School disco scenario for teenagers. Disco scenario with game program “move more!” for children of middle school age

This scenario children's disco at the childhood holiday offers intellectual competitions, entertaining - outdoor games, you can carry out the selected activities anywhere: in a children's camp, park, kindergarten, read, understand - this is necessary

Children's disco - the beginning

Summer is the colorful and most colorful time of the year.
- ...let’s, together with the guys, remember what sounds are heard in the forest near the lake, in the clearing. Guys, try to convey the sounds of summer with your gestures and voice.

Game "Sounds of the Forest"
(the sound of the wind - the hands rise up, smoothly swing them left and right. The chirping of birds - they wave their hands like wings and chirp, croak. The chirping of grasshoppers - the sound "tsk-tsk-tsk". The splash of waves - the hands move like oxen, under sound "sh-sh-sh").

Well done!!! Guys, do you like to travel? Now we will go on a trip on a big hot-air balloon. So, follow us.

Game "Balloon Flight"
One-two, let's fly. (hands to the side)
Three or four, everyone sat down. (everyone sat down)
Five, we're taking off again. (stand up, arms to the sides)
We gain altitude. (stands on tiptoes, raises hands)
And we hum louder “Oooh”. (Buzzing)
There's a revolution in the air. (turn around ourselves)
The flight stops. (sits down)

And now again, but faster.

Hooray! We've arrived!
- And now we will look for the treasure. You are ready? Then let's stand in big circle and we will repeat the movements after us.

Game "Treasure"
We will go for the treasure to the right - one, two, three!
And then we’ll look to the left - look!
Let's expand the map - one, two, three!
And let's stick a shovel into the sand - one, two, three!
They spat on their hands - ugh, ugh. Ugh!
And whoever digs faster - pos-mo-three!

The treasure has already been discovered, yo-ho-ho!
Let's have as much fun as we can - well done!
Let's ride home on horseback - tsk-tsk-tsk! Over the mountains, swamps, hummocks, skok-skok-skok!
Before going to bed we will drink kvass chok-chok-chok!
Let's fool around a little and go sideways.
We had a great time fooling around, well done!

Let me...
I'll spin you in a whirlwind of dance.
We will do the footsteps
Then bows with your head.

Then hurry up and dance!
After all, the music begins to sound.

Just think, dance! Guys, come on, tell me, the outgoing year 2008 was the year... that's right, of the Rats. Let's dance in her honor.

(Rat dance)

Just think, some kind of mouse dance. Tell me, guys, who is 2009?... that’s right, the Bull, we’ll dance a dance in honor of the Bull.

(Bull dance)

Guys, we have a holiday today. Were you looking forward to the holiday? Have you put things in order at home? What did you do?
- Did you wash the dishes? (Yes)
Cleaning the windows
Mopping the floors
We'll wash everything,
We beat out the carpets,
We wash the dishes.
Now we will show all this in a dance called “Tidying”.

Game "Tidy"

Tell me, do you like oranges?
- I don’t just love them, I adore them!!!
- then hold it!
- that's for me? Thank you!
- this sunny orange is not simple, but danceable.
- Let's have an orange disco. To do this, guys, you need to stand in 5 large circles. We will give each circle an “orange” - an inflatable ball.
- The melodies of various dances that you will perform with the orange will sound.

We'll show you how.
- I count to five.
Quickly stand in circles.

One two three four five!
(to rock and roll, children stand one after another, pass the ball over their heads back. To "Macarena", standing facing in a circle, they pass the ball from hand to hand to the person standing next to them. To the "orange song" they throw the ball at random. To "Red" Up" stand in a column, whose team will pass the ball to the stage faster?)

See, So! What friendly guys we have here!
- Let's be friends with each other...
- like a bird with the sky...
- Like a field with a plow...
- like the wind and the sea...
- Grass with rain...
- how the sun is friends with all of us.

Which page is the bookmark on?

The animator demonstrates a fairly thick book:
- Children, here is the title, here is the back side. There are only so many pages in the book, and in it - do you see? - a bookmark sticks out.
Who can tell by eye which page the bookmark is on? Take turns!

Children shout out page numbers.
The animator jokes:
- Which one are you talking about? Are you sure? Repeat one more time! Louder! No, that's wrong...
If guessing takes too long, the animator helps:
- Cold! Hot! Still hot!
The book goes to the winner as a prize.
(At the beginning of perestroika, the author of these lines held a party for American teenagers. They didn’t particularly like our music or our food. But this simple game unexpectedly went off with a bang.)

