Levels of culture. Cultural level

CULTURAL LEVEL - the degree of development of the essential forces of social. subject, achieved as a result of it cultural activities. This concept applies not only to the individual, but also to the group, class, society as a whole. U.K. social the subject reflects the degree of familiarization with global spiritual values, the degree of mastery of knowledge, skills, ideas accumulated by humanity over the entire period of its history. Factors increasing U.k. are , education. The concept of U.K. firmly established in the categorical apparatus of sociology. science. Indicators U.k. are: a set of indicators of the level of cultural and technical (see), characterizing the educational, qualification level of the population and the degree of application of scientific and technical. improvements, scientific discoveries in all areas of human activity; a set of indicators of a general cultural level that characterize the degree of active attitude towards spiritual culture, potential “real cultural”, orientational and actual material and time costs in the field of culture, motivation of cultural activity, selectivity in the field of even culture, determined by the content, direction of cultural activity, aesthetic tastes; moral development of the individual, etc. U.K. of a social subject - a criterion for the results of his cultural activities, internalization of the norms and values ​​of the culture of members of the society - contributing to its effective development. It is also economically beneficial. Many problems. recent years- low production, environmentally friendly. disasters, catastrophic accidents - cannot be reduced to the miscalculations of individual performers. This is a question for U.K. society as a whole: general culture, economic, political, legal, everyday, etc. Therefore, any “investment” in increasing the standard of living standards should be considered justified. person, because it is an investment in the future. Lit.: Categories of philosophy and categories of culture. Kyiv, 1983; Sokolov V.M. Sociology of moral development of personality. M., 1986; Personal life culture: problems of theory and methodology of socio-psychological research. Kyiv, 1988. I.B. Orlova.

Russian sociological encyclopedia. - M.: NORMA-INFRA-M. G.V. Osipov. 1999.

See what “CULTURAL LEVEL” is in other dictionaries:

    level- , vnya, m. The stage of development achieved by a person in what age. regions; degree of quality of something *Ideological level. * Political level. * Cultural level. ◘ Continuous growth of the ideological level of party members and candidates. SPA, 23.… … Dictionary language of the Council of Deputies

    Culture shock - Culture shock emotional or physical discomfort, disorientation of an individual caused by entering a different cultural environment, encountering another culture, an unfamiliar place. Getting used to a new environment can be exciting,... ... Wikipedia

    CULTURAL- cultural, cultural, cultural; cultural, cultural, cultural. 1. only full. forms. adj. to culture. cultural level. cultural skills. || in the field of culture, associated with the field of culture. “cultural rapprochement with France... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    LEVEL- LEVEL, level, husband. 1. A horizontal plane that represents the boundary of the height of something. During a flood, the water level rises greatly. Sea level (conditional starting point for determining heights at earth's surface).… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    level- LEVEL, vnya, husband. 1. A horizontal plane, a surface as a boundary, from which the height is measured. U. water in the river. 2. The degree of size, development, significance of something. Cultural u. U. life (the degree of satisfaction of the population with material and... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    It consists of two components: 1) cultural and technical. the potential of the population, characterized by the level of its education and qualifications; 2) the presence and degree of application of scientific and technical technologies. achievements, scientific discoveries in society. production, in all... ... Russian Sociological Encyclopedia

    cultural- oh, oh; ren, rna, rno. 1. only full. to Culture (2 3.5 digits). K. population level. K y values. Construction. K. layer of earth (archaeol.; formed from organic and construction remains at the sites of human settlements). 2.… … Encyclopedic Dictionary

    cultural- oh, oh; ren, rna, rno. see also culturally, cultured 1) only complete. to culture 2), 3), 5) Cultural level of the population. What values... Dictionary of many expressions

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Highlight three levels of culture .

