Mexico territory area. Mexico, United Mexican States is

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Volsky A. History of the Mexican Revolutions. M. L., 1928
Vaillant J. Aztec history. M., 1949
Parks G. History of Mexico. M., 1949
Garza M. Notes about higher education in Mexico. Herald high school, 1958, № 5
Essays on new and modern history Mexico. 18101945. M., 1960
Fried N. Mexico graphics. M., 1960
Mashbits Ya.G. Mexico. M., 1961
Kinzhalov R.V. Art ancient mexico . M., 1962
Zhadova L. Monumental painting Mexico. M., 1965
Simakov Yu. Mexico Olympic. M., 1967
Mexico. Policy. Economy. Culture. M., 1968
Lavretsky I. Juarez. M., 1969
Klesmet O.G. Mexico. M., 1969
Kuteishchikova V.N. Mexican romance. M., 1971
Alperovich M.S. Birth of the Mexican State. M., 1972
Gulyaev V.I. . Idols are hiding in the jungle. M., 1972
Lavrov N.M. Mexican Revolution 19101917. M., 1972
Kirichenko E.I. Three centuries of art Latin America . M., 1972
Musical culture of Latin American countries. M., 1974
Pichugin P.A. Mexican song. M., 1977
Portillo G.L. Physical education and sports in Mexico. Theory and practice physical culture, 1978, № 8
Gulyaev V.I. . Mayan city-states. M., 1979
Bassols Batalha A. Economic geography Mexico. M., 1981
Soviet-Mexican relations. 19171980. Sat. documents. M., 1981
Maksimenko L.N. Mexico: Socio-Economic Development Issues. M., 1983
Mexico: trends in economic and socio-political development. M., 1983
Pichugin P.A. Corridos of the Mexican Revolution. M., 1984.
History of Latin American Literatures, vol. 1., M., 1985; t. 2, M., 1988; vol. 3, M., 1994
Lapishev E.G. Mexico at the turn of the two centuries. M., 1990
Kozlova E.A. The formation of Mexican painting 16-18 centuries. M., 1996
Essays on the history of Latin American art. M., 1997

While the Mexican cavalry was warmly received, a detachment, diverted from the right of the American army, attacked the attackers themselves from behind and cut off their retreat. Taylor judged that these two thousand men had lost, as well as humanity or prudence, he sent them as parliamentarians to call upon them to capitulate; but the Mexican officer addressed by the parliamentarian himself, Lieutenant Christendon of Kentucky, pretended not to understand the subject of the message, and insisted on leading the American envoy to Santa Anna's camp.

The lieutenant agreed, allowed himself to be blindfolded and was led into the Mexican camp. When they reached Santa Anna's tent, the bandage was raised, and the officer found himself face to face with the general, surrounded by a brilliant staff. Santa Anna began to blame the officer who took the parliamentarian for taking unnecessary precautions. Showing with his hand the large army which he commanded, he asked the American whether the general, who saw himself at the head of such troops, had anything to hide.

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Mexico is a country that few people know anything interesting about. Most inhabitants of the planet know this state as the place where such cinematic masterpieces as “Wild Rose”, “Simply Maria”, “The Rich Also Cry” and other soap operas were born, which won the hearts of millions of residents of post-Soviet territories in the nineties. Meanwhile, Mexico is a beautiful land, with an ancient and magical history, amazing sights inherited from the Mayan prophets and unsurpassed nature that has been formed over the centuries.

The officer bowed to all American toughness and delivered his message. It may be imagined that two thousand horsemen, under control, made use of the time devoted to these negotiations; they parted ways in favor of this short truce, and the Americans were refused permission to venture into the trials.

This incident ended in the afternoon. The next morning, before hostilities resumed, this time a parliamentarian, but a Mexican, reached the American lines and asked to be introduced to the commander-in-chief. He was led in front of a white-haired man with a wrinkled face with deep wrinkles, crouched, not on a white horse. This man, dressed in a worn brown coat, became historical in rural areas Florida and Texas, there was General Taylor, nicknamed Old and Ready by the Americans. The Mexican officer, promptly summoned to explain the reason for his visit, replied, with learned politeness, that his Excellency General Santa Anna had sent him to ask the American general what he intended to do. “I'm waiting for him to give up,” Taylor replied sadly, without changing his attitude.

The very first civilizations

The area of ​​Mexico is 1,972,550 km2. In addition, its territories include approximately 6,000 km 2 of islands located in the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Mexican Ocean and Naturally, not all of these lands immediately belonged to the country. They were conquered, given away, returned back, and so on until the state known as to modern man. Excavations in 1947, carried out in Tepespan and other possessions of the country, proved that no less than 22 thousand years ago the first person appeared in this part of America. By the fifth-sixth century BC, the first settled civilizations were formed here. They were growing legumes, pumpkin and maize.