Before presenting the book to the winner, the animator can read a funny or instructive phrase from the embedded page.

Fast slow

>> Slow dance.
- Slow music will now be replaced by fast music. Then the fast one will be replaced by the slow one... Children, your task is to dance quickly, individually, to fast music, and slowly, in pairs, to slow music. Do you remember? Will you confuse?
The DJ alternates between fast and slow tracks. He does this more and more often, so that in the end the music changes after just a few bars.
The most dexterous and inventive dancers are awarded prizes.

Who will jump higher?

DJ while dancing:
- Well, who will jump higher?
Children jump, again and again.
The person who jumps the most is awarded a prize.
DJ, also on music:
- And who, without interrupting the dance, will sit lower? And even lower?
If the dance floor was clear, the prize often went to someone who simply lay down on the floor and “danced” like that.

Disco figure, freeze!

A paraphrase of the famous children's game “The Sea is Troubled.”

During the dance, the DJ counts:
–NN(name of the disco) worried - once. NN is worried - two. NN is worried - three. Disco figure - freeze!
He suddenly turns off the music. Everyone freezes motionless. The DJ comments on the “sculptures” and asks them to come up with something more interesting.
Dance music and counting resume.
Another pause.
Finally, at the third pause, the DJ awards prizes to those who came up with the most interesting poses.

The DJ evaluates the “fossil” of the figures. During a pause, he goes down to the dance floor, walks between frozen figures, tries to make someone laugh so that they will move.
There are no winners in this case. The DJ simply praises the “steadfast tin soldiers.”

Text options:
– Ice figure, freeze! New Year's figure... House figure... Hip-hop figure... etc.

Volleyball with many balls

The dance floor is divided into two halves by an imaginary line.
Lots of balloons are thrown onto the dance floor.
The public tries to knock the balls into the opponents' territory.
The DJ turns away and, at an arbitrary moment in time, again sharply turns towards the site, determining by eye which side has more balls (which side missed more balls).
Do this three times.
The DJ keeps score and announces the “winning half.”

Who wants candy?

- Who wants candy?
- I!
- Come here, hold it
(gives candy).
- Who else wants candy?
- I! I! I!
- Eh, no, the one who wins the competition will receive this candy.

Holds a competition.
This feature helps to start a disco when people are not swaying well. The second candy goes to the one who starts dancing first.

Young journalists

Have sheets of paper and pens ready.
The animator explains that any information article answers the questions: Who said or did? What happened? Where? etc.
The animator throws in a question:
- Who?
Participants each write on their own sheet whatever comes to mind.
They fold their sheets so that what is written is not visible and pass them on to their neighbor.
- What?
The neighbors, in turn, write what they think happened, fold the sheets of paper and pass them on.
- Where?
- When?
- How?
- Why?
The animator reads out the resulting “information”.

From nose to nose

Two teams of equal size line up.
The animator gives the first numbers an empty box (without an inner paper drawer).
You need to put the box on your nose and pass it from nose to nose without using your hands.
If the box falls, it is picked up, put on the nose and passed on.


It's child's play when the DJ knows the audience well.

Children stand in a circle.
DJ-animator in the center blindfolded:
- Here's a frog along the path
Jumps, stretches out her legs,
I saw a mosquito

The DJ points at one of the children with his hand.
The one he pointed to says: "Kwa-kwa-kwa."
Based on the voice, the DJ must determine which of the children it is.

Take it to "three"

- I’ll tell you a story - a dozen and a half phrases.
As soon as I say the number “three”, take the prize immediately!

One day we caught a pike, stirred it up, and inside...
We saw small fish, and not just one, but... two!

A seasoned boy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion.
Look, don’t be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: “One, two... march!”

When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night,
Take them and repeat them out loud - once, twice, or better yet... five!

Once we had to wait 3 hours for a train at the station...

If no one manages to take the prize, the DJ takes it and then ends the game:

Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it!?

Candy on a string

Long threads are tied to the candy wrappers.
Wind the thread around the stick, pulling the candy towards you.
Unwrap the candy and eat.
Who is faster?


