How to open your own gym business plan. Opening a fitness club (how to open a gym)

Visits gyms and fitness clubs every day huge amount Human. Basically, these are wealthy visitors who are accustomed to working out in elite and expensive fitness clubs; as for economy class gyms, the opening of new ones is relevant. In this article we will look at how to open your gym with the most necessary equipment and give an example of a business plan for a fitness center with calculations and minimum investments.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Opening a Gym as a Business

The main target audience of gym visitors: young people 18-50 years old. The table below outlines the advantages and disadvantages of opening a gym.

Advantages Flaws
High profitability (profitability) of the business ~35% High barrier to entry into the market. Large initial investments are required in the purchase of simulators and rental ~1.5-2 million.
Year-round influx of visitors (with an emphasis in September-October). Availability required large room(>300m2) close to residential areas, universities, offices
No specific sports knowledge is required: there are many trainers on the labor market Uneven influx of visitors throughout the day: the peak occurs during prime-time from 18-00 to 22-00.

According to RKB Research, the field of fitness and accessible sports the average growth rate of fitness centers and gyms is ~12.1%. The growth leader is the Moscow market. Regions are a promising direction for the development of this segment.

Stages of opening a gym

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Gym business plan. Search for premises

First you need to find a room. Its area must be at least 150 square meters. m. We will consider a gym with two rooms. This is explained by the fact that in addition to the gym there are technical and auxiliary rooms:

  • Locker rooms;
  • Bathroom, showers;
  • Wardrobe;
  • Administration premises.

Searching for premises is priority, the success of the gym will depend on its location, accessibility to business centers, metro stations or residential areas.

Determination of price and operating time

An economy class gym, although it must have experienced instructors on staff, cannot be compared with a full-fledged elite fitness club in terms of the volume of services. The average price per hour of visiting is about 150 rubles.

As for time, most people come to the gym to work out in the afternoon. But there are also those who work out in the morning.

The main flow of visitors falls on the so-called prime time time:from 18-00 to 23-00. This is explained simply, the majority of the population who are interested in fitness works until 17.18 pm.

Optimal operating mode of the hall– from 11:00 to 23:00. It is recommended that the hall operate seven days a week, with a minimum number of breaks for holidays.

Calculation of working hours and number of employees

The gym has been open for 351 days, we immediately took into account holidays and sanitary days. Let's look at the description of the employees' work schedule:

  • Sliding schedule;
  • 2 days off (101 days per year);
  • Vacation 24 days;
  • We take into account the possible absence of an employee for various reasons - 14 days.

(351 – 101 – 24 – 14) * 8 = 1696 hours/year PS: (employee’s 8-hour workday).

In total, it turns out that there are 1,696 hours per year per employee. These data allow us to conclude that our gym needs 5 instructors. How did we calculate this?

  1. The total number of working hours in two halls per year: 351x12x2=8424.
  2. Required number of personnel (instructors): 8424/1696=4.96.
  3. Rounding up, it turns out to be 5 people.

Also, before opening a gym, you need to consider the total number of employees.

  1. Please note that the gym is open for 12 hours. 351x12=4212 hours per year.
  2. The employee's working day is no more than 8 hours, no more than 1696 hours per year.
  3. 4212/1696=2.48 staff units for each workplace. These are administrators, cleaners, security guards.
  4. The gym needs a manager (director) and an accountant.

Gym staff:

Naturally, this mathematics is necessary to create a business plan, and in your gym everything may be different. But to get acquainted with how it all works, our example is illustrative.

Video lesson “How to open a fitness club?”

In a video tutorial, Samat Nazirov tells how to open a gym in your city, what difficulties arise and where to start.

How to open a gym: revenue estimation

First you need to decide on the amount of revenue. To do this, you need to predict the number of visitors. It is also necessary to think through a system of subscriptions and unique offers for customers in a timely manner (at the stage of setting prices). When the picture is relatively complete, you can begin planning your annual revenue.

