Gym layout. Registration and collection of necessary documents. Marketing features of opening a gym

It is enough to register the sports center as an individual entrepreneur indicating the following codes OKVED: 93.04. – “Physical and recreational activities”, 92.61. – “Activities of sports facilities”, 92.62. – “Other activities in the field of sports.”

What documents are needed to open gym? Permission from Rospozharnadzor (fire protection equipment is required), certificate from Rospotrebnadzor, production control program, agreements with the housing office, waste disposal companies, air conditioning maintenance, etc.


Where is the best gym with exercise equipment? The most suitable places: in the city center, in a busy residential area, in a business center. The client prefers to visit the gym, the journey to which takes no more than 15-20 minutes, so it is important to choose a place to visit.

Few people want to go to a hard-to-reach area after work. Winning points - near stops public transport and large stores. You can place a gym in the basement of a business center, on the first floor of an office building. An additional plus is the availability of parking in front of the building.

Planning, rent, renovation

For a small establishment you will need a room with a total area of ​​100 square meters. Of these, 10 sq. m – reception area, 20 sq. m - changing rooms and bathrooms with showers (men's and women's), 70 sq. m - the hall itself.

Renting the space will cost approximately $2,000-2,300 per month, and repairs, finishing, and installation of communications will cost $3,000.

Premises requirements

Instructions for arranging a gym are given in SNiP, SNiP 2.04.01-85, SNiP 2.04-05-91, SNiP 23-05-95, SNiP 11-12-77.

Primary requirements:

  • The ceiling height is from three meters to ensure air circulation. In addition, a supply and exhaust ventilation system is installed;
  • Smooth and soft floor covering (for example, rubber, carpet);
  • Special microclimate: temperature in the training room - 16-20 degrees (in locker rooms 23-25 ​​degrees), humidity - no more than 60%.

Gym equipment

Full list of the most popular simulators:

  1. Elliptical (two pieces) – $450-500. Good manufacturers: Carbon, Torneo, House Fit, Kettler;
  2. Treadmills (two pieces) – $800. Sportop, LifeGear, Oxygen;
  3. Exercise bikes (2 pcs.) – $350. Dender, DFC, Tunturi, Carbon Fitness;
  4. Exercise machine for pumping deltoid muscles with counterweights – $1200. TESCO-Sport, Hummer;
  5. Force platform – $600. MV-Sport, Foreman;
  6. Multifunctional fitness station (upper and lower rows, leg extension, butterfly, chest press, etc.) – $900-1000. InterAtletika, HouseFit, Diamond Fitness;
  7. Wall bars (3-4 pieces) – $150. "Olympus City", Russ Sport;
  8. Seated exercise bench and bench press bench – $250. Tesco Sports;
  9. Barbell with “pancakes” and stand (two pieces) – $250. Eleiko, Profi-Fit, Domyos, “Titan”;
  10. Five sets of dumbbells weighing 3-5 kg ​​– $40. Larsen, Action, Aerofit;
  11. Resistance bands (5 pieces) – $150. Torneo, Bone Crusher, Iron Body, Everlast.

It is worth purchasing economy-class equipment or used exercise equipment from quality manufacturers. The total cost is around $5,000. When buying used, you can save and spend up to $4,000.

Other equipment and furniture

The next thing you need to do to open a gym is to set up locker rooms. You will need benches, two mirrors, hangers, metal modular cabinets (Fitness Furniture, MetalCity) with a total cost of $700 (based on 40 visitors).

A men's and women's bathroom with two showers each will cost approximately $4,000. The waiting area requires a reception desk, a coffee table, a sofa, a cooler, and office equipment (computer, printer). This is approximately $1000.


It is necessary to “staff” with experienced instructors and trainers; their competence is the key to a good flow of clients. Each trainer needs a medical book and a certificate confirming the right to work as an instructor.

List of required employees(work in two shifts weekly):

  • Manager;
  • Four instructors;
  • Two administrators;
  • Security guard,
  • Accountant;
  • Cleaning woman.

Monthly salary fund – $4500. Optimal work schedule: from 10.00 to 22.00, seven days a week.


