Musical ensemble. Musical Dictionary Group of 4 performers

Music has surrounded people for a long time. Until now, scientists have not determined the exact date of its origin. With the advent of a new branch of history, music developed, changed and improved. For each period of time there were their own most popular music groups. Fame came to many, but not everyone was remembered for a long time.

IN modern world there is an opportunity to listen to works large quantity musicians from different eras. Sony conducted a study to determine the most famous performers different generations. Based on the data obtained, we present the ranking of the most popular musical groups of all time.

10. Red Hot Chili Peppers

Open our rating famous rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers, founded in 1983. Their name is translated into Russian as “Red Hot Chilean Peppers”. Currently, the discography consists of 11 albums, the last of which was “The Getaway” released in 2016.

Over the course of their existence, the Red Hot Chili Peppers have received as many as 7 Grammy awards. More than 80,000,000 people managed to buy copies of their albums, and this does not include online sales. The most famous song is a composition called “Snow (Hey oh)”, released in 2006. Now the Red Hot Chili Peppers gather entire stadiums for their performances anywhere in the world.


The next place goes to the musical group of all times “ABBA”. It was founded by 4 talented musician, two girls and two guys, back in 1972. It existed for only 10 years, but during this time it managed to win the hearts of many fans.

The peak of popularity occurred in the 80s and 90s. Then the group was considered a trend new culture. The song “Happy New Year” is recognized by millions of people around the world. ABBA recorded 8 studio albums, which were sold to almost 350,000,000 listeners.

8. Cinema

The group, founded in the USSR by Viktor Tsoi, is familiar to every resident of Russia. It was created in 1981 by young like-minded people. The song “A Star Called the Sun,” recorded in 1989, brought popularity.

Over the entire history of their existence, the musicians managed to record 10 studio albums, one of which became posthumous. Viktor Tsoi suddenly dies while returning home after fishing. The causes of the car accident are still not known. Many are inclined to believe that the Russian rock star was murdered.


Seventh place in the ranking of the most popular musical groups goes to Nirvana. They gathered entire stadiums of loyal fans throughout their existence. Nirvana's most popular song is "Smells Like Teen Spirit".

Between 1987 and 1994, the musicians recorded only 3 studio albums. However, their sales number around 100,000,000 copies. The group ceases to exist with the tragic death of vocalist Kurt Cobain. Contemporaries called their songs the “voice of a generation” of that time.

6. Boney M

A revolutionary dance music group. Having recorded his first studio album in 1975, “Take The Heat Off Me,” Boney M immediately blew up the disco dance floor around the world.

It existed for 15 years and toured almost the entire globe with concerts. During this time, the musicians recorded and released 9 albums, which were distributed throughout all countries in the amount of 200,000,000 copies.

5. Led Zeppelin

The top five in the ranking of the most popular bands of all time is opened by Led Zeppelin. It was founded by guitarist Jimmy Page, who left The Yardbirds in 1968. In the future, Led Zeppelin will experience stunning success.

Thanks to their talents, the musicians create a completely new sound with unusual vocals performed by Robert Plant. Over the 12 years of their existence, they create 12 interesting albums.
The number of works sold is about 112,000,000 copies in America alone. The group became the embodiment of many innovative ideas that would later be used by many rock performers.

4. BI-2

The fourth place is occupied by the famous Russian group"BI-2", the year of its foundation is considered to be 1988. Creative period musicians is divided into several stages: Belarusian, Israeli and Australian.

The popular rock band was created by two best friends, who remain so to this day, guitarist and backing vocalist Shura and vocalist Lyova. Unfortunately, only these guys remained from the main team of BI-2.
Now the group is over 30 years old, but they still remain in the hearts of Russian listeners. During this period, they managed to release 10 studio albums, the last of which was released in 2017 under the title “Event Horizon.”


Third place in the ranking goes to popular group"Queen" in rock style. The musicians owe her birth to Freddie Mercury, a talented vocalist of all times. It was he who helped to reach such unprecedented heights.

