The hippie movement: values, main principles, history of origin. Who are hippies

Invented by a journalist, the word came to mean a subculture, the emergence of which in the world led to tremendous changes.

They don't call them hippies for nothing fashion crusaders. But let's figure out who hippies are, in order.

The hippie subculture appeared in the 60s in America as a consequence of a strong economic boom. Children from the wealthy class had the opportunity to do whatever they wanted instead of ordinary routine activities. They traveled, sang, drew, danced, painted pictures, at the same time turning over ideas about life - both their own and those around them.

Some believe that these were lazy people who did not want to work. In my opinion, everything is fundamentally different. These were people created by society itself, necessary for radical change. Something inevitable and natural. Society explored new possibilities for evolution with the help of its children. As always.

What did hippies look like? There were several standard clones - like John Lennon, like Janis Joplin, like Jim Morrison, like Angela Davis, like Indian sadhus (saints) - that sort of thing.

Averaged type was like Jesus - long hair (interpreted not only as a connection with nature and freedom, but also a symbol of the feminization of culture), inexpensive clothes(renunciation of material values, even for a while) bright colors(an attempt to return childishness, brightness and spontaneity of perception of the world to the world), ethnic jewelry(rejection of races, stereotypes, boundaries and boundaries, appeal to cultures different nations), numerous religious attributes And decorations(synthesis of all spiritual paths, solidarity and unity), flared style(symbol of freedom).

About ideology. In order to reach the boundaries of freedom, hippies had to sacrifice their entire lives. They abandoned everything that was familiar to previous generations - they abandoned their studies, their families, they did not want to fight, they burned their travel documents to Vietnam, they burned their passports, and in general they destroyed everything that could connect them with what was traditional and acceptable in the past.

They were preachers new attitude towards love. What is called “free love”. Nowadays this is often associated with promiscuity, but the hippies spoke only about the sincerity of feelings.

What became clear to them, what determined their freedom? Freedom that seems excessive even to modern freaks (eccentrics)?

Realizing that the problems of the world were due to violence, the hippies abandoned it in all areas of their lives - wherever possible.

They tried everything and identified the negative and the positive. Drugs, which seemed like a way to expand consciousness at the dawn of the hippie movement, have led to such catastrophic consequences that modern hippies traditionally refuse them (many modern hippie authors write about this).

What hippies brought into the world How did the subculture change reality? Here's what:

Anti-war movement— it began with hippie demonstrations against the Vietnam War.

Anti-nuclear movement.

The symbol of the hippie is the pacific sign. “Pacific” or the so-called “Peace Cross” is a symbol invented quite recently, in 1958, by Gerald Holtom for the emerging “Movement for Nuclear Disarmament”. Holtom was inspired by the semaphore alphabet. He made a cross of her symbols for "N" (nuclear) and "D" (disarmament), and placed them in a circle, symbolizing global agreement. The symbol came to public attention after the first protest march from London to the Berkshire Nuclear Research Center on April 4, 1958.

Movement for human rights.

Movement for women's rights, feminism.

Movement for children's rights.

Movement for animal rights. Paul McCartney, one of the hippie icons, is still a huge supporter of animal welfare organizations.

Vegetarianism and its radical form is veganism, strict vegetarianism, which excludes the use of animals in principle.

They enriched the diet Americans and Europeans ethnic- Indian, Mexican, Asian - kitchen. They introduced fashion to many previously unknown products in the West.- for soybeans, basmati rice, etc.

Environmental movement- hippies believed that they were responsible for everything that happened on earth, so caring about common house- about the Earth (they called her Mother Earth) - was one of the cornerstones of the subculture. They were the first to think about the dangers of the arms race and waste disposal.

Healthy lifestyle- as unity with nature and naturalness.

Family planning - It was the hippie era that led to the widespread use of contraceptives .

Formation of new forms of families- communes of young people, communes of old people, communes of single fathers with children, Swedish version.

Movement for the rights of people with non-traditional sexual orientation.

Passion for ethnicity- exotic national goods from all over the world, including the clothes of the American indigenous people - the Indians who were the first fighters against the American system.

Passion for all kinds of spiritual teachings- hippies practiced meditation, yoga, holotropic breathing, qi gong, Buddhism, Christianity, Sufism, tai chi and all the most extraordinary things they could find.