Annual total revenue of the gym

So, we proceed from the maximum parameters:

  • 351 working days (excluding holidays);
  • 10 visitors at the same time;
  • 150 rub. per hour

In total, we receive 12,636,000 rubles per year, BUT: this is the maximum maximum at 100% workload, which never happens. We use a reduction factor of 0.8%. We used it because experts say: attendance does not exceed 80%. In total, we have 10,108,800 rubles per year with an average stable attendance.

Estimation of current and initial costs

We buy exercise equipment

An economy class gym must have equipment that:

  • Satisfies all the requests and desires of visitors;
  • Is constantly in working order;
  • It is inexpensive and pays for itself quickly;
  • Conveniently located in two halls with an area of ​​30 square meters. m each.

The ideal option here would be to use used exercise equipment. They will cost much less, but the quality is no worse. We offer a cost estimate for gym equipment:

The choice of simulators depends on the focus. There are two areas of the gym: aerobic exercise and strength exercise. The example considered was for aerobic training. If you are considering power loads, then you need to focus on the ability to perform three basic strength exercises: bench press, squat and deadlift. To do this, you need 3 barbells, squat racks, a floor covering for deadlifts, a set of dumbbells up to 25 kilograms, starting with 2 kilograms in increments of 1.5 kg. You also need a bench press and an incline bench. Accordingly, it is necessary to have pancakes for shangi: 10 pcs. — 25 kg., 10 pcs. — 20 kg., 10 pcs. - 15 kg., 10 pcs. - 10 kg. 8 pcs. — 5 kg., 6 pcs. - 2.5 kg., 4 pcs. - 1.25 kg. Aids may include deadlift belts, wrist bands, chalk, etc. The total cost of this equipment will be more than 600 thousand rubles.

Costs of auxiliary funds (fixed assets)

Depreciation of auxiliary funds is 20% (126.6 thousand rubles).

Note that you can save not only on exercise equipment, but also on computers and other equipment. But everything must meet quality standards.

Intangible assets

Intangible assets include registration of a lease agreement, founding expenses, and depreciation charges. Registration and founding expenses amount to about 5 thousand rubles. The latter make up 10%, which means 500 rubles. per year.

We calculate salaries for employees

The salary of each gym employee per month is:

As a result: 295 thousand/rub. per month or 3,540 thousand/rub. per year.

Production costs

You shouldn’t naively believe that the above-mentioned costs are where everything ends. A gym is the same enterprise where it is necessary to take into account:

  • Direct costs;
  • Costs of maintaining a gym as an enterprise;
  • Costs of maintaining funds;
  • Depreciation;
  • Management costs;
  • Implementation costs.

Direct costs include instructor salaries. For other employees, everything is included in management and office expenses.

A special expense item is the rental of premises. In the case of our gym it amounts to 160 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the specific premises, conditions and area.

So, monthly costs:

  • Rent: 160 thousand rubles.
  • Office expenses: 3 thousand rubles.
  • Landline phone: ~200 rub.
  • Advertising (usually SMM): 5 thousand rubles. per month.

It's time to take care of taxes

So, you need to take care of tax deductions:

  • Tax on food 1% payroll: RUB 35,400;
  • Tax on the maintenance of the fund: 1.5% of income, 151,632 rubles.

Total: 187.032 rub.

Balance sheet profit: 3,703.800–187.032=3,576.768 rub.

Net profit: 3,576.768–703.354=2,873.414 rub. (income tax is deducted)

Gym profitability: assessment

We are counting specific profitability(ratio of profit to cost of resources): 3576768/10108800x100% = 35.38%.

We are counting estimated profitability(ratio of net profit to costs): 2873414/6405000x100% = 44.86%

Now you know how to open a gym!

To a beginner, all these calculations may seem complicated. But from this example we can conclude that the profitability of such a business is quite high. All costs from the start-up capital will be paid off. The main thing is that before opening a gym, carefully think through a business plan and select convenient place for the gym. Almost everything depends on this.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(4.2 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.5 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
The gym is promising direction business with a payback period of ~2 years and profitability of ~35%. The initial investment for renting premises and purchasing sports equipment will cost ~1.5-2 million rubles. The key success factor is its location and accessibility to office centers, universities, and residential complexes. To quickly start a business, it is recommended to use a franchise; this will allow you to avoid many mistakes when building business processes due to support from the franchisee. If you are drawing up a business plan to attract investors, it is necessary to describe the financial part of the plan as much as possible: profitability, payback period and necessary investment costs.

