Anakin Skywalker 1 episode. Who are you against? Star Wars Family Tree

It is unlikely that among fans of cinema and pop culture there will be a person who does not know, He became a symbol of the space epic “Star Wars” and its main antagonist. Despite the fact that he is a negative character, fans elevate him to the rank of their favorite heroes. However, once upon a time, one of the greatest villains in the history of the Galaxy (ours and the fictional one) was an ordinary boy who, for many reasons, became a servant of the dark side.


Once upon a time, the most controversial character in the Star Wars film saga, Darth Vader, was called Anakin Skywalker. Viewers first meet him on the sand planet Tatooine, where he and his mother are enslaved by a parts salesman named Watto. From early childhood, the boy had high intelligence and extremely developed technical abilities. Already at the age of 9, he assembled his own droid C-3PO and a real racing car. Qui-Gon Jinn immediately felt in the young slave enormous Power. The Jedi's feelings did not fail him when he learned that the number of medichlorians in Anakin was much greater than that of Master Yoda. He tries to find out from his mother Shmi who the father of the child was, but she says that besides her, he never had anyone else. This leads Qui-Gon to think of a prophecy that states that a man will be born from the Force, called upon to restore balance to the world. Then he decides to take young technician himself as Padawans, which becomes possible when he wins a bet with Watto, the condition of which was Anakin's victory in the race.

Clone War

After ten years of training, Anakin masterfully masters Jedi techniques and is distinguished by special talents. Obi-Wan Kenobi becomes his teacher, as this was Qui-Gon Jinn's dying request. In this part Star Wars Darth Vader begins to awaken within the young Skywalker. He is accompanied everywhere by stubbornness and vanity, and the patronage of the Sith Lord, who is Chancellor Palpatine, further strengthens his sense of his own superiority. The first step taken towards the transition is the mass execution of an entire Tusken tribe in the name of revenge for the captivity and subsequent death of the mother. At the same time, he developed strong feelings for the former queen of Naboo. He learns that his love is not unrequited, and contrary to the strict rules of the Jedi, he marries his chosen one in secret from everyone. Due to the inextricable connection with his wife, a strong fear of losing her arises in him, which also condones the development of the Sith.

Going to the dark side

The next significant move in the internal war between Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker is the murder on the orders of Chancellor Palpatine, which violates the Jedi principle of not executing unarmed prisoners. Almost immediately after this, he learns about Padme's pregnancy, but his joy at this news is replaced by strong fear eclipsing everything around. The Force shows him a future in which his wife dies in childbirth. Disturbed by this vision, he shares it with Palpatine, which speaks of the young Jedi's unconditional trust in his patron. He is unaware of the skillfully thought-out plan of the future Emperor to make Ani a Sith and his devoted student. Thus, the seeds of the dark side he sowed begin to germinate rapidly. When Skywalker learns that the Chancellor is Darth Sidious, he tells the Jedi Council, where he sits as Palpatine's representative. However, he soon begins to realize that the latter is able to protect Padme from death. IN decisive battle between Mace Windu and the Sith Lord, Anakin takes the latter's side, as a result of which the master dies. From that moment on, he becomes Sidious's student and, on his orders, kills all young Jedi and Separatists. It is the new trilogy that reveals to viewers the truth about who Darth Vader is and gives insight into how he became a villain.

Years of Sith rule

At the end of the new trilogy, Obi-Wan cuts off both of Anakin's legs and an arm, and his body is completely burned in the fire. However, the self-proclaimed Emperor Palpatine manages to save his student from death with the help of a special suit. Since then, Darth Vader's sword turns red, and he himself commands armed forces his teacher while on the Death Star. He captures Princess Leia Organa, who is his daughter, but does not yet know about it. In order to reveal the location of the rebel base, as well as return the circuits to his space station, he destroys Alderaan. At this time, the Millennium Falcon is pulled towards them, along with Han Sol, Chewbacca, an aged Obi-Wan, Luke and the droids on board. They flee, but Vader manages to kill his former teacher. He later encounters Luke as he attempts to destroy the Death Star and senses that the young man is full of the Force. As a result, he has to flee, and the planet destroyer explodes thanks to young Skywalker.

Meeting with my son

In the next episode, Luke will reveal a terrible secret about who Darth Vader is. He ends up on Dagobah, where he studies with Master Yoda. However, at this time the dark lord captures his friends in order to lure Skywalker into a trap. He succeeds, and during a lightsaber battle, he cuts off the young Jedi's hand, after which he admits that he is his father. Vader invites his son to choose his side and together overthrow the Emperor in order to rule the Galaxy. Luke takes this news painfully and jumps into the garbage compartment, where he is picked up by the escaped crew of the Millennium Falcon.


In the next installment of the popular space opera Star Wars, Darth Vader builds new Star Death, which should become more powerful than the previous one. Together with the Sith Lord, he develops a plan to lure Luke to the dark side, because his skills could be very valuable to the Empire. Thus, he once again captures his son, who firmly decided not to resist, because he hopes that there is goodness left in his father. Vader soon learns that he has a daughter, also endowed with the Force. Then he threatens Luke that he will lure her to his side. The young Jedi succumbs to anger and tries to defeat Vader with a lightsaber. The Emperor encourages him to kill his father and take his place, but Skywalker does not give in and throws away his weapon. While Palpatine inflicts heavy lightning strikes on Luke, Darth Vader realizes that he cannot allow his son to die and throws his master into the mine, where he dies. However, Anakin's life support is damaged. Taking off his helmet, he says last words, and his healed soul finds peace.


