Techniques of the comic and their role in one of the works of Russian literature of the 20th century. (M.A. Bulgakov. “Heart of a Dog.”)

Everything will pass. And the stars will remain

M. Bulgakov

Today much has already been said about M. A. Bulgakov as a major master of words, the author of the play "Days of the Turbins", the story " Heart of a Dog", the novel "The Master and Margarita". But the writer began with the theme of the White Guard, since Bulgakov saw it all, knew it, loved the Russian intelligentsia and wanted to understand its tragedy.

“I love the novel more than all my works,” the author wrote about “The White Guard.” True, the pinnacle novel “The Master and Margarita” had not yet been written. But of course" White Guard"occupies a very important place in literary heritage Bulgakov. Why did I like this work, which I read in one sitting? The most important thing, perhaps, is not even that the writer showed the revolution through the eyes of white officers.

The value of M. Bulgakov’s novel is in the subtlest emotional aura of spirituality, which is diffused in a world surrounded by cream curtains, where, “despite the guns,” there is a starched and clean tablecloth, roses stand on the table, where a woman is a demigoddess, and honor does not lie in fidelity only to St. Andrew's banner, to the Tsar, but also to the nobility, duty to the younger and weaker.

And this book also excites me, as well as the writer, because it is full of memories of my native Kyiv.

This novel still attracts us today precisely because of the strength and depth of the author’s thoughts and feelings. This is a bright, poetic book about childhood, adolescence and youth, lyrical dreams and dreams about lost happiness. And at the same time, it is obvious that “The White Guard” is a historical novel, a strict and sad story about the great turning point of the revolution and tragedy civil war, about blood, horror, confusion, absurd deaths.

As if from the heights of time, Bulgakov is looking at this tragedy, although the civil war has just ended. Information from the site / site “Great and terrible was the year after the birth of Christ 1918,” he writes. Events pulled in and swept ordinary people, mere mortals into their whirlpool. These people rush around and curse, like Alexey Turbin, who involuntarily became a participant in the evil being done. Infected by the hatred of the crowd, he attacks a newspaper delivery boy: a chain reaction of evil infects good people. Nikolka looks at life with confusion, Elena is looking for her own path. But they all live, love, suffer.

Many witnesses to the revolution and civil war spoke about the terrible disaster that swept over Russia, crippling human destinies. The world is up in arms and plunged into chaos. The City is immersed in the fog of chaos. Not just Kyiv, not just a city, but a kind of symbol of general devastation and tragedy, although this was precisely Kyiv, the writer’s hometown. City, love, home, war... A novel about the fate of the Russian intelligentsia in the era of revolution. Bulgakov painted a deeply intelligent Russian way of life. Here they are sympathetic to human weaknesses, attentive, and sincere. There is no arrogance, swagger, stiffness here

In the Turbins' house they are irreconcilable with everything that stands beyond the threshold of decency. But the Talbergs and Lisovichs live next to the Turbins.

The most cruel blows of fate are taken by those who are faithful to duty, who are decent. And Talberg and others like him know how to fit in, know how to survive. Leaving his wife Elena and her brothers, he flees Kyiv with the Petliurists. There is a war of ideas going on. But do ideas fight? The Turbins are monarchists in their views, but for them the monarchy is not so much the tsar as the most sacred pages of Russian history, which were traditionally associated with the names of the tsars. Despite all the rejection of the ideology of the revolution, the author understood the main thing: it is the fruit of the most shameful centuries-old oppression, moral and physical, of the masses.

While leading the narrative, Bulgakov seems to remain neutral. He notes with equal objectivity the courage of the Bolsheviks and the honor of the white officers. But he hates Bulgakov. He hates Petliura and the Petliuraites, for whom human life is worthless. He despises politicians who incite hatred and anger in the hearts of people, because hatred rules their actions. With lofty words about the city, the mother of Russian cities, they cover up their cowardly deeds, and the city is drenched in blood.

Love and hate clash in the novel, and love wins. This is the love of Elena and Shervinsky. Love is higher than everything in the world. There cannot be a more humane conclusion from the drama that we witness while reading the novel Man and Humanity Above All. Bulgakov asserts this in his novel. The turbines managed to preserve their honor from a young age and survived, losing a lot and paying dearly for mistakes and naivety. The epiphany, albeit later, still came. This is the main meaning and lesson of M. A. Bulgakov’s historical novel “The White Guard,” which makes this book modern and timely.

