Child behavior in public transport. Rules of conduct in public transport

Every city resident should know and always adhere to the rules of etiquette when traveling on public transport.

Upon entering the transport

According to the rules of etiquette, upon landing on public transport, the elderly, children and women should be allowed in first.

If you are a man and would like to help any of the passengers enter the transport, you must first ask permission.

When entering a vehicle, you should definitely remove your backpacks and bags so as not to disturb or hurt other passengers.

In transport

Unspoken rules of etiquette suggest that seats on public transport are reserved for children, the disabled and the elderly. If people of these categories are sitting in seats, and there are still empty seats on the transport, women can take them.

Also, according to the rules of etiquette, if a man wants to take an empty seat in transport, he must first ask the people standing nearby if they would like to sit down. If the question is followed by a “no” answer, the man can calmly take his seat. This also applies to young people. You should ask quietly, and you should not ask all passengers without exception.

According to the rules of etiquette, even a woman must give in place for a man. But this is only if the man is elderly and the woman is young. This is also possible if the man is disabled or does not feel well.

When you give up your seat in public transport, do not forget to say the phrase: “Please take a seat!” Simply standing up and making room for a person is considered uncivil. Also, the person to whom the seat was given must definitely thank the person for the courtesy.

Young girls and boys should not sit in transport if there are elderly people, disabled people, children or pregnant women in it.

If you are on a transport with your companion and someone gives her a seat, you must thank this person.

Being on public transport is considered uncivilized consider other passengers.

Also on public transport everyone pays for themselves. The young man is not obliged to pay the fare for his companion.

When traveling by public transport, always have your travel document ready if you have one. There is no need to delay the controller and create unnecessary confusion.

Only clean backpacks and bags are allowed to be placed on the seats and only when there are no people willing to take the empty seat.

When you are traveling in transport with a friend or acquaintance, you should not talk to the entire cabin. Do this in a low tone so as not to distract other passengers. You are also not allowed to talk about personal topics on public transport.

When you travel by public transport with children, make sure that they behave civilly, do not make noise or push. Explain to your children in advance how to behave on public transport.

Even in the most crowded subway car, you should always adhere to the rules of etiquette. Do not lean or hold on to other passengers, or step on their feet.

When exiting the vehicle

Rules of conduct in public transport They say that when exiting a vehicle, a man or a younger person should get out first. Thus, a young man will be able to help women and elderly people who need the necessary help: give a hand to a woman, carry a bag or help with a child.

According to the rules of etiquette, always get ready to go out in advance from the transport, so as not to be pushed in a hurry to the exit. Before you pass a person, you should ask him again if he is going to get off at the nearest stop; if not, ask him to let you through closer to the door.

According to the etiquette observed when entering any type of public transport, children, women and the elderly, as well as people with disabilities, should enter first. Having expressed a desire to help with landing, a man must definitely ask for permission to do so. There is no need to stand in the doorway, thereby making it difficult for other passengers to pass through. Also, you should not climb into the middle of a crowded cabin, pushing other people in your way. If it is not possible to hand over the fare to the conductor, you can politely ask one of the passengers to do so. When entering public transport, you should remove large bags or backpacks from your shoulders so as not to hit people with them.

If there is a need to transport large luggage using public transport, it should not create discomfort for others.

Who should give way to

There are unspoken rules of civil etiquette, according to which seats on buses, trolleybuses or trams are intended primarily for the elderly, children and the disabled. If passengers of these categories are seated and there are still empty seats, they are occupied by women and girls. A man can sit down on public transport if nearby passengers are not vying for this seat. First, a man or young man must ask the passengers standing next to him if they would like to sit down.

Men are required to give up their seats to absolutely all women, and women, in turn, must give up their seats to elderly or disabled people.

Rules of conduct inside transport

Here are the basic rules of behavior in transport:

When traveling with small children, you should monitor their behavior so that they do not disturb other passengers;
- you can read in the cabin, but you should not disturb the peace of other passengers, do not touch them with a book or magazine, behave decently and not look into the newspapers of the people sitting next to you;
- talking loudly inside a vehicle is prohibited, just as it is prohibited to turn on a music player, radio or mobile phone in the vehicle;
- it is unacceptable to enter transport with food, seeds or drinks;
- also in transport it is not customary to comb your hair, fix your makeup or deal with personal hygiene problems.

Etiquette rules when exiting public transport

A man or a young man should be the first to exit a tram, trolleybus or bus, and he must provide the necessary assistance upon exit to everyone in need, for example, women, girls, children or the elderly. You should prepare in advance to exit the vehicle. Do not push nearby passengers. You need to politely ask if they are getting off at the next stop.

Rules of conduct in public transport

Etiquette in transport.