It is thanks to the black cloak and helmet that most people know who Darth Vader is. This armor was designed specifically to keep a wounded Skywalker alive; without it, he would almost immediately be unable to breathe. Sith traditions dictate that heavy black suits be worn. In total, 2 different outfits were created for each of the trilogies. Their design and construction took a lot of time and effort, which ultimately paid off.


As many as 4 actors participated in creating the image of Darth Vader. In the first part of the new trilogy, little Anakin was played by Jake Lloyd, and in the next two, Skywalker’s place was taken by Hayden Christensen, who also appears in the sixth episode in the guise of a ghost. With the original trilogy the situation is more complicated. In all three parts, the suit was replaced by British swordsman Bob Anderson during sword fights. The voice of Darth Vader belongs to James Earl Jones, and in parts 3 to 6. And when his hero takes off his mask, the face of actor Sebastian Shaw is revealed to the audience. This is probably one of the few characters in the history of cinema, whose image was embodied simultaneously by so many performers and became truly iconic.

Preliminary Note: This article is intended for the voracious fans of the Star Wars film epic and is not to be taken too seriously, it is simply a different perspective on this classic franchise, as well as one of the most revered villains to ever appear on the silver screen.

Darth Vader undoubtedly strangled with techniques dark side Forces a certain number of their colleagues, as well as those who stood in the way of the Empire, striving for complete dominance in Star Wars. But was he, in fact, 100% a villain, or, in to a greater extent, a powerful pawn caught in the middle of an intergalactic chess game that began thousands of years earlier between the Jedi and the Sith?

In fact, Vader at the end of the film Return of the Jedi fulfilled the “prophecy”, again tilting the balance in favor of the Force, killing the Emperor, who represented the forces of evil, and saving the life of his son Luke. It probably took him 30 years, but he returned back to the person he was before he put on the mask, Anakin Skywalker, and perhaps during that time he discovered what was wrong with the Jedi , and among the Sith.

The debate here is not about whether Vader was a saint, we are talking about something else entirely - simply that the Jedi and Sith are just as guilty of his unholy actions as the war that is waged everywhere in these films, even in the most distant parts of this galaxy."

Now, before the internet rebels against this theory, let's look at the facts.

New direction

We're heading towards the December release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi"(Star Wars: The Last Jedi), to the second episode of the new trilogy, and here there may be a different point of view on the Jedi, even from the already iconic Luke Skywalker. They may not be seen as the completely pure heroes they have always been perceived to be.

Even in the first trailer for The Last Jedi, Luke (played by Mark Hamill) says, “The time of the Jedi is coming to an end.” This phrase may have great amount meanings, although this is only part of a two-minute teaser. However, it is quite consistent with the debate that has been going on on the Internet since the return of Star Wars in 2015 with The Force Awakens.


What could the title "The Last Jedi" mean?

The Telegraph UK 01/26/2017

What we learn from the new Star Wars trailer

Süddeutsche Zeitung 04/19/2017

Current themes of our time in Star Wars

Dagens Nyheter 12/15/2016

Star Wars is being sucked out of thin air

Süddeutsche Zeitung 12/14/2016

Why Star Wars is a great movie

The Economist 06/10/2016
This film suggests that the new "Emperor-like" character Snoke is neither a Jedi nor a Sith, and the same applies to his apprentice Kylo Ren. But why is that? Shouldn't there be a division between light and darkness?

There are rumors, supported by some of the footage in the trailer (from here on out it's all about the subtleties and details for the very big fans), that in this film we'll probably learn more about the first Jedi, who existed thousands of years before those introduced events. They are neither light nor dark, and the perceived balance in the Force will be different from what we saw in the first six films.

It also seems that Luke - perhaps having learned that his father first joined the Dark Side and then began training to become a Jedi - had doubts about whether a person, including a Jedi, could be completely on the side of good or evil. There are shades of gray, and if you take them out of life, then you end up with Darth Vader.

Anakin Skywalker

Let's take a look back a little at the time leading up to Luke's birth and focus on Darth's life in previous episodes.

Anakin Skywalker (played by Hayden Christiansen) was apprenticed to the Jedi, who told him that various kinds of attachments and emotions were not characteristic of their kind. They were peacemakers who did not have the right to marry or have children. They had a more important calling - to protect the galaxy from those whose sole purpose was to rule.

Everything is fine if we talk about feelings, but in life everything did not happen quite like that, and young Skywalker noticed this.

First of all, Anakin Skywalker married Padme (Natalie Portman) and then discovered that she would have a child with him. He also had a dream in which she died in childbirth, and so he began to search for a way to save his love and his unborn children. He was unable to do this with the help of the Jedi code and the advice of Master Yoda, but at that moment one of his mentors told him to spy on his friend. Does anyone see a problem here? Later, when Anakin himself is about to tell Mace Windu (Samuel Jackson) that his close friend and mentor, the Emperor, was thus associated with dark force the Sith Lord they are looking for, he realizes that Mace made the instant decision to kill him rather than bring him to court and give him a chance to face the law because, in his words, "he is too powerful to remain alive". And so Anakin takes action, overthrows Windu and declares his allegiance to the Emperor. He did some questionable things later (cough, cough, killed babies), but it was all in the name of love.

By no means did the Jedi act completely unbiased and only in accordance with their teachings, and he knew it. He may have been manipulated by Palpatine, but he was not helped much by his observations of what the other Jedi were doing. In his opinion, he made a choice in favor of the lesser of two evils.

"Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is a villain!" - Obi-Wan tells him during their great battle on the planet Mustafar - this is the same battle in which Ovi-Wan cuts off all his limbs and leaves him at the moment when he is already engulfed in fire.

