Feng Shui of flying stars by month. It is good to decorate the western sector with red interior items. In the bathroom or toilet, you can tie the pipes with red tape so that harmful energy leaves along with the water. East - money star "8"

Flying Stars- these are Feng Shui energies that move in certain directions every year. Each star has its own unique characteristics and features. Some carry positive energies, others negative. The influence of negative stars that bring problems and troubles can be neutralized or weakened with the help of special Feng Shui tools. Favorable sectors should be used as often as possible - spend most of your time there - sleeping, resting, working.

Flying stars for 2017:

1 - Center

2 - North West

3 - West

4 - Northeast

5 - South

6 - North

7 - South-West

8 - East

9 - South East

Characteristics of flying stars

Flying stars that “hit” rarely used rooms, such as a pantry or a bathroom, do not have a noticeable effect.

It is worth considering only frequently used places - these are living rooms - a bedroom, a children's room, a living room (if you often spend time there), a study, as well as places where there is a bed, a desk and where the front door is located.

If any good annual star falls into one of the above places, then you are lucky, since you will receive favorable energy from it more often. And if there is negative energy here, then you should try to be in this place as little as possible, or, as a last resort, apply the appropriate means of correction, which will be described below.

Center star "1"

This is the "ruling star" of the year, as it is in a central location. From the point of view of flying stars, the center does not have its own dedicated place; it extends its influence to the entire house or apartment.

Therefore, usually the energy of the central sector is not corrected by special means, it simply influences in the “background”. It is important to understand the nature of the “central star” - such trends will be particularly evident in 2017.

"One" is the star of "intelligence". We can say that in 2017 it will be especially favorable to study and engage in any intellectual activity.

South is the most unfavorable star "5"

Often it brings various problems. In private life, these are bad relationships, illnesses, accidents. In society, these are money problems, troubles with superiors, and other external circumstances that cannot be influenced.

In 2017, “The Five in the South will be quite strong, since the energies of the sector itself support it.

The most pronounced place in 2017 where the energy of the “Five” is concentrated is the southern part in the southern room. If your bed or desk is located here, and there is a negative Sha object to the South of your home, or there is a lot of activity outside (for example, construction), then it is advisable to move from this place.

To protect against the Five star, you can hang a metal wind chime in the South. But if this requires drilling a wall or hammering a nail, then it is better to do this in advance, before February 3, 2017. Otherwise, there is a risk of disturbing the “Five”, which can cause problems. Also, to protect against “5” you can use a special correction tool - “Salt, water, coins.” It should be set for the whole of 2017. The southern sector should not be “disturbed” throughout 2017. It is undesirable to do noisy repair work in it, knocking, drilling, or breaking walls.

If the front door is located in the South, then it is recommended to hang a metal bell on the door handle. Every time the door opens, the bell will ring, thereby calming and weakening the Five. In addition, avoid increased financial risks throughout 2017, do not take risky loans and do not borrow money.

These corrective measures will help minimize troubles from the flying star “Five” in 2017.

North-West - disease star "2"

Because of this, people who frequently use the North-West sector in 2017 may encounter various diseases.

Therefore, you should pay increased attention to your health! It is advisable to undergo a medical examination and identify possible ailments. And then during 2017 there will be significantly less problems with health.

As a means of correction against the flying star "2", metal can be placed in the North-West. It could be a metal windchime, or a Hu-Lu gourd, or a bunch of 6 metal coins.

South-West - star "7"

The southwest is unfavorable in 2017. The star “Seven Red” has arrived here, which provokes thefts, injuries, cuts, as well as troubles from “bad communication” - scandals, gossip, slander.

As a means of correcting the flying star "7", Chinese Feng Shui masters recommend a traditional remedy - three branches of bamboo in a vessel with water. Or you can put a regular container with highly salted water. The element of Water weakens the metallic “sharp” star. The blue color also weakens the “Seven” - for example, you can lay out a blue rug.

If you often use the South-West, then in 2017 you can study metaphysics, feng shui or public speaking in this sector. Then the “Seven” will help in this activity, and thereby bring benefits. This is an alternative way to correct the negative star "7".

However, in some months of 2017, under the influence of good monthly energies, the “Seven” may turn out to be useful and make the South-West temporarily favorable sectors. You can find out when this will happen from monthly feng shui forecasts.

Northeast - star "4" promotes romance and education fuck

We can say that the Northeast is more or less favorable in 2017. He fell under the influence of the star "4", which patronizes love and romance. Also, “Four” is favorable for those who study, teach, or engage in creative activities.