When entering a bus, tram, trolleybus or metro car, you do not need to greet all the passengers there. You can only say hello to acquaintances or those whom you have already met several times while traveling around the city. At the same time, when greeting the latter, it is enough to just tilt your head slightly and smile. However, if a person does not want to respond to a greeting, it is best not to insist and at the next meeting you can also not greet your fellow traveler.

When entering city transport, the first to be allowed through are women, children, the elderly and those who occupy a higher social position (if you are lucky enough to meet them in the cabin of a crowded bus or trolleybus). In this case, you can help them enter the salon, having first asked permission. When exiting a vehicle, men and those younger should exit first. Rules good manners require men to help women and those who need such help get out of the bus or trolleybus. It is not at all necessary for a subordinate to shake hands and help his boss or someone who occupies a higher social position get out of the vehicle, unless it is a woman.

Seats in public transport should be occupied by elderly people, disabled people, children and women. Men can only sit in empty seats if the fellow travelers around him have expressed their consent. Therefore, before taking an empty seat, a man must politely ask permission from the passengers next to him. At the same time, shouting loudly to the entire cabin, inviting each fellow traveler to take an empty seat, is also not worth it. Women can give way to a man if he is disabled or very old.

The person giving up his seat should not jump up, silently hinting to the grandmother or disabled person standing next to him that he can take his place. In such cases, you should say: “Please” or “Let me invite you to sit down.” In response, the person to whom the seat was given must say words of gratitude.

Perhaps everyone who frequently travels on public transport has at least once found themselves in a situation where one of the offended passengers who was not given a seat began to scold those sitting (especially if they were young people)/accuse them of disrespect for the older generation etc. It must be said that such behavior, according to etiquette, is also considered rude. In such cases, it is necessary to politely ask those sitting to give up their seats.

You can often see people reading a newspaper or book on public transport. This is not considered indecent. After all, in our age of breakneck speeds, a person must manage to do so much. So they combine business with pleasure: reading an exciting detective story with a trip on public transport. However, if you are reading a newspaper and are unable to find an empty seat, be careful not to disturb your fellow travelers. There is no need to loudly turn pages or place a book on the back of the person in front or on the head of the person sitting in front of you.

If on the way to work on public transport you met an acquaintance and wanted to discuss last news your eventful life, there is no need to do it too loudly, so that your “secrets” become the property of the people around you. You should talk quietly in transport and it is best to refrain from discussing issues related to your personal life.

Cafe, restaurant - etiquette.

Often, visiting a cafe or restaurant becomes a place for people where they can not only eat delicious food or meet friends, but also show off their knowledge of etiquette. Visiting and staying in a cafe or restaurant implies strict and strict adherence to all the rules of good manners: greetings, introductions, the ability to dress and behave in society, conduct a conversation, use cutlery, etc.

It is worth noting that today there are many types of establishments of this kind. These include eateries, well-appointed cafes, and high-class restaurants. The behavior of visitors is determined by the level of the catering establishment they visit. So, for example, a lady in an evening dress, a mink coat and earrings with diamonds in her ears looks inappropriate and ridiculous when she appears in an ice cream parlor. A person dressed in a tracksuit will look just as funny in the dining room of a VIP-class restaurant. Thus, before heading to this or that establishment, you should choose the right suit that would correspond to the level of the cafe or restaurant. However, it should be noted that there are general rules of conduct that a visitor to a cafe, restaurant, etc. must follow.

If you intend to visit a restaurant with a large group, then there must be a man among you who will take on “organizational” functions: choose seats, order dishes, “pay the bill, etc. But this does not mean that women You can't go to a restaurant alone. Unfortunately, our reality is such that at the tables of cafes and restaurants today you can often see women sitting alone or coming without men. Moreover, these days, most often it is ladies who invite men to visit a restaurant or cafe, and this is not considered bad form.

A man should always remain helpful and gallant. If a man comes to a cafe or restaurant, accompanying a lady, then the rules of etiquette instruct him to open the door for the woman, who, having walked a little forward, must again let her gentleman go ahead of her. The man should walk in front of the woman, thus showing her the way to the dinner table.

All upscale cafes and restaurants have a lobby. The man must take off his outerwear first. This must be done in strict order: hat, gloves, coat. After this, the man must help his companion undress. Etiquette rules do not allow the appearance of large bags or outerwear in the dining room of a restaurant or cafe.

When leaving the hall, the man must also walk in front of the lady. He opens the doors for her, lets her go ahead, then goes out himself, closes the doors and again walks in front of his companion, as if showing the way to the lobby. According to the rules of etiquette, the man puts on his outerwear first, after which he helps his lady get dressed. Restaurant visitors go outside, and only after that the man can put on a hat and gloves.

If you plan to visit a restaurant or cafe that is very popular, it is best to book a table in advance. It is especially important to do this on the eve of a date or business dinner. If the table has not been booked, then the man will have to find a free table at all costs for himself and those he accompanies. When choosing a place, a woman should not turn around or turn her head in different directions. Choosing a table is the privilege of men. In such cases, it is best to seek help from the manager, who will prevent the occurrence of unpleasant situations and disputes between visitors vying for a free table.