When calculating how much it costs to open a gym, be sure to budget for advertising costs. Best ways advertise a sports center:

  1. A bright sign, a banner on the windows, a pillar with a sign not far from the entrance;
  2. Distributing leaflets near shopping centers, shops, markets near the club;
  3. Buying space on a billboard or city light;
  4. Video on radio or TV;
  5. Advertising articles on the city website;
  6. Own Internet resource, with detailed prices, photographs of the hall and instructors, information about promotions. The site should be optimized and use direct advertising in search engines. Duplicate information in the club community in in social networks;
  7. Hidden advertising on large city forums;
  8. A “loud” opening with a show program, competitions and subscription draws.

How to increase sales and stand out among competitors

This is a very popular business, you have to fight for every client, especially in small town. Therefore, in addition to qualified trainers and good equipment, additional methods of stimulation are needed. Develop a program of discounts for the number of visits (for example, every third subscription is free), promotional offers (“refer a friend - get a 50% discount”), personal training programs, etc.

Additional income can be received by setting up a small shop sports nutrition, clothes, video courses of effective training.

Costs and profits

Let's calculate whether it is profitable to open a gym. List of main costs:

  • Paperwork – $150;
  • Rent for three months in advance and repairs in the rented premises – $10,000;
  • Equipment and furniture – $9500;
  • Promotion and opening costs – $250.

Capital investment – ​​$20,000. Fixed expenses– $7,000 (rent, salary, advertising, utilities).

The average cost of a monthly gym membership is $34-35, a one-time visit is $7. With an attendance of 40-45 people per day, the establishment earns $9,500, net profit – $2,500. Over time, income increases.

Having figured out this, start preparing the premises, while simultaneously looking for good instructors and launching an advertising campaign.

Even during a crisis, people try to look beautiful and be healthy, despite the high prices of gym memberships. We will write a business plan for a gym based on exactly what this business has a large number of potential clients – average and upper classes the population will be happy to visit the new gym. The new entrepreneur cannot but be pleased with the fact that even despite the huge number of open halls, you can easily open your own business and quickly accumulate a sufficient number of visitors. The main thing, as always, is to properly advertise your establishment and try to reduce expenses to a minimum at the beginning, so that it would be easier to pay for yourself. We will tell you how to open a gym so that it not only pays off, but also generates income.

We recommend reading:

First of all, it is worth assessing your capabilities - opening a huge fitness club with all the services that are available is not possible for a novice businessman, there is not enough money. We will open a gym, without unnecessary services and functions. Opening such an establishment is easier, cheaper, and you will immediately understand which audience you need to target with your advertising campaign. In the future, if you have a stable income, no one forbids you to open additional gyms and provide clients with more opportunities for training and wellness, but for now let’s consider the simplest business option in this area.

Where to open a gym

The owner of his own premises, of course, will receive more income by saving on rent. We don’t have such premises, and buying premises is a very expensive business. Our business plan for a gym will be written based on the rental of premises. Now we will describe the process of finding premises with optimal characteristics for our business.

Let's decide on the number of square meters for our business - to install everything necessary equipment we need 30-40 square meters, there will be exercise equipment, weights, and so on. In addition to the main hall, we cannot do without a locker room and a shower room. A locker room of 10 square meters would be an excellent solution, the same amount is needed for a shower room. There is one secret here - we don’t need to look for a room where there is already a shower; we can buy and install several shower stalls. It is cheaper, easier to install and connect the water supply. Once you have decided on all these indicators, you can begin searching for premises.

Many businessmen go to realtors with a request to find premises for certain type business and overpay from 50 to 100% of the rental price for search. Why spend such a sum when we have in our hands the most productive tool in the world - the Internet. Enter the desired query into the search bar and you will find many sites where you can find a room based on the area, square footage and other indicators. Try it, experiment with the set of parameters. We need to keep gym costs down as much as possible, so don't target the city centre. There, rent is more expensive and all the premises have been occupied for a long time. Search free place in sleeping areas, basements. Finding the best option may take time, but it is worth it. The average price for 50 square meters in the basement is 30 thousand rubles.

We recommend reading:

How to open a gym: buying equipment

First of all, you need to renovate your premises so that clients can study comfortably and enjoy it. Most likely, our basement will be in poor condition, we need to do some cosmetic repairs, run water in the shower and install several light sources. Renovating the entire gym will cost us 50 thousand rubles, a big expense, but it will quickly pay for itself. Only when the hall has been renovated and lights installed can you begin to look for equipment. It is very difficult to understand here for a person who has never worked in this field. You need to take the advice of a specialist.