However, she is quite flighty and frivolous, and in an unfavorable environment she is capable of creating sexual problems and scandals. In the event that in the direction to the northeast of the house there are ugly Sha objects - destroyed buildings, dirty water, power line support, then this star will bring indecent behavior, infidelity.

It will be great if there is a pleasant looking environment to the northeast. Then the star “4” will bring good luck in love, in study, in creativity.

Southeast - star "9"

The South-East can also be considered “romantic” and will even be superior to the North-East in this regard. After all, the star “9”, arriving here in 2017, receives support from the sector. Plus, it promotes deeper relationships, not just romance. After all, the star “9” brings people together, like a matchmaker!

Therefore, the South-East in 2017 is good to use for those who are engaged in mediation, active sales, and work in areas where something needs to be demonstrated and shown in the best light. Star "9" will help in this activity and bring money!

To activate this favorable star “9”, in 2017 in the Southeast you can: a short time launch objects that create movement - for example, a mobile, a pendulum, or place a Feng Shui cat waving its paw.

East - money star "8"

Money star “8” is kind and calm in nature, it brings reliable and risk-free money, for which it is very loved by most people.

After all, the majority always strives for stability, and even small, but constant income without unnecessary stress and turmoil!

Therefore, to get money with the help of the Eight, you need to work hard!

West - star "3" active and aggressive

The “Troika” star is exactly the opposite in character to the “Eight” star. It brings money that is risky and unstable, but potentially huge, more than the G8 can give.

But star "3" can also take money - after all, it is a robbery star! Either you rob or they rob you! Therefore, it is suitable for the minority - assertive, pushy people - those who love excitement, risks, unpredictability and hate boredom.

Using “Troika” you need to be able to stop in time, like a roulette player!

If you are a peaceful person, then the star “3” is not suitable for you and will bring trouble! Because she provokes quarrels, aggressive behavior, swearing. We will consider the West sector in 2017 to be conditionally unfavorable, but with nuances!

North - star "6" is good for a career

True, the star of “6” is already “outdated”, and one might say retired. However, it still brings good things, although it does not promise golden showers.

Therefore, if you are simply striving for a promotion, and at the same time money issues are not paramount for you, then in 2017, spend more time in the North.

The favorability of sectors as a whole is relevant for the whole of 2017. But every month, flying stars will also be “mixed” with the annual stars by month, which will add their energy. And therefore, all sectors can change their characteristics in one direction or another every month. Some may become more favorable for a while, others less so.

According to solar Chinese calendar, On July 7, the month of the Fire Goat begins, and it will last until August 6, 2017. The element of fire, on the one hand, brings joy; on the other hand, it also carries emotions such as anger and rage. Therefore, try to control your feelings, do not get angry and do not piss off other people. It is very useful during this period to practice meditation, spend time in the water (for example, at sea), rest and relax.

July 2017: favorable days

July 17, 29 - days are very good for major purchases, holidays, signing contracts and starting new projects. These dates are not suitable for those born in the year of the Pig.

July 11, 23 - perfect for starting long-term projects. You can sign contracts, have a wedding and make major purchases. These days are not suitable for those born in the year of the Snake.

July 2017: unfavorable days

July 13, 15, 25, 27, August 6 - refrain from any undertakings. The energy of these days will bring obstacles and problems.

July 18, 30 - do not plan operations and the start of treatment, noisy celebrations and important events. Just rest on this day or finish what you started earlier.

Flying Stars forecast for July 2017 by sector

The stars will influence you only if they are located in important sectors of the house: bedroom, study, front door into a house or room. A bathroom, balcony or storage room does not affect the overall energy of your apartment or house.

Southeast 9-2

An unfavorable sector, because the disease star flies here. If you are under the influence of the sector, for example, you sleep in the south-eastern room, take care of your health: visit a doctor, take a course of vitamins. This sector can also affect mental activity - problems with studying are possible.

South 5-7

Unfavorable sector throughout the year. It is strictly not recommended to sleep, eat or work here, especially for people who have health problems. If this is not possible, at least move the bed to a favorable sector within the room and be especially attentive to your health, do not start new things, do not lend or borrow money. To neutralize negativity, you can place it in the south. If your front door is in the south, hang a metal bell on it.

Southwest 7-9

Quite a controversial sector in July. Can be favorable for work and career, opening new projects. But the sector is not the best for health - it can cause throat diseases.

West 3-5

This month this sector is very unfavorable due to the Yellow Five. It is strictly not recommended to sleep, eat or work here. If this is not possible, at least move the bed to a favorable sector within the room and be especially attentive to your health, do not start new things, do not lend or borrow money. To neutralize negativity, it can be placed in the west. If your front door is in the west, hang a metal bell on it.