They were the source for modern movement anti-globalists, or, more correctly, altermondialists— they did not wear clothes with labels, opposed corporations and lived by self-organization.

Influence on fashion - denim revolution. Hippie style has never left the catwalks since the sixties. In addition, few people know, but before hippies it was not customary to wear T-shirts and shorts, miniskirts and ethnic clothing. They even say houseplants invented by hippies.

In Russia The movement arose almost simultaneously with the Western one. They were outnumbered by their overseas brothers; moreover, freedom grew on Soviet soil with great difficulty and a serious price had to be paid for it.

Our hippies ended up in prisons, in insane asylums (most of the hippies met each other there), they were tried for parasitism and expelled from institutions.

The Russians had their own way. In the nineties, one sociologist counted 100,000 hippies in the country. We can confidently say that about 200 hippies were extremely active at the dawn of the movement - they hitchhiked a lot, were free from the stereotypes of a totalitarian society, which, you see, is a lot. They were engaged in creative work, made samizdat, preferred social work to useless sitting in various Soviet offices.

Now the hippie movement is alive in Russia and in the former socialist countries. No political changes have affected the communication of modern hippies. Many new subcultures arose on the basis of hippies, but like stem cells, hippies also survived.

As before, numerous flower children travel along the roads, existing for society, making people kinder, explaining even with their appearance that there is nothing in the world more important than love.

Real hipsters

The heyday of the movement occurred at the end of the 's - beginning of the 's. Initially, hippies opposed the Puritan morality of some Protestant churches, and also promoted the desire to return to natural purity through love and pacifism. One of the most famous hippie slogans: “Make love, not war!”, which means: "Love, don't fight!".

Hippies are generally believed to believe the following:

  • a person must be free;
  • freedom can be achieved only by changing the inner structure of the soul;
  • the actions of an internally relaxed person are determined by the desire to protect his freedom as the greatest treasure;
  • beauty and freedom are identical to each other and that the realization of both is a purely spiritual problem;
  • all who share the above form a spiritual community;
  • spiritual community - perfect shape dormitories;

However, the hippies do not have a clearly formulated creed, which, by virtue of its precise wording, would be a contradiction in definition.


The first use of the word “hippie” was recorded in a program on one of the New York television channels, where this word was used to describe a group of young people in T-shirts, jeans and long hair protesting against the Vietnam War. At that time, the popular slang expression was “to be hip,” meaning “to be in the know,” “to be “global,” and New York counterculture supporters from Greenwich Village were called “hips.” IN in this case TV crews used the word hippie pejoratively, alluding to the claims of deliberately poorly dressed demonstrators who came from the New York suburbs to be hips. [ ]

A couple attends the Snoqualmie Moondance, August 1993.

The beginning of the hippie movement can be considered 1965 in the USA. The main principle of the subculture was non-violence (ahimsa). Hippies wore long hair, listened to rock and roll (especially “I Got You Babe” by Sonny and Cher), lived in communes (the most famous now communes were in the Haight-Ashbury area of ​​San Francisco, later in Denmark - Free City of Christiania), hitchhiked, were interested in meditation and Eastern mysticism and religions, mainly Zen Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism, many of them were vegetarians. There was also the “Jesus movement” and “Jesus Revolution” (the 1970 rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar). Because hippies often wore flowers in their hair, gave flowers to passers-by, inserted them into the gun muzzles of police officers and soldiers, and used the slogan “Flower Power,” they became known as “flower children.”

The peak of the movement’s popularity came in 1967 (the so-called “summer of love”), when unofficial hippie anthems were released - “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)” (written by John Phillips of The Mamas & the Papas, performed by singer Scott McKenzie), "All You Need Is Love" and "She's Leaving Home" by The Beatles. The musical projection of the movement was psychedelic music. In 1967, the psychedelic musical “Hair” premiered in New York, the participants of which appeared naked on stage: the popularization of nudism is associated with the hippie movement.

Despite the decline of the hippie movement on a global scale, its representatives can still be found in many countries around the world. Some hippie ideas, which seemed utopian to conservative people in the 1970s, have entered the mentality of modern people.

