Become a singer at 16 years old. The first steps of an aspiring singer: tips for establishing a creative career

Previously, everyone from childhood dreamed of becoming teachers or doctors, but no one thought about becoming a singer. Although some people have had certain skills since childhood. Nowadays, almost everyone dreams of being a singer, even those who have neither talent nor abilities. This is evidenced by music shows in which the most different people. Some people dream of being famous and famous, and for others it’s enough just to appear on the silver screen and already become known to the whole world.

How can a girl evaluate her vocal abilities and understand whether she is capable or not of being a professional singer? After all, all her singing in karaoke and in the company of friends does not count; friends and acquaintances may be delighted with her performance, they may compliment her, but they do not have a special musical education.

If a girl really wants to become a singer, then she should not participate in a talent show, but get music education. Don't forget that being a singer is actually not easy. Someone might think that nothing could be simpler - open your mouth and sing whatever your heart desires, and they also pay money for it. But even with excellent vocal abilities, the profession of a singer requires enormous effort, patience and extraordinary work. For an artist who goes on stage, it is very important not only to have hearing and voice, but also charisma and a pleasant appearance. The singer must be artistic, smiling, be able to move correctly on stage, which means she must have an excellent sense of rhythm.

When a singer has her own “zest”, her own charm, and difference from others, then she is remembered by the viewer. And it’s memorable a large number people. And it’s not always just about the voice, because it can be some mannerisms or special movements, even the performance of songs can be unusually beautiful and non-standard.

For example, Zemfira was remembered precisely for her unusual performance of songs. She knows what she sings about, but the listener cannot always understand the meaning of her songs, and this is what makes her unique. She performs her songs in an interesting way, so people are interested in her performance and listen to her songs with great pleasure. The Mumiy Troll group also became famous for its unconventional performance of songs. And even if someone doesn’t like them and are terribly annoying, one cannot but agree that they are talented guys, and most importantly, memorable personalities.

Now if you imagine anyone popular singer or a singer, then there will definitely be their extraordinary features that distinguish them from others. Even the timbre of the voice is already familiar to every listener; no one will ever confuse the voice of Philip Kirkorov, Sofia Rotaru, Irina Allegrova, Kai Metov, Larisa Dolina, Alla Pugacheva, Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov and many others famous performers. Every person remembers them and always recognizes them by their voice. And maybe not only by their voice, because they can have their own “zest”. A girl who dreams of becoming a singer must find something in herself that is different from other singers. She shouldn’t copy her favorite performers, she’s an individual, she’s the only one.

Many try to gain fame by writing their songs, which they demonstrate in their performance. When he performs his own song, and not the song of a famous singer, no one compares him to anyone, he is the only one and this is his advantage. Even those people who take part in music shows make a big mistake by performing long-known songs. The jury that evaluates them will no longer surprise, especially original performance It prevents them from adequately assessing the contestant. If a person sings a song by Pugacheva, then Pugacheva’s performance will be heard, and if a Vysotsky song is heard, then Vladimir Vysotsky’s performance will also be heard. There must be something unique in the performance of the contestant.

For example, one person can change the arrangement of a song, thereby giving it a newness that you won’t even immediately understand who performed this song. And it’s great when a person is able to sing a popular song in such a way that it seems unknown to others. Other people may not make special arrangements, but simply a girl can sing a “male” song, that is, the song that the singer performed. Thus, the song also seems to have novelty, because it is performed by female voice, not male. And if no one has heard this song performed by a woman before, this is also a great “trick” to become a unique singer.

A girl who dreams of becoming a singer must find something special in herself in intonations, movements, and emotions. She must really evaluate herself as a whole, not deny her shortcomings, but also not underestimate her merits, see her real vocal and external data, her abilities and skills. If a girl does not harbor illusions, but is able to adequately evaluate herself from the outside, then she has a greater chance of achieving good results and soon achieving her goal.

"Dance while you're young..."

If we talk about dancing, then the singer’s movements should be rhythmic, because if there is no rhythm in the dance, the performer will look awkward. And when a singer sings beautifully and moves rhythmically during her performance, this is a skillful and winning combination. After all, singing and dancing at the same time is difficult, and not every professional singer can do it. Here you can use some “trick”, come up with some unusual dance movement which no one can repeat.

For example, everyone recognizes Oleg Gazmanov by his voice, but he is also distinguished by his energy, mobility, and cheerfulness. He jumps and jumps on stage like a boy, he is always in sports shape, despite his age. He was remembered by the audience as one of the most athletic and positive artists.

