Competencies of senior managers. Professional competencies of a manager: assessment and development


Relevance of the topic and statement of the research problem.

The success of the progressive development of the management system in modern Russia largely depends on the quality of management of organizations.

The tasks facing organizations and enterprises today require the formation of new competencies among its leaders, readiness to solve non-standard situations, carry out innovative activities, and actively use information resources and technologies.

At the same time, the growing requirements for the competence of managers significantly exceed the corresponding competence of existing administrators.

Most of the problems and difficulties that arise in management are related precisely to the lack of professional competence of managers.

A clear deficit of such managerial competence often hinders the implementation of specific projects, development programs of organizations, enterprises carried out as part of the modernization of the domestic economy, and is a serious obstacle to the real development of the management system in general and a specific organization in particular.

In this regard, the need to rethink the goals, content, organization and technologies for developing the professional competence of managers becomes a national problem.

The relevance of this topic is associated both with the shortcomings of the scientific substantiation of the very content of the concept of professional managerial competence, and with the lack of development of methods for its formation among managers and specialists modern organization.

The purpose of the work is to determine the organizational and managerial conditions for the effectiveness of the formation of professional competence of organizational leaders.

The object of the study is the professional competence of managers and specialists of modern organizations.

The subject of the study is the process of developing the professional competence of managers and specialists in a modern organization, conditions and paths of development.

Objectives - to identify existing approaches to the interpretation of the concept of professional competence and its formation, including determining the structure and dynamics of development, to summarize the forms and methods of work on developing the professional competence of management personnel, to develop and test a training program based on Internet technologies that helps improve the professional competence of heads of general education institutions in the field of management.

To test experimentally the effectiveness of the proposed measures to develop the professional competence of managers.

The theoretical basis of this work is: fundamental research in the field of management and competencies (M. Albert, D. Boddy, Richard L. Daft, W. Jack Duncan, M. Mescon, R. Payton, J. Raven, F. Khedouri, etc. ); works of domestic researchers on management (S.G. Vershlovsky, V.N. Gurov, N.V. Kuzmina, V.S. Lazarev, O.E. Lebedev, N.D. Malakhov, A.M. Moiseev, M. M. Potashnik, V. A. Slastenin, P. I. Tretyakov, K. M. Ushakov, T. I. Shamova, etc.);

development of problems of developing professional competence in management in general (Yu.V. Vardanyan, I.P. Gomzyakova, V.I. Gorovaya, I.N. Drozdov, I.E. Elina, I.A. Eliseeva, G.S. Nikiforov, L.P. Pogrebnyak, E.A. Utkin, V.I. Franchuk and others);

works on the problems of professionalism of professional excellence (A.F. Anufriev, V.V. Butkevich, T.A. Venediktova, I.A. Volodarskaya, V.V. Gorbenko, A.A. Derkach, E.A. Klimov, M N. Karpetova, N. E. Kostyleva, I. F. Krivchansky, Yu. G. Kuznetsov, A. K. Markova, V. E. Morozova, V. P. Namchuk, I. I. Prodanov, A. V. .Solozhin).

1. Theoretical foundations of professional competence

1.1 The concept of competence. System of professional competencies of a manager

One of the priorities of the manager’s policy at the present stage is to ensure a management system for highly qualified personnel.

The concept of “competence” includes complex, capacious content that integrates professional, socio-psychological, legal and other characteristics. In a generalized form, the competence of a specialist is a set of abilities, qualities and personality traits necessary for successful professional activity in a particular field.

Psychological research examines the following types of competence: communicative, professional and pedagogical. Professional competence is the result of professional education.

A high level of professional competence increases the competitiveness of a specialist.

Currently in scientific literature there is no unambiguous approach to defining the concept of “professional competence”. The concept of “professional competence” is considered as: a set of knowledge and skills that determine labor productivity; scope of task skills; combination of personal qualities and properties; a complex of knowledge and professionally significant personal qualities; vector of professionalization; unity of theoretical and practical readiness for work; the ability to carry out complex culturally appropriate types of actions, etc. The variety and diversity of interpretations of the concept of “professional competence” are due to the difference scientific approaches: personal-activity, system-structural, informational, cultural and others to the scientific problems solved by researchers.

Petrovskaya L. A., Rastyannikov P. V. /1/ give their definition of competence: “competence is the level of an individual’s skill, reflecting the degree of compliance with a certain competence and allowing one to act constructively in changing social conditions.” The author highlights general cultural competence as the basis of professional competence, believing that the main directions of a student’s general cultural competence in a person-oriented approach are personal potentials.

Author Zimnyaya I.A. /2/ believes that competence is “the unity of knowledge, skills and attitudes in the process of professional activity, determined by the requirements of the position, the specific situation and the business goals of the organization.”

The formation of professional competence is a process of influence that presupposes a certain standard towards which the subject of influence is oriented; a process that implies a certain completeness, the achievement of a certain level of standard.

Formation of professional competence is a controlled process of developing professionalism, i.e. This is the education and self-education of a specialist.

In the scientific literature, the criteria of professional competence define the social significance of the results of a specialist’s work, his authority, and social and labor status in a specific field of knowledge (activity).

According to E.H. Ogareva /3/, competence is an evaluative category, it characterizes a person as a subject of specialized activity in the system of social labor; and assumes:

) deep understanding of the essence of the tasks and problems being performed;

) good knowledge of the experience available in this field, active mastery of its best achievements;

) the ability to choose means and methods of action that are adequate to the specific circumstances of place and time;

) a sense of responsibility for the results achieved;

) the ability to learn from mistakes and make adjustments in the process of achieving goals.

The formula of competence developed by M.A. also seems quite interesting. Choshanov /4/. It looks like this: competence is mobility of knowledge + flexibility of method + criticality of thinking.

In a general sense, competence is understood as the personal capabilities of an official, his qualifications (knowledge, experience), which allow him to take part in the development of a certain range of decisions or decide for himself due to the presence of certain knowledge and skills.

McClelland /7/ can be considered the founder of the competency-based approach to personnel management. Psychologist McClelland has worked at Harvard University since the late 60s of the twentieth century. He laid the foundation for defining competencies as some factors influencing the effectiveness of professional activities. In 1973, he wrote an article published in the journal American Psychologist entitled: "Testing Competence, Not Intelligence."

The essence of the methodology proposed by McClelland /7/ was to compare the most successful employees with the less successful ones in order to determine performance factors. The task was to understand which psychological characteristics and behavioral characteristics are the reasons for success in this professional activity. However, the competency-based approach became widely known after the publication of the book by Boyatzis (Boyatzis, 2002) “The Competent Manager: A Model for Effective Performance” /5/.

So, classic definition: competence - (from Latin competo - I achieve; I correspond, I approach). Has several meanings:

the range of powers granted by law, charter or other act to a specific body or official;

knowledge and experience in a particular field.

For our understanding, the following definition is important: competence is the personal ability of a specialist to solve a certain class of professional tasks. We will also understand by competence the formally described requirements for the personal, professional and other qualities of a leader.

System of professional competencies of a manager

In conditions of intense social change, the need for highly qualified leaders with professional skills that meet modern requirements will increasingly increase. Today, the most important for managers are “market” personality qualities, such as flexible creative thinking, initiative, entrepreneurship, focus on results, the ability to take responsibility and high stress resistance. At the same time, the importance of self-organization skills and organizing the work of subordinates, interpersonal communication skills (the ability to establish contacts and resolve interpersonal conflicts, establish interaction with superiors), skills of planning one’s activities and the activities of others, the ability to motivate staff, form teams and manage them increases. Thus, it can be stated that social changes dictate requirements for the expansion of a certain type of professional skills of a manager, which can be combined under the category of socio-psychological competence.

Let us dwell on the definition of the concept of “professional competence”, and also highlight the criteria for professional success and effectiveness of a leader.

The concept of “competence” (competentia - belonging by right) was previously defined as the possession of knowledge that allows one to judge something, express a weighty authoritative opinion . Today, “competence” is more often defined as

)the sum of abilities, skills and knowledge sufficient and adequate to what needs to be done (perform certain labor functions)

) a combination of mental qualities, as a mental state that allows one to act independently and responsibly (effective competence)

There is another aspect of the interpretation of the concept competently - this is the legally accepted ability of an authoritative person to perform certain acts or actions in specific conditions, the terms of reference. In this sense, competence is close to the concept of competence, which is defined as the sphere, range of issues that a person is authorized to decide at his workplace (his strength, authority, etc.).

Today, increasingly, this understanding of competence in HR management is described through a system of competencies, understood as a set of qualities of an employee necessary for him to effectively perform work in a certain position.

Socially, competence can be thought of as “competent behavior” or the ability to optimally use one's own individual characteristics to interact constructively with the world. In this sense, the interpretation of competence proposed by J. Raven is interesting: competence is a specific ability necessary for the effective performance of a specific action in a specific subject area, including highly specialized knowledge, a special kind of subject skills, ways of thinking, as well as an understanding of responsibility for one’s actions. Be a competent photographer, scientist, parent, leader, etc. - means having specific competencies different levels(observe, be deeply knowledgeable about a subject, ask questions independently, write business letters, prove one’s own rightness, cope with interpersonal conflicts, etc.).

In modern work, organizational and professional psychology, “competence” is most often used in the context of professional activity.

Professional competence is the main component of the subsystems of professionalism of personality and activity, the scope of professional competence, the range of issues to be resolved, and the constantly expanding system of knowledge that allows one to carry out professional activities with high productivity.

F.S. Ismagilova /8/ professional competence means the employee’s awareness of a certain professional activity, the professional field in in which he operates, as well as the ability to effectively implement his professional qualifications and experience in practical activities. In the structure of professional competence, the author identifies such basic elements as knowledge, experience (skills, inclinations, professional intuition), professional culture and personal qualities of the employee.

Thus, the definition of professional competence includes a number of interrelated characteristics, such as: gnostic or cognitive, reflecting the presence of the necessary professional knowledge; regulatory, allowing the use of existing professional knowledge to solve professional problems; reflexive-status, which gives the right, through recognition of authority, to act in a certain way; normative characteristics reflecting the terms of reference, sphere of professional competence; communicative characteristics, because replenishment of knowledge or practical activity is always carried out in the process of communication or interaction.

We can distinguish a system of basic managerial competencies (SBK). SBC is an analytical model of a professional, it presents generalized normative and morphological indicators of the structure of the profession and the psychological structure of professional activity. Such a model can be used to solve applied problems, in particular to create the most effective model of professional training that meets the requirements put forward by modern times for the types of professional competence that a manager must possess. The main structural components of the SBC are; intellectual competence; instrumental competence; individual-personal competence; communicative competence.

Intellectual competence includes components of the subject area and area of ​​personality manifestation in the structure of the profession; instrumental competence reflects in the structure of the profession its subject area, including knowledge about the subject of work and aspects of work, as well as the main activities, skills, technologies, etc., used to successfully achieve result; individual-personal competence reflects in the structure of the profession the area of ​​personality manifestation, including the necessary set of qualities of a leader, the possession of which makes him not just professionally suitable, but a successful professional; communicative competence includes the characteristics of a professional in communication, reflecting the most important components of the professional sphere of communication.

All basic competencies are described through a system of factors that reflect the specific qualities of a professional, his knowledge, skills and abilities. Let's look at each of the competencies in more detail.

Intellectual competence is the presence of analytical skills combined with the ability to think in terms of complex relationships. This requires abilities like Torational and abstract thinking combined with spontaneity. This is a prerequisite for the ability to see the situation as a whole, recognize its most important components and propose strategies leading to solving the problem. D. Hapt /9/ defines such abilities as perceptual-analytical, those abilities to see “the forest for the trees” or the ability to view the earth from above.

Intellectual competence can be represented by factors reflecting intelligence itself and perceptual-analytical abilities, which include: the general level of awareness and perception abilities, covering data collection, information processing, verbal and logical thinking, the ability to abstract and find patterns, visually effective thinking , ability to quickly solve practical problems and conceptual flexibility. These abilities are basic and ensure success in making informed and responsible decisions, allowing you to act in an uncertain, problematic situation in cases of lack of information based on logical conclusions.

In addition, this type of competence can include the so-called “social intelligence” - a repertoire of knowledge that an individual uses in interpreting events and making plans in situations of everyday life /8/. These are the ideas, personal memories and rules of interpretation that constitute the cognitive structure of the individual; together they constitute experience and a certain approach of an individual to the problems of social life.

The concept of instrumental competence includes the characteristics of the manager’s operational sphere, which carries out the executive part of the activity.

These, first of all, include knowledge about the subject of work and aspects of work, as well as basic activities, actions, techniques, skills, methods of work, technologies, techniques used to successfully achieve results. Today this is knowledge and mastery not only in the field of technology and production of the area where the manager directly operates, but also competence in such areas as marketing, finance, law, information technology, knowledge of foreign languages, office work, etc.

By analogy with the objects of labor traditionally identified in basic subject systems of labor (biotic, technical, social, sign-symbolic, artistic), Durmanova I.V. proposes to conditionally divide the instrumental sphere of competence into two components /6/:

) the main area of ​​competence in the system man-man, which determines the professional purpose, the main content of work and the leading activities of the manager;

) the sphere of additional instrumental competence, which includes a set of competencies of knowledge, skills and abilities related to any of the basic subject systems and “serving” the leading activities of the manager.

Individual-personal competence includes the characteristics of the mental organization of the subject of activity in the “person-society” system. Individual personal competence contains factors that determine the internal resources and external manifestations of a leader’s personality and individuality. In accordance with modern requirements for managers, the most significant of these factors are; clear values, clear personal goals, ability to manage oneself, self-control and organization, emotional stability, independence and self-sufficiency, independence and self-confidence, ability to make decisions and skills in solving management problems, responsibility and integrity, efficiency, receptivity to innovation, entrepreneurship, potential creative activity and active self-development /6/.

Communication competence understood as a set of skills and abilities necessary for effective communication, adequate to communicative tasks and sufficient to solve them. It would be logical to classify this type of competence as a factor in the main sphere of instrumental competence, but since the work of a modern leader consists of 70-90% communication (according to research by J. Kotter and E.V. Sidorenko) /10,11/, then we can highlight the ability to communicate in separate species basic competence that requires special development. Communicative competence can include factors such as sociability, communicative sensitivity, social courage, diplomacy and insight in group relationships, the ability to withstand the pressures associated with extensive communication, the ability to influence others, and situational adaptability /6/.

For modern leaders possession of skills and abilities within the framework of communicative competence is becoming more and more relevant and requires its development not only through life experience, as was the case in the overwhelming majority before, but also through special training.

The system of basic competencies, built on the basis of already existing professional models of managers, including factors of instrumental, intellectual, individual and communicative competencies, describes the key characteristics of the profession. This list is necessary and sufficient to rely on when training managers. If you trace how the structural elements of a profession are presented in the process of vocational training, you will notice that traditionally the focus is only on the subject area, which is only one of components of the profession. This trend has persisted for a long time, despite the point of view, which has already become generally accepted, that learning is more effective if the student’s personality is included in the learning process. This is especially significant for the leadership profession, where the main “tool” of work is the professional’s own personality. In this regard, leadership training should be carried out regarding each from the listed areas of the profession presented in the SBC, and so that the process is not “out of touch” with reality, trends of time and the situation, it must be built taking into account modern requirements and the needs of the subjects of training themselves.

1.2 Modern approach to understanding professional competence

The term “professional competence” is very often used in both Russian and foreign literature. It is generally accepted that the competency-based approach originated in the USA, and one of the first publications “opening” this issue was D. McClelland’s article “Testing for Competence Rather Than for “Intelligence” / 7 / .

In the literature there are different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “competence”. Thus, the Oxford English Dictionary (7th edition) reveals this concept (competence) as the ability to do something successfully or efficiently /12/.

Zimnyaya I.A. /13/ defines competence as the ability to perform a specific activity to a prescribed standard. Panfilova A.P. /14/ with employees defines competence as a person’s ability to achieve certain achievements. V.S. Bezrukova /15/ understands competence as “possession of knowledge and skills that allow one to express professionally competent judgments, assessments, and opinions.”

Scientists of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen consider competence as an integral characteristic of a person, which determines his ability to solve problems and typical tasks that arise in real life situations, using knowledge, educational and life experience, values ​​and inclinations. At the same time, “ability” is understood not as a “predisposition”, but as a “skill”: “capable” means “knows how to do.”

The concept of competence can be operationalized (according to the Australian researcher T. Hoffmann) /20/ in three ways:

as visible and recorded results of activities;

as some standards for performing activities;

as personal properties that determine the effectiveness of a particular activity.

Professional competence is defined in the literature (A.D. Goneev., A.G. Pashkov, etc.) /16/ as an integral characteristic of the business and personal qualities of a specialist, reflecting not only the level of knowledge, skills, experience sufficient to achieve the goals of professional activity, but also the social and moral position of the individual.

The concept of “professional competence” includes the following three aspects (Lebedeva N.M.) /18/:

problematic-practical - adequacy of recognition and understanding of the situation, adequate setting and effective implementation of goals, objectives, norms in a given situation;

semantic - adequate understanding of the production situation in a more general sociocultural context;

value - the ability to correctly assess the situation, its essence, goals, objectives and norms from the point of view of one’s own and generally significant values.

