Aquarium in the living room according to Feng Shui. How to place an aquarium in a large room? Where to place the aquarium

Greetings, dear reader! Those people who are keen on Eastern teachings know very well that interior items that carry the vivid symbolism of any element must be positioned correctly.

Therefore, today let’s talk to you about how to set up an aquarium according to the principles of Feng Shui, and we will also understand some of the intricacies of this process.

This brightest representative of the element of water has a very important function, and therefore the issue of its location must be approached especially responsibly.

In what zone should the aquarium be located and why is it needed?

As you know, the teaching of Feng Shui itself is based on the theory of energy flows that carry positive or negative force. It is not surprising that it is the water element that plays a significant role here, since the behavior of liquid almost completely repeats the behavior of Qi energy.

When we talk about where and how to place this or that object in a room according to Feng Shui, the Bagua grid immediately comes to mind - it is precisely the basis on which we determine where it can and cannot be placed anything.

The area of ​​the house or apartment that needs to be equipped is divided into 9 segments, each of which is responsible for a certain aspect of the life of the family and each of its individual members. Three such segments are considered favorable for a water-based interior item, which makes it simply necessary in every home.

Usually, people place something small in one of these three zones, for example, it could be a fountain or a water wheel. Of course, the effect of such an item is observed, but not to say that it is very large. Much more significant changes in several areas of life can be achieved if you place a full-fledged aquarium here.


Undoubtedly, the most successful choice would be to locate the aquarium in the northern part of the room. It is this area that is responsible for career, professional growth and development. In addition, the element of the northern direction is water. For this reason, quite often experienced adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui locate their office in this area.

If we are talking not about a living space or a room, but about an office, then the combination of a reception area with a fairly large aquarium of the correct shape can be called ideal. This will become a kind of beacon for new and existing clients and will ensure a constant flow of them.

It is important to remember that a career can develop very quickly or slowly, and may even be stagnant. What it will be like directly depends on the activity inside your water symbol. If you let the water turn sour and don’t renew it, your professional growth will stop or decline.


If you place an aquarium in the south-eastern room, this will definitely affect your financial sphere. The fact is that here is a zone of wealth and prosperity. As you know, money loves movement, and its abundance is often compared to a powerful water flow.

It is very important here to also monitor the amount of traffic in your aquarium. Those fish that live here must be quite nimble, agile and healthy. Separately, it should be noted that in the wealth zone, it is naturally better to keep goldfish, or those representatives of this class that have shiny golden scales.

By the way, feng shui experts recommend not only placing an aquarium in this area, but also enhancing its beneficial effects. This effect can be achieved if there is a toad on top of the aquarium with a small coin in its mouth - a well-known symbol of well-being in Eastern teachings.

Just don’t display too many figures – everything is good in moderation, so two or three will be enough. And it’s best to limit yourself to just one talisman. Such a frog loves the southeastern region and the element of water, so its presence here will be as fruitful as possible.


The last successful sector for the aquarium is the eastern one. According to Feng Shui, this direction is considered a zone family relations and their strength, as well as mutual understanding, depends on its improvement.

In general, it is best if this is where the living room is located or the room in which all family members often gather, communicate with each other and spend a lot of time together. The aquarium will fit perfectly into this setting and will qualitatively improve the level of relationships within your family.

In addition, the symbol of the eastern direction is a tree. As you know, trees simply need constant water supply, so your aquarium will become a constant source of food for family tree. Thanks to this, your family will become stronger, more united and happier.

How to choose the right aquarium and underwater lads

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the size of the aquarium. Quite often, people purchase rather bulky and large aquariums for rooms that have a modest area.

It is a mistake to believe that the significant dimensions of this item will benefit the energy balance in your apartment if the room is relatively small. Of course, an aquarium attracts positive energy, but it also enhances it. An excess of positive Qi does not lead to anything good - it quickly dissipates and its stable supply comes to naught.

The task of correctly arranging objects according to Feng Shui is to saturate each room in your home with exactly the volume of positive Qi that it can accommodate. Everything can be mentioned here known fact– water is necessary for the human body, but its excess can lead to death, the same situation is observed here.