Children form a “caterpillar” chain or break into several chains.
The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”.
The music turns on and the caterpillar rushes forward.
At the same time, the head does various movements: waves his arms, lunges, goose-steps...
The rest of the children repeat the movements.
When the head gets tired, she turns to the player behind her back, strokes him on the top of the head (Now you are the head!) and moves to the tail, after which the dance continues with a new leader and new jokes.
The competition lasts as long as the music plays or until you get tired of it.

Square - oval - triangle

For children's disco.

Children are divided, for example, into classes, and each class dances in a circle.
The DJ gives the command:
- Square!
Children, without interrupting the dance, change from a circle to a square.
- Oval!(that is, Ellipse)
- Triangle!
- Diamond!
- Trapeze!
- Rectangle!
The class that builds the most correct figures is rewarded.


Can be held right during a children's disco.

- Touch yellow - one, two, three!
Each player tries to take on the desired color thing (piece of clothing, part of the body) of any of the dancers.
Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game.
The DJ repeats the command, this time with a new color.
The last one standing wins.

Chained by one chain

The DJ forms teams of 3-7 people.
Depending on the number of participants, hats, panama hats, caps are sewn to the rope at intervals of 1 meter...
Children put them on their heads and dance.
The team whose headdress comes off first loses.
You cannot hold the hat with your hands.


Princess Nesmeyana is chosen from the girls.
Everyone else is trying to make Nesmeyana laugh by dancing.
It is forbidden to tickle or, in general, touch Nesmeyana.

Guess in slow motion

A famous song is played at slow speed.
If the speed is 3-4 times less than normal, it is almost impossible to recognize the song in the booming and wheezing.
The DJ increases the playback speed step by step or smoothly.
Who will know the song first?


- Children, repeat after me! Once...
Keeps arms bent at elbows at chest level.
- Two...
Arms extended forward.
- Three!
Hands raised up.
- Do you remember the movement numbers? One two Three!
Children on the dance floor repeat hand movements.
- And now I call numbers, but show the “wrong” movements! You need to do the movements whose numbers we learned. One... Three... Two... Three... One...
The most attentive ones win - those who are not confused by the animator’s “false” movements.


A participant in the competition (an amateur artist, the entire audience at once) bows as follows:

  • pianist
  • clown
  • ballerina
  • crashed
  • shy
Who will be more artistic?

Find yours

The animator forms two teams of equal size.
The assistants blindfold the children and “mix” them with each other.
One team “grunts”, the other “meows”.
Task: ahead of your opponents, gather your team into a “pile”.

Hard pencil

Draw a flower (or anything). But not by running a pencil over the paper, but on the contrary, by moving a sheet of paper mounted on a hard tablet over a rigidly fixed pencil.

Elusive cord

There are two chairs at a distance of 5-8 meters from each other. A rope is laid along the floor from chair to chair so that its ends are under the seat.
The animator seats two participants on chairs.
- Task: at a signal, jump up from a chair, run to another chair, sit down and pull the rope out from under the chair without allowing your opponent to do this.

You can make the task more difficult. For example, run to a chair, run around it three times, sit down and pull out the “elusive” cord.
Or: run around your opponent’s chair, return to yours and pull out the cord.


The DJ pronounces phrases.
Children must answer with a phrase that has the opposite meaning.
In this case, the inverted phrase should be the title of a film, fairy tale, etc.

Movie titles:

  • Black month of the jungle – White sun of the desert
  • Sad girls - Happy guys
  • Cry of the Rams - Silence of the Lambs
  • Don't be afraid of the bike - Beware of the car
  • IN symphony orchestra not only guys – There are only girls in jazz
  • Kyiv believes in laughter - Moscow does not believe in tears
Fairy tale names:
  • Black sock - Little red riding hood
  • Square - Kolobok
  • Skyscraper - Teremok
  • One bee - Three bears
  • Radish - Turnip
  • Mouse without Slippers - Puss in Boots
  • Humpless camel – Little Humpbacked Horse
  • Edik in an ordinary village - Alice in Wonderland


Two teams stand in a row opposite each other.
The players hold each other's hands.
A player from one team runs, trying to break the chain of the opposing team.
If he breaks it, he takes one player to his team.
If not, then he became part of the rival team.
The words are:
- Shackles...
- Chained.
- Break us!
- By whom?
- Ataman!
- Which one?
- (Player name.)