By using the services of a specialist in this field, we will be able to arrange his gym as optimally as possible for the client in order to maximize the income of the gym. The services of a professional will cost us 5 thousand rubles.

A good gym with a sufficient number of treadmills, bicycles, barbells and other exercise equipment brings a lot of profit, but not everyone can afford to buy everything at once. It will cost you from 150 thousand rubles to equip the hall. You can, of course, save money on some exercise equipment, but people who do this will immediately notice cheap exercise equipment and go to another gym where they don’t save on them. Let's write this figure into the gym's expenses and move on to the next point of our business plan.

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Gym business plan: personnel search

A small gym needs a person who will accept payments, subscriptions and show the price list to new visitors, as well as a trainer whose services visitors can use. We will tell you in detail how it is easier to find the right person for these activities and how you can save a little on workers' wages. Let's not forget that we also need to clean the gym after training - this also requires a person.

The cleaning of the hall can be done by a hired cleaner, who will wash the hall once a day - after classes. A full-time cleaner earns 15 thousand rubles a month; we will find a person willing to clean the hall once a day for 5 thousand rubles. Don't think that this is too little - you need to save on everything to reduce the cost of the gym.

Any gym needs to have a trainer who can help clients with advice. Professionals in this field will demand too much wages for us to meet. We will find a specialist in universities, training trainers for gyms. Young students with sparkling eyes and a lot of energy will work tirelessly even for a small amount. By the way, it is best to offer the coach piecework wages. When thinking over a business plan for a gym, add the price for a personal trainer to the price list. The average price for a personal trainer per month is 1,500 rubles. For each client that the trainer attracts to personal training, the trainer himself will receive the entire amount - 1,500 rubles. This incentivizes the person to work, and if he fails, you will not pay the person for something he does not do.

You can put anyone in the position of accepting payment, including yourself - you can tell better than any employee about the advantages of your gym, how you can have a great time there and what promotions, trainers, and services there are. Considering that the salary for this type of activity reaches 15 thousand rubles, it is better to work yourself - you save money and work with clients.

We recommend reading:

Our potential clients are office workers, rich students, entrepreneurs. Almost any person who can afford a gym membership is our client, and we need to find as many as possible willing to give us their money, increasing the income of the gym. We will use two types of advertising – leaflet distribution and online advertising.

We will distribute leaflets during the lunch break near large office buildings, near educational institutions, shopping centers. There will always be large crowds of people who have enough income to pay for classes in the gym. Make your flyers colorful, interesting, and clearly priced for a one-time class and monthly membership. Clients don't like it when there are no specifics.

Very cheap and effective way advertising is advertising on the Internet. Find the city’s website and add information about your hall there, find VKontakte groups associated with your city, and write advertising posts there. Together with the distribution of leaflets, advertising will cost you 5 thousand rubles, but the income of the gym will increase significantly.

We recommend reading:

The increased interest in the sports industry and everything connected with it could not help but attract attention big business. Sports centers have begun to grow like “mushrooms after rain,” but demand still far exceeds supply. How to open a fitness club. Where to find a business plan for a fitness club is a pressing question for many entrepreneurs.


This project is a business plan for a fitness club for organizing and developing a business with a payback period of two years.
Project goals:

  1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. Organization of obtaining a stable profit
  3. Satisfying the market for the consumption of essential food products and related household and industrial goods.

Project funding source: own funds, or bank loan

Form of reference entrepreneurial activity: OOO

Total cost of the project: 7.5 million rubles

Payback period: 2 years

Built into the calculations interest rate: 22% per annum

The total interest payments will be: 3.3 million rubles

The investor's income will be: 3.3 million rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of project implementation.

Main stages of the project implementation

The start of the project implementation is immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receipt of loan funds.

The main stages of the implementation of this project, the conditions and deadlines for their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Project stagesDeadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Obtaining borrowed funds1 month
Entry into the state register, registration
in administrative and tax authorities
1 month
Selection of location and design
1-6 months
Purchase and installation of equipment1 month
Recruitment1 month
Conducting a marketing campaign1-24 months

General description of the project

The organization of a fitness club (hereinafter referred to as the Club) is intended to meet the population’s demand for the services of fitness trainers. various types sports, providing premises, exercise equipment and sports equipment for independent studies sports and maintenance physical fitness. Currently, maintaining good physical shape is one of the conditions for personal success for most people. Therefore, a business plan for opening a fitness club, no matter whether it is an elite establishment or the business plan involves opening an economy class fitness club, is extremely in demand today.