A number of foreign researchers (R. Hagerty, A. Mayhew, etc.) /19/ consider any professional as a bearer of the following professional competencies, which together form the core (invariant) of professional qualifications:



contextual (knowledge of the social context in which the profession exists);

adaptive (the ability to anticipate and process changes in the profession, adapt to changing professional contexts);


integrative (the ability to think in the logic of the profession, set priorities and solve problems in the appropriate professional style, etc.).

special - a high level of knowledge, equipment and technologies used in professional work and providing the opportunity for professional growth of a specialist, a change in work profile, and the effectiveness of creative activity;

social - the ability to take responsibility and make decisions, participate in joint decision-making, resolve conflicts non-violently, interact productively with representatives of other cultures and religions;

psychological, conditioned by the understanding that without a culture of emotional sensitivity, without the skills of reflection, without the experience of empathetic interpersonal interaction and self-realization, professionalism remains partial and incomplete;

information, which includes mastery of new information technologies;

communicative, which requires knowledge of foreign languages ​​and a high level of speech culture;

environmental competence based on knowledge of the general laws of development of nature and society, on environmental responsibility for professional activities;

valeological competence, which means having knowledge and skills in the field of health preservation and healthy lifestyle issues

In the Kingdom of Bahrain It is customary to distinguish two components professional competence graduates - key and basic.

Key competence refers to the ability of an employee to solve problems that arise before him during his professional career. Key competences reflect the specifics of a specific subject or supra-subject area of ​​professional activity. In vocational and technical educational institutions, key competence is developed through such disciplines as “spiritual education”, “contemporary problems”, “information technology” and a number of others.

Basic competence is understood as a component of competence necessary for certain types of professional activities (engineering, teaching, medical, etc.), ensuring the professional development of an individual in a rapidly changing world. Basic competence is developed through training courses such as "problem solving", "collaboration", "small projects".

In order for the courses “working with others” and “problem solving” to contribute to the development of basic competence in students, the educational process of institutions of secondary vocational education is structured as a process of students searching for ways to solve problems. Students are given assignments that examine problems that society is currently facing, for example, a communications explosion, or an energy crisis, or environmental pollution, etc. This type of task is classified as research.

A number of tasks require students to solve a particular problem: for example, if a person has found a job in another city and needs to find an apartment to live in.

Assignments may contain requirements for developing a project to achieve some goal. Students are required to justify the causes of this problem, find out what solutions to this problem exist today, find and justify alternative solutions.

In the course of completing assignments, the student is forced to turn to catalogues, reference books, magazines, Internet resources, etc.

When performing such tasks, students also develop information competence (the ability to collect and process information from different sources, make contacts/communications with other people in different situations, using both oral and written, including electronic forms of communication (e-mail - for communication with the teacher and students, web quest for completing assignments, etc.).

Evaluation of students' work is carried out on the basis of observation of their activities. The product of student activity can be a report, presentation, or project.

Thus, the formation of professional competence occurs in the learning process, which ensures the transformation of one type of activity (cognitive) into another (professional). The implementation of such a process requires new content of professional education and a new organization of educational and professional space. This is possible through the use of e - learning a. The development of electronic multimedia opens up fundamentally new didactic opportunities for the field of education. Informatization acts as the main mechanism for the implementation of a new educational paradigm, as a new quality of the education system, as a means of implementing the function of forecasting the educational system, as well as the communication system between science and education.

1.3 Increasing the professional competence of management personnel at the level of modern requirements

In a situation of changes occurring in management, advanced training and professional retraining are becoming increasingly important for managers. The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Management for the Period up to 2010 emphasizes that the main task of modern management is to achieve compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and state. Reforming modern management places new demands on managers. A leader who thinks freely and actively, predicts the results of his activities and models the management process accordingly is a guarantor of solving the assigned tasks. The priority task of the advanced training system at the present stage, according to the Concept of modernization of Russian management, is to increase the professional level of managers and form a team that meets the needs modern life. Today, the demand for a highly qualified, creatively working, socially active and competitive leader has increased.

There are certain qualification characteristics of managers, General requirements to a specialist, job and functional responsibilities of a manager, etc. And what qualities of a manager can indicate that the manager is professionally competent and the level of his competence meets the requirements for innovative management. What work of a manager can be considered professionally competent? Professionally competent work is the work of a manager in which management activities, management communication are carried out at a sufficiently high level, the personality of the manager is realized, and good results in management are achieved. The development of professional competence is the development of the creative individuality of a leader, the formation of readiness to accept new things, development and receptivity to management innovations. The psychological climate in the team and the results of the economic development of the organization directly depend on the level of professionalism of managers and their ability to continuously manage. In accordance with these requirements, it is possible to determine the main approaches to the development of managerial professionalism:

an approach. Continuous scientific and methodological support for the development of professionalism through assistance to managers in the organization. The main goal of methodological work is the continuous improvement of the manager’s qualifications, continuous assistance in increasing his erudition and competence in the field of management.

This option for developing professionalism is implemented through the following forms of work:

Increasing the professional and cultural level of the manager;

Stimulating his official and social activity;

Improving the methods and style of interaction with employees on the principles of humanization, democratization, transparency;

Formation of skills and abilities to analyze the management process in general and self-analysis of one’s management activities in particular;

Practical forms of scientific and methodological work:

Conferences, seminars, trainings, scientific, practical and problem-based seminars, work of creative laboratories and temporary creative groups of a formal and informal nature, discussions, round tables, organizational and active games, organization of advanced training courses, organization and holding of professional skills competitions, individual consultations.

an approach. Development of professionalism through on-the-job training courses with obtaining a document state sample. This form can be implemented in person and in absentia on the basis of agreements with institutions that have a license for advanced training. Such courses solve the problem of disruption of the production process. The opportunity to learn from first-class specialists turned out to be extremely in demand by the country's leaders.

an approach. Implementation of a cumulative system of advanced training, taking into account an individual control system head .

The criterion for assessing the effectiveness of professional development will be positive dynamics in the level of professionalism of managers, as well as the level of satisfaction of managers and the demand for the services offered.

Today there are ongoing training courses for managers and specialists using the Internet. Among the most popular, the following institutions can be listed: Center for Scientific and Technical Information "Progress" - the largest training and advanced training center in Russia, SRC Business School -<#"justify">2. Assessment and analysis of the professional competence of the heads of the educational institution of FGSUVU No. 1

.1 Brief description of the educational institution FGSUVU No. 1

Federal state special educational institution for children and adolescents with deviant behavior "Special vocational school No. 1 closed type" Ishimbay (hereinafter referred to as the School) is a state special educational institution for children and adolescents with deviant behavior of federal subordination.

Special vocational school No. 1 of a closed type in the city of Ishimbay was created by order of the State Vocational Education Council of the RSFSR dated 06/03/1969 No. 192 and by order of the Department of Vocational Education of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic dated 08/15/1969 No. 165.

Full official name of the School: Federal State Special Educational Institution for Children and Adolescents with Deviant Behavior "Special Vocational School No. 1 Closed" in Ishimbay, Republic of Bashkortostan.

The abbreviated official name of the School is FGSUVU "SPU No. 1".

Location of the School: 453210, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ishimbay, st. Severnaya, no. 29.

Based on the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2004 No. 1139-r, the School is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency for Education (hereinafter referred to as the Founder), which exercises the functions and powers of the founder.

Relations between the Founder and the School that are not regulated by the Charter are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the agreement concluded between the Founder and the School.

The school in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency of Minors", the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, other legislative and regulatory legal acts, Model regulations on a special educational institution for children and adolescents with deviant behavior, approved as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01/08/1997 No. 19, dated 12/23/2002 No. 919, regulatory legal acts of the relevant federal executive authorities and local self-government , acts of the Founder, this Charter. The school, in accordance with state educational standards, implements basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general and primary vocational education.

The school can implement educational programs additional education. The school is a non-profit organization and does not have profit making as its main goal.

The school is a legal entity. Rights legal entity The school acquires from the date of its state registration. The school has separate property that is federally owned and assigned to it with the right of operational management, an independent balance sheet, personal accounts opened in the prescribed manner with the Federal Treasury to account for federal budget funds and funds received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities, in the currency of the Russian Federation and accounts for accounting funds in foreign currency, opened in accordance with the currency legislation of the Russian Federation, a round seal with its full name and the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, stamps, forms and other necessary details, conducts office work, archives, and presentation of financial and statistical reporting in the forms established by the relevant federal executive authorities, reports annually on its activities.

The main objectives of the School are:

creating the necessary conditions to satisfy the individual’s need to receive primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general and primary vocational education, a specific profession of the appropriate skill level, intellectual, cultural, physical and moral development;

creating the necessary conditions for psychological, medical and social rehabilitation of pupils;

formation of citizenship and hard work in students, development of responsibility, independence and creative activity;

preservation and enhancement of moral and cultural values ​​of society.

Licensing, certification and state accreditation of the School are carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The school receives the right to conduct educational activities and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation from the day the license is issued to it. Based on the certificate of state accreditation, the School has the right to issue its graduates with a state-issued document on the appropriate level of education and to use a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. The school independently forms its structure, with the exception of the creation, reorganization, renaming and liquidation of branches. A school may have in its structure departments, preparatory courses, classrooms and laboratories, educational and training workshops and farms, training grounds, dormitories, structural units of additional education and other structural units.

The management of the School is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and its Charter and is based on the principles of unity of command and self-government.

The competence of the Founder is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and the agreement concluded between the Founder and the School.

The Founder carries out in relation to the School, including:

bringing the limits of budget obligations;

registration of permission to open a personal account to account for funds received from business and other income-generating activities and approval of estimates of income and expenses of the federal budget;

other budgetary powers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Charter of the School, amendments and additions to it are adopted by the general meeting of employees and representatives of students and approved by the Founder.

The director directly manages the activities of the School. The Director of the School is appointed in accordance with the established procedure by the Founder on the basis of the concluded employment contract.

The director, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, appoints and dismisses employees, determines the job responsibilities of employees.

The School Director is responsible for:

failure to perform functions within his competence;

educational programs are not fully implemented;

quality of education of graduates;

life and health of students and workers during the educational process;

misuse of federal budget funds;

accepting obligations in excess of the established limits of budget obligations;

obtaining credits (loans);

other violations of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

The director is obliged to provide advanced training for teaching staff in the prescribed manner.

The forms of self-government of the School are: the Board of Trustees, the School Council, the general meeting of employees and representatives of students, the pedagogical council. The General Meeting of employees and representatives of students (hereinafter referred to as the General Meeting) is held to adopt the Charter, amendments and (or) additions to it, elect the School Council, resolve other issues within its competence by legislative and other normative legal acts, the Charter, and adopted to the General Meeting by the School Council or the director. The decision to convene the General Meeting and its date is made by the School Council or the director.

The main activities of the School Council are:

development of a development program for the School and improvement of the educational process;

discussion of the Charter of the School, changes and additions to it, as well as other acts regulating the work of the School.

development and approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the formation and expenditure of extrabudgetary funds;

hearing reports from the head of the School;

coordination of requests for awarding the School’s employees with state and industry awards, conferring honorary titles on them;

other issues within its competence by law and other regulations, the Charter of the School.

The employees of the School include management and teaching staff, educational support and other personnel.

The appointment, dismissal, regulation of labor relations of School employees is carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and other regulatory legal acts.

2.2 Determining the level of professional competence of the heads of an educational institution when assigning a qualification category

competence professionalism manager qualification

There are different interpretations of the concept of “educational institution” and different approaches to determining its structure. Here are some of them (Table 1). To assess the competence of the head of an educational institution, it is important to highlight those approaches that will allow the phenomenon of competence to be considered from the point of view of criteria, indicators and tools for measuring the professional competence of the head of an educational institution. Determination of the level of professional competence of heads of an educational institution when assigning a qualification category (during the certification process) is presented in (Table 2).

Table 1 - Definition of the concept "Professional competence"

Author Definition of the concept Structure of professional competence I.V. GrishinaCompetence is an integral professional quality of a leader, an alloy of his experience, knowledge, skills and abilities, an indicator of both readiness for leadership work and the ability to make informed management decisions. The professional competence of a school director is a complex multidimensional personal formation, which includes functionally interconnected components: - motivational - a set of motives adequate to the goals and objectives of management; -cognitive - the body of knowledge necessary for management; -operational - a set of skills and abilities for practical problem solving; -personal - a set of personal qualities important for management; -reflexive - a set of abilities to anticipate, evaluate, “slow down” one’s own activities, and choose a management strategy. S.V. SelitskayaPedagogical competence of a manager is basic professional characteristics the personality of a manager, one of the key system-forming components in the overall structure of managerial competence. He identifies three leading paradigms that form the fundamental basis of the conceptual basis for the formation of a manager’s pedagogical competence: sociological, sociocultural and activity-based. Justifies the choice of the activity approach as a fundamental basis for creating conditions for the formation of the pedagogical competence of a manager T.N. Pilshchikov The competence of a teacher-manager is represented as: -the degree of mastery of a body of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of pedagogical management, economics, and entrepreneurship; -ability for marketing and research activities, analysis and selection of optimal ways to solve problems under conditions of uncertainty; -readiness to develop, make and implement effective management decisions in the direction of the set goal; -formation of significant personal qualities, economic thinking and motivational and value orientations; -unity of theoretical, normative, legal and practical readiness for pedagogical management, economic activity and entrepreneurship; readiness for information support of management activities, effective communications in business communication. Table 2 - Determination of the level of professional competence

ParametersCriteriaIndicatorsToolkitCompetence of the head of an educational institutionQualificationKnowledge of: - strategies for the development of education in Russia and the principles of educational policy; - goals, content, forms, methods of teaching and education, modern concepts and technologies; - types of educational institutions, their place and role in the system of lifelong education, requirements for the results of their activities; - fundamentals of economics of education; - regulatory and legal framework for the functioning and development of the education system; - theoretical foundations of management, leading management schools and concepts, features of management in the field of education; - principles of analysis and construction of educational systems and methods of planning their activities; - systems and methods of material and moral incentives for employees; - effective team management styles; - modern methods of control of educational, financial - economic activity and office work in the institution; - requirements for record keeping in an educational institution. Questioning; Testing; Exam; InterviewProfessionalism Ability to: - analyze the activities of educational institutions, identify the most significant problems and find effective ways to solve them; - develop normative and organizational documentation of the educational institution (agreements, charters, rules, etc.); - develop programs for the development of an educational institution; - build an organizational structure for the management of the educational institution; - plan and organize control over the activities of the institution; - motivate performers to achieve high results in labor activity and advanced training; - prevent and resolve conflicts in the team; - organize the development of innovations; - conduct business meetings, conversations, organize group work. Practice-oriented project Discussion Business games Productivity of the educational institution: - maintaining the student population; - students’ mastery of educational standards; - results of innovative educational activities. Head: - the state of the regulatory legal framework for the functioning and development of the educational institution; - development programs of the institution (division); - the state of the educational and material (material and technical) base of the institution (availability, use, development); - quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the movement of personnel; - social and psychological climate in the managed team; - quality and level of sanitary and hygienic conditions; - state of office work. Generalization of experience

Let's consider the approach of P.I. Tretyakov/22/.

The professional vitality and competencies of teacher leaders as indicators of the quality of education are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Professional vitality and competence of teachers.

Parameters Criteria Indicators Toolkit Gnostic (research) and self-educational competencies Application of methods and technologies for identifying the relationship between purpose, content, conditions, objects 1) find the necessary educational information; 2) set goals, plan, organize your individual educational process and trajectory personal development other subjects of the educational process; 3) identify, solve, control and correct the problems of their self-education; 4) find and benefit from experience; 5) evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the education received; 6) explore the advantages and disadvantages in activities, in the system of relationships; 7) explore the factors of productive education, analyze the state of the problem field in theory and practice; 8) explore factors influencing the self-organization of participants in the educational process; 9) explore the advantages and disadvantages of one’s own activities; 10) rely on strengths your personality in solving problems. Questioning; Testing; Exam; Self-diagnosis; Generalization of experienceOrganizational and communicative competenciesBuilding an optimal model of relationships and interaction between all subjects of the educational process and effective personal self-organization1) organize one’s own activities related to solving educational problems; 2) organize interaction, mutual assistance and support between all participants in the educational process; 3) effectively distribute your time and the time of participants in the educational process for various types of activities; 4) use indirect influence on the organization of activities of all participants in the educational process; 5) teach self-organization of activities of participants in the educational process; 6) build relationships based on the implementation of development programs (independence, self-confidence, etc.); 7) stimulate development; 8) teach communication (the ability to establish contacts, coordinate actions, listen and hear others, resolve conflicts, etc.); 9) make decisions, responsibility; 10) apply computer technology. Business game Constructive and design competencies Possession of theoretical methods of action in the development of an integral process and training sessions based on progressive pedagogical technologies 1) draw up a personal self-educational program (plan); 2) draw up the educational program of the school; 3) draw up technological maps for completing educational material; 4) establish intra-, interdisciplinary and cyclical connections of the disciplines being studied; 5) design a modular and multidisciplinary organization of the UVP; 6) determine the most rational forms, methods and technologies of the educational process; 7) choose the most rational structure of the entire process; 8) determine the most productive structure of the training session; 9) develop personal and collective reflection. Practice-oriented project Social and personal competencies Definition of personal and social goals 1) critically examine phenomena and events in the world, Russia, a particular region; 2) determine the connections of the past, present and future; 3) assess social and personal trends related to health, the environment, and the consumption of various types of resources; 4) enter into the discussion and develop your opinion; 5) overcome difficulties and conflicts; 6) express yourself and your best qualities. Questioning; Interview; Discussion; Business game Adaptive competencies Ability to cope with modern and predictable situations 1) use new information to update activities; 2) apply new technologies to improve labor efficiency; 3) show tolerance, flexibility, and resilience in the face of rapid change; 4) show readiness for activities that transform oneself and other people; 5) respond adequately in terms of personal growth to changes in society. Round table; Business games; Questioning

2.3 Analysis of the results of changes in the professional competence of teachers and heads of educational institutions

The analysis of the results of measuring changes in the professional competence of teachers was carried out in accordance with the criteria and indicators (according to T.G. Brazhe) /34/. The following parameters of professional competence were assessed: motivational-value, cognitive-activity and emotional-processual.

