful cooperation. The composition “Maman A Tort” was a stunning success. Soon a provocative clip was released, which no TV channel agreed to broadcast. Nevertheless, it seemed that the entire population of France watched it.


Taking advantage of the increased public attention and the resulting excitement, Farmer and Boutonne recorded their first album. “Cendres de Lune” is published in millions of copies and is instantly swept off store shelves. For a novice performer, this was simply an incredible success.

At the same time, Mylene’s unique image is finally taking shape. She dyes her hair red and turns into a charming, fiery rebel. Inexhaustible energy coexists with feminine fragility and mystery. Surprisingly, even after 50, a French woman will look exactly the same.

The album “Ainsi soit je...”, released two years later, consolidated the singer’s success. She was recognized as artist of the year. The third collection was published in 1991. Mylène Farmer filled the halls, her videos were widely watched.


Among all this fuss and thunder of applause, the girl did not forget about her childhood dream. And one day she had the opportunity to implement it. Laurent Boutonne invited his ward to star in his new picture"Georgino." Mylene plunged into the process headlong. However, despite her participation, the film was not a success with audiences.

Mylene no longer tried to become an actress. But everyone who has seen her videos clearly agrees that in fact her dream came true in the best possible way. All the singer’s videos resemble small films that tell fascinating stories.

Mylene Farmer also managed to voice the cartoon heroine. The charming Princess Selenia from Arthur and the Minimoys speaks and sings in her voice.


Mylène Farmer almost never performed songs she wrote herself. However, she always created them. Therefore, in 2000, the singer decided to give them life. And for this she started promoting the young and unknown performer Alize.

The song “Moi... Lolita” was such a wild success that it almost surpassed Farmer’s own hits in popularity.


Mylene Farmer also tried herself as a writer. In 2003, her book “Lisa-Lou and the Storyteller” was published.

Unlike most of her colleagues, the singer did not publish opuses about her beloved self. Her novel is filled with kind, light colors and talks in a philosophical form about the beauty of friendship.

Personal life

Mylène Farmer has never been shy about baring herself for a huge number of video clips and photo shoots. However, she never revealed her soul and personal life to the world. Almost nothing is known about the latter.

The public always attributed Mylene to an affair with Boutonne, but the singer never commented on this matter.

In 2002, the singer met director Benoit di Sabatino. From then until now, the couple has not separated.

Mylène Farmer remains one of the most successful performers of our time. Despite the fact that she performs most of her compositions on French, she is known and loved all over the world.

IN school years Marie was unsociable and had practically no friends. The young Canadian spent her free time alone with a book or in the company of yard boys, for whom a short-haired girl named Gauthier was “their guy.”

Passionate about horse riding, Marie dreamed of becoming an equestrian instructor or an actress, but before taking any steps towards her dream, she managed to work as a nurse in a gynecological department and as a salesperson in a shoe store.

The wayward girl dropped out of college in her senior year, and in 1979 she moved to Paris. There she began modeling, and before starring in Laurent Bouton's film Giorgino, she managed to become familiar to viewers in Ikea and Fiskars commercials.

When Mylene turned 22, Boutonne invited her to sing the song Maman a tort (“Mom is wrong”), which brought her first fame. Having recorded several more compositions, the young people began knocking on the thresholds of record companies. In 1984, Farmer's first disc, Maman a tort, was released, which became no less successful than the title track. However, the next album by the aspiring singer, On est tous des imbeciles (“We are all idiots”), was not entirely understood by the public.

In 1986, twenty-five-year-old Milen, who changed her image by becoming fiery red-haired, performed the composition Libertine (“Little Woman”), which had previously been intended for another singer. The song, for which a colorful video was shot, filled with erotic scenes, instantly made Farmer a star. The album Cendres de lune ("Moon Ash"), released the same year, was also a stunning success.

Already at the end of 1989, Mylene Farmer was recognized in France as the best singer of the year. By that time, the singer had released a double live album, En concert. In 1991, the singer’s third studio album, L’Autre, was released. In 1995-96, Mylène worked on a new album, Anamorphosée, and completely changed her image and musical style, moving away from melancholy and gothic.