List of used literature and sources

To prepare this work, materials from the site were used

>> Mine favorite piece M. A. Bulgakova

My favorite work is “Song of the Falcon” by M. Gorky
My favorite works by Blok
The beginning of M. Bulgakov’s novel “The White Guard”
Artistic originality novel by M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”
Biblical motives of Bulgakov's work "The Master and Margarita"
"The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov
Ontologically similar to those in M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Meister and Margarita”
The role of landscape in M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita"
Tragedy in the works of Akhmaᴛᴏʙoi, Bulgakov’s satire
The problem of time and space in M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita"

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The novel “The Master and Margarita” is the final work of M. A. Bulgakov

The talent of M. A. Bulgakov gave Russian literature wonderful works that became a reflection not only contemporary writer era, but also a real encyclopedia of human souls. In the early 20s, he conceived the novel “The Engineer with a Hoof,” but since 1937 the author gives it a different name - “The Master and Margarita.” The novel turned out to be last book M. A. Bulgakova. And it was written as if the author, feeling in advance that it was his last piece, I wanted to put into it without a trace all my unrestrained imagination, all my most important thoughts and discoveries, my whole soul. “The Master and Margarita” is an extraordinary creation, unprecedented in Russian literature. This is an incredible, insanely talented fusion of Gogol's satire and Dante's poetry, a fusion of high and low, funny and lyrical...

The novel “Eugene Onegin” is Pushkin’s favorite brainchild

The novel "Eugene Onegin" - favorite child Pushkin. The novel was written over eight years. P. began writing his novel during his heyday social movement, during the heyday of freedom-loving ideas, and finished writing it during the years of terrible reaction after the Decembrist uprising. The main character of the novel is Eugene Onegin. Why did P. pay attention to him? I think that people like Onegin surrounded him. In some ways they were different from him, in some ways they were similar. Let's remember Evgeniy's upbringing:...

The novel "Mother" is a realistic work by M. Gorky

The novel "Mother" is a realistic work by M. Gorky. The characters may be fictional, but the events and the time in which they exist are real. Gorky’s prerequisites for writing the novel “Mother” appeared already in late XIX century, although the novel itself was created only in 1907. The end of the 19th century can be characterized as the birth revolutionary movement and the formation of the socio-political consciousness of the working class. This idea (the idea of ​​revolution) runs through the entire novel. ...

Review of a work of modern Russian literature. (“Fatal Eggs” by Bulgakov)

Review of a work of modern Russian literature. (“Fatal Eggs” by Bulgakov) The book is the greatest invention of mankind. Our century, the Age of Technology, has a serious competitor - television, but most people still prefer the book. With the appearance of the book came criticism. If at first it was expressed only in conversations, then with the development of technology it took on printed form. With the development of printing, criticism began to reach the majority of readers, thereby exerting a huge influence on the author. These articles could raise the writer to the pinnacle of fame, or they could kill him. The most dangerous thing is when criticism depends on the political structure of the country, as it was with us. At the same time, humanity may lose, perhaps, works of genius that will never be written if a barrage of critical articles falls on the young author, thereby discouraging him from writing. ...

Review of a work of modern Russian literature. (Based on the novel by A. Rybakov “Children of Arbat”)

Review of a work of modern Russian literature. (Based on the novel “Children of Arbat” by A. Rybakov) It all started with Nikolai’s children. What did they mutter as they died in the terrible basement? All the same words as the unfortunate children of the Arbat. Time is omnivorous. Fate is to blame, No reason - but it is rewarded in full. S. Kunyaev...

My favorite story.

My favorite story by M.A. Bulgakov “Dog
heart". I will briefly describe this story and what I think about it.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” - these strange sounds
The story of M.A. Bulgakov begins. They contain pain and fear
a dying creature capable of appreciating even a “scoundrel in a dirty cap”
from the “Normal Food” canteen, who splashed boiling water and scalded
the left side of the dog, and the cooks: “for example, the late Vlas from Prechistenka.”
How many lives he saved! I liked how Bulgakov shows Moscow.
He shows it the way a yard dog can see it.

A dog living in terrible conditions is capable of...
to sympathize with people who find themselves in the same position as her.

In this story the writer introduced me to the atmosphere
life of post-revolutionary Moscow. And the fact that this unsightly picture is given
through the eyes of a dog, makes it even more terrifying: hunger, theft, poverty,
illness, cruelty, humiliation. The death of the intelligentsia is clearly expressed.