First of all, it is necessary to decide on the format of the premises; the future concept of the establishment will depend on this, which in turn determines both the organization of the Club and the technology for its management, as well as the level of income.

The format of such establishments is usually determined by area:

  • Gyms – up to 100 sq. meters
  • Gyms – up to 500 sq. meters
  • Fitness centers – from 1000 sq. meters + with the possibility of providing additional related services

An expensive fitness club that offers its visitors a full range of various services requires huge investments to create. During the beginning of the “craze” for a healthy lifestyle - in the “nineties” and “zero” years, fitness clubs, as a rule, were created on the basis of former state sports complexes, and now all suitable areas have long been occupied and are functioning successfully. Therefore, at present, clubs have to be built from scratch, or existing buildings have to be remodeled to meet the required parameters. A little less money is spent on such “repairs” than on capital construction.

In developed countries, almost all fitness clubs are located in rented space. In our country, we need to look at this issue based on the specific situation. This project involves long-term rental of premises in which proper repairs need to be carried out. The minimum lease term must be 10 years. In the future, when creating successful business, bringing a stable profit, it is planned in the future to build your own premises (or purchase a suitable one) for holding various mass entertainment events, and possibly rent out part of the premises.

Getting started involves determining the type of fitness club - either it will be one Club that will have own style, unique services that differ from those offered by competitors; or it will be a network of fitness clubs with at least 5 establishments. You should also determine the pricing policy in advance - fairly high prices for elite and premium services, or an affordable cost of visiting the Club.

The choice of the location of the Club should be based on the fact that people who visit such small-format establishments (in the case of choosing the type of establishment with affordable prices), as a rule, visit them in residential areas, closer to home. This means that industrial and administrative zones of the city can be excluded in the search for suitable premises. There is an option to rent a suitable premises in an area under construction, which should be put into operation in the near future. Taking into account the period of refurbishment of the premises, installation of all necessary utilities, bringing them into compliance with the required standards, it is necessary to calculate so that the opening time of the Club coincides with the occupancy of new residential buildings.

There is an option to locate the Club in a large shopping center, but only if we are talking about opening a fitness center in the regions, since the rent for such large areas is not comparable with the profit received, especially for a newly opened gym.

The Club organization suggests being guided by the following criteria when choosing a location:

  • Convenient access roads (at least 2) with the possibility of direct access to 1-2 central streets of the village
  • Large parking lot
  • Direct proximity to food suppliers (when organizing a bar, cafe, and other similar establishments)

Preparation of necessary documentation

To start operating the Club, you must obtain the following permits:

  • Consent to the activities of the Club from the local administration
  • State Fire Inspectorate Approval
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor
  • Medical documents for each employee
  • Documents confirming the qualifications of all employees conducting health and physical education activities
  • Permission for the production and sale of food products (if organized)
  • And some others, depending on the specific region of activity

Services offered

To create a successfully operating establishment, you need to correctly determine the Club’s pricing policy. It is important that its design fully corresponds to the designated price list. In this case, you need to take into account the prices offered by competitors located in a given urban area.

As a rule, the range of services offered by fitness clubs is as follows:

  • Gym with professional instructors
  • Hall for cardio and aerobic exercises
  • Hall for yoga, qigong, dynamic dance styles, and other similar sports
  • Martial arts room
  • Hall for basketball, volleyball, mini-football
  • Classes for children (karate programs, aerobics, dancing, gymnastics, etc.
  • Several types of solarium (horizontal, vertical)
  • Showers, sauna
  • Fitness bar
  • Sporting goods store
  • Billiard room, bowling alley, bowling alley
  • If the necessary conditions are available, it is possible to offer other types of active activities aimed at healing and strengthening the body

It is necessary to consider the possibility of renting premises at certain hours to private trainers and instructors who are popular, who can raise the rating of the establishment by more high level. The Club’s work schedule will depend on the chosen pricing policy and the format of the establishment being opened. The Club's large area requires working in two shifts to organize the possibility of clients visiting at different times convenient for them.

Of course, the business plan for an economy class fitness club will contain slightly different examples with different calculations.