After the first album called “Queen” in 1973, the group was noticed by a British producer. The musicians finally gained worldwide fame after the song “Bohemian Rhapsody”. Initially, the recording studio was categorically against this composition.

The peak of popularity began after their performance at the Live Aid charity concert. Millions of spectators around the world were able to enjoy the performance of Freddie Mercury and his team. The group has not yet broken up, even after the tragic death of the lead singer from pneumonia.

2. The Rolling Stones

British musical group The Rolling Stones" is considered one of the best teams of all times and peoples. The founding date is considered to be 1962. She introduced significant innovations into the culture of that time.

They have 28 studio albums to their credit, selling 250,000,000 copies. The group still exists today, now over 50 years old. The Rolling Stones were founded by two best friends Mick Jagger and Keith Richardson, who started their creative path back in 1961.

1. The Beatles

The most popular musical group in history is a group of musicians called “The Beatles”. These guys are probably familiar to every person on planet Earth. Since 1960, the cult musical group begins its journey to worldwide fame.

Its lineup consisted of 4 guys originally from Liverpool. John Lennon and Paul McCartney became the most popular personalities of that time. However, their existence will not last long - only 10 years, but will remain in the memory of people forever.

The Beatles released a total of 13 studio albums, the last of which, entitled Let It Be, later became the most famous. Now Paul McCartney still performs songs of the famous group and attracts entire stadiums.

Music lessons: Musical dictionary


A cappella - performance of a piece of music without instrumental accompaniment.

A chord is a simultaneous combination of several sounds.

Ensemble - a small group of musicians performing one piece ( from 2 to 8 people: from two - a duet, from three - a trio,

out of four - a quartet, out of five - a quintet, out of six - a sextet, out of seven - a septet, out of eight - an octet)

Aria - a solo number in an opera, a complete musical episode where the hero expresses his thoughts and feelings, and also given

characterization of the hero's image.

Alto is a low female and children's voice.


Ballet is a musical performance where everything characters they just dance.

Baritone - medium-range male voice.

Barcarolle - a song on the water.

Bass - low-range male voice.

Bakh I.S. (1685-1750) - German composer Baroque era, considered one of greatest composers in the history of music, author organ works, vocal music(Mass, cantatas, oratorios, passions - St. Matthew Passion), orchestral and chamber music (Brandenburg Concertos, Italian Concerto), keyboard works (Well-Tempered Clavier, Inventions, Suites, etc.)

Beethoven L.V. ( 1770-1827) - German composer, conductor and pianist, one of the three “Viennese classics”, a key figure in Western classical music in the period between classicism and romanticism, one of the most respected and performed composers in the world. He wrote in all genres that existed in his time, including opera, music for dramatic performances, choral works. The most significant of his heritage are considered to be instrumental works: piano, violin and cello sonatas, concertos for piano, violin, quartets, overtures, symphonies. Beethoven's work had a significant impact on symphony in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Characteristic creativity - heroism, struggle, victory.

Bel Canto (Italian)- beautiful, wonderful singing.

Blues (from a combination of two words: “blue” - blue, “girl” - melancholy, melancholy) folk song American blacks with a sad, sorrowful connotation. Blues were usually sung accompanied by a banjo or guitar.


Variation form- a form of music based on the repetition of the same theme with various changes.

Vocalise- a genre of vocal music, a song performed by voice without words (song without words)

Vocal music- music performed by voice ( genres of vocal music: song, romance, aria, vocalise, opera, oratorio, cantata, mass, requiem)

Vivaldi A. (1678-1741) - Venetian composer, violinist, teacher, conductor, Catholic priest, one of largest representatives Italian violin art of the 18th century, during his lifetime he received wide recognition throughout Europe, the creator of the genre instrumental concert, author of 40 operas, the most famous work is a series of 4 violin concertos “The Seasons”.


Harmony (consonance)- means musical expressiveness, a chord chain that accompanies a melody.