“In my opinion, the Jedi are the villains,” Anakin replies.

Return of the Jedi

Now let's look at Luke's journey and how the events of Return of the Jedi ended.

In the films leading up to Jedi, Luke was misled about what happened to his father and then told not to save his friends because he needed to continue his studies with Yoda. “Let them die, and you should improve your lightsaber skills,” was basically what he was told.

While he fights and defeats his father - now Darth - he again refuses to kill him or let him die and takes his place next to the Emperor based on the Sith code. After which the Emperor tries to kill Luke, but at this moment Darth intervenes in the events taking place.

Instead of watching his enemy (his son) die, he intervenes, ignoring both the Sith and Jedi codes and acts as his heart tells him. He kills his mentor, then dies himself, but saves his boy. That is, Darth Vader does all this for the sake of love, which was prohibited by the Jedi code, and thus he returns balance to the Force and the Galaxy. In addition, he may be creating a model for a new way of life - this is no longer the Sith or the Jedi, but the Grays.

It's similar to what Kylo Ren says in The Force Awakens when he looks at Darth's melting mask: "I will finish what you started, grandfather."

Ren is the son of Han Solo and General Leia, and in addition, he rebels against the teachings of the Jedi, leaves Luke's new academy and tries to eradicate the Jedi once and for all.

Wait, but he killed his own father. So what, he's clearly a bad guy. But is it? Only time will tell.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editorial board of InoSMI.

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."

This is how every film in George Lucas' legendary science-fiction epic Star Wars begins. The Jedi knight Luke Skywalker will be brought to the center of the events of the space opera, where the forces of light enter into the fight against the dark ones. The young man was destined to play one of the main roles in the victory of the Rebellion and the revival of the Jedi Order.

History of creation

The American director conceived the space opera, which eventually turned into eight films, back in the mid-1970s. Inspiration for literary work inspired by Akira Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress". The Japanese film became the basis for the creation storylines, as well as concepts for the images of the main characters of Star Wars. According to Lucas, even in his work he was inspired by Frank Herbert's Dune.

The story of A New Hope, told through the adventures of a cast of heroes, has become a phenomenon popular culture: Science fiction fans, in addition to the main artistic productions, received animated series and cartoons, book publications, including comics magazines. Gamers bought video games, and children bought toys in the form of characters invented by Lucas.

The original Star Wars trilogy includes:

  • "Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)
  • "Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
  • "Star Wars. Return of the Jedi (1983)

At the end of the millennium, a prequel trilogy was released:

  • "Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)
  • "Star Wars. Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)
  • "Star Wars. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
  • "Star Wars. Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (premiere scheduled for late 2017)
  • Star Wars: Episode IX (expected 2019)

The films that have already been released have one thing in common - they are all nominated for an Oscar, but so far only the first two films have received the coveted statuette.


The plot of Star Wars is based on events in a distant galaxy inhabited by motley creatures, where everything is subject to the confrontation between light and dark forces. Inhabitants fictional universe There are robot droids that help with everyday tasks. Traveling in space between planets is par for the course for the inhabitants of the galaxy.

A detail of a spiritual and mystical nature is the so-called Force - an energy field that is created by living beings and permeates everything around, connecting it into a single whole.

But not everyone has a strong connection with the Force from birth. Those who are lucky have unusual abilities, for example, they have telekinesis, can control the mind, and predict the future. Such lucky ones are divided into two groups: Jedi (standing on bright side Forces) and the Sith (antagonists).

One of the main goodies fantasy of George Lucas, Luke Skywalker joined the ranks of the Jedi, playing a key role in the Galactic civil war, victory over the Galactic Empire and the overthrow of the Sith.

Biography of Luke Skywalker

Luke was born along with his twin sister Leia in medical center asteroid Posis Massa during the time when the Old Republic disappeared and the Empire was formed, and the Jedi were destroyed. The mother died immediately after giving birth. Luke Skywalker's father Anakin, known as the Sith Lord, switched to the side of evil shortly before the events. Family friends Jedi Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi decided to separate the children and hide them from their enemies.

Luke grew up under the tutelage of his uncle and aunt on the desert planet Tatooine, dreaming since childhood of leaving his native land to get behind the wheel. spaceship. For the time being, the boy had no idea about his origin and purpose.

Life changed dramatically when two droids R2-D2 and C-3PO with drawings of the Empire's secret weapon called the Death Stars found themselves in the hands of their uncle. Imperial stormtroopers, in search of documents, ended up on Tatooine and killed the young man’s relatives. Luke went on a dangerous journey to the rebels to give them the blueprints for a superweapon.

On this dangerous journey, young Skywalker, under the guidance of Kenobi and Master Yoda, learned the basics of using the Force, met members of the Rebellion and his sister Princess Leia Organa. And Obi-Wan Kenobi contributed to the young man joining the ranks of the rebels.

Finding himself a member of the Rebel Alliance, the hero, along with Leia and Solo, fought against the oppressive regime and participated in several battles with the forces of the Empire, led by Darth Vader. The Sith Lord had been hunting Skywalker for a long time. As a result, the son fell into a trap set in Cloud City, where a duel took place between Luke and Vader. During a lightsaber battle, Darth left his son without an arm and revealed to him the secret of birth.

The fatal battle occurred when Vader brought Luke before Emperor Palpatine. Together they tried to convince the young Jedi to turn to the dark side of the Force. However, Skywalker managed to defeat his father and even awaken bright feelings in him. In the battle, the young man refused to carry out the Emperor's order to kill Vader. The Dark Knight threw the ruler of the Empire into a mine and died from a mortal wound, but first he accepted redemption and became Anakin Skywalker again.

