Numerology by date of birth of partners. Numerology of partner compatibility by date of birth and name: how to find out if a person is right for you? How to find the number of fate

None of us lives in a closed world, and for success in life it is important to understand not only yourself, but also those around you. While the relationship is easy and pleasant, does not cause problems or anxiety, we do not think about its future, but the closer the connections become, the more important it is to understand what they can bring to us.

In everyone’s life there are people with whom a lot depends on relationships - and I really want these relationships to be pleasant for everyone! But this is not always possible: there are many constantly quarreling married couples, tormenting lovers, business partners for whom cooperation brings no less problems than benefits. Checking personal compatibility is a great way to protect yourself from mistakes and avoid connections that will not bring you joy.

Assessing compatibility between birth dates and names

Checking compatibility in love and marriage will give a final assessment of the planned prospects for marriage. Although compatibility between names and compatibility between dates of birth have different bases, their influence on the relationship of partners is almost the same. Therefore, you should not rely on the results of one test and completely ignore the results of another when assessing the prospects of an existing or proposed alliance.

Destiny number compatibility

And vice versa: a successful combination of everyday behavioral traits can ensure stability of existence, but if there is no spiritual closeness, there can be no real happiness. Its purpose is to determine whether two people share a common destiny. The positive result of this analysis often outweighs all other indicators.

Even if you have no reason to complain that in a given situation you fell for the wrong person, take the time to do simple arithmetic to understand whether you correctly assess your relationship and what can be done to improve it.

Compatibility assessment is done based on the Path Numbers of both partners. To calculate, we will use the “natural addition” method - we will calculate the sum of the numbers corresponding to the day, month and year of birth, and then reduce it to a single digit number.

This is the one that makes the connection unbreakable and long-lasting, and determines stability family relations. Analysis of future partners of the Psychomatrice is one of the most detailed and thorough compatibility tests. Its results shed light on the level of compatibility of the main personal qualities: determination, attachment to family, stability, self-esteem, ability to work, talent, temperament, spirituality, strength of character, energy. This is the most full information about the prospects of relations.

The complete relationship compatibility test with numerology gives answers to the most difficult questions problems that you and your partner may encounter in the future. The results of love and marriage compatibility tests are given as percentages, so you know exactly how much you can trust each other in difficult conditions.

For example, a man born on March 2, 1978 would have to do the following calculations to find out what his relationship would be like with a woman born on April 7, 1980:

1. 2 +3+1+9+7+8=30. Then we add 3 and 0, resulting in three, which is the Path Number.

2. 7+4+1+9+8+0=29. Then we add 2 and 9, obtaining the number 11, which we bring to a single digit: 1+1=2.

The four parameters to check your compatibility with a certain person are: Heavenly Union, Life Union, Destiny Union and Maturity Union. Together, these parameters make up your love compatibility chart and provide a broad overview of the most likely scenario for your relationship. These parameters were found using a numerology compatibility calculator.

Number compatibility in numerology

The percentage of consent for the Heavenly Union is calculated based on the compatibility of your soul number with the number of your partner. A high percentage indicates unity of opinion and similarity of priorities and, therefore, guarantees absolute unanimity and mutual understanding.

All that remains is to find out exactly how a relationship with a “B” will develop for a person of three - and, perhaps, to learn important lessons from the information received. Do not forget that each person is also influenced by the vibrations of his name, they also need to be taken into account.

If you don’t want to tire yourself with calculations, or you’re afraid of making a mistake, use the special service it guarantees an accurate result.

Your relationship will be based on feelings and sensations that are unlikely to be comprehended by anyone. From the very first hours, you will develop a strong mental connection that will last forever. Even if you crash, it will remain. Whatever you do, you will try to evaluate it from your ex-partner's point of view.

The most mystical science

Compatibility percentage life cycle calculated based on the compatibility of your life path number with that of your partner. A high percentage reflects the unity of interests and similarity of problems that you face throughout your life.

The way relationships between people develop is determined not only by the characteristics and inclinations of each of them, but also by the numerical vibration that characterizes any union - business, friendship, love. Knowing the number that unites a particular couple allows you to predict how the relationship will develop and determine in what direction the energy of the partners should be directed, because sometimes together you can achieve what would be unattainable for a person acting alone.

Simple pair index calculation

Moreover, both of you have almost the same capabilities to solve these problems. And this is an extremely strong unifying factor. Even if the sensual side of your relationship is far from perfect, you will always be sure that you have a reliable companion by your side. This will never change, despite any complications in the emotional field.