Down with timidity and embarrassment!

A girl who dreams of becoming a singer must understand that she will be in full view all the time, and a large audience will look at her, which means there should simply be no embarrassment or timidity. Only a confident girl can captivate the audience with her beautiful voice. And if she is timid, then even beautiful voice will not sound, and every viewer will hear these trembling notes in the voice. To be bold on stage and not tremble while performing songs, you need to train your voice in karaoke bars and be sure to experiment with style and sound.


An attractive artist is a winning position and the key to his success. But, really, not always. For some, appearance is the main advantage, but for others it does not play any role. But it cannot be denied that charming external data is still some kind of reward for the artist, thanks to which he achieves incredible success.

If a girl who dreams of becoming a singer does not have pleasant appearance, then she can visit a beauty salon or gym to improve herself. If a girl is confident in herself, then she can be successful.

First you need to become open to people, not be afraid of direct gaze and be able to look into the eyes of another person for a long time. Moreover, when looking into the eyes of another person, do not try to avert your gaze and do not lower your eyes to the side; let the other person do this. In this way, a person develops self-confidence.

Another way to develop confidence is to be able to express your opinion in public without any fear, without being afraid that someone will laugh. If a person knows those people who do not believe in him and do not value him, then there is no need to prove anything to them, but you just need to ignore such people and stay away from them. A person must be able to appreciate himself, treat himself with respect and mentally thank himself for the results he has achieved. And most importantly, do not forget to bring goodness to people: the more you give to others, the more you receive in return.

As mentioned earlier, a person will be able to express himself in at its best, if you know how to write poetry or write music, even the talent of remaking ready-made poems can be very useful. And it’s good if a person has such a gift, and does not try to learn it. Nothing will work like that.

It is believed that you need to start with poetry, and based on these poems, create lyrics for songs. Many pop singers that's what they do. The song “A Candle Was Burning on the Table,” performed by Alla Pugacheva, was written to a poem by Boris Pasternak. Moreover, Pugacheva not only became the first performer of this song, she is the author of the music for the lyrics of this song.

Alla Borisovna is a very talented and versatile person, so there are many songs that she wrote herself. After all, the texts own composition reflect the singer’s feelings and emotions more deeply and expressively than the text written by someone else. If a girl is still only dreaming of her fame and popularity, first she needs to record a video with beautiful performance songs of which she is the author and place them in social networks. And from now on, you can upload new videos every time that are dedicated to her creative activities.

If a girl really turns out to be talented, she will definitely receive positive feedback from users, who often express their thoughts and share their impressions. It is possible that a girl may receive a tempting offer to develop her career. In any case, someone will already know about the girl, she can become very popular on the Internet.

You can also take your unique song to the radio. If management is interested in it, they will definitely install it. You shouldn’t miss a single opportunity if you really want to become famous - let both your acquaintances and random people. And it doesn’t matter at all on what forum or website they learned about her talent.

The girl doesn’t just post videos of her performing her original songs. She does this in order to be noticed. And approving reviews are not enough for her; she dreams of a career and popularity. This means she wants to be noticed by a creative music producer. But just sitting and waiting for “weather from the sea” is not effective way, you need to do at least something yourself. For example, call all your friends and acquaintances, maybe some of them know the right people. On the Internet you can find a production center that will be of most interest to you.

The girl needs to decide on the direction of music (jazz, classical, pop or rock music). It is very important what kind of creative work she will do, since there are no producers who specialize in different directions. As a rule, the producer has one direction.

A girl who wants to be a professional singer must have completed musical education. But if there is no musical education, but there is hearing and vocal abilities, the girl will be trained by those professionals who recognize talent in her. And the most important thing is that the girl works hard. Only through hard work is she able to announce herself to the whole world.

Correct breathing

Don’t forget that to become a singer it is not enough to have only vocal and external abilities, but what about breathing? You need to learn to breathe correctly. For example, to sing high notes, you need to train your breathing. There are even special exercises for singers, where they learn to sing using their emotional state and breathing. And with the help of a facial massage you can warm up the vocal apparatus.

A girl who has set herself the goal of becoming a singer must have reasons for this. If she doesn’t know the answer to the question: “Why do you want to become a singer?”, then she will never become a singer. She must have an explanation for her desire. Moreover, the girl will have to go through difficult tests. Great competition awaits her, which means a huge number of talented and creative people, which have a number of advantages. The struggle will be long, everyone will want to prove that he is worthy of first place on the popularity podium.

