Black life of Black America. Racial implications of social inequality in the United States. The Future of American Negroes

I have previously repeatedly expressed and substantiated the idea that the existence of the criminal-political entity “United States of America” threatens the development and existence of human civilization.

This is most fully disclosed in the article Limits to Growth. Why there won't be a sixth technological order

In short, we can say that this happens for two reasons:

America, as a whole, consumes much more of the world's resources than it produces;

America, as the governing structure of the world, gives human civilization incorrect global target instructions, and therefore humanity is inevitably heading into a civilizational resource and energy dead end.

The logical conclusion would be the phrase “All Americans in their coffins,” but several counterarguments were voiced in the discussion, which can be considered completely or partially reasonable, and in particular the following:

Not all Americans are bad, in America there is agriculture, extractive industries and industry that produce goods and resources needed by the whole world (and the Americans themselves in the first place);

Civilization needs elite consumers who create the need for new, modern things and thereby move progress forward.

Of course, one can put forward several counter-counter-arguments, for example, the classic amendment of “good Americans in good coffins”, and also question the value and necessity of the modern understanding of progress, in which people are forced to throw away a lot of workers every three to five years, but “ outdated" things. But, as I said, I recognize a certain reasonableness of such arguments, and therefore I consider it possible to make amendments and clarifications to the concept.

First of all, let us exclude from the entire population of America those who are engaged in relatively reasonable and productive work: those employed in agriculture, in mines and in factories. In America, for this part of the population there is a half-contemptuous, half-mocking nickname - rednecks. Despite the fact that this part population is undergoing genocide and is gradually declining, it is still quite numerous and retains some influence in the “deep” states of the rust belt.

The second category we will exclude is wealthy (middle and upper-middle class) WASP Americans. Although their civilizational value in most cases tends to zero, we can agree that they justify their existence by their contribution to the management of society (of a rather low level, however), the promotion of progress through elite consumption, and in general, as a class, their work and productive contribution to civilization is equal to, greater than, or slightly less than their consumption.

And the bottom line is that we are left with several population groups:

Hereditary unemployed;


People employed in fake jobs are professional athletes, mouth singers and other masters of performance and installation art, “dog stylists”, “professional gay activists”, “professional green people” and other public whose contribution to the real economy is deeply negative;

Retirees who have lived their lives in one of the three groups above;

People employed in the service sector and living in areas where the main population is the four groups listed above.

That is, if in some Californian town thirty percent of the population is employed in the fields of Hollywood, twenty percent are pensioners, ten percent are officials, twenty percent are unemployed, and the rest work as cashiers, bartenders, taxi drivers and other service workers, then the contribution of this city to the economy of the planet is negative. And if tomorrow the entire population of the town dies from a disease transmitted by unconventional love, then the planet’s economy will improve (not the fake GDP indicator, but the real economy). The same can be said about some suburb of a large American city, populated mainly by hereditary Afro-unemployed people.

According to a recent study, 43% of American families cannot afford to pay for adequate food and housing. () To a greater extent, they fall into the specified category of “economically negative population,” although, of course, there are exceptions. That is, we can assume that from 20 to 40% of the American population belongs to this category.

The reasoning behind this fact is as follows:

Among this population, it is considered normal to live from generation to generation on government benefits, criminal proceeds and odd jobs;

Current practice requires the hiring of a certain number of African Americans, even if they are not in the best possible way cope with their responsibilities;

Educational and professional levels are on average extremely low, and with the killing of American industry, jobs in which they could be productive are being lost.

Of course, this is all true only statistically, since among African Americans there are many professional workers and specialists. You need to understand that in this context, “African Americans” is a specific symbol, since not all blacks will be included in this group, but it will include many Indians, Latinos, especially from the Caribbean islands, Arabs and other Muslims, and even some whites . The main criteria for being classified as “African Americans” in in this case will be the following:

Chronic dislike for any type of creative work;

Contempt for intelligence and education;


The feeling that everyone owes him.

Maintaining a certain, albeit not too high (by American standards) level of income among this population group is extremely important for the American state for the following reasons:

- Social. The need to maintain minimal social stability in society requires a certain “bribery” of a given population. In cases where the African-American population becomes dissatisfied with their standard of living, they tend to take to the streets to protest, destroy, loot and steal. The trigger, as a rule, is the murder of someone from among them, and no matter how justified, the reason is precisely dissatisfaction with one’s life. For the state, it is cheaper, especially taking into account the political and image losses, to “fill problems with money” instead of total genocide of the African-American population and/or maintaining too large a repressive apparatus;

- Economic. For many types of businesses, low-wage segments of the population are the target market, and maintaining effective demand among them is prerequisite generating income and profit from the sale of goods such as iPhones;), cheap products, Chinese goods, relatively cheap housing and cheap and/or used cars. This is achieved both by constantly reducing the price of goods, by moving production abroad, and by reducing rates and requirements for subprime loan products. Unfortunately, an important mechanism that ensures the solvency of these segments of the population is also the undervaluation of gasoline prices (through lowering the price of oil);

- Political. America's disproportionate electoral system places the "golden share" in the hands of some segments of the population. First of all, these are those segments of the population that are easily manipulated and controlled. One such group is the African American population. On the one hand, it is quite united, isolated and “always offended.” On the other hand, it is quite easily manipulated with the help of Protestant black churches. In many states, the victory of a particular candidate depends on whether black women show up or don't show up at the polls. And since in the current equilibrium system, victory in one or two states sometimes determines victory in the entire country, the value of “black votes” increases many times over.