After the victory of the Rebellion, Luke built a new temple and Jedi academy, intending to revive the Order of those who stand on the light side of the Force, almost destroyed by Palpatine. But after the betrayal of his nephew and student Ben Solo, who chose the dark side camp and destroyed the entire academy, the hero went into self-imposed exile.

In the coming episodes, Luke Skywalker will once again take center stage. According to preliminary comments from the creators of the films, the character's character will strengthen and become tougher.

Luke fell in love with a member of the opposing side, Mara Jade, who later became Skywalker's comrade-in-arms and then his wife and bore him a son, Ben. After her marriage, Mara dedicated her life to the New Jedi Order.

Image, powers and abilities

The short young man (Luke grew to only 172 cm) from early childhood was distinguished by his irrepressible daydreaming and his head in the clouds. Over the years, this has been compounded by recklessness, impatience and impulsiveness. The young man did not know how to lie at all. Over time, I learned patience and restraint, and wisdom came. Those around him noted that he was smart beyond his age. Skywalker responded to any request for help, even if it meant trouble for himself.

The character easily learned the skill of lightsaber fighting. Luke Skywalker's sword, inherited from his father, had Blue colour– the shade was associated with the Jedi Guardians. Having lost his weapon along with his hand, Luke assembled a new sword, only with a green blade. Typically, such swords belonged to scientists, diplomats and orators.

Skywalker has a strong connection with the Force. Kenobi taught the young man the skill of controlling it and obtaining information about the world around him. Luke began to feel his father’s approach, independently revealed the secrets of telekinesis and began to take advantage of the new opportunities, and later learned the secrets of influencing the minds of enemies. With the help of the Force, he even did the incredible - he destroyed the Death Star.

Actors and roles

In the cinema, the image of a Jedi knight was brilliantly embodied. The same actor will delight viewers with his presence in the expected films of 2017 and 2019. Han Solo was played, and Leia Organa was played.

The character of Luke's teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi was conveyed by Alec Guinness. The doll, which acted as Master Yoda, was given the voice by Frank Oz, who also controlled the structure. The role of the main antagonist Darth Vader went to David Prowse.

  • In total, the Star Wars parts managed to collect $7.5 billion. Such a dizzying commercial success elevated the saga to third place in the list of the highest-grossing “multi-part” films in the history of cinema.
  • Star Wars might have been released under a different name. The film company 20th Century Fox did not like the title of the future film, and a competition was announced among members of the film crew. However, no one dared to go against the ideas of the screenwriter and director.

Actors of the Star Wars saga
  • The image of Luke Skywalker haunted the author. At first, George Lucas was going to create a Jedi girl. Then I thought that it would be nice to make the main character a gnome, and later the idea came to me to turn the character into an elderly general. The Jedi received his surname at the height of filming - in the script Luke was listed as Starkiller.
  • There is a funny episode connected with the filming of the space opera. The planet Tatooine, where Luke grew up, is named after the city of the same name in Tunisia. A large-scale film was shot in the same country. One day there was almost a conflict international scale: The Libyan government is concerned about the abundance military equipment on the border and was even going to announce general mobilization. The Tunisian authorities asked the filmmakers to move to the center of the state so as not to embarrass their neighbors.


The cult saga is rich in life advice. Yoda especially distinguished himself - his phrases are filled with wisdom. But fans of the star saga also remembered quotes from other heroes for the rest of their lives.

“There will always be more fish.”
“Fear will lead to the dark side. Fear gives rise to anger; anger gives rise to hatred; hatred is the key to suffering."
“When you turn 900 years old, you won’t look young either.”
“Luck is chance backed by knowledge.”
“Your weakness is self-confidence.
“And your weakness is faith in friends.”
“The pieces of my life were scattered by the storm before I had a chance to put them back together. And every missing piece I find completely changes the picture.”

Creators: George Lucas

Gender: Man

Character: TypeCyborg

First Performance: Star Wars #1 - Star Wars

Appears in issue 822

Birthday: n/a

Death: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi #4 - Final Showdown


  • Flexibility
  • Animal control
  • Dangerous feeling
  • Darkforce Manipulation
  • Electronic destruction
  • Energy absorption
  • Devices
  • Healing
  • Implementations
  • Intelligence
  • Leadership
  • Hypnotize
  • Hot item
  • Power claim
  • Preliminary interrogation
  • Radar sense
  • Death of feeling
  • Durability
  • Cunning
  • Super speed
  • Superpower
  • Swordsmanship
  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed combat
  • Weapon master

Anakin Skywalker was once a heroic Jedi Knight, but was seduced by the powers of the dark side and became the evil entity known as Darth Vader in an attempt to save the life of his wife and future children. However, despite everything he did, there were still remnants of goodness in him.


Anakin Skywalker is considered the "Chosen One" of the force; who is supposed to be destroying the Sith. Anakin Skywalker was born without a father and lived most of his life on Tatooine with his mother, Shmi. When Qui-Gon Jinn came to the planet seeking parts for their ship back to the Jedi Council, Anakin won their parts and also his freedom, but with only one flaw in the plan - his mother had to remain on Tatooine as a slave. Several years later, Anakin became Obi-Wan Kenobi's apprentice and married the ex-queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala.

