Chinese coins, Feng Shui and prosperity in the home. Chinese coins: names, descriptions

Chinese coins

If we talk about the symbols that ancient Chinese coins carry, then initially it is a symbol of unity between Earth and Heaven. The Earth is symbolized by the square cutout inside the coin, and the Sky by its round shape. Usually amulets of the ancients chinese coins in Feng Shui they are made of copper alloy. In fact, since the 11th century. BC e. they were used in Ancient China as money. Now, of course, such coins are out of monetary use. But to this day, respectful respect has been preserved for the hieroglyphs depicted on coins.

What do Chinese Feng Shui coins look like and what do they symbolize?

Two sides of the Feng Shui coin

Both sides of the coin symbolize a different type of energy. It is believed that on one side of the coin, Yang energy predominates, and on the other, Yin energy predominates. On the Yang side, the coin shows 4 hieroglyphs, which indicates which dynasty the coin belonged to. On the Yin side, only 2 signs are depicted. Depending on which emperor the coin was minted, the ruler’s motto could be additionally indicated on it.

Combining the energy of Yang and Yin, Chinese Feng Shui coins activate the energy of abundance, bringing wealth and good luck. These coins are a kind of talismans for the harmonization of space, time and energy flows.

The name of Chinese coins “quan” came to us from antiquity, literal translation of this word understood as "source". By using ancient Chinese coins arranged in a circle and one coin in the center, you can activate the source of integrity and well-being.

There are many ways to use coins in Feng Shui, in some cases talismans made from ancient coins are even worn on the body. An example would be amulet coins with the image of a dragon and a phoenix, which attract good luck and protect against dark forces. It is also believed that the history of the appearance of the talisman in the form of ancient Chinese coins began almost immediately after the coins came out of monetary circulation.

Making talismans from Chinese coins

Sword made from 108 Chinese coins

Chinese coins can be beneficial, either alone or in combination with other coins. Linked coins are used for different purposes. For example, Chinese coins tied in the shape of a decorative sword can protect their owner from Sha-Qi and neutralize unfavorable ones in Feng Shui. The number of coins that can be used to bind a sword can vary greatly, but experts recommend using 108 coins.

Eat good way improve family harmony for a married couple. To do this, take 2 ancient coins and put them under your pillow. Thus, coins will protect you and your marriage from all sorts of misunderstandings, quarrels and discord. By attracting positive energy to the family, Chinese coins will help to gain family well-being, calmness and harmony.

Coin of Happiness

Chinese coins are a very powerful talisman that is truly capable of attracting wealth, prosperity, and monetary luck to you and your home. If you are running a business, you can hang 1-2 coins on the door of your business. The Chinese Feng Shui coin of happiness not only makes its owner happy, but also attracts and saves money.

In order to attract money to your business, coins need to be placed directly in those places that are designed to generate income for you. For example, if you work at a computer, then you should hang 1-2 tied coins on it; if the working tool is unclear, just put the coin in your wallet. Sometimes coins are attached to working document folders or placed under the front door mat. Coins are also immured in the foundation of a new building, as if laying down the financial well-being of the future owners of the house during construction.

The main thing is not to confuse the sides with which you will place Chinese coins in your home. The Yang side should always face up and the Yin down.

Whether you use coins individually or tie several coins together is, of course, up to you. It is believed that the effectiveness of an amulet made from several coins is higher than if you use only one coin.

To tie together several Chinese coins in Feng Shui, they mainly use red thread; gold thread is very rare. Red is the color of good luck in China, so it can be used almost anywhere.

When buying ancient Chinese coins for yourself, you don’t need to look for real coins from imperial times. The money that were there before in common use, there are not very many left. According to Feng Shui, the authenticity of coins for an amulet in most cases is absolutely not important. Although there are opinions that genuine amulets can bring much more benefits than copies of Chinese coins, but in reality no one can prove or disprove this.

Qin Dynasty Coin

The main thing is not authenticity, but the era to which this or that coin belongs. It is the time in which the coins were issued that determines how effective the amulet will be. China reached its dawn during the Qin Dynasty (17th to 20th centuries). That is why it is recommended to use coins of this time to attract wealth.

How to tie coins correctly?