The next thing you also need to pay attention to is close attention- the shape of an aquarium. It’s best if it’s correct, so don’t chase unusual models. You should remember that this piece of furniture acts as a kind of prism through which the energy flow increases.

If the shape of this prism is asymmetrical, then the favorable flow passing through it will be distorted. Consequently, he will not bring into your life exactly what you expect. It is best to give preference to round-shaped aquariums - they work like a magnifying glass and significantly enhance the flow of Qi. In addition, Feng Shui is extremely positive about spherical figures.

You should also not forget that how well an aquarium will function depends on the cleanliness of its walls and the water in it. In addition, fish simply need oxygen and plenty of light. To simplify the task of cleaning the aquarium, in parallel with its purchase, also purchase a water filter that will ensure its saturation with oxygen. It is also advisable to purchase special lighting that promotes better well-being of the fish.

Regarding the fish themselves, their number must be odd. It is best to opt for nine - this is the optimal and most successful option. Eight of them can be of any color, and the ninth should be dark - it will attract negativity, and the aquatic environment will neutralize it.

If you decide to place the aquarium in an area of ​​wealth or career, then we recommend choosing goldfish. Or you can populate brilliant, moving fish here; they will personify the movement of your finances and increase your overall well-being. For the eastern zone, it is better to select fish in accordance with the preferences of the rest of the family members - their appearance should bring aesthetic pleasure to each member.

It is impossible not to mention where to place the aquarium is not recommended. Of course, there are few such prohibitions, but it is simply necessary to know about them, as this will help to avoid many problems.

The first place where the aquarium has nothing to do is the space in front of the front door. The flow of Qi will enter such an aquarium and randomly scatter in different directions. Naturally, in this case there is no need to talk about any harmonious distribution of energy throughout the house.

Also, do not place the aquarium in the space between two doors. Quite often, this arrangement can be observed in cases where this piece of furniture is placed in passage rooms. Here, again, main role plays the very concept of Qi - it is a flow. In order for this energy to circulate properly in the house, its direction must be clear, but an aquarium between two doors creates chaos and the flow diverges in different directions.

If your layout simply does not allow you to place this piece of furniture anywhere other than in the area of ​​one or two doors, then try to do it in such a way that the flow of Qi seems to go around the aquarium, rather than entering it.

The southern part of the apartment is not the best place for an aquarium. As you know, according to the Bagua grid, the element of fire dominates in the south. Any objects associated with water have a negative impact on this area and simply cease to perform their function.

You should also avoid places where anything will hang over the aquarium - designer structures, beams or arches. The fact is that this creates a kind of pressure, leading to the fact that the fish feel bad, constantly get sick and die.

Another bad place for an aquarium is the kitchen, but only if it has an oven. The fact is that the oven is a strong talisman of the fire element; the presence of objects from opposite elements in the same room leads to the fact that they neutralize each other’s effects and become absolutely useless.

If your kitchen is not equipped with an oven, then theoretically you can place an aquarium here, but only away from any heating appliances. Also make sure that the elements of the aquarium are not red - this is a shade of fire.

Well, the most important rule that should be followed regardless of where you place the aquarium is that you must take good care of it. Even the most powerful talisman will not work if it is not maintained on time. Since an aquarium is unthinkable without fish and it is they who create dynamics in one area or another, it will have to be cleaned quite often.

Of course, this task is somewhat simplified by the presence of water filters and a cleaning system, but from time to time the water in the aquarium still needs to be changed, and also monitor how well its inhabitants feel.

Aquarium in feng shui

An aquarium in Feng Shui is an irreplaceable thing. After all, three out of nine Bagua sectors are best activated and supported by water energy: these are the north, east and southeast. Busy people who are not inclined to contemplate can install mini-fountains in these areas. Those who like constant dynamics and have the time and energy to care for it can easily install an aquarium.

It’s not for nothing that people love to watch the unhurried life of the underwater kingdom, so orderly and at the same time changeable. Both the aquarium itself and its inhabitants are excellent generators of positive Qi energy.