1. Elite culture is created by a privileged part of society, or at its request - by professional creators. This is “high literature”, “cinema is not for everyone”, etc. It is aimed at a prepared audience - a highly educated part of society: literary critics, film experts, regulars of museums and exhibitions, writers, artists. When the level of education of the population increases, the circle of consumers of high culture expands.

2. Folk culture created by anonymous creators who have no professional training. These are fairy tales, legends, folk songs and dancing, folk crafts, toasts, jokes, etc. Operation folk culture inseparable from the work and life of people. Often works folk art exist and are passed down orally from generation to generation. This level of culture is addressed to broad sections of the population.

3. Popular culture created by professional authors and distributed through mass media. These are television series, books by popular authors, circuses, blockbusters, comedies, etc. This level of culture is addressed to all segments of the population. Consumption of mass culture products does not require special preparation. As a rule, popular culture has less artistic value than elitist or popular.

In addition to the levels of culture, there are also types of culture .

1. Dominant culture - is a set of values, beliefs, traditions, customs that guide the majority of members of society. For example, most Russians love to visit and receive guests, and strive to give their children higher education, kind and friendly.

2. Subculture - Part general culture, a system of values, traditions and customs inherent in a certain group of people. For example, national, youth, religious.

3. Counterculture - a type of subculture that opposes the dominant one, for example: hippies, emo, criminal world.

One of the forms of culture associated with human creative activity in creating an imaginary world is art.

Main directions of art:

· music;

· painting, sculpture;

· architecture;

· literature and folklore;

· theater and cinema;

· sports and games.

The specifics of art creative activity is that art is figurative and visual and reflects people's lives in artistic images. Artistic consciousness is also characterized by specific methods of reproduction surrounding reality, as well as the means by which the creation occurs artistic images. In literature, such a means is the word, in painting - color, in music - sound, in sculpture - volumetric-spatial forms.

One of the types of culture is also mass media (media).

The media is periodical printed edition, radio, television, video program, newsreel, etc. The position of the media in the state characterizes the degree of democratization of society. In our country, the provision on freedom of the media is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. But the law imposes certain prohibitions on this freedom.


1) the use of hidden inserts in programs that influence the subconscious of people;

2) propaganda of pornography, violence and cruelty, national hatred;

3) dissemination of information about methods of development and places of purchase of drugs and psychotropic drugs;

4) use of the media for the purpose of committing criminal offenses;

5) disclosure of information containing state secrets.

There are a lot of definitions of culture, as noted. We agreed to understand it as a way of a person’s active existence, as a way of his self-realization. Second stage systematic approach is an analysis of elements and structure. At this stage, a distinction is made between sociological and philosophical approaches to analysis. In the first case, at least “two cultures” are distinguished in each national culture, which V.I. once wrote about. Lenin 7, distinguish progressive and regressive traditions, various subcultures, national and regional characteristics in culture, etc. In the second case, when the basis is philosophical analysis, the structure of culture is considered as a certain integrity, representing many subcultures and possessing the functions listed above.

In the previous topic, we have already begun such an analysis, when we talked about the types, forms, functions and their meaning in culture. Now we will highlight levels, cultural orientations, norms, customs, traditions, and values.

Based on our understanding of culture, we can say that its level is determined by the possibility of self-realization of a person as an individual, that is, his freedom in society. As I thought F. Engels(1820–1895), “every step forward on the path of culture was a step towards freedom”. If culture itself is quality human existence, then its level can be expressed quantitatively and include a set of indicators: the nature and organization of production, forms of ownership, the nature of power, social structure.

Cultural levelan indicator of culture or the degree of mastery by an individual, team or society certain types activities or behavior, cultural values ​​of previous generations.

But what types of activities and what values ​​depend on the very level of culture in society. We can draw the following conclusion: what measures a person or society uses to determine their own culture characterizes both the culture and its level.