Hippie symbolism

One of the symbols of the hippie movement is considered to be an old minibus, usually a Volkswagen, which hippies traditionally painted in the Flower Power style (the photo shows the Barkas B 1000 minibus). Hippie groups loved to travel around small conservative American towns in such minibuses and shock their inhabitants with various antics.

The hippie culture has its own symbols, signs of belonging and attributes. Representatives of the hippie movement, in accordance with their worldview, are characterized by the introduction of ethnic elements into costume: beads woven from beads or threads, bracelets (“baubles”), etc., as well as the use of textiles dyed using the tie-dye technique (or otherwise - “shibori”).

An example is the so-called baubles. These decorations have complex symbolism. Baubles different colors and different patterns indicate different wishes, expressions of their own musical preferences, life position etc. So, a black and yellow striped bauble means a wish for good hitchhiking, and a red and yellow one means a declaration of love. It should be noted, however, that this symbolism is interpreted arbitrarily and completely differently in different places and parties, and “experienced hippies” do not attach any significance to it. Common texts like “Meanings of colors in baubles” are considered the lot of so-called “pioneers” (that is, beginners) and among experienced people, as a rule, cause an ironic reaction. Jeans became the signature clothing of hippies.

Russian researcher of youth movements T. B. Shchepanskaya found that “systemic” symbolism resembles a hologram - even from a small part of it, like from a seed, the entire wealth of informal culture grows.

Hippie slogans of the 60s

  • "Make love, not war" ( "Make love, don't fight!".)
  • "Off The Pig!" (“Turn off the pig!”) (a play on words - “pig” was the name for the M60 machine gun, an important attribute and symbol of the Vietnam War)
  • "Give Peace A Chance" (John Lennon song title)
  • "Hell No, We Won't Go!" (“There’s no way in hell we’re leaving!”)
  • "All You Need Is Love!" (“All you need is love!”) (title of The Beatles song)


Hippies and politics

Peace Memorial in Arcola, Illinois, USA. Around the circle is written: “Dedicated to the hippies and hippies at heart. Peace and love". Bob Moomaw - creator of the memorial, Gus Kelsey restored the sign after his death (see links)

If by politics we mean elections, meetings, voting and promotions, then hippies are initially apolitical. Living outside of “civilized” society, in a world based on love, friendship and mutual assistance, hippies prefer to change the world with their creativity, including social creativity.

The idea of ​​a revolution of consciousness in some ways continues the ideas of the backpack revolution of the beatniks - instead of grueling political debates and armed clashes, it is proposed to leave home and society to live among people who adhere to your beliefs.


Currently, there are several creative hippie associations in Russia:

  • Art group "Frisia" (the oldest in Moscow, artists).
  • Creative association "Antilir" (Moscow).
  • Association of Musicians “Time Ch” (Moscow).
  • “Commune on Prazhskaya”, Moscow (engaged in a network hip house, aka fnb hippie group Magic hat).

Nowadays, parties on the streets do not have the same importance as in the old days, and are more of a temporary refuge for very young hippies. In addition, they are highly differentiated and diluted with representatives of other subcultures, including all kinds of goths, emo, bikers, etc. Now life current state subcultures are a circle of close friends, or “informal” cafes/clubs as meeting places. Also great importance online communities play, in particular LiveJournal (formerly fido conferences, in particular the famous fidosh echo Hippy.Talks, visible in the Relcom hierarchy as fido7.hippy.talks). This transfer of the emphasis of hippie culture from street parties to the Internet gave rise to the term cyberhippie.

In the subcultures that are the heirs of the hippies, the term “ hippy». [ ]


  • Podolsk rock festival (USSR, 1987)
  • Russian Rainbow (Russia, since 1990)
  • Shipot (Ukraine, since 1993)
  • Empty Hills (Russia, since 2003)
  • Matala Beach Festival (Matala, Crete, Greece, since 1960)

The hipia subculture is one of the oldest and mass subcultures. Originating in America in the 60s, in the wake of the accelerating pace of birth and the state’s plans for the systematic settlement of the growing masses of people, with their subsequent education and employment, the movement quickly found followers who did not want to live along the standard chain - school-university-work-family -buying a home.

The Vietnam War further strengthened the ideological foundations of the hippies, giving birth to the famous: “Make love, not war.” Permissiveness, nudism, free love and living in communes, with almost common food and material values ​​- many followers flocked to these slogans.