One of the main characters of the story is a professor
Preobrazhensky is a world famous scientist, doctor, clever, absolutely
confident that “the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads.” Surname
Preobrazhensky is not accidental. Philip Philipovich is not just a doctor, he is a “magician”
"wizard", "sorcerer", transformer who tries to find a way
"improvement of the human race." The idea of ​​transforming the world is old and
noble, it was supported by the best minds in history, but it is an idea
transformation, not destruction. From the very first pages of the story we
we plunge into an atmosphere of destruction, devastation, into a world where everything is being built
according to the law: “He who was nobody will become everything.” But the professor's experiment
Preobrazhensky leads to unexpected results. Unhappy dog ​​Sharik
becomes citizen Sharikov and from his appearance in the professor’s apartment
devastation begins, it takes on catastrophic proportions, and instead of
In order to get on with business, to operate, Preobrazhensky is forced
accept Shvonder, listen to threats, defend himself, write countless
paper to legitimize the existence of Polygraph Poligrafovich. Violated
life of the whole house.

The failure of such experiments is inevitable, because
it is impossible to “humanize” something that has ceased to be human, having lost
spiritual and moral basis on which relationships between
society and personality. That's why the experiment with humanizing the dog

I really liked this story because there is a lot in it.
brilliance, invention, captivating artistic truth and its satirical
chapters, and in this whole story full of lyricism, sadness and anger, despite
that this is the first literary work that dares
be yourself.



On the topic: My favorite story.

Pupils of 8th grade

Everything will pass. But the stars will remain.

M. Bulgakov

Today much has already been said about M. A. Bulgakov as a major master of words, the author of the play “Days of the Turbins,” the story “Heart of a Dog,” and the novel “The Master and Margarita.” But the writer began with the theme of the White Guard, since Bulgakov saw it all, knew it, loved the Russian intelligentsia and wanted to understand its tragedy.

“I love this novel more than all my works,” the author wrote about “The White Guard.” True, the pinnacle novel “The Master and Margarita” had not yet been written. But, of course, “The White Guard” occupies a very important place in Bulgakov’s literary heritage.

Why did I like this work, which I read in one sitting? The most important thing, perhaps, is not even that the writer showed the revolution through the eyes of white officers. The value of M. Bulgakov’s novel is in the subtlest emotional aura of spirituality, which is diffused in a world surrounded by cream curtains, where, “despite the guns,” there is a starched and clean tablecloth, roses stand on the table, where a woman is a demigoddess, and honor does not lie in fidelity only to St. Andrew’s banner, to the Tsar, but also to comradeship, duty to the younger and weaker. And this book also excites me, as well as the writer, because it is full of memories of my native Kyiv.

This novel still attracts us today precisely because of the strength and depth of the author’s thoughts and feelings. This is a bright, poetic book about childhood, adolescence and youth, lyrical dreams and dreams about lost happiness.

And at the same time, it is obvious that “The White Guard” is a historical novel, a strict and sad story about the great turning point of the revolution and the tragedy of the civil war, about blood, horror, confusion, and absurd deaths.

As if looking down from the heights of time...

Essay on the topic: "M. A. Bulgakov - master of satire" ( Bulgakov. Composition. "Heart of a Dog").

One of the brightest and famous works Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is considered the “Heart of a Dog”. This story reveals the satirical talent of the writer in the best possible way. The author wrote his work back in 1925, but it was published in Russia sixty-two years later. For half a century they did not know about the existence of this story in Russia, since censorship considered it political satire to the Soviet regime dominating the country.

Indeed, the author depicted in his work a socio-historical picture of Russia at that time, contrasting the life of different social strata of society after the global experiment - the revolution. The author tries to analyze its consequences using the example of a scientific experiment of his heroes. The story highlights the main problems of that time: change political power, the future path of the intelligentsia, moral issues. Reality and fantasy are closely intertwined into a bizarre plot in which it is easy to understand the true subtext.

The scientific experiment in the story is conducted by Professor Preobrazhensky, a talented surgeon. Bulgakov identifies the intelligentsia with his image. A representative of the new type of people that the revolution gave birth to is Polygraph Sharikov.

Preobrazhensky appears in the story as a creator who created something new, but dangerous person. The plot is based on the story of the relationship between an artificial creature and its creator. Bulgakov boldly expresses his opinion on such experiments - he does not believe that Preobrazhensky has the moral right to conduct them.

The professor fattened the yard dog, after which he tried to surgically transplant the pituitary gland of a man who had died the day before. The operation was a success and the dog began to recover. But changes began to happen too quickly: the dog’s hair fell out, she began to walk hind legs and talk.