The combination of these factors forces American elites to transfer a disproportionate share of total spending to the consumption of the African-American population. And this policy will always continue, at least as long as the existing political and economic system of America operates.

To assume that tomorrow the “white gentlemen” will give the command to drive blacks into camps and/or completely stop paying benefits is absolutely stupid and naive. They operate within a certain matrix, and without “revolutionary” change political mechanism states, no changes to this matrix are possible. In this case, one cannot refer to the practice of the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, since then blacks did not have the right to vote, and their role in political manipulation was minimal.

It cannot even be expected that in the event of a shortage of resources within the country, targeted measures will be taken to primarily deprive African Americans of their usual level of income. You need to understand that the top of the political establishment does not suffer from racism at all;) and they do not care at all which citizens of the country are the first to be deprived of rations. First of all, those who are the least violent and restless will be deprived, and last of all, those on whom victory in the elections depends. It can be assumed that the government, even in conditions of deficit, will try to provide the minimum needs of the African-American population, even to the detriment of the remnants of the middle class. Of course, this primarily concerns the Democrats, but even the Republicans in power will be afraid to deprive African Americans of their “legal” privileges. This is perfectly illustrated by the Obamacare situation. To bribe the African-American population, Obama and the Democrats promoted this program in 2010. The move turned out to be correct and largely helped Obama get a second term, and only the intervention of the Roman goddess Fortuna and the Ukrainian god the Darkest prevented the Democrats from retaining the throne in the sixteenth year. But the Republicans, having come to power, could not and did not dare to destroy this program, because they understand that after this their illusory chances of re-election would become purely virtual chances.

Another thing is that in conditions of shortages and the likely emergence of inflation, the fixed incomes and benefits of the African-American population will be destroyed first, and the system’s ability to redistribute the remaining resources will be very limited. Therefore, in the face of a serious systemic crisis, as society loses control and resource shortages increase, the African-American population will spin out of control, act as a catalyst for the destruction of society and cyclically reduce the state’s ability to “survive” the crisis. At some point, massive repressive measures will be required, which will mark the beginning of the process of disintegration of American civilization.

If we look at the policy of the American elites in recent decades, then we can say that it is twofold and contains two almost equal goals:

Maintaining the happiness of large financial capital, conditionally, this can be considered the task of maintaining the happiness of the Jewish Diaspora;

Maintaining the happiness of the low-wage segments of the population is conditionally the happiness of the African-American population.

It is clear that the priority is the happiness of large capital, but you need to understand that these tasks are very intertwined.

Firstly, it is difficult for capital to be happy without receiving excess income in the subprime lending markets;

Secondly, it is difficult for capital to be happy without gaining/seizing the levers of state control;

Thirdly, it is difficult to live in conditions of civil war.


Well, and so on and so forth... without buying the peace and loyalty of the lower strata of the pyramid, big capital is unable to effectively take power over the middle strata, receive stable incomes, and ensure complete and unadulterated happiness for itself.

You need to understand that every time democrats come to power, the speed of the world’s slide towards the abyss will accelerate a little. Every time the Republicans are in power, they will seek to reverse the process. And this is absolutely not because they are concerned about the fate of the world, but solely because the process of destruction of the real economy of America, and, consequently, the creeping process of destruction of the country, and the process of civilization’s movements into a resource and energy impasse, are a single process. Like two sides of the same coin.

Given that Republicans are technically incapable of either eliminating the African American subethnicity or abolishing the dollar's status as the primary reserve currency, their attempts to reverse the process, that is, to make America great again, are as fruitless as the notorious attempts of a gay family to conceive a child. But the very attempts to slow down the process force them to at least stop making efforts to speed up the process, and at least by doing this they are providing civilization with a certain service.

In this regard, it is necessary to understand that the Republican Party is an objective and involuntary ally of Russia. “Objective” - because they are “enemies” of African Americans (although rather not enemies, but “ill-wishers”), and “Involuntary” - because subjectively, the degree of Russophobia among Republicans is no less, and perhaps greater, than among Democrats .

Unfortunately, I predict that the current term of the Republican president will be the last, and even in the twentieth year, the Republicans will not be able to gain the throne for a second term. In the future, as the redneck subethnicity dies out and the proportion of African Americans, Latinos and LGBT people among the American population increases, the chances of the classical Republicans returning to power will increasingly approach zero.

Globally, our country, existing in the status of a semi-colony, is unable to significantly influence the processes in the metropolis. I still believe that the appointment of the Darkest American presidents is more a joke and provocation than the real achievements of our intelligence services. Nevertheless, it would be useful for us to exert influence on American society in order to maintain the influence of Republicans and reduce the influence of Democrats, within reasonable limits, of course, and without fanaticism.

I have written repeatedly about what we need to do on a local scale, and within the framework of this article, I see no point in repeating it. Unfortunately, it does not seem that the new (old) composition of the government could significantly change the external economic policy countries.

Well, perhaps it makes sense to answer a few clarifying questions:

Why do African American unemployed people threaten civilization, but African American unemployed people or Indian hereditary beggars do not?

First of all, the question is the ratio of the contribution of these population groups to the real world economy (benefit) and the withdrawal of resources from the world economy (harm). If we assume that the benefit to the world per capita from all three groups is approximately the same, then the harm, that is, the expenditure of resources per African-American capita is tens or even hundreds of times greater than the expenditure on the African, Indian or other unemployed people of the world.