Gavrilin V.A. (1939-1999) - Soviet and Russian composer, author of symphonic and choral works, songs, chamber music, and film music.

Glinka M.I. (1804-1857)- Russian composer of the 19th century, founder of Russian music, creator of the first Russian opera (Ivan Susanin) and the first symphonic work (Waltz-Fantasy).

Homophony is a type of polyphonic presentation in which one voice is the main one, and the rest act as accompaniment.


Two-part form - musical form, consisting of music of two different characters (2 parts).

Debussy K. ( 1862-1918) - French composer, founder of impressionism in music, author of piano preludes, symphonic suite “The Sea”

Jazz - form musical art, which arose at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries in the USA as a result of the synthesis of African and European cultures.

Dynamics -a means of musical expression, the power of sound.

Conductor ( French manage, lead) - the leader of the learning and performance of ensemble (orchestral, choral, opera, etc.) music, who owns the artistic interpretation of the work, carried out under his direction by the entire ensemble of performers.

Treble is a high-pitched child's voice.

Duet- an ensemble consisting of two performers.

Spiritual concert- this is a polyphonic vocal polyphonic work for ichor soloists. D. Bortnyansky, M. Berezovsky wrote in the genre of spiritual concert


Znamenny chant- the main type of ancient Russian liturgical singing. The name comes from the word znamya (Old Russian “banner”, that is, a sign).

Hook-like signs were used to record chants. The peculiarity of its sound-male single-voice sound a capella.


Instrumental music- music performed on musical instruments ( genres of instrumental music- sonata, symphony, concerto, prelude, nocturne, suite, dance, march, etude, etc.).

Art is a creative reflection of reality in artistic images by artistic means.

Impressionism ( French impression)- direction in the art of the latter thirds of the XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, which originated in France and then spread throughout the world, whose representatives sought to most naturally capture the real world in its mobility and variability, to convey their fleeting impressions. Usually the term “impressionism” refers to a movement in painting, although its ideas have also found their embodiment in literature and music.


Chamber music is music intended to be performed in a small room by a small group of musicians.

Canon - two-voice, in which one voice leads the melody, and the other catches up with it.

A cantata is a large vocal-symphonic work of a solemn nature with soloists, a choir and a symphony orchestra.

Chapel -

  • in the Middle Ages, a choir that performed sacred music was called
  • a large choral group.

Kardeballet- crowd scene in ballet.

Quartet - an ensemble consisting of four people.

Quintet is an ensemble consisting of five people.

Kikta V. G. (1941) - composer, professor at the Moscow Conservatory, author concert symphony"Frescoes of Sophia of Kyiv"

Contralto - low-range female voice.

Counterpoint is a type of polyphony, polyphony with the simultaneous sound of several melodic lines, without disturbing the general euphony.

Concert(competition) - a piece for a solo instrument with orchestral accompaniment.

Verse form - a form of music based on the alternation of chorus and chorus, used in the song genre


Lad - means of musical expression, relationship musical sounds, different in pitch (major lad - light sound, minor scale - darker)

Libretto (Italian little book) - literary basis musical performances: brief literary summary of the plot ballet, opera, musical,


Lyadov A.K (1855-1914) - Russian composer, created several symphonic miniatures (small plays) on subjects of Russian folklore, fairy tales (picture for Russian folk tale"Baba Yaga", fairy-tale picture "Magic Lake", folk tale "Kikimora")


Melody is a means of musical expression, the main idea a piece of music expressed by sound.

Mezzo-soprano is a medium-range female voice.

Mozart V.A.(1756-1799 ) - Austrian composer, virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist. He belongs to the most significant representatives of the Viennese classical school. Characteristic features of his work: sunshine, cheerfulness, grace, lightness. Works: 41 symphony, "Rondo in Turkish style", symphonic suite "Little Night Serenade", operas ("The Marriage of Figaro", "Don Giovanni", "The Magic Flute"), Requiem

Musical form- construction of a musical work based on the alternation of contrast and repetition (one-part form, two-part form, three-part form, native form, variation form, verse form)

Musical image- creative reflection of reality in music. This is a living generalized idea of ​​reality, expressed in sounds and musical intonations.