North West 2-4

An unfavorable sector throughout the year due to the annual star of diseases. If possible, do not sleep or work in the northwestern room. If this is not possible, be attentive to your health: go to a preventive appointment with a doctor, start doing exercises, etc.

North 6-8

A wonderful sector in July. The energies of the sector may bring increased profits or higher salaries. If this is relevant to you, place a bed or desk in this sector, but be prepared for the fact that you will need to work a lot.

Northeast 4-6

The sector is favorable for career growth. You may not make a lot of money, but you have a good chance of improving your reputation and gaining respect from your bosses.

East 8-1

A very good sector, favorable for new projects, increases income and good luck at work. But these energies are believed to be unfavorable for the middle son, young man or a teenager. It is better for them to move to another room for a month.

Activations "A bird falls into its nest"

07.07.2017 NE Dragon (7-9) Bull
13.07.2017 SW Dragon (7-9) Goats
31.07.2017 SE Tiger (3-5) Bull
05.08.2017 SW Pig (21-23) Horses

Warming the Money Star

12.07.2017 SZ 2/3 Goat (13-15), Rooster (17-19) Candle Horses
14.07.2017 SZ 2/3 Snake (9-11), Goat (13-15), Dog (19-21) Candle Monkey
24.07.2017 SZ 2/3 Dragon (7-9) Candle Horses
03.08.2017 SZ 2/3 Rabbit (5-7), Snake (9-11), Pig (21-23) Candle Dragon
05.08.2017 SZ 2/3 Ox (1-3), Goat (13-15) Candle Horses

Magic walks

Walking to attract money luck and financial profit

08.07.2017 YU Dog (19-21) Tiger
14.07.2017 SE Dog (19-21) Monkey
22.07.2017 NE Dragon (7-9) Dragon
29.07.2017 SW Horse (11-13) Pigs

Walking to increase the number of clients and orders

11.07.2017 SE Tiger (3-5) Snakes
22.07.2017 YU Goat (13-15) Dragon
05.08.2017 SE Tiger (3-5) Horses

“New Year’s” Feng Shui has a special task - to track the movements of each of the nine stars in the nine sectors of the house: to strengthen and strengthen the favorable ones and deprive the negative ones of their strength. As before, we will adjust the space with familiar “European” accessories.

Important: It is not necessary to carry out all the necessary changes in the house exactly at midnight from the 27th to the 28th - this is impossible. Just start, and within a month or two you will finally organize your home in accordance with the new order.

Star "theory" of Feng Shui
Strictly speaking, according to Feng Shui, stars “fly” from place to place once every 20 years and every year. They also additionally move every month, day, hour, and even every minute. But we cannot live in “feng shui non-stop” mode, so we will take the largest parameters: 20-year and annual periods. Their influence is the strongest.

It’s easiest with a 20-year period: nothing has changed here. Now the star is an Eight - it will change to a Nine in 2024.

Annual flying stars for 2017
In addition to the dominant annual star, in Feng Shui there is the concept of a combination of monthly and annual stars, there are also rear and front stars, the position of the Grand Duke (or Grand Duke) changes every year, and much more. Thus, each room may have several flying stars every month.

I foresee negative comments from those who practice classical Feng Shui: indeed, ideally, flying stars must be combined with the years of construction and entry into the house, the facade, mountain and water stars, and so on. But we don’t want to live for Feng Shui, do we? In a small-sized apartment, then you won’t be able to move at all - you will definitely “fall” under bad influence.

In order not to go crazy from all this, I simplified the classic Feng Shui patterns to intuitive ones.

There are only 9 flying stars, as well as sectors:

1. White Unit (star of wisdom).
2. Black Two (star of diseases).
3. Jade Three (or Green, star of quarrels).
4. Four (star of creativity and romance).
5. Yellow Five (star of misfortunes).
6. White Six (star of managers).
7. Red Seven (robbery star).
8. White Eight (star of prosperity).
9. Purple Nine (star of shows and holidays).

As we see, there are one more positive stars.

1. White Unit
This is a great star - wisdom and good luck. This year she will be in the center of the house. Why is it good? Because the Center comes into contact with all adjacent sectors and has a positive impact on them. All last year there was an unfavorable star in the Center - in 2017 we were luckier.

How to increase your influence: this star loves the element of Water, that is, we use blue and light blue colors in the decor, a fountain (just not in the bedroom), and an image of a horse that brings success. We put a crystal talisman in the bag (easy to make from a chandelier pendant) - more about it in the article at the link.

2. Black Two
The unfavorable star of diseases - Two - has finally flown away from the Center to the North-West. According to some sources, this star helps people involved in real estate, so some need to strengthen it, but most still need to defend themselves.