Both generals were called and both were ready for battle. However, it was not until after three o'clock in the afternoon that skirmishes resumed, because Santa Anna hesitated perhaps to attack the enemy, so well protected by his position. Thus the whole day passed in insignificant maneuvers and in cannonades, more noisy than deadly.

On the 23rd the plain of Angostura, a sort of desert, cut out of ravines and bristling with prickly nopals, presented a sadder aspect than usual in the low and rainy sky. Thick clouds gathered on the hilltops and soon fell into rain. Immediately this brilliant Mexican army rushed towards the muddy trickle of water that wounded the wrinkles on the ground. For a moment the enemy was forgotten, thinking only of quenching his thirst. At ten o'clock in the morning the battle resumed, and this time it was with real fury.

Historians know several ancient cultures of Mexico. One of them is the Olmecs, who inhabited the modern area of ​​​​Mexico somewhere from the 12th to the 5th century BC. e. The centers of this civilization were mainly located in Tres Zapotes, Cerro de las Mesas and La Venta. Today these are the states of Tabasco, Guerrero and Veracruz. The Olmecs had a fairly strong influence on civilizations that arose a little later. Their prosperity dates back to the 4th-9th centuries AD. Today these cultures are considered classic. These include the civilization of Teotihuacan, Zapotecs, Totonacs, and, of course, the Mayans.

The rain was always in a hurry and made the landscape, already so uneven, even more dangerous for people and horses. Part of the American army abandoned its position to advance towards the Mexicans, whose poor quality ammunition had become almost useless under the falling water. The Mexican infantry, in turn, had a bayonet mount at the end of the rifle. On the other hand, Santa Anna's cavalry charged the Mississippi skirmishers, sending those familiar cries of attack upon the combatants of the two nations. The Americans responded to these cries with wild Hurrs.

They then wrestled hand in hand, and soon corpses were scattered across the plain. The American veteran Taylor, with his telescope in hand, followed the various stages of the battle, which he reached to the place where the day before he had received the Mexican parliamentarian, still silently bending over the white horse, the battle. He saw that General Wall, to whom he had entrusted the details of the operations, had in turn advanced an army against the Mexicans; it was at this moment that his skirmishers and Santa Anna's horsemen were fighting.

Arrival of the Spaniards

Mexican lands were famous for their extraordinary wealth. The Spanish conquistadors had heard about their treasures. In 1511, a Spanish ship was wrecked near This was the first meeting between the peoples who inhabited Central America, and Europeans. Jeronimo de Aguilar is a man who managed to survive that disaster. He stayed to live with the Mayans. Jerónimo mastered the language of this people, and eight years later he became a translator on an expedition led by Hernán Cortés.

He saw Wall's body waver, sway, and then go to rest. As Taylor commanded the new troops and supported Wall, a bullet passed through his brown coat. By a strange coincidence, Santa Anna fell on her side on the battlefield. The explosion of the grape shot killed his horse underneath him. Neither of the two generals was wounded. Fresh troops sent by Taylor energized Santa Anna's troops, tired with fatigue, thirsty and hungry for forty hours. This movement completed the defeat of the Mexicans.

Santa Anna's army retreated, leaving a significant number of dead on the battlefield. On all sides, Mexican officers were hit by the inevitable bullets from American riflemen. The rain, becoming more and more abundant, soon brought down a true cloud between the combatants. It was only three o'clock and night seemed close. The Americans abandoned the pursuit of the enemy, and the desert plain revealed a thick layer of corpses washed by rainwater, wounded people who were painfully drawn in agony to the overflowing streams and american army once again strengthened in her unassailable position.

Mexico is a country that was simultaneously explored and conquered in 1517. Diego Velazquez, the governor of Cuba, sent several expeditions here. The first of them was led in 1517 by Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba, the second was led by Juan de Grijalva in 1518. And the last one took place in 1519. Its head was Hernan Cortes. It was he who conquered the empire that belonged to the Aztecs and became the governor of those territories that he managed to subordinate to his laws.

This day was deadly for both armies. However, considering that the reserve corps, under the orders of General Vazquez, was unable to reach the main body of the army, and this disaster forced Santa Anna to fight in an unfavorable place, and the ammunition deteriorated, it will be recognized that the result of the fight against such unequal chances cannot be interpreted in this way which is too dull for Mexican value. Both armies camped near the battlefield. It was observed, counting dead, that most of the Mexicans were killed firearms, most Americans - with a spear or bayonet.

Sights of Mexico

Mexico is a country that has experienced a lot of suffering in its lifetime. And the sights of the country are, of course, witnesses to all these trials. There are very, very many of them here. It is quite difficult to visit all these amazing places. But there are some special exhibits that simply need to be seen in person. One of these is This giant reached a height of 5636 meters and is considered the highest Mexican peak. Orizaba is mostly called a mountain, but in reality it is not. After all, this is a real volcano. At the border of the 16th-17th centuries, the most large number eruptions. During this time there were as many as seven powerful explosions. After one of them in 1687, Orizaba fell asleep. The Aztecs called it Citlatepetl - the mountain that reaches for the stars.