The most difficult thing is to believe in a dream, but realizing it is a matter of technique, step-by-step instructions and wisely invested investments. You can handle the first one yourself, but we will help you bring what you want to life.


To record a song in your own voice, you need to put on that same voice. To do this, it is best to contact private vocal teachers. A good teacher will be able not only to expand your singing range, but also advise in which direction to move and how to become famous singer. Training time depends on natural abilities, goals and diligence.


The next step is choosing a song. Knowing and respecting copyrights, we immediately reject the path of plagiarism. Our option: either a song of our own composition, or a ready-made “turnkey” song. This means that the words, music and arrangement will be created just for you. Then there will be recording, mixing the voice and music and, if required, overdubbing backing vocals. The cost of services varies: as you understand, the more famous the author or production center, the more expensive it is. Small studios will charge a relatively fair price for writing a song with the transfer of a non-exclusive right to perform (this is when the composition you bought and recorded can be legally sung by other people) - no more than 20-35 thousand rubles. If you have your own material, you will only have to pay for the rental of equipment, the work of a sound engineer and arranger.

Broadcast on the radio

Now we have to solve the equation: how can an aspiring performer get on a radio station.
Music for broadcast is selected by the program director and music editor. If your song makes an impression on them, ends up in the station's format and has the potential to be a hit in the future, it will most likely be heard on the airwaves. But not all forecasts come true. It seemed that the composition had every chance of flying to the top of the charts, but it didn’t even reach 30th place.
“This is a normal situation,” says Ilya Efimov, program director of BEST FM (previously program director of DFM and Monte Carlo), “only 100% hits cannot be played on air. There should also be passable tracks... In general, I have more than once included unknown artists on the air if I saw potential in them - this is the most important thing. No amount of money is enough to promote mediocrity.”


Vitaly Starykh, music editor of Hit FM: “Not a single radio station will broadcast a bad song for money. This will immediately affect the ratings (you can’t fool the listener) and, as a result, the volume of advertising. At the same time, radio is in no hurry to broadcast unknown, even interesting, performers. What to do? A newcomer needs to attract as much attention as possible, create a buzz around his name: using the Internet, print media, TV. You can involve friends and forums in promotion.

Vocal teacher
1.5 thousand rubles. x 2 times a week
x 6 months = 72 thousand rubles.
A turnkey song purchased from famous authors or a large production center (words + music)
From 10 thousand.e.
Recording in a large recording studio: recording vocals and instruments, arrangement, mixing, vocal editing, backing vocals, session musicians
From 5 thousand.e.
Professional PR promotion of a beginning artist (media publications, presentations, special events)
Price is negotiable. Presumably from 50 thousand.e.
Radio rotation
from 60,000 USD
Writing your own song
For free.
A turnkey song purchased from unknown authors (words + music), with the transfer of non-exclusive copyright
From 20 thousand rubles.
Renting equipment from a little-known or local recording studio
From 30-35 thousand rubles.
From friends
Free or for a minimal fee.
Self-PR (attracting attention to a new artist using your own efforts accessible ways)
Starting investments
from 5 thousand rubles.
Radio rotation
Free if the radio station is interested.
from 60,000 rub.
*The prices are approximate based on data published in open sources and announced in personal conversations.

How to become a popular singer, Denis Fokin told

A singer is not easy beautiful girl from the cover, this is, first of all, a profession. If you want to succeed in it, you need to work a lot on yourself and on the basic qualities that a professional singer should have. So where to start:

  • Audition with a vocal teacher. This person will definitely determine whether you have musical abilities, talent, do you need to practice singing or is it not your thing. In addition, it will help you decide on the genre of performance that is most suitable for you (rock, pop, jazz, folk singing etc.)
  • If the voice is in order, we work on developing charisma, charm and on appearance/image, plasticity. Good voice should be presented beautifully and interestingly to the audience. You must become special, unique, unlike other singers. They should want to see and hear you again and again. Good example for you, this is Justin Bieber - a simple boy who became famous thanks to his voice and charm, but really succeeded after serious studies in dance studio, gym and after a change of image.
  • Participate in amateur activities at the city level, gradually moving to the district and country levels. Take notes of your performances, analyze what you don’t like and hone your skills.
  • Record a few songs in the studio and send them to all possible music companies, post your recordings on the Internet, try to get on local radio - you never know where luck will smile on you.
  • Develop perseverance, will and faith in yourself. The singer's path is full of difficulties and failures. Only with true faith in success will you get to the music TOP.