Feng Shui correction: with the help of Metal - a handful of 6 coins hidden in this part of the apartment will help. I don’t specifically say “bundle” of coins, because we use ordinary, any, European coins without holes. Although, if you want to use Danish or Norwegian ones, they will have holes. Two is also weakened by the color blue (and the element Water in general).

3. Jade Three
The star of quarrels and scandals in 2017 “flies” to the West - provokes omissions, misunderstandings in the family and between colleagues.

Feng Shui correction: Three is depleted by the Wood element: living plants - even indoor plants - and their images. A combination of red and gold colors will also help: just insert red paper into a gold frame (and hide it) or hang a picture with a scarlet bouquet in a brass frame. Stabilized moss can also be a Wood element, and it is also the right color.


4. Four - the star of romance and creativity
The name speaks for itself: the star favors creative people and to everyone who is looking for a “soul mate”. This year there is an unfavorable star in the Love sector, so let's strengthen the Four. We celebrate the appearance of this star in the Northeast (that is, in the sector of wisdom).

How to increase your influence: element Tree (plant - living or drawn).

5. Yellow Five
It is considered one of the most unfavorable, and this year - in the South, that is, in the glory zone. Feng Shui correction is required.

How to reduce the influence: with the help of Metal - the more metal that appears in the southern part of your home this year, the better. Five is “afraid” of knives and the number 6 (6 metal objects can be used). For those who are not lazy, ring the zone every day with a Valdai bell and work with a singing bowl. For everyone else - remove the floor lamp if it was in the southern part of the apartment, and turn on the light in this sector as little as possible; ideally, do not eat there, do not sleep or work (any active actions will activate the star).

What if Five is at the front door?- Take any container: bowl, bowl or vase. Fill 2/3 with coarse salt. We put six of any coins on the salt, fill the bowl with water to the brim and hide it in the hallway away from prying eyes. Add water as it evaporates.

6. Six - star of heavenly support
Finally! We meet the star of managers in the North. In 2016, the career sector was under the influence of an unfavorable star, but now we have all the opportunities.

How to increase your influence: Metal (coins are fine), white colored items, as well as silver and gold accessories for the room. I advise careerists to carry a keychain with a horse in their bag all year round.

Let's start our Feng Shui forecast for 2017 with the fact that the year of the Fire Rooster will begin according to the Chinese (Oriental) horoscope on the morning of January 28, 2017 at 04:07 a.m. and will last until February 15, 2018. This is a bright animal, so all year round you need to be energetic, cheerful, easy-going, fiery and hardworking. Such people are guaranteed victory and success!

To symbol of the year 2017 – Fire Rooster was even more loyal, put the Rooster figurine on your desktop. Choose one in the store that your hand will reach for. Periodically feed the betta with grains and treat him with something tasty. The god of wealth in 2017 is King Gesar, coming from the southeast. We will meet him from January 28 to February 3. Special dishes and treats are prepared in order to appease and attract the energy of prosperity, wealth, health, and good luck to your home.

There is a lot of Fire element in the Ba Tzu chart 2017, so it is very auspicious symbol success and prosperity this year is the image of the Eagle and Red Phoenix.

Astrologers advise making friends with coral, because... The planet Mars will be the patron of 2017. Everything gloomy and pessimistic goes away into frustration, so tune in to a good and positive mood for the whole year! As the song says: “And good mood will never leave you again..!” Feng Shui can help you!

Treat yourself to a new ring with a large crystal or stone. The stone can be anything, it is important that it suits you. Listen to your inner voice.

Feng Shui 2017 flying stars - forecast of success and prosperity

Let's look at the Feng Shui forecast for 2017 based on flying stars. They are also called wandering. Well-being, health and success - every person strives for these aspects of life. Someone is leading healthy image life, trying to realize dreams or climb career ladder. But not always and not everyone succeeds. It would seem that a person is doing everything possible to achieve success, but fortune passes him by. What's the matter? The answer can be given by the ancient Chinese teaching - Feng Shui. According to this science, a person's troubles can be easily solved by simply moving a few objects in the house or changing the direction of one's sleeping position. If you want to be on top of success all the time and not complain about your health, you should listen to the Feng Shui forecast of flying stars for 2017. They symbolize the different types of energy that settle in our homes for the whole year. Every year, flying stars change their position. Therefore, it is so important to track their route and take timely measures. Let's see which flying stars will “live” in the sectors of the house this year. Let's learn to neutralize or strengthen them.