The Mexican spear, the settlers' carbine, both valiantly filled their offices. Moreover, after this battle, something happened that happened after the main actions of this strange war. No country would accept the role of beating. In Mexico City the "Deceit of Grace" was performed, and in Buenos Aires, the victory ballots at Buena Vista, and especially the proud response of Lieutenant Kentucky Taylor never gave up, received brilliant publicity.

We fought for forty hours with hunger and thirst, wrote Santa Anna in a passage from the battlefield. We need water, especially water. The 25th century council of war, held under Santa Anna's tent, decided to retreat to Agua Nueva, where this exhausted army would find a network of brackish water.

Fort San Diego is also a must-visit. This is a pentagonal building, shaped like a star. It is located in Acapulco. The fort was built to protect merchant ships and the city from pirates from Holland and England. San Diego was built back in the 17th century. This is the only historical landmark in Acapulco that has survived to this day.

While Santa Anna was returning in triumph to San Luis Potosi, a new uprising occurred in Mexico. Democratic government, personified by Vice President Gómez Farias, has burdened the nation for too long. Some regiments of the National Guard, on the orders of General Matías Peña and Barragán, decided to overthrow the vice president. These regiments, composed of property owners, began by seizing all the churches where they could place a sufficient garrison. The other part of the militia, which remained loyal to Gómez Farias, was composed only of the leperos class, the natural enemies of all property, and took possession of all the remaining churches, the palace and the citadel.

Formation of the Mexican capital

The capital of Mexico is called Mexico City. But the city did not always bear this name. Previously it was called Tenochtitlan. The city was founded in 1325 by the Aztecs. There is a legend according to which Huitzilopochtli - the sun god - ordered the Indians to come here. He ordered the Aztecs to settle in the place where they would meet a proud eagle, who would sit on a tall cactus and hold a snake in its beak. The Indians searched for such a territory for a long time, but finally found it and founded a settlement there. This is how Tenochtitlan appeared on the western shore of Lake Texcoco. Later it became the capital of the Aztec power.

The civil war threatened to drag on. For twenty-nine days, the unleashed soldiers waged a war to exterminate the inhabitants who appeared on their balconies, as well as the innocent passengers who were in need of life or curiosity on the street. However, neither side received a single blow, as neither side decided to launch a serious attack. Santa Anna's presence could put an end to these daily killings: they only wanted Gómez Farias. Santa Anna therefore returned to the presidency and calm was soon restored.

The capital of Mexico is indescribably beautiful. The first Europeans, who were struck by the splendor of Tenochtitlan, called it the Venice of the Aztecs. This unsurpassed city existed for almost two hundred years. It was conquered by the Spaniards, so it was greatly destroyed. In 1521, on the site of the ruins, a new city- Mexico City.

Unfortunately, these unsuccessful attempts brought together the proletarians and the wealthy class again. The people of Mexico have developed an appetite for murder and robbery. Public order was restored only by appearance, and partial killings succeeded in organized massacres.

Buena Vista's defeat and awakening civil war were two terrible blows to the republic. Soon a new test came, which brought her closer to her ruins. Vera Cruz offers ships for each shelter only a roadstead, poorly protected on one side by the beach, which is rounded like a horseshoe, and on the other by the island of Sakritios, and further along the point of San Anton Limardo. Despite the blue sky that dominates it, the azure sea that washes its walls, Vera Cruz, built on a low sandy beach, presents a rather gloomy appearance.

City of contrasts

The capital of Mexico is a city full of contrasts. You either like him at first sight, or he causes irritation and a burning desire to leave him immediately and go somewhere a little calmer. Unparalleled museums and buildings coexist with poor neighborhoods, while ancient churches and fragrant parks, synonymous with the word “peace,” border noisy and busy streets. In short, Mexico City is a multifaceted city, it is special, unpredictable and fascinating, just like the country itself.

These were two French breeches: Pilades and Mercury, the Spanish ships Luisa Fernanda and Nervoin and the English brig Darding, spectators of the fight that was about to take place. Farther still, one could guess, rather than see the dense masts of American ships anchored in San Anton Lizard, and wait only for the signal to enter the lists. Towards the middle of the day the scene changed: the drum was heard in the city and in the castle, the terraces and platforms were covered with an excited crowd; the English steamer was preparing for anchorage; on the deck of the steamer, the elegant tourists, especially the women, parasol and lorgnette in hand, eagerly awaited the fight, which promised them one of those exceptional points so desired by the English nation.