How to become an opera singer

  • Already from early years train your vocal cords, sing in a classical choir and, if possible, study at a music school.
  • Listen to a collection of classic opera works, read the history of the formation of famous opera singers.
  • Be sure to get a specialized musical education at the conservatory; give preference to the old school and experienced, age-appropriate teachers.
  • Explore foreign languages and culture for the most correct pronunciation when singing foreign works.

How to become a singer for a child

In the case of children, a special burden and responsibility falls on the shoulders of the parents. It is very important here that it is the child himself who wants to sing, and not his parents. If you have a desire to become a pop star, then all that’s left is to give your child the opportunity to develop and participate in song competitions.

Find a good teacher who practices various kinds of creative trips and musical performances in public. Always be there and don’t skimp on praise - this is the best boost for creativity!

How to become a pop singer

A pop singer is an image of an eternally young, successful, beautiful and singing woman. Not all pop singers today can boast of outstanding talent, but newspapers and fashion magazines constantly write about them, and they are discussed on the Internet and on the radio. How to achieve this?

  • Much attention is paid appearance and frequent changes of images.
  • Popularity is achieved not only through singing, but also through active work off the stage, PR, black PR.
  • Participation in different projects on television in order to reach the largest possible audience.

In other words, pop singer must also be a versatile personality, be able to create intrigue, be unpredictable and always a little mysterious. Try it on yourself different images, experiment, be a little actress!

How to become a popular, famous singer

Unfortunately, neither a beautiful voice nor the implementation of all the above recommendations guarantees popularity. In any case, promotion will be needed. You can, of course, find an experienced producer or PR manager who will professionally promote you, but this pleasure is very expensive. There is an alternative - there are many show programs on television in which you can announce yourself throughout the country and become popular almost instantly.

Cheap and cheerful, but the result can exceed all your expectations! Also, create a page and constantly upload yours there best works and popularity will not keep you waiting!

People are born capable of making sounds. Each has its own individual timbre, speed of speech, and volume. Many people sing. These actions are similar to meditation; they put the body into a different state: either calm it down, or, conversely, add energy and liveliness. In ancient times, ancestors believed that the soul itself sings in a person and singing is its natural state.
People sing for themselves to express their feelings. Some people like to sing for others. And there is a group of people who simply need listeners, and singing is their life. Such people become modern world singers. But how?

American singer Taylor Swift

How to become a singer: goal setting

Many of those who chose the stage for themselves grew up in a family of composers, producers, actors and musicians. They learned a love for music from their family, and they received their first recognition and support from their family. We studied since childhood musical art and vocals, went to music school. And some grew up in the most ordinary families, where music was not a professional craft. But a calling will find a person everywhere. Every family has a TV and a tape recorder, computers, and all this technology brings sounds to us every day, and often singing.
If someone wants to become a singer (most often it is girls who want this), and there are all the prerequisites for making the desire come true: a voice, love for the stage, a thirst for attention, you must first set a goal for yourself. To make it clear where to move next. Each person has his own level of ambition, dreams of small or big. Therefore, you need to clearly define from the very beginning: how high you want to rise and shine. Some want to sing in bars, others are close to backing vocals, others want to join the big pop stage, others love rock and can even perform on the street at first, others dream of opera and have enough strong voice for this. Everyone sees themselves differently as a singer. You need to decide: where you want to sing, after what time and how much money you want to earn with your voice. Once the goal is set, the means to achieve it are put into action.

Working on yourself

Reading biographies bright stars, you can see that they were somehow different from everyone else. Each has its own character, style, and its own special effectiveness. But talented girls and women still have something in common. What allowed them to reach Olympus.
This is perseverance, the desire to go to the end and not stop in the face of difficulties and obstacles. This is ultra-high performance, the ability to sleep 2-3 hours a day, achieving the desired effect. People are not capable of this unless they are passionate about a particular cause. It is the persistent desire for singing and music that can provide you with open doors on the way to conquering the stage and the sympathy of listeners.
You need to develop strong-willed qualities, tune in to the positive course of events, learn to overcome fears and doubts.
It’s also a good idea to work on your external appearance: strictly evaluate your style, manners, movements; understand how much all this corresponds to your image of a future singer.
Realize how developed your sense of rhythm is. You may need to take dance classes or enroll in dance school, because a modern pop diva is not only her voice, but also fiery, attractive, energetic or smooth movements.
Understanding the lives that stars lead is also important. If a girl is ready to be on tour most of the time, live in hotels, be on constant travel, flights, lack of sleep and overwork, observe harsh conditions contract, then this job is for her. The existence of popular artists also does not exist without rumors, gossip, rivalry, millions of fans, letters from them with declarations of love, and from some - with threats. When choosing this profession, you need to accept that you no longer belong entirely to yourself, you belong to the public, the people, you are becoming a public figure into whose life more and more people will strive to get into.
It is necessary to prepare in advance both for great fame and attention, for the fact that your personal life will be public, and for the fact that there may come a period in fate (months and even years) during which the public and viewers may completely forget about you.