For those who first encountered the interpretation of the lo-shu square of flying stars, it is necessary to understand the meanings of the sectors. The map grid is divided into nine squares, each of which represents a specific cardinal direction. The main sector of the house is the center, which also influences neighboring areas. The map features south, north, west, east, southwest, southeast, northwest and northeast. As a result, the square reflects all directions and the center. Using a compass, they determine where things are and act according to the forecast of flying stars. Let's see what stars will appear in the sectors according to the Lo Shu square for 2017.

Let's consider the sectors in order and remember that first we remove, put protection against bad (harmful, negative) stars, and only after that we activate favorable (positive) flying stars in 2017 according to Feng Shui.

Center of the house – star 1

In 2017, the tone is set by a positive unit or White Star 1. It is located in the central sector of the house (apartment). The star “one” promotes success and prosperity. With the help of this energy, you can achieve amazing success in your studies and any endeavors. Since the star is in the center, and this is usually the corridor of the house, residents are advised to cross this zone as often as possible. This is done to activate energy. If space allows, you can put a small sofa or a sitting area in this place. The longer the residents are under the influence of the White Star, the more success they will achieve. Also, to activate the positive energy of the star “1”, place objects that symbolize the element of water - crystal vases, good luck talismans. True, the aquarium should be excluded. This is how wisdom, luck and prosperity will come to your home.

North of the house - star 6

The white star “6” symbolizes luck, success and luck in all endeavors. The positive energy of the white star “six” will live in the northern part of the house in 2017. It’s good if there is a study or bedroom there. In this case, residents (especially those born in the year of the Rat) will experience success. Fortune will finally turn its face to you and will help you throughout the year. However, if the northern part of the house is cluttered, good luck and financial well-being you won't have to wait. Therefore, clear this place of unnecessary things and debris. Spend as much time as possible in the northern sector. A favorable location for an aquarium. To activate positive energy, place a couple of metal objects or talismans. For example, you can hang a string of six metal coins. The main thing is to constantly live in this sector. This will improve the financial aspect, as well as the personal and creative one. Feel free to turn to heavenly helpers for help, they live here all year.

East – star 8

The eastern sector (Rabbit sector) will bring prosperity to the family in 2017. The money star "8" symbolizes the well-being and well-being of the residents. By activating the eastern sector of your home in 2017, you will be able to forget about financial failures or difficulties forever. To do this, you need to place objects made of clay, ceramics or porcelain in the East. A money or dollar tree would be a great addition. You can do this - place a clay vase, and put a symbol of abundance inside. Place an aquarium in the east, figurines of hottei, the god of Wealth (King Gesar is the patron this year), a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, and all that remains is to receive gifts of fate in the form of a promotion in your career or an unexpected offer of a highly paid position. Do not bypass this sector and the positive energy of the “eight” will definitely bring good luck to your home.

Southeast – star 9

This star generally carries positive energy. But you have to be a little careful with it. A star can only be strengthened if it is not surrounded by negative energies. In our case, in 2017 there are 8, 1 and 5 next to it. Five is a harmful and dangerous energy. Therefore, it is better not to strengthen the nine. You can place a small wooden vase or other wooden object in the southeastern sector. However, if there is furniture made of this material in this place, there is no need to place anything. Nine brings good luck in matters planned for the distant future. The Dragon and the Snake will be lucky. A small card with 9 peacocks or phoenixes will do good. An elephant figurine will have a good effect - one or seven, your choice.

Northeast – star 4

The Ox and Tiger sector (northeast) in 2017, the “four” is surrounded by positive stars. This suggests that she will bring mutual understanding between the spouses. If there is discord in the family, the situation in 2017 can be corrected with the help of the northeastern sector. Stay in this place more often and activate the positive energy of the star. You can do this by placing symbols of good luck and love in the room. For example, mandarin ducks, a pair of doves, pink hearts. It is important to remove objects that symbolize the element of water - glass or crystal flowerpots, paintings with its image or aquariums. Shouldn't be too much of blue color. In this case, real peace will come to the family, peace and harmony will reign. The star of romance has a beneficial effect on creative activity.

North-West – star 2

Two is considered one of the most malicious energies. She brings troubles and illnesses. Last year, 2016, this energy was in the center of the house and spread negative energy to all sectors. In 2017, the “black two” star moved to the North-West. Now the situation is not so dangerous, but it is necessary to neutralize this star. After all, the northwestern sector is a male sector. Place the image of the Unicorn and the Moon Yantra here. To protect against the “two”, place a figurine of the Medicine Buddha, a symbol of longevity, and a Wu-Lu pumpkin. It is desirable that the objects are metal. A bunch of 6 metal coins and a singing bowl will also help. Those born in the year of the Pig (Boar) and Dog need to take more care of their health, strengthen it, and take preventive measures. Avoid this sector of the house and stay there as little as possible.