In 1999, Mylène Farmer presented listeners with her new album Innamoramento, and in 2005 her disc Avant que l’ombre was released. In September 2006, Mylene recorded a duet with Moby Slipping Away (Crier la vie). Following which she gave her voice to Princess Selenia in the animated film by Luc Besson "Arthur and the Minimoys", as well as for the next two films, "Arthur and the Revenge of Urdalak" (2009) and "Arthur and the War of Two Worlds" (2010). After which she starred in the film L’Ombre Des Autres (“The Shadow of Others”) based on the novel by her best friend Nathalie Rheims.

In August 2008, Farmer's seventh album Point de suture was released, two years later the album Bleu noir was presented, where Laurent Boutonne was no longer listed as a composer - instead the music was written by Moby, RedOne and Darius Keeler from the British group Archive. In 2012, the 9th studio album Monkey Me was released, and in December 2013 the live album Timeless 2013 was released.

Personal life

The singer's personal life is shrouded in secrecy. It is only known that for ten years she had an affair with Laurent Boutonne, who made the young Canadian a star of the French and world stage. In 1984, a 23-year-old directing student, Boutonne, wandered into the modeling agency where Mylene was then working in search of a performer for the song Maman a tort he had written.

The red-haired diva was also credited with an affair with the black soul singer Seal, with whom they recorded the duet Les mots in 2001. Farmer now lives with producer Benoit Di Sabatino. The singer has no children.

Interesting facts

In 2003 she wrote the book Lisa-Loup et le conteur ("Lisa-Loup and the Storyteller")

Mylene's name was a combination of "Marie" and "Helene", and she borrowed her surname from one of her favorite actresses, Frances Farmer.

As a child, on Sundays I went to the hospital to visit sick children. This became a tough test for the psyche of a ten-year-old girl. Since then Mylene hates Sundays

Until the age of 14 she was mistaken for a boy

The start of the singer’s creative journey was the counting song “Mom is Wrong” (Maman a tort)

From the very first song Mylene is not allowed to pass by censorship

Gained widespread popularity thanks to the video for the song "Little Woman", lasting eleven minutes on thirty-five millimeter film.

In 1988, sales of the album Ainsi soit je reached the then fabulous figure of 600,000 copies, ahead of U2 and Michael Jackson

The singer flatly refused to comment on the murder of her secretary at the Polydor studio by a mad fan

Nicknames Teams

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Start of a career

During this period, she met director Laurent Boutonnat, and the author of her debut single “Maman a tort” (“Mom is wrong”), which became the best-selling French disc in 1984, was Jerome Daan. In 1986, the singer's first album was released - Cendres de Lune. Mylene Farmer - appeared on the album cover. The pseudonym Farmer was taken in honor of Frances Farmer, Mylene’s favorite actress; as for the name, Mylene decided not to change it. “Libertine” (“Libertine”) is a song that became a turning point in Mylene’s career from this album. The video, shot in 18th-century style with a budget of about 500,000 francs, was a resounding success in France. In 1987, the single “Tristana” was released. On October 16, 1987, the hit “Sans contrefaçon” (“No lies”) was released. The song, which talks about the duality of the sexes, is an instant success. The clip develops it even more and raises sales to 500,000 copies. The single “Ainsi soit je...” (“This is how I am...”) was released in March 1988, followed by the album of the same name. On November 19, Mylene received her first musical victory - she was chosen as the best singer of the year, and the following year, during one tour, Mylene held ten concerts in Paris (eight at the Palais des Sports and two at the Bercy), all tickets for which were sold out. And after its completion, the double live album “En concert” is immediately released. On September 12, the third single “Pourvu qu’elles soient douces” (“If only they were gentle”) was released. The expensive seventeen-minute video continues the storyline of “Libertine”; when it was released, it had the effect of a bomb exploding.

Anamorphosee (1995-1997)

After the failure of Giorgino, Milen leaves for the USA. In California, Mylene is working on a new album Anamorphosee and completely changes his image and musical style. There are still traces of the old melancholy in some songs, but the main tone of the album is light, with a clean guitar rock sound. The tour in support of the album also took place in the complete absence of dark gothic decorations, only light decorations. 5 singles were released from the album: “XXL”, “L" Instant X”, “California”, “Comme j”ai mal” and “Rêver”.

Innamoramento (1998-2000)

After the 1996 tour and the release of a video version of the concert - Live a Bercy- there was a lull, and only in April 1999 Mylène Farmer presented her new album to listeners Innamoramento. On September 21, 1999, Mylene's new tour began - Mylenium Tour, which was done on a large scale and was a success. Mylenium tour recognized as the best concert-performance over the last 30 years on the world pop stage [[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] . As part of the tour, Mylene Farmer visited Russia with concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg on March 4-8, 2000.