The game is played to the music, people dance.
The goal of the game is to drag as many players from the opposing team into your team as possible.

Let's listen again!

- Spectacular place! Let's listen again!
Rewind a piece of a track.
The sound of rewinding is loud through the speakers (if technically possible).
The track is played again from a spectacular location.
Everything must be done rhythmically, without delaying the process.

This is not a bathhouse!

On the podium, away from the DJ, two clown-type characters appear in T-shirts with towels over their shoulders. One has a basin in his hands, the other has a teapot.
The first one places the basin on a chair and begins to wash his hands over it. The second waters from the kettle.
DJ stops the music:
- What is this? What are you doing here?
- Like what? Let's wash!
- You can't wash here.
- Where can I?
- Anywhere. Not here.

The music starts again. The clowns move to the opposite side of the podium and begin washing their hands again.
The DJ stops the music again:
- I told you: you can’t wash here! Get out of here!
Music. The clowns move to a new place - to the center of the podium, straight to the DJ console and get to work.
- How many times do I have to tell you? This is not a bathhouse. Go away! Get out!
- At all?
- At all!

The upset clown takes the basin, rocks it three times and splashes the contents directly into the audience. “Water” flies from the basin into the crowd - in fact, finely cut thick paper (photo paper), which, in the beam of a strong spotlight or light gun, creates the complete illusion of splashes.

The secret of the trick is that during the third movement, the clowns quietly removed a small basin from the basin and hid it behind the scenes or behind the DJ console, into which the water was drained. The cut paper was originally in the basin.

The game disco scenario is suitable for primary and secondary schools. To hold a game disco for primary and secondary school age, you need a good music selection. The music should be the kind that children listen to and love, then the participants will be happy to dance and participate in competitions. The scenario of the game disco “King of the Party” includes music and dance competitions, as well as the “King of the Party” competition.

Host: Hello, guys! I am glad to welcome you to our party! Today you will find many surprises, dances, competitions and of course the main battle of our evening - the choice of the king and queen of the party! Who will get the crown? It's up to you to decide, since the winner will be chosen by a vote of everyone present, but for now we'll all warm up together and come up with a dance for your class. Let's all stand in a circle! Now, starting with me, we will take turns showing dance moves. I show the movement, you repeat it after me, then the person standing to my left shows the movement, we repeat everything and connect the two movements together. And so on in a circle until the movements of each of you form your own dance like a snowball.

Dance "Snowball"

Host: Excellent, you dance wonderfully. Can you dance not with your whole body, but only with the part that is sung about in the song? Let's see how you do it!

Competition "Body Parts". A musical selection from the songs “Legs,” Disco Crash,” Elbow Dance, “Curlers” by Ivan Dorn plays.

After the competition, you can play several musical compositions to let the party guests just dance.

Host: our disco is gaining momentum and you and I are turning into molecules! Now, as soon as I shout a number, for example three molecules, you will need to dance in threes, four in fours, etc.

Dance "Molecules"

After the competition, you can play several musical compositions to let the party guests just dance.

Presenter: wow! You rock so hard that even my equipment can’t stand it and it’s malfunctioning, but it won’t be difficult for you to sing the chorus of the song if the sound turns off, right? So, let's sing songs and dance!

The game “Sing the Chorus”, the participants dance, when the song reaches the chorus the music decreases and everyone present sings. You can give a microphone to the most active participants.

After the competition, you can play several musical compositions to let the party guests just dance.

Presenter, now we’re having a blast, but if the music stops, you need to freeze and not move. Freeze in the position in which you danced as if time had stopped. I will count from ten to zero. As soon as I reach the number zero, the music will start playing again - we’ll have such a flash mob!

Flash mob "Freeze"

Host: And now I would like to know if we have anyone who wants to nominate themselves for the title of king of the party? Great! I see that we have people interested. Come to the center, I want to know your names and some details of your life.

Competition "Blitz Poll". The presenter introduces himself to each participant and asks him to answer one of the questions:

  1. Do you have a funny nickname?
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. Who is your favorite musical artist?
  4. Do you have a pet? If not, which one? your favorite animal?
  5. What sweets do you love most?

Presenter: We met the participants, and now your task, guys, is to show everything you are capable of. Go out to the center one by one and dance and everyone else will repeat the movements after you. Let's have a real dance battle.

Dance battle. The contenders for kings take turns going to the center and showing the movements the party guests repeat after them.