So, the hippie movement began, first of all, with a peculiar religion. Everything is intertwined here: Krishnaism, Buddhism, shamanism and in general any manifestations where there were relaxations regarding the use of drugs and intersexual relations. It’s wrong to think that all the hippies did was smoke weed and make love.

They also organized hippie parades and actively expressed their Political Views, organizing various anti-globalist actions and pickets near government buildings, condemning all manifestations of military aggression. Large-scale hippie fests were also far from local events - they often attracted up to a million fans.

The characteristic appearance of a representative of the movement is known even to those unsophisticated in subcultures. Long-haired or dreadlocked, ostentatiously poorly dressed people with The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin or new hippie bands wearing headphones, slowly moving on motorcycles or used cars, with hairbands (ribbons) on their hair and baubles on their hands.

A classic transport is the famous minibus from Volkswagen, which hippies paint in almost all the colors of the rainbow, sticking instead of the WV badge the world-famous hippie badge in the form of a ray dissecting downwards in three directions in a circle.

If you are interested in this subculture and are tired of working to pay off loans, then you don’t need to do anything to join a hippie - any new members are welcome in this movement.

You won’t have to work anymore (hippies are allowed to work only if work is a favorite thing and brings joy), but in order to earn food for yourself and the commune, you will have to master musical instrument and make money by playing on it, or simply beg and get “goodies” in an unknown way - food, clothing and soft drugs.

It is also worth stopping being hostile towards someone, forgiving him everything, and sharing almost all property. For all this you will almost always have funny company people like you, guaranteed free shelter, and food, if you're lucky, and most importantly, parties to psychedelic music every day.

In fact, the hippie movement now is completely different from what it was in the 60-80s. The real values ​​and ideology of the hippies presuppose that unhealthy image life, so the main apologists have long since passed away.

There were and are followers in the USSR and Russia, but only a few truly live in forests and fields in the lap of nature, and only residents can see hippies major cities, or come to festivals (Empty Hills, Russian Rainbow). Finding a large and well-known commune in Russia is almost impossible, although there are a lot of them in the USA and Europe. So in the present, a hippie can live quite well in a comfortable apartment, and wear characteristic checkered clothes, jeans, hats and baubles, only at parties and festivals.

Basically, the claims of the remaining ideologists of the hippie movement of the 60-70s to modern hippies are such that the true ideology has now been lost. If in the beginning the hippies tried to turn the world upside down, it will force everyone to abandon their dominance credit system and wars, now hippies simply relax at the so-called “discounts” and indulge in orgies at festivals, without any political component or protests, without at all neglecting all the benefits of the state that they should condemn.

So, undoubtedly, the movement is no longer what it was before, but there remains a rich culture, music and a unique style, which even now attracts many supporters and has given life to many other subcultures of the present time.

In the 60s last century, a simply “stunning” cultural movement appeared, which carried away millions of people sympathizing with the suffering planet - the hippie youth movement. This subculture could not pass without a trace, and, undoubtedly, remained forever in the memory of mankind. Further in the article you will learn the history of the hippie movement and other nuances accompanying these events.

The emergence of the hippies

The first wave of the hippie movement in the United States appeared between 1964 and 1972, while America was fighting the Vietnam War. This was the first war in the entire history of the country that the Americans themselves hated. This situation led to the spread of pacifist sentiments, which served as the beginning of the hippie movement. The subculture included young people who were distinguished by strong personal beliefs in injustice social rules. Wealth and satiety, the lack of spirituality of philistine life, bourgeois boredom - all this became the reason that the hippie movement arose among the rebellious youth.

The first use of the word "hippie" was dated April 22, 1964. It was the text of a program from one of the New York television channels. This word was used to describe a group of young people with long hair in T-shirts and jeans who protested against the Vietnam War. At that time, a slang expression was considered popular among young people, which meant the Russian “to be in the know, to cut a trick” - to be hip.

TV crews used the word hippie in a pejorative manner, alluding to the claims of sloppily dressed suburban protesters to be hips.

We can say that from the mid-60s the time of the birth of the hippie movement began.

Hippies - flower children

The main slogan of the subculture was pacifism. Values hippie movements included the following: peace and non-violence, protest against military action, refusal military service. Initially, pacifism was aimed at fighting the war in Vietnam, only later it spread to all spheres of human life.