In 2003, Mylene published her first book, Lisa-Lou and the Storyteller. The philosophical tale was illustrated by the singer herself.

Alize (2000-2004)

In 2000, Farmer and Boutonnat were looking for young talent to participate in a joint project. Soon they noticed the aspiring singer Alize and offered to participate in the project. Mylène and Laurent wrote and produced albums for her Gourmandises And Mes Courants Electriques. The single “Moi... Lolita”, for which Mylene wrote the lyrics, was a huge success.

Les mots (2001-2003)

At the end of 2001 and 17 years of musical career, Universal publishes the first collection of the singer's best songs Les Mots, the first single from which was the song of the same name, recorded in a duet with the English singer Seal. The disc contains most of the singer's hits and three new songs. The collection was a resounding success, receiving diamond status: more than 1.5 million copies were sold in France alone.

Avant que l'ombre… (2004-2006)

In December 2004, after a long period of silence, Farmer held a press conference to announce her new album. Avant que l'ombre…. In April 2005, the album was released. Next comes a single with the scandalous title “Fuck Them All”. Scandalous, rude and provocative, it nevertheless quickly became a hit on radio stations, including in Russia. The video of the same name was filmed in snowy Romania by director Augustin Villaronga. The album turned out to be more acoustic than the previous ones. It sold 800,000 copies, which confirms the singer’s success abroad, especially in Eastern Europe and Russia, where the composition “L’Amour n’est rien...” (“Love is nothing...”) was a great success. In September 2006, Mylene recorded a duet with Moby - “Slipping Away (Crier la vie)”. A series of concerts took place in January 2006 Avant que l’ombre… à Bercy. Soon, Mylene voiced Princess Selenia in the animated film by Luc Besson “Arthur and the Minimoys”, as well as for the next two films, “Arthur and the Revenge of Urdalak” (2009) and “Arthur and the War of Two Worlds” (2010). After this, Mylene again goes into the shadows, saying in a television interview that she is preparing to film the film “Shadow of Others.” (French)Russian"Based on the novel by Natalie Reims, her best friend.

Point de suture (2007-2008)

2001.2011 (2011)

On November 7, 2011, the singer released a new single, “Du temps”, which was included in the album 2001.2011 , which is a collection of Mylène Farmer's singles from the last ten years. As fundamentally new songs, in addition to “Du temps”, one more appears (“Sois moi - be me”). The collection was released on December 5, 2011.

Monkey Me (2012-2013)


Studio albums

  • Cendres de Lune (1986)
  • Ainsi soit je... (1988)
  • L"Autre... (1991)
  • Anamorphosee (1995)
  • Innamoramento (1999)
  • Avant que l"ombre (2005)
  • Point de suture (2008)
  • Bleu Noir (2010)
  • Monkey Me (2012)
  • Interstellaires (2015)

Concert tours

  • Tour 89 (1989)
  • Tour 1996 de Mylène Farmer (1996)
  • Mylenium Tour (1999-2000)
  • Avant que l’ombre… à Bercy (2006)
  • Tourney 2009 (2009)
  • Timeless 2013 (2013)


  • Arthur and the Minimoys (Princess Selenia (2006)
  • Arthur and Urdalak's Revenge (Princess Selenia (voice in French version)) (2009)
  • Arthur and the war of two worlds (Princess Selenia (voice in French version)) (2010)


  • Lisa-Loup et le conteur (Lisa-Loup and the Storyteller), 2003

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Excerpt characterizing Farmer, Mylene

I had an eerie feeling that time had stopped and we were both outside of it at that moment. It was as if someone had placed us both in a glass ball in which there was neither life nor time... And then I felt all the hairs on my head stand on end. I will never forget this feeling, even if I live a hundred years!.. I saw a transparent luminous essence that came out of my grandfather’s body and, floating up to me, began to gently flow into me... At first I was very scared, but immediately felt a soothing warmth and for some reason I realized that nothing bad could happen to me. The essence flowed in a luminous stream, flowing easily and softly into me, and became smaller and smaller, as if “melting” little by little... And I felt my body huge, vibrating and unusually light, almost “flying”.
It was a moment of merging with something extraordinarily significant, comprehensive, something incredibly important to me. And then there was a terrible, all-consuming pain of loss... Which washed over like a black wave, sweeping away any attempt I made to resist it... I cried so much during the funeral that my parents began to fear that I would get sick. The pain completely took over my childish heart and did not want to let go. The world seemed frighteningly cold and empty... I couldn’t come to terms with the fact that my grandfather would now be buried and I would never see him again!.. I was angry with him for leaving me, and angry with myself for not being able to save. Life was cruel and unfair. And I hated her for having to bury him. This is probably why these were the first and last funerals that I attended in my entire life. later life