West – star 3

If you do not want to ruin family relationships, avoid the Western sector. In 2017, the malefic jade three will spread its energy in this direction. It brings discord, quarrels and conflicts. It is bad if the bedroom is in the West. Constant scandals and disagreements will become commonplace. Those born in the year of the Rooster should be especially careful, because... West is its sector. To avoid this, star “3” must be neutralized. To do this, the room must be lit bright light. You can also put candles and light them in the evenings. However, you cannot overdo it with the element of fire. Bright lighting will be enough. Light candles here periodically. Place a ksitigarbha figurine, lay down a red rug or hang red curtains. If there is a toilet with a bathtub in the west under the influence of the star “3”, then simply tie the pipes with a red ribbon, all the negativity will be washed away. Thus, the three is neutralized.

South – star 5

The harmful and restless yellow five will live in the southern sector of the apartment in 2017. It symbolizes a certain chaos, brings troubles and misfortunes. It is advisable to avoid this sector of the house and visit it as rarely as possible. Those born in the year of the Horse should generally avoid the southern sector. The Five is neutralized without fail, despite the fact that it is surrounded by positive and strong stars. This can be done using wind chimes with metal tubes. Also place metal coins in a visible place - 6 pieces in a bunch or in bulk. The most effective way neutralization is considered to be ignoring this sector of the house. For protection, use the right “salt-water-coins” remedy.

South-West – star 7

The Chinese really don't like this star. It brings many problems - robberies, bloodshed, health problems and many other misfortunes. In 2017, on top of that, it is surrounded by harmful stars, which further aggravates the situation. In the southwestern part there is the Goat (Sheep) and Monkey sector. Be sure to neutralize the seven with objects related to the water element. For example, install an aquarium or a small fountain. You can place glass, crystal or black objects. Try to avoid the southwestern direction of the house; do not sit in this sector for a long time. Otherwise, trouble will certainly come to your home. Feng Shui tools come to the rescue here too; place 3 bamboo branches in a crystal vase or lay down a blue rug. If the southwest does not fall on the bedroom, then you can also place an aquarium in this sector.

Follow the Feng Shui flying star forecast for 2017. Take neutralization measures negative energies and enhance positive energy. As a result, you will protect your family from troubles and misfortunes, illnesses and business failures. By correctly strengthening the good stars, good luck will come to your home, financial difficulties will be resolved, and conflicts and troubles will leave the family for at least one year. Good luck!

Wallet color 2017 according to Feng Shui

It's time to find out what color the wallet is for the money.

The money color of the wallet in 2017 is red, scarlet, and coral.

Tips for raising money using a wallet:

  • The image of a red rooster in your wallet will help strengthen the effect of money energy. And if you make any efforts, then the work will only be beneficial. Print out the image of the Rooster and color it as you wish.
  • Place a bag of mint green tea in your wallet. This will also attract wealth and prosperity.
  • Update chinese coins. Thank last year's coins and throw them away.
  • Fumigate your wallet with incense at least once a month.
  • On the new moon and during the waxing moon, perform a ritual with a green ribbon.

Let magic into your life and ride the waves of good luck throughout 2017!

Feng Shui forecast for July 2017

According to the Flying Stars and Zodiac Signs!

 General trends in the influence of Energies in July 2017.
 Feng Shui forecast for July 2017 by Zodiac Signs.
 Who will be lucky and in what way in July 2017?
 Who may have problems in July 2017 and what?
 What will the Flying Stars bring us in July 2017?
 Which sectors’ energies will bring us good luck and a financial breakthrough?
 In which sectors may problems arise and what kind?
 In which sectors are the negative energies of Sha Qi located?

The action of the energies of July begins

Feng Shui forecast for July 2017.

— Heavenly Stem July 2017 – Yin Fire

— Earth Branch July 2017 – Goat, Yin Fire

Summer is over! July - month Goats, earthen Earth Branch, in Chinese Solar calendar- off-season! Transition period from summer to autumn!

Afterwards, Yin Energy continues to grow, but Yang Energy slowly but surely declines...

The month of the Red Goat is coming!

General trends in the influence of Energies in July 2017.

The Goat is a delicate, gifted nature, with a rich imagination and an established habit of comfort, and knows how to appreciate beauty and freedom of choice.

Yin fire is a tremulous, sensitive and changeable element. Fire is the warmth of the soul, the desire for love, understanding and communication. The Yin fire awakens in us dreams, desires to create good and eternal things.

However, the current reality is far from perfect performance Red Goat, hence the disappointment and depressive states, excitement and emotional outbursts, a tendency to impulsive actions and various temptations.