Hippies are characterized by a protest against the “rules” imposed by “people in ties”, against the orderliness and gray boredom of everyday life, and a departure from the formal institutions of society. Reminds me of a kind of peaceful anarchy.

Supporters of the hippie movement refused to be part of the established system and created their own alternative system, which would not be based on social hierarchy.

Representatives of this subculture are characterized by apoliticality. The general desire of supporters is aimed at changing the world through creativity, rather than military coups. In their opinion, the revolution should take place, first of all, in consciousness, and not in society.

Instead of material values, the hippie movement promoted spiritual values, and instead of building a career, self-improvement and creativity.

Main "postulates"

The hippie movement welcomed naturalness in everything. The call to return to the origins of humanity seemed to tell people that civilization had reached a dead end, and the only salvation for people would be to remember their roots and merge with nature.

The symbol of the hippie movement - the flower - expresses protest against military action and various inequalities; in addition, it personified youth and naturalness.

The beauty of the world, joy, and abundance of sensuality came to the fore of the subculture. However, there were also negative consequences: excessive promiscuity led to drunkenness, drug addiction and promiscuity. The “sexual revolution,” as some believe, is the brainchild of this subculture.

"Flower Children" deny time frames. The calendar and clock are elements of civilization that are alien to them, imposing their order on the real “living” world.

As the famous journalist of that era, Hunter Thompson, wrote at one time, there was a feeling that everything around was striving for good, that the internal energy of the good-natured guys from the hippie movement was able to stop the atrocities that surrounded them everywhere.

Distinctive characteristics of hippies

Girls and boys from this movement called their long hair “hayer” and were fond of rock and roll, meditation, hitchhiking, oriental mysticism, lived mainly in communes and loved to weave flowers into their curls - a symbol of peace. It is this way of life that characterizes “flower children.”

Representatives of the subculture refuse any things, conditions that the world of “unfreedom” offers them, namely: hired work, social dogma and morality, rules and structure. After all, freedom and independence are main criterion quality life for real hippies. The hippie movement in the USSR was on a smaller scale and had difficulty breaking through ossified views Soviet people. Hippies were considered street children and worthless representatives of society.

As mentioned earlier, "flower children" live in communes that allow like-minded people to get together and share ideas, and also provide a wide field for creative activity. Many communes had strict codes prohibiting smoking, drinking, and drug use. In such “monasteries” the ideas of brotherhood and universal love were promoted.

The main rules of interaction with others were expressed as follows: “mind your own business,” “don’t fuss,” “don’t interfere with others’ lives,” “share with others.”

In such a team, each person is full-fledged and has the right to self-improvement, his own opinion and interests. It is the law for any hippie to honor the interests of others as their own, to consider their property as the property of the whole team, to share everything that they have.


According to hippies, the spiritual unity of people is created as a result of a common truth revealed to each member of the team, which sooner or later is achieved on the path of anyone who seeks it.

The life of “flower children” is quite unpretentious: they consider the temporary lack of shelter and food as a common nuisance that is not worth attention. Such people live by “happy chance.”

There is another rather interesting concept among hippies: “just existing.”

This expression refers to the time when a person does nothing, that is, contemplates the world, enjoys sunlight, closing his eyes, and simply being in careless solitude.


Gatherings of hippie representatives are called happenings (sessions). Such events take place in some hot spot where hippies can gather in large numbers to listen together musical works, dancing or talking. Distinctive feature parties or so-called sessions are the simultaneous actions of various people, creating an atmosphere of relaxed chaos.

This confusion is clearly visible during the dances - crowds of supporters of the movement enter and leave the room, dance in colorful or simple costumes under musical accompaniment or without it, in pairs or alone, often not in time with the music, under loud conversations, all in their own way. Half of the people don’t dance at all, but just sit on the floor near the stage. Children rush past them, squealing. This kind of meeting is called a happening.

Hippie look

This part of life is also important in the life of any hippie. Various decorations, long hair, worn jeans - all this is of this subculture. A hippie would rather spend money on another bauble than on food.

In search of ideals, representatives of the movement turned to the East. This culture significantly influenced the appearance of hippies. Since then, their clothes have been full of ethnic motifs: multi-colored kaftans, Afghan robes, beads with threads in several rows, homemade things made from scraps of fabric.