Nowadays, the fitness services market is developing at a very fast pace. This area is considered one of the most common types of business. In terms of popularity, fitness services are second only to IT technologies and the entertainment business, for example.

Since competition in this type of business is still small, you can enter it without any problems. Therefore, many entrepreneurs who create profitable business, are interested in how to open a fitness club from scratch. For a business to be successful, you must first draw up a competent business plan.

Business Features

A modern fitness club is an unusual rocking chair that lacks basic amenities. Such an establishment is obviously doomed to failure, since people want to play sports in comfortable conditions. It is unlikely that anyone will pay good money to visit a gym that does not have air conditioning and a shower. The future belongs to modern, equipped last word equipment, fitness clubs.

To ensure that your customers visit your establishment with pleasure, you do not need to rent a huge hall with a swimming pool. It is enough to find a cozy room in an ordinary residential area, the area of ​​which does not exceed 100 sq. meters. The most important thing is to choose the right simulators and find experienced, highly qualified instructors.

The cost of opening a fitness club directly depends on its location. For example, rent in a cent will cost you an exorbitant amount, and you will have to work for several years without profit to compensate for the costs. Therefore, give preference to residential areas of the city.

Selecting a room

Before renting premises for a fitness club, please pay special attention on some important points:

  • The fitness club should be located in a place convenient for visiting.
  • Competitors should not operate near your establishment.
  • You should choose a densely populated area with multi-story residential buildings.
  • Pay attention to the transport interchange.
  • The premises must be equipped with a ventilation system, as well as showers and toilets.
  • The ideal option is to purchase the premises as your own rather than rent.

It is advisable to equip a sauna in the fitness club. This is a fairly popular service, thanks to which your establishment will be very popular. When drawing up a business plan for a fitness club, you should take into account that wealthy people usually visit fitness clubs that offer additional services such as cosmetic massage, solarium and bar. According to experts, you can get up to 30% profit from them.


The most common exercise machines that can be found in almost all fitness clubs are:

  • Horizontal bench – up to 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • Bench with a leg trainer and a barbell rack – 4 thousand rubles;
  • Abdominal trainer – 5.5 thousand rubles;
  • Exercise machine for developing chest muscles – 22 thousand rubles;
  • Smith's car - 19 thousand rubles;
  • Treadmill – 16 thousand rubles;
  • Leg press machine – 24 thousand rubles.

In addition, you need to purchase various barbells, dumbbells, discs, etc. If you don't have enough money, fitness room equipment can be leased.

Also, don’t forget about monthly expenses:

  • Public utilities;
  • Equipment depreciation;
  • Taxes;
  • Advertising;
  • Salaries for employees.

Before opening a fitness club, select professional, highly qualified staff. Many clients refuse to work out at a particular fitness club just because they can’t find common language with an instructor.


If you invest approximately 10 thousand dollars in a fitness club and set the price for classes at 50 rubles. in one workout, your investment can pay off in literally 1.5 years. An elite establishment will require more serious investments, but the cost of one visit to such a fitness club is much higher. The profitability of such an establishment, according to experts, is about 30%.

What can you save on?

Many entrepreneurs wonder how to open sports club and without spending a lot of money.

There are several simple ways to help save you money:

  1. Visitors to fitness clubs rarely pay attention to what the ceilings or walls in the room are decorated with. If you abandon finishing with elite materials and paint them with regular paint, you can save a decent amount on repairs.
  2. As for equipment, you should not buy expensive exercise equipment from well-known manufacturers, since customers pay little attention to their origin. The main thing is that all equipment is durable and of high quality.
  3. An inexpensive economy class fitness center does not need advertising on television or radio. It is enough to post notices around the area and make a bright, attractive sign. Distribution of leaflets and advertising on the Internet are also excellent for these purposes, for example in social networks. It is also advisable that your first customers post positive reviews about your fitness club online.

What can't you save on?