Fitness club staff

The qualifications of the employees working in the Club are an important component of its attractiveness to clients. In almost any gym there is an instructor who will answer any questions about the sport being practiced for free. All employees providing training to clients must have specialized education confirmed by relevant documents. If it is possible to attract active athletes to permanent work, or to conduct one-time classes, master classes, etc., then this will be a huge advantage in the fight against competitors. Each employee must confirm their level of knowledge, skills, and training every year by passing a special certification commission.

Smaller gyms often hire an instructor who develops individual programs for those who train without being personally present at each training session. Today, it is quite difficult to find an experienced mentor in almost any sports area who is not already busy with work. Therefore, “democratic” gyms often attract for such work people from among visitors who have some experience in sports activities. this direction, and have achieved certain successes.

The daily work of a fitness club, especially a large one, requires the coordinated activities of the whole team:

  • Instructors and trainers
  • Medical personnel
  • Technical personnel servicing ventilation systems, air conditioners, exercise equipment
  • Security
  • Managers and administrators
  • Accounting department
  • And some others - if necessary

To motivate and motivate staff, it can be used along with monetary incentives and raises. wages opportunity for growth career ladder– from a simple instructor to a manager sports programs.

Other Organizational Issues

To successfully compete with others similar establishments The club must correspond to its level. An invariable attribute is musical accompaniment sports activities, music in the hall.

If the project justifies the opening of a fitness bar at the Club, it is necessary to develop a menu that provides a suitable range of food and drinks for athletes.

It is necessary to consider the possibility of visiting the Club using club cards with different validity periods, organizing a system of discounts for purchasing a subscription to visit several rooms in the Club. As the practice of existing fitness clubs shows, the ratio of profit from the sale of club cards and payment for one-time visits is approximately 3/1, income from cards and sales additional types services – also approximately 3/1.

It should be noted that at present, the area under consideration is still relatively free in terms of saturation of the market with full-fledged, well-equipped fitness clubs with competent instructors offering additional services. In many regions, “semi-basement rocking chairs” are still preserved, to which the population has become accustomed since the 90s and 2000s.

This business requires huge investments in its implementation, but in terms of the medium and long term, it is an extremely profitable business. The population's demand for such services is increasing literally every month, especially against the backdrop of large-scale promotion of sports and healthy image life.

Marketing plan

The current state of the market for health and sports services today can be called moderately saturated. After the global economic crisis of 2008-2009. For about a year, there was a general decline in this and related areas of business. In 2010, there was a steady increase in demand for fitness against the backdrop of a gradual increase in the standard of living of citizens.

The crisis in the country, which began as a result of the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia in 2015, has not yet had a devastating impact on the industry until now (early 2016). It is difficult for people to break the habit of habits acquired during prosperity, so visits to fitness clubs decreased by about 2-3% compared to 2013-2014, when the highest increase in visits was observed.

General promotion of sports in media mass media, social networks, and work, sporting events held in the country, including those on a global scale, support citizens’ interest in sports.

Another thing is that most people, including current instructors and fitness trainers, have different opinions on the theory of fitness. According to sociological surveys of various social and age categories of people, fitness is:

  • "pumping" muscles
  • fat loss, weight loss
  • general improvement in physical fitness
  • preventing and relieving stress
  • part of the image
  • part of life
  • strengthening “spirit and body”
  • New acquaintances

Based on this information, it is necessary to build the Club’s marketing policy. It should be taken into account that in recent years the category of visitors “over 40” has increased significantly, who come to classes knowing exactly what they want to achieve as a result.

To form consumer opinion, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

  • installation of outdoor advertising media - posters, pillars, billboards
  • advertising in the media, in particular in specialized magazines
  • creating your own Internet resource
  • organizing sustainable infrastructure and working conditions for employees
  • distribution of booklets, brochures, leaflets

The classification of potential consumers of a fitness club is reflected in Table No. 2:

The national average prices for the purchase of fitness club services are reflected in Table No. 3:

Fitness club formatCost of a one-time lesson, rub.Purchasing an annual subscription with 3 visits per week, RUB.Purchasing a 6-month subscription with 3 visits per week, RUB.Purchasing a 3-month subscription with 3 visits per week, RUB.Billiards, bowling alley, bowling, rub.
class "elite" and "premium"300-1000 25 000 - 140 000 15 000 - 75 000 10 000 - 50 000 from 300
Economy class150 - 200 11 000 - 18 000 7 500 - 12 000 3 500 - 5 500 from 200

Based on the data presented, we can conclude that organizing a fitness club is, despite high costs, highly profitable and promising business.