Motivational-value parameter

At KBPC combined with certification, the teacher’s attitude towards learning new knowledge, readiness for learning and professional and personal development (mobility) are not specifically diagnosed.

In problem-based courses, as a rule, the teacher’s attitude towards learning new knowledge, readiness for learning and professional and personal development are determined.

On the issue related to the introduction of specialized training, a survey of teachers was organized within the framework of the subject-methodological module.

The main purpose of using the questionnaires was to identify the personal meaning of acquiring knowledge, the structure of professional motivation, the degree of readiness to implement the acquired knowledge and skills in the post-course pedagogical activity. The questionnaires included multiple-choice and free-response questions.

This diagnostic tool is not perfect enough, but it allows us to determine the main trends.

Thus, among the main motives encouraging teachers to participate in the implementation of specialized education ideas, the following were named: the desire to more fully take into account the individual characteristics of students, the conviction that this will increase work efficiency.

Cognitive-activity parameter

The results of the input diagnostics, carried out using teachers’ CMMs, indicate that the majority of teachers have mastery of the subject at a basic level. At the same time, difficulties were identified in mastering certain elements of content that traditionally cause difficulties for students.

The results of the final diagnostics indicate that the majority of course participants have mastered new elements of the subject content and methods of teaching it.

Teachers have significant difficulties in assessing the results of their work: as a rule, results are determined by the percentage of student achievement and the number of graduates who entered other educational institutions. As a result of training in courses, teachers acquire the skills to determine the effectiveness of their work using various diagnostic techniques.

In general, teachers are guided by professional literature, although in most cases they turn to subject-specific - and less often - to general pedagogical journals or monographs. During the course of mastering the course training program, teachers study current methodological literature, get acquainted with modern research in the field of the basic subject and methods of teaching it.

In addition, the level of teachers’ involvement in innovative solutions, as well as their mastery of pedagogical research methods, increases. During the course, teachers develop the ability to analyze their own experience and the experience of their colleagues.

It was revealed that during the performance of entrance control tasks for professional and pedagogical workers, out of the maximum possible number of points, the full number of points is usually gained by one or two students. The average achieved results in groups are 70-60% of the total number of tasks.

At the same time, the lowest indicators in the group are given by students who do not have special education, including pedagogical education, and with little work experience. An unacceptably small number of points for a year of course preparation usually ends up with one or two students.

An analysis of the results of the entrance diagnostics showed that the greatest difficulty is traditionally caused by questions related to the theory and methodology of teaching subjects (professions). It should be noted that the results of the analysis of the implementation of KIMs indicate that students have a “shaky” knowledge of some documents of the state educational standard (up to 55% of incorrect answers).

At the same time, most of the students showed fairly good knowledge of the content of their educational areas.

However, in general, the level of professional competence of the majority of teachers taking courses can be considered sufficient (within normal limits).

When performing current and final diagnostic tasks, you can note the following:

a) when creating a “business card” of their educational institution, carrying out practice-oriented projects and tasks of diagnostic and teaching methods in subjects, a significant number of teachers find it difficult to demonstrate the presence of sustainable positive results in training and education;

b) tasks related to knowledge of new literature in the field of the subject and methods of teaching it, a self-critical and reflective attitude towards oneself, mastery of existing traditional solutions to professional problems, and description (but not analysis!) of the experience of colleagues are usually completed quite successfully;

c) the traditional difficulty is achieving the depth and validity of the analysis of the effectiveness of one’s activities, the logic and validity of conclusions about the directions for improving professional activities, as well as the ability to demonstrate the ability to analyze problematic information obtained from the literature, to understand (and sometimes even evaluate) a promising methodological idea, convincingly justify your conclusions.

d) teachers find it difficult to solve problems related to going beyond the “standard” situation. The level of proficiency in a complex of research skills and their use in practice cannot be highly assessed by the majority of students. However, it is in this indicator of professional competence that noticeable dynamics are observed (even on the scale of short-term courses).

Using appropriate diagnostic tools (written test), the following picture of the formation of the psychological and pedagogical competence of students “at the entrance” is recorded: approximately 60% of students demonstrate the presence of ideas about the basic models of education, almost 15% are able to analyze both their activities and pedagogical phenomena in general (they are proficient in pedagogical diagnostics), 60% of students know the requirements for a modern lesson and 20% are familiar with the structure of a teacher’s professional competencies.

The results of the final diagnostics and practice show that microgroups cope with tasks at an acceptable level. They clearly formulate the current problems of their teaching practice, reveal their pedagogical, educational, methodological, psychological and valeological aspects. The problems of developing creative talent in students, deviant behavior of adolescents, stimulation cognitive activity students in class, etc.

Groups provide scientific justification for proposed solutions. During the presentations, students demonstrate good knowledge of pedagogical theory and a creative approach to developing the chosen problem. Group leaders, completing their presentations, analyze group work and summarize proposed solutions to problems. Listeners actively participate in discussions on the issues under consideration.

As you can see, the assessment of changes in the psychological and pedagogical competence of students as a result of training in courses is overly general and undifferentiated.

Emotional-procedural parameter

Students' satisfaction with the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the learning process, the content of classes, the correspondence of the content and organization of courses in general to the professional needs and interests of the teacher can be assessed as satisfactory (according to a survey of students immediately after the courses).

Analysis of the results of a sociological study on the delayed results of advanced training reveals in general high degree satisfaction of both teachers themselves and their leaders.

It would be advisable to analyze the results of measuring changes in the professional competence of educational system leaders in accordance with the approach of I.V. Grishina /25/ .

I will give several examples characterizing the results of measuring the professional competence of managers. To a certain extent, they can be used to judge trends in changes in the professional competence of management personnel.

The results of the entrance diagnostics showed the following: 57% of students do not know the basic provisions of regulatory documents on the activities of an educational institution; 35% students demonstrate average or below average levels of knowledge about their basic functional responsibilities; 8% students have theoretical knowledge of the provisions of documents regulating the activities of an educational institution not only in the operating mode, but also in the development mode, and apply the knowledge in their practical activities.

The final diagnostics showed the following.

A high level of professional competence was demonstrated by 38.4%. They:

Have a systematic understanding of the structure and development trends of the Russian and regional education systems;

understand the diversity of economic processes in the modern world, their connection with other processes occurring in society.

theoretical foundations and patterns of functioning and development of an educational institution, including transition processes;

principles of making and implementing economic and management decisions.

identify problems of an economic, social, political nature when analyzing specific situations, propose ways to solve them and evaluate the expected results;

systematize and summarize information, prepare certificates and reviews on professional issues;

use basic and special methods of system analysis and problem analysis, manage information in the field of their professional activities;

develop and justify options for effective economic management decisions;

critically evaluate from different aspects (production, motivational, institutional, etc.) changes in the field of education, trends in the development of objects in the field of professional activity;

use computer technology in user mode to solve management problems.

special management terminology and specialty vocabulary;

skills of independent acquisition of new knowledge using modern educational technologies;

skills of professional argumentation when analyzing standard situations in the field of upcoming innovative activities.

54% showed themselves to be at the average level of professional competence.

7.6% showed themselves at a low level.

The final diagnostics of the professional competence of educational institution managers in the disciplines: “Economic Theory” and “Fundamentals of Organization of Economic Activities of an Educational Institution” showed the following.

% (high level) easily defined the main economic categories (need, demand, supply, price, value, costs, expenses, opportunity costs, budget, extra-budgetary funds, financing channels, regulatory budget financing, etc.) and concepts ( consumer behavior, financing, budgeting, production of services (goods), etc.); freely established existing dependencies when solving logical problems, for example, the relationship between a reduction in customs duties on foreign cars and the market for automobile products, between an increase in oil production and the education budget, etc.

% (low and below average level) experienced difficulty in this, i.e. confused the content of concepts or could not formulate them at all. In addition, they could not link (or had little understanding) with their practical activities the main provisions of legislative acts, theoretical calculations, economic laws. For example, apply the law of ascending opportunity costs when creating a school schedule; could not indicate the channels for financing the educational institution; were unable to compare the volumes of budgetary funding and extrabudgetary funds. And they also could not solve logical problems, for example, establishing a connection between the market for the production of gas masks and the market for the production of children's diapers (a question of micro- and macroeconomics and life experience).

% (average level) made mistakes in determining the main categories and economic laws operating in the economy and, in particular, in the economics of education. They could independently connect their experience and the theory of economic issues (laws).

CompetenceNumber of managersHigh levelMedium levelLow level38.4%54%7.6%

Thus, as a result of the analysis of professional competence:

no systematic work is being carried out to analyze the results of measuring changes in professional competence.

there is no unified criteria for assessing changes in the professional competence of students;

the study of professional competence is limited to the cognitive parameter; the goals of studying other parameters are not set: motivational-value, activity, etc.

3. Ways to improve and develop the professional competence of heads of educational institutions

3.1 Conditions, principles and forms of organizing the environment for professional development of education managers

In the third chapter, I examined the problems, causes, consequences, and solutions to the professional competence of a modern specialist. Ways to solve the problem of developing professional competence of a modern specialist Table 4

Highlighting the educational environment as a fundamental condition for a leader’s individual choice of professional values, I believe that the active role of the educational environment is to promote a person’s self-discovery, to “pull” his potential capabilities to the level of actualized abilities, which are the basis of active professional and personal self-development. The basic principles of organizing the educational environment are:

collective design and implementation of the plan for educational interaction;

diversity of educational content, methods and forms of entry into it, up to individual advanced training programs;

integrity and continuity in the content and logic of various organizational forms of advanced training;

stimulation and support of any educational activity;

the priority of personal rather than functional-role interaction between organizers and listeners;

an emotional climate favorable for learning.

Problem Causes Consequences Solutions 1. There is no systematic work to analyze the results of measuring changes in professional competence. Insufficiently complete, operationalized and reliable system for monitoring the effects of course training. Ineffective management of the quality of the organization and the effectiveness of training within the framework of course training 1. Analysis of the content of curricula and training technology from the point of view of compliance with the criteria of professional competence of teaching and management personnel of the education system. 2. Adjustment of the content of curricula and teaching technology 3. Expertise by the Ministry of Education of developed programs. 2. There is no unified criteria for assessing changes in the professional competence of students; Insufficient readiness of the institute staff to use the concept of “Professional competence as a key indicator” to assess the success of working with students. Installation professional competence as a key indicator becomes not a priority 1. Examination of developed programs 2. Analysis of the content of the curriculum and teaching technology from the point of view of compliance with the criteria of professional competence of teaching and management personnel of the education system. 3. Adjustment of the content of training programs and teaching technology. 3. The study of professional competence is limited to the cognitive parameter; the goals of studying other parameters are not set: motivational-value, activity, etc. Increase in the number of control and measurement procedures and the lack of a unified scientific and methodological base, evaluation of methods Weak connections. Lack of sharing of positive experiences1. Adjustment of such control and measurement procedures as the implementation of diagnostic and training techniques, practice-oriented projects, exams, interviews, tests, essays, dictations. 2. The methodology for competently organizing such control and measurement procedures as testing, questioning, business (role-playing) games, debates, self-diagnosis, and presentation of the listener’s “portfolio” has been studied. 3. Development and approved procedure for conducting examination of diagnostic instruments. 4. Development of formalized indicators; methodology for collecting, processing, storing, distributing and using information on the results of measuring professional competence; 5. In accordance with the criteria of professional competence, develop forms of expert sheets for assessing the professional competence of teaching and management personnel and the structure of the submission (expert opinion) filled out by the head of the educational institution for the certified educational worker, including: director of the educational institution, deputy director of the educational institution for sustainable development, deputy Director of the Educational Institution for VR.

Figure 4 - Problems of developing professional competence of a modern specialist

“Maintaining” these principles in the organization and implementation of advanced training programs is both a relatively new and quite difficult task in the context of the growing diversity of ethical, psychological, pedagogical, anthropological views and the increased complexity of value self-determination of teachers.

The municipal methodological service, in addition to course training, may have such forms of organizing professional development as:

pedagogical workshops as a form of entry into research activities;

organization of seminars (based on innovative schools): immersion seminars, problematization seminars, reflection seminar, project seminar, methodological seminar, expert seminar, consulting seminar, etc.;

conference of leaders to discuss educational problems in the municipality;

management internships for young managers as part of a management event;

"consultation point" in MMS (RMK);

"marketing hall" in the municipal "building" of education;

open professional club, etc.

The proposed forms of organizing methodological work with education managers expand and complement those traditionally used. Let us note here, however, that methodological work still remains one of the central forms that performs two mutually intersecting functions - the development of teaching methods and the professional development of the teacher. Since management and teaching are not identical phenomena, it is unlikely that we can talk about, for example, a methodological unification of school principals or head teachers.

Thus, advanced training of education managers on the basis of the municipal methodological service is carried out not only through various forms, but also in a specific professional community. These are management professional associations, on the basis of which the processes of professional development of education managers and the search for new mechanisms for changing management activities can unfold. For example: an assembly of school principals, a management studio, a corporation of education managers, etc. Unlike teachers, who delegate representatives of their professional communities to the municipal level of education, managers are immediately professionally united at this level.

Therefore, within the framework of a municipal professional association, small (or temporary) professional groups may arise in areas of professional interests. It is the professional community that is the subject of change, where innovative management practice is created (or conceptualized), and where the mode of individual change is located.

The main problem in the search for ways and forms of interaction between teachers, methodologists and education managers (in realizing the goals of the educational program) is the problem of the reasons for their choice. When solving it, it is necessary to rely on philosophical, psychological and pedagogical theoretical positions, consisting in the discovery and awareness of personal meanings, orientation towards the infinity of knowledge, the creation of oneself in the world and the world in oneself, the values ​​of co-understanding, co-recognition, co-creation, freedom of choice. These reasons lead to the need to create new forms and rethink traditional ones.

In the practical implementation of the program, lectures, workshops, discussions, round tables, debates, mini-trainings, workshops, role-playing games, mini-conferences, positional discussions, etc. can be used. In addition, these same reasons dictate the variety of principles for organizing study groups when conducting group work.

One of the ways of self-realization of a manager as a participant in course training is interactive teaching methods based on personal interaction and communication of each participant in the educational process. Traditionally, such technologies belong to the so-called forms of collective mental activity in the educational and research process. In addition, in our opinion, interactive techniques can act as a stimulus for the creative and educational initiative of listeners, having a non-directional and resonant effect on the internal spheres of the individual.

3.2 Development of competencies as the main goal of education

In the modern education system, there is a huge bias towards learning, with theoretical knowledge dominating over practical skills.

And although the TSB defines education as “training and upbringing,” in practice, everyone usually successfully forgets about upbringing. (The expression “vocational training” is widely known, but hardly anyone has heard the expression “vocational education.”) What does this lead to? All the knowledge and skills, and even the few skills that young specialists have acquired, they cannot successfully apply. Why?

§ They lack the appropriate qualities.

§ They lack experience.

§ They don't want to be professionals!

§ They are “out of the loop” because the environment in which they “cooked” during the learning process was students and teachers, not professionals.

It is precisely these four components that are missing in modern vocational education:

§ Professional education.

§ Professional practice.

§ Updating professional choice.

§ Immersion in a professional environment.

In addition, for a more accurate analysis and planning of vocational training, it is worth dividing: a) knowledge training (conventionally, this section of vocational education can be designated as “training”) and training in skills (conventionally, this section can be called “training”, because training is the main method of developing skills and abilities). Training differs from professional practice in that it is carried out not in real, but in educational - facilitated conditions, and the object of training is not the entire activity as a whole, but individual professional skills.

In modern professional education, both at the level of the professional community and at the level of government agencies, there has been a tendency to describe professional education as a process of developing the necessary competence of a specialist. And although so far this has happened only in words and on paper, let’s hope that “the process has begun.” But the question naturally arises, what is meant by competence?

As a rule, competence is understood as a specialist’s possession of a set of competencies necessary for his work, or the compliance of this specialist with the requirements of his position, or the ability of a specialist to effectively carry out his professional activities. And since the key word in the definition of competence is the word “competence,” then it is precisely this that should be precisely defined.

Definitions of the concept of “competence” vary. Moreover, individual skills (conflict management), personality traits (sociability, responsibility, analytical mindset), and psychological attitudes (achievement orientation) are sometimes cited as examples of competencies. But in itself, none of these components (knowledge, skills, attitudes, etc.) is a competence in relation to the activities of a specialist, but is only one of its elements.

But, nevertheless, if we highlight the essence, then all these examples and definitions speak about the same thing - about certain individual characteristics that allow a specialist to be effective in his field of activity. True, sometimes competence is understood as a job requirement for a specialist, but, in my opinion, this is about the same thing, but in a different context.

So, I propose the following definition of competence: “Competence is a complex of individual characteristics of a specialist that are necessary and sufficient for the effective and guaranteed implementation of his professional activities in given conditions and at a given level of quality.”

A similar definition is given by the Dictionary of Economics and Finance: “Competence is the unity of knowledge, professional experience, abilities to act and behavioral skills of an individual, determined by the goal, given situation and position.”

True, an attempt has been made here to reveal the composition of competence, however, in my opinion, it is more convenient to do this by creating a model of the structure of competence.

Having examined competence from a common sense perspective, as well as through the prism of a number of striking examples of effective professional training, I identified a number of key elements, both those that coincide with those already known (knowledge, skills, attitudes), and those that do not.