If you want to open an establishment that will generate a stable income, when developing a business plan for a sports club, consider a few important points:

  1. Don't skimp on staff salaries. Only highly qualified employees should be hired. Remember that true professionals will never agree to work for pennies.
  2. If the gym is stuffy, clients will go to another fitness club. Therefore, make sure that the room is equipped with a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system. Thanks to this, you will be able to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.
  3. Each locker room should have at least 2-3 showers. For these rooms, buy expensive, high-quality plumbing fixtures that are durable and have a pleasant appearance.

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If we are talking about what is needed to open a fitness club, do not forget about the preparation of documents that confirm the legality of your activities. Since 2009, physical education and health services are not subject to licensing. A license may only be required to provide medical services. To open a small fitness club, you just need to register as a private entrepreneur in order to pay single tax.

Since clients do not have much trust in private entrepreneurs, they prefer to buy fitness memberships from legal entities. To avoid paying unaffordable taxes, you can register an LLC. After this, the trainers are registered as private entrepreneurs who pay a single tax and sublease the premises to them. Start-up businesses may not have to pay income taxes for several years. This is provided for in the Tax Code. Thanks to this, you will save yourself from unaffordable tax payments.

Where can I get start-up capital?

To enter the fitness services market and become its full-fledged participant, you will need a large starting capital. Some entrepreneurs who do not have free funds on hand, but want to work in this area, are interested in how to open a fitness club without money? The answer to this question is simple - go to the bank and take out a loan. It should be remembered that such an establishment pays for itself in 1–3 years. In addition, you can attract private investors to your business who want to improve their image.

Let's sum it up

A successful fitness club, in which 40–50 thousand dollars are invested, can pay for itself in literally a year. In the future, its profitability largely depends on the number of clients, pricing policy, as well as the introduction of various additional services. What can be opened in a fitness club has already been discussed above. The profit of a small gym is usually 1-10 thousand dollars per year.

healthy lifestyle ( healthy image life) is an essential component of the image of any successful person. It is worth noting that fitness services are very popular these days. Therefore, it is not surprising that information on how to open a fitness club from scratch worries many novice businessmen. By popularity this direction second only to information technology and entertainment business, for example.

In big cities there are a sufficient number of large fitness centers and very strong competition from online monsters. In a small town, it is much easier to bring this idea to life. However, only a few are able to survive, namely those businessmen who can competently organize a business, soberly assessing their capabilities and likely risks. Let's talk about how to open a sports business from scratch and what awaits aspiring entrepreneurs planning to develop this area.

How to open your own fitness club from scratch?

To open a sports center with start-up capital, you must:

  • decide what services the future fitness club will offer;
  • collect the required documentation;
  • choose a room;
  • purchase equipment and shells;
  • hire a staff of qualified employees;
  • take care of advertising.

Fitness services

A modern sports club is not limited to just a gym and an area for fitness training. This is a whole project that unites large number complexes designed to improve performance, development and strengthening of body and spirit.

For last decades The range of group programs has expanded significantly. Various types of yoga are increasingly found on fitness club schedules. They offer all kinds of dance programs and even original training complexes consisting of elements of yoga, Pilates and stretching. For pool lovers and those trying to lose weight, there are water aerobics classes.

In addition to the above services, fitness clubs may have in their arsenal:

  • gym;
  • massage and other therapeutic procedures;
  • spa;
  • sauna and/or hammam;
  • solarium;
  • nail service;
  • bar, etc.

A fitness club can offer either part or a whole range of these services. However, you need to start with a limited set, subsequently expanding this range. The presence of a swimming pool will have a positive impact on the status of the sports center, but, on the other hand, will lead to significant costs. After all, most likely, a novice businessman will have to build his own building in order to open a swimming pool.

Required Documentation

Executing documents and registering a business should not cause any difficulties, because the set of documents, as well as the procedure for obtaining them, are standard:

  1. Registration of the legal form with the tax office. At the beginning of your activity, it is more advisable to use individual entrepreneurship (IP). This will allow us to work with a simplified taxation system in the future.
  2. Selecting OKVED indicating:
    • 04 – services in the field of physical education and health;
    • 61 – activities of sports institutions;
    • 62 – other activities related to sports. If an entrepreneur plans to expand the list of services provided in the future, for example, add a solarium, massage, nail service, then you need to indicate in advance all the necessary OKVED codes.
  3. Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To prepare such a document you need:
  • contract for maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • service contract for the housing maintenance office;
  • an agreement with an organization licensed to recycle fluorescent lamps;
  • medical books for staff;
  • PPK (production control program) and institution passport.