Afterwards, I couldn’t come to my senses for a very long time, I became withdrawn, and spent a lot of time alone, which saddened all my family to the core. But, little by little, life took its toll. And, after some time, I slowly began to emerge from that deeply isolated state into which I had plunged myself, and from which it turned out to be very, very difficult... My patient and loving parents tried to help me as best they could. But with all their efforts, they did not know that I was truly no longer alone - that, after all my experiences, an even more unusual and fantastic world suddenly opened up to me than the one in which I had already lived for some time. . A world that surpassed any imaginable fantasy in its beauty, and which (again!) was given to me with its extraordinary essence by my grandfather. This was even more amazing than everything that happened to me before. But for some reason this time I didn’t want to share it with anyone...
Days passed by. In my everyday life, I was an absolutely normal six-year-old child, who had my own joys and sorrows, desires and sorrows and such unfulfillable rainbow childhood dreams... I chased pigeons, loved going to the river with my parents, played children's badminton with friends, helped, to the best of my ability, with my mother and grandmother in the garden, I read my favorite books and learned to play the piano. In other words, she lived the most normal, ordinary life of all small children. The only trouble was that by that time I already had two Lives... It was as if I lived in two completely different worlds: the first was ours ordinary world, in which we all live every day, and the second was my own “hidden” world, in which only my soul lived. It became more and more difficult for me to understand why what was happening to me was not happening to any of my friends?
I began to notice more often that the more I shared my “incredible” stories with someone from my environment, the more often they felt a strange alienation and unchildish wariness. It hurt and it made me very sad. Children are curious, but they don't like the unknown. They always try as quickly as possible with their childish minds to get to the bottom of what is happening, acting on the principle: “what is it and what do they eat it with?”... And if they cannot understand it, it becomes “alien” for their everyday environment and is very quickly fades into oblivion. This is how I started to become a little “alien”...
I gradually began to understand that my mother was right in advising me not to tell my friends about everything. But I just couldn’t understand why they didn’t want to know this, because it was so interesting! So, step by step, I came to the sad understanding that I must not be exactly like everyone else. When I once asked my mother about this “head-on”, she told me that I shouldn’t be sad, but on the contrary, I should be proud, because this is a special talent. To be honest, I couldn’t understand what kind of talent it was that all my friends were shying away from?.. But it was reality and I had to live with it. Therefore, I tried to somehow adapt to it and tried to talk as little as possible about my strange “opportunities and talents” among my acquaintances and friends...
Although sometimes it slipped against my will, as, for example, I often knew what would happen on this or that day or hour with one or another of my friends and wanted to help them by warning them about it. But, to my great surprise, they preferred not to know anything and got angry with me when I tried to explain something to them. Then I realized for the first time that not all people like to hear the truth, even if this truth could somehow help them... And this discovery, unfortunately, brought me even more sadness.