This is the general background of July 2017, the month of the Red Goat!

Feng Shui forecast for July 2017 by Zodiac Signs .

Who will be lucky and in what way in July 2017?

So let's install new tradition? Let's start with the good stuff, shall we?

Who will be lucky and in what way in July 2017?

People whose birth year ends with a number 0; 4; and 8 or in the Heavenly Stems of the Day of the Ba Zi card there are elements of Yang Trees, Metal or Earth, then these people may well count on the help of others in difficult situations. You will meet with high-ranking, noble people who are able to solve your existing or emerging problems. Don't miss the moment!

A noble person is, in a way, a guardian angel, an all-powerful helper, ready to help in difficult times.

The ancient Chinese believed in the exceptional power of the symbolic star of the Noble One, and it was considered great luck if it was in the chart or came in the Pillars of Fortune, in the year, month and even in the day and hour!

Because it is with this star that invisible and, sometimes, much-needed help and support in all matters comes to a person. And that is why you need to try to make the most of this period, because it is during this period that you will be the luckiest.

Who in July 2017

What problems might arise and what?

Now some warnings!

For people born in Bull July may bring some problems in relationships with friends, colleagues and relatives. The cause of the conflict may be real estate, property, relocation, change of residence. Even if the current situation looks complicated, conflicting and causes you painful experiences, do not fall into despair, everything is for the better. It’s just time to change your life, take it for granted, as a gift from Fate, remember, all goes to good! Perhaps life will be better in a new place!

By the way, this can also affect people born in the years Dogs, unless the situation may also affect your work, career or business!

For people born in the years Rats problems may arise with children or with people younger than you in age, social status. Your views will differ, misunderstandings may arise, and it will be difficult for you to find mutual language and this will cause problems. After all, you are older, show wisdom and patience, find the right words for persuasion, for reaching a compromise, and then everything will end well!

If, in the Heavenly Stem of the Day of your birth card there is Bin – Fire Yang, I recommend that you be attentive and careful with your money, unexpected expenses or financial losses may arise. However, losses can be not only financial or material...

To ensure that this moment does not get out of your control, you can give a certain amount to charity, which is quite generous and at the same time not burdensome for your wallet. Otherwise, you will still suffer losses, but then this issue will be controlled not by you, but by the Universe! And then it’s hard to say how she will dispose of it and deem it necessary!

Remember? Trips to South direction not desirable in 2017! But, as always, there are nuances and techniques that will help you avoid problems when moving to the South. At a minimum, you can choose a date with favorable energies that will help smooth out or even avoid problems when moving to the South. I recommend using it, or at least don’t use it G and the days of your personal Destroyer!

Dear friends!

Please note that only one of the components contributing to the occurrence of the predicted event is indicated here! This is a chance, an opportunity, a possibility! In order for the event to actually happen, additional components are needed! A real event can only be determined and calculated based on !

Negative energies of Sha Qifrom July 07 to August 07, 2017located in the following sectors

  • Yellow Five - Monthly occupies – Western sector

As before, you should not bother with energy repairs in these sectors, otherwise you risk attracting problems and troubles into your life.

Menstruation Tri Sha in July 2017

  • Sha of the month— occupies the North-West-1 sector Activation of the energies of this sector will slow down any actions and projects started, create difficulties and problems in any endeavors, ensure stagnation in any of your affairs in work, business, relationships, etc. The Sha of the month is the safest of the Three Shas.
  • Sha of Disaster- occupies the West sector - 2 You should not disturb the energies of this sector, otherwise you will not avoid problems and conflicts in communication, including with the opposite sex, there will be a danger of various diseases, dangerous sexual relationships, violence.
  • Sha Robbery- occupies the South-West sector - 3 The disturbance of the energies of this sector can bring you robbery, theft, loss of money or documents.

Most The best way avoiding problems and troubles means not disturbing the energy of SHA!

You can work and relax in the 3 Sha sector, the main thing is not to make noise here, do not knock, do not destroy the perimeter of the outer walls, do not dig outside the house in the 3 Sha sector of influence, do not carry out construction or repair work!

Special days of July 2017

Special days of July 2017

Days of the Monthly Collision. This is the day when the energies of the day run counter to the energies of the month. It is not advisable to start any important business on such a day, especially short-term projects.

Days of the Yearly Collision. This is the day when the energies of the day run counter to the energies of the year. It is not advisable to start any important business on such a day, especially long-term projects.

Days without Wealth. These are such special dates that are not suitable for any matters related to money. The Chinese call them “No Money Days or Days of 10 Evils and Great Defeats”

Days of loss. Day of loss - the energy of the day is directed against the energy of the season, i.e. days of another season. No business started on this day will be successful. The day of energy of true losses makes it unsuitable for starting important affairs and projects. No business started on such a day will be successful. .