Choosing the right aquarium and fish

According to Feng Shui, the size of the aquarium must correspond to the room in which it will be placed. If it significantly exceeds the dimensions of the room, then you will not only not achieve the desired effect, big money or a strong family, but also destroy the existing one. The flow of water from a large aquarium will simply wash everything away.

So the first rule for selecting an aquarium mascot according to Feng Shui is that the size should be adequate to the room.

The second is the shape of the aquarium. It is desirable that it be regular, rectangular or smoothly rounded. Here, in general, the practicality of Feng Shui and its significance are again combined: an aquarium of the correct symmetrical shape will send the “correct” energy into the space, and it will be much easier for you to clean it.

Fishes in an aquarium

According to Feng Shui, an aquarium needs good lighting and constant movement of water, which can be achieved by saturating it with oxygen. This again will be good for its inhabitants.

Now about the inhabitants of the aquarium - the fish. They are the ones who create the necessary movement of water in the aquarium. Feng Shui experts advise odd number fish. For example, 8 regular ones (or gold ones for wealth) and one black one. The black fish will take away negative energy from your family. In general, choose those fish that you like and which, in your opinion, are most suitable for achieving your goals.

Where to put the aquarium

The best placement for an aquarium is in three directions:

  1. East. This side is nourished by the energy of the tree, so water will come in handy for it. By placing an aquarium in the east, you will strengthen and support your family. It will be simply wonderful if the east direction coincides with the living room or any common room for your family.
  2. The southeast is also influenced by wood and in feng shui symbolizes wealth and money luck. An aquarium in the southeast is an excellent movement of energy that cash flows love so much. Having placed an aquarium in this sector, and even planted on it money talismans(for example, a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth), you will get a wonderful complex money talisman.
  3. North – ruled by the element of water in pure form. This place is perfect for an aquarium if you want career growth and promotion. An aquarium in the north is perfect for various types of entrepreneurs and businessmen, especially if its location coincides with a work area or office. A northern aquarium would be very appropriate in a work office.

What not to do

Where to put an aquarium according to Feng Shui

As for the general recommendations for placing an aquarium, it cannot be placed opposite front door. Also, all kinds of partitions and connecting arches between two doors, into which an aquarium often begs to be placed, will be a bad place from the point of view of Feng Shui. The fact is that favorable energy will turn into a disorderly flow under the influence constant movement doors in different directions. If you still want to place the aquarium in the door area, try to have it “turned away” from the door,” i.e. so that the energy of the water is directed into the apartment and not out.

Avoid overhanging ledges, cornices and beams: under them the fish will start to get sick.

Under no circumstances should you place an aquarium in your kitchen if it also belongs to the south—the fiery sector. But even if this is not the case, the presence of a stove makes almost any kitchen “fiery”, and in combination with “large” water in an aquarium this will be bad feng shui. An exception can be made only if you have a purely northern “aquatic” kitchen: the aquarium should be placed in it away from the stove.

Be careful with the color of your aquarium stand. For example, if you decide to place an aquarium in the north, then under no circumstances should you make it red (element of fire). An exception can be made only for the southeastern sector, and even then it would be better to limit ourselves to individual red parts, and not to the entire stand as a whole.

The most important thing is to take good care of the aquarium itself and its inhabitants. For example, if you have it in the “money” sector, and you don’t have enough time to clean it or feed the fish on time, then nothing good will happen to your finances. Therefore, the main rule is to carefully consider whether you have enough time, patience and funds to adequately care for your aquarium. A neglected aquarium that smells like a swamp will be simply dangerous for your family, not to mention the poor fish that will have to live in such a “swamp”. But a well-groomed, clean aquarium with healthy fish is a powerful talisman, and just a lot of positive emotions.

Water sources, according to ancient Chinese teaching, can both become a source of prosperity and spoil the karma of the owners of the house. You should use an aquarium in an apartment with caution. Let's figure out in which areas of the room it is necessary to install it in order to receive positive energy.

Aquarium size and shape

The aquarium and fish are a source of Qi energy, which is so necessary for our home and body. It is important to choose the right type of tank and inhabitants of the underwater world.