This aspect of the relationship goes beyond Everyday life, outside the material world. A high percentage indicates a connection that began long before you were born and will remain long after you are gone. Time must pass before you feel that your destinies are connected with each other. So, in this case, the result of your numerology test only hints at the area where you should look for reasons for your mutual attraction and maximum trust. On this moment you just need to be aware of the existence of these connections.

In order to find out the number uniting a particular pair, you should find the sum of the Numbers of interaction with the world (remember that this is the sum of the numerical values ​​of both vowels and consonants of the letters of the first and last name), and then, if necessary, resort to the “natural addition” - that is, bring the result to a single number.
For example, for Elena Dmitrieva, the number of interaction with the world is two; in order to find out how her relationship with Alexander Lvov will turn out, our heroine should calculate his Number of interaction with the world (and this is also a two), and then simply add 2 and 2. The result will be a four - it remains to read about the influence of her vibrations .

This will help you withstand the heavy blows of adversity. Maturity Ratio Compatibility Percentage is calculated based on the sum of the numbers from your name and date of birth and the same numbers from your partner. A high percentage means you passed long haul to this Union. Here, your physical age is not what matters; wisdom and maturity are found in both old and young. You have found each other, so the long journey is over.

Decoding the received value

The union of maturity is equally ideal for love, for marriage and for business. In any case, this is a warrant for serious intentions and reasonable demands. Your maturity union partner will never let you down. With such similar relationships in life, there is no reason for both of you to seek any changes.

When it comes to getting married, women (and sometimes men) often think about whether to change their last name. Accept correct solution Numerology will help - just “try on” the chosen one’s surname and find out how the change will affect the union.

So, having become Elena Lvova, our heroine will change the Number of interaction with the world from 2 to 8. Since the surname of her chosen one remains unchanged, we should add 8 and 2, and then bring the result - 10 - to a single digit number. We'll get one. It remains to understand which union is more attractive - under the influence of 1 or 4.

Numerology of compatibility: the fate of a couple by date of birth

Find your match according to the date of birth and the number you represent. Intelligent and entertaining personalities. Their minds are always occupied with some thought and have a very wired nature. Born 5, 14 and 23; Compatible with 1, 4 and 6.

Number 1 brings good luck and social status at number 5, but doesn't make for good life partners. Number 5s have communication skills but they do not have that strength, but with the help and strength of 1s and with the intellectual mind of 5s they can be successful in both business and friendships. Number 4s are not ideal life partners, but they can be good friends. Number 6 is gentle and loving and helps a 5 year old get rid of their worries. Room 6 comfort 5 very good. Thus, 6's are compatible for any relationship with the number 5.

Relationships with loved ones play a significant role in our lives. They make you happy or suffer, give you happiness or lead to depression... Is it possible to rely on numerology when solving issues affecting such an important area? It is possible and necessary, but you cannot replace this difficult science with arithmetic. Remember that you need to take into account all the numbers that influence a person, and not leave a single vibration unattended. In addition, when it comes to the vibrations of a name, you should not limit yourself to the form that is written in the passport - do not be too lazy to “calculate” family and friendly nicknames, any other forms of the name; It’s worth starting with the most common one.

Polite and diplomatic people, but they know how to manipulate. A little slow and sensual, and also romantic at heart. Born 6, 15 and 24; Compatible with 4, 5 and 8. They attract each other well, so they can be good friends, but not partners. Number 5 works as an advisor When ever 6 year olds get restless and pamper them, they can be good business partners as well as friends. Number 8 is useful for 6 jobs.

The calm and intellectual 8 controls the socialist side of the 6 and introduces them to spirituality. Inventive and intuitive personality. Sometimes they act mystically and live a dreamy life. They are prone to mood swings and can be destructive.

Your birthday:
Partner's birthday: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Having found out your own Path number and your partner’s Path number, you can calculate an approximate forecast for further development these relationships. Some vibrations of numbers are completely incompatible, others are combined almost perfectly, and, having learned how great the chance of finding happiness in a given relationship is, you can draw certain conclusions for the future.

By date of birth

Born 7, 16 and 25 years old; Compatible with 1, 2 and 9. Number 1 is “punctual and disciplined”, which improve business partnerships by 7%. Their friendship goes well without any expectations. Even marriage is good for both. But in a business partnership, 2s and 7s are not good entrepreneurs. Therefore, they are both mutually beneficial to each other. Their views on spirituality are different, but they can be good friends. About marriage, husbands who are 9 years old and wives who are 7 years old may be a good combination, but not the other way around.