Features of Energy Impact in July 2017

Feng Shui forecast for July 2017

by Flying Stars

Feng Shui forecast for July 2017 according to Flying Stars

Southern sector: What can you expect from the sector with the annual Star 5 Yellow? Nothing good. The situation is far from rosy, the likelihood of skin diseases, a tendency to illness, bone fractures, throat problems, frequent tonsillitis, poisoning, problems in the mouth, stomatitis, alcoholism, or complications in the head will increase. The energies of the sector provoke quarrels and intrigues. Wind chime, which I hope is already hanging in your Southern sector from the beginning of the year, is necessary and quite appropriate.

If your front door is in the Southern sector, take care of your safety. Set an alarm, change the locks, do not keep valuables or money at home. By the way, be especially careful and careful with money! The Monthly Star can provoke theft and loss of property.

South-Western sector: Conflicts in the family will intensify, and emotional stress may increase, especially between women. Try to keep yourself under control, quarrels will break out out of the blue without any reason. Don't worry, it won't last long. But if your bed is in this sector, then it is better to move to another room or to another bed for the month of July. The sector is not favorable for people with chronic heart and throat diseases. It would be a good idea to worry about fire safety if your front door is located in the South-Western sector.

Western sector: Oops! Not ok at all, especially if your front door or bed is in the Western sector! Suddenly, Luck may turn away from you! The likelihood of financial problems will increase. The energy of the sector can lead to losses through robberies, disputes and disagreements! Wind music on the front door, of course, will not remove all the negativity of the Western Sector, but at least reduce its degree. As for the bed, you can move to another bed for a month!

North-West sector: For some reason, stars are not inclined to show their mercy to women in July 2017. The Northwestern sector is no exception. Brings conflicts for the older woman and eldest daughter in the house. Not only will there be sparks in the relationship between them, but also the women in the house will be subject to exacerbation of rheumatism, female diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases of the intestines, stomach and spleen will appear. In general, the liver in the body will begin to hurt, unfortunately.

What to do? What to do? Regarding relationships, keep yourself in control, fortunately it doesn’t take long, it’s only a month, but as for illnesses, it wouldn’t hurt to go to the doctor, get checked, get tested, in general, take care of your health, you see, the Star of Diseases with this and be satisfied. Otherwise, it will still force you to pay attention to your health, but it can be very painful, fraught with consequences and long treatment.

Northern sector: Oh, finally at least someone can rejoice! Politicians, civil servants, military men, and simply middle and senior management, for you the Energy of the North will bring money, Success, prosperity and Luck!

Activations as a gift from Tamara Naryshkina

In principle, it will be useful for everyone in the month of July to be and spend as much time as possible inNorthern sector. Don't forget about activation The energies of this sector. It will help enhance positive Energy and your Success!

North-East sector: Success and fame are a direct result of the influence of this sector! However, you will have to pay for them with your health! One way or another, you have to pay for everything in this life! From a health point of view, the sector is becoming unfavorable for middle-aged men, heads of families. It is very likely for middle-aged men to experience an exacerbation of asthma, throat and head diseases... Middle-aged women may experience problems with the liver and gall bladder. If your age is from 20 to 40, it’s worth moving to sleep in another place for the month of July, why tempt Fate and risk your health? But if you want to test the influence of negative energies for yourself, then stay where you are and don’t change anything…. A negative result is also an experience!

Eastern sector: Well, for work and a career it’s not bad at all, but keep in mind that you will have to work a lot and hard! In this case, Success and Luck will be on your side. However, prolonged exposure to the energies of this sector in the month of July can cause hearing problems, especially in older people and children. Painful syndromes such as kidney stones and bladder diseases may worsen.

South-Eastern sector: If you are in real estate, agriculture or you are a doctor and you have your own doctor’s office or you have your own pharmacy business, then this sector is quite favorable for developing your business, achieving success and financial prosperity! But! If you don’t have all this, then the Energies of the Southeast will only bring you illnesses! Unfortunately!

Therefore, you should take care of your health, go to a doctor, an ophthalmologist, a cardiologist and a hematologist! Get examined, get tested, take care of your health, this will calm the Star of Diseases somewhat.


The forecast was compiled taking into account the interaction of the Energies of the Annual and Monthly Flying Stars! Forecastable and probable events are indicated here! In order for an event to be guaranteed to happen, several more components are needed! To make an accurate forecast of events, it is necessary to take into account the Flying Stars natal chart Your home and their interaction with the Annual and Monthly Flying Stars!