A man who comes to a cafe or restaurant and accompanies a lady must give the latter a more comfortable place at a table, for example, overlooking the stage. The one who turns out to be helpful and attentive to his companion will be recognized as a true gentleman. Etiquette does not provide for strict regulations regarding how a man and a woman who come together to a cafe or restaurant should sit - opposite each other or next to each other. However, it is believed that it is more convenient to sit diagonally: then the room can be clearly seen by your interlocutors.

The man must help his lady sit down at the table. He pulls out a chair from the table and then helps his companion move it. It should be noted that almost no one follows this old rule of etiquette today. Women usually take the initiative into their own hands: they independently choose a place at the table and sit on a chair. Another old rule of etiquette has also been forgotten. Nowadays, it is rare to see a man in a restaurant, much less a cafe, rising from his seat at the moment when a lady gets up.

The rules of good manners say: a man should stand up a little if a lady has risen from the table. If several men are sitting at a table, they may not get up when a woman gets up.

According to the rules of etiquette, the man chooses the menu. At the same time, he must offer his companion a choice of one or another dish indicated on the menu. In upscale restaurants, menus are provided for each visitor, and therefore both men and women can independently choose the food that they like, without risking limiting the freedom of choice of their companion. When choosing dishes, a woman should not settle on overly expensive or too cheap. It would also be considered inappropriate and impolite to say: “The same dish as yourself” or “Order what you want.”

If someone invites a friend to a restaurant for the first time, then the inviter should order dishes, focusing on his own taste preferences. If he ordered a hot dish, then the invitee should not order a cold appetizer for himself. If lunch or dinner in a restaurant is paid for by the inviter, then he can refuse to choose the dish that he does not like, but order it for everyone else. The invitee, of course, can politely ask the inviter to order his favorite dish. The main thing is that it is not overly expensive.

In the old days, only men were given the right to choose alcoholic drinks in a restaurant. It was to them that the waiters brought the wine list. Today the situation has changed. Both men and women can order alcoholic drinks. The waiter must present the wine to the person who ordered it. The visitor carefully examines the label, then the waiter pours a small amount of wine into the glass, the customer takes a sip to taste the wine. Only after receiving the seal of approval for the quality of wine or other alcoholic beverage does the restaurant hall employee fill the glasses. It is worth noting that tasting wine is of a conditional, ritual nature. Therefore, it is considered not quite decent to refuse the ordered alcohol, except in cases where the catering network provides poor-quality goods. A poorly chilled drink can also be a reason for refusing the ordered wine.

According to etiquette, lunch or dinner participants order the appetizer and main course together. The choice of dessert should be made only after the main course has been eaten. If the trip to the restaurant was planned in advance, and its participants previously discussed the dishes that they would order, then the order can be made by anyone alone. In such a situation, the orderer first lists the dishes that his companions would like to receive, and only then names those that he himself would like to try.

In those restaurants and cafes where food is served on a common large platter, each visitor puts in as much as he can eat. Alcoholic drinks, which in such establishments are served in jugs or decanters, are also poured into one’s own glass. In upscale restaurants, diners are served by a waiter. He transfers food from a common dish to the plate of everyone sitting at the table and pours wine. In the event that it is necessary to bring an additional portion, the visitor must place the fork and knife crosswise. Empty plates should be placed with right side table. It is customary to serve food on the left side. Alcoholic drinks are also poured from the right side. When using the service of a waiter, you need to thank him every time. Nowadays, not only a man, as was customary in the past, but also a woman can say words of gratitude to the service staff of a cafe or restaurant.

The end of the meal is signaled by cutlery placed parallel to each other on the plate. The waiter may ask the diners if they would like an additional portion. Guests can either politely decline or accept his offer to reorder. -Waiters often ask visitors how much they liked the dishes they had the chance to taste. Such a question may be official and does not require an answer. However, in some cases, they quite sincerely want to know whether their customers like the cuisine of the restaurant where they serve. Then the visitor needs to frankly illuminate the asked question. However, even if you didn’t really like what you ate at this restaurant, try to restrain your emotions and politely indicate the reason for your indignation and dissatisfaction with this or that dish.

There are several more general rules of behavior in restaurants and cafes. When serving visitors, the waiter always starts with women. In high-end restaurants, the waiter also controls the timely change of ordered dishes. If a given restaurant does not provide such a service, then the responsibility for serving the lady falls on the shoulders of the gentleman. If bottles of alcohol are served in a bucket of ice, then the waiter must open them and pour the contents. Once the bottles are emptied, they should be placed next to the bucket.