Secondly, the source of resources has a role. Let's say, the benefit to the world from tens of thousands of hereditary Saudi princes doing nothing is approximately equal to the benefit from Indian hereditary beggars, but these bastards are, as they say, fattening on their own oil reserves given by Allah. Moreover, in order for them to be allowed to fatten on some part of these reserves, they are forced to give most of them to America free of charge, receiving back “wealth in candy wrappers.” There is a coincidence between the interests of the Saudi princes, who need a high oil price, and the interests of civilization, which needs a relatively high oil price. As long as the princes do not bend to the democrats, their activities are objectively useful.

Of the notable countries, only America and Britain have chronic huge foreign trade deficits, and, therefore, only in these two countries are there significant sections of the population living at the expense of others.

Well, thirdly, by and large, the fate, life and death of the African population is of no interest to anyone and does not in any way affect world politics. Even humanitarian food supplies to these countries are carried out solely in order to:

Support sales volumes of product suppliers;

Participate in the process of disbursing allocated funds and distributing food;

Kill the remnants of local African agriculture.

Only in America, the political importance of the African-American population makes them a prominent factor in domestic and foreign policy.

The remaining parts of the population either “live on their own” and rather serve as a certain additional source of income redistributed in favor of African Americans, or are not of interest due to their small numbers.

More likely no than yes. Only in America did the presence of a large, but not overwhelming number of African Americans coincide, and the ability to provide for them at the expense of others. Only African Americans have degenerated into a specific group, with a feeling that “whites” owe them until the end of time, and at the same time with a contemptuous attitude towards education and work.

Something similar exists and/or arises in Western Europe based on groups of rabies imported there, but so far such groups are less numerous, less necessary for the purpose of manipulating the electoral process, and in general Europe receives less free resources and its ability to feed (at someone else’s expense) these groups is limited. We can say that in the competition between African-Americans and Euro-rabies, African-Americans will win by a landslide.

Let's sum up some conclusions.

After the dollar was separated from its gold backing and transferred to the status of an unbacked world reserve currency, America was able to inflate the standard of living of its population as a whole, and its individual groups in particular. The vicissitudes of America's political and economic evolution have led to the fact that there is now a huge segment of the population in the country that has the opportunity either not to work at all, or not to engage in useful work at all, but nevertheless have a standard of living that in most other countries of the world would be considered average.

In part, America is in the position of a hostage, forced to bribe a bandit to ensure its peace of mind. Fortunately for America, it has the opportunity, and takes advantage of this opportunity, to carry out this bribery at the expense of others.

I deliberately used the bland and politically correct word “African-American” in the title so as not to have to pay a fine or go to jail for the well-known n-word.

Even though my website is in Russian, I am also read in America, and don’t feed a Russian in any country in the world bread, but let him put someone in prison. And I feel good at home.

So, on topic. Yes, African Americans live worse in the United States than whites. And those who live here know this well. Anyone who writes otherwise is simply lying or distorting the facts.

“Why?” - you say. - “After all, the Americans even have their own president with black skin!” Everything is true, but nevertheless, in this article I will try to explain what is the matter. And let's start with the president.

Somewhere recently I read that if nothing changes in the United States, then the next president will be an African-American woman, one-legged, with many children, gay, and sick with the AIDS virus. This is how far the notorious political correctness and tolerance can take you.

America SHOULD have installed an African American president. We found the best - Obama. I personally have nothing against him, in fact, he is such a Barack! But during his reign there was a significant “black” imbalance. Nothing else was expected.

I don’t have exact statistics, but I just see that even on TV there are a lot more programs and series featuring African-Americans. When I first came to the USA, under Bush, there was no trace of this.

This began back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when the militant but primitive-minded radicals of the New Left began to preach compassion for everyone and everything, regardless of whether we are talking about good people or bad people, about honest citizens or criminals, about sane or crazy people. Today, bookstores in the United States are filled with the covers of best-selling books whose characters have undergone such ordeals as imprisonment or incurable disease, alcoholism or drug addiction. But all these people, according to the authors, are sufferers and are presented to readers and television viewers as heroes (“heroes”). It is no longer politically correct to call them “victims.” At the very least, they are “survivors” - literally: “Survivors,” “survivors,” that is, “winners.”

Transformation negative qualities into the positive, and therefore the vindication of morally and politically dubious people, resulted from the reduction to absurdity of the beloved American idea that all men are equal and therefore have equal rights. That no person, whatever his way of thinking, value system and lifestyle, should be superior to other people, and a humiliated position should be doomed to disappear.

Political correctness in America has led to a radical distortion of truths deeply ingrained in American thinking. Following the principles of the Declaration of Independence, most Americans sincerely believe in the equality of all people from birth, despite the fact that even the most superficial glance at American society shows something different. This is clearly understood by many serious people in the United States, who perfectly understand the words from George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal.” than others.

However, the old myth has risen today in a new form - in a language free from prejudice. By implying equality for all, this language rejects the moral and cultural values ​​that have traditionally been the basis of life in the United States. If any way of life and at the same time any action is equally acceptable and justified, then the concepts of “normal” and “moral” behavior become meaningless, opening the way to moral egalitarianism, from which it is one step to permissiveness.

I will give a simple example from Russian life. One farmer plows from morning to evening, together with his whole family, and the other lies on the stove, drinks and receives some kind of suspicious pension or something like that. Will the farmer like it?

In the same way, many Americans don’t like the fact that they work, and everything they got in life was earned by honest labor. And under a special program, large African-American families are given entire houses to live in, for which they pay nothing.