2 coins connected with a red thread symbolize the accumulation of money, and most often in modern world they are used business people and businessmen. It is useful to carry 2 coins as an amulet that protects its owner from evil spirits and forces.

Coins tied with red thread

3 coins tied together with a red thread mean the unity of man with heaven and earth. To attract wealth, they use 3 connected Chinese coins, which symbolize 3 sources at the same time: earned, coming from outside and unexpected wealth.

Tying 4 ancient Chinese coins is strictly prohibited; such an amulet will bring you absolutely no benefit.

Linked 3 or 5 Chinese coins symbolize influx Money from all 4 directions and accumulating them at one point. This type of amulet is most often used and recommended for people who trade.

6 coins tied together, especially if coins from the first 6 emperors of the Qin dynasties are used, symbolize heavenly luck. This amulet is used to attract mentors and assistants.

7 coins, like 4, are not used as a talisman.

A bunch of 8 coins symbolizes the influx of wealth from almost everywhere. A 9 coin is also added to this amulet to accumulate cash flows in the center.

A bunch of 9 coins is a symbol of completeness and integrity of the whole world. In order to create the correct amulet from 9 coins, they must be issued during the Qin Dynasty. The amulet must consist only of genuine coins, then it can bring real benefits to its owner.

By hanging a 9-coin amulet behind the back of your desk chair, you ensure yourself the support of all 9 emperors. It is also believed that once created, an amulet of 9 coins can provide wealth to 9 generations of your family at once.

A bunch of 9 Chinese coins is the most powerful of these amulets. It can, depending on where it is located, attract either wealth or the right people. This amulet can also be worn around the neck, but this may not be very convenient.

Pick up “your” coins and carry them with you or put them at home. This way, cash flow can always find you.

Chinese coins are talismans that have miraculous powers. Thanks to its unusual shape, which combines the energy of Heaven - Yang Energy (round shape) and the energy of Earth - Yin Energy (square cutout in the center of the coin), it is believed that they activate the energy of abundance, which awakens good luck and brings wealth. Thus, having the original meaning of the unity of Heaven and Earth, the coin is a talisman of the harmonization of space, flows of energy and time.

The symbolism of the two energies Yang and Yin is also carried by the sides of the coin. The side symbolizing Yang energy is the side on which 4 hieroglyphs are depicted - this side is considered active and, according to Feng Shui, should be the front side when using the coin, that is, facing up. The same side on which 2 hieroglyphs are depicted symbolizes Yin energy and is considered passive. The correct placement of the coin is very important for activating the energy of abundance and is unspoken rule in Feng Shui when using it.

The symbolism of the coins was reflected in their name: in ancient times they were called “Quan”, which has two meanings - “source” and “integrity”, therefore, during the reign of dynasties, coins were used as a symbol of achieving 10 types of integrity. Feng Shui masters activated with this symbol the source of well-being and integrity, i.e. happiness. Especially widely used for this was a bunch of 9 coins arranged in a circle and one coin in the center.

The history of these coins dates back to China in the 11th century BC, when these coins began to be used as a means of payment. They were usually minted from copper and displayed on their sides. various symbols and hieroglyphs. So, on the Yang side, the upper and lower hieroglyphs indicated which dynasty the coin belonged to, and on the Yin side the motto of the emperor’s reign could be minted. There are coins with the image of a dragon and phoenix to attract good luck and protection from evil forces, there are coins with trigrams, the image of Bagua or crossed swords - symbols of protection and good luck in Feng Shui, coins with the image of one of the 8 immortal Taoists, granting his protection and support.

Nowadays, these coins have already fallen out of monetary use and are used as amulets and talismans to attract wealth and protect people from negative energy, enjoying great respect among followers of Eastern teachings and in particular Feng Shui. They are worn around the neck as an amulet to protect against evil and attract good luck, and placed under the pillow for harmonization. marital relations, walled up in the foundation of a house during construction to ensure the well-being of the family. To attract money luck, they are placed in any place directly or indirectly related to money: put in a wallet or safe, under a rug in front of the front door, under a pot with a money tree, glued to folders with financial documentation, hung above the entrance to a store, office, restaurant. or above the entrance to the apartment to attract financial well-being to its inhabitants; on the refrigerator - for abundance, on door handles, on work chairs, on cash registers, on computers, - without forgetting important rule placement with the active side up!