While in a restaurant or cafe, you can meet acquaintances and friends. The general rules for greeting acquaintances in a restaurant are almost no different from the rules for greeting people on the street. However, there are some differences. If two friends meet in a restaurant or cafe, then, according to the rules of good manners, they should sit at the same table. If for some reason this cannot be done, then the person sitting at the table should get up, go up to a friend, greet him and apologize for the inability to talk and spend time together. In addition, in such a situation, the eldest acquaintance must decide whether to sit at the same table. Also, the eldest decides whether he himself should come up and greet a friend sitting in the hall, or wait until he is invited to greet him. It is unacceptable to approach and sit next to a person who occupies a high social or official position and is already sitting at a table. It's best to wait for an invitation. You can say hello to people sitting at tables in a cafe or restaurant and eating food, but you should not continue the conversation.

Smokers may have a question: is it possible to smoke in restaurants and cafes? In some of these establishments smoking is prohibited, as evidenced by the absence of ashtrays on the tables. But there are cafes and restaurants that allow their visitors to smoke. However, when lighting a cigarette, you should remember those around you. It is quite possible that among them there are people who cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. Therefore, before you smoke, ask permission from those sitting next to you. The rules of etiquette prohibit smoking between serving the next dish and in the event that one of the neighbors at the table is eating.

Paying a bill in a cafe or restaurant, contrary to the prevailing stereotype in Russia, can be paid by both a man and a woman. In addition, according to the rules of etiquette, the inviter must pay the bill in a restaurant or cafe. If a woman pays, she must do it herself, without entrusting the payment or handing over the wallet to the man. To pay the bill, the waiter is called with some kind of signal: a slight movement of the hand or a nod. There is no need to call the employee loudly.

In some restaurants, the bill for the ordered dishes is often brought on a small tray or plate. In this case, the visitor takes the bill, quickly and carefully examines it, then puts money into it and puts it back on the plate. You should not scrupulously calculate the cost of each meal eaten and then compare the results obtained with what is written on the bill. This is considered bad manners. In some restaurants and cafes, service is not included in the bill. Then the waiter’s work is assessed by adding 10% to the amount indicated on the bill. Sometimes the service is included in the bill. But even in this case, the change is left to the waiter. If a man has any complaints or questions regarding the amount of the bill to the service staff of a cafe or restaurant, then it is still not worth expressing them in front of a lady.

Tipping has become a good old tradition in restaurants all over the world. Giving a waiter or doorman an elegant tip is considered perhaps the pinnacle of restaurant etiquette. There is no need to talk about the existence of any tipping tariffs. IN different countries tip size may vary. It varies in each individual country. This may depend both on the degree of wealth of visitors, and on the level of comfort of the restaurant and the work of the service staff. Modern sages say that the lower tip limit is determined by the rules of etiquette, and the upper limit is determined by the intuition of the person from whom the tip is expected. Be that as it may, tips are one of the income items for restaurant or cafe workers. Not giving a tip means not paying for the work that was done for the visitor by waiters, cooks or cloakroom attendants.

It is worth noting that in Russia such a phenomenon as tipping only recently acquired the status of semi-permitted. Once upon a time, not so long ago, taking tips to employees of public catering establishments was strictly prohibited and was equated to bribery. Today everything has changed, and tips are perceived as gratitude from a visitor to a restaurant or cafe for something good or not so good. Good work service personnel. Today, a person who does not tip the waiter or doorman is perceived by others as ill-mannered, with bad manners, or as a greedy and miser. In short, if you decide to go to a restaurant, you will have to fork out some cash.

In Europe, as always, all phenomena develop according to a strictly constructed logical chain. Tipping was never prohibited there. This is probably why catering establishments differ from Russian ones in their higher quality of service. In addition, in Europe, there are conditionally two categories of people working in the field of catering and public services: a) those who must tip (head waiters, hotel servants, taxi drivers, waiters, hairdressers: it is customary to give them 10-12% tips from the amount of the bill; bellhops, doormen, long-distance bus drivers, tour guides, cloakroom attendants: it is customary to tip them based on their own intuition, i.e. the size of the tip is determined by the client b) those to whom it is not necessary to tip, but can be done with help; hard cash to express your gratitude for performing a special assignment or service for a client (maids, receptionists, elevator operators, cooks, servants of the house where you were invited to visit, program sellers in the theater, circus, etc., gas station attendants).

Below is a list of several general rules of behavior when visiting a restaurant or cafe.

A man who invites a woman to a restaurant or cafe must arrive before the appointed time. In case of delay. I need to apologize to the lady.

The most comfortable place in a restaurant hall is considered to be a place near the wall, and the most honorable place for ladies is to face the entrance.

The cups should be held by the ear, without inserting your index finger into it and not leaving it a hundred feet away.

the crown of the little finger.

After stirring the sugar in the cup, remove the spoon and place it on the saucer. If the saucer is deep, a teaspoon can be placed on its edge. Sipping hot tea or coffee from a spoon is considered a sign of bad taste.