But I've deviated a little from the topic. Why do I say that African Americans have a bad life if they have such ridiculous benefits? It would seem, on the contrary, everything is fine with them!

Simple psychology here. If you earned money yourself and bought yourself a house, then you will be as happy as an elephant. But if you didn’t buy this house yourself, but for some incomprehensible service to society they gave you this house “for free,” then there will be no satisfaction. You will want more and more, ad infinitum.

But honestly, not many African American families live in decent houses and for free. I won’t speak for all states, but in our Chicago, blacks traditionally live on the south side of the city, on the so-called South Side or in the black area. Here's a picture, not mine, really.

Is life bad there? - Yes, yes! Most crimes, including murders, occur there. normal person he won’t go there even during the day, unless he absolutely has to.

It is recommended not to stop too much and keep the car windows closed. There are no such rules on paper. Everyone just knows. For example, on early morning trains in the Moscow region you should sit in the outer cars, preferably in the first one - closer to the driver and the cops.

It is undeniable that there are African Americans who escaped from a criminal environment, or at least from poor areas, although this is almost the same thing, and became famous. But unfortunately, these are only exceptions to the rule.

Moreover, I myself have personally encountered African-American women many times, for example, in offices. Some of them are smart and literate, and it’s a pleasure to talk to them—that’s all.

But for some reason I see before my eyes the face of one very smiling, plump young African-American woman in the MoneyGram money transfer office. Very typical.

She just smiled and had no idea what or how to do. I had to take the thick book from her through the window, find Moscow there and point my finger at her. After that, something meaningful appeared in her eyes.

In her cubicle there are photographs of numerous children on the walls, some flowers, little frills and so on. She is sweet, kind and friendly, but her business skills are subpar. There, at MoneyGram there is a good salary, by the way.

And on TV, if someone has been killed somewhere, then as a suspect they often show pictures of the terrible face of the killer or the murdered person, which is not at all white. And this all makes me think.

More than once or ten times, the mayors of Chicago tried to resettle this criminal viper, but they didn’t succeed at all. The current one too, at least I haven’t heard anything about it.

How will they leave their homes, betray the memory of their fathers and grandfathers who died untimely from drugs or vodka in the gutter? “You can’t betray your homeland, but right here is the bottle.” Am I off topic yet?

A bit long, but correct.

In essence, everything is correct (although there are excesses). For many years I was a mathematics consultant (tutor) in one of the high schools in New York. There I sometimes talked with a black woman, an English teacher. She told me, "I always tell my black students that you have to do twice as much as the white students to succeed in life. But they don't listen to me." This is roughly what they told Jews in the Soviet Union. But they followed these tips. The trouble with black communities in America is that there are no leaders like this teacher among them.

“There is no salvation from the slave who became the king” - Rudyard Kiplig. Translated by Blumenfeld.

This is the same in the parables of Solomon.

Blacks in America.

How did it happen that for more than 30 years we have been humiliating ourselves in front of a people who are at the lowest level of development not only in America, but also on the planet. Below are only the Bushmen and indigenous Australians.

Over the millennia, they have not created even a semblance of civilization in Africa.

Not in any country! Having such highly developed countries as neighbors in ancient times Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Judea, Persia and Greece and Rome, they did not adopt anything from them! No technology, no science, no legislation. None of the black tribes still have a written language and they use the languages ​​and writing of the European peoples, who once ruled them well and taught them to at least wash themselves and wear pants. I'm not even talking about roads, electricity and medicine.

Even by the 21st century, they have not created anything, thousands graduating from Western universities and schools, and are carrying the fruits of the civilization of Western Europeans left over from the times of colonialism. Thriving 25 years ago South Africa died as soon as power passed from whites to blacks. It is ruined, everyone who could have left this beautiful country in the past and it is now buried in the mud, in which crumbling cities and farms stand. Cities without electricity, without transport, dangerous even in broad daylight. Few whites live there in fortified cities, behind concrete walls, barbed wire and 24-hour armed guards!

In America the situation is no better.

The black neighborhoods of our cities are also drowning in dirt, houses are destroyed and the white population is afraid to look there. Even the police don't go there! In Denver, houses sell for symbolic figures. They are afraid to buy them! The city is bankrupt. The mayor and 80% of the city's population are black. Slavery, abolished 150 years ago, did not prompt serious development. The heroic efforts of white America over the past 50 years have also failed to produce noticeable results in increasing their cultural level and well-being. Still even a diploma high school inaccessible to 75% of black children. They cannot learn to read and simply drop out of school by the age of 14-15! According to the integral, these people remain illiterate, lazy and stupid in any territory from Africa to America and the islands of the Caribbean archipelago. It is worth noting that any other child masters reading with the help of his parents in two to three weeks and by the age of seven he is already reading fluently in his native language.

You can't change nature. Their backwardness is especially visible next to the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and other Asian peoples. They have been developing their cultures and technologies in their homeland for centuries and millennia. And in America, in terms of their abilities and achievements, they are in no way behind white Americans! And they are often ahead of them!

If American white society normally accepts the successes of the Chinese, Koreans and other non-white citizens.

If none of said non-white citizens ever complain about racism or harassment, then the talk of racism has no basis! Even our President and Attorney General are black! And, alas, the most unlucky of all American politicians.

No one, even the most rabid liberal, can refute these obvious truths.

This is all now widely covered by the American media!

The only thing a liberal uses in such conversations is the cries of a racist, a fascist, or best case scenario insists that today the blacks are still behind, but in the future they will be no worse than us. They even say so smart people who believe that another position is offensive to them and to blacks.