Mexico City Museums

The capital's museums are one of the main attractions of the city. Mexico, the capital Mexico City in particular, is simply oversaturated with them. The most beautiful and impressive institutions are located here. First of all, I would like to mention the Mexico City Museum. It is located in a palace made in the Baroque style. was built in XVIII century and belonged to the count family of Santiago de Calimaya, who was a descendant of the famous conquistador Cortes. The museum in this house opened only in 1964. There are 26 halls demonstrating the history of the development of the capital of Mexico from the time of the Aztecs to modern days.

The masts away from the American ships were covered with linen and moved slowly in the morning breeze towards the island of the Victims. At two o'clock the landing squadron stood next to this island. Seven warships, frigates, steam breeches, and sailing boats, bearing the colors of General Scott and General Worth, who commanded the landing forces, made up the siege of the siege. The fastening was not yet completed when a cannon shot, starting from the Massachusetts flagship, gave the signal for the attack. At this moment the English steamer set sail for the English, French and Spanish vessels near the island of sacrifice, condemned to remain spectators of the action.

The house-museum of Leon Trotsky is considered no less famous. The great publicist lived in it for the last few months of his existence, and here he was killed in 1940. The capital of Mexico is the city that provided political shelter to the famous revolutionary in 1937. On August 20, 1990, the house-museum was officially opened. There is a public library here, in which Trotsky’s works and some of his documents are carefully preserved.

Half an hour had barely passed, and already the American flag floated high off the shore, surrounded by the regiment, which presented military awards to the star pavilion. The other two hills were just decorated like the first when night fell to abort the planting. The next day, the coast of Vera Cruz was still surrounded by soldiers, who constantly kept the ships at anchor. At nine o'clock a party of Mexican cavalry, protected by the city's cannon, swept the plain around the hills occupied by the Americans, and the crews of the ships anchored on the roads soon saw the party cut off in their communications, far from being able to return to the city.

Palaces of Mexico City

Among all the attractions of this city, I would like to note the palaces, which are majestically located in their honorary territories. The capital of Mexico (photos can be seen in our article) boasts the Chapultepec Palace. This is the most famous castle in the whole North America. Emperors, presidents and governors of the country once stayed here. The palace is located on the hill of the same name, the height of which reaches 2325 meters above sea level. King Bernard de Galvez initiated the founding of the castle. Today, numerous excursions are held here, which appeal to all visitors without exception.

Castle fine arts- another attraction that has captured the hearts of many travelers. This opera house, and it is located in the very center of Mexico City. The building is the largest structure on the planet, for the construction of which Carrara marble was used. The domes of this architectural masterpiece are decorated with Italian marble. And the interior of the theater was created by Federico Mariscal.

Latin American Tower

As mentioned above, the country of Mexico (whose capital is Mexico City) is a state full of contrasts. But besides them, it is also filled with paradoxes. One of these is the Latin American Tower - a 183-meter building located in the center of the capital. This building is located in a seismic zone, but this did not prevent it from successfully surviving several powerful earthquakes.

The tower has 44 floors. And the structure was created not so long ago, in 1956. Today it is used as an office center. You can move from floor to floor using a high-speed elevator, of which, by the way, there are two: one takes you to the 37th floor in just half a minute, and the other reaches the 42nd floor, where the cafe and observation deck are located.

Day of the Dead

No, no, don't be afraid, this is a traditional Mexican holiday. Just if you are lucky enough to be in the country when it takes place, be sure to visit it. The country of Mexico (the capital in particular) celebrates this day on the first and second of November. These events are an occasion for the whole family and friends to gather to pray and remember those who are no longer around. Not a single bank is open in the country during the celebrations. So, people go to cemeteries, where they want to spend a little time with the souls of the departed. At the graves they build altars on which they display photographs, favorite drinks and dishes, and memorial items of the one who rests in the ground.

The skull is the main symbol of this holiday. People celebrating the Day of the Dead cover their faces with masks, wear skulls made of chocolate or sugar, and write their names on the forehead of a kind of dessert. Perhaps this is a little wild for us, but there it is in the order of things. Sweet skulls are given as souvenirs to both the living and the dead. The capital of Mexico is called Mexico City, and in the first two days of November it can be called a dead city.

You might be interested

Mexico - amazing country, and the capital of Mexico is generally something unique. And there are things that will surprise every person for whom this region has even the slightest interest. So, here are some fun facts about this state:

  • Every year it is visited by 20 million people.
  • Brazil - Mexico - football match, which took place between these states in the summer of 2014. The game ended with the score 0:0.
  • The pyramid called Chichen Itza, which is one of the seven wonders of the world, is located in Mexico.
  • uses 80 varieties of pepper.

Instead of a conclusion

Mexico is the birthplace of everyone's favorite chocolate. It is also the only Latin American country in which Olympic Games. So pack your bags exciting journey is waiting for you!