There is no need to blow into a cup of hot tea or coffee. You should wait until the drinks cool down. You can only stir them lightly with a spoon so as not to knock it against the walls of the cup.

You can only take a cup of hot drinks in your hands. The saucer should be left on the table.

There is no need to drink the grounds left after drinking coffee.

If the tea is served with lemon, you need to lightly press the slice of fruit with a spoon, squeezing out the juice, after which the spoon can be placed on the saucer. The tea is drunk and the remaining lemon slice is left in the cup.

The tea bag squeezed out with a spoon should be removed from the cup with the same spoon and placed on a saucer. There is no need to put the used tea bag in the ashtray.

If the drink is served in tall glasses and with a straw, then there is no need to drink it completely. The gurgling sound produced at the same time can only interfere with a pleasant conversation with a beautiful companion or friends.

If cakes with butter cream are served with tea or coffee, they should be eaten so as not to stain the edges of the cup or glass. To do this, before washing down a piece of cake with tea or coffee, wipe your lips with a napkin.

According to the rules of restaurant etiquette, sponge cakes should be eaten with a teaspoon, and dry shortbread should be held in your hands.

After use, the napkin should be placed in a plate (but not in the ashtray).

A smoked cigarette should be extinguished in an ashtray, but not in a plate.

If there is a linen napkin on the table near the laid out cutlery, it should be unfolded and placed on your lap. If a woman carelessly drops such a napkin, the man should not pick it up and concentrate on the incident that happened, but, on the contrary, try not to notice his companion’s mistake. The lady will have to choose the time and quietly pick up the dropped napkin. After use, the linen napkin should be left on the table without folding it in half or in four.

A salad made from cucumbers and tomatoes should be eaten along with meat served on the same dish.

Food served in pots is not placed on plates.

Cinema, vernissage


In the cinema hall, in addition to such “troubles” as a lady in a hat, lovers with their heads bowed to each other, harsh perfume, a loud critic, there is a typical cinema scourge: the viewer who loudly tells his companion (companion) “what will happen now” . Such an uninvited commentator should be corrected by his companion. An outsider also has the right to reprimand him.

In the cinema, unlike the theater, it is customary to eat candy, but, of course, you should not chew loudly, rustle papers or throw them under chairs.

At the stadium, neither the rustle of papers nor the crunch of caramels disturbs anyone. However, you should not litter either.

At a concert, any coughing, out loud remarks, in short, anything that could interfere with listening to the music is especially undesirable. Under no circumstances should you hum the melody that sounds from the stage or beat out the beat with your hand.

After a concert, performance or film show, a man escorts the woman he invited home. Having taken her by taxi or his own car, the man waits for her to enter the entrance; It is even more polite to get out of the car and escort your companion to the door of her apartment. A woman whom a man invited to a performance, saying goodbye, should thank him for a pleasant evening.


Vernissage, i.e. The opening of an exhibition of paintings or sculptures is also a kind of performance. Loud remarks are only permissible if they express approval. If you know the artist personally, it is customary to approach him and congratulate him. In such cases, special delicacy is required to avoid awkward comparisons with his contemporaries-artists. It may happen that the author of the exhibition does not consider the work of this particular artist to be a model for himself.

If you don’t know the artist personally, you can also approach him, introduce yourself and express your approval - he will be pleased.

Many women find it inconvenient to attend concerts and cinema alone. Of course, it’s more pleasant to go together. But the principle of “no one to go with” should not deprive a woman of aesthetic pleasure. The rules of good manners do not prohibit this at all; on the contrary, they encourage it.

In the museum

According to the rules of good manners, a museum visitor, before going to view the exhibits, must go to the cloakroom to take off outer clothing and leave large luggage (bags, briefcases, packages, etc.). Special catalogs and guides, sold at the entrance to the exhibition halls, will help you navigate large museums and exhibitions. In this case, there is no need to try to see everything at once during one visit. It is best to choose one room and carefully familiarize yourself with its exhibits. On your next visit to a museum or exhibition, you will be able to explore another room, etc.

The people of a museum or exhibition should move silently. It is unacceptable to talk or shout loudly when calling an acquaintance or friend. Loud discussion or critical remarks made about works or their authors are also considered a sign of bad taste. A true connoisseur and connoisseur of art will not demonstrate his erudition and knowledge in such an inappropriate place as a museum. After all, giving information about a particular work, its history and author is the task of the guide.

Visitors can only exchange a few comments with each other. But this must be done in a low voice, so as not to disturb those standing nearby.

In order to get acquainted with any exhibit, you do not need to stand in front of another visitor. It is best to wait until he, having completed the inspection, frees up the place. Touching museum or exhibition exhibits with your hands is strictly prohibited. Each visitor is reminded of this by special signs available in each exhibition hall or attached to the exhibit cases.