The most significant (system-forming!) element in this model was the variable individualized algorithm of the specialist’s activity - his technology, his “know-how”.

After all, in the activities carried out by a successful specialist, you can always see a certain structure. And a professional specialist can always describe this structure (“first I do this, then that, if so, I do this, if so, then that,” etc.). It is this algorithm that leads to the planned result, and all other components of competence (knowledge, skills, attitudes) are auxiliary in relation to it. And the higher the qualification of the specialist, the more complex his activity, the more uncertain the conditions of this activity, the more complex, more variable and more individualized the algorithm is required.

However, considering professional activity over a more or less long period of time, one can see that when the conditions of activity change or as the requirements for its results increase, the specialist has a need to improve the activity itself. As a rule, this is realized through two main directions: a) independent training and b) the introduction of new forms into practice.

The need for this directly follows from the model of effective professional activity (Figure 1):

Figure 1 - Closed cycle of effective professional activity.

Hence the need arises to include two additional elements in the competency structure: independent training methods and innovation methods.

START - Complete Universal Competency Structure

Figure 2 - Complete Universal Competency Framework

Business training is a lifesaver

Since modern professional education has a bias towards learning (and mostly theoretical), for the effective training of almost all specialists, compensating mechanisms are necessary.

In recent years, business training has become the main form of these activities.

If we consider business training to be a special form of short-term vocational education, then it would be fair to say that the goal of business training is to develop the competencies of training participants to the level they need.

This approach makes it possible to facilitate the work of both the business coach (by providing guidance when setting training tasks), and the customer (by helping to identify training needs), and the client - the training participant (by motivating him to fully participate in the training).

However, a number of pressing questions arise here:

How to determine the profile of the required competence?

How to measure the level of “subtle” components of competence?

How to most effectively develop different aspects of competence?

Based on my personal and professional experience, and also based on common sense, I see the following possible answers to these questions:

In order to determine a competency profile, you should:

Clearly define the goal.

Determine possible ways to achieve it and, based on the results of the analysis of external and internal resources, choose the optimal one.

Model the activity to achieve a given goal in a given way - i.e. create an algorithm for this activity.

Determine what attitudes, knowledge, skills, qualities, experience a specialist needs to implement this algorithm - i.e. create a profile of the required competence. To do this, you can test several specialists carrying out similar activities; In some cases, it is enough to conduct a thought experiment.

In order to measure the “subtle” components of competence, it is necessary to find relatively simple types of activities, the results of which are measurable and correlate with the competency parameter being tested (i.e., select or create a test system).

With some persistence and a creative approach, you can measure even such “subtle” qualities as empathy (the semantic differential method is suitable), energy and stress resistance (the breath-holding method is suitable), etc. In addition, you can always use the method of expert assessment - the main thing is to accurately formulate the task for the expert and develop an adequate and convenient measuring scale.

Even if there is no job competency profile, it can be created with the help of the training participants themselves. Taking for 10 points the ideal level of development of each parameter for the current or planned activity, the participant will receive an ideal profile of your competence.

By assessing the current level of each parameter, he will be able to create a current profile of his competence.

Figure 3 - Three competency profiles

At the end of the training, the participant, together with the trainer, can analyze their results and outline their next steps, creating and selecting methods for further independent work to achieve it. By the way, these results, coupled with a self-training program and a program for implementing the material learned during the training, can be very useful for the HR specialist in whose charge the employee is.

From the point of view of Moscow State University professor V.I. Maslov, the author of the first textbook in Russia for universities on strategic personnel management, “managing the competence of employees is the main direction activities of human resource management specialists" /25/.

In addition, competency analysis is necessary for the strategic management of all activities of the organization, as well as for effective management corporate culture.

Without aiming at a thorough analysis of this issue, we will consider only some of the opportunities that the competency-based approach provides for organizing effective personnel management.

Remembering the “goal-activity-competence” chain and applying this model to strategic human resource management, we can come to at least two very interesting conclusions.

First conclusion:

Larger goals tend to require more complex activities to achieve. And more complex activities require higher specialist competence. And acquiring higher competence takes time, often considerable time. After all, even a simple skill is formed in an average of 21 days, and there may be several necessary skills.

In addition, the development of personal qualities requires much more time - sometimes it takes years!

What could be the ways to solve this problem, apart from, of course, constant personnel changes (which is not always possible and is always highly costly)?

Implement a strategic management system and a strategic personnel management system in the organization.

And then, knowing what goals the employee will have in a few years and how he will achieve them, you can plan a long-term program for his training and development.

Consider the employee’s current activities not only as practical, but also as educational.

Applying this concept to business, we can say this: let my employee make mistakes if they are educational errors and not due to negligence. The damage from these mistakes will be covered many times in the future. After all, when an employee improves his competence, he will begin to bring profit, immeasurably greater than he brings now (even if now he does not make any mistakes).

The second conclusion that follows from the competency approach is related to the so-called “talent management”. This conclusion can be formulated as follows:

If the competence of a talented employee exceeds the competence of his position in at least one of the parameters, then the employee feels dissatisfied, and his competence begins to decline.

Moreover: in order for such an employee to feel happy, it is necessary that the requirements of his position exceed his current competence in at least one of the parameters.

Naturally, there are a number of conditions: the excess must be adequate to the position, the current tasks of the organization and the psychotype of the employee; the employee must be aware of this discrepancy and work with it, etc.

But despite all the difficulties, this finding opens up a whole range of opportunities for motivating and retaining staff. The most striking (even paradoxical) example: instead of increasing the amount of payments, you can complicate the employee’s professional activity. Of course, the question arises: how to complicate it and how much?

And this is where analyzing the competency profile of a given employee can help.

This conclusion echoes the ideas of realizing human potential. The idea is that strategic directions and goals are determined not only based on the decisions of the top officials of the organization, but also based on the existing unrealized competencies of personnel (which, again, can be helped by an analysis of employee competencies). If people feel that the organization not only provides their standard of living, but also allows them to be more fully realized, then the phenomenon that has recently been called “personnel involvement” will arise. But employee engagement gives not only a psychological, but also an economic effect!

It has already been irrefutably proven that due to low employee engagement, organizations lose huge amounts of money, which are not comparable in size to the costs of quality personnel management.

According to Gallup research, even in such a disciplined country as Germany, only 15% of enterprise employees are interested in their work and are satisfied with it, which causes enormous damage due to low productivity, frequent changes of employees' jobs and, surprisingly, absenteeism. Thus, by introducing a competency-based approach in the field of personnel management, you can not only improve the psychological climate and retain talented employees, but also reduce the financial costs of the organization, increasing profits several times!

3.3 The proposed model for assessing the professional competence of the head of an educational institution

Based on the use of the specified criteria, indicators and tools, the following levels of professional competence of the head of an educational institution can be distinguished:

) Need-motivational;

) Operational and technical;

) Reflexive-evaluative.

Approach T.G.Brazhe /34/. I consider it advisable to use the approach proposed by T.G. to assess the competence of the head of an educational institution of the FGSUVU. Braje /34/. The developed criteria for assessing the professional competence of a leader are similar to the criteria for the professional competence of a teacher. This approach forms the basis for diagnosing the professional activity of the head of an educational institution during certification for the highest category.

Based on the analysis of the content and structure of the concept of “professional competence of the head of an educational institution”, various approaches to assessing the professional competence of a leader, I propose a model for assessing the professional competence of the head of an educational institution, which is most acceptable in the system of advanced training. This model is based on a synthesis of the approach proposed by I.V. Grishina /24/, and indicators of professional competence used to assess the level of professional competence of the head of an educational institution during certification.

Professional competence of a manager

Criteria - qualifications, resource efficiency, socio-psychological efficiency, technological efficiency.

Let's consider these criteria in more detail:

) Qualification.

Key indicators - knowledge:

types of educational institutions, their place and role in the system of lifelong education, requirements for the results of their activities;

fundamentals of economics of education;

regulatory and legal framework for the functioning and development of the education system;

theoretical foundations of management, leading management schools and concepts, features of management in the field of education;

principles of analysis and construction of educational systems and methods of planning their activities;

systems and methods of material and moral incentives for workers;

effective team leadership styles.

modern methods of monitoring educational, financial and economic activities and office work in an institution;

requirements for record keeping in an educational institution.






Business (role-playing) game

Self-esteem (self-diagnosis, self-analysis)

Practice-oriented project

Diagnosis of professional activity


Generalization of experience

Expertise (expert opinion)

) Resource efficiency - the degree of feasibility of using and developing all school resources: personnel, material, financial

Basic indicators:

A) Teachers’ realization of their professional interests and capabilities:

assessment of the development of creative activity of teachers

assessment of innovations and innovations

assessment of teachers’ fulfillment of development and self-expression needs

B) Rational organization of work at school:

assessment of the rationality of the school work schedule (based on a survey)

IN) Rational use school equipment, facilities, personnel:

Assessment of the use of teachers in accordance with their professional education profile;

The state of the educational and material (material and technical) base of the institution (availability, use, development)

) Socio-psychological effectiveness - the degree of influence of management activities on the school community

Basic indicators:

A) Satisfaction of teachers and students of the school:

assessment of the degree of satisfaction of teachers and school students (with their work and studies)

B) Social and psychological climate:

assessment of the level of socio-psychological climate at school

C) Motivation of school staff members for quality work:

assessment of motives for work behavior of school team members

) Technological efficiency - the level of implementation of the main management functions: information and analytical, motivational and target, planning and forecasting, organizational and executive, control and diagnostic, regulatory

Basic indicators:

A) Compliance of the management structure with the goals of the school:

assessing the compliance of the management structure with the goals of the school;

B) Rational distribution of time by the head of the school:

assessment of the rationality of time allocation by the school leader

C) Rationality of management technology:

assessment of the manager’s preparedness to perform management functions and the degree of their implementation (based on qualification characteristics)

D) The leader’s ability to manage and develop the school:

Assessing the leader’s ability to manage school development;

the ability to analyze the activities of an educational institution, identify the most significant problems and find effective ways to solve them;

develop normative and organizational documentation of an educational institution (agreements, charters, rules);

ability to plan and organize control over the activities of the institution.

3.4 Analysis and assessment of the quality of the diagnostic tools used

The quality assessment of the diagnostic tools used was carried out using the following types of control procedures:

) input diagnostics;

) current diagnostics;

) final diagnostics, including: diagnostic and training methods; practice-oriented projects.

Control and measurement procedures (CIP) have the following objectives:

A) input diagnostics - obtaining information that makes it possible to differentiate managers and teachers in the possession of professionally significant qualities (in order to determine the validity of claims for the declared category); obtaining information that allows you to adjust the methodology of conducting classes taking into account the interests and needs of students; obtaining information that allows students to conduct self-diagnosis of the level of professional competence; testing of control and measurement procedures.

B) current diagnostics - tracking intermediate results and the effectiveness of the course preparation process, identifying problems and difficulties of students, on this basis - adjusting the content and forms of training.

C) final control - assessing the success of students in completing course training programs and determining the degree of compliance of their professional competence with the declared category (for those certified for the category).

Input diagnostics are carried out at basic advanced training courses (KBPC), at courses on problems and at retraining courses for heads of educational institutions.

Input diagnostics at the KBPC are effective, which are carried out in the form of incoming control and subsequent interviews.

The content of KIMs (testing and measuring materials) includes the main issues of the Minimum Content of General Education in individual subjects. When organizing testing, as a rule, the time required to complete tasks is reduced compared to the established standards for students. This toolkit quite objectively allows us to assess the teacher’s mastery of the subject content at a basic level.

CMMs consist of three blocks (parts). In the first block (Part A), each question is accompanied by answers, one of which is correct. In the second block (Part B), each question is given six answers, several of which may be correct. In the third block (Part C), each question must be answered in writing.

In the first block, the listener receives 1 point for each correct answer, in the second block, each correct answer is scored 2 points, in the third block - 7 points.

When developing KIMs (testing and measuring materials) for KBPC (basic advanced training courses) for managers of NPO institutions (Primary Vocational Education), materials developed by employees of the IRPO MO RF (Institute for the Development of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation), departments of E&E, (Economics) are used and Organization Management), pedagogy and psychology, theories and methods of vocational education and teaching and learning complexes (educational and methodological complexes) of vocational education.

In accordance with the specification of CMMs for managers, the input diagnostics also consists of three blocks (parts), the first of which (Part A) is a multiple-choice test, the second (Part B) is a short-answer task (filling in missing words in sentences), the third (part C) - tasks in the form of answers to questions, performed in the style of free reasoning on a given topic (free detailed answer).

One of the positive aspects of conducting entrance diagnostics is that the entrance control is accompanied by an interview (individually with each listener). During the interview, the reasons for possible difficulties discovered during the implementation of CMMs are clarified.

Differentiation is carried out based on the results of generalization of the results of the entrance control and subsequent interview. Usually there are three conditional groups of listeners:

) have serious gaps in knowledge;

) having sufficient knowledge and skills;

) who have demonstrated a high level of professional competence (including the number of those who apply for the highest category is determined separately).

Differentiation of learning is achieved through “access” to individual educational routes for students, taking into account the results of entrance diagnostics.

A special feature of conducting entrance diagnostics at the KBPK of heads of educational institutions is its integrated nature. The entrance diagnostics includes 40 questions on the following blocks of disciplines: management, economics, law, pedagogy, psychology. The entrance diagnostic questions are aimed at determining the student’s level of preparedness for management activities and the validity of their claims to the first or highest qualification categories. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Diagnostics allows you to determine 3 levels of a manager’s preparedness for management activities: high - more than 80% of correct answers (32 points or more); average - from 60 to 80% correct answers (from 24 to 32 points); short - less than 60% correct answers (up to 24 points). The specified diagnostics are supplemented by input subject diagnostics in individual disciplines. The question of the advisability of using a combination of integrated and subject diagnostics remains open and requires discussion and appropriate decision-making. The need to improve the diagnostic tools used is undeniable.

Current control is used during course preparation and includes assessment of students’ performance of tasks for independent work, their performances in practical classes, etc.

Within the framework of the KBPC, the final control, understood in this way, includes control and measurement procedures that are mandatory for all students (regardless of certification for any category):

a) presentation of the “business card” of your educational institution;

b) development of CMMs by profession, subject;

c) conceptual and terminological dictation;

d) an exam in the form of a seminar - a regulated discussion.

Positive experience in using innovative forms of current diagnostics is available at the Department of E&D (in the economic block). Of particular note is the methodological support of control and measurement procedures. For example, the following forms of current diagnostics are used:

essay writing .

Carrying out a practice-oriented task (mini-project).

The goals that are set when performing this practice-oriented lesson:

identification, analysis, generalization and dissemination of positive experience in the economic activities of the institution;

development of high-quality materials on organizational, economic and managerial issues of the work of an educational institution;

identification and support of progressive economic mechanisms for the life of educational institutions.

Objectives of the practice-oriented lesson:

develop (describe) an effective method (technology) of an institution’s activities to attract extra-budgetary funds;

carry out an examination together with the teacher of the methods (technologies) presented for consideration of attracting extra-budgetary funds, assess their legal validity, economic efficiency and social and pedagogical feasibility;

conduct a full group discussion;

After discussion, make adjustments and recommendations to the proposed technologies if necessary.

Materials are assessed based on the results of an examination of the legal, economic and other characteristics of methods (technologies) for attracting extra-budgetary funds. Best works are determined on the basis of qualification selection depending on the quality, volume and depth of elaboration of the submitted materials. Preference in the assessment is given to materials containing a description of specific practices that have confirmed their sustainability and effectiveness in the actual activities of educational institutions.


The data available in the first chapter indicate that at present there is no unified approach to defining the concept of “professional competence”.

It is difficult to resolve the issue of diagnosing an increase in the level of professional competence in the process of improving the qualifications of a teacher in the system of additional professional education. Almost all researchers note that the difficulties of measurement are due to the fact that it remains unclear how the necessary changes should be determined and to what extent they will be directly related to the specific impact during the course preparation period.

Researchers believe that the assessment of professional competence is carried out by comparing the results obtained with any norms, average values, as well as by comparing them with the results of previous diagnoses in order to identify the nature of progress in the development and professional growth of the teacher and leader. The educational process of implementing short- and medium-term (from 72 to 144 hours) educational programs for advanced training is unique, since it is aimed, as a rule, at solving pressing problems that arise in pedagogical practice. Therefore, to carry out diagnostics, it is necessary to have indicators characterizing the level of professional competence of students before and after mastering the relevant educational program.

The quality of learning outcomes in the process of professional retraining with a volume of more than 500 classroom hours is assessed by the degree of compliance with state educational standards.

Since there is no unambiguous definition of the concept of “professional competence” and there is no generally accepted model for assessing the quality of educational results in the system of additional professional education, the need arose to determine one’s position. It seems to us that the most reasonable definition of the concept of “professional competence” was proposed by T.G. Brazhe /34/.

Based this definition The main parameters of professional competence to be assessed can be identified:

  • motivational-value;
  • cognitive-activity;
  • emotional-processual.

Based on the analysis carried out in the second chapter, the content and structure of the concept of “professional competence of the head of an educational institution”, various approaches to assessing the professional competence of a leader, I propose a model for assessing the professional competence of the head of an educational institution, which is most acceptable in the system of advanced training. This model is based on a synthesis of the approach proposed by I.V. Grishina /24/, and indicators of professional competence used to assess the level of professional competence of the head of an educational institution during certification.

Professional competence of a manager

Criterion - qualification; indicators:

) Knowledge:

Strategies for the development of education in Russia and principles of educational policy;

2) Resource efficiency is the degree of feasibility of using and developing all school resources: personnel, material, financial.

) Socio-psychological effectiveness - the degree of influence of management activities on the school community.