For example, in Soviet society, indicators of culture included the number of cinema installations, libraries, or the number of subscribers to newspapers and magazines. There is no doubt that all these are important indicators of culture. But they far from exhaust the concept of “cultural level”. The cultural level does not coincide with the level of literacy or education. Culture is not awarded along with a diploma, since it also exists as a personal aspect. Education and knowledge may not have a personal dimension, and if we reduce culture to them, then instead of it there appears a set of cliches in thinking, the dominance of generally accepted tastes, fashionable books or songs and their performers. Fashion is also an indicator of culture, but it can also resist it, being its antipode.

The level of culture, including moral, is determined by what basic needs dominate in life this person, this group of people. Each civilization in its development generates certain moral values, developing norms and forms of relationships between people (traditional, ritual, etiquette, etc.) in which good is realized. The filling of these cultural forms occurs in different life situations, in the living field of culture.

The lowest level of culture, below which a developed society does not allow either an individual or a group to fall, is determined by the fact that the main things in life are the needs and values ​​of one’s material existence and comfort. A person of this level knows the difference between good and evil, he knows that good is significant, at least good in relation to himself. He can behave in accordance with known moral standards, making choices in life situations in favor of good, because this is what is accepted in society. The motives of his actions are determined not so much by the desire to do good because he is good, or by a sense of duty, but by the external norm of behavior in relation to him, operating in a given society and familiar to him. A person at this level commits good deed because he believes it will “count” or in real life, or in posthumous existence. After all, society tries to block manifestations of evil, immorality is condemned, and if a person is condemned where he lives and acts, then life is more difficult for him. And for him, the conditions of his material and material security, the normality of relationships, his peace of mind and the peace of people who are directly connected with him are very important: his close relatives and his friends. Good and in relation to them is realized mainly in the sphere of material and material relations. To do good means to provide, clothe, put on shoes, feed, and support financially.

Society requires manifestations of honesty and justice from any person. A person of a lower level of culture will be limitedly honest, decent, fair, but only insofar as it is useful for him. After all, if he is caught, say, in deception, they will treat him badly, and then his material and spiritual comfort is under threat. A person of this level may be characterized by feelings of pity and impulses of mercy. But pity and mercy and other moral movements of the soul among these people are unstable and often manifest themselves in a rude form, sometimes even offensive. Because delicacy and tact are too subtle for them. A person is sure that if he was sorry or showed mercy (in whatever form this may be expressed), the one who was pitied should be grateful. In general, the sense of duty of others towards oneself is developed at this level. But the sense of duty is limited. Firstly, in relation to whom, to what exactly a person has a debt. Usually we are talking about loved ones: father's duty, mother's duty, filial, daughter's. Secondly, one’s debt is limited by the limit beyond which it begins to contradict benefit, benefit, and self-interest. When a person of a lower level of culture has a conflict between his duty and his benefit, duty cannot survive.

Shame and conscience, as internal regulators of relationships and behavior, can appear at this level of culture, but in a weakened form, and are relatively easily overcome. They try to get rid of the torment of conscience in one way or another by justifying themselves, looking for others to blame, or even questioning the value of conscience itself.

People of this level of culture are not free from their own moral hypocrisy. It manifests itself in the forms of excessive concern for the morality of other people and the emphatic observance by the person himself of all the rules of decency and the simplest moral norms. In reality, only a minimum of morality is real for him. He observes the rules of decency, good manners, is not overly cruel, or, if cruel, it is supposedly fair and justified. He is even kind in moderation. And if he violates some moral norms, it is not destructive for his society. And of course there are violations. This may not manifest itself in general, but in certain areas and moments of human relationships, for example, in sexual relationships. Violations of morality usually try to hide, hide, because, as a rule, society condemns such manifestations. If we are not talking about ordinary people, but about the criminal world, then it has its own ideas about good and evil, honor, decency, its own rules moral behavior. Criminals, their groups and layers, in a unique way, also realize a minimum of morality in relationships, being at the lowest level of culture, bordering on its complete absence. And the dominant of their vital needs is also their practical interest, their own benefit (with the exception of pathological cases).