Rules of conduct in the theater

Visit to the theatre, concert hall, museum and art exhibition require the visitor to know and comply with special etiquette regulations. First of all, this concerns clothing. Going to the theater or concert hall, it is best to wear a suit of calm tones and a classic cut. In other words, you need to dress in such a way that you do not attract much attention from those around you who came to the theater to see the performance, and not your super fashionable and original outfit. Women can complement a dress or suit with a strict cut and modest jewelry.

A man should wear a dark suit. In cold weather, it is important not to forget to take replacement shoes with you. The rules of etiquette require men sitting in boxes and in the front rows of the stalls to wear a tailcoat or tuxedo, and women to wear evening dresses and gloves. At the same time, the rules of good manners state that you can wear a festive outfit for the premiere showing of the play, but for visiting and watching everyday clothes. theatrical production The one you usually wear to work is also suitable (if such an outfit is not too flashy and provocative).

Being late for the start of a performance or concert is considered unacceptable. However, if for some reason you had to be late, then you do not need to disturb other spectators and, stepping on their feet, head to your place. It is necessary to wait until the end of the act or part of the performance or piece of music and already at intermission go to your seats. You need to walk along the row, turning your face to other spectators. At the same time, you should apologize to them for the inconvenience caused.

Just like when visiting a restaurant, the man must accompany the lady, showing the way to the places. In the wardrobe, a man should first remove his hat and outerwear, and then help the lady undress. If in a restaurant or cafe a woman is allowed by the rules of etiquette to wear a hat, then in the theater she must also take it off, since the brim of the headdress can block the view of the stage for those sitting behind. After a woman has taken off her outerwear and hat, she can go to the mirror to slightly straighten her hair or see if everything is okay with her appearance. Applying makeup, lipstick or tugging at the hem of a dress in the dressing room is unacceptable. All this must be done in the ladies' room. While the woman examines herself in the mirror, her companion must wait patiently on the side. At the same time, he should not delve into reading a newspaper, magazine or book, which is considered bad form. The only thing he can afford is to purchase the program for a play or concert and read it.

If the seats are in a tier, then the man should walk half a step ahead of his companion when ascending, and half a step behind when descending. In the stalls, the man goes first to his place, followed by the woman. If four acquaintances, two women and two men, decide to attend a performance or concert, then first one of the men takes a seat, then the women sit, then the second man. In this case, ladies can sit so as not to end up next to their husband. When choosing a place for himself, a true gentleman will leave the best and more comfortable one for his lady. So, for example, if one of the two assigned seats is located near the aisle, then the man should take exactly his.

If a group of familiar people comes to the theater or to a concert, then a woman should be the first to take a place in a row, then a man, then a woman again, etc. The last person to take his place is the one who invited everyone (with the exception of women ).

It is considered a sign of bad taste and ignorance to sing along, clap your hand or stamp your foot to the beat of the music, or discuss the production during the continuation of the performance. You can't talk to your neighbors either. And even more so, it is inadmissible to eat anything at this time, rustle with candy wrappers or chocolate foil, etc. If you are suffering from a cough or runny nose, you do not need to cough or blow your nose right in the hall. You should quietly apologize to your neighbors and leave the room.

The same should be done if you came to a performance with a child who, not interested in watching the production, found something else to do.

You can have a snack during the intermission at the buffet. However, you shouldn’t eat up in a short 15 minutes or half an hour as if you don’t have any food at home and you won’t have anything to eat. At the theater buffet, to satisfy a slight hunger, it is enough to buy drinks, cake or ice cream. In this case, only the man can go to the buffet, while the lady (or other friends who visited the theater) can remain in her place.

The most serious mistake and serious violation of the norms of theatrical etiquette is considered to be leaving the auditorium during the continuation or a few minutes before the end of the performance. A polite person and a grateful viewer will certainly wait for the moment when he can thank the actors or musicians for their performance with thunderous applause.

There are also rules for applause. So, it is customary to applaud:

in the theater: after the completion of the last act of the play; after the completion of an aria or scene especially successfully played by the actors; during the appearance on stage of a popular or outstandingly talented actor;

at a concert: during the appearance of the conductor and soloists; after completion of the performance of the work (song) by the soloist.

Rules of behavior in public transport are extremely important because sometimes the journey to work or home can take 1 hour. This amounts to 40 hours per month. Quite a lot. How this time is spent can fundamentally affect our nerve cells. So it is best for people to have mutual respect and protect each other from bad moods.

The main thing is to remain human

Rules of behavior in all types of public transport are directly related to etiquette. No matter how much we would like to deny it, at the genetic level we are all animals that, by the standards of planetary development, have only recently emerged from the jungle. However, humanity is learning to curb its wild nature, since the intellect suggests the consequences of certain actions. That's what the rules are for. A passenger on public transport faces the danger of becoming a victim of someone’s bad mood, or of encountering rudeness or rudeness. It’s safe to say that you’ve had the opportunity to watch someone’s scandal go far beyond logic, becoming personal and raising their voices.