) Technological efficiency - the level of implementation of the main management functions: information and analytical, motivational and target, planning and forecasting, organizational and executive, control and diagnostic, regulatory.

As a result of studying the quality of diagnostic tools and the results of measuring changes in the professional competence of teachers and heads of educational institutions, carried out in the third chapter, the following contradictions were identified:

between the need to manage the quality of the organization and the effectiveness of training within the framework of course training , and an insufficiently complete, operationalized and reliable system for monitoring the effects of course training.

between the attitude towards professional competence and the lack of willingness of employees to use this concept to assess the success of working with students.

between the increase in introduced and newly created control and measurement materials and control and measurement procedures and insufficient methodological, educational and scientific elaboration of these issues, which hinders the systematic use and dissemination of this positive experience.

To overcome the noted contradictions, I believe it is necessary:

1) Define as priority direction work to ensure the quality of additional pedagogical education by improving all types of activities aimed at maintaining the professional competence of employees of the regional education system, creating, testing and implementing a system for monitoring the quality of additional professional education.

To do this, you need to work on:

Improving software, methodological and technological support for advanced training of education workers, taking into account the criteria and indicators of their professional competence. For this:

analyze the content of the curriculum and teaching technology from the point of view of compliance with the criteria of professional competence of teaching and management personnel of the education system.

adjust the content of training programs and teaching technologies accordingly.

conduct an examination of the developed programs.

development and improvement of diagnostic tools to obtain information about the immediate results of changes in the professional competence of teaching and management personnel. For this:

adjust such control and measurement procedures as the implementation of diagnostic and training techniques, practice-oriented projects, exams, interviews, tests, essays, dictations.

development and approval of the procedure for conducting the examination of diagnostic instruments;

clarifying the criteria and indicators of a sociological study of the quality of additional vocational education to obtain information about the indirect results of changes in the professional competence of teaching and management personnel;

development of formalized indicators; methods for collecting, processing, storing, distributing and using information on the results of measuring professional competence; creation of an information system for monitoring the quality of additional education;

) Plan events to discuss the results of implementing the decisions of this Academic Council, staff meetings; meetings with vice-rectors; department meetings; industrial training.

List of sources used

1. Petrovskaya L. A., Rastyannikov P. V. Diagnostics and development of competence in communication, - M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2000.

2. Zimnyaya I. A. Key competencies - a new paradigm for educational results, Higher education today, 2009 - No. 5

Ogarev E.I. Competency of education: social aspect. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house. RAO Job, 2005. - 170 p.

Choshanov, M. Flexible technology of problem-modular learning [Text] / M. Choshanova. - M.: Nar. education, 2004. - 157 p.

5.Richard E. Boyatzis The competent manager<#"justify">APPENDIX A

Misconceptions and countermetaphors to them

Pedagogical mythologemMetaphor-countersupportA teacher can re-educate a studentA teacher can create conditions for this. A. Bikeeva There are two opinions - the teacher’s opinion and the wrong one. I do not agree with any of the words that you say, but I am ready to give my life for your right to say them. VoltaireThe task of a teacher is to teach, demand, insist. The young men, pondering how to live, asked the old man: “Is it possible to immediately distinguish a smart person from a fool?” The old man said, looking up: “I can easily distinguish them: The smart one learns all his life, the Fool teaches all his life.” P. Zheleznov Children should not behave noisily. You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. J. J. Rousseau Students should not argue with the teacher. A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival. V.G. BelinskyThe function of a teacher is transmission of knowledge. A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it. A. Disterweg It is not a shame and harm not to know No one can know everything, but it is a shame and harm to pretend that you know what you do not know. L. Tolstoy Little things in the behavior of students can be neglected. Don’t be able to distinguish the big from the little things. A sign of a good teacher’s work is the absolute absence of conflict. Conflict-free is the opposite of conflict. Nowadays it is impossible to become a good teacher. It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness. APPENDIX B

Characteristics of the professional competence of a college graduate

The professional competence of a teacher is a complex individual psychological education based on the integration of experience, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and significant personal qualities. At the same time, pedagogical professionalism is associated with a high level of self-realization of individual characteristics, with an individual handwriting, an individual style of activity.

Components Indicators of the graduate's qualification level Professionalism Ability to analyze; actively use the acquired knowledge in professional activities; draw conclusions based on an analysis of your own successes and failures; willingness to use a variety of techniques, methods and means of organizing professional activities. Initiative Independent choice of a training profile, including professional practice, focus on mastering the values ​​of education. Creativity Desire for professional creativity, dedication, the ability to adequately select and use methods, forms and means to achieve the goals and objectives of education , focus on transformative activity and reflection, on self-control. Adaptability Preparedness to quickly change the direction and motivation of professional activity depending on changes in the social situation. Dynamism Knowledge of the evolution of theories and concepts, understanding of the need and specific content of changes depending on changes in the situation. Research competence Mastery of scientific methods -research activities. Positional certainty Manifestation of personal functions in educational and real professional activities, communication skills on the value-semantic, empathy level, adequate self-esteem. Mobility Breadth of cognitive interests, the ability to refuse an erroneous decision, the ability to find alternatives for solving a problem and making the optimal choice. APPENDIX B

Diagnostics from the study of communication abilities of college students (30 people)

Level2 course4 course1.High level 2.Medium level 3.Low level26% 40% 34%46% 34% 20%

The level of communication abilities increases from course to course due to educational and practical activities.


Organizational structure management.


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Sukhanova I.M.
"Sales Management", May 2007.

Before we talk about the competencies of a sales manager, we need to understand what a competency is.

So, the classic definition: competence - (from the Latin competo - I achieve; I comply, I approach). It has several meanings: 1) the range of powers granted by law, charter or other act to a specific body or official; 2) Knowledge, experience in a particular area.

The following definition is important for our understanding: competence- this is the personal ability of a specialist to solve a certain class of professional problems. Also, by competence we will understand the formally described requirements for the personal, professional and other qualities of the head of the sales department.

Set of competencies; the presence of knowledge and experience necessary for effective activity in a given subject area is called competence.

Competencies can be divided into:

corporate competencies - necessary for everyone company employees,

managerial competencies - necessary for company managers (all or only a certain level),

special (specific) competencies required only by a certain category of employees ( for example: sales managers).

Let us give an example of the corporate competencies of one of the companies engaged in the wholesale trade of equipment. Regardless of their position, each employee of this company must have the following competencies:

Mastering and using new knowledge and skills, i.e. not only constant study, but also the use in work of new knowledge, skills, one’s own and others’ experience obtained as a result of such study;

Effective interaction and cooperation, i.e. the ability to successfully work together with other members of the organization, to achieve coordinated actions to achieve the company’s goals;

Focus on customer needs presupposes the employee’s desire to understand and satisfy customer needs as much as possible, and to evaluate the usefulness of the actions taken in terms of additional satisfaction of customer needs. Moreover, an employee should treat his work colleagues as internal clients;

Result-oriented, i.e. the employee’s understanding of the tasks facing him and the company and the ability to systematically achieve their implementation.

As an example of managerial competencies, we offer a set of competencies for a middle manager of one of the companies that develops and sells IT solutions:

Professionalism - possession of universal knowledge and experience in at least one of the company’s areas of activity.

Organization - distribution (control) resources : the ability to provide employees with the resources and authority necessary to achieve their goals; establish the minimum necessary control; monitor the results achieved, correlating them with the established plan.

Organization – determining personal priorities and goals that correspond to the company’s objectives; reasonable distribution of working time; productive work with documents and effective resolution of administrative issues; optimal processing of information, highlighting important points without unnecessary detail; ability to work under heavy load.

Communication – the ability to “listen and hear” messages and information, conduct pre-prepared and spontaneous presentations that are appropriate to the audience and topic and ensure the achievement of the desired results.

Development of subordinates , i.e. development of relevant skills and abilities among employees in accordance with specific professional needs; setting complex professional tasks; empowering employees to take on greater responsibility. Creating an environment that encourages people to achieve and develop their own abilities; Encouraging employees to be energetic, enthusiastic, loyal, trusting and striving for excellence.

Delegation of authority those. transfer of part of the functions of a manager to a subordinate, subject to the transfer of responsibility for the assigned work.

External contacts – developing and maintaining constructive relationships with clients, suppliers, public and government representatives; showing special attention to the client, punctuality in the delivery of products and services. Representing the company in relations with external organizations, performing work with constant concern for the company's reputation.

Communication skills – ability to interact effectively with others; ability to win support at any organizational level.

Conflict Management - ability to understand multiple points of view, exercise control over stressful and crisis situations; ability to resolve conflicts and disagreements.

Constantly demonstrating and encouraging attention to quality work at all levels, both within the company and outside it; critical attitude towards mediocre results.

Achieving set goals; adoption of a system of responsibility for results and performance of work with a sense of responsibility for labor productivity.

Innovation – desire to master and apply new progressive methods of work.

Intellectual level – intelligence, ability to think logically, education.

When starting to develop a competency model for a sales manager, it makes sense to first define corporate and managerial competencies, and only then move on to developing special competencies. Special or specific competencies decipher the concept of “Professionalism” for a specific position of the head of the sales department. We will return to this type of competencies a little later, but now we will take a closer look at the managerial competencies of the head of the sales department.

It is managerial competencies that come first for the head of the sales department and ensure his effectiveness. True, often the head of the sales department forgets that he is a manager and his main task is to manage the department, and is overly carried away by personal sales. Moreover, for a better understanding of the essence of management activities, it makes sense for the head of the sales department to imagine the entire possible range of managerial competencies. The list of these competencies is quite large, so in a real document, the so-called “portrait of competencies,” you need to include not all of them, but only the most important ones for a specific position in a specific organization. This is done in order to make such a document a real working tool, since too large a list of competencies is both perceived and difficult to evaluate.

So, managerial competencies can be divided into five groups:

1) Competencies necessary to perform the role of a manager.

2) Competencies that characterize a high level of intelligence.

3) Competencies necessary to increase the efficiency of work (your own and your subordinates).

4) Competencies that determine the manager’s own development.

5) Competencies that determine

Let's start with the competencies required to fulfill the role of a leader. These include:

1. Leadership, that is, the ability to achieve outstanding results through people.

2. Management as achieving outstanding results through effective management of resources, systems and processes.

3. Employee development (mentoring, ).

Note that sometimes the concepts of “leadership” and “management” are perceived as synonyms. This is not entirely true. Thanks to leadership, a leader leads people, inspires them, and lights them up with an idea. He may not pay much attention to how rationally the work of his employees is organized, but he will not ignore despondency and loss of enthusiasm. On the other hand, managerial qualities allow the manager to manage work processes, ensuring their rationality, thoughtfulness, and coordination.

In one company, we observed a striking example of the development of leadership qualities in one head of the sales department and the development of managerial qualities in another. The company had two sales departments divided according to product principles. One department sold one product, another department sold another. The head of the first department often spontaneously gathered his managers and enthusiastically described to them the prospects for the company's work, showing them the exciting horizons of ever-new victories. He also often held personal conversations and encouraged employees. True, he left the specific steps (what and how to do) to their discretion. He believed that the main thing is the desire to achieve results, and what and how to do is a second question. Managers often made mistakes and worked very chaotically, but with enthusiasm, thanks to which they managed to fulfill the plan, although they often had to redo the work. The head of another department, on the contrary, assembled planning meetings strictly according to schedule, gave clear tasks, provided the necessary resources to solve the assigned tasks, controlled execution, and helped with solutions complex tasks. But I didn’t consider it necessary to say anything about the necessity of the work they were doing. He believed that this was already clear, so why waste time on it. As a result, his subordinates worked quite smoothly, achieved good results, but did not strive for special achievements and treated work as an inevitable necessity. It is obvious that both managers had reserves for development, one of managerial qualities, the other of leadership qualities.

Now let’s look at the competencies that characterize a manager’s high level of intelligence.

This is, firstly, such competence as "Problem Analysis and Solving", that is, achieving mutually acceptable solutions through identifying problems, reaching out to affected parties, developing multiple solutions, and resolving conflicts.

The second competency is "Goal Orientation" or focusing aspirations on achieving a goal, mission, or task.

Third competency – « Making decisions», Why is it important to choose the best sequence of actions based on an analysis of the situation.

And finally, the fourth competence - "Creativity or Innovation". This competency is characterized by the adaptation of traditional or development of new approaches, concepts, methods, models, images, processes, technologies and systems.

Sales managers often have to deal with problems that do not have a clear solution. It is in such cases that the competencies of this group are required.

For example, a department head learns that his manager and a client’s employee are conducting dubious transactions involving another, third company. Moreover, we are talking not only about kickbacks, but also about actions that, if they are made public, will damage the reputations of both companies, and will also affect the moral climate in the team. The leader must consider the situation from all sides and determine what possible courses of action are possible and what consequences they may lead to. Simply dismissing an unscrupulous manager will not solve the problem, since there is also an employee of the client whose actions were no better than the manager’s actions. And you can’t just fire him. In addition, it is necessary to deal with the third company, recovering damages from it. The manager must understand that he has to solve several problems at once in this situation: not only to stop the fraud and compensate for the damage to his company, but also to prevent the possibility of their recurrence in the future, and, most importantly, to preserve the reputation of both companies. Conventional actions are not suitable in such a situation, so the manager will have to approach the issue creatively and find an unconventional way to resolve the situation.

Very important for a manager are the competencies necessary to improve work efficiency. These include competencies such as “Planning” and “Personal Effectiveness”.

Planning -Systems approach to activities, self-study and action in accordance with the developed plan.

This competency, according to our observations, is the most typical “growth point” for many sales managers. Many of them have great difficulty not only with drawing up an objective and fact-based plan, but also with its subsequent implementation.

The head of the sales department of a large company grew up as a salesperson and had over 15 years of sales experience. He remembered very well the times when no one planned anything, but, nevertheless, sales grew at enormous speed. Then sales began to fall, and the company’s management began to demand that he, already the head of the sales department, draw up a plan and comply with it. He resisted this as best he could: how can you plan something in our lives, he said, because you don’t know what awaits you tomorrow. But the management insisted, and there was nowhere to go. I had to make plans. But he did this solely for show and forgot about the plan the moment he handed it over to management. Naturally, with such an attitude, he did not look into the plan until the moment when it was necessary to write a report, did not control its implementation among his subordinates and did not take any actions to achieve it. The subordinates, seeing the manager’s attitude, treated planning accordingly and worked as they had to, and some simply according to their mood: if it goes well, I’ll sell, but if it doesn’t work out, there’s no point in straining yourself, you have to wait it out.

The “Personal Efficiency” competency combines the following characteristics:

No less important for a leader’s activities is his own development. And here we can consider competencies that unite the manager’s desire for his own development, namely: “Continuous learning” and “Flexibility”.

The “continuous learning” competency is very important for the head of the sales department, but quite often we observe in them the so-called “stalled self-development.” In other words, a person who has reached the level of head of the sales department has already really achieved a lot professionally and at some point begins to believe that he already knows everything and can do everything. But life does not stand still. As you know, knowledge in the modern world becomes outdated very quickly. Just 10–15 years ago, knowledge became outdated every five years. Those. a specialist, if he wanted to maintain his qualifications at a high level, had to undergo training at least every five years. Today, knowledge becomes outdated every 2-3 years.

The insufficient level of development of the “continuous learning” competence is very clearly manifested in the process of various trainings, when participants, instead of perceiving new information and thinking about how it can be used in their work, declare: “but that’s not how it is with us.” This closeness to new knowledge or simply approaches leads to the fact that a specialist develops professional templates. And this in turn leads to inflexibility.

“Flexibility” as a managerial competency of the head of the sales department is especially important in the context of innovation in the company. If a leader is inflexible, it will be very difficult for him not only to understand the meaning of change, but also to choose adequate methods of behavior depending on the situation. Flexibility also implies the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another, constantly keep all the diverse affairs of the department in focus, and not forget or lose sight of details.

I would like to pay special attention to the last group of competencies – customer orientation. In this case, the client refers to both the company’s external clients and its own employees, who are internal clients. Competence "Customer Focus"- is foresight, meeting the needs, desires and expectations of the client.

However, customer focus should not be confused with an obsequious attitude towards him and a desire to please in everything, which not only does not lead to partnership and cooperation, but can have a detrimental effect on the business as a whole.

The head of the sales department of a manufacturing and trading company understood customer orientation in a very unique way. After taking office, the first thing he did was replace standard contract with a client in which prepayment was provided for an agreement with a deferred payment of 30 days. Naturally, the clients were only happy about this. But if earlier, when starting to discuss a contract, the bargaining process began with an advance payment, now the same bargaining began from 30 days. As a result, the average deferred payment for the company increased from 15 days to 45. This was, of course, beneficial for clients, but the company suffered significant losses.

That is why an understanding of customer orientation must take into account that one’s own company should not suffer significant losses as a result of this orientation. It is important to find common ground and mutually beneficial solutions, then cooperation will be stronger.

Actually, after this competency, we can say that for the head of the sales department it can serve as some kind of “bridge” between managerial and special (specific) competencies.

To understand the latter, you need to have a very clear idea of ​​what functions, in addition to management, the head of the sales department will perform.

IN general view The following competencies are required:

Knowledge of marketing fundamentals (positioning, segmentation, assortment policy, pricing, sales channels, sales promotion)

Ability to plan sales in general and for various reasons (in terms of customer groups, assortment groups, sales territories, payment terms);

Ability to prepare package offers for various groups clients;

Ability to manage accounts receivable;

Ability to form an optimal and balanced warehouse;

Ability to organize and control activities to develop the client base;

Ability to optimize the client base based on a new (or adjusted) marketing strategy;

Skill in forming the company’s pricing and assortment policy;

Skills in contractual work and document preparation;

Analytical skills (analysis of sales, financial indicators and promotion activities; analysis of market conditions; analysis of the customer base);

Skills in carrying out campaigns to promote priority or “stuck” products.