When using coins, their quantity also matters - it is believed that in a bunch they work more efficiently than individually, and depending on the quantity, such talismans have different meaning. To do this, coins are sometimes tied with a gold thread, but in most cases red, the color of which is a symbol of prosperity and good luck. However, some feng shui masters have a different opinion on this matter, believing that in in this case Considering that the amulet itself corresponds to the elements of earth and metal, it is still more favorable to tie it with a gold thread. The golden color is in harmony with the elements of the amulet, also corresponding to the element of metal, which strengthens the earth. And the element of the color of the red thread - fire, although it strengthens the element of earth, is destructive for the element of metal, which creates disharmony with the elements of the amulet.

IN Chinese culture and in Feng Shui, the symbolism of numbers is very important - it reflects different meanings, different symbolism and associations associated with a particular number, therefore different numbers of coins are tied together and used for different purposes. The coin itself is already a symbol of attracting wealth and activates the energy of abundance. It can be used independently by placing it in the right place.

2 linked coins symbolize the accumulation of wealth, and are also used as an amulet for protection against dark forces. Nowadays, they are widely used by businessmen to attract and increase financial wealth. This connection is also used for harmonization family relations, placing it under the pillows in the marital bed. It is believed that the Chinese name of the two related coins means “mother and son money.” The connection between mother and son symbolizes the arrival of money and an increase in wealth.

3 linked coins
the most commonly used talisman to attract the energy of prosperity, symbolizing three sources of wealth: ordinary, earned wealth; wealth that comes from outside and is earned in an unconventional way; unexpected wealth. This bunch is considered a symbol of the unity of Heaven, Earth and Man.

4 linked coins according to feng shui use to attract wealth it is forbidden.

5 linked coins are a symbol of the arrival of financial flows from the four compass directions and their accumulation in the center. Feng Shui recommends using this combination for trade workers.

6 linked coins are symbols of attracting heavenly luck. This talisman is recommended to be placed in the northwest, in the zone of mentors, to attract good luck and the necessary help.

7 linked coins, same as 4, do not use as a talisman to attract monetary energy, but this combination is used to strengthen flying stars of the metal element or weaken unfavorable flying stars of the earth element.

8 linked coins carry symbolism of the influx of wealth from all eight compass directions, that is, from everywhere. An amulet in which there will be a 9th coin in the center of the bunch, symbolizing the center of wealth accumulation, will have the same power.

9 linked coins symbolize the integrity and completeness of the universe. It is believed that the owner of such an amulet will be patronized by 9 Chinese emperors of the Qin dynasty, who will bring material well-being 9 generations of family. However, it will only work effectively if you collect the originals of ancient Chinese coins in this bundle. A bunch of 9 coins is placed in different zones: to enhance the energy of wealth - in the southeastern zone, to attract help and the right people - in the northwestern zone, to receive financial support 9 emperors hang it on the back of their work chair. This amulet will also work effectively to attract wealth if worn in conjunction with a red thread around the neck.

Decorative sword knitted from coins is considered good protection against unfavorable Sha Qi. The sword made from 108 coins is considered the most effective. It can be used in business to protect against competitors and precisely in those types of businesses where there is a fierce struggle for spheres of influence. Place it behind your back, point down. In a position in front of him, he can harm the owner by directing his power against him. It is also used to neutralize unfavorable flying stars of Feng Shui 2 and 5.

Feng Shui masters prefer to use authentic, previously circulated ancient coins, believing that they work more effectively, carrying the energy of prosperity and wealth. But it is almost impossible to find such coins now, so we must remember that even using modern copies, what is important is what powers and energies you endow these talismans with, resorting to their help.

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They are the most powerful amulets, bringing their owners luck and wealth. Ancient Chinese money, which was commonly called "quan", was cast in the form of round coins with square holes in the center. The bizarre shape was given to them for a reason, because it symbolized the integrity of the Earth and Sky. Today, such coins have long been out of Chinese currency, but they are held in high esteem among fans of the philosophy of Feng Shui.