We should not forget that we are still people and must act logically and observe standards of decency. The rules of behavior in public transport precisely prescribe the correct models of how to behave, and indicate those manifestations that should be left outside human society.

Many even take the opportunity to lose their temper on the bus. A small push is enough to start a scandal. The cause of the explosion may not even be this small inconvenience, but the stress that has accumulated in you before.

Bursts of negativity

It’s easier to lash out at a stranger and there are fewer consequences than if you expressed everything you think to your boss or relatives. So, mainly in trolleybuses and trams, irritation reaches its peak and an explosion occurs.

As a rule, the aftertaste on the soul after this is not pleasant. There is a feeling of injustice towards oneself, the nerves are stretched to a critical state.

Passengers are responsible for correct and appropriate behavior. Some people want to assert themselves by putting someone else in their place. Everyone knows that you need to give up your seat to older people. But elderly passengers themselves sometimes approach the issue not entirely correctly. Instead of simply asking the young man (who is not legally obligated to do anything, and only moral standards contribute to a good deed) to stand up, phrases about the impudence of youth and insults begin to be heard.

This is also, in its own way, an unsatisfied need for respect and a desire to establish oneself at the expense of others. Perhaps the young man would not have had anything against it and would have stood up easily, but when the request turns into a reproach and teachings of life, no one has enough patience. The rules for safe behavior in public transport come down to provisions that we will discuss in the following sections of the article.

Respect for elders

Let's talk about how you need to behave towards people who need help. When you enter a vehicle, you should let older people pass first. The same principle should be paid attention to when children, women and disabled people are around. People usually get off the transport first, and then new people enter. Passengers on public transport, especially young guys, should also help the elderly, pregnant women and young mothers.

Give way

Rules of conduct on public transport stipulate that elderly people, women, children and disabled people have priority rights to seats. Of course, this is not spelled out in any law, but it is considered correct from a moral point of view.

Don't stand up abruptly, let the person understand your intentions. Invite him to sit down. If you are given a seat, be sure to thank the person because he is doing a good deed and showing good attitude towards you. It is important not only to stand up for the rights of passengers, but also to remember your moral duty to those who provide you with courtesy.

The driver who did not leave, seeing you running towards the minibus, also deserves gratitude. A simple human “Thank you” is enough for him to understand how grateful you are, and in the future he will probably do the same. After all, without receiving gratitude, a person will begin to lose interest in good deeds.

Know how to ask politely

Rules of conduct on public transport for schoolchildren emphasize the need to give way to women, the elderly and the disabled. If teenagers do not do this, there is no need to start discussions about their irresponsibility, poor upbringing, shortcomings of the younger generation, and so on.

It is enough to simply ask the student to give up his seat. As a rule, the guys don’t resist, thinking according to the principle “If they ask, I’ll get up, if they don’t ask, I’ll sit.” So, expecting initiative from someone who does not benefit from it is somewhat presumptuous. However, nothing prevents you from manifesting it yourself.

Being under the gaze of people on the bus, the child is unlikely to get up and fight until the first blood for his place, he will calmly stand up. City transport is not the place where people want to admire your negative emotions. It’s better to go to a psychologist’s office for this. Other people get tired too, they have their own problems. It is very likely that in response to your negativity, rivers of negative emotions will follow from all sides, in which you will simply choke. So think a few times before breaking through this dam and letting its waters wash away all life in its path.

Perhaps someone around you is showing bad manners. You shouldn’t dress up as a punisher and teach him about life, or even overtake him with physical violence. This way you won't be very far behind him in development.

The food can wait

Rules of conduct on public transport prohibit eating in a moving vehicle. If the driver brakes suddenly, a lump of food may end up in the wrong throat and you will regret that you didn’t wait until you got home with a snack.

It's also unhygienic. Crumbs scatter both on your clothes and on those around you.

A separate topic is organizing a marathon on a bus or minibus. You just wonder how the ladies learned to paint their eyes and not hit them with a brush on sharp turns. The undertaking is quite risky, no matter how great the dexterity, so it is also better to wait until you stop.

Stay calm

Passengers' responsibilities include peaceful and calm behavior. If someone riding next to you does not agree with this and decides to start a verbal duel in front of the entire bus, do not rush into the fire of battle, because perhaps he will switch to you.

Disputes arise either with the driver or between old and young passengers. Usually in transport there is one or several voices of reason, which without unnecessary emotions says: “Gentlemen, your behavior is illogical. If you have unresolved issues, take care of them at the bus stop.” It is precisely this unemotional presentation, which is extremely difficult to cling to for a new scandal, that forces those arguing to calm down and become silent. This person can be you.