Production plan

The main equipment for organizing the Club will be sports equipment and exercise equipment:

  • professional treadmills
  • exercise bikes
  • power stations
  • elliptical trainers
  • benches, stands
  • free weights – barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, weights
  • sports mats
  • yoga mats
  • mirrors
  • punching bags, punching bags, gloves, paws
  • billiard tables and accessories

Equipment is purchased depending on the range of services provided. The choice in favor of one or another simulator is determined by the manufacturer’s brand, functionality, durability, reliability, and operational safety.

The provision of additional services requires the purchase of appropriate equipment.

Financial plan

Start financial year enterprises - January.

The main taxes payable are indicated in Table No. 4:

Type of taxTax basePeriodInterest rate
Income taxIncoming profitMonth20%
Property taxEstimated value of propertyAccording to the payment schedule2,2%
VATAdded valueMonth18%
Income taxPayroll fundMonth13%
Social paymentsPayroll fundMonth34%

The estimated plan for the volume of services provided by the Club is presented in Table No. 5:

periodservicevolume of demandpriceprofit, rub.
1-12 month200 - 300 rubles per one-time lesson10 000 - 15 000
1-12 monthsales of club cardsweekdays - 10, weekends - 225,000 rubles300 000
1-12 monthdepending on loaddepending on price list50 000 - 100 000
13-24 monthfitness, shaping, aerobics, gym, yoga, martial artsweekdays - 300 people, weekends - 200 people250 - 350 rubles per one-time lesson12 500 - 17 500
13-24 monthsales of club cardsweekdays - 10, weekends - 230,000 rubles360 000
13-24 monthprovision of additional servicesdepending on loaddepending on price list60 000 - 120 000


The presented study showed that organizing a fitness club is a highly profitable, promising project that requires significant investment, and a business plan for a fitness club drawn up by specialists. Risk reduction can occur due to competent management of a fitness club, a correctly chosen concept and customer focus.

In recent years, a healthy lifestyle has become more and more popular. Every person who wants to take care of themselves switches to a healthy diet and starts playing sports. This trend in the world is captivating not only quite a few adults, but is also spreading more and more among young people every day.

Previously, it was quite difficult to find a dedicated gym other than rooms in government institutions sports But in recent years, a network of such organizations has filled almost every city. Even small towns can boast of having establishments of this kind.

Accordingly, if there is demand, there must be supply. A huge number of subjects commercial activities Today they prefer to engage in the maintenance of gyms. Since the field is relatively new, the process of entering the market is quite simple. The main thing is to smartly present your services and interest the client.

Project Description

Every entrepreneur must decide on the scale of his establishment. Here you need to understand that it is quite difficult for a newcomer to the world of commerce to open a huge fitness center that will have absolutely all types of services. This is unlikely to happen due to the lack of material and financial base. As a rule, today most of the halls are opened to representatives of the middle class. These are quite small centers, which at the same time have everything necessary for playing sports.

The project description must necessarily contain the main points that relate to legal side. This is the organizational and legal form in which the hall will be registered, its name, founders, capital, etc. You also need to indicate the location of the premises. In this situation, you need to understand that the club itself is best opened in a residential area.

Description is the very first part that contains the most general details about starting a business. It consolidates the most basic provisions, which in general make it clear the essence of the project itself.

Market and prospects assessment

It is quite important to assess the current state of the market for services in this area. Every entrepreneur who wants to open a gym must include in his business plan an analysis of the situation of relations between competitors.

In this situation, we are talking about the fact that before prescribing more detailed provisions for running your business, it is necessary to study the basics of the work of other companies that provide the same services. What is this for? First of all, it helps to know feasibility of creating such a project. If the research results show that there are several companies on the market, and clients prefer only one due to its advancedness in all aspects, then you need to think about whether it is possible to compete with such a company.

In addition, market analysis helps determine which aspects of it are best to develop.

Viewing big picture gyms for sports, every entrepreneur can independently understand what is popular now and what can be done without. In this situation, you need to learn from the mistakes of others. For example, someone created a sports center, and some part of it is not popular - you can remove this from your project.