The author raises the problem of a by-product of the revolution, such as immorality. It turned out that the male donor was a walking drunkard who did nothing but swear, steal and talk loudly about proletarian ideas. Sharikov inherited all this, embodying all the destructive traits of the people. To climb the social ladder, Sharikov decides to lead the cleanup of the city from stray cats, although he himself recently shed his dog’s skin. Polygraph's impudence knows no bounds. He easily picks up the main principles of the Bolshevik regime: devastation and universal equality. Sharikov does not know what morality is; he feels only those feelings that accompanied his two past lives.

The professor is overcome by regrets about the operation performed, and an epiphany comes to him. “Devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads” - with these words, belonging to Preobrazhensky, the author ridicules the Soviet regime. The professor is unable to re-educate the product of his experiment, so he decides on another operation that would return the proper state of affairs. The operation was again a success, and Sharikov again switched to barking, becoming a dog.

In the epilogue of the story, when the professor shows the dog to the police to prove his innocence, it sounds main idea author: “...he said... This does not mean being human...”. Creatures like Sharikov are no different in appearance from ordinary people, but human feelings are alien to them. At the first opportunity, their inhumanity is revealed, revealing their vile nature. Unfortunately, the Sharikovs often achieve power by negatively influencing those around them, because immoral people are much easier to lead.

Mikhail Bulgakov is rightfully considered a master of satire, because in his hands it became a real weapon. A man with a dog's heart is a threat to society of any era. The writer’s story does not lose relevance in our time, being a kind of warning that should be heeded.

The work was added to the website 2015-10-29

The image of the city in one of the works of Russian literature of the 20th century. Mikhail Bulgakov Heart of a Dog

Mikhail Bulgakov's prose is always accurate and realistic. Even when events are full of mysticism and, moreover, fantasy, you believe them unconditionally - they are described so carefully and, at the same time, naturally. This property creative manner Bulgakov, coupled with the depth of the issues raised, makes his text invariably attractive to the reader.

In the story "Heart of a Dog" we see Moscow in 1924. The city appears cold, windy and unpleasant. In general, in his works, Bulgakov created an accurate and at the same time uniquely reflected image of Russian reality in the post-revolutionary period. His manner of depiction tends toward the grotesque, but this is precisely what allows him to expose and emphasize the contradictions and inconsistencies inherent in this time.

The narrative begins with the internal monologue of Sharik, always hungry, miserable street dog. He is very intelligent, in his own way he evaluates the life of the street, life, customs, characters of Moscow during the NEP with its numerous shops, teahouses, taverns on Myasnitskaya “with sawdust on the floor, evil clerks who hate dogs”, “where they played the accordion and smelled sausages." The completely chilled, hungry dog ​​observes the life of the street and draws conclusions: “Out of all proletarians, street cleaners are the most vile scum.” The cook is different. For example, the late Vlas from Prechistenka. How many lives I saved."

The dog is kind, he sympathizes with the poor young lady typist, frozen, “running into the gateway in her lover’s fildepers stockings.” “She doesn’t even have enough for the cinema, they deducted money from her in the service, fed her rotten meat in the canteen, and the caretaker stole half of her canteen forty kopecks...” In his thoughts and ideas, Sharik contrasts the poor girl with the image of a triumphant boor - the new master of life: “I am now the chairman , and no matter how much I steal - everything is on female body, on cancer necks, on Abrau-Durso." "I feel sorry for her, I feel sorry for her. And I feel even more sorry for myself,” complains Sharik.

The other pole of the story is Professor Preobrazhensky, who came to Bulgakov’s story from Prechistenka, where the hereditary intelligentsia had long settled. A recent Muscovite, Bulgakov knew and loved this area. He himself settled in Obukhov (Chisty) Lane, where “Fatal Eggs” and “Heart of a Dog” were written. People who were close in spirit and culture lived here.

The prototype of Professor Philip Filippovich Preobrazhensky is considered to be Bulgakov's maternal relative, Professor N.M. Pokrovsky. But, in essence, it reflected the type of thinking and the best features of that layer of the Russian intelligentsia, which in Bulgakov’s circle was called “Prechistenskaya”. Bulgakov treated his hero-scientist with respect and love, Professor Preobrazhensky is the embodiment of the outgoing Russian culture, the culture of the spirit, aristocracy. But here is the irony of the times: the proud and majestic Philip Philipovich, who spouts ancient aphorisms, is a luminary of Moscow genetics, a brilliant surgeon, engaged in profitable operations to rejuvenate aging ladies and lively elders.