The aquarium must correspond to the dimensions and shape of the room for installation. If it is very large and clutters up a lot of space, then such a talisman will bring family life discord and will block financial flows in the house. Powerful flows of energy from the element of water will wash away all sources of income.

In addition, the aquarium must be of the correct geometric shape: square, rectangle, circle. Regular symmetrical lines will send a positive charge into space.

According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to keep an odd number of fish. Gold ones bring wealth to the house, you can have 4 of them, the other four are of a regular shade, and choose one black one, which will neutralize negative energy in the house.

Place of installation of the aquarium

Where the water source will be located is determined by the direction of the light:

  1. In the East there is the element of wood, so an aquarium in this place is conducive to maintaining family ties. Ideally, this sector is located in the living room. The southeast also belongs to the tree zone and is the zone of wealth and luck in money matters. A toad with a gold coin in its mouth next to a water source will bring success.
  2. The northern part of the house or apartment is filled with water energy. It is necessary to install an aquarium in it for those who want to succeed in their promotion career ladder. This sign has a beneficial effect when a tank with fish is located in the work area.

Where should you not place an aquarium?

The presence of water opposite the entrance to the house has an unfavorable effect. You cannot place an aquarium in the opening between two doors: this creates a disordered movement of energy due to the frequent opening of doors in different directions. If, nevertheless, it is decided to place a tank in this place, then it is necessary to install it towards the door so that the energy is directed inside the room and not outside.

The aquarium should not be placed under overhanging beams or overhangs. Fish in such a place will get sick.

Water does not combine with the element of Fire, especially if this sector is in the kitchen. Even if this room is located in the north, the heat of the stove can be a bad sign according to Feng Shui.

The aquarium stand is selected with special care. If it is installed in the north, then it is impossible for the design to be done in a fiery color - red.

The most important thing is regular care of water and fish. The water must remain clean, otherwise problems will begin in money matters. According to Feng Shui, only such an aquarium in an apartment will bring prosperity to the family.

Many have heard about ancient art Feng Shui, according to which each thing carries its own energy and each thing has its own specific place in order to release this energy. This teaching has been around for hundreds of years, and this fact alone makes us treat it, if not with enthusiasm and zeal, then at least with respect.
What does a modern person need to be happy?

You can make up big list, but financial well-being will definitely be among the first points. Yes, money is not the main thing, but living with it is easier and more fun. What attracts money to the house, according to this ancient teaching? If you believe the sages, it is water that is the source financial well-being. Based on this, an aquarium according to Feng Shui is The best way attract money to your family. But, as in any art, here, before you buy and install an aquarium, you need to take into account many nuances.

How to choose an aquarium and how many fish should there be?

Let's start with the aquarium, what should it be like? If we talk about the shape, then it is best to choose round or rectangular, and the size is chosen based on financial capabilities and the number of planned inhabitants.

Another predictable question is: what kind of fish should swim in an aquarium according to Feng Shui? It would be best to buy eight gold-colored fish and one, in contrast, black. This, in fact, is the answer to the question about the number of fish in an aquarium according to Feng Shui. True, here it is necessary to take into account the size of the fish’s habitat. It’s clear that for such a number of fish, you need a spacious aquarium, but if finances or quantity free space do not allow you to purchase such a fish house, then the number of fish can be reduced to three. According to this philosophy, the number of fish according to Feng Shui should be odd.

Where to place an aquarium in the house according to Feng Shui

You can place an aquarium to attract good luck to the house near the door, but in no case opposite it. In such a case, luck and wealth can flow from it.

An interesting option might be to place the aquarium mascot in the corner. This should symbolize some secret happiness that should be in the house.

Be sure to make sure that the aquarium is in order according to Feng Shui. When working with an aquarium, teach that its inhabitants are not figurines made of wood or stone, but living beings. Therefore, the water must always be clean and constantly circulate, for which a compressor or aerator can help you.

It is best to place the aquarium in the eastern or southeastern part of the house. Below is a list of the correspondence of the elements prevailing in human energy to the cardinal directions and colors for the aquarium stand:

1. Tree – north, green;

2. Earth - southwest, blue;

3. Metal – north, white;

4. Water – north or east, white or green;

It is advisable to place the aquarium in the living room. But you should not place it on the so-called “love point”, facing the outside of the house. Otherwise, family members will be prone to forbidden love affairs.