Near the end of the Clone Wars, Anakin became very obsessed with saving his family. Learning that his wife and unborn child were going to die, although a vision, Anakin was determined to find the power to save his loved ones. IN this moment Sith Lord Darth Sidious forced Anakin to join the newfound Empire as their new Sith Apprentice, Darth Vader. Anakin killed most of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy, with the exception of Yoda and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan attempted to kill Anakin, but only left him near the lava planet Musafar, severely wounded. Anakin survived through the Emperor's mechanations. More car More than human, Anakin forever became Darth Vader and served his master as the Posted Fist of the Empire.


Along with the entire Star Wars universe, Darth Vader (or Anakin) was created by George Lucas. However, at the time Darth Vader was the main portrayal of the character than Anakin Skywalker (but it was said that George was working on the Anakin model before they started Vader). Vader's mask was drawn by Ralph McQuarrie, who drew the concept for Darth Vader's space suit. After many changes to Vader's mask, Ralph finally got a design that George liked, and soon Brian Muir began designing the rest of Vader from head to bottom. With the success of Star Wars IV: A New Hope, George Lucas began looking for a writer to help him with the fifth, technically second, film. Writer Leigh Brackett helped George create the second Star Wars installment, and everything was fine, except that Vader wasn't going to reveal that he was Luke's father. Before the film's script was completed, Leigh Brackett died of cancer, so it was left for George to write the script alone. At the end, Darth actually told Luke that he was his father. George began looking at a backstory for Anakin and created the entire story with Anakin being Obi Wan Kanyobi's student and the last Qui-gon. The story was clear that Anakin would free himself to the dark side through a series of events, and would eventually become Darth Vader after being severely wounded during the final battle against Obi Wan. Which ultimately ended the Star Wars Saga, episodes 1-6.

Portrayal in films
The man under Vader's suit was played by David Prowse, his stunt double (Bob Anderson) pre-framed all the fight scenes, Sebastian Shaw played as Vader in the final moments of Darth Vader's life at the end of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and James Earl Jones voiced Darth Vader .

Evolution of character

From slavery to freedom

Anakin Skywalker was a young slave boy who lived on the desert planet Tatooine. He lived with his mother Shmi and worked as a slave for a Toydarian junk dealer named Watto. Anakin was an exceptional mechanic, being able to build C-3PO's Protocol Droid. He was also skilled in layout. Overall it was quite normal life for a slave.

Anakin's world was shaken when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Padmé Amidala, R2-D2 and Binks Bunks came to Tatooine. Master Jinn immediately recognized something big about Anakin. Deeply connected to the Force and with a high amount of midi-chlorian, he had the potential to become the most powerful Jedi Knight ever. As it turns out, the party was marooned on the planet because their hyperdrive broke down. While searching, they went to a repair shop and met Anakin. Anakin agreed to help them by winning podrace in Classic work Riots Iv. Qui-Gon Jinn made a bet for Watto that if Anakin won, he would be free. Watto accepted the bet. After winning races largely due to his Force skills, Anakin was released and left to train and become a Jedi. While aboard the ship, he developed admiration for Padmé and gave her a fragment of Japor to remember him by. He then appeared before the Jedi Council, who, despite his high midi-chlorian count, rejected the request because he was too old and emotionally attached. Meanwhile, the evil Darth Sidious sent his apprentice Darth Maul after two Jedi Knights. They went towards the Shiny, narrowly running Maul at every turn. When the time came to attack the Trade Federation, Anakin took refuge in a starfighter's cabin and accidentally crashed into space battle with Artoo. He managed to achieve what other Naboo pilots could not; Destroy a Droid Control Ship with proton torpedoes in good condition. Unfortunately, Qui-Gon was killed in a duel with Darth Maul. After Obi-Wan killed the Sith Lord, he was made the ultimate Jedi Knight and was given permission from the Council to train the boy.

Life like a Jedi

Although Obi-Wan trained him well, Anakin had a natural violence in him. He was rash and frivolous - and he was afraid of losing those he loved very much. However, he turned out to be the great Jedi Knight and the greatest starfighter pilot in the galaxy. Speculation arose that he might be the Chosen One—the one who would destroy the Sith Peerage once and for all. As a Padawan, he had a mission to protect Senator Padmé Amidala from an attempt on her life by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

During this, he thought about his mother Shmi and wanted her, so he went to Tatooine to see her. But when he got there, he realized that the Tusken Raiders had tortured her and killed her. Anakin killed the entire Tuskens tribe, even the women and children of the tribe, in a blind rage; he was turning to the Dark Side. It was also during this time that he began an affair with Padmé. When Obi-Wan is captured on Geonosis, Anakin and Padmé set out to rescue him. However, they were captured along with Obi-Wan, and the three were sentenced to death. They managed to hold their own until Mace Windu and his Jedi strike force arrived and rescued them, along with the clone troopers. As Anakin and Obi-Wan pursued Separatist Leader Count Dooku, Padmé fell and the two Jedi had a brief argument.

Anakin and Obi-Wan soon caught up with the number, but Anakin impatiently charged and was blasted with Dooku's Force lightning. After Obi-Wan was injured in the fight, Anakin returned and saved his Master from Dooku's attack. Padawan then fought off the figure with two lightsabers before disconnecting him right hand to Dooku's blade. The two would have died if not for Yoda's intervention. After that shootout, he married Padme in a secret marriage ceremony with C-3PO and R2-D2 as his only witnesses.

War Hero

During his Padawan years, Anakin would participate in numerous Clone military battles. He would face the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress, whom he defeated at the Yavin IV temples. It was during this Clone war period that he would be knighted, albeit in a controversial decision. After this, he would have a second encounter with Asajj Ventress and would persist in training, but not before receiving facial scars in the duel. He would then temporarily be designated by Ahsoka Tano as his new Padawan.