Not at all! The current situation is offensive primarily to us, white people, the creators modern America And modern civilization on the planet!

After all, for reasons of political correctness, we should not just prostrate ourselves before them!

A popular “theory” is that we are with them at different stages of the general ladder of development. That we just have to wait and they will rise along it in the future to our level. Lie!

We stand on different stairs, and even a thousand-year wait will not close this gap, just as it has not shortened it so far! This gap is in natural abilities, which no one can change, and in life attitudes, brought up from birth.

What kind of future are we talking about, I ask?

If in 4-5 thousand years things have not moved a single step.

If over these millennia the white race has gone from the lack of writing to quantum physics and Mars rovers, then how long can we wait for the blacks to at least learn to read and write correctly? And often talk.

And why, until this happens, are we forcibly pushing them to the highest positions, right up to government, where they invariably show complete unsuitability, and handing out diplomas from prestigious universities to them.

Well, okay, let's wait until they develop and then we will entrust them with the levers of governing the country and culture. Isn't it premature now?

We didn't just give them equal opportunities. That wouldn't be so bad. They, for the most part, live at the expense of society, idle, debauch, fool themselves with drugs, and organize gangs that terrorize cities. They smash and burn neighborhoods in the country's largest cities whenever there is any discontent. American blacks perceive the arrest and, especially, the conviction of a black criminal as racial persecution, and then they rob stores and houses before our eyes, and behave brazenly in public places.

A bad grade at school or university leads to a trial on charges of racism!

And we give them high fives! We feed them, pay for their housing, and do not allow them to be criticized. We cannot force them to work according to their level and not to their requirements. We do not resist, we have been on our knees before them for a long time, and they, emboldened by permissiveness, behave like occupiers in a conquered country. If a fairly competent wife of the President says in front of microphones that she only fell in love with America when she entered the White House, then can blacks be considered reliable Citizens of America?

More like enemies. What kind of family do we have in the White House?

White Americans are now acquiring weapons in quantities unprecedented in the past. There are 80 million registered guns in the country and 8 million members of the American Association of Gun Owners and Enthusiasts. Why so many in a country where there is a police force, a national guard and an army? Guns aren't cheap. Not cheaper on average

$600 per unit. For 50 rounds of ammunition for a standard pistol or revolver, we now pay from $15 to $22. To be ready to use it, you need to regularly shoot at the shooting range! Train. And we shoot. And the shooting range is not cheap!

I am 80 years old. It's not appropriate to play toy soldiers at my age. Why do I need three 0.38 caliber barrels for $450 each?? I'm not a gun collector. Why do I shoot at the shooting range every week, spending money and time on it? Because I am now afraid to go out into the street without a weapon. I'm afraid to go to bed without a gun on my night table! Americans don't only buy weak pistols like mine. Machine guns, sniper rifles, heavy shotguns, machine guns and machine guns, and even bazookas are not bought by the thousands for hunting. This is a combat weapon!

Why? The answer is the same.

We are afraid of blacks, the government too, and curries favor with them, and consists to a large extent of them. The state will not protect us in the inevitably approaching racial conflict, which will quickly turn into bloody clashes. Calls for war with whites have recently appeared on the American Internet and TV airwaves.

How did we get to this point?

Serious analysis is required. So far I don’t have an answer, especially since no one dares to do such an analysis, and there is nowhere to read what others think about it. The matter is even more complicated because the situation seems absolutely absurd! A country of 320 million people DOES NOT WANT to curb only 35 million blacks who are leading the way to the destruction of the country, and instead arm themselves to the teeth, like an army going into battle with a strong and dangerous enemy!

Don't ask me: "What are you suggesting?" My task is to understand what is happening. How did we allow all this to happen! Draw a true picture and show it to everyone interested. I speak as a sociologist, not a politician. Let them decide what to do. And as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late.

It should be especially emphasized that I do not at all advocate for restricting the rights of blacks in America in comparison with other races living in the country. They are American citizens, and there can be no talk of any restrictions! But the situation that has developed before my eyes, and I have been living in America for almost 35 years, is completely intolerable. Blacks are now allowed to do things that other races and peoples, including whites, do not think about and do not even want. They are allowed to live without working!

And idleness is the mother of all crimes.

Now the son of Martin Luther King, who was killed 50 years ago as a black man, is appearing on TV. political leader. His father called for a peaceful resolution to the racial conflict that really existed then. The conflict is a thing of the past. America has a black president! And King’s son is screaming (I can’t find another word), constantly wiping the sweat from his face, about the struggle, about strikes against racists, about an irreconcilable war, about retaliatory strikes, about the fact that the war continues! And the crowd, fueled by such speeches, is excited, noisy, waving flags, the crowd is predominantly black, ready to rush into battle! And it will rush if the existing situation is not dramatically changed.

You can't envy American blacks. Their incomes are much lower than the incomes of whites, Asians and other people in the United States. A disproportionate number of their young people are in prison. The incredible majority of murders and robberies are theirs as perpetrators! About 75% of black children are born out of wedlock to mothers before they reach adulthood, and they don't even know who their father is.

And oddly enough, this is the result of the fact that for at least four decades they enjoyed privileges that no one else has. Their children received high school diplomas without learning to read, they were placed in universities without regard to their abilities. They were released from arrest several times for “minor pranks” until they were caught by big ones. They created the absurd specialty of "African-American studies" so that at least one of them could get a degree in the history of African-American civilization, which did not exist and still does not exist.