Ruled by Saturn, Intelligent but selfish. Hard workers and visionaries, mostly misunderstood by others. Born 8, 17 and 26 years old; compatible with 1 and 2. Numbers 1 and 8 are exactly opposite to each other, so they attract each other. Number 1 gives good energy, happiness and inspiration for up to 8 seconds. Number 8 "does not accept the rules and regulations imposed by Number 1." This the only reason, along which they can leave. Unfortunately, their business or life partnerships do not last long.

Although, of course, no matter how responsibly we approach the choice of our partner, love is love - and if it arises between two people, no voice of reason will help. Very often, even without numerological calculations, it is clear that partners have completely different goals in life.

This is probably why the divorce statistics look so impressive. Love alone is not enough to get along together - you also need to have similar characters, or, in any case, learn to adapt to each other, and only then will there be harmony in the family.

Number 1 is still good for friendship and romance for 8 years as they bring vital energy. Number 2 is good as verbal supporters up to 8 years old. Not intended for long term business partnership, but occasional association can make them good money. The marriage between them is average.

This is based on their date of birth. For hundreds of years, compatibility between people in terms of numerology has been accepted as a rare truth. Everyone is very unique and has qualities that will complement the other person's. According to numerology compatibility, some life numbers will be more harmonious than with other life numbers. There are also soul numbers, destiny numbers and the overall personality of a person which can be seen through certain number, with which they vibrate. Your compatibility with another person can be predicted using the powerful tool of numerology.

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of characters, being able to find compromises - these are the skills partners need to master before deciding to tie themselves into family ties. Just where to get knowledge about characteristic features your partner, if he has not yet managed to fully reveal his essence, if you have not yet encountered him in everyday life? This is where calculating the compatibility of Path numbers will help.

There is a system of numerology that is commonly used for this day and age. Birth date number compatibility will give clear clues for a person to evaluate whether their choice of partner is right for him or her at this time in their life. Numerology is not just for lovers who want to get married. All relationships can be predicted, be it a friend, sister, brother, cousin, employer, neighbor. With this prediction system, the similarities and differences between any two people can be analyzed.

This will help the aspiring lover to take a concise approach to the decision using the powerful tool of numerology. This may give your imagination some creative potential to see what your compatibility rating would be with someone perhaps much younger than you. You can also select a birth date to see possible birth date compatibility for a person who has not yet been born. This would be an example of who will have.

There are combinations of Path numbers that are great for friendship and business partnerships, but not suitable for creating a family. Or vice versa, love relationship Things work out perfectly between the partners, but they are not at all recommended to work together. But you can break up with a business partner, but breaking up family relationships is a much more serious matter.

How to find the number of fate

No matter how much love another person has for you, he or she can never merge with you. When you use the Law of Attraction to improve your connection with your partner or find someone new, you can use basic numerology to open up a new useful information about your approach to relationships.

Number of life trajectories

If you don't know it's about numerology and love, read on because you may discover great things that bring a little light into your life. love life and achieve the most exciting and romantic dreams. The life path number comes from your date of birth and the most important number on the numerology chart that corresponds to you. With this number, you can reveal your mission in this life, the main lessons you must learn, and the most satisfying path you must follow in your life.

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that if a couple is completely incompatible from the point of view of numerology, this does not mean that these people have no chance of a happy future together. Of course, it is best if partners have a similar way of thinking, set the same goals, and are able to understand each other perfectly.

For example, the following groups of Path numbers are perfectly compatible:

1, 5, 7 - these are individualists and leaders, they firmly pursue their goals, love variety;

2, 4, 8 - these are business, practical people, material wealth comes first in life;

3, 6, 9 are creative people, devote a lot of time to spiritual self-development.

But, on the other hand, when the characters are similar, partners can no longer learn anything from each other - they can only strengthen those vibrations of numbers with which they are already endowed. Therefore, a mismatch of characters is not always a bad thing. On the contrary, partners have something to take from each other, and, as we know, opposites attract.

Even the most impossible union can become very happy. You just need to know about weaknesses the nature of your partner, his preferences, in which situation it is better to remain silent, and when, on the contrary, to show strength of character. All this can be easily learned from the compatibility of Path numbers.

By the way, when calculating compatibility based on Path numbers, one more important point should be taken into account - the internal relationships of each specific couple depend not only on this combination. The forecast will be most complete and accurate if you also calculate the numerological compatibility of the partners’ names - all these factors are closely interrelated with each other.

Therefore, calculate compatibility and remember - no matter what result you get, any couple can be happy if love reigns between the partners, they are ready to accept each other’s characters with all their strengths and weaknesses, and are determined to live their whole lives together.