Also, each performer has her own special personality. The inimitable data includes the timbre of the voice - they may be similar, but not identical (Voice is like fingerprints); appearance: face, physique; charm and history.
History makes an artist interesting. How more interesting story, a person’s life, the person himself, the more interesting is his music and songs (the fruits of his creativity and experience), because, as we noted at the beginning of the article, the soul sings. You've probably noticed that musical compositions that are catchy, mesmerizing, as if carried away into a fairy tale, are performed by unusual, creative and unique people, with bright charisma and rich life or emotional experience. It turns out that inner world pop artist breaks out and becomes noticeable to millions.
Conclusion: to get somewhere, you need to go through something, let events pass through you, get enough of what is happening around you.
Try to see your uniqueness and follow the path of your heart. Do what interests you, have fun with it and don’t limit yourself to a whole range of “impossibles”. A lot should be possible for an artist, because he is the future idol of millions, an example and inspiration for exploits for others, because music is drive. And it is precisely for the sake of the feeling of freedom and wide possibilities that they listen to her.

Music education

Every vote needs to be cast. For this purpose, there are music schools, lyceums and higher educational institutions. Independent practice is very important, but someone should also control and guide you on the path to perfection. If these are not relatives who are musicians, then teachers in educational musical institutions. It’s not enough to have a good and beautiful voice, you also need to learn how to use it like a serious instrument. True professionals understand this and spare no time and effort for self-development.
You can't get on stage without putting on a voice.
In many biographies of famous pop performers, it is written that they completed higher musical or theatrical education.

Vocal lesson

Let's turn to experience famous performers to understand how important specialized education is and whether it is possible to become a singer without it.
Diva – Alla Pugacheva.She graduated from the children's music school and entered the conducting and choral department music school them. Ippolitova-Ivanov.
Taisiya Povaliy graduated from Kiev Music. Glier School.
U Zemfira I have a music school with honors and a music school behind me.
Vera Brezhneva I went in for sports, danced and worked on loving my face and body. The singer became a pop star without any special musical education.
Zhanna Friske studied ballet, ballroom, sports dancing, rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics. Participated in school theatrical performances. Moscow Institute of Culture, Department of Choreography.
Natasha Koroleva. Music school, choreographic studio folk dance with the choir "Rope". She graduated from the Kiev College in the class “Pop Vocals”.
Jasmine As a child, he leaves music school after 3 years. At just over 20 years old, she decides to learn vocals. He chooses Natalya Zinovievna Andrianova from the Gnessin School as a teacher.
Thus, it is clear that from a random sample of singers, 2 out of 6 had no vocal education, while paying a lot of attention to dancing and physical development.

The following conclusion can be drawn. A singer is also an artist.
Either you need to learn how to create a stage show from your performances, or have exceptional vocal abilities and seriously work in this direction, or both. Of course, musical education is highly desirable, but, as you can see, it is not necessary.

Search for investor or capital

An important step on the path to a singer’s career is finding an investor or producer. You need money for everything: to record your first song, to purchase outfits to create your own unique image. If you record songs on your computer yourself, then first try to promote your performances in your own ways. The goal is to make sure that as much as possible more people listened to your songs. Here your friends can help with advertising, or you should turn to special advertising websites where they promote YouTube channels and social profiles. networks, etc. For relatively little money you can get a sufficient number of views. And if those who open your videos like the vocals and video, they, in turn, will share their finds with friends and acquaintances. The statistics are as follows: if a person likes something, he shows or recommends it to 3-4 people in his environment. This is how they become popular online. The next step after this is to translate the popularity into reality.

For this purpose, there are television shows where aspiring singers demonstrate their talent to everyone. And even if you took part in one of these programs and did not reach the finals, it is still a victory - you have already been on television and “lit up”. You are already familiar with the TV presenters and can in any case count on their advice and support.
By taking steps towards success, you prove to yourself and others that your intentions are serious. Therefore, having appeared on television, impressed your acquaintances and friends with your courage and perseverance, even among them you can find an investor for your musical project.
When funds become available, you can move on to the next stage - recording a song in a studio and broadcasting it to a radio station. They say that if the radio likes the song, they will broadcast it for free.
A successful radio debut means that celebrities will be interested in you. So you are on the right track.