Mussorgsky M.P. (1839-1881) - Russian composer, member of the Commonwealth of Russian Composers" Mighty bunch", author of the operas "Khovanshchina" and "Boris Godunov", the piano suite "Pictures at an Exhibition", romances and songs

Musical ( English musical comedy) is a musical and stage work in which dialogues, songs, music are intertwined, and choreography plays an important role. This is an entertaining show that brings together various genres arts - pop and everyday music, choreography and modern dance, drama and visual arts.

A miniature is a small play.


Nocturne- musical composition, painting images of the night.


One-part form - a musical form consisting of music of one character (1 part)

Opera - (Italian work, essay) a musical performance in which all the characters only sing.

An orchestra is a large group of instrumental musicians (symphony orchestra, brass band, jazz orchestra, orchestra of Russian folk instruments, chamber orchestra).


Paganini N. (1782-1840) - Italian violinist and composer, author of Caprice No. 24.

Partes singing ( from words partes – voices) - a type of Russian polyphonic vocal music that became widespread in Orthodox worship in the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century. Number of votes can be from 3 to 12, or can reach 48. Most characteristic genre of music, which reflected partes singing - a partes choral concert.

Song - a genre of vocal music.

Pergolesi D. (1710-1736) - Italian composer, violinist and organist, representative of the Neapolitan opera school and one of the earliest and most important composers of opera buffa ( comic opera), author of the cantata "Stabat mater".

Polyphony is a type of polyphonic presentation in which all voices are equal.

Program music- musical works in which ideas, images, plots are explained by the composer himself. The author's explanations can be given in the text - an explanation attached to the work, or in its title.

Prokofiev S. (1891-1953) - one of the largest and most performed composers of the 20th century (cantata "A. Nevsky", ballets "Cinderella" and "Romeo and Juliet", operas "War and Peace" and "The Tale of a Real Man", symphonic tale"Peter and the Wolf", 7 symphonies, piano miniatures "Fleetness"

Prelude (introduction) is a short piece of music that does not have a strict form.


Rhapsody ( rhapsode) - a wandering musician glorifying his homeland) - a genre of instrumental music, a piece of music built in free form based on folk melodies.

Rachmaninov S.V. (1873 - 1943) - Russian composer, virtuoso pianist and conductor, author vocal music- romances, choral works, operas; piano music- preludes, concerts, sonatas, etc.; symphonic music.

Register - means of musical expressiveness, relative pitch of sounds, range.

Ragtime (ragged rhythm)– dance music of a special kind is an attempt by black musicians to use cross-rhythms African music when performing polkas, quadrilles and other dances. This is a piano genre founded by Scott Joplin.

Rhythm - a means of musical expressiveness, a natural alternation of sounds of different durations .

Romance - a genre of vocal music, a piece of music for voice with an accompanying instrument, written on a small poem of lyrical content (love song). The romance reveals a person’s feelings, his attitude towards life and nature.

Rondo is a musical form based on the alternation of a constantly repeated fragment and a new episode (refrain and episode)

Requiem(lat. peace)- a piece of mourning music for choir and orchestra.

Rimsky-Korsakov N.A. ( 1844-1908) - Russian composer, a naval officer by profession, was a member of the community of Russian composers "The Mighty Handful",

wrote 15 operas, most of them on fairy tale plot(Sadko, Snegurochka, Golden Cockerel, etc.)


Sviridov G (1915-1998) - outstanding Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, student of Dmitry Shostakovich. Wrote vocal and instrumental music(musical illustrations for A.S. Pushkin’s story “Blizzard”, cantatas - “Poem in Memory of S. Yesenin”, “It’s Snowing”)

Symphony (consonance ) is a large instrumental multi-movement work for a symphony orchestra.

Sonata - genre of chamber music for solo instrument.