When choosing a size, you need to focus on the convenience of future residents and the beauty of the interior. After all, the goals that are pursued by installing an aquarium in an apartment can be achieved if the fish are comfortable. In addition, this item also carries an aesthetic load. In families with children, an aquarium helps to properly develop attitudes towards the surrounding world and living beings. Maintaining this glass home sea ​​creatures Helps discipline and teach children responsibilities.

Fishes hidden in the corners will not bring satisfaction to the people watching them, nor will they be beneficial according to Feng Shui. The size should fit harmoniously into the interior, attract attention and give a feeling of fullness of life.

When choosing an aquarium at a pet store, you should consult with a consultant. Not all fish get along equally well with each other. Predators that destroy other fish pose a threat family well-being in the home where such an aquarium is installed. You don’t have to explain to the seller the purpose for which this item is being purchased. It is enough to make a request, recommend volume and respectable residents.

Taboo for placing aquariums according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui masters believe that You can't put an aquarium between two doors. After all, too fast circulation of Qi flows from one door to another can take away good luck from the house.

There is no need to place an aquarium in the bedroom, because monetary happiness cannot operate there, and you also cannot place the talisman under a ceiling beam, because it can threaten the integrity of the talisman and, as a result,its functionality.

Also, to avoid financial losses, you should not place an aquarium in the bedroom.

If the aquarium is in the classroom, do not place it in a place where it will especially attract the attention of children, otherwise children will stop obeying and will not be able to learn.

Aquarium in the kitchen negatively affects the course of pregnancy.

Do not place the aquarium where it will be pointed at sharp corner walls or other sharp objects.

Activation of the talisman

An aquarium whose water has become rotten or old and musty will not have a good effect on the well-being of your home.

You can further enhance the impact of the talisman on your home. In this case, it is worth placing one talisman inside another, or simply putting a shell, a castle, a coral, or a model of a pirate ship with treasure inside the aquarium. Also place a three-toed toad on the edge of the aquarium so that it is activated and the aquarium itself begins to work even better.

Decorative elements in the aquarium should imitate the natural habitat of fish - aquatic plants and stones. Do not place strange, unnatural objects in the aquarium.

Interesting fact about aquarium fish and Feng Shui

Did you know that according to Feng Shui, fish that die in an aquarium take with them negativity and failures from their owner’s life. Yes, according to this Eastern teaching, even death brings not only the bitterness of loss, but also something good. Of course, you can be skeptical about this, but you can learn to see at least something good, even in bad things.

In addition to this approach to death, Feng Shui teaches tolerance and a sense of proportion. In order for an action to bear fruit, you don’t have to strive to do as much as possible, you have to listen to your inner voice, feel the line and not break it. If you know when to stop, everything will be good. This means that a large aquarium with many fish is not necessarily worse than a small aquarium with one single fish. More doesn't mean better.

This is such a mysterious teaching - Feng Shui.


A medium-sized aquarium with goldfish installed in the south-eastern zone of the apartment can become an ideal money aggregator. He will strengthen all efforts aimed at earning money and increasing the well-being of the family many times over.

Symbol representing goldfish According to Feng Shui, it has the additional meaning of “gold in abundance.”

Goldfish attracts Qi energy, which is fundamental in the teachings of Feng Shui. Its concentration gives birth to all living things and is necessary like breathing. This is exactly what it means when translated from Chinese.

Attracting Qi energy into the home is the main task that these small goldfish can cope with. Cheerful and contented creatures contribute to the accumulation and free circulation of beneficial energy. In a family where fish are properly and carefully looked after, warm, harmonious relationships develop. All family members are lucky in business and personal life.


It is necessary to carefully maintain cleanliness and order in the aquarium. No matter how tired the owner is, and no matter how busy he is, priority should be given to the health and mood of the fish.