The country has established personnel departments that ensure that the number of blacks in a company or other organization is no less than their percentage in the country as a whole. And yet, in such fields as mathematics, physics, chemistry and mechanics, I did not meet a single person of color during my 15 years of work in the physics and mathematics department at the University of Houston. And this despite the fact that for scientific purposes I have more than once visited the best universities in the country. They are nowhere to be found! These disciplines are incomprehensible to them! Against the background of permissiveness, complete freedom from criticism, having practically unlimited public funds For young but large mothers, American blacks see with surprise and growing anger that no matter what, they are the least successful people in the country. And the further, the less. They don’t want to and can’t even understand why!

Not understanding that a diploma obtained without competition is not a certificate of qualification or even literacy, occupying positions corresponding to diplomas, but not performing work corresponding to the diploma, they again blame racists for their problems! A people who do not have a family as an institution, who have lost the concept of decency, who have raised in the third generation people with exorbitant appetites for privileges and social security and prefer to do nothing, cannot claim equal income with people who do not have these harmful privileges and tendencies and having only one advantage - hard work combined with abilities.

We must honestly admit that morally and even physically the American Negro has fallen in many respects far below the level at which he stood only 50 years ago. We must admit that all this is the result of the privileges they are receiving in ever greater quantities. A people protected from competition, from criticism, given public handouts for idleness and laziness, cannot be successful! The unemployment rate among blacks is twice that of the rest of the country. We import millions of Mexicans for jobs that don't require a university degree or even a good school education. Blacks do not want and will not work in so-called “unskilled jobs.” They are already full. Mexicans diligently remove garbage, mow lawns, build and repair houses and roads. Thousands of them work in the fields and gardens, caring for animals. But you don’t need a high school diploma for this. Yes, they don’t have it. I have never seen any blacks at these jobs. And I won’t see if they are still live at my expense.

I always think of the Jews when I think about this topic. Jews were oppressed and persecuted throughout the world for 2000 years. The blacks of America never dreamed of the humiliation and beatings that Jews were subjected to in Spain, France and Germany in the Middle Ages and beyond. Only at the end of the 19th century, i.e. much later than blacks, did they have the opportunity to study at a normal school and at a university. They got the opportunity to work where they want and in the specialty they chose. And with what resistance from the whole society they received all these opportunities, to which all other peoples of the countries where they lived had the right.

The Jews did not demand anything beyond the right to be equal! The only thing they

They wanted to be left alone. Through anti-Semitism that reached the Holocaust, through unbearable everyday anti-Semitism, they made their way into the most educated and successful strata of society. No privileges, just hard work, just the desire to provide your children with the best education! And so, by the middle of the twentieth century, at least 60% Nobel Laureates for scientific achievements were of Jewish origin. And the Jews passed the exams as if all they had done for 2000 years was prepare for them. This is the most successful way to fight racism! There is no other way and cannot be!

What have blacks achieved by being freed from slavery, having received all the opportunities that Jews never dreamed of just 70 years ago? Only unheard of privileges and nothing more.

Even in sports, where they had no equal, they began to be noticeably inferior to whites. Bad habits: Gluttony of free food, smoking and drugs, debauchery and permissiveness have destroyed this race, great in sports and very successful in the past in dance and jazz.

Even in boxing, in the heavy and super heavyweight divisions, where blacks have not had equal rights for 60 years or more, white athletes have been dominating for at least 10 years. There is not one among the blacks equal to the Ukrainians, the Klitschko brothers and several other Russian heavyweights.

Not wanting to look at themselves, not wanting to change their vicious way of life, American blacks are more aggressive than before, demanding more and more concessions. They have become dangerous! This is a dangerous path for all of us, not just blacks. No concessions can replace hard work, abilities and a good life. This is the only key to success. We white people need to stop feeling guilty about blacks and feeling sorry for them. Let them feel sorry for themselves. We did much more for them than we should have. They received from us legally more than we have ourselves! White American women are not paid money for every child they have. Spin - as you want!

If you sum up the demands of black activists, you get an absurd set. Give us highly paid positions in equal numbers with whites. Don't you dare search blacks, even when the police have good reason to do so. This is racism! Give us the same comfortable houses and neighborhoods that white people live in, etc. Provide us with jobs so that the unemployment rate for us and for whites is the same.

The fact that among blacks there are at least three times fewer fully literate people than among whites is not taken into account. What an illiterate person cannot claim good job and payment is not considered. The fact that blacks have made the areas provided to them by the state uninhabitable is practically not discussed for free. Give us everything without making us worthy of these benefits! Without us EARNING them! We don't want to earn them! For free! We will break glass in the houses where we live, shoot at the lamps for illuminating roads and entrances, throw garbage into the streets and shoot with military weapons in all directions, and paint houses with obscene graffiti. And give us new houses and areas when it will be impossible to live in the old ones. And the cycle will begin again!

It is interesting that their activists speak little English, are illiterate, and their main “work” is street agitation and pitting blacks against whites. In practice, their demands boil down to one thing: “Give us free equality in living standards with white citizens, but don’t demand from us what you demand from yourself”; those. hard work, education, respect for the law and decency family life. Can the state provide this to 35 million people without the risk of going bankrupt? No answer is required, especially since we are already on the verge of bankruptcy.