Negotiation skills and conflict resolution with clients;

Knowledge (at the level of an experienced user) of software such as 1C, Infin, the Bank-Client system, Consultant-Plus, etc.

If the head of the sales department works with key clients, then his special competencies may also include the following competencies:

Knowledge of the company's product line.

Ability to present any product (service).

Ability to work with customer objections.

Understanding the competitive advantages of products (services), company, personnel.

Skills in maintaining long-term relationships with clients.

Work with clients on overdue accounts receivable.

Knowledge of the norms and rules of document flow in the company, storage of confidential information and others.

As an example, let’s look at the specific competencies of the head of the sales department of one of the companies.

“Portrait of competencies” (excluding corporate and managerial ones).

The head of the sales department must have practical experience (at least 3 years) in the following areas:

1. Work with the company’s clients:

• search and development of potential clients in the main areas of the Company’s activities;

• business correspondence;

• preparing and conducting business meetings;

• maintaining contact with clients after completion of work.

2. Working with documents:

• preparation of documentation and submission of applications for participation in tenders;

• registration of contracts and preparation of contracts;

• working with accounts;

• working with confidential information, its registration, recording and storage;

• maintaining sales records;

• analytical work with archival documents (successful and failed contracts, reasons for failure, etc.).

3. Organization of work to fulfill customer orders:

• organizing the implementation of the entire range of work on existing projects in production;

• dispatching the movement of goods and maintaining a database of customers;

• selection of complex project co-executors and organization of interaction with them;

• procurement management.

If your organization has implemented (or is implementing) a quality system, the head of the sales department must have the following specific competencies:

skill in describing the sales business process;

know the requirements of a quality standard (for example, ISO);

have experience in implementing CRM or other sales management systems.

The head of the sales department may need knowledge of the basics of marketing, market research, knowledge of regional sales markets, lobbying skills, experience in building sales networks, experience in opening representative offices, branches and warehouses, and much more.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that it is no coincidence that these competencies are called special or even specific: they directly reflect the specifics of the business and the requirements of a particular company for the same position. As we have already said, these competencies are included in the concept of “Professionalism”.

What opportunities open up for us with a clear understanding of the competencies of the head of the sales department?

Firstly, this will allow the head of the organization, commercial unit or HR department to evaluate candidates for this position using uniform criteria.

Secondly, this will create an understanding of the “effective employee” and will help determine the criteria for successful performance of work. For the employee himself, this will help in identifying his strengths and weaknesses and will identify the basic needs for development and training.

Thirdly, we will be able to make objective decisions regarding the promotion of employees and their development within the company.

Are there situations when you can work calmly without building competency models? Yes. In the case when a company is at the very beginning of its development, it is sometimes formed on a “family-friendly” principle, when there is no clear division by position and all employees are almost completely interchangeable. At this stage of the organization’s formation, it is too early to talk about competencies as some kind of management tool. However, when analyzing the best experience of employees and effective work methods, already at this organizational stage it is necessary to talk about the foundation for describing corporate competencies, and over time, managerial and special ones.

Now let's dwell on the question: “How can we assess the presence of certain competencies?” Assessment methods here can be: interviews, professional testing, ranking, assessment using the 360-degree method and, as the most comprehensive method, an assessment center (Assessment Center). However, if we are talking about the simplicity of the assessment, its acceptability, profitability and at the same time the correctness of its results, then we can talk about the following methods.

The most cost-effective tool in the situation of selecting candidates for a position, as experience shows, is a behavioral interview. It approaches the center of assessment in terms of correctness, while requiring one to two hours instead of one to two days, it is easier to carry out, it is less expensive and acceptable to sales managers with a different set of required competencies. As part of such an interview, you ask questions and ask to describe the applicant’s behavior in a particular situation that would correspond to the competence you are interested in.

For example, we are interested in the “Customer Focus” competency. We can ask the candidate questions like: “Tell me about your relationships with clients.” “Describe your behavior in a situation where the client had large accounts receivable.” “How did you act in a situation when a client approached you with a complaint about the behavior of your subordinates.”

In the situation of conducting an assessment or certification (for example, to nominate candidates for the position of head of the sales department) in a company, the most optimal method would be either a simple ranking of employees by competencies, or a “360 degree” assessment. This will be an assessment of a company employee based on data about his actions in real work situations and the business qualities he has demonstrated. It is based on a person's visible behavior. The employee’s competencies, professional and personal qualities are assessed. The information will be presented in the form of a rating, ranked according to various indicators (competencies). In the case of an assessment using the 360-degree method, data is obtained by questioning the employee himself, his immediate supervisor, colleagues, and in some cases, clients of the person being assessed.

Let's consider an example of assessing several employees applying for the position of head of the sales department. During the assessment, it was managerial competencies that were important, since each of the employees proved to be a good seller. For each of the managerial competencies they scored the following average scores*:

*Rating scale from 1 to 5, where:

1 - the best indicator, competence is developed

5 – worst indicator – competence is not developed

Average results for 360 degree assessment.






Analysis and problem solving

Goal orientation

Making decisions



Personal effectiveness

Continuous learning


Customer service

From the table, it is clear that there are two applicants for the position of head of the sales department - Ivanov and Petrov. To make the final choice, you need to determine the priority of each competency for this position in this particular company. If the organization is hierarchical, with prescribed regulations, then Petrov may be the most effective. If the company is innovative, striving for development, with democratic relationships, then Ivanov will be a more interesting candidate for the position of head of the sales department.

So, we looked at the options for corporate, managerial and special competencies of the head of the sales department. We touched upon the issue of methods for assessing competencies in various situations. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that it makes sense for each company to develop its own unique (albeit based on general knowledge and approaches) model of competencies for the head of the sales department. This approach will allow you to “tailor” this tool to the specific needs of the company and make it actually work.

Annex 1.

Appendix (box)

Description of managerial competencies of the head of the sales department

Able to manage others to achieve results


Achieving outstanding results through people.

Inspiring others with your views

Taking risks for the sake of principles, values ​​or goals

Building trusting relationships through demonstrating compliance between words and deeds

Showing optimism and positive expectations from others

Involving people in decisions that will affect them

Accurate, honest and meaningful work with issues related to employee evaluation

Adapting methods and approaches to the needs and motivations of other people

Making decisions to avoid or minimize negative consequences for people

Demonstration of loyalty to subordinates


Achieving outstanding results through effective management of resources, systems and processes.

Taking risks to achieve goals, results and tasks

Setting high development standards

Keeping people subordinate and focusing on priority goals and objectives

Identifying obstacles to achieving goals and overcoming them

Clear task setting

Delegation of appropriate responsibilities and authorities

Ensuring that available resources are sufficient to achieve goals

Monitoring the implementation of set goals and objectives

Making decisions that give practical result or income

Employee development/mentoring

Helping and supporting the professional growth of others

Expressing confidence in the success of others

Determining the development needs of each employee

Support for initiative and improvement in work

Providing training opportunities

Providing opportunities to work on a new, difficult or ambitious task

Recognition and support of successes

Training, mentoring and mentoring for the development of others

Treating failure as a learning opportunity

Sincere desire to support, develop others and provide professional assistance

Open desire to share your knowledge and successful experience

Has a high level of intelligence, is able to determine the right direction

Analysis and problem solving

Reaching mutually acceptable solutions through identifying problems, reaching out to affected parties, developing multiple solutions, and resolving conflicts.

Listening and discussing options with clients, employees, colleagues to resolve problems

Clearly identifying problems and difficulties and initiating open, objective discussion

Obtaining explanatory information to develop justified decisions or recommendations for action

Identifying and comparing alternatives, assessing benefits and risks, anticipating the consequences of decisions

Search for nonverbal indicators of unresolved conflicts or problems

Anticipating potential problems or crisis situations and taking the necessary actions to avoid such situations

Identifying sources of conflict and finding solutions that will satisfy the interests of all parties

Understanding and applying a variety of conflict resolution techniques

Separating yourself from the problem to be objective and develop satisfying solutions

Goal orientation

Focusing aspirations on achieving a goal, mission or task.

No need for instructions when achieving a goal

Compliance established deadlines to achieve the goal

Identifying opportunities to achieve goals faster/more efficiently

Setting ambitious goals and striving to achieve them

Development and implementation of optimal strategies to achieve goals

Measuring effectiveness and assessing effectiveness to understand the extent to which results have been achieved

Understanding the urgency in pursuing a goal

Demonstration of perseverance in overcoming difficulties in achieving the goal

Taking calculated risks to achieve results

Making decisions

Selecting the best sequence of actions based on an analysis of the situation.

Making impartial decisions based on facts and laws

Assumption of quantitative assessment of decisions, actions and results

Understanding the impact of decisions on the organization and their consequences

Explanation of rational reasons for making decisions

Demonstration of consistency in decision making

Involving others in the decision-making process to gain differing opinions and experience

Making timely decisions in difficult stressful conditions


Adaptation of traditional or development of new approaches, concepts, methods, models, images, processes, technologies and/or systems.

Identifying unique patterns, processes, systems or relationships

Presence of non-traditional views, use of new approaches

Simplification of data, ideas, models, processes or systems

Challenging established theories, methods and procedures

Support and promote creativity/innovation

Changing existing concepts, methods, models, schemes, processes, technologies and systems

Development and application of new theories to explain and resolve difficult situations

Application of not accepted theories and/or methods

Development of new revolutionary concepts, methods, models, schemes, processes, technologies, systems, products, services, production.

Takes actions aimed at improving his work


A systematic approach to activities – independent preparation and action in accordance with the developed plan.

Development of competitive and realistic plans based on strategic goals

Acting on future needs and taking advantage of possible benefits

Preparedness for unforeseen circumstances

Assessing the required resources and the ability to ensure their availability at the right time

Balance between daily needs and planned activities

Monitoring plans and adjusting them as necessary

Organization of a logical and clear order, actions performed impeccably

Effective use of time

Personal effectiveness

Demonstration of initiative, self-confidence, self-assertion and willingness to take responsibility for one's actions.

Possessing strong confidence and belief in one’s own capabilities

Showing initiative and taking all possible actions to achieve the goal

Radiating self-confidence

Returning to errors for analysis and correction

Recognizing mistakes and working to prevent them

Taking personal responsibility for achieving personal and professional goals

Effective actions and achieving goals even in difficult conditions

Strives for personal development

Continuous learning

Initiative in learning, application of new concepts, technologies and/or methods.

Enthusiasm and interest in learning

Initiative in acquiring and developing the skills and knowledge necessary for the position of head of the sales department

Mastering all new information through reading and other learning methods

Active interest in new technologies, processes and methods

Accepting or seeking new vacancies that require new knowledge or skills

Making significant efforts/incurring costs for training

Sincere pleasure from learning

Determining places for practical application of knowledge

Image of a “source of knowledge” among others


Swiftness in adapting to change.

Quick response to changes in directions, priorities, schedules.

Demonstration of rapid adoption of new ideas, approaches and/or methods

Efficiency in switching between multiple priorities and tasks

Changing methods or strategies to best suit changing circumstances

Adapting your work style to different people

Maintaining productivity during times of transition, even in chaotic environments

Acceptance and/or maintenance of change.

Focuses on the consumer

Customer service

Foresight, satisfaction (with reserve) of the client's needs, desires and expectations.

Striving to anticipate, identify and understand the client’s wants, needs and beliefs

Understanding the priority of response to the client

Tracking client requests

Tolerance and courtesy in working with clients

Resolving problems and complaints to the satisfaction of the client

Working with the highest efficiency to satisfy the client

Creating relationships with clients

Building partnerships with clients to achieve their goals

Actions to protect the client’s needs

Taking professional risks to meet client needs

More detailed characteristics for each of the competencies are presented in the Appendix.

Mentoring is a model of professional relationships that involves a partnership between an experienced and a young teacher in the process of adapting to new conditions. The model is based on a constructivist approach to the process of cognition, which is understood as a process of constant analysis of a specialist’s personal experience and the specialist’s adaptation to an ever-changing reality, which is an integral and necessary component of professional self-improvement

Any management activity consists of a certain set of relatively permanent tasks. The scale of the tasks facing modern society sharply increases the relevance of the problem of managerial competence. Therefore, the number of competencies must correspond to the number of tasks included in the manager’s professional responsibilities.

A successful manager must have high managerial competence, that is, he must not only have a good knowledge of the professional field (production, technology, sales, etc.), but also have knowledge and skills in the field of management (Fig. 1). Only in this case can he succeed.


Competence is knowledge of a range of issues in which a person has knowledge and experience that allows him to judge something, determining the capabilities and skills of a person in any field of activity. The concept of “competence” is used to assess the level of a person’s qualifications in individual issues, problems, but not in professional activities as a whole.

A. Novikov puts the following meaning into the concepts of “professionalism” and “competence”: “When they talk about professionalism, they first of all mean a person’s mastery of technology - be it the technology of processing materials, accounting, designing machines, growing crops or construction work. Competence implies, in addition to technological training, a number of other components that are mainly non-professional or supra-professional in nature, but at the same time necessary to one degree or another for every specialist. These are, first of all, such personality qualities as independence, the ability to make responsible decisions, a creative approach to any task, the ability to bring it to the end, and the ability to constantly learn. This is flexibility of thinking, the presence of abstract, systematic and experimental thinking. This is the ability to conduct dialogue and communication skills, the ability to cooperate, etc. Above the actual professional - technological - training there grows a huge non-professional superstructure of requirements for a specialist."

Professional competencies can be divided into the following categories:

Competencies related to work and intelligence level;

Knowledge-level competencies: what needs to be learned and known;

Skill-level competencies: what a person should be able to do;

Competencies at the behavioral level: attitudes, principles, norms and values, demeanor and other qualities necessary to occupy a certain position.

Expert analysis made it possible to determine the following characteristic features of professional competencies:

1. multifunctionality (mastery of them allows you to solve various problems in everyday, professional or social life);

2. belonging to the meta-educational field (they are cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary and applicable in a variety of situations);

3. intellectual intensity (they require abstract thinking, self-reflection, self-identification, self-esteem, etc.);

4. multidimensionality (they include various mental processes: analytical, communicative, know-how, common sense, etc.).

The term “competence” can also be defined as a set of knowledge (subject “what”, procedural “how”, value-semantic “why and why”), responsibility equal to authority, and personal characteristics of a person that ensure the effectiveness of his work activity.

Competencies, in our opinion, are fundamentally different from the triad of “knowledge, abilities, skills.”

Firstly, they define larger units of analysis of professional activity (these are essential parts of a specific activity).

Secondly, they include professionally important personality traits of a manager.

The same knowledge may be included in different competencies, but at the same time they change significantly. Therefore, we can say that competence transforms existing knowledge, adapting it to a specific subject and conditions, making it inextricably linked with professional actions. The core of competence is “skills”. Their combination and interrelation forms the internal structure of competence.

M.A. Kholodnaya defines competence as a special type of organization of subject-specific knowledge that allows making effective decisions in the relevant field of activity.

V.S. Gorchakova emphasizes that competence as a thorough knowledge (which, of course, is formed through intensive practice) of any subject activity consists of two equally important components: the best adaptation to the corresponding activity and further qualitative transformation of this activity. At the same time, the author distinguishes:

1) basic reproductive competence based on the recreated;

2) creative competence, which is based on what is personally transformed (incremented or added).

In practice, three are used different meanings concepts of "competence":

First, the unique characteristics of the organization, consisting of knowledge, technology and processes that can be created and developed. Such competencies that apply to the entire organization are called core competencies. These competencies are closely related to the organizational balanced scorecard.

Secondly, the totality of knowledge, experience, skills, values, norms, and behavior patterns of an individual employee, which serves as the basis for his personal success and position in society. This individual competency is closely linked to the personal balanced scorecard.

Thirdly, the body of knowledge, skills, values, norms, and behavior patterns necessary to perform a given job. This professional competence is related to individual plan work and is included in the competency profile.

Some management textbooks highlight socio-psychological competence, which means:

1) the ability to understand oneself (which involves awareness of one’s own motives, communication capabilities, and behavioral patterns);

2) the ability to understand other people (which involves understanding the needs, motives of other people, their behavioral characteristics, and the psychological defenses used);

3) the ability to understand the relationships between people (which means the ability to adequately perceive the communication situation, the relationships that develop in the process of communication, realize one’s own influence on the communication process, understand the reasons for the difficulties that arise);

4) the ability to predict interpersonal situations (which is impossible without the development of all the abilities described above, and also requires knowledge about the obstacles to mutual understanding and the use of constructive communication techniques).

L. Iacocca once wrote about the importance of socio-psychological, or communicative, competence of managers. He attributed the fact that students with brilliant abilities became very mediocre managers to the fact that they were not sociable.

Later, the concept of social intelligence emerged as something that managers need more than general intelligence, as measured by IQ. For managers to be highly effective, it is enough to have an average level of general intelligence. The test developed by J. Guilford allows one to measure social intelligence and can be used in the selection of managers, but not for their development.

Examples of professional competencies: delegation, coaching, management, independent work, customer orientation, collaboration, interpersonal skills, organization, process orientation, proactiveness, inspiration, determination, persuasion, etc.

With the development and growth of capitalization of domestic enterprises, it becomes more and more obvious that the main character in the organization is the manager. It is he who makes many decisions every day and is responsible for the quality work of structural units. The role of the head of a modern Russian organization cannot be overestimated. Sociologists note the internal heterogeneity and inconsistency of this social group, which includes both leaders of the old formation and a new generation of managers who support market values ​​and are included in them as guidelines for the development of enterprises and the economy as a whole.