The hieroglyphs depicted on one side of the coin represent Yang energy, which is responsible for the feminine principle. The masculine Yin energy is symbolized by 2 signs minted on its other side. Combining the eternally opposing principles of Yang and Yin, Chinese coins stimulate the energy of prosperity, bringing their owners an endless flow of cash and incredible luck.

Where to place coins?

In order for coins to attract good luck to a person, they must be used in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui. Use chinese talisman it can be done in different ways. To attract money, it is recommended to always carry one or more coins in your wallet. Chinese copper money is hung above the entrance to shops, offices, and restaurants - this helps attract financial resources to business. To make your work bring in a lot of money, you can place coins on your desktop, attach them to a computer monitor or on a folder with documents.

Sometimes Chinese coins are placed at the entrance to an apartment, hoping in this way to improve the financial well-being of its inhabitants. A few coppers hidden in the refrigerator or between cans of cereal will contribute to an abundance of food on the table. Often, when building a new house, coins are immured in its walls and foundation. They do this so that the people who will live in it avoid poverty.

It is important to know that coins should always be placed with the Yang side (hieroglyphs) facing up, otherwise the amulet will be ineffective.

Feng Shui experts say that the strength of a talisman depends on how many coins are used in it: the more, the better. In order to attract good luck, it is recommended to tie Chinese coins together with a red thin ribbon or thread. The color red was not chosen by chance, because in the East it is considered a color. In addition, coins are sometimes tied with gold thread, associating it with the precious metal.

Number of coins in a Chinese amulet

Number of coins for money talisman You shouldn’t choose arbitrarily, since in Feng Shui any number has its own deep meaning.

One coin tied with a red thread with tassels is considered a talisman that attracts wealth. A money coin has more power if it hangs on the front door handle.

2 coins tied together are a symbol of the accumulation of financial resources; they are useful to carry with them for people involved in the business world. Also, a talisman of 2 Feng Shui coins protects a person from various kinds of evil spirits.

By tying 3 Chinese coppers, you can attract financial well-being using 3 sources of money at once: earned by your own labor, coming from outside and unexpectedly falling on your head.

It is not customary to connect 4 coins with a red thread in Feng Shui. Such a talisman cannot bring anything good to its owner.

An amulet consisting of 5 coins symbolizes the influx of money from several sources and their pooling in one place. It is best used by trade workers.

6 linked coins represent heavenly luck. Such an amulet is especially highly valued if money dating back to the Qin Dynasty in China was used to make it. Carrying 6 Feng Shui coins with you is recommended for all those who need the help of mentors or assistants. The most successful place for such a talisman in a home or office is the northwest. It is hung here to attract good luck.

7 coins, like 4, cannot be combined in a talisman to attract money.

By tying 8 copper Chinese money in one amulet at once, you can attract wealth to yourself from all sides. If you place a 9 coin in the center of such a talisman, then it is quite possible to ensure that all cash flows converge at one point, that is, in the house of its owner.

The number 9 in Feng Shui has great power and means the unity of the whole world. In order for the amulet created from 9 coppers to have power, you need to find coins from the Qin Dynasty. It is believed that the owner of such a talisman will be patronized by 9 Chinese emperors of the mentioned dynasty. Of all the existing ones, this one is considered the most powerful, since it is capable of attracting prosperity and good luck not only to its owner, but also to all his descendants for 9 generations. If coins are needed to bring wealth to the family, they are hung in the southeastern part of the house. They should be placed in the northwest to attract the necessary people. But the amulet will have the greatest power if you wear it around your neck.

Feng Shui coins do not need to be displayed. If the owners of the house do not want their guests to ask a lot of unnecessary questions, the talisman can be hidden from prying eyes. The most important thing is that the coins of happiness are in the home of their owner, in which case endless abundance and luck will always find him.

In this article you will learn:

Chinese Feng Shui coins are not just a beautiful decoration, but a talisman that brings wealth and good luck to its owner. The tradition of making such amulets arose thousands of years ago and has not been forgotten to this day.

What do these coins symbolize?

Each coin has 2 sides that have their own meaning. One of them symbolizes Yin energy, the other – Yang.