Market assessment is one of the very first actions that an entrepreneur performs when starting a business. The results of the analysis of the commercial environment will show not only the need to create such an institution, but will also encourage the use of the necessary areas of development.

How to open such an establishment is shown in the following video:

Financial plan

Great attention must be devoted to material support. In this situation we are talking about finances. Naturally, every activity initially requires huge costs. As we have already said, few people can afford to create a huge sports center right away. Most entrepreneurs set up a small hall, which over time can turn into entire networks of clubs throughout the country.

Every businessman commits certain financial transactions to paper. You need to calculate at least approximately how much you will need to spend and on what. As a rule, this part of the business plan compiled in the form of a table. It contains data on the scope of use of the amount of money and its size. Naturally, at this stage the amounts will be inaccurate, but it is still worth proceeding from their closeness to reality. To do this, you can consult with people who have already passed this stage or simply ask the price of goods and services necessary to open your own sports center.

Sources of funds

If all material expenses have been identified, then you need to specify how exactly they will be financed. It is necessary to indicate the sources of formation of such funds. As practice shows, they can all be divided into two groups:

  • own;
  • borrowed.

The first group, as it becomes obvious, is drawn directly from the entrepreneur’s personal reserves. That is, there is no outside help in this situation. The person pays all necessary purchases and bills independently.

If we talk about the second type, then we are talking primarily about about loans. Every entrepreneur has the right to use banking services to provide loans, subject to their repayment with certain interest. Many credit institutions even have special programs for starting a business.

It is not necessary to take money from banks. It often happens that individuals borrow funds from friends or other organizations.

It is quite rare to find these sources in pure form. As a rule, in most cases entrepreneurs use A complex approach, which involves attracting both personal funds and loans. This form makes it possible to reduce percentage returns and greater personal involvement in the business.

Required equipment and personnel

After it is carried out theoretical approach planning and there are funds for its implementation, you can start decorating the hall:

  • First of all, the room itself needs to be renovated. It is mandatory to install air conditioning in the gym itself.
  • It is necessary to create shower rooms and changing rooms. Provide a separate room for staff.
  • Once all issues with the layout of the room have been resolved, you can begin purchasing the equipment itself. If an entrepreneur has no idea what to buy first, then it is best to take the advice of experts. This can be any person who is involved in the administration of gyms. He will tell you what must be present, and without what initial stages you can get by.
  • The staff plays a fairly large role. Employees will be needed who will work with clients on administrative issues, and you will also need to find specialists who will help directly with the classes themselves. Here it is best to hire people who have specialized education. They will be able to approach each client professionally and create individual training plans.

Opening hours and opening dates

It is imperative to establish what approximate time the gym will open. Such data will become the basis for all marketing activities. It is necessary to sum up the time frame for obtaining a loan, carrying out repairs, recruiting staff, arranging the premises - all this together will allow us to determine the approximate opening date.

It is mandatory draw up a work schedule for the establishment itself. IN working week most people prefer to go in the late afternoon. On weekends it’s the other way around. To ensure that the hall is not empty at a time when the number of visitors is the smallest, you can provide additional promotions that will attract the client.

Scheduling will become the basis not only for visitors, but also for its employees. You need to understand that the state prohibits a working day of more than 8 hours. Therefore, either set the day within these limits, or introduce a shift schedule.

Marketing plan

Advertising is of utmost importance. It is important both before the opening of the sports complex and after it begins to function. It is best to write down in advance all the main points that relate to marketing moves. First of all, this is necessary in order to determine the financial costs.

IN in this case you can use any sources - television, internet, newspapers, etc. Quite effective means will be the placement of big boards in the area of ​​the establishment itself.

Before the opening of the center, certain promotions can be envisaged. Since the hall does not yet have a client base, such measures will be more appropriate than ever. Research shows that discounts always attract people. This procedure will help the entrepreneur create his initial client list.

Planned revenue and project payback

At the very end of the business plan, you can indicate exactly what the entrepreneur expects from his business. Here are the main provisions regarding the payback of the project. This part must be composed carefully. It is necessary to take into account market analysis and opportunities to attract clients. It is best to describe neither minimum nor maximum results; you need to find something in between that will allow you to look at things more realistically.

Having established the average monthly income, you can easily calculate exactly when the project will be able to break even. Such actions are especially important for entrepreneurs who apply for a bank loan and provide this plan to a financial institution.