Anakin and Obi-Wan would then be assigned a crucial mission; rescue Chancellor Palpatine, who has been kidnapped by the Sorrowful Common. The Jedi stormed the Separatist flagship Invisible Hand and found the Chancellor there guarded by Count Dooku. The Jedi involved Dooku in the war effort, and the number managed to give Obi-Wan subliminal. Anakin fought Dooku alone and was knocked out until he cut off the Count's arms. Palpatine then goaded Anakin into beheading Dooku. The Jedi was then captured by General Grievous before the renewed attack. But Sad One escaped, and Anakin managed to steer the ship towards Shiny One. Anakin then met Padme, who then told him that she became pregnant. However, Anakin feared losing her as he had lost his mother. “Fear leads to outrage; outrage to hatred; haters to suffering," said Yoda, who admitted that the boy might be on his way to the Dark Side. He began to distrust those around him, and he hated the Jedi Order when he felt they had wronged him, because even though he received a seat on the Jedi Council, he was not granted the title Jedi Master; title he had to gain access to limited Jedi holocrons in order to save Padmé. He was also received by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who was secretly a Sith Lord. Palpatine gained Anakin's trust and loyalty, only to have Anakin find out that the Sith Lord Darth Sidious was. Palpatine told him, however, that with the powers of the Sith, he could become immortal and stop other people from dying. Anakin reported this discovery to Mace Windu, who led a strike force to arrest the Chancellor, but then thought about the power promise and flew into the Chancellor's office. Master Windu had Palpatine at bladepoint and was barraged by Sith Force lightning. Anakin was torn between loyalty and the supposed right to save Padmé, but he made his decision and hastily severed Windu's sword arm. After Palpatine killed the Jedi Master, he assured Anakin that he was fulfilling his destiny. Anakin then pledged loyalty to the Sith and became Palpatine's new apprentice Darth Vader.

The Chancellor then gave him the mission to attack the Jedi Temple in Operation: Knightfall. Vader did this without a doubt, leading the 501st Legion in a raid. Many Jedi and younglings were killed in brutality. Vader's next mission was to travel to Mustafar and kill the Separatist Leaders, including Nute Gunray.

He would later reveal his dark urges to Padmé's future. Due to Obi-Wan's unfortunate arrival, Vader violently attacked his wife with the Force and implicated him former master into a duel lightsaber. Despite his great skill, Vader lost to Obi-Wan, losing his legs and his left hand as a result. He was also burned by the lava and the resulting burns that nearly killed him. It was the timely arrival of his new master, Emperor Palpatine, that saved his life. Vader would be transported to a medical facility on the Shiny, where he would be restored to cyborg form. Believing he was the one responsible for the murder of his wife and child, Vader will forever become loyal to the Emperor and the Dark Side with his heart as cold as ever.

Major story arcs

Iron Fist of the Empire

For nearly twenty years, Vader became known as the legendary face of the Galactic Empire, his reputation forever known and feared throughout the galaxy. Vader spent most of his years tracking down the last of the Jedi Knights and Masters, while (just like in the Sith tradition) secretly plotting to overthrow his master...

Unbeknownst to Vader, Padmé died giving birth to twins, Luke and Leia. Luke was watched by his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru (and secretly Obi-Wan), while Leia was taken into the care of Bail Organa and became Princess of Alderaan.

Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin

When Darth Vader kills the son of a very rich man, he pledges to pay his vengeance to the Dark Lord. The man paid eight assassins to kill Vader, and they all failed. Darth Vader got rid of them each easily. The man decided to fork out the cash to pay one of the most expensive assassins in the galaxy when he hired a man only known as the ninth assassin. The Ninth Assassin proved to be a worthy foil to Vader and even impressed the Dark Lord himself, who repeatedly offered him a position with the Empire. The ninth assassin ultimately failed, and Darth Vader moved on having avoided another attempt on his life.

Rise of the Rebellion

Darth Vader found a secret apprentice during the reign of the Empire. On a mission from Palpatine regarding suspicions of the Jedi Lipstick on the planet Kashyyyk, Vader discovered this student. His father Kento Marek, a Lipstick Jedi, escaped Order 66 and traveled through many planets on the way to Kashyyyk, where Lipstick eventually remained. After confronting and killing Kento, Vader took the boy away from Palpatine's prying eyes. After years of training, Vader saw fit to allow his apprentice to hunt down the last of the Jedi. With Starkiller completing his tasks, Vader was ready to begin his plan to destroy the Emperor. Unfortunately, the Emperor recognized and tracked Starkiller's plane before reaching Vader's private spaceship. When the Emperor arrived, Vader betrayed and killed his Starkiller to show his loyalty to his master. He left his Apprentice alive, though, and when the Emperor left, Vader recovered Starkiller from the depths of space.

He then reinstated his student and explained his plan for the next attempt, which was to start a rebellion. Then he sent his student away. He didn't understand, although that Disciple of his had feelings for the pilot of Juno Eclipse, who was labeled a traitor to the Empire. Starkiller then broke Juno out of the restrictions she was hidden in and began on his mission. Ultimately, Starkiller would reveal that Vader never planned to overthrow Palpatine at all (or at least with him). That was the whole part

from the Emperor's plan to expose the enemies of the Empire. Vader would later capture the Rebel Alliance and defeat his apprentice once again, but this would prove to be his destruction. Starkiller survived and confronted Vader and the Emperor in the Death Star, sacrificing his life to allow the Rebels to fight another day. Due to Starkiller's actions, the Rebel Alliance was formed and prepared to drag the Empire into the vicious Galactic Civil War.