In general, at the lowest level of culture, the moral culturalization of life appears as a certain “formalization,” “processing,” and normalization of relations between people in terms of morality. This formality is not entirely stable, it is predominantly external, always with a minimum of truly moral content.

At a higher, next level, moral values ​​can be the highest values ​​of life and culture. A person of this level is characterized by a developed moral consciousness. Both one’s own behavior and the behavior of other people are morally evaluated. As a rule, these assessments are concentrated in one or another type of sermon. moral image life. Such a person actually strives, first of all, to do and affirm good in every possible way, even through self-sacrifice. This is the path of altruism. Existing moral standards for a person of this level of culture are not external; if he accepts them, then with all his heart. But even more important than norms is a sense of duty in relation not only to loved ones, relatives, but also to all people.

A person at this level of moral culture tries to be extremely honest to himself and to others, uncompromisingly fair. He truly sympathizes and tries to help others, but his caring can sometimes be obsessive. At the same time, he himself believes and it seems to others that the highest value for him is another person. But this is not entirely true, because for him morality, ideal moral life, moral duty above any specific person.

Absolutization of morality in general and specific morality in particular leads to tragic conflicts in real life situation. An example of this could be the position of “non-resistance to evil through violence,” in which it is important not to deviate from the ideals of good, even if evil wins and other people in a life situation find themselves defenseless against it. The absolutization of norms, commandments, requirements, principles of morality is manifested in the irresistible temptation to impose on other people a certain type of morality, which is considered universal, but in fact is characteristic only of a certain generation, social stratum or group. Such persistence leads to paradoxical results. Absolutized good can, from time to time, turn into evil: spiritual violence, self-violence, insensitivity, internal brokenness of personality.

It must be admitted that even the developed moral consciousness of a person of the described level of culture does not guarantee his impeccability of actions. His inherent bias towards the obligation of good, when a person’s self-worth turns out to be narrowed, inevitably leads him to suffering.

At the highest level of moral culture, the unconditional and highest value for a person is another person, and not the ideals of “truth, goodness, beauty.” This affirmation of the other as the dominant value does not occur at the expense of sacrificial self-giving, not at the expense of altruism. This happens because for a person of the highest level of moral culture this is completely natural. His behavior lacks rigorism and the desire to preach his truth. What is essential here is not the conviction that one must do good, but the desire to do it and the ability to do it. Moreover, do it “not in general,” but in relation to a specific other person. This level of moral culture is characterized by a cautious and selective attitude towards violations of norms and rules, taking into account the uniqueness of real situations. And the same attitude towards debt. This is especially true for assessing the actions of other people, communicating with them about their morality or immorality. The main thing in relationships with people is delicacy and tact, which does not allow you to needlessly offend another with your supposed moral superiority.

The mercy of such a person, his concern for others, is not burdensome, not offensive, and most often simply unnoticeable. At the same time, a person is more sensitive to his weaknesses, his violations of morality, than when others do this. To a significant extent, he is tolerant of human weaknesses and knows how to forgive, because he does not consider himself and his morality to be perfect.

A person of a higher level of culture has less internal conflicts, he does not contrast moral values ​​with other equally high values. Such a person is not just moral, he is fully cultural. This level is not characterized by the position of “non-resistance to evil through violence.” Moral culture the highest standard is not isolated from other spheres of culture. This culture is full precisely because the ideals of “truth, goodness, beauty” in this case, the essence of manifestations of human humanity. And we must defend it!

By publication:

V.P. Bolshakov, doc. Philosopher sciences, professor

Culture as a form of humanity


Expand your horizons by all available means, absorb as much different information as possible. The more you know, the more interesting you are as a person to others. But don’t overdo it and don’t spread yourself thin; it’s impossible to know everything. It's much better to focus on a few areas of knowledge that really interest you.