If it is necessary to open some grocery stores, then to open a fitness club without additional services there is no need to obtain any license. The exception is for institutions providing medical services.

Selecting a room

The area and location of the fitness club depend on its format. If you plan to open a sports facility for a narrow purpose, for example, for “neighbors,” then you should not consider premises with an area of ​​more than 150 m². Moreover, it can be located in a residential building in one of the residential areas of the city. True, in this case it would be more advisable to buy a premises, since in this format rent will make up a significant part of the costs.

If you plan to open a fitness club with an “All inclusive” approach, then you should think about a larger premises. The size will be affected by the format sports institution, the presence of a swimming pool, sauna and other components of a modern club.

The most optimal location in in this case there will be a city center. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy premises, because rent will not be expensive for such an enterprise, since it will be able to bring a good profit.

Large dimensions will allow you to accommodate a large number of visitors on your territory and expand the range of services offered to the maximum. And the presence of presentable premises equipped with modern equipment and exercise equipment will interest respectable clients who are willing to pay good money, which, in turn, will lead to increased profits.

When choosing a suitable premises, it is important to consider the size and terms of the lease agreement. It is clear that this document will differ from . The price for temporary use can be about 30-90 dollars per m². Of course, it is worth looking for areas located in the lower price segment. The lease agreement should be concluded for a period of at least 4-5 years. It is this period that should be considered as the most late date return on investment.


When choosing equipment for the gym, it is necessary to take into account the needs of clients when working with all muscle groups. The more such needs are satisfied, the more consumers there will be.

The minimum set of exercise equipment, which is ideal for quality training, includes the following items:

  • treadmills (at least two);
  • fitballs;
  • exercise bikes;
  • steppers;
  • board with rack for horizontal/incline bench press;
  • a simulator for working out the pectoral muscles;
  • squat rack;
  • Smith machine;
  • exercise machine with free weights for leg flexion/extension;
  • barbells, dumbbells, plates, discs, yoga mats and other small items.

Advice: You should not buy a butterfly trainer, it is an absolutely useless trainer, used mainly to satisfy curiosity.

Everything discussed above concerned only simulators. However, in addition to them, a good fitness club also needs equipment of a completely different kind. Locker rooms should be equipped with benches, cabinets and showers. If a fitness club expects to also offer clients beauty salon services, then it will require nail services, etc.


When all other points have been considered and completed, you can move on to personnel selection. Only experienced trainers should be hired who have sufficient training and knowledge to carry out effective classes. The minimum staff for a small gym and shift work consists of:

  • administrators (2);
  • fitness instructors (2);
  • cleaners (2);
  • accountant (when opening an LLC).

Thus, to open a small fitness club from scratch, you need to hire 6-7 people. In the future, along with expanding the range of services offered, there will be a need for additional employees. Nurses, a massage therapist, a yoga or water gymnastics instructor, etc. may be required.

The important backbone of the team, of course, is the coaches. Their selection should be taken very seriously. Preference should be given to former athletes, physical education teachers in schools and universities.

Advertising and promotion

This point should be given special attention, since every person is very scrupulous when choosing a gym and fitness club.

Today, choosing a sports facility begins with the Internet. Moreover, the potential consumer is looking for a fitness club that best satisfies his needs, paying attention to the location, the presence of a sauna and swimming pool, the qualifications of instructors, the availability modern equipment etc.

Due to this marketing plan must begin with identifying the target audience. Moreover, the more specifically this segment is described, the easier it will be to promote the club and the more information about it will fall into the hands of potential consumers.

The first thing you need to do is create a colorful website. It is important to fill it with useful and relevant articles about training and proper nutrition. This will arouse genuine interest not only in the site, but also in the fitness club itself. The use of SMM technologies will allow you to disseminate information about the gym on social networks.

How to open a gym from scratch?