  • The water should be clean and transparent.
  • The walls of the aquarium should always be kept clean, both inside and out.
  • The fish must have enough food.
  • Ensure that sufficient oxygen is maintained.
  • Plants in the aquarium should be kept in exemplary order. Placing poisonous plants is prohibited.
  • Ensure that the fish are protected from other inhabitants of the house. Cats and dogs should not have access to water, much less its inhabitants.
  • The walls of the aquarium should not be covered with reflective surfaces. This harms the occupants and incorrectly reflects the Qi energy.

To the attentive owner of a living aquarium world, the condition of the fish will tell a lot.

If proper feeding and compliance with all necessary procedures is not violated, then the fish play and behave naturally.

With all this, the fish may suddenly die. Feng Shui explains such an event in terms of energy replacement. It is possible that the owner of the aquarium or his loved ones were in danger of misfortune. The little tenant warded off trouble from the owners by taking upon himself the directed blow of fate.

The fish must be buried with honors. For an adult, this may seem stupid. But isn’t a creature that protects its owner from harm worthy of being treated kindly? This is what they do with dogs and cats. Fish are no worse than furry pets.

After the death of your pet, the aquarium should be treated in accordance with the instructions and you should think about making some changes in your life.

The behavior of fish can indicate an ill-wisher. When guests approach the aquarium to admire its inhabitants, you may notice that the fish begin to behave unusually. These creatures are able to sense negative energy.

Corner aquarium "Feng Shui"

Aquarium with fish in Chinese teachingFeng ShuiIt is considered an excellent way to attract prosperity and abundance into life, because agile fish moving smoothly around the aquarium perfectly generate favorable qi energy. And the aquarium itself, by the way, is a combination of the five elements of Feng Shui: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal, which in itself is good remedy to improve the circulation of qi energy in space and attract favorable changes in life.

The element of Water is, of course, the water that fills the aquarium itself. Wood is all kinds of plants used in the design of an aquarium. Fire is presented in the form of light bulbs and lighting fixtures. The Earth element is symbolized by various pebbles, corals and shells. And finally, Metal can be presented in the form of coins at the bottom of the aquarium or any metal structures.

Aquarium location according to Feng Shui: where is the best place to place the aquarium

Favorable directions

From a Feng Shui point of view, the most favorable place to place an aquarium is the southeastern sector or wealth zone. Fish represent lightness, flexibility and agility, and in China it has long been believed that fish can attract monetary luck.

In addition, the aquarium can be placed in the family sector, i.e. in the east of the room. The family sector feeds the wealth sector, so in addition to attracting monetary luck, you can also achieve strengthening family relationships.

Another good compass direction for placing an aquarium is the northern quarry zone. Here, among other things, the main element is Water, so the aquarium is considered one of the traditional means of activating the sector. Placing an aquarium in the career sector will help you advance your career, achieve professional success, and increase business profits. It is great if you place the aquarium in a north direction in your office or home office.

It is good to place an aquarium in the living room - a place where you relax and welcome guests.

Unfavorable options for aquarium location according to Feng Shui:

Aquarium in the bedroom – unfavorable from the point of view of Feng Shui. In general, water elements are not welcome when decorating a bedroom according to Feng Shui.

Opposite the entrance door to an apartment or house - it is believed that in this way all the wealth and well-being that should accumulate in the house will constantly flow out through the front door.

Under the ceiling beam – the ceiling beam provides negative impact on your well-being and prosperity by sending powerful streams of harmful sha qi energy to the aquarium.

Between two doors – qi energy quickly moves along the corridor from one door to another and figuratively does not notice the aquarium. In this case, the aquarium will not bring any positive results.

In front of the kitchen– in the kitchen, the main element is Fire, and an aquarium can symbolically flood it with Water. You shouldn’t upset the balance and create a conflict between two elements yourself.

Opposite the toilet or bathroom – it is better to always keep the toilet closed and separate, remembering its ability to symbolically “flush” everything that is in the immediate vicinity.

Fish in an aquarium according to feng shui

Traditionally, Feng Shui masters advise keeping nine fish in an aquarium: eight gold or red fish and one black fish. Gold or red fish are considered to attract monetary luck, while black fish are meant to absorb negative energy. If you want more fish, then their number should be a multiple of nine.