Over the next few years, Vader would be tasked by the Emperor to suppress attacks from the Rebel Alliance with little effort.

New Hope

The ruthless cyborg pursued Princess Leia and the Rebels for the stolen Death Star plans. The Empire pursued the Rebels back to Vader's homeworld, which the princess was able to transfer plans to the astromech Droid and send it to the planet. Vader captured the princess and later brought her to the Death Star, where he and Grand Moff Tarkin interrogated her on the location of the hidden Rebel base. Vader tortured his daughter and summoned her to see her home planet of Alderaan destroyed. Vader also played a role in the execution of Owen and Beru Lars. As Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Obi-Wan, and Chewbacca were captured by the Death Star's tractor beam, Vader sensed the presence of his former master. He eventually confronted his master in one final duel. Despite Obi-Wan's warning, Vader brought him down, but not before Obi-Wan became a Force spirit. Vader allowed Luke and his comrades to escape so he could finally locate the hidden Rebel base. Once the plan worked, the Imperials prepared for battle and confronted the incoming Rebel fleet. During the Battle of Yavin, Vader decided to personally destroy the Rebel starfighters himself. The Sith Lord nearly destroyed the entire Rebel fleet and came close to destroying Luke Skywalker, but interference from the Millennium Falcon caused one of its support fighters to veer into Vader's fighter, sending him flying far into space.

Civil war escalates

Vader would return to the Empire and continue his efforts to track down the Rebel Alliance and the mysterious Luke Skywalker who had begun to plague his mind with so many questions. He would never take into account that Luke and Leia were their children much later.

The Empire Strikes Back
Three years after the Death Star was destroyed, the Empire destroyed the Rebel Base on Hoth VI. The Empire gained power, so when Luke traveled to Dagobah, in whose swamps Yoda now made his home, to become Yoda's apprentice and continue his training in the use of the Force, Han Solo and Leia Organa traveled to the City of Clouds, in the Bespin system, to meet an old friend Khan Lando Calrissian. However, Vader tracked the heroes to Cloud City with the help of Mandalorian bounty hunter Boba Fett and raised an agreement that meant Baron Administrator betrayed them and the Dark Lord captured them. Vader, wanting to capture Skywalker, decided to test the carbonite freezing on Han Solo, who turned out to have a price on his head thanks to Jabba the Hutt, and Fett took it to Jabba.

Luke made it to Cloud City to rescue Yeon or Leia - but he would ultimately engage Vader in a lightsaber battle. Vader's power was much greater than Luke's, but he did not kill Luke because he wanted Luke to turn to the Dark Side and become an ally of the Empire. They fought and Vader eventually lashed Luke's wrist across the balcony, causing Luke to lose the lightsaber that Anakin had had in mind for him long ago. Vader eventually showed Luke his true origins, but Luke chose death over life as Vader's son and he let go and fell. He barely survived and escaped Vader and the Empire, much to the Dark Lord's dismay.

Return of the Jedi

More than six months have passed. The Emperor formulated a trap to destroy the Rebel Alliance and Luke's convert to the Dark Side of the Force. When Luke traveled to the moon Endor where Vader and the Emperor were, he showed his acceptance that Vader was once Anakin Skywalker, his father, and tried to move his father away, where Kenobi failed. But aboard the unfinished second Death Star, the Emperor proved to be a dark influence to Luke, even as father and son engaged in their final lightsaber duel. Vader gains power while Luke enjoys it The dark side to subdue his father in battle, cutting his hand. When Luke refused to turn, the Emperor fired Force lightning at him and was about to kill him as Vader watched. As Luke was electrocuted, he moaned, "Father, please help me!"

All the while, Anakin Skywalker fought against this, which made him Darth Vader. Successfully overcoming what made him Vader, Anakin grabbed the Emperor and threw him into the Death Star's power core. Unfortunately, lightning disrupted Anakin's cybernetics. He then died after killing the Emperor and saving his son, who unmasked him to find that his father was still extremely human the entire time.

No matter how evil Darth Vader was, Anakin Skywalker died a hero. His ghost was seen at the Endor celebration.

Powers and abilities

Lightsaber skill

Originally one of the most skilled duelists during the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker was a prodigy at a young age who mastered Form V from lightsaber combat; Djem So in particular. In his first major lightsaber battle against Count Dooku, he impressed in numbers as he demonstrated knowledge of Jer'Kai and defeated his primary, Obi-Wan. Later, Anakin would fight Dark Sider Asajj Ventress on Yavin 4 and beat a skilled assassin. He would often bicker with his old master Obi-Wan, and also have rematches with Asajj Ventress and Count Dooku

As a Sith, Vader had to regain his style due to his new deluxe, using more of a hybrid form. He was much stronger and much more in pain and permanent damage, but he significantly lacked the flexibility and speed he once had, two skills required for a style such as Djem Tak.

Since he became Palpatine's engine, the main task Vader's mission will be to fight the Jedi. But his new body and his new way life never stopped him as he, a few weeks after he got himself into his new suite, killed dozens of Jedi, including a Jedi Master. Over the course of his career as a Sith Lord, Vader would come into conflict with famous Jedi like Roan Shryne and the Dark Woman, reveal the ancient Jedi Celeste Morne, whom he then proceeded to best in combat, and stalemate his son—Luke Skywalker.