To enter the market of sports and recreational services and become its full participant, significant start-up capital is required. Not all businessmen have the required amount, but this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​opening a fitness club or gym from scratch. There is a way out - go to the bank and take out a loan. At the same time, it is important to understand that with proper business organization, it can easily pay for itself in 1-3 years. Another option is to enlist the support of private investors who want to improve their image.

Many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a gym from scratch with limited wallet sizes. Let's look at a few simple ways budget savings.

What can you save on?

  1. Gym clients rarely pay attention to the decoration of the walls and ceilings in the room. Refusal of elite materials in favor of conventional painting will save the lion's share cash under repair.
  2. Touching on the topic of exercise equipment, it is worth noting that there is no point in buying expensive sports equipment. Consumers are little interested in the brand and manufacturer. The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing equipment is quality and durability.
  3. An economy format fitness club does not need expensive advertising (radio, television). It will be enough to post leaflets around the area, on bus stops, make a beautiful and bright sign. Good move– advertising on the Internet, for example, on social networks. It is very important that the first customers leave positive feedback online about the work of the gym.

Where is saving irrational?

  1. Staff salaries. The staff must consist of highly qualified personnel, and professionals will never work for meager wages.
  2. If the gym is hot and stuffy, clients will simply go to another fitness club. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the room is equipped with high-quality air conditioning and ventilation. This will allow you to achieve a comfortable atmosphere in the halls.
  3. Each locker room must have at least 2-3 showers. For these premises, it is advisable to purchase high-quality and expensive plumbing fixtures that have a presentable appearance and are characterized by a long service life.

How much does it cost to open a fitness club from scratch?

The lion's share of costs will be associated with renting or purchasing premises for a gym. If we consider an average premises (250 m²) in Moscow, then rent for three months will be about 600,000 rubles and more. It is worth noting that not all premises meet the requirements of fitness clubs, which means that you will have to fork out for repairs, which is approximately 200,000 rubles.

Going to the gym is an essential attribute of many successful people.

The market for fitness services today is quite highly developed, and competition is strong. However, there is still one more niche in this market that is not fully filled, and this niche is: economy class gyms intended for poor visitors. For this reason, many people these days are asking the question: - how to open an economy class gym?

Gym plus other facilities

In reality, this is not so difficult to do; it is enough to make simple calculations to make sure that this problem is completely solvable.

The first thing you need to do for this is to find a suitable room, the area of ​​which should be approximately at least 150 square meters.

Such a large area is necessary because, in addition to the gym itself, it is necessary to accommodate locker rooms, showers, a wardrobe and administrative offices. Their total dimensions can be up to two-thirds of the total area.

Optimal economy class prices

Then you need to determine the optimal price for one hour class at your fitness club. Although, strictly speaking, an ordinary gym is not a fitness club, since it does not provide the volume of services that are provided there.

According to the testimony of many people who have already been lucky enough to open their own gym, the optimal price for an hourly subscription today is 150 rubles.

And in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening

Second the most important question What any gym owner needs to decide is its operating mode. Considering that the majority of those who want to exercise in a “rocking chair” prefer to do it in the afternoon. However, it would be inappropriate to limit opening hours to this period of time, since among potential visitors there will always be those who prefer to study in the morning.

Thus, the opening hours of the gym should be set between 9 hours and 21 hours. It is best for an establishment such as a gym to work seven days a week, with minimum quantity holidays.

Hall for men and hall for women

Since both men and women will be visitors to the gym, it is most reasonable to open your fitness room taking this circumstance into account, that is, to have two locker rooms (men's and women's), two showers (men's and women's), respectively, two toilets, as well as two separate rooms.

A friendly atmosphere and friendly staff are the key to the success of your gym

Used trainers are no worse

The most important component of any “rocking chair” is the simulators; their set should meet the wishes of visitors to the maximum extent possible. However, given the category of the gym (economy class), you should not get carried away with purchasing expensive equipment, since in this case it will not pay off soon. Today you can easily purchase the necessary set of used exercise equipment, which will cost several times less than new ones and, in principle, will be no worse than new ones. For two halls of 30 square meters each, the cost of a set of used exercise machines will be quite small.