Respect other people's personal space

City transport is open to the most different people. Young and old, slim and plump. Those around them periodically have disagreements with the latter. Men love to spread their legs wide apart in such a way that they go far beyond the boundaries of their place, disturbing others. Some do not go into the middle of the salon and stand at the door, which is why others cannot pass. The answer to comments is usually: “If you don’t take a tram, you’ll go around.” This, too, as you understand, is not very polite.

Need to be more compact

Carrying passengers and luggage requires behavior that will not disturb others. That is, if you have luggage, you should ensure that it is compact. When you stand, bags should be removed and lowered down. This will not only free up space, but will also protect you from pickpockets. The same goes for the backpack, so as not to hurt other people. Give others a pass when they need it.

If your stop is coming soon, make sure to be close to the door in advance. It will be extremely inconvenient to do this in last moment. If you encounter some difficulty in the form of people standing in front, politely ask them to let you pass.

Less words

When making a phone call, you do not need to inform the entire minibus about what is happening in your life. There may be a case when you see your friend in the salon. Also, don’t shout at him across the entire bus. Do not disturb other passengers. Loud screams can make their ride uncomfortable. You should not discuss personal topics while sitting on a trolleybus or tram. You don't want the whole city to know about them.

If you commute to work or school at the same time as the vast majority of the population, you will have to endure all the inconveniences of rush hour. But if you have the opportunity to choose a time, it is better to wait an hour or two and go when the journey is calmer and more comfortable.

If the vehicle is jammed and you can't get to the back of the vehicle, and people are getting off and on at every stop, go outside to allow this to happen. Then come back.

Take a break

You can read newspapers and books in such a way that it does not bother anyone. Although it’s also worth thinking about, because this way of entertaining yourself during a trip is harmful to your eyesight. You can use your smartphone or e-reader. Audiobooks save many people, then their eyes don’t suffer at all.

Sometimes young people play “sleeping beauty”, trying to protect themselves from being asked to give up their seat. If you need a seat, don’t be shy and wake up such a person, nothing bad will happen to him. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Despite the nervous situation, there are still a lot of normal, adequate people in transport. If necessary, they will help you. So let others know that you need help.

All of the above also applies to the metro. When using the escalator, stand on the right. Stay at a sufficient distance from the platform.

By following these simple rules, you will save good mood both to yourself and to those around you. Sometimes in life you have to experience inconvenience. But it is how well you adapt and tolerate them that characterizes you as a person. So be human.

Everyone needs to know the rules of behavior in public transport. After all, a person very often uses this type of transport when traveling to work, school, on business or on a visit. And even if your family drives their own car more, you still sometimes have to use public transport to get to your destination.

You can start a lesson with your child about the rules of behavior in public transport with the following words: “Every day you become more and more mature. First, your mother takes you to kindergarten, then you will go on your own to school, to the cinema, to the theater. Every day you will have to use public transport. Do you know how a well-mannered person behaves in transport? Let's watch?"

According to the rules of etiquette, when entering public transport, men must let all women pass ahead of them.

Any self-respecting person will not elbow all incoming passengers and squeeze through first to take a free seat. First of all, he will let in the elderly, disabled people, pregnant women and women with children. Will help them get up to the salon.

Do not stop at the entrance (unless you get off at the next stop), but go to the middle of the cabin - leave room for people who enter after you.

When entering transport, you need to take off your backpacks and satchel bags so as not to touch (sometimes even dirty) people.

Always give up your seat to elderly people, children, women with heavy bags when you sit down and there are no more empty seats.

On public transport they do not shake snow or raindrops off their clothes, do not eat, do not enter with ice cream in their hands and, of course, do not smoke.

In the salon they don’t comb their hair, don’t clean their nails, don’t pick their nose, teeth, ears...

Save your eyesight - do not read while traffic is moving.

Do not look closely at the passengers, do not lean on them with your whole body.

If the cabin is crowded, you are riding standing and it is uncomfortable for you to hold on to the handrails because you have a cake or flowers in your hands, don’t be shy - you can politely ask those sitting to hold them.

In transport, it is indecent to laugh and talk loudly, discuss your problems on the phone and argue loudly with friends. If a person makes a remark to you, don’t be rude, take note of it!

Do not dirty the seats in the cabin, and especially do not paint them.

Pets: cats, birds, small rodents are usually transported in special cages; dogs must be muzzled.

You need to prepare for the exit in advance (especially if there are a lot of passengers). Ask those in front: “Are you getting off at the next stop?” When apologizing, ask for permission to pass, but under no circumstances push aside, making your way, “filling your mouth with water.”

If you are traveling with a girl, you should try to get out first, help your companion down the steps, while giving her your hand.
Be friendly, attentive and polite!

We hope that you have thoroughly mastered the rules of behavior in public transport and will now always remember them on any trip around the city.