Improve your communication skills and you will become the most desirable interlocutor. The concept of personal culture is very broad; it includes not only knowledge and the ability to apply it in everyday life, but also how a person behaves in general. And often even someone who knows a lot can be called uncultured only because he does not know how to communicate or commits actions that are unacceptable.

Try to create your social circle from people of a higher level of culture. Then you will always have an incentive for your own self-improvement. The reverse situation is much more dangerous; not everyone will be able to resist and hold their ground high level.

Improve your knowledge of your native language and try to exclude non-literary expressions from your speech. Today it is quite difficult to do without good knowledge foreign languages, therefore, study and expand your knowledge of the languages ​​of other peoples and their cultures.

Today's media mainly provide ready-made knowledge that does not need to be found or processed. At lectures, the teacher also gives new knowledge, often in a ready-made form. Re-read the material received in class at home and ask questions about it. Even if you don’t ask them to the teacher, you will force your thinking to work, and maybe you will even become interested in understanding it, this knowledge has appeared. You can ask: “Why is this knowledge needed in practice? Where exactly can I use them?

To train your mind, remember difficult, previously unresolved situations that can be discussed in practical classes on the topic of preparation. The intellect keeps unresolved tasks in memory, preventing the opportunity to do something new and developing. The development of intelligence seems to stop, “stalling” in one place. Therefore, when meeting with, try to remember these situations and solve them together.

Video on the topic

Please note

To increase your intellectual level, it is important to have motivation, i.e. internal need for activity. If you really need advanced training for career advancement, or your earnings depend on it, or if you want to increase your status in the eyes of colleagues and employees, then the strength of interest in the courses increases, and the intellect becomes active.

Useful advice

In order for a person’s intellect to develop, it is necessary to “turn on” it from the very morning with the help of any intellectual exercise: memorizing words, solving professional crosswords, memorizing poetry, prose - what is most pleasant and, perhaps, even necessary for work. 15-20 minutes - and intellectual interest is provided for the whole day, which will certainly affect your development.

Some people suffer from too low self-esteem. They are not confident in themselves, consider themselves useless and useless to anyone. Such feelings interfere with normal life activities, so you need to fight them.

One of the basic needs of a person’s spiritual development is his awareness of a sense of self-worth. It turns out that a person’s need to feel needed and important is a level higher than even his need for sleep or food. The feeling of one’s own importance sometimes exceeds the instinct of self-preservation in its strength, and then a person is ready to do anything to prove to himself that he is not useless.

What is a sense of self-worth?

In fact, a person tries to gain a sense of his own significance throughout almost his entire adult life. To begin with, he enters a prestigious university, gets a job high paying job and tries to actively participate in the affairs of the company. All this happens one by one the only reason- a person tries to feel needed and important. He tries to compare himself with other people and be head and shoulders above. The more he manages, the more useful things he accomplishes, the higher his significance will be.

How people increase their importance

Provided that a person does not have his own and interesting business, he tries to increase his sense of self-worth by any means possible. Such a person does not stop searching and changing his sexual partners, he tries to teach and educate everyone around him, and also tries to regularly sort things out with his family, constant family quarrels and scandals, all this is a pathological compensation for a person’s lack of self-importance.

Such options for self-expression are based solely on a destructive method, but this does not allow one to properly express one’s personality. At the same time, a person thinks that by joining someone else’s, giving himself completely to cultural, financial and material leaders or any other people, he receives that long-awaited calm and self-confidence, while having the opportunity to express himself.

However, such feelings are erroneous. Self-development is important to increase your sense of self-worth.

We must remember that when working for an idea that is not your own, not in your own system and for completely strangers, there is no opportunity to express yourself and become truly strong man. And the feeling of confidence gained from this is imaginary.

An excellent option is to open a new business that will be in demand or engage in charity work. People will begin to respect and appreciate you, then you yourself will understand how important you are to others.
If you want to increase your importance, do something that will truly benefit society.