Blue jeans, which were not particularly popular among society, were decorated with fringes, pictures, leather and beads. “Hipparies” preferred to walk around with bare feet and headbands for long, flowing hair. As the legend says, the bandages served as a kind of amulet for them against “roof-blood.”

Hippie fashion borrowed many aspects of the “gypsy style”: colorful skirts, dresses with exquisitely embroidered bodices, jewelry in the form of coins. Fresh flowers and natural materials were also considered quite popular.

“Ksivnik” - a small chest bag for documents - is still found among youth wardrobe accessories, although its purpose has changed a long time ago.

Braids made from macrame threads in the form of “baubles” were considered quite popular. They had their own symbolism: a wish for a good hitchhiker could be conveyed with a black-and-yellow striped bracelet, a declaration of love was expressed in the gift of a red-yellow accessory.


An important part of the life of hippies is the use of narcotic substances, through the use of which they confirm their renunciation of the principles of life of ordinary people, and also achieve “expansion of consciousness.”

Many supporters of the movement believe that drugs help to achieve spiritual liberation and open up a huge field for creative activity. But this is just one point of view. Other hippies may tolerate drug use, but do not consider it something sublime. In certain communes of a “monastic” nature, the use and distribution of drugs was prohibited.


Like any subculture, hippies are distinguished by their characteristic music. A revolutionary discovery - rock and roll shocked not only the “philistines”, but also adherents of the subculture in question.

In 1967, hippie anthems (unofficial) were released: San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair), sung by Scott McKenzie, and famous song The Beatles under called All You Need Is Love.

The "hippies" also triggered the invention of psychedelic rock. Among the pioneers of psychedelic culture of that time are the Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, etc.

This kind of music is like drugs - it helps expand consciousness. The psychedelic sound is achieved through the use of live instruments and the constantly changing intonation of the solo voice. This effect is said to be achieved through the use of a spectrum of forbidden frequencies that supposedly affect the human brain.

It's time for wonderful days...

Hippies, like most subcultures, have their pros and cons.

This movement should not be idealized or, conversely, reduced to psychedelia and drug addiction. One can only hope that modern generation hippies will inherit from their ancestors peacefulness, love of life, positivity and brightness.

Initially directed against the Vietnam War. Then pacifism spread to other areas of life. Pacifism implies renunciation of violence and condemnation of military actions.

Representatives of this subculture denied the imposed social institutions, various kinds of formalities and hierarchy.
Hippies were of the opinion that, first of all, changes should occur in the consciousness of man, and not in the structure of society. They extolled spirituality and self-development.

The symbol of hippies is, hence their name “flower children”. They believed that they had reached a dead end in their development. The only option may be to reconnect with nature, enjoying the beauty of the natural world.

This view ultimately led to a number of negative consequences. Hippies abused substances and alcohol and were sexually promiscuous. Mass distribution hippie culture provoked a sexual revolution in the world.

Appearance hippies had their own characteristics. Representatives of both sexes wore long hair, which was woven into it. They preferred loose-fitting clothes, colorful colors, and lots of baubles and jewelry.

Hippie Hobbies

The desire for freedom led to the fact that hippies did not have a permanent place of residence, work, and were not registered in educational institutions. They often spent time meditating and traveling. Much attention and time was devoted to creativity and self-realization, while each person's individual way of self-expression was valued and respected.

Representatives of this subculture often gathered together and spent time in an atmosphere of relaxed chaos. At the same time, individuals or groups of people could indulge in different activities. We listened to music, danced, talked.

Of course, such gatherings were not complete without the use of drugs. In an effort to understand the world better, young people artificially expanded the boundaries of ordinary consciousness. There were also hippie communes where drug use was prohibited.

The hippies preferred rock and roll, which was just emerging at the same time as the subculture. Under the influence of hippies, a new direction appeared - psychedelic rock. This was intended to introduce the listener into a state of altered consciousness.

Although the heyday of hippie culture is a thing of the past, some of its consequences are firmly ingrained in society. For example, tolerance for racial differences, pacifism, promotion of healthy food, environmental movements, the emergence of feminism. On the other hand, this movement provoked increased interest in psychedelics, tolerance of homosexual orientation and sexual permissiveness.