Cost of used trainers:

  • Treadmill: 2 – 17,000 rubles per piece;
  • Wall bars: 6 – 2000 rubles per piece;
  • Exercise bikes: 6 – 15,000 rubles per piece;
  • Complex strength training machine: 2 – 12,000 rubles per piece;
  • Rowing machine: 4 – 10,000 rubles per piece;
  • Abdominal exercise equipment: 6 – 12,000 per piece, totaling 248,000 rubles.

Cost of intangible assets

Total value of intangible assets ( state registration lease agreements and expenses for establishing an enterprise) amount to 5,000 rubles. Depreciation charges are 10% or 500 rubles per year.

Calculation of working hours

When working seven days a week, minus holidays and sanitary days (14 days in total), it turns out that there are only 351 working days in a year. All employees have a “sliding” schedule, that is, each of them, in accordance with the Labor Code, has 2 days off per week or 101 days per year and 24 working days vacation. In addition, it is assumed that each employee, for one reason or another good reasons, throughout the year will not be able to perform his duties for 14 days. Thus: (351 – 101 – 24 – 14) * 8 = 1696 working hours per year per employee.

Considering that the total number of working hours in both gyms will be (351 * 12 * 2) = 8424 hours per year, the need for instructors is calculated: (8424: 1696) = 4.96 people. Thus, in order to provide two gyms with the necessary staff of instructors, 5 people will be required.

Further, when answering the question: - “how much does it cost to open a gym?” - need to decide required quantity other workers. Considering that the duration of work of the halls in one day is 12 hours, and according to the Labor Code, the duration of one working day cannot be more than 8 hours, that is, no more than 1696 hours per year, we determine the annual duration of work of the halls in hours: 351 * 12 = 4212 hours per year.

Today, a healthy lifestyle is an integral part of the image of a successful person. Therefore, it is not surprising that information on how to open a fitness club from scratch is of interest to many. IN major cities There are quite large fitness clubs and it is quite difficult to compete with online monsters. But if your city is small, then this article is just for you.

Fitness club

What do you need to open a fitness club, provided you have start-up capital?

  1. Decide on the services of the future fitness club.
  2. Prepare a business plan.
  3. Collect the necessary documents.
  4. Find a room.
  5. Purchase the necessary equipment.
  6. Conduct an advertising campaign.
  7. Hire qualified personnel.

Fitness club services

A fitness club can provide a whole range of services:

  • fitness;
  • shaping;
  • aerobics room;
  • gym;
  • pool;
  • massage;
  • solarium;
  • nail service;
  • bar.

You can provide all of these services or select some of them. It’s worth starting with a small number of services, followed by expanding the range.The presence of a swimming pool will improve the status of the club, but will also lead to a decent increase in the required starting capital. In addition, most likely, you will have to build your own building in order to get a swimming pool.

Business plan

The first place anyone starts successful business- This good business plan. In general, you can order it from professionals, but this will require additional costs, but will save time. Can you take it as a basis? ready business plan fitness club and adapt it to your conditions. Let's look at an example of a business plan for an economy class fitness club with calculations, which you can, if necessary, remake for yourself. Let's consider the example of a club that provides fitness services and a gym for exercising on exercise machines.

We draw up a business plan

Basic costs

  1. Fund wages personnel – 85,000 rub./month.
  2. The cost of purchasing simulators and equipment is RUB 250,000.
  3. Expenses for paperwork – 20,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising expenses – 15,000 rubles/month
  5. The cost of renting the premises is 50,000 rubles/month.
  6. Utility fee – 20,000 rubles/month.

Total per month: 190,000 rub. plus the purchase of simulators 250,000 rubles. Thus, it turns out that opening a fitness club will cost us 440 thousand rubles.


The cost of a monthly subscription is 2500 rubles.If you sell 100 subscriptions per month, the profit will be 250,000 rubles.Accordingly, our fitness club will pay for itself in 4 months, provided that we can ensure the sale of the specified number of subscriptions.

You need to understand that the given plan is ideal. In reality, it is necessary to take into account that additional expenses may be necessary and taxes must be paid. Therefore, you should not count on payback earlier than in 6-8 months.