Composition of the symphony orchestra:

  1. strings bowed instruments - violin, viola, cello, double bass.
  2. brass group - wooden wind instruments(flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon); brass instruments (trumpet, trombone, horn, tuba).
  3. percussion group - large and snare drums, copper cymbals, triangle, bells, timpani, celesta.
  4. The harp occupies a special place.

Composition of the Russian orchestra folk instruments :

  1. plucked string instruments- balalaika, domra, gusli, bass-balalaika.
  2. wind instruments- pipe, horn, pity, birch bark, whistles.
  3. percussion group - tambourine, wooden spoons, rattle, box, xylophone, ruble.
  4. The accordion occupies a special place.

Soprano - high female voice

Means of musical expression(musical language of the work)- intonation, melody, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, timbre, mode, register, harmony, orchestration, character.

Symphonic jazz (eng. sympho-jazz) is a style that combines elements of jazz and light symphonic music.

Spirituals - songs of North American blacks with religious content, gospel songs (work songs).

Suite is a musical work consisting of several parts united by a common name.


Timbre is a means of musical expression, the coloring of sound.

Tempo is a means of musical expression, the speed of sound.

Tenor is a high male voice.

Tripartite form- a musical form consisting of music of three characters (non-repeatedtripartite

form - ABC, repeated tripartite form - ABA)


Overture -

  • an orchestral piece, an introduction to an opera or ballet, which prepares the listener, introduces the atmosphere of the work, the circle of ideas and images
  • an independent work of a programmatic nature, carrying the idea of ​​the title.


Fugue - highest form polyphony, a polyphonic work of many voices, which is based on the conduct of one or more musical themes in all voices.


Choir - big a group of musicians and singers. The chorus in the opera is a crowd scene in the opera.

Chorale (choral chant)- a single-voice chant that was part of the worship service in the church of Western Europe.

Habanera is a Cuban folk dance, similar in rhythm to tango.


Tchaikovsky P.I. ( 1840-1893) - Russian composer, conductor, teacher, musical and public figure, music journalist. Considered one of the greatest composers in the history of music. Author of more than 80 works, including ten operas and three ballets. His concertos and other works for piano, seven symphonies, four suites, program symphonic music (Romeo and Juliet Overture, ballets " Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty", "The Nutcracker" represent an extremely valuable contribution to world musical culture.

Chesnokov P.G. (1877-1944) - Russian composer, choral conductor, author of widely performed spiritual works.

Čiurlionis M.K. (1875-1911) - Lithuanian artist and composer; the founder of professional Lithuanian music.


Chopin F. (1810-1849) - Polish composer, outstanding pianist, founder Polish music, an ardent patriot of his homeland, the music is permeated with the intonations of Polish folk music. He wrote music for piano: mazurkas, polonaises, waltzes, nocturnes, preludes, etudes, etc.

Schubert F. (1797- 1828) - German composer, founder of romanticism, created new type songs (small musical scenes with a specific plot, in which the accompaniment is an active participant in the action) and new vocal genre- ballad.

When it comes to musical groups, many people have associations with female members, but we have many talented male groups that are wildly popular not only among girls, but also among the stronger sex. Today in our selection:

A post shared by MBAND (@mband.official) on Oct 16, 2017 at 11:08am PDT

2. Nerves

Ukrainian group "Nerves" from the first days of its creation, it conquered an army of Russian girls. Soloist and founder of the project Zhenya Melkovsky, he writes articles for his hits. In 2014, “Nerves” received an award as the best musical group at Oops Choice Awards. This year the guys presented their fifth album entitled “The Dearest Person”.

3. Quest Pistols

This group gained popularity in 2007 after performing at Ukrainian program with the song "I'm tired." Exactly Quest Pistols revolutionized all ideas about what a real concert should be like. All their performances are incredible shows with dances and infographics.

4. 5 seconds of summer

Boy band 5 seconds of summer originally from Australia. Four friends decided to record songs on video famous musicians, and it caused a lot positive emotions. So the guys decided that they couldn’t do without their own group and their own songs.