Host: time to choose the King of the party. And we will choose him based on your applause.

The presenter calls the names of the contenders and asks them to applaud. The one who received the most applause is the king of the party.

Host: The king of the party needs a queen. I have a hat to choose the queen of the party. Now, while the music is playing, you girls will need to dance in a circle, taking turns putting on a hat. As soon as the music ends, whoever is wearing the hat will leave the circle. The last one left in the circle is the queen of the party!

Competition "Hat"

Presenter: here is our queen, let's greet her with applause. And to friendly applause we will arrange a coronation. So, the queen of the party is...(name) and the king of the party is...(name)

The presenter puts crowns on the winners.

Host: and now the dance of the king and queen of the party!

A slow tune is playing, the king and queen of the party are dancing a slow dance. After a minute, the host invites the rest of the guests to join them..

List of props for the game disco “King of the Party”: crown 2 pcs. hat.

LEAD: — Good afternoon guys! I welcome you to a fun disco called “Dance Kaleidoscope”! As the title suggests, today’s final program is dedicated to our wonderful camp, and of course to you, dear guys!

Warm-up, game “Colors”

LEAD: — To warm up properly, we will hold a competition called “Colors.” To do this, stand in a circle and hold hands. While the music is playing, you move to the right. When the music stops, I name a color. Your task is to take on the item of one of the participants of this color as quickly as possible. Get ready, let's go!White! Red! Grey! Black! Green! Blue! Yellow! White! Orange!

Dance "Opa-Opa" (see video)

LEAD: - Dear guys, the last day has come when we are all together.

Camp is ending, summer is ending... But let's not be upset,

After all, you can meet together, have fun, and play all year round!

And today we will hold a fun disco to close the camp!

- And first, let's check how well you know the names of your friends.

Relay "Postmen"

Props: easel with written endings of names (-na, -za, -nil, -ra),

2 bags with cards on which the first parts of names are written (ali-, li-, dan-, flo-), tape or magnets.

Task: 2 teams - “postmen” who urgently need to deliver letters to the children who go to the camp. Each participant in turn runs with a bag to the easel common to the teams. His task is to take one card from the bag with the beginning of a name and find its ending on the easel by attaching the card to the easel. Who will deliver all the letters faster?

Dance “Charging” (see video)

LEAD: — Our game program continues, and now it’s the turn of the fastest and most attentive! Does anybody want? First two people please...

Pair relay "Elusive Cord"

(2 chairs placed with their backs facing each other, there is a rope under them)

LEAD: — Sit down... At my command, you run around the chairs 3 times, sit down on your chair again, and quickly pull the rope. Run to left side. That's all, actually. Ready, march!

(thus, 4 pairs are called - 8 people).

Please reward our athletes.


Relay "Sweet outfit"

(clothespins, candies according to the number of players)

LEAD: - And now I want to ask the girls: do you like to dress up? Is it true? And who is the most? I will ask the 2 biggest fashionistas to come to me. You will be our mannequins. And your outfits will be unusual.

The rest of the guys stand in 2 columns. Your task is to attach as many candies as possible to your mannequin using clothespins. Each participant attaches one candy, they do this in turn.

Dance "Kentastish"(see video)

Break dance (boys)

Ditties (girls)

Pair relay "Housewives"

(4 headscarves, 4 aprons)

LEAD: - We continue to dress up. Now boys tie aprons on themselves, and girls wear scarves on their heads. The task of the participants: while the music is playing, while dancing, untie this item on themselves - a scarf or an apron - and tie it again on their dance partner. Get ready, music!

Loud applause to our participants!

LEAD: — During the time spent in the camp, we all became friends. And friendship is strong, as the song says, “it will not break, it will not fall apart from the rains and blizzards.” I suggest you check it out!

Train game

LEAD: — Now you need to stand firmly on your feet. Because you will all be passengers on the train. First numbers - you will be machinists. Your task: run quickly, often, and change direction unexpectedly. Go! Well done!

LEAD: — Our program has come to an end. But whoever still has strength left, you may well part with it during the final dance! Forward!

Dance "Crazy Frog"


Numbers prepared by children:

Dance of the little swans (boys)

Ditties (girls)

Break dance (boys)

Sketch “Superheroes” (boys)


The film “Lilac Panama Hat” in the comedy genre