Six months after my grandfather's death, an event occurred that, in my opinion, deserves special mention. It was a winter night (and winters in Lithuania at that time were very cold!). I had just gone to bed when I suddenly felt a strange and very soft “calling”. It was as if someone was calling me from somewhere far away. I got up and went to the window. The night was very quiet, clear and calm. The deep snow cover shone and shimmered with cold sparks throughout the sleeping garden, as if the reflection of many stars was calmly weaving its sparkling silver web on it. It was so quiet, as if the world had frozen in some strange lethargic sleep...
Suddenly, right in front of my window, I saw the glowing figure of a woman. It was very tall, over three meters, absolutely transparent and sparkled, as if it was woven from billions of stars. I felt a strange warmth emanating from her, which enveloped me and seemed to call me somewhere. The stranger waved her hand, inviting him to follow her. And I went. The windows in my room were very large and low, non-standard by normal standards. At the bottom they reached almost to the ground, so I could freely crawl out at any time. I followed my guest without the slightest fear. And what was very strange was that I didn’t feel the cold at all, although it was twenty degrees below zero outside at that moment, and I was only in my children’s nightgown.
The woman (if you can call her that) again waved her hand, as if inviting him to follow her. I was very surprised that the normal “moon road” suddenly changed its direction and “followed” the stranger, as if creating a luminous path. And I realized that I had to go there. So I followed my guest all the way to the forest. Everywhere there was the same aching, frozen silence. Everything around sparkled and shimmered in a silent radiance moonlight. The whole world seemed to freeze in anticipation of what was about to happen. The transparent figure moved on, and I, as if spellbound, followed it. The feeling of cold still did not appear, although, as I later realized, I had been walking barefoot all this time. And what was also very strange was that my feet did not sink into the snow, but seemed to float along the surface, leaving no traces on the snow...
Finally we came to a small round clearing. And there... illuminated by the moon, unusually tall, sparkling figures stood in a circle. They were very similar to people, only absolutely transparent and weightless, just like my unusual guest. They were all wearing long, flowing robes that looked like shimmering white cloaks. The four figures were male, with completely white (possibly gray), very long hair, intercepted by brightly glowing hoops on the forehead. And two female figures who were very similar to my guest, with the same long hair and a huge sparkling crystal in the middle of the forehead. The same calming warmth emanated from them and I somehow understood that nothing bad could happen to me.

I don’t remember how I found myself in the center of this circle. I only remember how suddenly brightly glowing green rays came from all these figures and connected right on me, in the area where my heart should have been. My whole body began to quietly “sound”... (I don’t know how it would be possible to more accurately define my state at that time, because it was precisely the sensation of sound inside). The sound became stronger and stronger, my body became weightless and I hung above the ground just like these six figures. The green light became unbearably bright, completely filling my entire body. There was a feeling of incredible lightness, as if I was about to take off. Suddenly a dazzling rainbow flashed in my head, as if a door had opened and I saw some completely unfamiliar world. The feeling was very strange - as if I had known this world for a very long time and at the same time, I had never known it.
As my husband later explained to me, at that moment I saw the Sacred Daaria, the distant and amazing ancestral home of our ancestors. But then I was just a little girl and saw only a crystal city of extraordinary beauty, similar to one of the amazing cities of my fairy tales... Then these visions suddenly disappeared and others appeared, completely incomprehensible. A powerful sparkling stream of some unfamiliar signs floated before my eyes, similar to strange and very beautiful letters... (which I learned much later, reading the ancient Slavic Vedas). I saw a huge crystal staircase, so high that it seemed as if it was going to nowhere. And one of the six showed that I should follow it upward.
It was extraordinary - I didn’t feel my body at all, it was completely weightless! At the very top, six more tall luminous figures were waiting, on the head of one of which a crown sparkled of amazing beauty. It shone and shimmered with millions of colors (which I had never seen on Earth!) and changed shape all the time. Then, of course, I found out that these were just energy structures of a very high essence (which most often resemble a crown), but then it was truly absolutely extraordinary and painfully beautiful...
I again somehow found myself in a circle, only now there were already twelve luminous figures around me. Again an amazing sound was heard. And I saw myself in a strange crystal egg, which seemed to be assembled from many diamond crystals. The figures disappeared somewhere, and only I was left. Suddenly, each of these crystals began to glow brightly and I felt completely “holey.” It was as if millions of holes suddenly opened in my body, through which some strange warm music poured into me from each crystal. It felt so amazingly good that I wanted to cry... I didn’t remember anything else.
I woke up in the morning in my room, perfectly remembering every detail of what happened the previous night and absolutely knowing that it was not a dream or my imagination, but that it was real and real - as it has always been with me. But even if I really wanted to doubt it, subsequent events would have completely erased my most skeptical childhood thoughts, even if I had any.

My strange “walks” were now repeated every night. I no longer went to bed, but was looking forward to when, finally, everyone in the house would fall asleep and everything around would plunge into the deep silence of the night, so that I could (without fear of being “caught”) once again completely immerse myself in that extraordinary and mysterious , a “different” world that I’m almost used to being in. I was waiting for my new “friends” to appear and each time given anew amazing miracle. And although I never knew which of them would come, I always knew that they would certainly come... And whichever one of them came, he would again give me another fabulous moment, which I would treasure in my memory for a very long time , like in a closed magic chest, the keys to which only I had...