When choosing equipment, it is necessary to pay more attention to durability and reliability. You should not buy exercise equipment from expensive brands, especially if your future club will be economy class.

If you are going to open a fairly large and modern business or elite class fitness club, then the required starting capital will increase tenfold. You will need to build a new building, in which a swimming pool will need to be provided at the design stage. You will need modern and new equipment, which will need to be changed at least once every 1-2 years.

Required documents

First you need to select and register legal form your future business in the tax office. At first it will be simpler and easier to register as an individual entrepreneur. This will help avoid additional accounting costs and make it possible to use a simplified taxation scheme.When registering, you must indicate the codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) for the services that you will provide. Here sample list codes:

  • physical culture and recreational activities code 93.04;
  • other activities in the field of sports code 92.62;
  • activities of sports facilities code 92.61.

The only thing worth remembering is that if in the future you expand the range of services (for example, add a massage, solarium or manicure), then you should indicate this in advance, noting the OKVED registration of additional services.Then we get permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you will need to have medical documents for employees, a contract for the maintenance of the premises, a passport of a sports institution and a production control plan (PCP).


If you plan to rent a room, then you need to choose a place with a lot of people traffic. This could be a room in the center or not far from a university. You can open the doors of your fitness club in a residential area, where the rental price will be significantly lower than in the city center.

It is important to choose the right room

Don’t forget about the convenience of potential clients. It is convenient for people to exercise near home or on the way from work.It is worth using your own premises if its location meets the requirements that apply to rented premises. Roughly speaking, if your premises are located in an industrial zone, then opening a fitness club there is unlikely to bring profit. Even despite the lack of expenses for renting premises.

You need to pay attention to the ventilation and air conditioning system of the hall where the training takes place. It must be well ventilated and provided with high-quality ventilation. It should be possible to maintain a pleasant temperature for training.It is also worth remembering that in addition to the training room, locker rooms, toilets and showers are also needed. Availability of hot and cold water is required.

The area of ​​the room can be approximately determined based on the calculation that each potential client should have at least 4-5 square meters. m.


Classes in the fitness room involve training on various equipment such as a fitball, a step platform, and you will also need dumbbells. If the club also has a gym, then training equipment is needed to work out various groups muscles, so the choice of equipment should be approached with this in mind.

Fitness club equipment

The minimum equipment that is good to have in a fitness club is:

  • fitballs;
  • step platforms;
  • horizontal bench;
  • bench with a leg trainer and a barbell rack;
  • abdominal exercise machine;
  • simulator for developing chest muscles;
  • Smith machine;
  • treadmill;
  • leg press machine;
  • various barbells, dumbbells, discs and other small items.

Naturally, the number of simulators and equipment should be selected depending on the desired customer traffic. For example, fitballs and a step platform must correspond to the expected number of participants in the fitness group. The number of treadmills should be at least two, and it is better to have more barbells and dumbbells.

Attracting first clients

At this stage, you need to think about running an advertising campaign for your business. It would be nice to print invitation flyers and announce the imminent opening. They can be distributed in public places.You can advertise in local newspapers. Advertising on television is quite expensive and makes sense if your club is in a high price segment.You can think over a loyalty system for customers - discount cards.It is possible to launch a promotion like “Come with a friend and get two classes for free.”Think about the opportunity for mothers with small children to visit your club. Organize a small playroom with a nanny or create sports programs for kids.


When all the previous points have been completed, you should start recruiting. It is advisable to select trainers with experience and sufficient knowledge to conduct effective training. The best option they will have the necessary education and work experience.Minimum number of staff when opening a small hall subject to shift work:

  • administrator 2 people;
  • trainer 2 people;
  • cleaning lady 2 people;
  • accountant (when opening an LLC) 1 person.

If we open a small sports business, then to begin with it will be enough for us to hire seven people. With further expansion of the range of services, the number of personnel will need to be increased.

Coaches are an important member of the future team. Their choice should be approached with the greatest responsibility. It is worth considering candidacies of former athletes, teachers physical culture at school or university. It is advisable for the trainer to have a specialized education.If a large club opens, the number of staff will, of course, be much larger. Additional trainers, nurses, and massage therapists may be required.