The changes that have taken place in our country place high demands on the competence of managers of a modern organization.

One can imagine the competence of a manager as a combination of three spheres of his existence in the organization: his affairs (I can - formed by professional training), his feelings (I want - formed by upbringing and organizational culture) and his thoughts (I know - formed by education). By the degree of their expression and the dominance of one or the other, one can judge the level of competence of the manager.

The head of an organization determines 80% of what the organization he heads will look like, what management technologies it will choose what kind of people will work in it and what behavioral norms will prevail. Time is running, society is changing. Today the country feels the need to search for new methods of management and professional managers, managers. Russian companies need leaders who build their relationships with the organization and employees on the principles of professionalism, cooperation, mutual respect and interest, and a clear understanding of mutual obligations.

The modern Russian manager is in conditions of constant change and uncertainty. Some tasks in his activities lose their significance and disappear altogether, others are somehow transformed, or change in some way. At the same time, new tasks appear that require even greater restructuring of professional activities. There is a need for new competencies. By conducting a specific analysis of the new tasks facing the manager, it is possible to model the competence that the manager lacks and propose a special training program.

At different stages of socio-economic development, competencies change. However, a modern Russian manager must manage tasks, resources, people, information, quality, projects and organizational changes. This is a universal competency model that can change depending on the needs of the organization (Table 1).

Table 1

Top manager competency model


Leadership level of development

Communicates high expectations to its employees. Helps employees believe in success and make every effort to achieve their plans. Creates a system for assessing achievements. Supports employees during periods of failure

Strong level of development

Sets goals at a level that is challenging but realistic. Highlights ways to evaluate your achievements. Able to be tenacious, active and selective over a long period of failure

Basic level of development

Tenacious, striving for success. Does not give up when faced with temporary setbacks. Focuses on a specific result, not a process. Initiative

Wants to succeed. Doesn't always show sufficient persistence. When faced with failures, he may lose faith in himself. Shows initiative in some cases

Competence is not developed

Doesn't try to succeed. Satisfied with the results obtained

Conflict Management

Leadership level of development

Sets the norm for a constructive attitude towards disagreements in the team. Requires employees to reach agreement among themselves without leading the situation to conflict. In the event of a conflict, acts as a competent mediator, helping the parties come to an agreement

Strong level of development

Knows how to identify the deep interests of his interlocutor. Avoids discussing stated positions, moving on to discussing deep-seated interests. Resourceful in finding new solutions that suit both parties. Able to avoid conflict even when communicating with an unconstructive employee

Basic level of development

When faced with disagreements, he looks for a compromise solution. Finds out the position of the other. Shows understanding and respect for the position of another, even when it contradicts his own. Able to change positions and be flexible in finding compromises. With the mutual will of the parties, disagreements do not lead to conflict

Competence is not sufficiently developed

Faced with disagreements, he tries to come to an agreement. At the same time, he holds on to his position. Not flexible. Refuses to understand the position of the interlocutor

Competence is not developed

Provokes colleagues to conflict. In case of disagreement, takes an unconstructive position

The most important thing for a top manager is the ability to be a leader. In addition, the manager must be a strategist, assess the potential capabilities of people, and manage organizational knowledge.

Thus, the development of professional competence and competence of a modern Russian manager involves the development and implementation of a complex of modern professional knowledge and practical skills, their application, mastery of effective social management skills and human technologies

Competencies are fundamentally different from the triad of “knowledge, abilities, skills.” Firstly, they define larger units of analysis of professional activity (these are essential parts of a specific activity). Secondly, they include professionally important personality traits of a manager. The core of competence is “skills”. Their combination and interrelation forms the internal structure of competence.

One can imagine a manager's competence as a combination of three spheres of his existence in the organization: his affairs, his feelings and his thoughts. By the degree of their expression and the dominance of one or the other, one can judge the level of competence of the manager.

Modern researchers of the competency-based approach (A.K. Markova, L.A. Stepnova, E.V. Zemtsova, A.I. Subetto) identify the following basic competencies of managers 11 Lukashenko M.A. Professional competencies of a manager

· Result-oriented, achievement-oriented. The ability to be responsible for the implementation of decisions, the ability to set new ambitious goals upon achieving previous ones. Task-oriented and relationship-oriented behavior.

· Flexibility. The ability to quickly and adequately respond to emergency situations, see and identify a problem, find ways to solve it, assemble a team for implementation, and evaluate the results.

· Ability to learn and self-learn. Learning ability, sensitivity to new methods and technologies, ability to apply new things in practice. Ability for self-analysis. Willingness to analyze your achievements and shortcomings, look at familiar things with different eyes, and wisely use other people's experience.

· Influence, ability to persuade. The ability to defend one's own opinion. Use logic when conducting constructive conversations. Mastery of influence techniques. The ability to identify and use people's motives. The ability to ask the right questions and determine the level of awareness and emotional state of the partner.

· Ability to listen to others and accept feedback. The ability to create channels of two-way communication - abstract from your opinions and thoughts, concentrate on the words of your interlocutor. Good auditory and visual memory. Mastery of different feedback methods. Ability to effectively encourage and criticize others.

· Presentation and negotiation skills. Ability to determine the goals and objectives of the presentation, the interests of the audience. Constructing an effective introduction, connecting phrases, the main part and conclusion of the presentation. Mastery of persuasion strategies and public speaking skills. Knowledge of the stages of an effective negotiation process. The ability to determine the interests of participants and choose the best alternative. Ability to discuss, propose, and conduct positional bargaining. Mastery of manipulation techniques and the ability to resist them.

· Customer focus. Knowledge of customer service policies and standards. Focus on current and future customer needs. Ability to behave correctly with different types of “difficult” clients. Ability to build partnerships with clients, ability to recognize additional opportunities and risks in relationships with clients.

· Manager competencies also include: analytical skills, creativity, organizational skills, ability to work in a team, etc.

Thus, each type of management activity has its own special competencies. The difference in the competencies of employees is due to the difference in their functional responsibilities, as well as the demand for their skills, knowledge and personal qualities necessary to perform these duties.

When considering professional competencies, most researchers distinguish between simple (basic) competencies and key competencies.

The presence or absence of the director's skills and competencies necessary for the successful performance of his job duties directly affects the competitiveness of the company he heads and its success in the market.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a competency assessment system;
  • What competencies in the work of a manager are mandatory;
  • What skills and competencies are key for a director;
  • How to create a competency model for a company director.

General and professional competencies as a criterion for employee compliance

The concept of “competence” in business practice was proposed by the American psychologist David Clarence McClelland, who published his work “Testing for Competence Rather Than Intelligence” in 1973, which became a theoretical justification for the use of this term to assess the suitability of an employee’s abilities for a position. General and professional competencies are measurable characteristics necessary for a person to successfully perform his or her job duties; in each specific case, they must be supplemented with special competencies specific to both a certain field of activity and a position. Thus, competencies are a certain set of tasks and standards for their implementation, established for a particular profession and position, facilitating the process of personnel assessment.

There are two functional approaches to defining required competencies. The British school of occupational psychology refers to them as the ability of an employee to act in accordance with established standards for performing a particular type of activity. Accordingly, each task performed by an employee has its own description and list of expected results. The American school suggests taking a personal approach as a basis, when certain personal qualities are required to perform a certain type of activity.

Any of these functional approaches can be used when defining director competencies. It is clear that increased demands are already placed on the professional and personal competencies of managers, because they are entrusted with special responsibility and, first of all, the achievement of the strategic goals set for the company depends on them. But the director, the head of the company, will be required to have additional qualities necessary for the company he leads to be successful and competitive.

What are the key competencies of a company director?

Like any other manager, to successfully perform his duties, the director of the company, in addition to education and experience, will need such professional competencies as:

  • Objective self-assessment to accurately understand what his strengths and weaknesses are;
  • The ability to adapt to ongoing changes, the desire for change in order to effectively manage in spontaneously changing market conditions, to successfully solve technological and methodological problems;
  • Business acumen, entrepreneurship - the ability to track, understand and use economic, financial, scientific and production information in the interests of business, for forecasting and analysis, to find new ways to solve strategic problems, develop new plans and directions;
  • Communication skills - the ability to communicate with various people, express your thoughts and instructions logically and intelligibly, explain and instruct subordinates, influence them;
  • Determination – the ability to clearly see goals and ways to effectively achieve them, consistent and methodical work to achieve optimal results;
  • The ability to correctly evaluate your subordinates, their abilities in order to distribute responsibilities and delegate powers, to form efficient groups;
  • Energy – high physical and mental potential necessary to perform complex tasks;
  • Ability to learn, desire to learn, learn new things;
  • The ability to quickly assess the situation and quickly make correct, informed decisions.

Separately, we can highlight those skills that are mandatory for a person running an enterprise. Key competencies of a director necessary for effective work:

  • The ability to identify, formulate and convey to employees tactical goals for each department, form a team of like-minded people and organize the implementation of a strategic goal in such a way that every employee of the company is directly interested in this;
  • Communicative competence – the ability to listen and persuade, influence the interlocutor without being influenced by his personality and experience; build an optimal structure for your personal business internal and external communications;
  • The ability to select the right employees for key positions who best meet the requirements and competencies necessary for successful business;
  • Personal and corporate time management – ​​the ability to optimally distribute and use working time, structure the work performed taking into account priorities;
  • The ability to relax and unwind, to minimize the impact of professional stress on physical and mental health.

These skills and competencies in the work of a company director are basic, but the specifics of the director’s activities should also be taken into account. For example, the competencies of a store director may include additional requirements such as:

  • The desire to increase your earnings by increasing sales;
  • Interest and reverence for the goods that the store sells.

In addition, the competence of the store director, as well as the head of any company operating in the service sector, includes respectful attitude and loyalty to customers and clients.

How to develop a model that takes into account the necessary skills and competencies in the work of a company director

The development of a director's competency model should be carried out in several stages. First, you should draw up the standard of knowledge, experience, skills, abilities, qualifications, and character qualities necessary for the successful performance of duties. In this case, a certain standard is taken as a basis, for which the necessary criteria are prescribed. After this, you need to determine a list of competency groups and decide which competencies will need to be included in a particular group. Typically, three groups of competencies are used: corporate, managerial and professional. The selected competencies and skills will need to be distributed among these groups.

The next stage is very important, at which for each competency it is necessary to formulate a name and definition, as well as establish behavioral indicators by which the degree of compliance will be determined. At this stage, it is necessary not only to provide a clear definition of the competency itself, but also to write down definitions for key terms and concepts. This is necessary so that the compliance criteria are unambiguous and do not allow for other interpretations. Then a rating scale is selected, usually these are points or levels - required, above the required, below the required, and it is also determined what should be considered a criterion for the presence of this competency. In conclusion, for each competency, a criterion for its significance should be established - weight, since not all of them are equivalent for the successful performance of the director.

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Before we talk about the competencies of a sales manager, we need to understand what a competency is.

So, the classic definition: competence - (from the Latin competo - I achieve; I comply, I approach). It has several meanings: 1) the range of powers granted by law, charter or other act to a specific body or official; 2) Knowledge, experience in a particular area.

The following definition is important for our understanding: competence- this is the personal ability of a specialist to solve a certain class of professional problems. Also, by competence we will understand the formally described requirements for the personal, professional and other qualities of the head of the sales department.

Set of competencies; the presence of knowledge and experience necessary for effective activity in a given subject area is called competence.

Competencies can be divided into:

Corporate competencies - necessary for all company employees,

Managerial competencies - necessary for company managers (all or only a certain level),

Special (specific) competencies required only by a certain category of employees ( for example: sales managers).

Let us give an example of the corporate competencies of one of the companies engaged in the wholesale trade of equipment. Regardless of their position, each employee of this company must have the following competencies:

Mastering and using new knowledge and skills, i.e. not only constant study, but also the use in work of new knowledge, skills, one’s own and others’ experience obtained as a result of such study;

Effective communication and cooperation, i.e. the ability to successfully work together with other members of the organization, to achieve coordinated actions to achieve the company’s goals;

Focusing on customer needs presupposes the employee’s desire to understand and satisfy customer needs as much as possible, and to evaluate the usefulness of the actions taken in terms of additional satisfaction of customer needs. Moreover, an employee should treat his work colleagues as internal clients;

Result-oriented, i.e. the employee’s understanding of the tasks facing him and the company and the ability to systematically achieve their implementation.

As an example of managerial competencies, we offer a set of competencies for a middle manager of one of the companies that develops and sells IT solutions:

Professionalism — possession of universal knowledge and experience in at least one of the company’s areas of activity.

Organization distribution (control) resources : the ability to provide employees with the resources and authority necessary to achieve their goals; establish the minimum necessary control; monitor the results achieved, correlating them with the established plan.

Organization – determining personal priorities and goals that correspond to the company’s objectives; reasonable distribution of working time; productive work with documents and effective resolution of administrative issues; optimal processing of information, highlighting important points without unnecessary detail; ability to work under heavy load.

Communication – the ability to “listen and hear” messages and information, conduct pre-prepared and spontaneous presentations that are appropriate to the audience and topic and ensure the achievement of the desired results.

Development of subordinates , i.e. development of relevant skills and abilities among employees in accordance with specific professional needs; setting complex professional tasks; empowering employees to take on greater responsibility. Creating an environment that encourages people to achieve and develop their own abilities; Encouraging employees to be energetic, enthusiastic, loyal, trusting and striving for excellence.

Delegation of authority those. transfer of part of the functions of a manager to a subordinate, subject to the transfer of responsibility for the assigned work.

External contacts – developing and maintaining constructive relationships with clients, suppliers, public and government representatives; showing special attention to the client, punctuality in the delivery of products and services. Representing the company in relations with external organizations, performing work with constant concern for the company's reputation.

Communication skills – ability to interact effectively with others; ability to win support at any organizational level.

Conflict Management - ability to understand multiple points of view, monitor stressful and crisis situations; ability to resolve conflicts and disagreements.

Constantly demonstrating and encouraging attention to quality work at all levels, both within the company and outside it; critical attitude towards mediocre results.

Achieving set goals; adoption of a system of responsibility for results and performance of work with a sense of responsibility for labor productivity.

Innovation – desire to master and apply new progressive methods of work.

Intellectual level – intelligence, ability to think logically, education.

When starting to develop a competency model for a sales manager, it makes sense to first define corporate and managerial competencies, and only then move on to developing special competencies. Special or specific competencies decipher the concept of “Professionalism” for a specific position of the head of the sales department. We will return to this type of competencies a little later, but now we will take a closer look at the managerial competencies of the head of the sales department.

It is managerial competencies that come first for the head of the sales department and ensure his effectiveness. True, often the head of the sales department forgets that he is a manager and his main task is to manage the department, and is overly carried away by personal sales. Moreover, for a better understanding of the essence of management activities, it makes sense for the head of the sales department to imagine the entire possible range of managerial competencies. The list of these competencies is quite large, so in a real document, the so-called “portrait of competencies,” you need to include not all of them, but only the most important ones for a specific position in a specific organization. This is done in order to make such a document a real working tool, since too large a list of competencies is both perceived and difficult to evaluate.

So, managerial competencies can be divided into five groups:

1) Competencies necessary to perform the role of a manager.

2) Competencies that characterize a high level of intelligence.

3) Competencies necessary to increase the efficiency of work (your own and your subordinates).

4) Competencies that determine a manager’s own development.

5) Competencies that determine customer orientation.

Let's start with the competencies required to fulfill the role of a leader. These include:

1. Leadership, that is, the ability to achieve outstanding results through people.

2. Management as achieving outstanding results through effective management of resources, systems and processes.

3. Employee development (mentoring, mentoring).

Note that sometimes the concepts of “leadership” and “management” are perceived as synonyms. This is not entirely true. Thanks to leadership, a leader leads people, inspires them, and lights them up with an idea. He may not pay much attention to how rationally the work of his employees is organized, but he will not ignore despondency and loss of enthusiasm. On the other hand, managerial qualities allow the manager to manage work processes, ensuring their rationality, thoughtfulness, and coordination.

In one company, we observed a striking example of the development of leadership qualities in one head of the sales department and the development of managerial qualities in another. The company had two sales departments divided according to product principles. One department sold one product, another department sold another. The head of the first department often spontaneously gathered his managers and enthusiastically described to them the prospects for the company's work, showing them the exciting horizons of ever-new victories. He also often held personal conversations and encouraged employees. True, he left the specific steps (what and how to do) to their discretion. He believed that the main thing is the desire to achieve results, and what and how to do is a second question. Managers often made mistakes and worked very chaotically, but with enthusiasm, thanks to which they managed to fulfill the plan, although they often had to redo the work. The head of another department, on the contrary, assembled planning meetings strictly according to schedule, gave clear assignments, provided the necessary resources to solve the assigned tasks, monitored execution, and helped with solving complex problems. But I didn’t consider it necessary to say anything about the necessity of the work they were doing. He believed that this was already clear, so why waste time on it. As a result, his subordinates worked quite smoothly, achieved good results, but did not strive for special achievements and treated work as an inevitable necessity. It is obvious that both managers had reserves for development, one for managerial qualities, the other for leadership.

Now let’s look at the competencies that characterize a manager’s high level of intelligence.

This is, firstly, such competence as "Problem Analysis and Solving", that is, achieving mutually acceptable solutions through identifying problems, reaching out to affected parties, developing multiple solutions, and resolving conflicts.

The second competency is "Goal Orientation" or focusing aspirations on achieving a goal, mission, or task.

Third competency – "Making decisions", Why is it important to choose the best sequence of actions based on an analysis of the situation.