The Yin side most often has 2 drawn symbols; it can also have an inscription minted on it, which was used as the motto of one of the ruling dynasties.

The Yang side is decorated with four characters. It indicates during which dynasty the coin was made.

Feng Shui coins have different meanings, but the main ones are attracting wealth and success in all areas of life, as well as connecting two energies, Yin and Yang. Such a talisman is a symbol of harmony and unity of time, space and energy.

The shape of the coins symbolizes Heaven (round edges) and Earth (square hole in the middle), and the printed hieroglyphs represent energy flows that come from all directions.

The original name of such monetary units is “quan”, which translates as “source”. Even the name reveals the meaning of Feng Shui coins - to promote the flow of money and prosperity.

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People who follow the principles of ancient Chinese philosophy make quan various amulets. Some of them resemble dragons or phoenix birds, others look like a simple necklace and are worn around the neck.

Main types of coins according to Feng Shui

Chinese Feng Shui coins can have different shapes and sizes. They were once used as money of exchange, so the type of coinage depends on the time of manufacture.

Depending on the type of coin, its meaning as a talisman may differ slightly. Meihua, a talisman named after the plum blossom, has a pentagonal hole. The angles represent the 5 elements of human life, and the plum blossom is considered a symbol of purity inner world. Such banknote protects from ill-wishers, protects from dangers.

Quan in the form of 5 bats brings good luck to its owner. For the Chinese, a bat is a sign of approaching happiness. The fact is that “bat” in Chinese is pronounced almost the same as the word “happiness”. Such symbols are rare, and their owners receive strong defense from negative energy and good luck in all areas of life.

Coin as a talisman

For a talisman to attract wealth and good luck to work, you need to use it in accordance with the rules. The amulet should be placed in those places where the greatest influx of favorable energy needs to be concentrated. Such a place could be a desktop, Entrance door at home, head of the bed.

You can receive an influx of wealth and prosperity only if the talisman is located in a building that belongs to the owner of the amulet. It is not recommended to place it in rented buildings or in an office workplace.

To make a suitable amulet, you need to understand the types of quan. Depending on their selection and the shape of the talisman, you can get objects of different strength and purpose.

Chinese coin of happiness

The Nanbu banknote is a Chinese symbol of happiness and good luck. A talisman made from such quans and placed in an apartment will bring prosperity to its inhabitants. These coins are most suitable for gambling, risky people who want happiness to always be on their side.

An amulet from Nanbu can help a businessman who is about to make a transaction involving risk. The talisman will increase your finances and protect you from losses. It will only work if you keep it away from prying eyes.

Health Coin

Quan, which embodies the 5 basic elements of life, is a symbol of health and longevity. It concentrates the energy of prosperity, consisting of 5 components: health, financial well-being, longevity, happiness and painless death.

The symbol of health is Shou-shin - an old man with a staff in his hand, who is depicted near a peach tree in the company of a deer. Quan is considered rare and is most often given to relatives to attract happiness and good luck into their lives. It is best to give such a talisman to your parents.

Large Chinese coin

The meaning of the large Chinese coin is protection from evil forces. It bears images of crossed swords, the Master of the Cloud Hall, trigrams and other objects that are considered auspicious in Feng Shui.

This type of currency is not used to attract financial flows. It protects its owner from negative outside influences and keeps his spiritual energy pure.

How to tie coins together to create talismans

For Chinese coins to work, you need to know how to tie them correctly. The strength and meaning of the ligament will depend on the amount and type of quan. They need to be tied using a red thread.

Linked 2 coins are a symbol of accumulation of money and wealth. This combination is suitable for people doing business. It will protect from the influence of evil forces.

A bunch of 3 quan symbolizes the unity of the human principle with the spiritual forces of heaven and earth. It also works in cases where you need to preserve your earned wealth.

Four coins are never connected. Such a combination will not only bring no benefit, but can also harm business.

Five Chinese coins tied together symbolize the arrival of money from 4 sides and its accumulation in one place. The link is used to enhance success in trading.

Six quans tied with a red thread bring divine luck to their owner. The amulet is suitable for people who want to find faithful companions or good mentors.

An amulet of 9 components symbolizes the integrity and perfection of the universe. This talisman is made from coins of the Qin Dynasty. To make the amulet as effective as possible, you need to hang it behind the back of a chair at your workplace.