And our blacks never got out of slavery, but now it’s not our fault. It turned out that they did not need freedom, where they had to work hard, decide their own destiny and live, relying only on themselves. Most of them, still young people, prefer complete dependence on the state, i.e. essentially slavery, for it is true free man I hate the idea that his life depends on his owner. They do not work, do not study, and are still content with the crumbs that fall to them from the master’s table, but they demand for themselves all the benefits obtained by other hard labor! And woe to us and to them if they stop being content with what they are given. Then Civil war under the familiar slogan “take everything away and divide it up.” The roar of this coming war is already heard by a few sensitive Americans and for the first time, albeit timidly, they started talking about it

And one last thing. You should not think that I consider any Negro to be mentally retarded compared to others. I fully admit that among them there may be brilliantly gifted people. But where are they? For the entire observable history of mankind! After all, even their most ardent defenders cannot name anyone other than Martin Luther King as national pride. None of my American liberal acquaintances could tell me a single name of any famous black scientist, engineer, doctor or writer. Where are their artists, poets, composers or sculptors? After all, even an opera based on black life was written by the talented Jew Gershwin! Where are these names? No one except athletes and famous former jazzmen, before whom we all bow.

It would be good for blacks to abandon the very word racism. Racism is the oppression or destruction of a race. There has been nothing like this in the civilized world for a long time. The charge of racism silences anyone who tries to tell the truth about the lives and behavior of blacks in America. Only a clear understanding of them true problems, resulting from their racial characteristics and our connivance, will allow American society to solve these problems. The study of these features should become legal. This is sociology, science, not racism. It's time to stop considering all nations the same. It is absurd to consider the population of the Earth as one people. We are all different.

Mark Salzberg, Houston. August 2013

Why don't black and white Americans live together? January 14th, 2016

We already had a topic where, but how it was, now there is such a topic.

Segregation officially ended in the United States more than 50 years ago. But in many parts of the country, Americans of different races are not neighbors—they go to different schools, shop in different stores, and don't always have access to the same services.

In 2016, race continues to dominate the list of hot social issues in the United States. Police killings of unarmed black men and women in the past few years have reignited the debate about race relations in America, with reverberations that will be heard in the upcoming presidential election and beyond.

Ferguson, Baltimore and Chicago are three cities associated with racial tension, but all three have another common denominator. They, like many other American cities, are still largely segregated.

Poor areas of Kansas City are still populated predominantly by black people.

Segregation instead of integration?

I've seen this firsthand in my reporting across the country, from Louisiana to Kansas, Alabama to Wisconsin, Georgia to Nebraska. In so many of these places, people of different races simply do not communicate with each other, not by choice, but by circumstance. And if the races do not interact with each other, all talk about solving racial problems seems premature.

According to recent census data analyzed by , black-white segregation is gradually declining in major cities but remains high. While zero is a measure of perfect integration and 100 is complete segregation, a Brookings Institution analysis shows that most of the country's metropolitan areas have segregation levels between 50 and 70.

According to the institute's report, more than half of blacks will have to change their place of residence to achieve full integration.

Some have noted that the language in this part of the report itself underscores the difficulty of the problem—why can't this be measured by the number of whites who need to move?

Racial and socioeconomic segregation are closely linked: if you are black in America, you are more likely than white man you live in a predominantly poor area.

This is not simply a matter of choice or chance. Some were intentional, such as decades-old housing policies that outright banned African Americans from living in certain neighborhoods.

East of Trust Avenue many houses are abandoned

Kansas City, Missouri is one of the most segregated cities. Drive west of Trust Avenue and you'll see large homes with wide terraces opening onto equally wide driveways. The cost of real estate there is from 356 thousand to 1.2 million dollars.

But turn east and you will see a completely different picture. Abandoned houses and unkempt lawns greet you on almost every corner. One building I pass by is completely boarded up, there are piles of rubbish all around, on the wall spray paint it says "Stay away".

Housing on both sides of Trust Avenue is divided along racial lines.

"Red Line"

The American government had a hand in this, creating this segregation in accordance with practices introduced in the 1930s. It prohibited many blacks from purchasing property in certain areas.

When the federal government began guaranteeing home equity mortgages to boost the economy as part of the New Deal, strict rules were imposed on where mortgages could be issued.

Minority neighborhoods were considered risky investments, and black people were routinely denied mortgages, closing the real estate market to them.

This became known as the practice of “redlining,” as areas where minorities lived were marked with red ink. As Kansas City historian Bill Worley explained to me, these policies persisted into the 1960s and cut off American blacks from one of the main engines of wealth in the 20th century: real estate.

The Department of Housing's map shows data on the racial distribution of the population in four major cities. Green dots indicate clusters of black families, orange dots indicate clusters of white families.

In theory, the practice of redlining is illegal in the United States today—and has been since the 1970s, but in fact it continues to this day.

“Banks continue to provide mortgages in ways that largely leave racial minorities out of access based on financial risk,” Vanita Gupta, one of the Justice Department's top human rights lawyers, said last September. She called for stronger measures to stop discrimination in lending.

Another factor that blocked access to housing was the restrictive conditions written into housing contracts.

Before 1948, it was perfectly legal for a black person to be prevented from buying or living in a home.

Bill Worley showed me an example of such a document, drawn up in Kansas City by one of the most prominent real estate developers in the city at the time, Jesse Clyde Nichols.

“No portion of the said land shall be transferred to, be in the possession of, or be used by the Negroes for housing or any other purpose,” the contract states. Other documents of this kind contained restrictions on the rights of other minorities, including Jews.

White flight

After World War II, such restrictions contributed to the creation of affluent white neighborhoods for middle- and upper-income families. Vast new all-white neighborhoods were springing up across the country, and the migration of white families to the suburbs became known as white flight.