So, Preobrazhensky sees Moscow through the eyes of a hereditary intellectual. He is outraged that the carpets had to be removed from the stairs, because people in dirty galoshes started walking up these stairs, and you can no longer buy vodka in the store, because “God knows what they splashed there.” But the most important thing is that he does not understand why everyone in Moscow talks about devastation, while at the same time they only sing revolutionary songs and look at how to make things bad for those who live badly for those who live better. He does not like the lack of culture, dirt, destruction, aggressive rudeness, and the complacency of the new masters of life. “This is a mirage, smoke, fiction,” is how the professor assesses the new Moscow.

In connection with the professor, one of the leading, cross-cutting themes of Bulgakov’s work begins to sound in the story - the theme of the House as a center human life. The Bolsheviks destroyed the House as the basis of the family, as the basis of society, there is a fierce struggle everywhere for living space, for square meters. Maybe that’s why in Bulgakov’s stories and plays the stable satirical figure is the chairman of the house committee? He, the pre-house committee, is the true center of the small world, the focus of power and the past, predatory life.

Such an administrator, confident in his permissiveness, is in the story “Heart of a Dog” Shvonder, a man in a leather jacket, a black man. He, accompanied by his “comrades,” comes to Professor Preobrazhensky to take away his extra space and take away two rooms. The conflict with uninvited guests becomes acute: “You are a hater of the proletariat!” - the woman said proudly. “Yes, I don’t like the proletariat,” Philip Philipovich agreed sadly.”

And finally, the main event of the story occurs: together with his student and assistant Dr. Bormenthal, the professor manages to transplant a human pituitary gland into a dog. As a result of the most complex operation, an ugly, primitive non-human creature appeared, completely inheriting the proletarian essence of its “ancestor,” the drunkard Klim Chugunkin. Harmless Sharik turns into a man from the street. The first words he uttered were swearing, the first distinct word was “bourgeois.” And then - street words: “don’t push!”, “scoundrel,” “get off the bandwagon,” etc.

A monstrous homunculus, a man with a canine disposition, the “basis” of which was the lumpen proletarian Klim Chugunkin, feels like the master of life, he is arrogant, swaggering, and aggressive. The smile of life is that, barely standing on his hind legs, Sharikov is ready to oppress, drive into a corner the “father” who gave birth to him - the professor. This humanoid creature demands a residence document from the professor, and Sharikov is sure that the house committee, which “protects interests,” will help him with this. “Whose interests, may I ask? - We know whose - the labor element." Philip Philipovich rolled his eyes. - Why are you a hard worker? - Well, it’s already known, not a NEPman.”

Sharikov is becoming more impudent every day. In addition, he finds an ally - theorist Shvonder. It is he, Shvonder, who demands the issuance of the document to Sharikov, claiming that the document is the most important thing in the world. The formalism and bureaucracy of that time haunt our country to this day. The scary thing is that the bureaucratic system does not need the science of a professor. It costs her nothing to appoint anyone as a person, naturally, formalizing this accordingly and reflecting it, as expected, in the documents. And now a new member of the socialist society - Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov - receives the coveted piece of paper and with light hand Shvondera immediately becomes a little boss.

Lumpen Sharikov instinctively “smelled” the main credo of the new masters of life, all the Sharikovs: plunder, steal, take away everything created, and also main principle of the created society - a universal leveling, called equality. What this led to is well known.

The last, final chord of Sharikov’s activity is a denunciation-libel against Professor Preobrazhensky. It should be noted that even then, in the 20s, denunciation became one of the foundations of a socialist society.

The always calm Preobrazhensky loses his composure, he is already brought to the limit, he is exhausted and depressed. The ardent Bormenthal, who loves the professor with all his heart, who is almost like a father to him, is ready to almost kill the unruly “patient”. And Philip Philipovich surrenders; together they repeat the operation “in reverse”, resurrecting nice dog. Silence and peace reign in the apartment again.

To summarize, we see that Moscow of the 20s appears in the story as a city of disappearing Russian culture, a city that is increasingly filled with proletarians, bringing with them vulgarity, aggression and lack of culture. Preobrazhensky is the embodiment of old Moscow, Shvonder is the embodiment of the new. The ending of the story sounds optimistic and almost triumphant - by ending the existence of Sharikov, the professor stopped the destructive nightmare of chaos brought by Poligraf Poligrafovich, returned balance to small world his apartment - but this is hardly a victory, rather a lull. Knowledge of historical realities does not allow us to hope that the professor will be allowed to enjoy his newfound peace for a long time. An interesting image is of Bormenthal, as a representative of the younger generation - but not belonging to the proletariat. Interesting - and tragic, because he is doomed. Bormenthal is young, talented, endowed with honesty, passionate soul- but he and others like him are powerless to change anything in the world of the Shvonders. And again - a cold, windy, unpleasant city...