A strong talisman is considered to be a bunch of 108 quan, made in the form of a sword. He will protect all endeavors from the machinations of envious people. Businessmen are advised to hang such a sword on the western side in their office. The blade is hung with the tip down; you cannot place it opposite you, as this can direct the protective energy of the amulet against the owner.

There is another method for attracting good luck in money, which is that you can use chinese round coins which have square holes in the center and have a Yang and Yin side - on the Yang side there are four characters, on the Yin side there are only two.

Three such coins are tied with a red ribbon, after which place them in a favorable sector, but so that they are directed with the Yang side up - this will activate their potential, and they will begin to attract monetary luck to you. Just be sure to put them with the hieroglyphs facing up, a very important point. You can also put them in your wallet, and then it will begin to attract money like a magnet.

Chinese coins can be placed anywhere you like: stick them on folders with contracts, documents, agreements, on a cash register or safe, on an accountant’s desk, etc. In the Middle Kingdom, such coins are placed at the bottom of rice containers, and are exchanged only on the eve of the Lunar New Year. This ritual symbolizes that the family will always have money, and such a custom will guarantee the family good financial luck.

Detailed instructions for using Chinese coins to attract money:

  1. Find any place where no one will disturb you.
  2. Place three Chinese coins on your palm and concentrate, after which you need to make a strong wish for wealth and prosperity for the benefit of your friends, family and loved ones. One of important points, if you wish wealth and prosperity only for yourself, then it will not work, and be sincere.
  3. Next, place these Chinese coins in your wallet, where you keep your money.

What rules must be followedto receive an endless stream of material benefits?

You need to make sure that your wallet is always in order: the bills in it lie neatly, are not wrinkled or crumpled. Place three Chinese coins tied together in it. It would also be nice to put a dollar bill in there. You can also place the hieroglyph “Money” there.

There can be no trifles in money. Money is considered very strong energy, they love care and care. You need to make it a rule, preferably to keep your wallet in order every day, smooth out crumpled banknotes, arrange them according to their value, all with one front side facing you.

Also, you need to carefully monitor what you say and think about money, everything should be positive. For example, there is no need to say that you don’t have money, otherwise you really won’t have it.

Also, you need to save money only for a “bright day”, and in no case for a “dark one”. If you save for a rainy day, it may actually come. Save money for your development, for good changes in life.
Feel like a rich man. Just try to convince yourself that you are very wealthy: you have expensive car, a luxury villa that already has millions in your account. Start enjoying your existence now, be satisfied and happy. Money doesn't want to go to whiners and sufferers. Be rich in your mind and time will not keep you waiting, you will quickly become rich in reality.
There is no need to save on tips and take towels and slippers, etc. from the hotel where you stayed.
Always be honest about money. After all, our patrons very often check us, including on our honesty. Everything we do has certain consequences in the future. All even small deceptions will turn against us in the future. Thus, the more you learn the laws of the Universe, the more your picture will become clearer and you will have to overcome great challenges, even with minor mistakes.

Try to apply this knowledge every day. And there is no need to rush and wait for instant changes. It takes some time to realize your dream.
Never envy people who have great material wealth. Envious thoughts project negative energy, which is aimed at prosperous people who have money luck Everything is fine. With such actions you push away from yourself monetary energy and this serves as a big obstacle to one’s own enrichment. Therefore, if you are caught in such a sin, then cut such thoughts at the root and learn to develop positive emotions and this will act exactly the opposite, that is, enrich you both internally and materially.

It is not difficult to detect a person who is jealous. For example: tell the person you are experiencing some very good news, but only so that it concerns you (for example, you bought a ticket and are going on vacation to Thailand or somewhere else), and then look him straight in the eyes. If a person is jealous, he will immediately lower his eyes, so he hides the storm of indignation in his soul. But at the same time he can immediately say all sorts of things Nice words, but know that such a person is not your friend at all.
Learn to consciously create within yourself the sprouts of goodwill towards people. No need to skimp on good words, compliments and smiles.
Always keep an eye on your appearance. You should look great everywhere, like you're about to start greeting good luck In my life.