Excerpt from a typical Washington housing contract in 1958

Residential segregation in America peaked in 1970. More black families began moving to the suburbs and back to the Southern cities they had abandoned with the end of slavery, explains economic historian Leah Bustan.

“It may seem strange because there are stereotypes about the South, but segregation levels are lowest in Southern cities like Atlanta, Houston and Dallas,” she says.

But while Atlanta is indeed one of the least segregated cities in the United States, problems remain.

The Andersons faced discrimination when searching for housing.

During a trip to the city, I met Nicole and Lewis Anderson, two African-Americans who work in corporations.

They told me that real estate agents only showed them houses in certain black neighborhoods.

“In the beginning there were a few white people in the area, but within a few years they all moved out,” Lewis Anderson says.

“When we African Americans see a group of white people moving into our neighborhood, we think, OK, we don't mind. But for many white families it's different - they start to worry about real estate prices and move away."

There is ample evidence that Lewis and Nicole are not the only ones who are encouraged to live in so-called "black" areas. A study conducted by the US government shows that minorities seeking housing are shown fewer options choice than white.

The Fair Housing Act was passed more than 40 years ago to end discrimination in real estate, but it never took full effect.

New rules - old approaches

Last year, President Obama promised to tighten the law by introducing new rules. Now budget funds can only be allocated to real estate projects if they promote further integration, and there are penalties for violators. However, this rule applies only to government housing construction. Private developers can continue to build without complying with these conditions.

Julian Castro: Fair Housing Act Never Enforced

“The Fair Housing Act required that communities receiving public housing funds do everything possible to ensure fair distribution,” Housing Secretary Julian Castro told me. - The problem is that for many years this legal requirement was not met.”

Castro, who is part of President Obama's administration and has a serious chance of becoming a candidate for the post of vice president in the upcoming presidential election, notes that his department intends to solve this problem by providing local authorities access to demographic information, which should improve construction planning.

However, the main problem remains - several decades after the start of the campaign for desegregation and respect for human rights, many black and white Americans live separately, with almost no contact with each other. Therefore, any measures that will promote better interracial contact should be welcomed.

A little more American traditions: here’s a little about and a little more American history: for example, and here. Let's remember more about and also about The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

It would seem that the answer to this question is on the surface. In the 15th century, the first Europeans appeared in America - the conquistadors. And in the 16th-17th centuries, the active import of free labor from Africa began there, where local black princelings sold their fellow tribesmen into slavery for alcohol and weapons. However, already to the first conquistadors, local residents told about some ancient civilization that passed on its knowledge to subsequent generations.

Here is a documentary record made from the words of one Aztec sage by the Spanish monk Sahagún, who accompanied the conquistadors: “Long ago, in a time that no one now remembers, a powerful people came here, who had great legislators, talented artists and wise thinkers. These people founded the state of Tomoankhan (literally translated from the Mayan language this means “Homeland of rains and fogs”). It is from this people that all the knowledge and art of which the Toltecs, Aztecs, Mayans and Zapotecs are proud come.” Later, other Spanish historians found in Aztec legends new references to the mysterious country of Olman (“The place where rubber is mined”) and its inhabitants, the Olmecs. But who believed then? ancient legends“those eccentric Aztecs”?!

And only the completely accidental discovery by Mexican traveler Jose Melgar in the 19th century on the northern shore of the Gulf of Mexico of a meter-long human head carved from basalt drew the attention of the scientific world to this part of Central America. Was there really a civilization that once existed here, in the wilds of impenetrable coastal jungles and mangrove forests? But Melgar’s find confirmed Aztec legends: this territory (currently mexican states Veracruz and Tabasco) indeed have an extremely humid climate, and high quality rubber is still mined here.

The prehistory of the states of Veracruz and Tabasco does not end with one basalt head. To date, six similar sculptures have been discovered there. All of them are huge - from 1.5 to 3 meters, carved from monolithic blocks of black basalt and are characterized by pronounced Negroid features: a short wide nose and thick lips. Therefore, blacks visited America even before the birth of the ancient Mayan culture, which is much older than the ancient Egyptian one. How did people of a distinctly African type get here in such distant antiquity? But these are sculptural portraits of specific people, as evidenced by the fact that facial features and expressions differ from each other. Some of them look openly, slightly smiling at the tips of their lips, others are preoccupied with something and sternly frown their stony eyebrows. Hence, another sensation: an African colony in ancient America? Meanwhile, archaeological discoveries in the southern states of Mexico continued to multiply. True, they were no longer so impressive, but no less valuable. These were figurines of jaguar people, various kinds of dwarfs and cripples with strange pear-shaped heads, richly decorated stone axes, all kinds of rings,
bracelets, brooches. And all this was found in the three archaeological sites of Tressapotos, Tuxtla and La Venta, located on the coast. And most importantly, they are all made from jade, which is almost never found in these parts.

The choice of material alone speaks volumes about the value of these finds. Montezuma himself, presenting gifts of gold to Cortes, said: “And to this I will add several pieces of jade, each of which is equal in value to a load of gold.” How rich a culture must have been, replete with products made from such valuable material!

So where did blacks come from in prehistoric America? Polish historian Lucian Znich makes an assumption, the essence of which boils down to the following: both African blacks and Negroid colonists in South America are representatives of one people - the Atlanteans. After the destruction of Atlantis, most of them moved to Africa, and some, and, apparently, the most talented, part reached the American shores...