5. Animals

In 2001 Roman Bilyk moves to Moscow and creates the Zveri group. This group has been repeatedly recognized as the most popular and successful rock band in Russia. Well, who hasn't danced on school disco to the song “Districts - Quarters”?! It is worth noting that the group gained success in Germany and the USA. Throughout the existence of the project, the group managed to win 9 times in the category « Best Rock Band» at the Muz-TV awards.

A post shared by Group BEASTS (@zveri_official) on Sep 26, 2017 at 1:34am PDT

6. One Direction

Boy group One Direction won all the girls with her love songs. And even though the project has now broken up, their songs are still played on the radio, and their videos are played on television.


Video for the song "The ice is melting" in the first week it received about 10 million views. The lines from this song were repeated by everyone, and funny parodies were made based on the tune of the track, not excluding the famous TV show "Evening Urgant". It is with this hit that we associate the group “Mushrooms”, which became mega-popular in a couple of months.

8. Group Friends

Alexey Vorobiev not only a talented artist, but also a professional producer. So he gave us a project "Friends", and although the project does not have many songs, they are all known and recognizable. It was the group “Friends” that recorded all the soundtracks for the series "Deffochonki" on the channel TNT.

A post shared by Group #FRIENDS (@frendy_official) on Oct 2, 2017 at 6:01am PDT

9.Hands up

"Hands up"- a Russian pop group that blew up all the charts in the 2000s. Not a single disco was held without dancing to their songs. The real breakthrough for the group was the song “And he kisses you”, it was from then on that the guys began to actively tour Russia and the CIS countries.

A post shared by Sergey Zhukov (@sezhukov) on Sep 13, 2017 at 6:04am PDT

10. One Republic

American rock band One Republic known to everyone for her melodic songs that the whole world listens to. There probably won’t be a person who was indifferent to their songs.

A musical ensemble is a group of people engaged in general creativity. Most often, an ensemble brings together musicians. However, the team can also include people from other creative specialties: sound engineers, producers, songwriters, and other specialists.

How many people are in a musical ensemble?

From two to ten people. Depending on the number of participants, the ensemble may be called:

  • Duet. The artistic group is represented by two participants. The most famous duets include: Modern Talking, OutKast, Roxette, Pet Shop Boys;
  • Trio. Involves three instrumentalists or singers. There are vocal, instrumental and instrumental-vocal ensembles. An instrumental trio can be homogeneous (for example, performers use exclusively bowed instruments) or mixed. The composition of the instruments is determined by the specifics of the music being performed. Thus, a jazz trio most often includes a piano or guitar, double bass and drums. Famous trio ensembles: 30 Seconds to Mars, Depeche Mode, Nirvana. Russian groups: Factory, VIA Gra, Lyceum;
  • Quartet. Consists of four musicians, vocalists, instrumentalists. Quartets are widespread in all musical genres: academic music, jazz, rock. Works for quartets were written by Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart, and many others famous composers. Four such groups as The Beatles, ABBA, Queen, Led Zeppelin became widely known;
  • Quintet. The second half of the 18th century is considered to be the time of origin of string and wind quintets. Since then, academic works for five musicians have been created in the form of sonata cycles. Vocal quintets successfully fit into the program of opera and cantata. The following groups have gained worldwide fame: AC/DC, Spice Girls, Oasis, Scorpions, Deep Purple, Sex Pistols;
  • Sextet. Involves six performers;
  • Septet: seven musicians, vocalists, instrumentalists;
  • Octet. Well-known groups that included eight members include: Guns N’ Roses, Chicago, The Doobie Brothers. Many jazz groups are octets;
  • But no. A group of nine musicians, each of whom performs an independent part. A well-known performing ensemble is the Czech Nonet. In jazz, the nonet works of Miles Davis and Joe Lovano became famous;
  • Decimet. Rarely seen species music group, in which each of the ten private players performs an independent part. Such chamber ensembles are a transitional step to chamber orchestras.