And finally, the fourth competence - "Creativity or Innovation". This competency is characterized by the adaptation of traditional or development of new approaches, concepts, methods, models, images, processes, technologies and systems.

Sales managers often have to deal with problems that do not have a clear solution. It is in such cases that the competencies of this group are required.

For example, a department head learns that his manager and a client’s employee are conducting dubious transactions involving another, third company. Moreover, we are talking not only about kickbacks, but also about actions that, if they are made public, will damage the reputations of both companies, and will also affect the moral climate in the team. The leader must consider the situation from all sides and determine what possible courses of action are possible and what consequences they may lead to. Simply dismissing an unscrupulous manager will not solve the problem, since there is also an employee of the client whose actions were no better than the manager’s actions. And you can’t just fire him. In addition, it is necessary to deal with the third company, recovering damages from it. The manager must understand that he has to solve several problems at once in this situation: not only to stop the fraud and compensate for the damage to his company, but also to prevent the possibility of their recurrence in the future, and, most importantly, to preserve the reputation of both companies. Conventional actions are not suitable in such a situation, so the manager will have to approach the issue creatively and find an unconventional way to resolve the situation.

Very important for a manager are the competencies necessary to improve work efficiency. These include competencies such as “Planning” and “Personal Effectiveness”.

Planning - A systematic approach to activities, independent preparation and action in accordance with the developed plan.

This competency, according to our observations, is the most typical “growth point” for many sales managers. Many of them have great difficulty not only with drawing up an objective and fact-based plan, but also with its subsequent implementation.

The head of the sales department of a large company grew up as a salesperson and had over 15 years of sales experience. He remembered very well the times when no one planned anything, but, nevertheless, sales grew at enormous speed. Then sales began to fall, and the company’s management began to demand that he, already the head of the sales department, draw up a plan and comply with it. He resisted this as best he could: how can you plan something in our lives, he said, because you don’t know what awaits you tomorrow. But the management insisted, and there was nowhere to go. I had to make plans. But he did this solely for show and forgot about the plan the moment he handed it over to management. Naturally, with such an attitude, he did not look into the plan until the moment when it was necessary to write a report, did not control its implementation among his subordinates and did not take any actions to achieve it. The subordinates, seeing the manager’s attitude, treated planning accordingly and worked as they had to, and some simply according to their mood: if it goes well, I’ll sell, but if it doesn’t work out, there’s no point in straining yourself, you just have to wait it out.

The “Personal Efficiency” competency combines the following characteristics:

Radiating self-confidence

No less important for a leader’s activities is his own development. And here we can consider competencies that unite the manager’s desire for his own development, namely: “Continuous learning” and “Flexibility”.

The “continuous learning” competency is very important for the head of the sales department, but quite often we observe in them the so-called “stalled self-development.” In other words, a person who has reached the level of head of the sales department has already really achieved a lot professionally and at some point begins to believe that he already knows everything and can do everything. But life does not stand still. As you know, knowledge in the modern world becomes outdated very quickly. Just 10–15 years ago, knowledge became outdated every five years. Those. a specialist, if he wanted to maintain his qualifications at a high level, had to undergo training at least every five years. Today, knowledge becomes outdated every 2-3 years.

The insufficient level of development of the “continuous learning” competence is very clearly manifested in the process of various trainings, when participants, instead of perceiving new information and thinking about how it can be used in their work, declare: “but that’s not how it is with us.” This closeness to new knowledge or simply approaches leads to the fact that a specialist develops professional templates. And this in turn leads to inflexibility.

“Flexibility” as a managerial competency of the head of the sales department is especially important in the context of innovation in the company. If a leader is inflexible, it will be very difficult for him not only to understand the meaning of change, but also to choose adequate methods of behavior depending on the situation. Flexibility also implies the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another, constantly keep all the diverse affairs of the department in focus, and not forget or lose sight of details.

I would like to pay special attention to the last group of competencies – customer orientation. In this case, the client refers to both the company’s external clients and its own employees, who are internal clients. Competence "Customer Focus"- is foresight, meeting the needs, desires and expectations of the client.

However, customer focus should not be confused with an obsequious attitude towards him and a desire to please in everything, which not only does not lead to partnership and cooperation, but can have a detrimental effect on the business as a whole.

The head of the sales department of a manufacturing and trading company understood customer orientation in a very unique way. After taking office, the first thing he did was replace the standard contract with the client, which provided for prepayment, with an agreement with a deferred payment of 30 days. Naturally, the clients were only happy about this. But if earlier, when starting to discuss a contract, the bargaining process began with an advance payment, now the same bargaining began from 30 days. As a result, the average deferred payment for the company increased from 15 days to 45. This was, of course, beneficial for clients, but the company suffered significant losses.

That is why an understanding of customer orientation must take into account that one’s own company should not suffer significant losses as a result of this orientation. It is important to find common ground and mutually beneficial solutions, then cooperation will be stronger.

Actually, after this competency, we can say that for the head of the sales department it can serve as some kind of “bridge” between managerial and special (specific) competencies.

To understand the latter, you need to have a very clear idea of ​​what functions, in addition to management, the head of the sales department will perform.

In general, the following competencies are required:

Knowledge of marketing fundamentals (positioning, segmentation, assortment policy, pricing, sales channels, sales promotion)

Ability to plan sales in general and for various reasons (in terms of customer groups, assortment groups, sales territories, payment terms);

Ability to prepare package offers for various groups of clients;

Ability to manage accounts receivable;

Ability to form an optimal and balanced warehouse;

Ability to organize and control activities to develop a client base;

Ability to optimize the client base based on a new (or adjusted) marketing strategy;

Skill in forming the company’s pricing and assortment policy;

Skills in contractual work and document preparation;

Analytical skills (analysis of sales, financial indicators and promotional activities; analysis of market conditions; analysis of the customer base);

Skills in conducting campaigns to promote priority or “stuck” products.

Negotiation skills and conflict resolution with clients;

Knowledge (at the level of an experienced user) of software such as 1C, Infin, the Bank-Client system, Consultant-Plus, etc.

If the head of the sales department works with key clients, then his special competencies may also include the following competencies:

Knowledge of the company's product line.

Ability to present any product (service).

Ability to work with customer objections.

Understanding the competitive advantages of products (services), company, personnel.

Ability to maintain long-term relationships with clients.

Work with clients on overdue accounts receivable.

Knowledge of the norms and rules of document flow in the company, storage of confidential information and others.

As an example, let’s look at the specific competencies of the head of the sales department of one of the companies.

“Portrait of competencies” (excluding corporate and managerial ones).

The head of the sales department must have practical experience (at least 3 years) in the following areas:

1. Work with the company’s clients:

search and development of potential clients in the main areas of the Company’s activities;

business correspondence;

preparing and conducting business meetings;

maintaining contact with clients after completion of work.

2. Working with documents:

preparation of documentation and submission of applications for participation in tenders;

registration of contracts and preparation of contracts;

working with accounts;

working with confidential information, its registration, recording and storage;

maintaining sales records;

analytical work with archival documents (successful and failed contracts, reasons for failure, etc.).

3. Organization of work to fulfill customer orders:

organizing the implementation of the entire range of work on existing projects in production;

dispatching the movement of goods and maintaining a database of customers;

selection of complex project co-executors and organization of interaction with them;

procurement management.

If your organization has implemented (or is implementing) a quality system, the head of the sales department must have the following specific competencies:

Skill in describing the sales business process;

Know the requirements of a quality standard (for example, ISO);

Have experience in implementing CRM or other sales management systems.

The head of the sales department may need knowledge of the basics of marketing, market research, knowledge of regional sales markets, lobbying skills, experience in building sales networks, experience in opening representative offices, branches and warehouses, and much more.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that it is no coincidence that these competencies are called special or even specific: they directly reflect the specifics of the business and the requirements of a particular company for the same position. As we have already said, these competencies are included in the concept of “Professionalism”.

What opportunities open up for us with a clear understanding of the competencies of the head of the sales department?

Firstly, this will allow the head of the organization, commercial unit or HR department to evaluate candidates for this position using uniform criteria.

Secondly, this will create an understanding of the “effective employee” and will help determine the criteria for successful performance of work. For the employee himself, this will help in identifying his strengths and weaknesses and will identify the basic needs for development and training.

Thirdly, we will be able to make objective decisions regarding the promotion of employees and their development within the company.

Are there situations when you can work calmly without building competency models? Yes. In the case when a company is at the very beginning of its development, it is sometimes formed on a “family-friendly” principle, when there is no clear division by position and all employees are almost completely interchangeable. At this stage of the organization’s formation, it is too early to talk about competencies as some kind of management tool. However, when analyzing the best experience of employees and effective work methods, already at this organizational stage it is necessary to talk about the foundation for describing corporate competencies, and over time, managerial and special ones.

Now let's dwell on the question: “How can we assess the presence of certain competencies?” Assessment methods here can be: interviews, professional testing, ranking, assessment using the 360-degree method and, as the most comprehensive method, an assessment center (Assessment Center). However, if we are talking about the simplicity of the assessment, its acceptability, profitability and at the same time the correctness of its results, then we can talk about the following methods.

The most cost-effective tool in the situation of selecting candidates for a position, as experience shows, is a behavioral interview. It approaches the center of assessment in terms of correctness, while requiring one to two hours instead of one to two days, it is easier to carry out, it is less expensive and acceptable to sales managers with a different set of required competencies. As part of such an interview, you ask questions and ask to describe the applicant’s behavior in a particular situation that would correspond to the competence you are interested in.

For example, we are interested in the “Customer Focus” competency. We can ask the candidate questions like: “Tell me about your relationships with clients.” “Describe your behavior in a situation where the client had large accounts receivable.” “How did you act in a situation when a client approached you with a complaint about the behavior of your subordinates.”

In the situation of conducting an assessment or certification (for example, to nominate candidates for the position of head of the sales department) in a company, the most optimal method would be either a simple ranking of employees by competencies, or a “360 degree” assessment. This will be an assessment of a company employee based on data about his actions in real work situations and the business qualities he has demonstrated. It is based on a person's visible behavior. The employee’s competencies, professional and personal qualities are assessed. The information will be presented in the form of a rating, ranked according to various indicators (competencies). In the case of an assessment using the 360-degree method, data is obtained by questioning the employee himself, his immediate supervisor, colleagues, and in some cases, clients of the person being assessed.

Let's consider an example of assessing several employees applying for the position of head of the sales department. During the assessment, it was managerial competencies that were important, since each of the employees proved to be a good seller. For each of the managerial competencies they scored the following average scores*:

*Rating scale from 1 to 5, where:

1 - the best indicator, competence is developed

5 – worst indicator – competence is not developed

Average results for 360 degree assessment.






Analysis and problem solving

Goal orientation

Making decisions



Personal effectiveness

Continuous learning


Customer service

From the table, it is clear that there are two applicants for the position of head of the sales department - Ivanov and Petrov. To make the final choice, you need to determine the priority of each competency for this position in this particular company. If the organization is hierarchical, with prescribed regulations, then Petrov may be the most effective. If the company is innovative, striving for development, with democratic relationships, then Ivanov will be a more interesting candidate for the position of head of the sales department.

So, we looked at the options for corporate, managerial and special competencies of the head of the sales department. We touched upon the issue of methods for assessing competencies in various situations. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that it makes sense for each company to develop its own unique (albeit based on general knowledge and approaches) model of competencies for the head of the sales department. This approach will allow you to “tailor” this tool to the specific needs of the company and make it actually work.

Annex 1.

Appendix (box)

Description of managerial competencies of the head of the sales department

Able to manage others to achieve results.


Achieving outstanding results through people.

Inspiring others with your views

Taking risks for the sake of principles, values ​​or objectives

Building trust through demonstrating compliance between words and deeds

Showing optimism and positive expectations from others

Involving people in decisions that will affect them

Accurate, honest and meaningful handling of employee evaluation issues

Adapting methods and approaches to the needs and motivations of others

Making decisions to avoid or minimize negative consequences for people

Demonstration of loyalty to subordinates


Achieving outstanding results through effective management of resources, systems and processes.

Taking risks to achieve goals, results and tasks

Setting high development standards

Keeping people accountable and focused on priority goals and objectives

Identifying obstacles to achieving goals and overcoming them

Clear task setting

Delegation of appropriate responsibilities and authorities

Ensuring that available resources are sufficient to achieve goals

Monitoring the implementation of set goals and objectives

Making decisions that produce practical results or income

Employee development/mentoring

Helping and supporting the professional growth of others

Expressing confidence in the success of others

Determining the development needs of each employee

Supporting initiative and improvement in work

Providing learning opportunities

Providing opportunities to work on a new, difficult or ambitious task

Recognition and support of successes

Training, mentoring and mentoring for the development of others

Treating failure as a learning opportunity

A sincere desire to support, develop others and provide professional assistance

An open desire to share your knowledge and successful experience

Has a high level of intelligence, is able to determine the right direction

Analysis and problem solving

Reaching mutually acceptable solutions through identifying problems, reaching out to affected parties, developing multiple solutions, and resolving conflicts.

Listening and discussing options with clients, employees, colleagues to resolve problems

Clearly identifying problems and difficulties and initiating open, objective discussion

Obtaining explanatory information to develop justified decisions or recommendations for action

Identifying and comparing alternatives, assessing benefits and risks, anticipating the consequences of decisions

Looking for nonverbal indicators of unresolved conflicts or problems

Anticipating potential problems or crisis situations and taking necessary actions to avoid such situations

Identifying sources of conflict and finding solutions that satisfy the interests of all parties

Understanding and applying a variety of conflict resolution techniques

Separating yourself from the problem to be objective and develop satisfying solutions

Goal orientation

Focusing aspirations on achieving a goal, mission or task.

No need for instructions when achieving a goal

Meeting deadlines to achieve goals

Identifying opportunities to achieve goals faster/more efficiently

Setting ambitious goals and striving to achieve them

Development and implementation of optimal strategies to achieve goals

Measuring effectiveness and assessing effectiveness to understand the extent to which results have been achieved

Understanding the urgency in pursuing a goal

Demonstration of persistence in overcoming difficulties in achieving a goal

Taking calculated risks to achieve results

Making decisions

Selecting the best sequence of actions based on an analysis of the situation.

Make impartial decisions based on facts and laws

Assumption of quantification of decisions, actions and results

Understanding the impact of decisions on the organization and their consequences

Explaining rational reasons for making decisions

Demonstrating consistency in decision making

Involving others in the decision-making process to gain differing opinions and experiences

Making timely decisions in difficult stressful conditions


Adaptation of traditional or development of new approaches, concepts, methods, models, images, processes, technologies and/or systems.

Identifying unique patterns, processes, systems, or relationships

Having unconventional views, using new approaches

Simplifying data, ideas, models, processes or systems

Challenging established theories, methods and procedures

Support and promote creativity/innovation

Changing existing concepts, methods, models, schemes, processes, technologies and systems

Development and application of new theories to explain and resolve complex situations

Application of not accepted theories and/or methods

Development of new revolutionary concepts, methods, models, schemes, processes, technologies, systems, products, services, production.

Takes actions to improve his performance


A systematic approach to activities – independent preparation and action in accordance with the developed plan.

Develop competitive and realistic plans based on strategic goals

Acting on future needs and taking advantage of possible benefits

Preparedness for unforeseen circumstances

Assessing the required resources and the ability to ensure their availability at the right time

Balance between daily needs and planned activities

Monitoring plans and adjusting them as necessary

Organizing a logical and clear order, actions performed impeccably

Effective use of time

Personal effectiveness

Demonstration of initiative, self-confidence, self-assertion and willingness to take responsibility for one's actions.

Having strong confidence and belief in one's own abilities

Taking initiative and taking all possible actions to achieve the goal

Radiating self-confidence

Returning to errors for analysis and correction

Recognizing mistakes and working to prevent them

Taking personal responsibility for achieving personal and professional goals

Effective actions and achieving goals even in difficult conditions

Strives for personal development

Continuous learning

Initiative in learning, application of new concepts, technologies and/or methods.

Enthusiasm and interest in learning

Initiative in acquiring and developing the skills and knowledge required for the position of Sales Manager

Mastering all new information through reading and other learning methods

Active interest in new technologies, processes and methods

Accepting or seeking new jobs that require new knowledge or skills

Expenditure/expenditure on training

Genuine pleasure from learning

Determining places for practical application of knowledge

Image of a “source of knowledge” among others


Swiftness in adapting to change.

Quick response to changes in directions, priorities, schedules.

Demonstration of rapid adoption of new ideas, approaches and/or methods

Efficiency in switching between multiple priorities and tasks

Changing methods or strategy to best suit changing circumstances

Adapting your work style to suit different people

Maintaining productivity during times of transition, even in chaotic environments

Accepting and/or maintaining change.

Consumer oriented

Customer service

Foresight, satisfaction (with reserve) of the client's needs, desires and expectations.

Committed to anticipating, identifying and understanding the client's wants, needs and beliefs

Understanding the priority of responding to the client

Client request tracking

Tolerance and courtesy in working with clients

Resolving problems and complaints to the customer's satisfaction

Working with the highest efficiency to satisfy the client

Building relationships with clients

Building partnerships with clients to achieve their goals

Actions to protect the needs of the client

Taking professional risks to meet client needs

More detailed characteristics for each of the competencies are presented in the Appendix.

Mentoring is a model of professional relationships that involves a partnership between an experienced and a young teacher in the process of adapting to new conditions. The model is based on a constructivist approach to the process of cognition, which is understood as a process of constant analysis of a specialist’s personal experience and the specialist’s adaptation to an ever-changing reality, which is an integral and necessary component of professional self-improvement