Glory and Perseverance

The singer's fame comes after titanic work, a huge amount overcome fears and worries. Some stars light up quickly and go out just as quickly. Others burn for a long time, warming the hearts of listeners.
How to shine on stage for a long time?
The first rays of fame can blind an aspiring singer. She thinks that the wish has been fulfilled, the goal has been achieved. You can happily reap the fruits of your labor. In reality, everything is more complicated.
The main thing is not to stumble over apparent success at the very beginning. It is necessary to endure this positive test with steadfastness and understand that in the future you need to work even harder and harder. You should always understand that only moving forward and professional growth will provide you with constant attention from viewers.
Don’t be afraid to experiment, turn all your ideas into reality musically, organizing PR campaigns, finding supporters and friends among a growing number of colleagues - this is the path that will continue to lead you to success on stage.


To become a singer, you need, first of all, to set a specific goal for yourself: where and in what genre do you plan to perform.
It is necessary to identify the data that will be the basis for building a career. This is voice, hearing, sense of rhythm, artistry. Evaluate your appearance and plasticity, improve yourself, love your strengths and weaknesses. Learn to overcome fears and obstacles.
Get a music education or find a good vocal teacher. Learn to approach life creatively.
Conduct large-scale advertising and, if any, of your creations. Find financial support.
Having bathed in the rays of glory for the first time, do not lose your head, but persistently and boldly move on to achieve your goals.
The support of an aspiring singer from relatives and friends is of great importance. Believing in yourself begins with believing in you among your family, then among other close people. Find those who will believe in you no matter what and help you when the going gets tough. Sometimes others are able to see more in a person than he himself and help him believe in himself.

You are the owner magic voice, you can perform on stage with absolutely no problems, why don’t you then study all the necessary information on how to become a singer? This can provide you with complete positive emotions future and interesting job. Currently modern society has created many opportunities to become famous and rich while doing what you love!

How to become a singer?

First you need to know that a young girl aged 18 and older has a strong voice. In this age category You can better explore your abilities and understand whether you have the necessary vocal abilities. How can you wait and understand that just such a moment has arrived? How can you sing without any problems?
This is where your computer will come in handy. Even if you don’t know how to use special programs, contact your friends who can help. If you tried it and you like it, then continue in the same direction, try again, until you manage to find yourself a producer and perform well in front of him.
You have one more task ahead of you - learn to show yourself in public in a more impressive way. To do this, first of all, learn to move well, so that it is flexible and bright, so that everyone can envy you. To do this, you should seek help from professionals: famous choreographers, models, singers, find out how they achieved such high results. They are the ones who will help you understand how to become a singer. Look for any opportunities and go towards your dreams.
Try not to criticize yourself. Everyone has those days when they don’t even have enough energy to do what they love. You may get sick or tired. Pay attention to this, because if problems begin with your voice, it will be very difficult to restore it later. Immediately take all measures to treat the problem, contact specialists for help. Remember, the most important instrument for you is your voice, and you should give all your attention to it.

Rules to always remember!

1. Take care of yourself. Never do something that you don't like or, even worse, will harm you. Find exactly the kind of person you can rely on in any situation. And, most importantly, you must be confident in him, otherwise it is better to refuse and look for another person for training and cooperation.
2. Don't forget that this profession not easy. It has its own nuances and difficulties. Many people believe that if they sing once at some city concert, they will immediately be noticed and invited somewhere. If everything were so simple, then every second person would become popular. But in modern times New opportunities have emerged to promote your candidacy. These are Internet networks. Many people create their own websites on which they post their recordings, videos, and make entire TV shows. After a while, your video will gain many views, and fame will come to you!
3. Before pursuing a singing career, you need to decide whether you have the data. You can learn a lot, but if by nature you are not given even the slightest ability, then, unfortunately, you should not try.
4. It is necessary to obtain all the necessary knowledge in the field of music and musical literacy. It’s great if you graduated from a music school as a child or personally studied with a teacher. Extra knowledge never hurts. You will not encounter the problems that newcomers in this field usually encounter. It is necessary to learn correctly how to use your voice, to be able to listen to yourself, to be able to stop at the right moment.
5. Luck opens the way only for the best, so never give up, try something new, improve your abilities and strive to fulfill your goals.
Follow all these instructions and you will easily understand how to become a high-class singer!