Power powers
Vader had the highest number of midi-chlorians in the galaxy, surpassing 20,000. With this, he had the potential to surpass Emperor Palpatine and Grandmaster Yoda. However, after his injuries at Mustafar, Vader lost much of his potential. He was still surprisingly influential. it should be mentioned that Darth Vader had ancient amulet Sith build in his armored gauntlet. amulent allowed him to use the force more effectively, making him significantly more influential in the force than he originally was.

He could send out Force Waves of remarkable magnitude, launching people through the air; could telepathically probe a Jedi; while mapped, can create Kinetite; can use Tutaminis to deflect fuze bolts; can heal himself through his pure anger.

His favored ability, however, is the Force Choke, which he can use from across the galaxy.

Famous masters

  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Emperor Palpatine

Famous students

  • Ahsoka Tano
  • Galen Marek
  • Starkiller (Clone)
  • Flint
  • Kharys
  • Lumiya

New appearances

Darth Plagueis

“Darth Plagueis: one of the most brilliant Sith Lords who ever lived. Having power is all he desires. Losing him is the only thing he is afraid of. As an apprentice, he embraces the ruthless ways of the Sith. And when the time comes, he destroys his Master - but vows never to suffer the same fate. For like no other student of the dark side, Darth Plagueis learns to command the ultimate power... of life and death.

Darth Sidious: Plagueis' chosen student. Under the guidance of his Master, he secretly studies the ways of the Sith, publicly rising to power in the galactic government, first as a Senator, then as Chancellor, and ultimately as Emperor.

Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious, Master and Mate, set their sights on the galaxy for domination—and the Jedi Order for destruction. But can they challenge the merciless tradition of the Sith? Or will there be a desire for one to rule over the Supreme, and a dream for the other to live forever, sowing the seeds of their destruction?”

Published by: Del Rey Books

Writer: James Luceno

Video games

Darth Vader has appeared in many video games.

Soul Calibur IV

Vader appears as a playable character in Soul of Calibur IV for PS3.

Superstar Wars (SNES)

Darth Vader is one of the main villains in this video game.

LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy

Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker both appear in this video game as separate, playable characters.

LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker both appear in this video game as separate, playable characters.

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker both appear in this video game as separate, playable characters.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Darth Vader also appeared in the Force Unleashed series, shown as the master of the powerful Force user, Galen Marek. In the first game, the Dark Lord trained him to hunt down the last of the Jedi and root out any enemies of the Empire. Marek would betray his master and inspire the rise of the Rebel Alliance. We only play Vader in the first tutorial level of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

In the second game, he tried to clone his student so he could once again become aware of the situation, but the clone would betray him and become his greatest enemy once again.


Eyes: Blue (yellow and red in the Dark Side)

Hair: None (previously brown)

Height: 6'1" (185 cm) as human, 6'8" (202 cm) as cyborg

Weight: 185 lbs (84 kg) as human, 300 lbs (136 kg) as cyborge

David Prowse played Darth Vader in Episode IV, V and VI while he was voiced by James Earl Jones. Anakin was played by Sebastian Shaw at the end of Return of the Jedi when Luke took off his helmet.

Good day to all self-respecting readers of the site!

Today I would like to puzzle you with a survey that may not dispel the darkness of the mystery of this issue, but at least it will give us all food for thought and express public opinion GRU.

So, recently, while watching Star Wars films and reading articles on their world, this very question came to my mind: who was the father of our “darling”? Anakin Anicea, also later known as Darth Vader.

To begin with, I propose to take a look at how Anakin was seen by us as the plot developed:

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)
I believe that everyone is perfectly familiar with the series and there is no need to repeat its plot here. =) In this case, I suggest simply returning to the moment when the boy was Tatooine finds Qui-Gon Jinn.

Qui-Gon: He has an unusually large flow of Power.

Qui-Gon: Who is his father?

Anakin's mother: He doesn't have a father.

Anakin's mother: I carried him, I gave birth to him, I raised him.

Anakin's mother: I can't explain everything.

Thus, in fact, here the first, most canonical version of Anakin’s origin is born - he did not have a father, and he himself is a creation midichlorian. And it is not surprising that it takes place. The Jedi had long been waiting for the Chosen One (though for some time, while the Sith were considered destroyed, this prophecy was considered fulfilled), who was supposed to bring balance to the Force.

True, there are suspicions that if these midichlorians did this of their own free will, then perhaps they were midichlorians of the dark side. =)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Midichlorians, that's what they are. ;)

Anyway, midichlorians is our number one candidate for paternity.

Now, if we think a little more, we can assume that midichlorians they didn’t do it arbitrarily (well, after all, why do they need it?), but they were controlled by someone’s will. Moreover, this “someone” clearly had something to do with Strength and knew how to use it (otherwise how would he/she know about midichlorians?).

Let's welcome our number 2 paternity candidate: Darth Plagueis.

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Darth Plagueis the Wise (Darth Sidious's teacher)

This Sith lord was, according to Darth Sidious, so powerful that he could control midi-chlorians to create life. So he could very well participate in Anakin's consciousness. (Moreover, many fans of the series adhere to this version. Although, I have not yet found a 100% reliable source that would describe that Plagueis created Anakin)

As an alternative to the first two candidates, I propose to take Darth Sidious, who managed to be the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and the first emperor of the Galactic Empire. After all, it was he who taught Anakin, had such influence on him, and told him about Plagueis and his powers. Perhaps he himself was either the father or the creator of Anakin?

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Darth Sidious before plastic surgery by change of face.

Candidate number 4 is Qui-Gon Jinn. He took the boy from Tatooine. What if he found it there for a reason? ;) Although, of course, there is no direct reason to believe that he is Anakin’s father, his unexpected concern for the slave boy still raises questions.